HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-19, Page 3Notice For Exeter Water Consumers. Duo to a considerable amount of water he, ing laken from the Town cif Eioter to rural areas, the following ruling is now in effect: In the faint, water to be used for human consumption only will be allowed to leave ihe Town of hitter, Our Corn• mission reouests that, retort giving in' selling Wat eV for use outside the municipality, permission he secured from out' office. Thank you. xeinor Public Utilitios Commission oi bylaw to govern food estabkments Dr dale Hardware a' ers ANOTHER floolog 0ARLOAD oFWIRCAINS Grand Bend council voted to accept a recommendation of their health committee at their meeting. Monday, .and instructed e'm,k, Murray A. Des Jardins to idraw up a by-low to govern alt eating establishments in .the summer resort Meeting cm Sunday, the health Cornmittee had intended In in. Sneet ..one booth about which .comPlaints hail been received, but it was closed and so they depicted. to ask that a bylaw be set stipulating that all such pines be required to..ohlain license before they could be opened each year, Reeve hilt Sturdevant stated that the committee suggested nominal fee of only about 51,00, but pointed -tit the main idea would he to have a "lever to make the booths entne up to standards to protect the pub- lic". "I( they wern'l satisfactory, they wouldn't get a license un- til such lime as they were", he hlatecL fie pointed nut that at ores- Nit the council itself -had no means of (dosing any booth down. regardless of vomplaints. "I think it's a good idea," commented councillor Emerson DesJ "it it's it means of bringing up the standards, I'm in favor," councillor Rollie Greater added. Earl. Dotal 's said he thought It was also a good idea and it should he strictly enforeed. At present, all booths Are tin- der Provilcial health regulm lions and are inspected by their inspectors, Sturdevant reported that an inspector .front Toronto would be in the resort shortly to carry nut the inspection of the one booth under question by the health_cominitiee. Negri washrooms Ore W.assmann, president of the Chamber of Commerce,. who attended the council meeting, questioned if there were rept- 'lotions concerning booths hav- ing washrooms "Any place they sit down to pal, they should have washroom facilities," he stated. He reported he was getting tired of people leaving other eating places and going In his washrooms to wash. Sturdevant reported that such regulations came under .Provin- cial statutes and council had no by-laws regarding the situation. tier Than Cit Prices ight at ome Drysdale Hardware has taken the plunge again . , . we've bought a Wii9i0 freight car full of 1962 Frigidaire Laundry Pairs in order to give you our customers—the best prices possible on these top-quality appliances. Shop anywhere—go to. London, Toronto, Montreal—you won't find prices that match these, Compare these values with any other make. Frigiclairc4: made by General Motors, just can't be beat for features. Get "That Frigid. Aire Touch" with the extra dependability! Debate town drain ASHERS .DRYE — Continued from page I council to request the prepara• Lion of a municipal bylaw Air. Ross stud hackfill should he placed in layers of 6 to 9 inches and tamped between lay ers. "The use of water in large quantities will certainly aid compaction aunt 1 would also recommend the use of mecha- nical tampers during the plat- ing of the backfill." ''To obtain maximum. satis- Town topics Mr. and it Cliff Blanch- ard, Linda ant Garry. visited over the weekend with. Mr. and Airs. Robert Wade and family, Ancaster, Linda remaining for a vacation. Mr, and Airs. Whitney Coates motored to Mt. Clemens, Mich., on Sunday visiting their daugh- ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. .1. Doherty. They were ac- companied by their granddaugh- ter, Denise Doherty, who had spent the past week with them. rdVeN.6nlitoot•Atat)er prirtii.S" .5anniel Bronsions Production THuRs., JULY 26 TO WED, AUG,I Lyric Theatre P mt, i.:Or faction, I would therefore rec- ommend the use of granular material, completely saturated with water, placed in layers of 6 to 9" and tamped between layers", said the engineer. .Bailey hopes the policy will prevent the creation of humps on town streets which have been prevalent in the past. Costly survey? Council asked McKenzie and Raymond, town solicitors, for a wHlien report on the survey on the Stii'e block near the river. The firm was requested to confer with the engineer to determine costs including their fees and that of the engineering if the town should go ahead with the survey. The prohlem arises from the apparent exclusion from deeds of some 50 feet of property in the area between Nelson and Church streets. 'Mayor Simmons reported I was his understanding the SUN vey may cost well over $1,000. Council also: Ordered weeds cut oil a num- ber of properties, with the cost to he charged to the owners; Asked Robert Luxton to pay 5360 for the 30-foot frontage of land facing on Marlborough and directly south of Sanders St. ex• tension. which he had requested to purchase to add to his 50-fool lot fo the south: Mr. 1,uxton said the price was too high and the matter was laid over; Granted building permits to Kenneth Ottewell, to move garage from the high school to his Huron Si. property; 'Rickey Beverages, for construction of an opening into the storage building to the south of the plant; Lou Bailey, for construe- lion of three greenhouses west of Marlborough at an estimated cost of $3,000. MARKS ANYTHING DRI MARKERS only 39c Mr, and Mrs. Pal liennessey, Chatham, and Mrs. Vy Hennes Uy, town. visited last week with Mrs. Eric Jack-son at Lindsay. Mr and Mrs Walter Davis and Mrs. Gerald Wurm left Sat- urday by motor for New Salem, here they will visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fletcher and Mr. Ransford Davis and other relatives, Mrs. E. )1. (trove, who makes her home with her dartghter, Airs. 'lack Smith, fell on the stpes of the side porch. 'rues- day and broke a bone in her leg below the knee and also her arm. She is in St. Joseph's. Learned from Councillor Jaek Hospital. London. Delbridge that the sprinkler Mr. and Mrs. R on Fletcher disposal system at the canning and family are on a camping. plant was operating effective• trip to the Maritimes, ly. OPP Constable George Mitch. silt, AF's. Mitchell an d th e i r two children returnect home this tr ref; from a months' trip to the west. They visited Mrs, Mitch- ell's parents at Whilecourt. Al- berta, on the road to the Yu , Lug, and other relatives in the western provinces, The 'family took in the Calgary Stampede and visited Banff. jasper Park and other attractions. Mrs, R. D. Jermyn and (WW1 ter, Karen. flew to Vancouver Saturday to visit Donald Jer- nVii, who is training with the Royal Canadian Army engineers at ('hilliwack, R.C. Mrs, Jer- myn and Karen also plan to visit relatives ill .Rosetown. T' inies.AdvaCate STORY OF THE CHRISTI • i.o.,:h.20S) CANADA'S FAVORITE LAUNDRY PAIR! WPAC-62 WASHER You can soak, wash, and spin-dry diapers in just 46 minutes! And only Frigidaire offers you a "still-water" automatic soak in such a low-priced washer. Choose. Warm or Cold water for rinse and soak—to suit the type of fabric. Provides choice of Hot, Warm or Cold water wash, DDAC-62 DRYER Special Cycle Selector . Lets you dial correct drying time for all fabrics. Special settings for exactly right drying of Wash and Wears, 5-Position Fabric Selector , . , Right heat for any fabric! Just set the dial to the type of fabric in the load. NO. HEAT setting airs bedding, de-wrinkles clothes—even dries plastics! MODEL WRAC-62 WASHER MODEL DDAC-62 DRYER $339.95 d 214.95 $554.90 an this ecanomy pair PLUS TRADE Imperial el5 MODEL WCIC.62 WASHER MODEL DCIC-62 DRYER CARLOAD PRICE Save Over :280 on Frigidaire's Top-Of ,,Themtine Custom Imperials 5 Plus Trade $479.95 369,95 $849.90 FOR COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC WASHDAYS You soak and wash automatically with the Auto. matic Soak Cycle—best for diapers, perfect for woollens. Push-button Fabric. Selector tailors the wash to the fabric 6 ways. Optional Controls take care of your special loads. 4 colors or white. NO VENTING' NO PLUMBING! Exclusive Pitt• rater removes moisture automatically, Time dry , ing yourself or let dryer shut off automatically when clothes are just dry enough, Wash & Wear settings on bolls automatic and timed cycles, Push, button Fabric Selector Adjusts heat to six different fabric typos. Automatic, interior light, autornA tic sprinkler, cycle end butter, and ozone lamp, 4 colors or white, 70444 niagr "WOW 1001046) 44770, CHOICE OF WASH CYCLES! Automatic Soak Lytle I.. ideal for diapers, work Or play clothes, woollen., Fal.eir Selector gives you 6 choices to fit wash to fabric. Cold Water Selector and Load Selector. ONE-TWO , DRYING IS THROUGH! :I, Seloct its- correct lime for fabrics yourelf or lust dial -m01,111411, dry" and dryer shuts off automatically. Beth tinicqj Awl automatic cycles have special settings fir Wash $ Wolin Fabrics, (2) Dial the drying to 5 different fabric settitsys on the Fabric Selector, Porcelain enamel woilcin9 top Washer Dryer DELUXE DUET CARLOAD PRICE Botlt Machines 5429.45 284,95 5714.90 DIAL 61 AND WIAC-62 Phori '61 'FRI-GIDAIRE RANGES AT r CLEAROUT .PRICES Only A Few See Us Before You Bvyt FACTORY-TRAINED SERVICEMEN ASSURE YOU OF COMPLETE SATISFACTION Units Fully Guaranteed and Serviced • ord war HaltALL AND TER ARTA H n BARGAIN BUY WITH GOOD REASONS WHY! Autonsiitzi- lidVaiite front seek through Wash, Automatic Soak C.ycilo soaks clothes bettor in 12 Minutes than you can oyez. night. Tailor washing to the fabric with Wash Tt 111 pc! IA 10* Selector, Rinse and Soak TemperiSfute 'tIttles.attsrt Soak stlettor. BREEZE ALL THE WAY THROUGH WAstl0AYI 71.1114 This drying yourself tie set it to automatic and drye.i on ft off .automatically wehn 'clothes -art, just•right sir y. C30.111 limed -eoda tytios have Wash .rsi F!Eibtit Selector has 5 choices of rilbvi0 including 2 Wirth A WOO- sitting:(. Washer $369,95 Dryer 244.95 CARLOAD PRICE Both Machines Plus Trade $614.90 W'Df $2 AND 1313C42 ii Carload Bargain BOTH MACHINES Bath Machines Only R 11: AI bitAttit