HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-12, Page 12O Exeter 2 bedroom E Sharpest Thing on Wheels! LET'S TRADE Pegg I2 The. Times-Acivoeate, 41Iy 12, 1962 Classified Rates 9 Services 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 16 Properly For Sale 17 Property For Rent 22 Notices .... .... .... ..... ....._ ........................ „,„ DO. YOU HAVE a hearing CHERRIES '— MentMorency, RASPBERRIES, Red, g o o d RED BEETS — 40c for .6.qt. BUILDING LOT,. 46'xi90', c.en- APARTMENT, VOW, 3 Morns problem, Consult Mr. S. R. blacks and white sweets, ready quality, ready now, Phone Mrs, basket, 60e for 11-qt., good trolly situated on John Street and bath, heated, .private MA- TOWNSHIP OF STEPHL7N 2 Words .85 NOTICE TO. Sydney who has had over 16 July 5. Pick your own at Mur- Robt. Bell. Hensall, 3444-1, quality gearanteed. W e s I. e y East, E x e t e r, contact Ray ranee., stove and refrigerator' years experience helping the ray Bros, orchards on Ridge 12* Hackney, Frayne's store, north Francis, Kirkton, 34-r-3. 12,19* supplied, good location, in Ex PROPERTY of hearing, at Albert Hess' Road, Bosanquet township, be- 12,19* PROPERTY OWNERS 5:12o tween 6th and 8th concessions. GRADE IX high school books, end. .. . _ . .. _. 150 ACRES in .1Iensall area, formation phone 235'0477 eve' • eler, Available June 30. For in- TO DESTROY WEEDS Each Additional Word 3e .. (Minimum 85ei jewellery store, Zurich, .Satur. 5112* half Price. Call 235-0447, _I.2e BINDER., Massey Harris 7', choice, level, fertile soil; well nings, 235.0003 afternoons. 12e $169.0.0. with Trade tubs and stand. Phone 235.2642, 12" silo, good brick house, int*. Pinery Park, sleeps 2 adults, TRAILER, stationed at .persons inis 1PleorsesIgsiogill"Onf Inlan%ll> • ill aceordaece with the weed I day, 7 to 9 p.m. and Minneapolis combine with drained, never failing well; 20c Off OIL HE,ATER, Duo therm, motor, phone 36-R-9, DaShiveod, 9 CU, FT, REFRIGERATOR heats 6 rooms, $25.00; 2 g,a1v. Lloyd Campbell.large L shaped bank barn, 13' . ., . , .. If paid by Saturday following 1.0 Livestock for Sale last insertion. 12e PRESSURE PUMP, Duro, used, merit shed, small hop house. 2 children; furnished; avail- control act of 1960, 3, 13, 19, ;: that unless noxious w e ed s COWS—Holstein springing cows in good condition, phone Crecli- ,14.,Vall.Z;IBtoox CON, Exeter Times- able July 9 - July 20, Aug. 8 - . hreds and grades. Phone Keith FURNITURE d, APPLIANCES OPEN STOCK CRYSTAL 12"` Sept, Call 228-6982. 5:12e growing on their lands, within • Second. Insertion and heifers, clean test, pure- SANOY ELLIOT'S ton 234-633e, 12c the municipality of, the Town-- 5:31-7:26a lead crystal made In hest for ti ton or 1 ton truck. Apply C. V. PICKARD HOUSE, 3 or 4 bedroom, bath hn sb1;iPju olyf 1561;7119167 4aurde tidne.osItirgohyoendt 1-lensall, oil heat, modern ba 21 /2 PLR WCIRID Marr. Lambeth 652-3200, 12c by Olympia, beautiful hand. cut FARM RACKS — Complete set t Minimum 551 ) C A St P TRAILER, folding, u Turkey Beverages, 2344505, 12c and kitchen. Close to business the season, the municipality HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, vacein- sleeps 5 adults, very compact, Pleasing you pleases us, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE section. Phone 267-J3 Hensall, may enter upon, the said land 12* and have the weeds destroyed Six Insertions ated. bred Hereford, due soon.. weighs 550 lbs. 211 Columbia HOME FREEZER BUY charging costs against the Apply John Berendsen, High-WILSON's Jewellery .1, Gifts 2c 17' WIZIRD way 83, 11 4 miles east of Dre RCAF Centralia. 12* lac Kelvieator 17 co. ft. freezer We have clients prepared to HOUSE, 4 bedroom, in Exeter, land in taxes as set out in the. t Minimum 45e ) Farquhar. phone Kirkton 21r4,see lolit, minilmere'ldi conveniences, 511%91e: Acft tiZenrjs'b rs eca°;'anPeesliayrtiQstellield,a:" Holds 595 lbs. of frozen food buy, If you wish to sell, . ?8:6:12,,, 7' BINDER, McCormick, on 12,19e rubber; 7' McCormick cultivat- USED BELL P I A N 0 with 5 year factory warranty us semi-Display Classifieds 50 WEANER PIGS, 10 to 12 or; 2-furrow McCormick plow; "honky-tonk" built-in attach• $239.00 home, Exeter North, almost Phone 235-2420. Signed, . bench, Rosewood, has special COMFORTABLE three-bedroom Delivered, Installed & Serviced First Insertion—Per Inch $1.40 (Restricted to One Column) weeks old; also 1 year old alt in York hog, guaranteed, phone DeLaval cream separator, used good condition; electric Alex Masse, ment. S n e 1 gr o v e 's, phone 235.0770. 12,19c SANDY ELLIOT'S ehen, modern bathroom, new condition, convenient kit- new COZY APARTMENT, furnish- ed and heated, suitable for ' Township A, X C.1.017 StephenS N E Yi Weed inspector, Bill Yearley. 234-6289, Credi• 2 summers. Apply FURNITURE & APPLIANCES oil burning furnace, garage, two, private entrance, available 12* : Second Insertion—Per Inch $1.25 toll. 12* phone 73r7 Zurich. 5:12* 12c well kept lawn and garden, low J 7. Apply 170 C actin g St. uly 12,19c Minimum one inch, accepted taxes, moderate price. 12* P0, phone Dashwood 37r4. July Sale 14 Wanted To Buy FINE 4-BEDROOM home. This 2 BED - ROOM APARTMENT, ; only in multiples of 1.AJ inch. SIX WHITE YORKS, 10 weeks MILK COOLER, used. Apply old. Ken Baker, Shipka, phone Cr o c k e r Refrigeration, Hay Classifications 41-r-6 Dashwood. YORK HOG. mature, purebred, 5:12c iosatoad laornge abribcokanitifsui lill yeneterelood. n e w, unfurnished, a vailable tLti egaulsi (;, c1..11,P11,1movii.ls.e GOOD STANI N G WANT E D: T I M B E R lot in a choice location. Rooms 227-4410,26o, apply Cann's Mill Ltd., Exeter, CHERRIES—Sweet white cher- OF' CORONADO are nicely laid out and most 12c ries and Montmorency sour Apply in writing, stating lot, have been recently redecorat- 3 LARGE ROOMS and bath, 1. Lost, Strayed phone 235-1782. CHEST-TYPE cherries. Bring your own con- ed, Full basement with oil- heated, separate entrance. fur- : 2. Found concession and township to burning furnace and permanent Wished or uhfurniShed " Avail- 3. Mate Help Wanted 11 Poultry For Sale tainers, Pick your own. Beech- Forest, phone 1.71rill, 5;12c Freezers Ailsa Craig are offering this property at a St or Phalle 235'0736 12*tfne wood fruit farm, Jim Brown, ROBERT EAGT,ESON tubs, New roof, Garage. We able Aug. 1, Apply 169 William 4. Female Help Wanted 5 Help Wanted STARTED PULLETS, Suss, X 5:17tinc price often asked for a small 6 Business Opportunities Red, Red X Suss., Red X Leg- GRAIN BINDER, 8' John AND FRIGIDAIRE two-bedroom house. ONE-BEDROOM APT. — On 7. Teachers Wanted horn, up to 16 weeks of age. Deere ground drive; also 1.20' ROCK ELM for timbers, over Slain Si,, available August I. Coveneys Hatched„ Mitchell, 7" drive belt, in excellent con- UPRIGHT FREEZERS :14" in diameter; also good elm, • S. Situations Wanted W e also solicit your business in. Livestock Foe Sale 12.. C.:ars. Trucks For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 13. For Sale 11. Wanted To Buy • 9, Services Phone 348-8002. DUMP TRUCK, 1956 Ford 3 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 12,19,26" dition, Apply John Stewart, phone 54r7 Kirkton, CHEST FREEZER-18 Cu. FL Westinghouse with all the ex. :):12c See Us Before You Buy Ailsa Craig, phone 293-370:059:9:6 soft maple and hard maple bushlots. Les Morley, RR 2 for any type of general insun once. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR redecorated, available imit112:1 394 Main St., Exeter HOME, 1 1,2 store', completely diately, 11 Anne St, Phone Gould and jory, phone 235-02172: GIRL'S BICYCLE, junior size, tra features. Reg. $329, Now Phones 235-0310 and 235-0114 235-1377, 16. Property For Sale Bend. ter. 1,20 Drysdale ton 25-R-23. Mrs. John. Bat- 8:24e 15. Wanted ton. F600. Phone 161W, Grand 5112* only 5259, Phone 235-1033, Exc. in good condition, Phone Kirk- : 17. Property For Rent 1955 CHEVROLET, 4 door with ten. 12" 20 Wanted To Rent 13. For Rent 39, For Sale or Rent back up lights, turn signa l s MAXWELL MARINER, 4-cycle. Crest CHILD'S CRIB, used, phone 17 Properly For Rent and oil filter, low mileage and outboard motor, 5 h,p„ brand 235-1417, N E W L Y MARRIED, quiet 21, Property Wanted 12 * ware,Only $189, Beavers Hard• 12* APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, mo. couple require spacious, clean 20. Wanted To Rent in excellent condition. Phone new, 235.2712, Phone 235-1033, 12e RETIRED GENTLEMAN would 6 Huron St. E. M 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices dern and comfortable, 1. The former sim- Phone 235-2080, G. German, 145 avail- furnished home or apartment in Exeter, latter part of July. 13 For Sale K ELVINATOR WASHER Hardware able July is Wanted --- 21. 'renders Wanted AND DRYER M.OT1S Apartments, Sanders Si, Delivered, Serviced & Installed Write Box PLX p,m. 6:14* tine LAND, from :30 to 250 ac5r:e1 a2: 25, Auction Sales East, phone 235-2012, after $300,00 for the Pair like room and board in a FILTER QUEEN sales and PHONE 11 -IIENSALL ich, phone Hensall 696r2. Washer has 12 year warranty Ttiliini ei te sr-Advocate, sdivdoecnact% , 12* MODERN HOME, 2-bedroom, fall possession, Write Times- service. Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- 8:31tIne SANDY ELLIOT'S 12,19c Advocate, Box No, 6633. 12,26c in Exeter, available immediate- BURROUGH'S Cash Register; ROOM & BOARD, available by FURNITURE d, APPLIANCES the week. Phone 235-0320. 12c ly, Phone 235-0395, morning or evening, STENOGRAPHER truckload, delivered Apply to MIXED SLAB WOOD, $30.00 12c fan; Blue flame heater; McCas- Duotherm space heater with 5k12tin 22 Notices they safe (fireproof); Under- ROOM & BOARD REQUIRED HOUSE, 2-bedroom, in Exeter, Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, 5-DAY WEEK wood typewriter; Dressing mir- for D.H.O. employees. Please modern conveniences, Mimed. I WILL NO LONGER BE re- 3:22tfnc EVENING POST SATURDAY for 66x43 inches; 5 kitchen or reply in writing to Mr. L. D. iate possession, Phone 235-1771, sponsible for any debts incur- or phone 232-4450 Nairn. For permanent position in Ex- store lamps 12 inches in dia- Barrett, Dist. Eng., D.H.O., 12,19,26e red by my wife, Elsie Noreen eter• office, good salary Apply STOP SCOURS — Get Habita.ne Now available at meter (prismatic bottoms); Stratford, stating aecommoda- Joan Cooper, formerly of Cred- Box NAB, E x e t e r Times- HALF THE NEWSSTAND Advocate. 3:8tfnc Compound Scour Tablets for PRICE - kitchen stool, steel legs; front Hens available and rates for APARTMENT, 2 bedroom, all iton. This notice to he in effect _.........„.._____ calves and pigs at Middleton's door (set in glass) 6 ft 1.0 in, room and board, for 5, 6, 7 day modern conveniences, in Exe- as of July 5, 1962. Gerald WOMAN required to bahysit Drugs, 359 Main St., Exeter. 50 Weeks $5.00 by 334/2; 36 inch steel trunk; week and daily rate for room ter, available. August 1, phone Cooper, Crediton, Ontario. two children beginning Sep- 4:5tfitc 100 Weeks $10.00 can be bought for less than only'. 12c 235-0146, 12,19* 5:12;19c tember. Phone 235-1303. 12c Limited time offer half price. Apply W. 0. Good- win, Queen Street, Hensel!, Ont, 16 Property For Sale McSTEPHEN THE TIMES-ADVOCATE Phone 136-W. 12,19c 5 Help Wanted AUTO WRECKERS Phone 235-1331 R,R, 1 Crediton 12,19,26c COMBINE, Oliver model 18, MEN nr WOMEN start your Behind Centralia Airport 17" cylinder, 7-ft. header, pick - Call JB own Watkins Business — full STEREO SALE—Three Loewe- up, Scour clean, straw spreader or part-time. No experience Used Tires, Wheels & 'tubesOpta. AM-FM stereo combos, and lodged grain reel, In good at necessary. Write J. Gauthier, also made in West Germany, now at condition. Cut about, 150 acres. Batteries. Seal Beams summer clearout, prices, from Apply Mrs. Cecil Carter, RR i 350 St. Ruch Street. Montreal 15. Que, 5:12;19:26c 1863 Guaranteed $200. S n a I g r o v e 's, phone Clandeboye. Phone 227-4631. 235-0770. 12,19c He NEW 3-BEDROOM, on Marl- borough St„ full basement, oil heat, garage, $71 per month after down payment. chester and fox. registered Business -Directory TERRIER PUPS, Toy Man- 9 Services and unregistered. Mrs. A. Mae- 2-BEDROOM on beautiful cor- Intosh, phone 227.4598 Clande- oye. .'•''''' . ...'Ae....A.M'(*:,:.:•.,AVV:MftriellitIftte ner lot, Carling and Thomas DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL. b 6:14 -7:26c .'',:kiesigeratae.t,.:a,:' ,streets. Heat for $100 and taxes For dead rir rhaable,1 animals, C. H. RODER, D.C. G. A. WEBB, D.C. only $172. Canada Limited. Phone- Collect Bargain DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 2-BEDROOM TRAILER on Wil- liam St. Owner is anxious in call Darlinz & Company nt Dashwrind 35r15, Licence No, OFFICE HOURS CLOSED WEDNESDAY sell and will sacrifice. , 175 C-62 1 Stine SWIN G.LINE TACKER Mon., Tries., Thurs.. Fri, For Appointment Ph 235-1680 JOHN ST.-4-bedroom brick. STAPLERS 9 - 12, 2 - 5 ANDREW ST, -- Lovely drl Bruce VphOiStery. Carpentry Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7.B SUPERIOR. home, ideal for duplexing, By Appointment Please Priced to sell. MAINTENANCE Refrigeration insulating, displays plus hundreds of other uses. Office Phone 654 Home 108 SERVICE RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS — MAIN ST.-3-bedroorn brick. 3- -ALES &ND SERVICE Commercial, Industrial end bedroom brick. TYLER STORE EQUIPMENT REGULAR $12.50 MACKENZIE & i Resdential Janitor Work ICE MACHINES RAYMOND Venetian Blind Cleaning CARLING & MILL, STS. •--•2. ON SALE s9.95 bedeOm rug brick. PHONE 224 GRAND BEND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FREE ESTIMATES 57 Wile 4 NOTARIES PUBLIC VACANT STORE and dwelling ------ . . While They Last Reasonable Rates ALL TYPES of lawn mowers CHARLES L. MACKENZIfil,—$500 dowe, sharpened and repaired Have THE TIMES-ADVOCATE B. Comm., LL,B, PHONE 235.0963 EXETER COMMERCIAL property can- sharpened the Electra- PETER L. RAYMOND, B.A. sisting of 2 stores, on Exeter Main SL Suitable for any type I,een way. perfect cutting ac- 7:12,19,26* Hensall Office Open N. L. MARTIN of business or could be. easily onn Floary Madre balanced . . . Wednesday Afternoons OPTOMETRIST converted to 3 apartinenta, for trim operation. Apply John- RASPBERRIES—We will have NE t351234 EXETER Teems, ti,.'s- shell Station, Grand Rend, raspberries for sale by the box P HONE Main Steeet, Exeter Ont., Highway 21 South or crate on or abbut July 16. Open EverY Weekday 2-I3EDROOM within blOck of 5:2111tic Call at the farm or phone J. C. Except Wednesday Main St., oil heat, full hasp- , 274.32 Hoisall. ALVIN WALPER Merit, attached garage. ANYONE wishing whitewash 28;5:12* PROVINCIAL For Appointment Ph 235.2433 2-BEDROOM FRAME, near ing or disinfectinz barns for - - LICENSED AUCTIONEER Riverview Park, full basement hrucellosis. contact Bill Wat- SHERLOCK -MANNING pianos 1-on, phone 3762 Dashwoort for the modern home are care- For your Sale, large or small, DR. H. H. COWEN with oil heat. 5:25etfnc fully built from selected efi a • courteous and efficient service DENTAL SURGEON SEVERAL good budding lots terials to a high standard of at all tittles. L.D.S., D.D.S. in Exeter. WII.IL DIGGING--Ma , piano eraftsmanship. choose "Service That Satisfies" Chine due 1 ft in ft, diameter from A models, 3 finishes. Snel.4-BEDROOM Ouse in Li and deepening. Highway 85, Phone 119 Phone iE3(21E5 T-0E94 Main Street 1111 to no ft. de.e0: repairing grove's, 235-0710 Exeter. 001-4WOOto Exetercomplete modern, hot water Elmira MO 9-3741, nr Liman .. . .1:).Stfiic sponsible party. heat, low down payerit 16 ria. 'Cleaed All oily sAtuoloy* RA 7,40Ait, .27:104fne CHERRIES ready now. Plek PHONE 235.0233 SEPTIc TANKs ruwED a your own ot get them teady 086ORNE 8, HIBBERT picked at Ted Vaneyk's fruit MUTUAL F IRE DR ^ J. w. CORBETT JOHN BURKE /"""dial° service, a I W a Y farm, 1,x-inile north of Forest a,,ailahlt. Harold Sutler. Tx- on Highway 21. 5:12C INSURANCE COMPANY 1,,O.S., 'D.b,S, bevori Building REAL. :,"STATE BROKER Limited can, phone BA 7.4254 or BA 7- — . . IANTAL SURGEON 1312 colitTI 5:91the KELVINATOR 30" RANGE Head Office --,, tkotor, orit. cy•s 'r ti M ownimNa and Automatic oven timer, minute Directors Olken* .th,1681 AiOrtTGA6E 1111.0K ER a nu ntz, 12 f t _ mlf -propti led minder, removable oven door Exeter GENERAL INSURANCE A 1\111ton MeCurdy Rh. t Xirkton rerithme, Nn calls on Sunday. 3 year warranty, plus 10 Preeident Closed Wednesday Afternoons INCLUDIN6 LiFtl Harry Knit', RR I Clanclebnye, additional features L:! mile north of Mooresville, Timothy B. Toohey Phone 228-6218, 5:1210* SANO;$119E76°L.LIOT'S viet.Prosidta EXETER RR 3 ttlean BELL & LAUGHTON bEVON BUILDING rARPENTP.Y. alterations and FURNITURE it( APPLIANCES William it chaaad ,, RR 4 120 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS ',9,' Phone 285.1863 7:5 ,tinin M i tc h ell 'NOTARIES PUBLIC repairs of all types; kitchen - —• cuphoards, roofing, hew addi- CHERRIES • Montmorency E. Clayton Coloulmon Rlt t firms and garages. Phone. 235- ready this week; sweets 15c Seleiled Hill :ELMER D. BELL, Q,C, _ W, C. PEARtt , REALTOR Rea' Estatv Insurance C, V, LAUGH TON, Q,C., LLB 86 Mine St, Phone 2354408 ino7, 7:5.10:4e and sours Ae per lb. Wilson Martin Feeney IIII, Dublin - — ------ - ' ' StewardsOn'S, Forest. Oat, 5:12c /ortcli Difiti Tuesday 200 acres, Seafotal, cash crop Afternoon M. J. dAtErt EXETER 215-2426 _., OWEN:NO gr swyrtim; — . • • ' — - Robert G. Gardiner MI 1 Put your name- on our list of MONTMORENCY CHERRIES Croinatly -164rigliliW"asytotli;0 farmin g 6e6hil Abtliti rt000,4 0i110.1itibt Will14111 C# Date ropeat customers. Make early ready now. Bring. containers PHONE 23S.6440 LEkETE arrangements for all yout and plek your own; good Pielt. AOettite 6holet 14.3 ores. Some huh. Ogled Phone 41 Residence/ 62r3 combining and swathing so that :ing: Raspberries will he. ready 'Hugh Bennis et' Dublin dtetla, sonic fifties, harvest time. C. R. Xtlight, farms, I mile .fierth. Of .fruit phone' 235-2606. $:120 on 21. IlighWay, phone 639r11.. ClOt" 1.16."1 Mlithell 'DRUGLESS THERAPIST CHIROPRAOTOR AN6 '81117Itili688'1211)411'..ti6itilD611311ttigkil' 0,h8726:1;11 taint .„ , .., ,.. ..,. _. A no ran serve MI better at about July 18 Watson's frOit Harry C641,68 RR, Centralia JOHN WARD, b.tl, -40T Tv TRDUBLES1 — Just -- - ------- - .. 5t2e 861lititart Ftrst Mortgages Rive us a ring, we'll solve 'ern SIVErr CHEAMES are now MIek°12k 4 1101ileh""ter 15 Wellintiteri :SL., atrati Calf- -Know how -. prompt- ready; also red 'MenlmotoncY, imss, reliability and trocision, Pick ;Vete aWn. T. W. SleWard- Saeretery-Teeeaurer from PUt room, . 'corner WARTIME HOUSE -.eTWo-lied• lot, Welt-keel, Arranged t xd o. :0; mAgyt 014610 1 2 72 renovated througheltd. ,Contact at reasonable rates. Call Snel. sett, MHO aellth Of 'Ravens. All'thilr Fraser Cal Wein, 172 Anne Sf, W.„ grovws, 2,33-677rl. 121fit wo6d, ,5tI20 Phone 235-2035, 12tIne 4 female Help Wanted WAITRESSES or waiters for licensed Dining Room. Apply colonial Hotel, Grand Rend. 12.19c PHONE 228-6214 4.-yeeneakeeeeeleeeeveaearemen-a:fae.e,vea...aettiea..eb, .::e.angatteakiteriaaeeeliitroiike!' All modern conveniences, completely redecorated, on paved road. Ideal for young or retired couple. $3,000 down, terms, EXETER (Riverview heights) 3-bedroom home, attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 down. EXETER 2-bedroom home, with full basement and oil furnace, $1,000 down, GRAND BEND Over 20 listed properties in this area. Soo our resort representative, William Dace, Lake Road, Southcott Pines. Office at Main Intersection, Grand . Bond, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE with living quarters. MILK ROUTE (Exeter area) — $8,500; 1060 truck and van. Terms. MOBILE FEED MIXER, With established route of over 50 customers. EXETER — General Store, $2,000 down. BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION Listings invited. Real Estate H. Hodgso n Ltd. South End Serv ice Miss acid Chuck Snail 03.1122 ..extto# 1961 ('OME'l' Sedan, 6,000 miles, just like new, blue. 1051 CONSUL SEDAN, black, whitewall L fr e s, red interior, better than ever, only 18,000 miles, 1900 MORRIS MINOR, 850 model, 10,000 miles. 1959 VAUXHALL SEDAN, real sharp. 1050 VAUXHALL, estate wagon, tUtene, sharp. 1059 VOLKSWAGEN, real sharp, 1057 METEOR Sedan, auto. matte, 2.torie, new tires, 1957 CHEVROLET 2-door har dtop, sharp, 8.01, automatic, 32,000 miles, just like 110W. 1053 CHEV SEDAN 1052 PLYMOUTH. SEDAN 1050 CHEV COACH