HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-19, Page 5Page 5 July 19, 1962
and district news
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone S
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Your Blood is Urgently Needed 0
Please Come To The
Red Cross k iood Clini
Wednesday, July 25
4:30 P.M, TO 9;00 P.M,
4' Investors
gv IT] d 11 ,0 ite
0 f CANADA, LI)41710
PLANS? The modern way to
accumulate money,
Circle, London
Enquire at The,
145 Deer Park
OE 4.9502 or
Hyde from Saskatchewan. Mrs.
Hyde is a granddaughter ._ of
Sir-and Mrs. Wm. .Htty of •".t.s.
gina, formerly, of Crum Gut,,,
Guests to visit with them IA s;re.v.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meettrq,
Mr. and Airs. Wilbur Alitler,
Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mr. LtOsay
McKellar, Mrs. George M.-al-
lace, Mr. and Mrs. Horton Me-
Dougall, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Scott, Agnes and Prances, Mr.
and Mrs. Lionel Kendrick, Mr.
and Mrs, Malcolm Lamond jr.
and daughter, Travis,
Linda Currie of Dorchester
is holidaying with her grand-
parents Mr. and Airs, Otto
Mr. and Airs. John Wallace
and Debbie, Mr. and Airs.
George Wallace visited on Sun,-
day ..with Airs. Ellen Ballan-
tyne al, the home of Mrs.
Smith, Stratford.
9 Shoulders
Always, the finest food s cost less at
Ars Super-$ave Market in Hensall
Coffee Sausage eat
9.02. Tumbler
. . .
HENSALL mutes lastriffli1111( A\
Cottage oils 113
10 for
9 Dog
elide boy a andMrs. William Kerslake, Miss Margaret Ann
Clement. Wallace, Miss Adeline Chap-
Personal items
Pei, Mrs. Al. Dow and Mrs. Al.
Christie were in the Kinder-
Misses Dorothy and Gerald- garter, department.
ins Parker of London spent Mrs, G. Carey, Mrs. H.
the weekend with their parents, Chappel, Miss Margaret Jean
.Mr, and Mrs. Harold Parker, Russell, Miss Patricia Harris,
J Mr, Frank Forrest is enjoy- Mrs. • Roberts, Mrs. V,
ing a week's vacation. Alderdyce, Mrs. Alex Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Turner Miss Shirley Gardiner taught
the four primary classes. and r.rracey of Hamilton visited
with Mrs. Turner's parents, Mrs. M. 'Amend, Mrs, R,
Air, and Mrs. Thomas Lavers
der, • Bth9eyeethraened AjiurnsfoiN
cD1 aosi,sve st a uagnhat
Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the Mrs. T. L. Scott was teacher
for the intermediate class. weekend visiting with her son-
Pupils attended from Kinpen, -in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Parker. Chiselhurst, Roy's, Staffa and
Mr. and Mrs. P, Balfour and Cromarty.
Susan, of Niagara Fans, visited Shower for bride-elect
this week with Herb Redden, On Tuesday evening, a large
Bill Simpson, of Birmingham, gathering of relatives, friends
Mich., visited his grandmother, and neighbors, met in the
Mrs. Lou Simpson, over the church schoolroom to honor
weekend, Miss Arlene Hoggarth anti pre-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Petti- sented her with a miscellane-
grew and family, of Lincoln ous shower before her
a t proaching marriage,
Park, Mich., are vacationing
the .Hesshaven cottage in the Miss Margaret Ann Wallace
Pinery, was in charge of the program
Mrs, N, K. Bankson, Mrs, which included piano solos by
Maurice Charron and Mr. Carl Carol. Ann Dow and Ruth Anne
Wahlberg, of Port Huron, Mich,, Coleman; tap dance by Sharon
spent Thursday last with Mrs. Cadick of 'London, solo by
Lou Simpson. Brenda. Kerslake, accompanied
Mr, and. Airs. George Hess by her sister, Joyce, and read-
attended the boat, races at Port ings by Mrs. Gerald Carey and
Franks on Sunday afternoon. Miss Olive Speare. Several contests were conducted.
Margaret Jean Russell read
the address and Barbara Kers-
lake and Debbie Wallace drew
in a decorated wagon laden
with parcels. After opening the
many beautiful gifts, Arlene
thanked all those present and
invited them to her trousseau
tea on Saturday evening.
First university in Canada to
grant degrees to women was
New Brunswick's Mount Alli-
son, which granted the de-
gree of bachelor of science to
Grace Ann Lockhart in 1875.
Kitchen shower 'DisplaY .of ..crafts
honor of Miss Mary Dixon Of
ends .Bible school at her home ThesdaY evening
• • •
Airs. Jim Hyde was hostess.i.a
Clandeboye, whose marriage to By MRS, KEN .MeKELLAB
Richard .Orr of 'Hensall, will •CROATARIT
take place Saturday, July 28. The closing program of the
Invited guests were members of Cromarty Vacational. ' Bible
the Hensall :Kinetic Club and School was held in Cromarty
several others who presented church on Friday evening. A
Mss Dixon with a kitchen show• display of crafts and work
er. Airs, Jack Drysdale read books was set up
the presentation address. ig,I.) The average attendance for
teen attended the shower, the week was 108, There were
Winners of progressive euchre ten
with 17 teachers
were Mrs. Wthred Dixon. of and stants* Alia" " "
for area bride
Person al items
Air. and Mrs. Mervin Dow,
Carol Ann and Brian visited o.n
Sunday with Me. and Airs. Bill
Worthington of Toronto, Brian
stayed for A weeks holidays.
Craig Kersiake spent a few
holidays in Mitchell with
,aryl and Robert Binning.
Air. and 'Airs. D. G. Arm-
strong of Montreal visited over
the weekend with Mrs. Arm-
strong's parents, Air. and Mrs.
'Harold Carey.
Mrs, Filmer Chappel, David
and Alfred accompanied by
Ken Vivian of Mitchell left by
motor last week to visit Mrs.
Chappers parents, Mr. and
Henry Drake at Hamiota„ Man-
itoba, and other relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rus-
sell and Mrs. Grace Scott. vis-
ited on Sunday with Air. and
Mrs. Donald Scott, Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Mae Lamond
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Airs, Floyd Wilkens of Atwood.
:Kimberly and Coleen Moore-
head of Rostock are holidaying
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gar-
Miss Brenda Kerslake is at-
tending summer camp at
Misses Ina Scott and Alice
Walker, London, spent: the
weekend at their respective
Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Mac Lamond on Saturday
night were, Air. and. Mrs. W,
Kippen Institute
Seaforth Lions Park proved
an ideal setting for the picnic
of Kippen East Women's insti-
tute Friday, July 13 with 65 at-
tending with a picnic supper
in charge of Mrs. Robert Gem-
mel!, Mrs. James Drummond
and Mrs. William Bell. •
Youngest person present was
Brett Finlayson; largest family,
Mr, and Mrs. Art Finlayson;
birthday closest to picnic date,
Vivan Cooper,
Sports winners Were; five and
under, Lynda Bell, Dwight Con-
sitt, Allan Bell; seven and un-
der, Brenda Finlayson, Lynn
Alderdice; nine and under,
Bradley Finlayson, Lynda. Al.-
detdice; 10 and under, girls,
Janice Eyre, loan Finkbeiner;
boys, Larry Consitt, Bryan.
Drummond; 1.4 and under, girls,
Diane Finlayson, Karyn Alder-
dice; boys, Al Kyle, Bruce
Drummond; peanut scramble
up to 5;
Bean guess, Janice Eyre;
men, kick slipper, Al Kyle,
Robert Driumnond; ladies, Mrs.
Robert Gemmel!.
The ladies lost to the men
in the ball garlic,
Mrs. Verne Alderdice and
Mrs, Stewart Pepper arranged
the sports.
Chiselhurst UC
The congregational picnic of
Chiselhurst United Church was
held on the church grounds
Wednesday evening, July 11 at-
tended by 70.
Following a supper a full pro-
gram of sports was carried out
under direction of Mrs Alvin
Cole, Mrs. Jack Brintnell, Miss
Patricia Harris and Miss June
Prize for the youngest Child
present went to Kevin Parker,
son of Mr, and Mrs, Ken Park-
lucky chair, Mrs. William
Gibson; birthday closest to date
of picnic, Mrs, Harold Parker;
guessing beans in jar, Ruth
Anne Coleman.
Winners hi races fOr pre-
schoolers, JIM my Ferguson,
John. Kinsman; girls, (i to 8,
Jean Cole, Shirley Brintnell;
boys, Larry Ferguson, Gerry
Sararas; girls, 8 to 10, Joyce
Ferguson, Stisart Briggs; boys,
Allan Sararas, Larry Ferguson;
girls, 12 and under, Katee
Your library
- Continued from page 4
respondence, publi c i t y, pro-
grams, reports and committee
The Mind in Healing
The Most revolutionary 'med-
ical discovery of our day is
that it is stress and net disease
which kilts us. It is stress which
destroys the bodv's detentes
against invading germs.
VeW of Us have much con.
trol over our own mental pro,
cesses but could we but learn
to control even tan light de-
gree our emotions -and attitudes
Ave could speed our recovery
from illness And add ninny
years to our span Of life. "The
Mind in Healing" it offered to
help the ordinary layman 0-
eperate With'medical science iii
Speeding his own recovery froth.
illness and escape from the ten-
Sion and anxiety Which result
from our modern Way of life.
For the year ending March
31, 1963, pawn. for federal
ttnytirtinient, ..ehipleyees will
total ,$87008,1)81,
Sararas; boys, Bruce Drum-
mond, Eric Ross,
Young ladies' race, June
Munn, Patricia Harris; young
men, John Jacobe, Bob Munn
(tied); married ladies, Mrs. J.
Drummond, Mrs. Ken Parker;
married men, Russell Ferguson,
Jack Brintnell; ladies, kick slip-
per, Mrs. R.. Ferguson, Patricia
Harris; men, Eric Ross, Bob
Munn; three-legged race, Jack
Brintnell, John Jacobi. Relays
were held and ice cream en-
joyed at the conclusion of the
The Hensall Legion Auxiliary
are sponsoring a Red Cross
Clinic in the Legion Hall on
Wednesday, July 25.
Mrs. Lawrence McCoy and
family have returned I.o Toronto
after holidaying for a week with
Mrs. McCoy's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Whiteman and
Mr, and. Mrs, Harold Hedden,
Debbie, Marjorie, Hal and Billy,
of Dresden, spent the weekend
with. Mr. Herb Hedden. Bob
Hedden and Jack Faas, who
have been vacationing here for
a week, returned home with
Mrs. Wayne Smith, who has
been a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, has returned
Wayne Payne is visiting with
his aunt and uncle, Mt. and
Mrs, Claire Payne, St. Thomas.
Mrs, Inez McEwen and Mrs.
Barry Smith are vacationing
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watch-
er and family, Grand Prairie,
Alta., and other relatives in the
west, Mrs. Watcher is the for-
met Nora MeEWen of Hensall,
Mr. ant Mrs. William Mickle,
Pamela and Judith are holiday-
ing for two weeks at Sattble
Cpl. and Mrs, Val Lepage,
Joel and Valerie, have taken up
residence in the Fink apts. on
King street.
Mr. Robert Mickle spent a
few days last week at Sauble
Beach with his brother and sia-
ter.in-laW, Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam Mickle and family. Mr.
and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mrs.
Florence Joytit spent Sunday
With them.
Mr. Bert Allan, Winnipeg,
Alan, is visiting with his broth
er and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs,Mrs. Wilson Allan, in Tucker-
smith, The brothers enjoyed a
happy reunion after an absence
Of 20 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Weide
attended the Hodgins MacMil-
lan wedding oil Saturday in Col--
borne Street United Chard,
Mrs, ltheta Charles has re-
turned after a six months' visit
With her daughter and
law, M. and Mrs. Scott Robiti-
Sett, Widen, where she was re4
euperating from an littlest, .
MisS Phyllis Case is on vaca-
tion for two Weeks.
Miss. Meta Churchill and
Miss Hilda Edge, Toronto, spent
the weekend with Mrs, Pearl
Shaddlek and Bill,
Mr. and Mrs, Orville BeAVer
and Brian Are spending the
atiinnier at 'Thriabtill'S Grotto,
Mr, and Robert MeXen,
tie and Mr, Ray Schwalm pare
Spending a Week camping at
'Turnbull's flreVe,
Mr. and Mrs„ ililliard tawr-
Mice, Gary, Mine and PAUL are
vaeatieningter the summer at
Hanby, Debbie and Douglas
Smith are viAtitig with their
grandparents,,. and Mrs,
Rudy Nine, NeW HaltibUrg,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpson,
Detroit, spent the weekend with
Mrs. Lou Simpson who is not en-
joying the best of health,
Peter Bisback is a guest with
John Goddard at the Goddard
summer cottage.
Miss Beth Cook is visiting her
cousin, Miss Joan Hopkinson, at
Lion's Head.
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Kercher
and Ross of Hensall, Mr. and
Mrs. Spencer Jeffery and family
of Staffa, have returned after
vacationing for a week with Mr.
and Mrs, Jim Jordon at Sand
Bay, Parry Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Apple-
ton, of Exeter, were Sunday
guests with Mr, and Mrs, C. L.
Mr, and Airs. Bob Redden,
Robin, Cathy and Michael, and
Patsy and Earl Redden, St,
Catharines, visited this week
with Herb Redden.
Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Phillips
and family and Mrs, Cora
13rown, of Jeddo: Mich., Were
recent visitors with their cous-
ins, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alex.
ander, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gra-
ham and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie
Williamson called on Saturday,
Mr. and Airs, Jack Krause
and son Danny, and daughter,
Jackie, of Hollywood, California
were guests with Mr. and Mrs,
Herb Kercher for a few days
last week.
.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexan-
der Visited with relAtives in
Embro last week and on their
way home called on Rev, and
Mrs. Currie Winlaw and family
at Stratford,
The Huron Soil and Crop Im-
provetent group toured the
General Coach, Thompson's and
Mickle 's mill in liensall, on
Monday morning, and .Elgin
McKinley's farm and hatchery,
Zurich. Fifty-five enjoyed din-
ner with Mr, and Mrs, McKin-
ley at their farm hoine.
Mr. and Airs, Robert 'Ptyce
and Miss Nancy Pryte of
Bloomington, Indiana, Vilited
this week with Mr, and Mrs,
Lorne Chapiiian and family.
Products Of
Genera' Motors
Sales with
CHAMPION FIELD MEET TEAM - This team chalked
up the most points in the Hensall playground field meet
last week. Front row, from left, Cathy Fuss, Wendy
Webster, Michael Davis, captain; Tommy Neilands,
Shelly Kipler, Karen Broderick; second row, David Tay-
lor, playground leader, Linda Fuss, Kay Davis, Susan
Broadley, Christine Cameron, Norman Neilands, Bill
Hastings, Lyle Christian, playground leader,
Playground competes at track meet
to US base
Flt./Lt. Bill McRae stationed
at Clinton RCAF Radar School
has been posted to Arnold Air-
force Base, Tennessee, U.S.A.,
and with Mrs. McRae and fam-
ily, Earl, Chrissie, Bob, Bill
and Laurie, expects to leave in
six weeks. Residents of Hensall
for the past two years Flt./Lt.
McRae was active in sports
and was coach of the Hensall-
Zurich Combines hockey team
for a year.
In the track meet on the play-
ground on Thursday Michael
Davis' team won with 66 points.
Runner-up was Gary Kyle's
team with 58 points.
In the girls events, 11 to 12
years winners in distance throw
were Christine Cameron, Muriel
Ferguson and Carol Betts; run-
ning broad jump, Muriel Ferg-
uson, Christine Cameron, Carol
Betts; standing broad jump,
Christine Cam ero n, Muriel.
Ferguson, Carol Betts; dash,
Betty Cameron, Christine Cam-
eron, 'Muriel Ferguson; high
jump, Christine Cameron, Betty
Cameron, Muriel Ferguson.
Girls 8, 9 and 10, distance
throw, Linda Fuss, Cheryl Mous-
seau, Wendy Webster; running
broad jump, Linda Fuss, Chris-
tine McRae, Wendy Webster;
standing broad jump, Linda
Fuss, Wendy Webster, Susan
Broadley; dash, Linda Fuss,
Margaret Allan, Christine Mc-
Rae; high jump, Margaret
Allan, Wendy Webster, Cheryl
Tots, 5 and 6, wheelbarrow
race, Kay Davis and Junior
Neilands, Bill Webster and Pat
Joynt, Christine Vanstone and
Cindy Parker; 7, wheelbarrow
race, Karen Broderick and
Cathy Fuss, Brenda Lavender
and David Jackson, Bill and
Bob McRae; 5 and 6, dash, Pat
Joynt, Christine Vanstone, Kay
Davis; 7, dash, Shirley Smale,
Bob McRae, Cathy Fuss; dis-
tance throw, 5 and 6, Bill Web-
ster, Kay Davis, Ian Fiford;
distance throw, 7, Bob McRae,
David Jackson, Shirley Smale;
crawl race, 5, 6 and 7, Cathy
Fuss, Bob McRae, Pat Joynt.
Boys, standing broad jump,
11 and 12, Bill Taylor, Michael
Hoy, Gary Kyle; standing broad
jump, 8, 9 and 10, Norman Nei-
lands, Ken Ferguson Murray
Walker; running broad jump,
it and 12, Bill Taylor, Gary
Kyle, Michael Hoy; 8, 9 and 10,
Bill Cornet], Norman Neilands,
Keith. Roszel; high jump, 11
and 12, Bill Taylor, Gary Kyle,
Michael. Hoy; 8, 9 and 10, Bill
Cornell, Northan Neilands, Billy
Hoy; dash, 11 and 12, Bill Tay-
lor, Gary Kyle, Michael Hoy;
8, 9 and 10, Bill Cornell, Murray
Walker, Billy lioy; distance
throw, 11 and 12, Michael Hoy,
Bill Taylor, Gary Kyle; 8, 9
and 10, Bill Cornell, Murray
Walker, Norman Neilands.
Dining facilities for
banquets and weddings .
Attractive Room
Licenced under LCBO
Hensall personals