HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-06-09, Page 20
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_ HURON R O N _ _ _ __-_
L " —--- --- - _ -- - - -- - _---- conte GRAVEL R IN PE
--- 8W11saa -A stgat la► •ad sR triMhgweir ia!@wlor la pwaMMs wJ r@soa- ORDS ETH
ales la keep ►Y fest ao a,l • r I of t w . sad ` or. Ilifeek.' rowleiiaw with -IMiou to ( and w ;,o.A ; $k i it ills! fru Mkt with des- I bale t/tided it into toga pertaF w at ttii@h eM, bats ioeaened is Sam awd popok .-
•whd'e ►tartly ltohlp eoM is Berlin, the
I. las sobtd smnast t►o wine tit* awetlteg do released Lf the Sial N Go,srt mem) `tor to the po$Zbe flrsriesaul recorJ:11'ba1 j took its course aloes the roof, b•tht sale rnKetYa 91 wh•dt are #Ives as falt••w# lien ehiwdthroughtill of The following which we clip (too the
wanK, . d •we. Told taaaa was ser) rains- (b Toronto, are paisiaJ.'i he) reads Ihet' It was incessssiest sal espasite to tat imagli, nod thea roe down the wd ranoat ••0.11 Rope .de" some. tepposed is MIF ( 1 slot a Art► News, shows that the enterprise of
tut N b@.pvo each a bowi,tew swlif would I Sai le sccouLoclet" sbw d be prettified I emrdo?tea of tit Goveramrut ;that it maSr to the groluJ, end in its canals srshwd sed Gere 'Iha utber •Ids; ►uv`ht • spot of d0et public impretvmteto,) at a mss rapid P
IV a•y #bad. but be oral ars ay ahiasi,• sand w'1 oroslo for the ,esidsoct of that Guar-' Cauava a laughing stock its eLr ryes of the destroyed them hetle. The ether parties borsue irv= Mr. Al.rea• v( obat Place• foe lets --while Golerieb sill its mLlbitauts Perth Coil] Council u Idll tad@nd ►y
wdb nail WK•:pnfht#, 1 rats► is tai. j•.g.' e0f (;terra! -fur the two lloaxso( Ca► - Ionil 1. lir coalep.icJ•luliwlr+Jul want- lollowrd Jowle the m,idw Of the ehimasl+ thiels he eu w py $300, &ad it the ab- , o she peopM of thm Cowtl:-
Ttta .lion casco r,ecunoJ :n a .►• sl ufue, ) pipe, •tett ail Mr. A., he Faid ever the %koDOY In have is limes past jogged slung a •pat
Sod hunches :a of Nikon w,d - w m- I t %a e, IiamruI ao l Car else vsriowd, paruucats of I iu3 the public money in comia;,t lemora!a, and we* attneted b the Novu down i tike most easy and careless imaginable. if ' rhe following is the result of the pall
oadnp, n[ web ■ cou.ae, rhe ■gait a• rut i the u I sercirr, Myst The tWN whip I the permanent tits should be fiteJ, and which it rw,ted kd(cd a dog that was aleap• ,he cldlk, a it* d•dl6r ►lib. Th• moa` loops could be Quilt, sada vast wcrefsed oa The Gravel Roads B1 -Law, w fu r we
u. totaled w.th w many cal 0 6a ►t oberwtoe Scat of uutear,mcu, will, as -ler list rattle- buildingsPov oce. that would be a credit l01 mg by p the slow•. litre, again the subtle *$ado && a underOver stand) b1 Mrs. Ahnos, 1 have been goLls to afcattais-
wuuW tar. Appaienilr tl.ers ;# lo.1 a utLr i ing atrangemests, be traaderreJ fur four list l'roviires. lir sail Thal thiacvuW be 1 good separated, one purticaa ran soder rhe .pJ supposed w Nall right. Tbo plan• population located and w-taiaed in them- !Fff Agtslatt.
Wtl.t u. krcn n loam tbue w s a few year, la the aid till. Juan !►bale go Fool of which list tonne) •quan- I kilchtu t'rb:r, hrtwcui t rs. Ayre, ••d leer oait ,be horses and departed very letaoraly. if & good market could be opened for any BlaaharJ - - - 469 1
dye s1c.. Ifcaa eg fur Lyuor b• • proof hhat The presetot bui/dwgv ars still) is- dent with Their removals rsuull represent cbiWrcu, scorching them and eeaJrriug batt& or two ago, the uloaIf was Seven Domain. - -
af y•tkFero, then that yrnLb of Rarhl grow ad,•yuale,auJ that it u esprJarut'upleiidr the interest. lir JIJ vuiraytcan all ups- them arrsrleas; d tiro pursued its baa) sed to • peetes fa Boobs, to IudRo is the ►auk such every head •oJ amount of proJuee, sed - 491 48
Irl!tce std Morim#tos, 1-0 9T
a+_J t•centf toe *e,y wuaS awls besl,hi new Duca on The ground forming plait of ion in fatour of any particular sd.•, taw demoluLtd a glans tLat hung agaeaat the at G•lt, who Lkewfascounted it over, and dstabliabed b] this quiescent policy, then Loges, Lima k Wallace, 57 0
lives tie! were else atelia ago. A mat& , PM D° is would IK wine toeolououe such senors#. North Erastbops, 24 294
ed °liana* fur the Lauer baa iaken plat•.- :the l'uivtrssTy tuJuwmcel I) tug ■t the Bald his predileclicw wren w !sono► of 13y- wall, aeJ lir.li, mad• it tett. 'Che re- (Diad n to all a areae# however,
Uu n
beat ei ('o•ta•d Airline, whist wal out be tcwn.. lir, Iwrsever, strongly wpporleJ maraing portiou followed along the crack efivasg.l to the banker, bowaver, tbS rw,lo- But as such is not the cast, slid as our am- South Eaatbope, 0 4f1
••?fa web of cur Itis to ,•f mlagied Yale :defted. It Sir found
and NI togst►a: aur .uouiv would be require fur Iullegs parinves• 'I told prefrut rise resolution 1101 no public ntuury bbould between five,Ouor boards, and thus came is diereawas
bad tut enteral of Ili° bill that
t two. habitants have already to some eztrot been. . - . 39 60
p do' if one fault,@ sb filled them tug; and buildings they act y lv tar bald by public tar voted until a site was fined ulwo. contact with for shoe of Miss Afire.,; it ea os.kug $t0 duliare out of a ten Dollar bill arrow rd by the pear approach of the Ribbert, 0 48
cur crime* would Jotpo,. if they wets sot I &action, and IM wen of ;C50pW be arl 9leasra. Ilincks, Sberwood, Chabot, tared at the Ill and went out at the toe, ,led ebe bill* bang laud straight and coot
ehtti•LaJ by our ciiluck-" priated for the new buildings, to addition Tessier, and Prince, supported the Irlaru nrpill the allow coma -I' l and blistering pact, they had bees counted ever by throe Railway, wbistk, it b time to Lrsur our- Msjoritl for By -Law, 379
_- .__._ _ II
sum of £10,00') already appropeit resolutions. Ilan fx•t somewhat badly. illi s Ayres up- Rerao&s with lot the fraud being detected. selves, and we think that our 'Corso and When the offtcitJ returns us all lot the I
III.NTS ON SPR!\G 'WORK- (led. Mr. Ilincks, cootrnded ILat Il.e re- cn receiving (be shock immediately (tit in this bebadpaid for the horses with about Canary leathers would do well to shake uff figures may be found to vary slightly from
_ 1 - mowal* in future stars would neither be Ila aeluelesa. ADotL•er daughter, Miss tirilis, $200. Tile fraud was well cuacaved and .
IrviAa cum a.-P,.,bsps thele is ao ernp Qucbre Ions 1, 1853. tzpeubita nor troublwroe as lLa fiat, es- we bclieve, was bitting at a little distance, well-eaccuted, but we can fancy ilia ■sat- the remains of the fe"il nature which the above; but there cap be so doubt that
That as All s,•c.d taiu.er cu'ut■te# about Last ai ht, after ieyort lift, ILe reyorT pedally wLcu the ewes of RadroaJ were but its ILe saint lin° with bar water; its Gtr et) of t:.a rogue while the e'e+k was count grill adheres to them, and we doubt not they list By -Law is tuned re a targe and di -
a t: ch w I u;e .a k„own sal that cf Me so. of Couesuitlre of Solely for 1852. was re- cowtructed. cast, the Build entered the toe of Ler shoe. 11t the moaev ower, and ha rgrltef when so will be well supported io any well digested, 1,6 maleret]• Phare were upwards of
it is inch rlan•us •u ,he \ear World. U eeiveJ by the Iloa.s. Aft. Sherwood spoke at great length, ripped i then look its course along Ler •lrtecnus took piste. fled lis lend the laid n voles polled in the whole cowl!
gr,.w•s on Ilia pvur.at •and•, ,.a the newt til g e PP t' Budge on a farmer, it would bsee failed for equitable xLerne for effriod general iso- •loch o one can u) but that a fair ezpna-
eacWuasled►, , ° or .o.he rail its sod rich a! -I TLC .nal,rclor General staled that it baa? and very slroogly in .fatour ,,) •lterl.ate stocking, m its course blistering her leg, ill,. notes fill each beep handled •tier• provemeatf. The period for ►TOIL and slop of the furling of list inhabitants has
Ill bortull.e. Ia .Owe tot the ti•,uthera aha iattatlon of fbe Governor Genera! to Parliaments ; he couteaded that the filth and thou leafing her person mart its baay halal, and sepenttlr az■mtpr r but a is •
I,taten ail the Us un it :a plan ad in J.puarvs prorogue Parliament as tho 10th iast&al-- of Parliamrnl was pledged to go to ',biu&tO through the back part of ler dress and habil e:ib thut. who take •great deal of
dreaminess in these counties Las passed-- been obtained.”
soda lbs :ivalkrrn ova•• it J••ar. V 1 hr anpOODCCmCOt was reecived hill, and that it was well 10 erect fublic build- tud; ed itself lei the wall, is which it made a ,uaeey to Count over a heap of bills as rap enterprising actou must, beoceforth be the It will be seen from the those that
etrry Clots- Ie evvey al ll, in 018 ,awl ew erica of hear, Lear. a ing, there •n t iew of the approaching fed• bule some inches deep,resembling that made Jy .• possible. Iur hioR at Ibo corner, per order of the day. North Essihope offered the most steseots'
error, InC:u Cure Rrues,-.s A wire, ape- It. Murin moved The reeeptioa of the era union of all the Proawcrs. 7 4e *)'s b) an auger. \ bile the events transpired list s ilia i all of each t.me-ar J lir his h■D,o
IAUCV":y Wi►bsat tbt Doha►•. sen tad at- reps, t of the Committce of the wit le, o° ram of alternate Parliaumuls, be coutcodcd, in the Latches, the lightening alrecteJ also, ,he wide awake feiluw tuck ■Jasuge.- 1'be Ent grand step 1n the in fit atrial rt- npposiuop, but .ren that n but of s limit-
usivaaf alio pioneer. The aase barole the iewlotions to remodel the Legislslive Lad b-cen productive of good. two young men, 'who were tie proved of their I'&e'a•eat hes got clear off wilb lots its gut- surrecuon of our Counties has been takes, ed and as will be seen by the following
wt:ch ,t :s poodccrd is probably ons of lW • No role has bceu taken as the report noses b its iullocace and went sturoblua too gal. s•', sod is no lets titan the establishment of the reaol+tion talion from the Report of that 7
pnlocirlinarecd why we have are'ected 1.I Coca:il. P 7 • !i
stedY Its , • r liar g•.ircows:s. lis as•por. i A very. long debate leek place, whit. lease., apJ considerable evtrment eiiats head -foremost solo oho kdcbego. All this Tea Kama WAS - Ye here papers Buffalo Brantford and l;odericb Railroad, meeting in that Township, a contained is
for the result, whish at prcaaut is doubtful. rook lace at once, and \1t. A res saw that (ram Caifelcwr, 9uulb Africa, w uhgr &d '
Less a:f odrw,l. Ile .00 d is ll.0 wwt pts I with the movies of amendmeuts wticL bare , P y - March, from abate we sopy the fullowng this improvrmeot cannot slat alotx, often ,alone journal:-
tCt.ul,a of ail she cors&.*• abile its, stalks been beforis reported by Telegraph, as which we have imperttctiy JeseriftrdI pas. twpaeung the war.- are already beginning to demand alien- a"
alis ,I',,I. ca:,ulab;• va rte ae Geed for tail', inos,ed a GOmwitttr, dIJ not leruuaate till QuFsac, June 3. before his eyes at the same moment. lie , The following resolutions were thio
attain has , 8y yetuiJay d punt iaulligaaco was n• ion. The wharfage of our Ilarbor will put to the meeting and uoanimomly car.
dorv9 our lure sll•ters. Ext 3o'clockthislwrnina. All mdse resolutions Lot niRbof after the rtpo,t Icy, air. informs u+that the scene was a most chis- caived re■aecung his'eace,lency'sannounce- t
taught V# t Ftw IbinY rn paellmg Ilia pkl.' of (be (;overniala•nt wtre can ied by large SatuttC a ameadilteal, is c,"u n, fi ee, to 6f trefblag one the CDemnies were de- onrota,n Brmat, C.ff'arla. Ile lied pfoteetted net wyCn suffice 10 Ila rnDlloODa slate for °ler tied, --1 hal ILe COUICm,,laled lmprOla-
eat riqutroair&to u( +be s•s•a4 plant. If majorltles,aud ,1 Committee to draw out an A permasef.I alts fof rho sent of Govern- moluhed-rbe ceiling thrown down --ILC with a Considerable ftirce tJ the Kabl,u.ie resent trade, and at ILe completion of the merits were loo Catenf t and premature
do. r got atquirt■a toeIcluss ar culup.ct a adJess to list (2ueen fuundtJ upon tbern sour, wpm lust -tea■, 47; nave, 41. windows broken--ths, stocepiypes twisted Post, *tier* it was understood be was wit P t tl:r preterit al.0 of the country as that
w.l ;, i e .b6st p.aatcuaaads. It drlfghts • A mou.•o to 6z the mesh of Government Railroad will be fowl abwtultly satires
i a TDvac friable, warm, p t. or, us•p mud, it was staled that Ibo address was to be aer.t at Qebac baa■ 1,stthea•, t3. and broken-ILe Boor plouehrd, as it were, hnR to recti re per.00allY the suhmwnon the eapenJilurn upon tar -rods was 1rp-
a of ti.odilli a led toe boIOn Celi,.f*, the con- without so immeo•e onlay. This is still w equally appot Butted, --that the county Conlo-
abuet•rhng is rich nluogeaove'otgso:c mal: un to the Legislative Council for the iniorm- An address was voted to the Gover°ler, with the electaic goad -and the various Jitaop of returningbet.ind the Kd bavfr•R
aur, !t d xe wool ea atl gond wheat wit#. I niton of thn members, but not for .ocur- praying bun to :nommu to the Q•:ce° the members of Lis fami:y lying aroeod in dif- ilii bands of the Canada ' ompan], but it ail be pswwned to g: soil the mato road
been compiled bawl. alp their par. General between the Ydrout line and Carron -
1,o l vitae dust bcsl toe w+Ls that sill pc- i rance• address of the Undo a in favor of the elective !trent states of iusrp*ebJity or consecrate- C&lb°art appear to bate decided that peace will have to be improved how and by whom brouk."
du.• #apt babas'. I 1l* -day, the Prince Edward election Legi.larive Council. lion, forming together a picture of a truly shall now be granted t° any Chief, vrf.tu are questions which preseut themselves _
IF we lurul.h ILe o3est p nal witfi ill iia i Cu nn,itlre rep°►ted the stilts# memlxr Un motion of air, Idlockv, the House affecting description. Wr are happy to be prayed for is terms that aekouw ledge the winch though difficult to answer must specdi-
wianurat al.laeafa is ibe greatest pttfedun' due elected. Also that acitber the petition Is eat lots committee at ways and crossed. able to add that the individuals with whom superiority of Bnt sh Power, -ad also the' tillCttAxtC's I!ifTtTCTI:.-- t ago
so eans:+t asgants weft U.sa BAY bseboia i I The message of 1116 Eacu:e:.cr trapsmu- the subtle element came in contact have not ,be terms nnuosed ahali not tau o pro•alve, I] be solved. We hope to ►einem to these
.1 wba.t ;r r urs OF .liven j Ike base nor the defence baa frivolous or vesahous. k bear wVuca to the utility of this Itatitu-
tint the esuuute+, was referred to a coin, bust+wpd any injuries which are liked 10or bear the stamp of trueliy or revenge.- questions at a future time.
in -
fol ,;I st t fcrl.1.a,ng lad a C.•RW baited. CLc lstimate, fur lb33 were this even- Into les of supply• be of permanent kind, and doubtless feel flu obj-ct is a solid Peace, w kith will tion. .11 r. James Walsnn gave a very in -
ac, •t 6lit.la le thst baa mtjht averstre ing laid Lefore list hoube. Us. lea° roe's MOO. c1pal ►.11 was r,.r! a P 'rhe Counties will require its coaloec-
g p I &e»r he observed tar a too• p:o who are co I tertalia and useful lecture o0 Friday efes-
nce hnn er,! sed tenbruhtls o! Lbellad ewe Mr. Smith, of Durham, introduced a bill third time, after hawing been recommitted thankful that though' the smell of fire' wit ,.lced into a state of suffering. tion with the Railway, good gravel I ilo last. 'flit attention manifested was
Per ac e. kYe can as++ly m.ke a sad lou f to amend the Act providing tmdcmnity to sod some amendments made thereto. on them, yet the were saved 67 a protect- I e
►cb fur whcai. It would he ra hererdicult menaye,s of the Legislative Assembly for TO day, Ibe fuflowrng bails were read a ing though unseen hand.--Lorrdnt Free The leers submarine telegraphic cable I roads. The Town Council intend it make I vary great, and we were glad la parotin
IU yeas cur& taw batt. ivtld,yruwi•!td Fl to of I their r:pence. fa alteu. ilio line Snaious tined time: Pew s. was laid down frith perfect success, be- a eery yniscwurtLy effort in this direction i
liveN* .:we t lino pr Kra+ fl he }rD j To amend the AM i.eorpon::rg the f Iwern Ilo,er and lNt,iotl, op rix 5th lilt.- . that notwithstanding The lateness of the tea-
# i of ll:e Lesislature. within the LInas of thafr Awn (Or; Dration, 1
itri.Ala to wasuro b•ghll f,.r cuts wish a- Clx Lon. member ale• moved for an ad- Ottani, linen► eh d Somcou R•i:roaJ Com- Chu second submarine telegraph brlcngs to non the lectures were well attended.
ars is )ct A rosier ..f aacerl"I' -TLnes ! pas' ; :Another wild man has been fouoJ ,near the same company as that from Dover to Got we deet the 1•a tbt gravel ,oats ought ' ,The library is not yet in public operation
caun, t tis s,;a tat, bsaarer, abet it is the l dres. for copies of certain communications '►'a amen) the Alt for the festoon of )rmpLis,'Cepa. itis name is llusl Uru- i Calais, and will supply the means of trans- to be undertaken it the exfense, as they are I but the Goromiilee of management haw•
lilt, re.t of every tasrwr to make said q pet i that ,.1) tate passed between eLr Govern- goals 1w Upper Casade. Widdie, and be is from Bourbon Count
bit the ferta• sing wiur he was• Maly of went all•i The burctics for loans to the Cor A° Act for the rel:efof the Il ens of the v. mieral f Eur ophie despatches to the l'op- for the bepe6t of eke whole Counties and I u':ep measures which will secure its tarty
hour; harbour company. ICY., *Etre he los a wife and children lir- 1 cineol o[ Europe, without their being 5th with the facilities pined at our handle by
our westtre f.nnera will sell ua Ibad y y.-l,anied. latl,S.muel flyers, n; ing. Ile has been running will in tlu jeered to the delay and ■non este of lbs o cuiu A little extra exertion on the
dbei not pay thea, to applym&aura to core• lie alba moved that the Clerk of the To auleoJ ata act incorporating the Up, woods since last fall, and wLea found oaf ] the Consolidated loan fend should certain- i P g
1t Pubyd dots,m,.a the first crop. Met 1e* [louse be dii ected to prepare; as sots as per Canada M.Cal Company. last of else French autLoiti*s. The new line ly at an early day engage the attention of f part of subscuben and otter, (Wends of
Coe .ung run be who mola a wt. mlaastal convenient, a tial of all private bills passed To li.corparate ilio Tools of St. I1) a very sad and dejected, through from what is severity miles in lens b, and contains $iz popular education .o the shape of money lid
w,.l a.;. a:0it Il l y. Tb:d is universal cact.le. cause could not be disccvcred. wires. the CoOily Council. A t Dort Ilouae in in i books would n ] id m its (e y
durin, the present session with a statement Dr. R I h s ua c land! use DI;I was dispensable and can not creditably be put I mate all a s -e J ut-
vsfer:e. e. We I lie to tura ordera Load sho0iu list amounts aid as fees. and like u P p -- - -- --- -
1 '1
salf'Yar:N al lbwf.Mdt'Pla thi fall fe/ efn• 4 P read a second lime. PORT Do ER HARBOR. WOODSTOCK I Off any longer. "Che Town will require al-' tablisbwent.
It'y w.;:.w3 is tSs spelt t aha lend Shoold tat titles of inose on which the usual fres have Also the hon. ruember'r bill ndallvr t• %,'.D LASE 11RtE 1:►it tc F T.- V r. Far- —
war} DwdJ. +v A •DLIV ii.ls fere vita the not been paid, the fees payable thereon, an) the solemp.zatiun and :I,e rcgn'r■uos of finer, son -its -law of I lou. P. DeBlaquiere, I most immediately s:me general plan for
weels•a1 f.oe•nr, Lac. As a lwlntrafryte, 1 the ►.amen of l`de mewbtrs oto Lad clurge marriage; after a da Late• alp which Dr. bas purchased John White, Eaq., U. opening up gond grading the new streets \1osC tral s ado, Tia British rest
ilubo:i urs .0; W-.: , 6#1 crior *plan. crops; of them. Carried. - holy,. stated Oat he would to ■mend the I'Bow Matter is ado Cns measures (ores,
it+nY is'atbgen, I ll.'s intern -t in the Port Dover harbor, at which are now rapidly filling with settlers I e
f11ao It,.;) plVUghit•R• On wutiop of .V r. Hartman, d we* or- bill in c°Inmithee as le* allow marr ages to T tablisbm a mune ordek s .tem b means
foamere d••nut pluuga abet► turn Lad tall dared flat on and after ','bunds], the be wlcmn:z^J Dy Ja.lurs aul t.ac ere, $"'t,000. Il is intend,) to run the lion of EIURUl 1T SIGNAL. ands- m Coven the labor u not e:- g 1 ! !
just ission+ p.•ba.rg; they bass than con- Hosts hat melt an tea ♦, at. during tbt re- not by u,alfilrates as at first propoded. I hallway, in contsouauun from 11'oodstock, i L - peoJed b] the pa: nes most interested, it is of which Ilse receipt and payment °f monies
aider. .b!r Rr,ed to turn Iau4tr, aril tis sod It was read a sccand ! into wahoul • J.v;- , To lluul tile, then' haldimanJ, re* fare Uo- the dui of the Corporation w deal egata- betweco lienal Britain apt her colowt•
is is fi+.t ..t.: avtkmg bear. It is also mainder of the session. ►tole. I ret. our frico,-s in Walpole, Itaintiam TIiUII,9D1Y, JII,iE fl, 1859. 1 P l will be read facilitated. This will prove
m.iJ twat the worur 01.1 fea•to n this IDeal. t 7'lie I106" , is to Committee on the Sir. Rl• hardo mored the I loupe it.lo Com and South f'ay:rga will thus exchange the _ - bly in fbe distribution of improrement,. A I greatly
IF buried ve'fler.'rla sant►. aial +Ui yut u• Beresford L>yvorer case u report (races. , mittee en the Nuppltmea sry Schu, l Br.I• ,jolting au.l delays of the liainLaro road, for Dew uL,ol bOOM as we bays before urge) I a great convenience to man] parties and ss-
tsak tin coral pl.ut Ir11 it is gees fist '44 • — Sir Brown is oppo,ang the bill, in a set Our issue nest week will be osf a-
T.laec, June 2. speech, a the ro ort la7svice. cheap tra,clli0g, apJ tae P 'fawapte.jimmrdiatrly as the Dumber of prcially to Ibo poor settler desirow o rs-
*u1 as large .m to Ince%* Puts or no ip• I Pr • P ea,e,torile,,h'.1o.),
choice of a ort e:atr above and below ed till Fridayon account of lam Demoa" mittilo mono to his friends.
jary Last night after the report Isft,lhm amend- I _ =ra----T them. Ir. llinchs intcn rJ to carr► the slnti°s as the occasion of the turning of children which u daily iecrea+aue, cannot I 3 1
Plast tuff -'tie earl4 r tl.e better, if IiK sot ,Ts made by like Legislation Council to be iustructed,in the present occupied build-
wratL@r Is wa'm acd Ilia *(lot .a food sirdar. I PROVINCIA1, . GRICULTC:Lit, .1S• road to Duaville from nncce but has sham#- Ibo „Fent Jod ' of the lailwav, taking GacaZZ1.-'Che ex -priest. Gavaszl dur-
y••ra'ew& .s a jweJ ir,w let rtpru,pg an,f the bill to amend the Act tatorporatiog she SOCIATION. ! ed Lia mend. - plata as Thursday our usual publishing logs or b] the present mu:nber of teacher• ing The past week has lectured in Torouto.
e•:;y N'l fruits than any other Cause. b i. ; foil and hawdon Railway Company _- a We are sorry that only X75 was absurdly
puaaP+ta la;Ia lcurm tout:ti,k. tY# LA, :rete a;;ceJ to. Mr. Mathir, of Bruck7ille, "ree.dant n1 Elis eloquence a of the most tbnlhog and
The Arabi.& steamer, which carried to day• voted for this object when ,£600 was desire iia assioneJ kind. Hr wish its to go by the
Been crap• II.ataralty .i juri-J ,a 0.12 war, 'Che lle,-t•furil Divorce Bill was passed ill,. Asaoeuuoo. hu offered lbs sum of Britain our townsmen, Mr. Shute Mr. P
more r.:atlatfY is p,l npeprnt is proper tLrou e Committee and read like tirirJ LSO, to be dwstributed in pr Ace at she ee" TURNING THE SOD POSTPONED. ehl by the Trustees and which they would oast of" Urstructor" tool Protestant" u
a....{. i'Lua teat ap:aot nub way, aeJ toter tune au pat,cJ, after a debate which fall- rz',ibil,un, for special purposes is ilio (vl McKenzie, and Jur. Nicholson, male the not have requested could it have oven dose
I,.w lnr mta,.er:- voyage in '! j hours less than leu days, We fire exceeds sort that lbs Com- lie would destroy and not protest merely
1laatfiro a bill of th0 usual pr.cucr. it is tt l s,me time. The rote was --Yeas 33 ; witbont. We believe it is the iutepuom of l
klicr'u pl t lou n•uca ataJ to the h.;•. The Prrsirlrnf's !',i:rsfurthe ►lectern#►- landwg them at Liverpool oo the Saturdy g!1 ! agamvt Risme. --
Na s 33. ff f weeL- alter they left (:all, so ti:at they mittee of management have found it metes our Towa father to burrow E2000 opon
Owe loo ldlte, as i{ 11 aa+, lO1Lln Ibtm l0 - } meet If fir fU(✓uir(e Productions n Case-
prsi.r co iaber the Atli butlrg. Is Pas 1 'I he report of the Committee of the draft g -oink died .Vuawf+cture. I were only one Sabbath day oto the ocean- alar t# st one the toren of the " first &bentures for improvements, this will pot I
-'naris t:.* Dead rt.iswwiruo tp the*aaigb i wlaulc call tied bill of i•IV Smith of Froa- ►Teat 5 bush,,.Winter tvhe,t °.c5 0 0 1 P° P e P Tltc iParliamentconwill Le prorogued
e W t eat •ad Rlur form two of the .fLw Arabia ov has day%.cJ t New Track I sod;' for one weeky This arrangement was ° far, and we believe a larger suis might b] tau Escrllruq on the 10th Inst. 'Phu
:raven K J to awc,r iLe cur• Wallis tar scJ dry , irons, to atnead the a_t for Letter secunn, - is aP i ale over era days. Up the day be(°rt
It aiiii plaster, this :a rail to priv,pt the 1 ILe iadependence of the Legislative Assam- great staples of Canadian ca• Mr. Jhade and his parry 13oJeJ, a melon- not determined upon until Monday and l be obtai0ed add profitably rzprr.!ed, wLJe . Il l pr•,bablr give our member the Hoaour-
cauwe :rum 1, JJrin j a. tat] litmZ ea11aJ, '1lessn. ,Norio and y Italian. Chale cireum,lance took lace on board The was oncarioaeJ b] a letter which had been I the mteresls of the 'Poon could be ad- I able lalculm Caureron an oppot tunill to
I Ilinel's stated that the government did not Ih•t 3 fitk:m of Buttre, iron FO P ranted without diatrevtng the pockets of
e to 80 ilia. each. put top an Lott- Aurins. A Mr. Sullitan, a -abio passes- receive.] b] Air. T. AI. Jones, a mem- be precut here on the 16th inst , if hot on-
{ cent this bill of such a nature as to so- able kegs for ezr• n tay tea, 4 0 0 gar, threw hunstll into the sea, over the her of the Crmmittee from the Contractor, the rate payers and a+ the population and
L3 ll C ! i li iil C It t Q Y V . I chute them to take lice respoo-ibility of re- B, 1 9 Chesser, et not less than aide of tin Ship. )-:very effort was made to P ! P P avoidably prevented ile is expected to take
_ ' bigaieg in eoraequeuce of the advcr,e vote- 30 las each 1 0 0 recover him, but before that was accom- 'rho, it appears as well as man] o! The Dr taxable property m the Town will oe 1 put in the ofr.,cerliues op that oesasioa.
is Committce the other evening. They B, ■t i I d Itis Flaz 4 0 0 libbed, he Lad perished. On Ln body was • rectors and other persons interested in the doubled in the eomrrse of two or three years, i
ljne xe.3lal 3l. 'Natel Ili.;t Biel would CU "121 to carr] I I i life llemp 9 0 0 I found bili, of 4hange for forty thousand I event could not attend on the 9th (lo -Jay•) the re a ment will be ro rtionall was
Last ai3Lt alter ilii (Joe: LR oa oto i repayment P P° ! i ( gThe Ker. Mr, llelireger win plsesh
s i their allettod stnls to the Louse and -redo►- Best Ili- lied Curr Dish I 0 s dollars, wbich Lis em to en had entrusted I ] in the United Pn•brtenan Church, 1!041
till.$ of !.Jr. Brawn, a comical of fire cur to drlrut the Bill in evcry stage. coE:be Red n over m, 1 u 0 P 1 I as former) announced ip rectors about
of a
' Beat tiouth-Joos Ram, two Lim Wallin purcLa-e silks in the English I meeUob °f the Railway Director about th'u Q r a obscrre a letter in the /lnwail- .Artini, GadericA, on •3abbatk llrtec at the
tow s wzs at; -Pointe] b] the llvu-e to NIr. llaucks statru that an iuterprelalion 4 0 0 market. Our readers may imagine what a' uveal hour@, and at cD •ugall'• fLlls at
e'aiaise as to be ILe lei 0;* ai,J tculitivus I bad been put Upon the declaration of Jr. 'I'o"• time. Che sot onment for one week ton Canadian from a GoJericb nrrte-
o( a:, agreement uta Te byr Iile (?actio'., P,in-' yl,,riu iso Cum:nutee, whit; that gentleman Not Books, one year and over, terrific scene this occasioned, rust on file I e P opdeat signed " one of the Srnoin," tom- flwgr P 11l, o& Tuesday oast.
lir lar#- ►re,.J 3 0 0 ere of landing at ironic!-Rrporto. would hare'beea of little consequence could P g ,
ler apt the) road eCoraclidee of the Lee did not mean- Ur. Iliucls further stated B.st Plough for general Fur- parses who intended to have been prexnt piaitnng of the action which might have
1.1i:ive Ab,eroLlp, in 1830, for the delivery that if grativinen nppoaile were not sato- pules I 0 0 been taken b the 'Coop Council w regud Sartoatt.-.t farmer p' aha name Of Jss•
of ►.YJ) ev, iaa of l4r U ilial Ga:ctlr, tied bait. tat tonne taken by the "vers- gleet linnet- wer Thrasher and On d,t ',at two sons of a froWoman, at I tinct been informed sufficiently soon of ttoe 1 Ln w,,,
str a little beth of Lswutem.
e P° to the elation of the Gommettee for a sum
Deal fair the foh5c; adrert aiug thereto; aitch , oat They it •Id move a vote of want 01 rparuu 7 10 0 School a 1; ..n, were s.ked to 1Yilodsnr ebanoe. Howevrr, the Committee are not P bad hK ho•in and srailon o all a ►bat
a.. t as t a a e reasons why the sail a'rec- eoafilence, and if they wont l carry it,'T'x Re.: Lira►, wnit,.a by a person ('astie to ►pend the d9Y with the Prince toy to blame in the matter and have done all in of mosey to assist to getting up lbs demon- um,. ►nee in Q oe.n•ton. 11s came over
s a' bas out h,ch tarried out ; aeJ also government wout l not below its act. itis ander 25 years of age, follow• tY&lea. Ifs highness hosing in the course stratioos on the occasion of turning Ibr the g unredge with some potatoes to sell, sad
t g floor agracu!tur.l purtmt• in y• t their power to gine neer] notice the late- being una enter them
baleh the laws be se* -
r' a camJitiMia for the future performance of elm eouscq lease•. The aluendirseal barer of the da 6 amusemento Iron b had
no soma first sod of the P.ailway. He is doubtless
IS. n;l service as may arum ex Jitat to i Canada. East :tor West "Op sirs welch the vuung I;turlana had n" r•1 bels of the iatema[iop of the dein] would fleeted U enter them at the eu•anm house.
pe carried alicr a long deb.te til a vote °• the dignity of agricultural la- uh fur, one of them rave him a sound drub. permit. The arran•ements of the Com- aware by this time of The futility of bis fears Ile pail $lift 97e, befnre he could gat them
re ps{t lLeleDa, with .!1 eoaytuitut speed, leas 31, Nal S!9. bur,and U.t b-st means of mak bill 'rhe e, rcumatance reached the eart P • released, whte4 ho did t° aw,d 11118,1106
e'), bate to ailed for nous, papers aloJ lot than ishan► o5lsble, in as the Councils acted very wisely in our sed law espeasea• We are well ■egnai°t•
p Pe . p pe Yeas Jleasas. Cameros, Cart, r, Chabot. g pr of the Q"een, who havioX a#rert•ined on mittee we believe are complete and list
t-ecotdo. dorm, tit tL•acussion oa the above 1 Cbapais, Clmoveas,Christie of \1'eplworth, view of the ehmafr, sail, Fr*- ,oquiry that her Ian hi' given sufficient opinion to refusip to grant public moor] for ,.d with ileo he ]gni . and tont "'t I'm that
R serrates °( an e#icieot band has been ob- P g
Ta+tipi. D;usuiloosd. Durnoutis, Egan, Fortier, agree sold pruspetiiv• mailtaop pfatoc.tion to merit the thrash, a" had the trained for the occasion. The Cekbrauop Caere shows ata time when so much u re- M would be Ilre Iawr mala t° eh•at Urs eon•
Jame warm personal re Dar' a passed Fournier, Ilarleaan, Hiwsk•, lsuriu, Least- sled Ili• taerse•,nR transit (s- good arn.e ro rznroa her uuduuon at nue ,.f our enumtry of Des hellion# iwtp-
clhu• • • f the country 10 0 0 the tenon Ia•,ght him. of Ihu important event will take place on quired lot absolutely neeesrry improve- , tiwally. Any one ears 06011Y Parental
brhveea :ins -;e. Ili racks and droop. I tux. McDonald of Cornwall, Alaluce, that m., person of Coin non seise weeN
v& motron •.f Mr. `with, of F.-Ootensc, There u mod among the tier - Thursday the 1Tilh lost. snots, but lhongbT blot to leave the mailer of
NcLago lin, 5lcndruais, Abrin, f delle ek, l younih of Canada; ,u Qoasan.Tovo.v, Mar 31.- During ) -_
lar llud.e Went into Committee on the bill I Poulin, Itichards, Rd ,h, Ilan, SituItr to the wpport of voluntary contributions. yt"pa.d,xe • valuable loam for the sato
I drru.o L,cot a mot dealt- the u• nu yesterday, aha Neiwegup onset saving, the dnlr on a few pntatoue. Lha
to anted the tot for better securing the I Teacher Terrell, 'l'c in, 't'srootte, Voris this -i d IhS dignity and hhs N•rJsr conk at her mer"r,eR■ 1n eoneo LOCAL IMPROVEMENT. 1 bat the voluntary system worked swell the thing a absurd. Tho Dons wee srtial be-
-sWopesdasce of the Lrgdlastive .lsscpably ; \\'Lite and Wrialat, of East. lasing o: prottablesas of the r pornri gnenct .t he, Iawrr patio ba• leg been left large amodat of cash io for hands of the (Ore any of the pnutoe. w# a etisr#d fse
of this 1'roviaer• York• -31• rs a Proper theme .or I'm Ju, apes. Ab, at the sant.. 1 ma an awful cats- Last week we gave a report of the pro
.hem N troph l occurrtd at G,Ir&our'• (owe. A Committee empty prones. We bxye how- @,■sotto of ther. in**. se I^RdreA talfal the . pater
A ton di-ewsion took place, which last- Ivaylg-11"s •ly, Brows, Bu, ay• ceedie>7 of the Municipal Town Cmmcd y date: bet the offi era who thought they had
ed tell one o'clock this mnrmr. Caschue, Dalton, Uubord, Fergals,ot, ro rhe Courtly Agrieu!tonl Se• staarwrr, the pt. Pierre. ons of The (SrrY ever known public bodies to vote move for
lr. C!►aut move) in ameudm,.°t that Gamble, l:oein, Jobin. Lacoste, I.antoo, east, of that Conry which basis sometimes emptuyed in tuwapr, be,- at its last sitting, at winch a step was taken even less important purposes and we cannot g.,t a r-od " grab:' would woe Isfam is
•bell tarry off the gm,eat rot pet eo board the steamer f :t Mun reel towards effector some of the much re bar- ++ hien. 1Vs In,H when the ■ffs bee Mow
a writ shuul I issded iwtordialel, after else La'reri fere, Lyon, rlcKensi,., Malloch, aefaher of the fsrrgor•t pit- from a vessel Inn#, in the stteem, upwards s q bele thanking that the is reprep nt.d to the O Iwere"r a els prspSv
sacrnoh are toe d.rind a ,tees, without Marchitdon, `.1cDougal, \lurney, Itibut, a» 10 0 01 of !00 passeagen, preeetdw to Gtlmoar td local improvements in the Town. Year we* a little too premature in despatching Tight, Ihat M will Oran too soul b be
waitm-ustd the apilatoI of the first Ilublaasw,zitymnur, haw,Snith,of From The j.dgse oPse 1►s bargaining Pr a" (; 'TO o ske a•wagt in "'s ecp'ol•rd, telel , r year bas glided by, sod Goderich an 4,1 communication a hundred miler olo a rest wed.-NiwRsre Clrowids.
fosetceeJrys oft r .Seaman. tceac.'teerem•ae, Street, Valois, Wd-oa, wl'l ao sp,usoted by us nrwmi as. sale 10 perwn on ►Demi B punvhed.Capl B•rrY, , tweet stalls ler of tie eu•te0ee, has
The am, il:nealkfas a>lrriadaAH as►arm WJ t,It,Li of YW k• the .mYY\i POW 41 [be eahi►i'lue. 1 who stood ever the Mder• was blown high 1 y matter 1 lora!• Il if magaifyiug the
iA he and,NISrsUb declared that the amen linen is G swge B iealanJ, q .:tserelsry, &aJ a like aur. air. Perrfar• had bid skull ay t1 y few public monuments of utility of _ 1 — --- FAststf i'"au-Tn -li'n a• was of iia
aaole-bill too much. many be#uu6il l► •ugkn 10 obit. hey
siF b • bar gem, li•w.,.s a. be see •steel, ,.pen ley # pines or the s,ler, aeJ hid wits which if alo boast. The County 'Gown of _ om:+
Sir. Cbaoseae novel another a•eead- de troyeJ kis bell, and that he rsould above g Forte•ter has given exPwo.r' wbesga 1
AIM cun.tdai •sJ delormino ilio seer. •f I baa. sten killed; but fail finales were hard- Dee all most ferule harts of land is CltOOftt@ IttoY 111wcaawTvt•-Lail " Oa, lit ms di• Io the @""a,ry,
Mew, to exempt the .1asi.taut;!lecool Aries I do it. ,1 he Stair.. The ed-sys to be tent m, oy JI-fi ,ore i u .11 Tin alher caterers f s( like
Gam the operatioa lbs kill, to i le Waal -. Goverame:.t tack e tai. up good it ,eukod with & eyPhr►, Defort rho Ivt oI , were Il,tmrn y&.1 duck ha*48, bate masse Canada, ind it n yet wiithout a Gourt week we saw a very tram little schooner in •hall not f*ll, like tho atogi# Ise
1 a w where the" that lova ban
be, yeas 27 ,+aye a baa+ mJ:#uce.1 . s:ai:. },.eto.nbe to Mr. Sucki-ed, sceosopasled e# have tut tcrruu.d• }intoe-ih llatbor,whieb we* .silt at s one harbor teem KiKardint at w►iebplace (oust, n e►.1 J: ♦t
Thmr* we* anrnlser divi.iN ai.It the1 •r,) -Jay, on motwo of Mr. Well its. Ilse arch the a ase add typ ow of He venter, _ _._ teed •at souk i'•etw herr• t' mot a
Ilwiae rewdreJ into cernomtlee of tlw whole she* ante o1lr of the sceeenful e.a■y1•I I vast ezpeusa when it was only needed to she bass .silt add p owned by Air. jCowan, c*relras6 „Islt,id., seA s lw*o •sad f
e►tlarMtd in tLis s.laass• of the trd1, the .1 tele rii h de- s cb fron Billionaire, It. facilitate Ihe lending of the early setllen hu eke n about 40 toes .online. Thal n the fill me ! Barr me in the coaalcy• amid
s►j►st of wblrh was is pnvw A part ot tt, a teaider certain resotuuoos en the web- will be opsomil The successful **say std T p p ( [ ,sett.
s i ct of the accommodation 'Is be rovideJ such Sohn a may be e•ra•rduroil wort", i A ) troves credo,te tet a runsoor that Ion tlba lewiw Mit in the dart Jamp
fsmSSseflarliameM frosareeoitiageM- Je p w,tb tleeee#eet of else entvn of the
1•t more of the Irt.h patriots who were svrtet not Daly fallen into decay bnt to tar as the second scbooscr wtwe► ise ar}i•td asgon :wall from the sweet scanted alar. and tM
m lye Vga a wg, - for the resilience of title. (sreroorI far Iw to Van D:esoa s LinJ havw m•Jo their se• wharves an eton,.eraed, br become alp evidence of rhe unterpeaa of rhe iew cause-tdrsirfwt uwwbse, bet is aha opo• or
tor, In be p*Wobod by k60 aesotiat108 u
.chit. (;Ztaefeaa aaeeed as nested. 11'iltmegs n( the f.rgialstnn. and For the sew sbc Gseofiss rf$rfesdts►iN- a■P•. sed may be shortly t alp, tivd to an,rS atter ruin --the \laitlaad Bridge, the only try to else noel., sed we taderstaed two ameba# the # •won that l Isvgad •and
-us, to fheaffma dent Vuisten wield ea- "departwats °f the public service rr n the Atlastx State#. Use of lM fe#i 1oMgad while living."
ebn%-sewaaltlieaelf olbs'r Ott ;.:i go- 'Por Win. The whject of tie rcaolutloe, lives n Mr. O'D,rs.hl wk.) was on• sf convenient means which existed for cross- others ars is a very far Nat# tae d
i"4 back to linen to kmnt-. was reported yesterday, a long debate baa rRov1DENTIAL ESCAPE. rhe Ieadore n Ibo rietumeat o f 1318, is ing that river neat the Tows, was .wept which b of =web larger losses*. TM Ie- Casebv Tow STtaw'na ATtatfvve -TM
1'►# MI b iwg linascJ t!uoux5 comma• ;talk** Platt ►pole them. Ireland. Ile was announced in entangle", awn near) go year and a half sed r g p p Ez►r # vale
r.o# the Iswlt strobe
notes %►wars. T. F. Mfr her, lobe M00%- 1 ! ) •ger habitants are ishan stga to ►Deere aliar- Salt+lv ^t , WS lus►w f.oso a M
j 11r. `Insit6 toned fur the reception gat+ Alt ticotte mor as snses.lmrot, In the Ott S•wohty M11t, gars► tows and puieryour- t vnl se (vlMws:-
ef, J(grvea land O' 1lolruriy and Ternseo only tow abort commencing to he rebuilt. d the tent'. gay the Ptwetasgeve 11irff feint gopA #emPgveh, reserved tn.t ,.d.y el
li i ppo:t A( the coumtttee, but two di- effect tilt so public wawa) be tttO4 1,11 • hood wall visited by a sines of • very sal Bellow Mc Nanus • Our roads, and streets and sidewalks are is i„ Kiseardies Towo@6p. Our rapidly Iso- tersa.•se, #toad Cto",4"4L me, I@* 'bet
rwsoaa Iry m6 i(o.a regme•t the Unisys. pertaanest :Meat of Vorevnwtrwt bar fixed; veto kcal 1a the lowu Itself, it did 00 r wifq reel* iso- ,be wit ria far Cofeal bolworm IM
mus. "link. ldorio s/atel, u Ilan rrisextsv 'chew araelhar requirstiee that Meotrwl was less&, damage, but anent its fury as the C_D"me ANC, PeTwaeole"oSw laaaaoss a eeeditioa far too pearly natural to be proving teaelmg Lada req ~ [ Iter Ordes•brib•
1 who rendes a lien farm owners tf the r►eP'
end*raise 1, that a the Mioietry were I Tib@ taut Mtisg phase. The lint of Mr, house of Mr. Ayres, Aaetvaa.t TOO Rafts. --We lose est sal a nen Died cooant bort of • and of " g out "I iaa s •1fiHne IDN nom of
AM ail wirjl the ceedeet i the pt ie tlie•tary r•""t•ti••a ,rse atspptrlgad by @best tbrsga milimtad of Load@.. As IM atwidn, kwi thirty toes of nib Oslo lee McAdam ::rgovol a Flask. is feet the isowteta Iq iwo dotsded to in", "f the ewe•►•
bsiww, he fiesw k be won stifisd lap µ. I Llfwmwsew4 4@abre. LIOG,Ross and EVW- Otcwf "" wlieb tools P an of a dad as the w►st to" =.?a arch t►al IOD itlt/Cuu -Tia pmaows►e+ `od teN{1 Ins prepslNs. aN J lim Dunt
2 p oSarsetwr, baba ptopeaa beedred std fAhY luso m•.ra were tante,## pd1 r*aNy t•atp@tU►le trd@rtakug or eche fM a•"d• for Ili me lfitsau•M
its`` for a. ,oluwo.eest, as they rnSM AIr. LNvo mod aper 'iffy otvoetly.Ne must nurse gea►T to be , A u"n of thole have etrwmd to have ti down with the /Des rwoNN
Njt W relieved from that duff belofs the i Bald lbat he W declared life wodJ leave the to bi SDOO"Iet agoiibaM ba lbw de*enpus { , ps/ ) 5,.e to which the 'Poon sed Co..tM@ ooh g I term ted tsou r
Jdr. A res sed bas beofr v.wse a' Race Lsbrsed le Aten.s w Igo Claim is she Comm (ieol wine► V " C,.vwt ltwwe• levo wwpwtei by
Nit ratale •f Ilia Li Cabinet of the were not lift as opro goes ThRt ars as FINM'1=- wba the, .bra- sod the eogatw•Ob are Meomom"oo Mtnp 1 1 v a despatele from 96e288ab to be INse 'rise itsNM fw,.rMn tuU plaa[i ' y w
L ,. Jomni Ibo oom time of" Nowa w► lies• fasw7y wen tebsg dtae•t• abs tong tbo eerfeat ms.u. • Tl.is i. ly w IM leaf eequwed sf my of the tTatep I
st.. ►bade ir asela Won to ittr lw-
,( do *twee% •r Ince"A will* l ' tj p•ese;;II Yates of ptramlolstJaj I set bar Nraek ►1 dsmsfis► I se,.vNaly ftltShinR .tis .,> Nwmtbk.; g; public w►aats pnswst tapes bar attselival takes of "a h a ttMeaar 11 a till
al 6b.sf tbt Caowaeittwo 11i 1RarR weeh Tie desuibed r riieskelip 1: i FIIN i• IN 0. ie by hI eve disable, and lets sM Asthal. ttr0'
elf 1 ! ab@owl. '1* R a"" a /root Owenatllll owsbct wMb ae item plate, w b *Spas to eesoplotiee of Ili* road, !regi lrvewl gwirt@t. CRS@! titwr Dad