HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-12, Page 14Page 14 'The TuTtepAdvocate, My. 12. 190 WEE) 55 YEARS Mr, and Mrs. Milton Frock, Zion, celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary at the home of their son and daughter-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Brock, Around 60 guests were in attendance. several of whom attended the wedding at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William De'bridge, 55 years ago, 'N FANCIES agaraareikaa THIS 1 11 THAT By MRS, J. M. S. L A DEBONAIRE HAIR FASHIONS Featuring aameaa vaaaaa::: Will live in Kirkton Silhouette 'Hair Fashions )1)ecIalimilig in . • HAITI. STYLING • TIMING PERMANENTS TREA TM N TS 1101. r lased \ionnaY rups NI and Sat. 6 Thursday and Friday 9 Phone '23.5.21S1 401 MAIN EXE.tER . LtI H 1.11aNDRICK, Prep Pe air and airs. G.J. tioman And daughters, Susan and Beth lett on Friday for a trip to the weal coast, From there they will travel down the coast to California and home by way of the Stales. Musa Betty ,lean Hamilton, Andrew St,. was admitted to War Memorial Chddren'a Hos- pita!, London. last Tuesday. Dr, J. Gram and Mrs. Mills and family of Calgary. Alta a are :spending their three-week acation with the former's parents. Mr. and Airs. Ray Mills. Air arid Mrs. ,lack Doerr and Wendy spoil a few daas teat is colt with Ali' and Mrs, Ward Fiala at their SIAM Mtn home, Georgian Inlet, Miss Bonnie is engaged with Canadian Kea- slack for the summer arid Miss Susan is at Camp Onawan, near Huntsville for the month. Mss Marion Walker has hem atreeesaaul in passing her erade S piano examinations She is a pupil of the Royal Conser‘aiory Music, Toron- to Miss Pamela Erman is at• tending the Presbyterian Camp at Kintail this meek. Misses Bells' Coates. Verna Coates and Meta Salter are nn a motor trip to Western a'a'h ada and United Slates. Alra. Irene Hicks and son William of Cho. 'Mich.. also Mr. Allen Hicks of Sarasota, Fla , are t isrting relativea rn and around Exeter. Dr. And Mra. A. .1 Machin non And cathy, Gait, spent Sunday with Mrs R. H. Rua- Misa Pearl Kelps attended the aercite and rat-Potion in Parkhill 'United rhureb en Son- daaa Rra Paul Webb of Imre- burn. Saaa., 1:111C taw opea'kea He is 4 former resident Shmka. Rev arid Mrs, Webb .and three -ma are :.a.slnr.r Seraerober I for Hong Kong where :tar WrWri hr srr Mt; as ft in; ..,;•011;, r!. Mr. and Mra arm, Andrew Si . attended the feneral of Weir aousin, the late Nang} rho funeral home in Watford With mierme0 art lairkton cemetery nn Tuesdp., waaaaaeaaa,;ea, July is an important small fruit month with sweet and sour cherries, raspberries. goo; e• berries and currants in season. Raspberries is one of the choicest of the small Amos. Served as dessert with cream they are delicious. The con- sumer section of the Canada Department of Agriculture sug- gests: Glazed Raspberry Tarts 1 quart box raspberries la cup water .;`, cup sugar 2 tbl cornstarch few grains se 1 tbl lemon juice 6 large or 12 medium baked tart shells. Reserve 3 cups whole berries Crush remaining berries, add water and bring to a roiling boil, Remote treat heat and press through sieve. In a saucepan combine sugar. cornstarch and salt. Add sieved juice (about cup) slowly combining thoroughly, Return to heat and cook, stirring until glaze thickens and becomes clear, about 5 minutes. Cool slightly and add lemon juice. Arrange whole berries in tart shells and spoon glaze mer ber • ilea, Chill before serving, Sour Cherry Tarts Similarla. sour cherry tarts are made. 4 cups sour cherries. pitted la cups sugar 1 16 tp sal: I tbl cornstarch 1 2 cup water red food coloring baked tart shells. Combine cherries. sugar' and salt in saucepan and allow to stand a few minutea. Bring to boil and drain, reserving icier Arrange cherries in baked tart shells. Combine cornstarch with water and add to juice. Return to heat stirring constantly until the glaze thickens and becomes clear. Add food coloring until glaze is a bright .cherry red. Spoon glaze mei' cherries a r. ranged in tart shells, Makes 12 large tarts, Summer Vegetables Then too in July there are an abundance of locally grown vegetables. There is a new 24- Page booklet, summer Vege- tables, available free hr writ. ng to Information DiusiOn. Canada Departn.ent of Agricul- tare, Ottawa. The first part of the hooale' Is in chart form which gives at 4 glance information on the bus ing, preparing and cooking of some of the more popular -garden vegetables. The last half of the booklet includes seasoning suggestions and recipes for sauces to go With these vegetables, Salad Month July has also been designated as salad month and .July" 'Pa to a.8 is salad week this year. Growers, wholeaalera and re- 'tatlen join to brine in the at• tentieh of the public fine tittle range of fresh fruts and vege- tables that are aaailabie to them this season of the a-ear taalada are easa to prepare and are a hood to housewives wile attempt to escape from too Much cooking over hot 'to'. ea during the summer dace Times Are also ideal picnic and barge- rue fare. High in nutritive value hut low in ,ealories. They pro- aide health-glaing Node for tie- tice growing amine aediva. Food experia at aInerlonalt1 Institute, Guelph. remind. that ail salads linuld he enoi. •erian and colorful. Tossed salads; v.hether all green or multicolor add variety In any Meal. Add Vacuum Cl eaners Sales and Servict At Pairs and bags for all itiO dels of aaenuni elearters and pelishers, Reconditioned MA• thinea of all makes for sale. BOB iy ritg, kat %with Piat$Sa 140Titall 06r2 Carmel Presbyterian Church, was decked with pink and %iliac gladioli, fern and candlelight for the marriage of Vera Ann gamma. daughter ,of Air. and airs.' Benjamin ney, BB 1, Eaetee. and Arn- old Lloyd. Fletcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mien Fletcher, RR I Ian:talon, on Saturday, July 7 at 3.10, pan. Re' Ross Maellooald per- formed the ecremone and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, flensall, pro- vided the wedding .muste and accompanied the snlois t, .fames Dougan, Exeter, at ho sang "VII Walk Beside -You" and 'Wedding Prayer". For her wedding the bride chose a floor-length gown of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over slipper satin. The molded bodice of lace featured a saki• rota neckline embroidered in seed pearls and twinkling se- quins and lily-point sleeves. The aisle-wide skirt was ac- cented by panels of lace. A tiara of Pearls and sequins held h oc i (Id of la i:e a c h illu- sion. She carried a cascade of dark pink carnations. stepha' nods and IV) Miss June Tinned. only sja to of the bride. was maid of honor and Miss Betty Fletcher, Exeter, only sister of the groom. as bridesmaid were gowned alike in mint green silk organza. The scoop necklines were outlined with matching silk medallions and the bouf- fant skirts had deep hems ac- rented with flower medallions, They carried pink crescent boo- Inlets of light pink carnations. Gerald Ballantanc. London. was best man and 'Kenneth Clarke ushered. A reception WAS held in the church rooms where the bride's mother received guests in blue silk organza river flowered silk, white accessories and corsage of pink mums. The groom's mother assisted in beige flow- ered satin with orange mum corsage. Serving were Airs. Kenneth nilick,. Airs. Robert Beaver, Mrs„ Gerald. Bell and alias Ka- ren Tinney. For travelling tri Northern Ontario the bride changed to a brown linen suit with WRter• melon accessories and corsage of white carnations edged in orange, The couple will make their Centralia CWL host to groups The. Catholic Wornen.'s League of Christ the King Chapel of RCAF Station, Centralia, took the !oral of a social evening when. CWL, branches from Mount Carmel, St, Peter's and RCAF Station, Clinton were en- tertained, Mass was celebrated by the chaplain at 8 pan. with general communion .tor the members. A shwa business meeting fol- lowed al the community centre with. the new president for the year, Mrs. Paul Finch, in the chair. A hat parade drew many laughs and tremendous ap- plause. Mrs, B. Al. Cassis was awa rded the prize for the pret- tiest hat. Mrs, Lawrence How- ard, for the most cons enient hat and Airs. N. McAuley for the most original. Mrs. C. Hooper. entertain- ment convener, with the aid of members presented a skit and dialogue and an (Veiling of bingo followed by a buffet sup- per. "Mother tells me you've been a. bad guy all day:" Cathy s Beauty Lounge 147 MAIN ST, PH 235.1533 Perms « Cuts - Sets - Tints CLOSED POR HOLlbAYS JULY /1 to AUO. CATHY ROBBINS, Prop. /- home on the groom's farm at rItton A receptionand dance was. held in Zurich (.'inntattnity Centre in the exerting with large crowd attending. ,flit half •of relatives, friends .and neighbors a parse of money' teas presented to the newly st eds Cutting ,blooms vital for roses If you rut ruse blooms for indoor devawation, it 35 import- ant that you remove them coy- reedy. %Vital is not generally realized by many home .garden• ers is the fast that cutting the blooms is really a pruning on-• erasion. Because of this, 'the way you go about a will affect the 1110031,15 hieh are produced later in the season, 'I7o be sure that you get the beat results from your roses, here are some suggestions from horticulturists with the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Alyaw's leave 2 or 3 buds at the base of lime shoot when YOU cut off the bloom, even if this does not give you as long a stem as you would like. New erowth will start from the buds you have teat. Blooms that rue left on the vitae hush should be removed in a similar manner to prevent .seed selling, This is particularly important in cutting early sum- mer blooms, in the late summer rind fan, the faded blooms only should be removed. If you are having trouble get- ling the blooms to last indoors try the following ideas: • change water regularly. • cut a small piece off the end of the stem after changing the. water and bruise the fresh cut ends, • where the blooms have badly, try placing the stems to hot water for a while, The three-hundred-pound wo- man waddled into the riding academy. She picked a small. horse. and after much effort, managed to' clamber aboard the pint-sized animal, She picked up the reins, then began to wriggle about uncom- fortably. "Say, mister," she shouted of the riding master, "where is the saddle?" Ile surveyed the mountain of womanhood, then took a closet' look, WE VE PERSONALIZED BEAUTY SU66ESTIONS "ltdiilstt 4 DAUGHTER PLEASE LEND AN EAR, VVEVE FASHION NEWS FOR YOU TO HEARI' MODERN BEAUTY SALON BRENDA BRENNER PROP. PII.2351663 2 49 itosANN,sr. Messengers treat 'parents. At the closing meeting for the season of the Measengers of Maiu St, tanned Church the Parents were ;cleats, President Norman HMO! Was in the ehaie for a liecragrain winch included a finger play hi' Susan Davis, Debby Higgins, Lana Amberdian, Bayan Tue- ata Wayne Simpson, Lorne Brock, Mark .and Van Tuckey; playlet by Jeff ('arroll, Nor- man limey and Bruce Simpa son: piano solos, Susan 'laic- key. and Darrell Wyatt; solo, lapel Davis: duel, Miehelle Harrison and • Jud ith Waiters; chord organ selection, Miriam Ifiltr .and horn and flute num- ber, Mary Wilson and Miriam Bala. A play "Bonding a Strong- Body" teas presented by Chris- tine Tueltey„ludith Walters, Michelle Harrison, Cathy Mc- Donald, Mary Wilson,, Sitsaa and Jane 'l'uckey, Douglas Wareing, Darrell Wyatt, Bruce Simpson, Jeff Carroll, Miriam Hiltz and Janet Davis. Several choruses were sung and the alcisseegers served re- freshments, Stephen native dies in hospital Mrs. Joseph Carruthers, 65, the former Hattie Pearl Fi nal • Feiner, of Stephen Township, died in South Huron Hospital, Thursday, July 5, Surviving are three (laugh, lees: Airs. WiLlis (Pearl) liot son, Grand Bend; Mrs, Thomas Ruth) Dixon, Parkhill; Mrs. George (Willa) Elodgins, Township; two brothers, Charles 14'inkbeiner, Florida ; Arthur Finkbeiner, Dashwood; three sisters, Mrs, George (Freda) Kiernele, F'ort Erie; Mrs. Arthur (Vera1 Alelain, De. troita Mrs. Thomas (Bertha) logs, London; airs, Albert (Ti' Het Wesley, Washington. The funeral service was beta at the Al, Box and Son funera home, 'Parkhill, on Saturday July 7 with interment in Gran Bench cemetery, Bake better with Gas speak VOWS Paakets of gladioli, nnuns, fern and ivy formed the setting in First United •charein tins for the marriage of Bev- erley Mae Peptils, .daughter of Air. and Mrs, Desmond high Dupuis, 'Timmins, la John Kevin Delbridge, laramptoa„ sot' of Mr, and Mrs. John H. Del- bridge, Eaeter, on Saturday, .Jiine to at 4 p.m. Bev, W, Al, C. Kitts .per- formed the ceremony and Mrs. alciriel Doughty, T i m m i tt s, played the -wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Alt's, Helen Demisanitela who sang "Het' Wedding Day." The bride chose for her wed- ding a 11411(1.1141de gown of white Chantilly Lace, The bodice was styled with scalloped eeekline, and the sleeves were in Queen Anne style with pointed tips. The bouffant skirt of peau-de- sole featured lace panels front and back with full train, A seed pearl tiara held .her shoulder• length veil in bouffant style, She carried a cascade of red roses and white mums sprayed w i t h f ern and trailing Airs, Marian Evans, Bramp- ton, was matron of honor wear- ing a nile green, greet-length. gown of nylon organza over satin with short Chantilly lace bolero and hat of veilette and flowers. She carried a spray of it Tinimin$ white roses .and ma'am with fern and icy intertwined. Brides- maids, Alias ,Dianne .Pelbridge, E xeter, ,and. Miss Joan John- stone, l'unnuris, wore gowne of shecitiog pink nylon organza over pink "Lin ancl white lace boleros and ,earried flowers similar to matron of tumor. Flower girl was fear-year-old Debbie Palpate, sister of the- bride. She wore a White nylon dress with full skirt trimmed with rows of lace .and wide; pink sash, A. white lace bonnet. trimmed with pink rose buds. and a basket of cv,hile and pink Minna •enMploted her outfit. Jaek Taylor, Exeter, Was hest man and Bill Pincombe, E xeter and Bryant Dupuis, Halt- fax, ushered, A reception was held at the Airport Hotel where the bride's mother received .guests in a turquoise Serrano linen sheath with beige picture hat and cola, sage of White orchids. The groom's mother chose brown aillt printed dress with multi- colored flower hat and white orchid corsage, Far Leavening to Calgary, the bride changed to a two-piece apricot silk dress covered with brown and beige nylon print ac- cordion pleated -overskirt ,and white accessories. The couple will make their home in Brampton. Attending, the usedding -front 'Exeter mvcre air. awl Alts :Jack Delltridge .and all;s Dianne. Ma, and airs. :Bess Doh'inil, rtichard Dickins, and Mr. and Mrs.. Bill Belling. GET THE:OtowSTORY TODAY! no obligotion Make your wafer soft as rain Jake's PLUMBING & HEATING 235-1464 Barites. julienne strips of meat or cheese to give extra body. Chill all the ingredients well, including .the naiad bowl. Try tubbing the howl with a garlic bud to add a NM of flat or Use imagination in your sal- ads, let creaticity he your glade. Here's a baaic lettuce salad from which to start. Lettuce Salad Tear u::, daint, bile-at/x(1 pieces 4 cups cold lea; lettuce. Toss with a mixture of to cup cream, 11 Oils sugar, :4 tp ;alt and ai tb's cinegar. Now add tomato sections, radish slices, tiny carrot curls.. eelera sticks or and other salad- maker of your own make-up. TO56 again, if desired. Sprinkle grated cheddar cheese on lop Refrigerate until the moment of aerc Mg, Town topics UNSLICED SLICED NOW YOU CAN LOSE, WEIGHT AND NJO ITI 1I Ali if 0 tatatint • MEM. PLAN rAnboi We'll deliver clean, safe LP gas direct to your door, Enjoy modern living! HOTSON Propane Phone 156W Grand Bend NOTICE Price increase in Bread Increased cost of flour iind other materials has forced its In ineroaae the' price of bread, effective July Ili, 1 20' ERSMANS BAKERY MAYFAIR BAKERY Litilttiils ate solid ittb d —delicious santh‘ tub biscuits that satisfy your appetite and keep it satisfied. Two Limn-tits biscuits and a glass of milk make a delicious lirnited- calorie meal. Each biscuit contains 175 ralories. You'll get all the vitamins, Minerals and essential food elements necessary to' Maintain good health, yet so kW calories that you'll lose weight (as much as 3 lbs. pet' week.) Easy to carry in pocket or purse. Less than 330 a meal untiols IDA Ora Store PHONE 237 MR. ROBERT MR. GEORGE PERM SPECIALS Spring & Fall COATS One.Third IRW NTS MR. PAUL NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Located in the Basement at Armstrong's Red Gables Restaurant MAIN ST. GRAND BEND Summer Slacks and Pedal Pushers and some Blouses 20% OFF ',"4,44i4mio.4441ifiiii4t44.4.41,4444141,444,4444,440444:4444,444,44k4A4