The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-12, Page 13IL, 16-, 18-, or 20-40D1 FS 55 1 2-,, 13., or 14.30of 35 40 )r,;;;;;;•.-.;' 1(Uc,o' ‘7, "s' 3r7..):%'r. 7- There's CREDIT PLAN tailored to your needs We ran orrongt financing through the modern John Deere Credit Plan. Make a 30 per cent down payment in cash or trade . eo finortee charges 'hl harvest time .. toke foot hardest years to pay the balance All financing arrangements are strictly confidential, tat us work something •Out for you today. .went ► Exotot 2 .1115 ,urkh P$ results. New .plates for boats. 22 .Netios Treasurer Sale OF LAND FOR TAXES VIL.I,A.GF, of GRAND BEND County of 1.4AMDTON TO WIT: By virtue of a war• rant issued by the REEVE at the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND under his hand and seal of the said Coriiiiration bearing the date the nth day of June, Sale of :ands in arrears of taxes in the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND will be held at my office al the hour of 10 a.m. o'clock in the morning on the 10th day of Oc. Sober, 1962, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. N otice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the ONTARIO GAZE'TTE on the 710 day of July, 1962, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office TREASURER'S OFFICE, this llth day of June, 1062. MURRAY A. DES JARDINS, Treasurer 7:12-10:4 Notice to Destroy NOXIOUS WEEDS Notice is hereby given to property owners in the Town of Exeter to destroy all )Nox- ious Weeds to prevent their going to seed. Also, after July 1.6, 1962, pro- ceedings will be taken to de- stroy Noxious Weeds in ac- cordance with the Weed Con- trol Act. C, V. PICKARD, Clerk 5:12c In the year ending March 31, 1962, payments from the Unemployment insurance Fund totalled $466 million and the fund's revenues were $340 mil- lion. 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO ,OREPITORS. In the Estate of Barry ,Raymond: garroll, deceased. All persons having claims against the _estate of Barry Raymond Lee Carroll, late of the City of Haifa, in the State of Israel, Commercial Pilot, who died on or about the 2nd day of March 1961, are requir- ed. to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 19th day of July, 1062, after which date the estate will he distri- buted having regard only lo those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for Ancillary Administrator, Exeter, Ont. 28:5:12e 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of Finance Co. reposses- sions, bankrupt stock s, Bailiff seizures, and per- ;oriel consignments of mod- ern household furniture, televisions, appliances, and brand new clothing on SATURDAY, JULY .14 at 100 p.m. sharp at the CLINTON LEGION HALL Clinton, Ont., Consisting of the following — 2 piece foam rubber zippered cushion chesterfield suite s, large console model organ, combination radio and record player, chrome kitchen suites, 2 piece davenport suites, 5 TV sets, automatic washer and dryer, refrigerators and elec- tric ranges, conventional wash- er, 2 5-piece bedroom suites complete with bookcase beds, box-springs and mattresses; two 39" continental beds, plat- form rockers, coffee and step tables, hostess and arm chairs, tri-light and table lamps, other odd pieces of furniture, quan- tity of brand new clothing plus many more items which will he released before sale day but, not available for publication at this time. TERMS: Cash on day of sale,. 3'1, sales tax in effect, CHEQUES accepted, NOTE—this is an outstanding sale of new and nearly new merchandise. FRANKLIN MICK, Auct. 12e 25 Auclion Sales IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of UPON Power Tools, .Electric Appliances and ..other Miscellaneous Items on, the .premises ZURICH PUBLIC. SCHOOL In the Village of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by Public Auction on FRIDAY EVENING., JULY 29 At 600 p.m, Sharp Sale includes Yates heavy duty jig saw equipped with is h.p. electric motor; heavy duty automatic drill press with com- plete attachments and 1 h.p, electric motor; all steel turning lathe, fully equipped; Crafts. man mitre box and saw; table saw equipped with Pi h.p„ elec- tric motor; ledge grinder; metal shaper and roller; large heavy duty vice; punch press; 5 small vices; carpenter tables; table benches equipped with wooden vice; large assortment of saws, planes, drills, brace and hits, wrenches, plyers, etc., etc. Westinghouse electric wash- er; heavy galvanized double laundry tubs; ironing hoard; 4- burner electric stove; 5 desk- type Singer electric sewing machines with matching stools; assortment of tables; large cup- board equipped with sink; as- sortment of cupboards and book eases; chesterfield; occasional chairs; Heintzman piano; kitch- en utensils; carpet sweeper; kitchen chairs; desk. Many other miscellaneous items. Please 'Note; Above mentioned items all in first class condi• lion and will be sold without re- In case of vain, sale will be held under cover, Hay Township School. Area, Ray Fisher, Chairman Alvin Walper, Auctioneer 12,19c 235-1337 to place your Want-Ad Room 1 — Audrey 'laborer Grade 2 to Grade First ('lass Honours: Stephen ItOSSP, Alan Merrier, Ronald Sinclair. Second Class Holiours: ,lames Rader, Donna Schilhe, Howard Thiel, Mary Thomson, Douglas Turltheim, .Sharon Willett Third Class 'Honours; Patricia, Grade l toGrade First Class Honours; Kevin Bowman, rohn .Deichert, How- and Gingrich, Peter Hesse, Di- ane Klopp, Nancy .Shantz, Janet Vs'ebh, Second Class Honours: Joyce Lawrence Black, Abram De Mooy, Mauna Gas. cho, Elizabeth Gingerich, Effie Hovius, Ronald .Rader, Danny Schilbe. Third Class Honours: Peter Corriveati, Martha Erh, Allen Haye, Patsy N e e h, Wayne Truem net'. Conditional Promotion: Desjardine, Wendy Hay. Room 2 — Miss 13, Ayre To Grade 4 First Class; Barbara Brown, Cheryl Clauslus, Robbie Doerr, Maryke Demooy, Ralph Geiger, Carol Gingerich, Brenda Koeh- ler, Don (leach, John Thomson, Don Truemner, Second Class; Garry Hess, Larry Hess, Helen Liebold, Thelma. Ramer, Sandy Sinclair, Carolyn Thiel, Beth Troyer. Third. Class; John Corriveau, judy :Daters, Randy Decker, Tim Decker, :Marvin Erb, Al- bert: Hovius, Douglas Rader, Barry Thiel, Richard Walker, Sandra Webb, Jerry Willert, Dwight Zehr, To Grade 3 First Class: S a 1 I ,1" Dietrich, ,lohn Donovan, Christine Haber- er, Second Class: Bruce Adkins, Kim Black, Barbara Daf;ers, cart Gaseho, Marlene Ginge- rich, Third Class; Ronald Clarke, Room 3 — Mrs. Phylis Peichort To Grade 6 First: ,lo-Ann Thiel, Shirley Thiel, Faye Troyer, Dianne Zehr. Second: C a r y Trueniner, Elaine Westlake, Patricia Will- Tran,9ferred : Hubert. Thiel, To Grade 5 .Eirst: Dianne Adkins, Terry Black, Dale. Brown, Gwen Claus- ius, Douglas Comm, Diewertje de ',Ninny, Ronald Desjardine, Ruth Ann Fieischauer, Carol Gascho, Ed w ard Gingerich, Mary Ellen. Gingerich, Kay Hovius, Gary Hugill, Tanya Parkins, Marlene Rader, Nor- ma Schantz, Michael Walker, Linda Webb, Senna: Clifford fluigerich, Mary Catherine Gingerich, Deb' °rah Merner, Richard Schilbc, David Siebert. Third: Gary DRUTS, Dale Erb, Paula. Siebert, Transferred: Wayne mer- Room 4 — Mrs. Doreen Ocach Grade 6 First Class Honours: Marilyn Gaschn, Gary Gingerich„Allan Hulbert, .Carol johnslon, Larry Kipper, Ruth Lei hold, Edward Prang. Douglas Stade, Richard. Turkheim, Sharon Whittaker, Eltie Wynja. Second Class Honours; Dan- ny Black. Kenneth Clarke, Rich- ard Fisher, Stuart Gingerich, Lois Ramer. Third Class Honours: Richard. Grade 5 First Clasa. Honours: David Brown, Ronnie Corriveau, Paid Flaxbard, Martha Gaseho, Clare Lawrence, Shirley MeClinches, James Ratner, Linda Stade. Second Class Honours: Glen Gascho, Marcia Merrier, -Philip Rader, Third Class Honours; Sandra Desjardine, Room 5 — D, L, O'Brien (In alphabetical order) To Grade 9 First Class Honours: Sue Anne Goxon, Linda Gaschn, Sadie 'limit's Elaine Ilugill, Donna Kipper Ruth. Pepper, Cheryl Stade. Third ('lass Honours: .Rich and Thiel, Kenneth Westlake. Shirley 'Weirlo. To Grade 8 First ('lass Honours: Cars Fla.xha argarm Geiger, Ivan Pepper, Richard Shanty, Lynda Thiel, Dorothy Wagner. Scond Class Honours; Gor- don Meiling, Eldon Bullock, Brian Decker, John Gascho, Catherine Gingerich, David Gingerich, Paul Hesse, lake linvius, Sandra MeClinchey, Bert. Visscher. Third Class Honours; Gary Anderson, Douglas Erh, Anne Rainer. Conditional Promotion: Paul Cnrriveau, Ross Leihold, Donald McAdams, Sylvia Sterner, Tom. Merner, Ross Whittaker, " Donates Class Leader, JOHN DEB SS 1 .Isborne (These students have passed into the grades indicated. The names, except for grade 9, are in alphabetical order.) Grade 9 —Na ncy Strang, Allen Oke. Grade R Ron Parsons. Grade 7 — Barbara Dougall, Ronnie nougat], Diane Ike. Grade 5 — Lynda Dougalt, ,‘"lri,eysetej2:.erguson, John Knight, Marion Parsons, Rosemarie Grade 4 -- Lynda Parsons, Floyd 'Westlake, Harold West- lake. Grade — Kathy Ferguson, Larry Ferguson, Mary Siarg- aret jeffer, Allan Knight, Grade 2 — Cathy Knight, Lin- da Westlake, Gerry Zielman, Teacher -- Mrs, Haugh vonfiromomes IRVINE CLASSIFIED Quick RESe for andy's Savings Notice to Destroy Noxious Weeds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to property owners in urban and subdivided areas to destroy all Noxious Weeds as often as necessary in each season, in prevent their going to seed. Also, after July 20. 1962. proceedings will be taken to destroy Noxious Weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act. ALEX CHESNEY Huron County Weed Inspector The Timos.klyocotot jviy 12, 1962 Pa Le e horsepower or more will be to required fn carry special plates. any surface. The plates will state the re- commended safe maximum en- gine power and weight capacity limit for individual boats, Tile plates will he aimed at informing boat owners of the safety margins within which they must operate. To obtain plates where they have not been supplied by manufacturer's, boar owners must obtain application forms at customs offices or transport department steamship inspee• Hon offices. On the forms they must fin in figures showing various di- rnensions of their boats. These forms must be sent in a Pest-, See Page 15 .agOree .envelope to the super- "-•' ---•-- • • "----,..,•—• - New boat-marking regulations Intendent of nautical :safety, aainttlited ;lavte ,riivedouweeilnign .gaccoldi entssmiei-1 l deplalertmeheanrtgeolL being tl'a.n made transport, stilling from the overloading lawn, along 'with a .$1 fee, pleasure boats were announced ofset the cost of the plates and, recently by the transport, de- of the administrative arrange• pa rtment . merits necessary for their issu- Effective July 1, pleasure ante, Moats 16 feet or i nless length Th e oars will he, stt if.a ifix. "1 'n‘lthnard motors If and will stick permanently There's a Complete Selection of John Deere Self-Propelleds neemorms.oarcareasnA lets you get away with everything! The smalfer-than-big, bigger-than-small Chevy Li has ample space for 4. six passengers and their paraphernalia. You'll find room to stretch out in, comfort to relax in...plus handsome good looks to rejoice in! Regardless of the size of your gram acreage, we have a John Deere Self; Propelled exactly right for you 105 • We have the nio7.l romnieto line of 741. propelled combine: on torlay'g market, For custom operators and owner,. of really big acreages the new um' with 50, inch cylinder and platform from 16 to 22 feet is just what 11w doctor ordered. Many prefer the John Deere 95 with 10-inch cylinder and platform from 14 to 2,0 feet or the MI with 30.inch cylinder and 12., 13-, or 14-font platform. 14, 18-, 20, or 22-foot 105 An Job" Deere Sett-5,-ocetlock t.rr•-e„ 141 ,Ln design Tops in popularity with diversified op. ra.tors: everywhere are the deluxe 45 with platform from 8 to 12 feet or the octi. nomical 10 with 8. or 111-foot platform, .Ruth available with corn attachment. ,l1 five of these -self.propelleds. feature, Hi-Lo design, balanced capacity in all mitts, and simple, but complete adjust. II1(111t$ to insure,A better job of combining in any crop, any crop tondition. 111,1=;i74734:1=Z:V=ii..ZErn7:17;" We give quality service „ hove o ready supply of parts We have a erimplottl ttoff of framed tOmhin't .,d6cfor ,, " They were tronInd cif n %oritiol foe., lorY Cronhine T11tlst1 %eiviremeri nr6, 2 21-houi colt dining. h,ts lionvesting pe riod, We hove r. etstrolaTt no-ts supply—he waiting wrier) tit& wit'l us. You gel fast, complete service tat tea.6acible Cosi. 70r111)7.172.11171,117,7317,0r.M.....-STA. A GENERAL MOTOR'S VALUE Model 'Illustrated Neva 400 4-rjeor Sedan Fully loaded, your low-priced Chevylijatillts eagerly down the highway eating up the miles without eating up gas/ Your choice of peppy 4. or husky 6-cylinder ongine,,, fora new, smooth brand of performance in a choice of eleven models, Whitewall Iltcg'bptionalatextra tost SNELL BROS.: LIMITED PH DS.0660 Choy bldt CerVair Envoy Chet, Thidt3 tXETEll New 105 Model With Z4Pick p, 20 Foot Hood ors Coming in