HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-06-09, Page 1U SIGNAL
LI Arleta 4 Psr6[tiabed every Thursday
Office, 'Jla►Let Square, Gaderu:A.
'rJ'• Book bed Job Printing ezecuted with
nr• ' sets and dispatch.
Teske rf the Horrors Signal.—TEN
SHILLINGS per amount if paid strictly fa
adntaes, or Twelve sad Si: Peace with
the ezpiratios of the year.
No paper dtacoataaued until arreart.*re
pard Irp, asks* the publisher thinks it his
ads -setae to do so.
Auy wadividual in the Country becoming
responsible for *is sebscribers, shalt re-
ceive a seventh copy gratis.
Irk All letter% addressed to the Editor
must be post-paid, or they will not be takes
out of the post office.
Terms of .tdrrrtuing.—Sia bees sad
uadt:r, first iu: ertion, £0 2 6
Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 7i
Ten, Iiaes and under, first inser., 0 3 4
Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 10
Over ten lines, first in. per line, 0 0 4
Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 1
!I� A.liberal discount made to those who
advertise br the year.
Adveritsemeuts without written instruc-
tions will be inserted until forbid, and
charged accordingly ; and no adver'isement
discontinued unpaid for at the time of witb-
drawel, rules by Ibe consent of the pub-
jr! A N he enna.lted at all hone,, st
Me. 7.,T, ,, Boarding Horse,
( formerly lie Bri(i,I. Ilo(.l.)
Goderich. April tet h. 1859. vS
street, (lodetich.
Jose 1818. - 9•n25
A RINET MA I< ER, Three doors Fa.t o
' the Canada Company's office, Welt..
,tweet. Gnderieh,
August 27th, In$9. heas0
ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Cony/yin-
mer, a dicer in Chancery, tete. has bra
u:fire a• fnrioerl% in Sirstfnd.
Stratford. 2n4 Jana IBM). 2vn19
Aug. 2btb, 185:L y6n31
vNOTAR Y PUBLIC, Commissioner Q.B.,
and Conveyancer, Stratford.
110 anya$C0.
CARDS, &r'ci
ffureri Rood.
(W..t'of Mr. Thwarts' Store.)
Dee. 161►, 1162. 03.46
'Wear ST*KKT, GoDI• ca,
A Preeared to furnish DESIGNS and
PLANS, os the most reasonable term.
Gudertc►,,Nor. 181h, 185t. ,5n43
to the Victoria ilotel, Weal Street,
God. rich, 'use Constantly on band, a choice
•tock of Tinware, Cockn,g and Box Rio,..,
ke., which be will sell at considerably re-
duced prices,
The b,gbert price paid in trade for old
copper, bras, pewter, sheepskins, est( sed
bee( bide*. feathers and rage.. All kisds of
Merchantable produce taken in exchange at
cash Pliccs,
Goderieh, Feb. 19, 1850. e5-ne
(Ons door East of C. ('raters Slier.)
WOULD inform teelnhab.taot• of God*
rich and neighborhood that b. is pro
pored to make to order or otherwise, any
kind of Leda'• and Geotteme"'s Fine or
Percy pork, in the seat.•t and most
fashionable style. And will oleo furnish
bees, Boots and Shoe., to suit the ne
ceasews of thine that may favor bon with
Then custom. Ilia prices will be moderate.
Godcrirb, July 29th, 1850. v5n29
1.3 %opposite Back, i , Hovel.) Genres of
Deeds, mad Tathnt..treete. t -endo.. C. W.—
School Book., ('omm.e sed Classiest Beek -
B.ndiee 'gad Relies n( every definite.** Ex.r.-
Iede.'the Pr,n.,.e..
Q Orders for Aeon, t Reeks, from :he Trade
or Omni', M.rehan,., pine.nally atbaded ono
and • hMr.l theme..., •lI wed,
Loudon, Mach th51. 4,4
SHIES GENTLES, Goderieb.— R• %% CANA, MITCHELL,B1 Atteoei.e IListieis always on hand. ACCTIONEER, Aeeeentant and Gene
Godericb, Sept. 12, 1350. ,3-n30 owl Arent. Books and ,rennet, ad
jets/ed. and 011 kind* of Deeds draw
Barrister mrd Atloreiee at Late, 4'c,.
JOHN STI!ACHAN Barneterand Attor-
ney at Law, Notary Public and C..uvey-
I Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chan.
eery, Conveyancer.
Godeneb, 17th November, 1351.
Office 27, Dundela Street,
LO.YDOX, C. ir.
August 1816, 1832. s5n30
[Market square, Coder -irk.)
A GENT for the Provincial Mutual sad
r' General Insurance Office. 'I'or.•nto;
Also Agent for the St. Lawrence County
Mutual, Orden/burg, New York. L' cal
Agent for Samuel'Moul.on'. Old Rochester
Nursery_ July 1850. 22
1Ve.. of W. E. Gtace'a Store, West
Street Goderich.
Pm,. 19, 1852. s6 -n4
Agent for Ontario Marine 4• Fire in-
surance Co.
AND ('. 't'EVAN('ER.
INSURANCE: effected on Boum, Sbip-
p.ug and Geed..
All kind. of Deeds correctly drawn, acid
Book. and Accounts adjusted.
Office over the Treasury, Goderich.
July 22. 1852. .5s911
FORWARDER and Commission Mer-
eheet, Storehou.e Keeper, g 1
Agent. for the We of Wild Lands Cleared
Farrow, Household Furniture aid Produce
of .eery eloeertpt.on.
OAice, peat door, North of the Kincar-
dine Asrm., Goderich,
%Isiah 24th 1859. v6 -n9
•IIANUPACTUREIt8of Hat., Cape end
tasty Fur., Wholesale end Retail
Dealers to Pure, B„IT.Io Robes, Deer Skies,
Glove., Mitten., lac. ke.
Cask P.id for Pre.
The \fermi' price paid, et all liven ib
Cash, for all d.eerrptions el Shipping Eur.
by F. k C. 11. BUHL.
Heroic, Michigan. Aug. 1151. ,3n28
Farmers' Mutual insurance Co.,
CAPrrAt, $1,000,000.
2RA HOPKINS,'families, Agent for
the Countfee of Waterloo cad Huron.
August /7, 1820. 1,16
pUICL S TAVERN, London Reed.
May 1861. •4.1!
flARRL$TF.R. SohaM
tnr i■ C•tery.
ell '..-.t-L.., Css,eysseer. ke.
ke, O/ks : Overt.. Beddow*. <* Jj.
gpefte lh. Gore Bask. awl Ih. Rosh of
•IIiMlier Nor;b Armories, HAwILro0. 410
vlY1L gNGIMLER end Preelaetel lay
reerveysr, Ge4eriel .
Aped 110, 1*51. e4a 11 •
ACTIONBft'tt, r. prepared 10 attend
*lleirdete n is Nr poet of the [lamed
Ike, .e Iedeeelle time.
fletatlsed, Mee 11100. •4-.14
Sales attended in any part of the country.
Letters •ddresed in Mitchell or HWpur•
hey, w,II be attended to.
April 5th, 1853. 1600--1y
GROCERS, Worm Merchant.., Pewterer*
and OJmen, No. 17 Dundee Street,
London, C. W.
February 25tb 1852. s5 -n5
At:croo'KRa, la prepared to attend Sales in
any part of Ibe United Counties, OD the
molt liberal tern,e. Apply at Hee First
Div1e0011 Court uf!'ice, or at his house, E•st
Street, Goderich.
N. B.—Goods and other property will be
received to sell either by private or public
Ja:ucry 8, 1852. - ,4n47,
HAVING dicing the pact tins years acts
ed in the capacity of GENERAL
AGENT for the collection n( debts, deeiree
it to be generally underetoon that he will
accept the Agency for the collection ot
dues in any parr of ahs Upper Province, be-
tween I-obourg in the Ea.t and Lake Huron
in the %West. In making rho announce-
ment, he would beg to express hie thank,
to No friends for past favours, and now re-
spectfully solicits a continuance of the
All communications nn hosire,e, address
ed (port pad) to Ayr P. O., North Dem
fries, C. W.. will be promptly %tended to.
April 1, 185e. 'Ante
NEXT door to H. B. O'Conner'. Store,
Went Street, Goderich. Clothes made
sod repaired, and cutting done on the shor-
test notice, and moat liberal terms.
December 3rd, 1851. ven49
LOT No. 50, ise the 31aUand Cone's -
Yon of the Township of Goderich,
continent 117 aeres of the beet land, of
which 60 are cleared end well /meted, situ-
ated on the banks of the River Maltlaad,
8 miles from Goderich. There is as ex-
cellent 'loose end Bare ire the prestlse.,
with an Orchard of the cko'ewat frena. se-
lected from the Nurse ry in Upsrlante, U.
ted Static For terms apply to the Sob.
British Exchange Hetet,
kith J•uary, 1833. vie011-3.t
New Grocery
11I1E Solteeetber would re.pe,rwlly in'
bre, the lehe►nant...1 Godeneb and
N►renedtng Country, that he brie opened in
the above Zine, two enors north of Neter
McDestelt'e new Seek Ile.•,, Market
Ogeere, Owderreb. Hl. .tock ',chides all
horde e1 GROCIIR1R4, vomiting in pan
of To, Memo, Reisrs•1 Caresmes,8prwe,
Akre: —Apples sad Cider of the eery beet
le the hove(., LJ.e w(tl be rowed Plmsr,
Ostopest, inns,. Keg., Ham, Beet, Por\,
P.tstwes, Ogee, ke.
¬ dawerm.ssrf M beep terse boot ,rte
glee *1 tee bent gwahly, sad to sell grasp
et the •aa time% he acv.*e to revolve s
Awe et peals( patrewetpe.
roman .a4 people frets urs ene.try
WNW 4. wolf to este, se he wimp perw6.
Mf every np .. N Pendees, roe which
be will pay the kigbat ,sae Mt price.
A chores aoortere.4.1 Wimps to horst!
Mer p.
aT Tan arta os lira rata.
Of the Proceedings of the Municipal Council 1] [he L'tutu!
Counties (JHUMPS and Bruce, May
meeting, 11553.
60 Mored by Mr. \''aliace, seconded by 111r. Fraser, Theta
By -Law be framed to remove all doubts respecting the Town
of Godericb's liability to pay say ot the amount of the 1:125,000
of Railroad Stock, taken by these Counties, and Ibat the 'Gown of
(;oderich take on their own account from sewn thousand, to ten
thousand pound,--'1'hc above was referred to (Le Fwauce Com -
'I'be Council adjourned till 12 o'clock to -morrow.
WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, H. & B.
':oUNcIL Room,Goneaicu,
ay 6
Tbe County Cowed met Bile day atSHuron uron Ilote
(Gentle'%) for the Special purpose of passing a By -Law to raise
£5,500 with interest to build a Wire Suspension Bridge over
the River alaitlsnd pursuant to a public advertisement to that el-
The \Warden in the Chair.
Messrs. HAYS,
DAV 14)8ON,
Messrs. LAMB,
A By -Law to raise by way of Loan the sum of Five thou -
and fire hundred pound, with interest payable within ten year.,
for the erection of a bridge accros, the hirer Maitland at the
Town of Goderich" was read, and a Petition that had been passed
by the Town Council of (;oderseh, when the Council weal into a
Committee of the whole on the By -Law. The \Carden nomi-
natedMr, hays to the chair.
'Fbe By -Law was read and approved of, when the committee
rose, lad the Warden resumed the Chair,
'Pk By -Law was agate submitted, when it was
Moved by Mr. Hays seconded by Mr. Girrio, That the By -
Law relative to the Wire Suspension $ridge be now passed by
the ('ouseil.
Uu the yeas and stay. being called for the above, there voted
for the motion Messrs. Hays, Garin, Young, Wallace, Davidson,
Johnson, Woods, Lamb,`Irraser, Walker, Gibbing" and Holmes
—12, agaifat the wotioo Meows Atkinson, and Flanagan --2,
motion carried by a majority of 'fen.
WILLIAM CHALK Warden, 11. & B.
The Council met.
The %Vardea in the ChairaxscNr.
/levers. WALLACE,
Cot: ec1L Room, (;oDERICH,
1.2 o'clock sone, May 6th 1853. j
Messrs. LAMB,
(iI ItVIN,
The minutes of yesterday were read over and approved.
61 Petition from William Bissett and a great many others
was received and referred to the Finance Committee,
62 Arcouit of marriage of Registry hooks was received and
referred to Finance Committee.
63 Letter from the Sureties of the contracts of the Maitland
Bridge referred to Finance Committee.
61 Moved by Dr. 'Woods, seconded by Mr. Johnson, That
in consequence of natural decay and probability of their being re-
quired soon a new bridge over the hirer Hayfield at the Village
'of Mayfield, the County. Surveyor be instructed to examine sir, cry
and stake off the line of road that will be moat suitable to join the
continuation of the straight Zine between the 1st. and 2nd conces-
'10ns of the Township of Goderieb, baring reference to Mr.
Kirks report of last summer as to the site of a New Bridge—
65 Mored by Mr. Fra.ser, eecooded by Dr. 1Vnods; That the
tiext rseetiog of the United Comities of Huron and Bruce shall be
held in the Hotel of Mr. Francis Walker, Peoetsngore Kincar-
dine—On the yeas and nays being taken, the motion was lost by
a majority of six.
66 Moved by Mr. Flanagan, seconded by Mr. Atkinson,
That the County Treasurer be instructed to furnish each Town -
reeve in the United Counties of flume and Bruce with a statement
01 the amount of wild land tax mooey due to their respective
Towtnhips, in order to afford en oprortunity to expend the same
advantageously early to the season in said Townships in Improving
the back roads --carred.
The Council adjourned till four o'clock P. M.
Coulscn. Room, 3 o'clock P. M.
The Council met for the perpose of rereisiug the report on the
asessment rolls. The Warden in the Chair, and the same mem-
bers present as ie the foren000.
Hep.•r( of the Committee on assessment rolls was received and
Rad, when .t was
67 Moved by Mr. Bays, seconded by Dr. Woods, 'Tical
sack of the rolls as are properly certified and totals given be re-
turned to their respective townships if the Reeves of such town-
ships do hot have each roll, to -morrow morniog at nine o'clock,
sad that the report be recommitted --carried.
The council adjoer.e4 till sloe o'clock to -mon net morang.
WILLIAM CHALK, \Valdes, 11. & H.
4 The Council met sod the Warden resumed the
Thchair, the same
councillors pretest as in the forenoon.
Report of the Road and Bridge Committee was received and
referred to • t:emrni(I.e el the whole.
Tia Wanks .emi.ated INr. Y'omng to the chair. Oar the :Re-
port being read, Nos. 6 sad 7 were adopted.
Oa No. 8 being read, it was
68 Moved by Dr. Woods eeronded by Mr. Johnsen, in ss
sleek as it splicers trickle that the. ('starer Is in • position to
groat taeeie• 10 improve Cos.ty mads which are ins bad state,
ere deem it only reasonable to greet the prayer of the petitioo of
♦rebih•W McUloy sad others and therefore grant • sum of £2i)
to titllpnav the bossdsry litre between Hay, and Stanley. On the
yeas oil says being taken oe the above, it was least by a major-
um trfllNtrn. T4. report was eossegsa J, ewfir•ed.
Ne.40 sod 117 ware adopted.
001U 39 being read, it was.
19 Moved by Mr. Davidson seroaded by Mr. Girri*, That
16.1 t of the report relative to set greetieg 44.0 for building
theiD i0ge at Port Afbett be net adopted, bet tet 140 be cant-
ed for 'risme the Ned bridge- -wslioe lost by • •sjoetty of
Report .treslsestIp tatr.hstrd..
lie 47 tablpid.
(leder ch. Nov w+, tkht
A&THU4' 70 .60 b.1 it ae►ed 1)r. Wends, of-
'sowrooted by fir. Jn(,-�. ((be se dtlirers.eyea No. 50 in the
Report be not adopted—motion Lost by • majority die, Report
No 51 adopted.
The ('oiernittee rose and clam Warden resumed the Chair --
when the Committee was sears submitted, coofi,med *ad adopt-
71 Moved by Mr. Fraser, seconded by Dr. 'Woods, Thai
means be taken to continue the present cut road lhrugh Ash-
field to the Town line --motion lost by a majority of six.
72 Moved by Mr. Wallace seconded by .%lr. Johnson, That a
Committee of three (and the Warden) be appointed to select a
suitable site for a Court Hou,e, or make arrangements for a suit-
able site for a Court house, or m..ke arrangements for a suitable
room to hold all Conrtsand Cauuty meetings, In order if neces,ary
tbat plans and specifications for the erection of a Court house
may be advertised for --carried by a majority of eight. On a
ballot being taken, the Committee was declared to con.i,t of
Messrs. Holmes, Hays, Woods, and the Warden.
The Council adjourned til to -morrow morning at ten o'clock.
Wr1LLIA,1 CHALK, Warden, 11. & B.
COUNCIL Roux, (;oo,.ucu, )
May 7th, 1`853. 5
The Council met.
The \Warden in the Chair.
Slessra. HAYS.
.1011 N'TON,
Masers. LAMB,
Tbe minutes of yesterday were read over and approved.
73 Report of the Finance Committee was received, when the
Council. went into Committee of the whole on the seine. 51r.
Wallace in the chair. The Report was read and adopted, when
adopted, when the Committee rose, and the Warden resumed the
chair, when the report again submitted, adopted and confirmed.
'foe Council met relative to Assessments. The Assesstoeot
Report was received, when the Council went into Committee of
the whole on the same. .lir. Johnson io the chair. The Report
wav read and adopted, wIeu the Committee rose and the Warden
ie-utned the Chair, the Report was again submitted and adopt-
The Council constituted themselves into an ordinary meeting.
74 Mored by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Walker. 'Chat
Mr. Wallace be -added to the Committee appointed to select a
suitable site fur a Court house --carried.
75 Moved by Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Davidson,
That Mr. Allinson be idled to the Committee for the selection of
a place for it Court house—carried,
76 Letter from Mr. Gentles to the Warden and Councillor,
sea+ receired and referred to a select Committee appointed to re-
port on the site for a court house.
The Council adjourned till two o'clock P. M.
1V1LLlAM CHALK, Warden II. & B.
COG NCU. ROOT(, Goderich, )
May 5th 1853.
The Council met, the Warden in the Chair, and the same coun-
cillors preseut as in the forenoon.
77 Report of the Committee appointed to report on the site
for a Court House was received, when the Council went into a
Committee of the Whole on the same. Mr. Flaeasean in the
chair. The report was read and adopted when the Committee
rose, end the Warden resumed t6.- chatr. ',Pie report was egalo
submitted, confirmed and adopted.
73 Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. ]lays,' That a
Committee of three he appointed to carry the proposal ree, ecrtng
the Court Room and County Offices into effect, and male their
arrangements as the salve may demand —the Warden to be added
to the abort commtR•e--t arried. Ou a ballet being tal.cn, the
Committee was declared to consist of Messrs. Hollow., Wallace,
Woods and the Warden.
79 'Mored by Jlr. Young, secoidcd by Mr. Girsin, That
the Committee be authorised to make such at rengements for pro-
curing the money for \Ir. Gentles as they inay see fit—carried.
The Cnmmittee ap;,ointed last session to report uo the expen-
ses connected with the administration of Justice in thew Coun-
ties (No. 70 ot last session) reported progress, and naked lease
to sit agaain—leare granted.
S0. 5Ioved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. Young, That
the members of the investigation Committee be paid Councillor's
fees for the rime they attended or. such committee—carried.
The Council adjourned Oil first 'Tuesday in July.
Iluron and Bruce.
D. II. RITCHIE, County Clerk.
Of the Committee on &hods,
Members:—Messrs. Latah, Hays, Woods, Minoan and
Holm... lir. Woods no the chair,
',lith reference to a Circular letter received from the Count.
('leek's (Mice, Cornwall, requesting the co-operation of the
Council for these Counties in petitioning the Legeslature to sub•
stitute our general comprel.ensive Free St hoer Law. Your
committee beg to report that they consider the ptinciple of the
existing School Law vrry rrasoaable, ivasumuch 1*,•ath School
Section is at liberty to adopt the Free School principle if con-
.idered desirable. Whilst on the other hand a compulsory Law
might with justice be cons,Jered by many parties as oppressive.
All which is is respectfully submitted.
NINIAN %VOODS, Chairman.
O% tfre Suspension Bridge Committee.
MIernbers:--Mews. Wallace, Civil., 'Voting, Hays and
Holmes. t%'m. Wallace, Esq., iii the chair.
liner committee haying eaauioed the documents submitted,
be Deere In retort as follows: --
That wber.a, this (esmeii has mitered into s enetraet with
Meesr,..1 ohe*on and NcBwrn (or the erection n( a Wore Sus•
Iwo.ien Brid,1c a1 a eert.is place arra.. 16. me"
Your committee would reeemmend that no dertenon be made is
the cite, or in any utlwr way to affect t\s co•Iract with the abort
Yews committee Mvieg had an .iplanation of the weight
Me matte* beet Ito stream as well as the •scowl they are topside
of canning—t$le serplae N,eagth of 0* cables heiwg 155$'10
Ilia. dere thee the grottos( ere aght the nobles will ever Is. re-
quired to bear, secrwdieg to the rekulatine that the Wire Wide
at ila.iltoo hes been tested. Y00( committee feel eesiipl
that the eakslatiess rd the Rie1'aeee ere teetered.
All of which is ►iepeethly ataO11Ni.
(AMpt.d )
p o ctrn.
The fullewut ►un.uroue lir .., so appro-
pri•tt to the bapnyeeent we hate this week
omen eelebrruor, ere t the pen of A. G.
GiapP, try. ul ree Butl%le rupees. and
were rent' t.y bon e1 the Ant 0.1 Ft •t
.d the St. George a Soc buy in that cit?.
Ito, brother! Tin a B•it.sher,
A chip of heart of trek,
Thai wouide't *alp or swerve, or stir
Fleln "
bob 1 6..ugat ur ap.ke—
Anoyuu, a blunt ani b.,oast min,
yb•for*aid kind and true;
1 iJtr.tell you,tB',.i , r Juna'h,a,
'first )ou're s Britun too.
1 know your Ileac, an limiest heart,
1 real your mind and wilt,
A greybuund ever eo the start, 1
1'o run t'.r honour .1.11;
1a 1 rhe: rill .c -team a likely p'an,
And etnnt to nee it done,
1 tell yuu, Btoll.er J•.hnmban,
'Punt yuu and 1 are one:
'God save the Queen; delights you .1111,
And'Brur!, t;noad.ere,
The good old strains your beart.atriega
And ceteh you by the ears.
And ere—O has us It you gas ,
Fur we WV pruuJ it yuu ;
We ii4. you, 8,otb,r Jau.tba• ,
:1od'Yaokos Diorite' too.
There's nothing foretin in year face,
Nor strange upon your tongue,
You conte sot of another race,
Froth borer ;image sprung.
No Bruner, th-,ugb swat you ran
As lruaot boys will do ;
Yet true itis. y,u.g Joaatbas,
Our fathers tatber'J you
Weil well ; and every praise of old,
That makes us fern sue
You would be jun, aeJ ruty tea bald
To .hare .t .t yuu
S.rce England's very lint began,
Till joy the why Jay.
The hail Its %our'.; but j ihnatbas,
What made yuu go away 1
0 Reuther ! could es bolo be one,
la not •n a. J in nam.,
Huw gi•d:y eoulreihe very sea
Ire btaktag in oar fame
in either w•.ttd to teed the nn,
And• co ahead for read.
While earth to John and J•,mttbas
1'wIJ tribute grst.tude•
Add but your @tepee and gulden stare
To brave St. George'. truss,
Aod never dream et mutual were—
To each a m.,iunl lura.
Let us two bleu a here uiher bas,
And bless wbere utber. bile;
.Ina se my curd:•I Joi.at .so,
Weil ba. I ea.culete•
What morel 1 touch mot holier things,
A litter •trstc io wive
Nur glaar•v at prophet., Pries% and King.,
Or heaven., kith or kin.
.1 erred* with memos, sed man 11116 man
0 let . u• h.ari. Le thus.,
As Uaviu a lone to Junathai'a
Be Juoriha„'s to us.
- ......--.L.—„--._......11.11.
,- ,4
tat eves two by the eery tinnily, *J1 ao#
be items for • gluts of "toady, a patio .4
ohlth can ►• para./semi iae Humpehlllis_a
and eve. at a less ?rine kg the tack. IJ 1
east is ors u( casks ore set Nw efts,,
fo,e4. A ewu.ee*awe k.pprned kers .
(••w days ago. A wotwao wa•I,J to "rain •
the wierl." SW, 'wed as e'.p. y uo i t.1.L.
`.6..re west to Port Kent an1 perebase i
1 two gallu•e of cheep !wanly, procured a
tidier, mid ,Jdu,ittee! the Jout oat 'DJ think -
see et a eertau pr rte pre cep'fa. Ti.
"6.11" came arms /Wordily evening, an 1
continued till toward rn-rrnin'. Bit ih, y
h.c.•no so borer and drunk that wens pe -
son informed the S,er:fl! who im,ntJ,. e.,
repaired to the serves. If t J 1 not, t 0. -
ever, reach there unt,1 the donee wuijore ,
but he f.u:nd two ince let ling • third es
the bank. Tun drunken min ma* se's. 1.
out in pi ►••n, and on 'ho (.11.i,ruay Monts./
J caused these lyre,• The seaman ha I
raised money enr.egh'out of the •pec•Ilatio.e
to take the ran and ens:.* her escape /roar
the town. Bol the b..t pmt is yet to kr
roll. The mer oho g .t drunk wad Arm-
polcd to discloae where he gut his l.i 1 is
*ea the person we whow t'.• wo nab hm,l
the haute. SS-. eras a nn .'t w•ov10 ani
made gate a profit ,lit, e(teul bion, bit etc •
man wa+aw(..11y .i,5a:u•el et t'i' p.rt h 1
plavrd in 11,e drama,
The truth is, nus !sew works most 'In-.
ri rusty yid ha. mire filen 14 1a -Jar thin
everhr4 before. It has been so promptly.
feilhfetly, p,Jeceru,ly awl es,* pleasasti
exerted, that scores who vu'el spinet it
+ren ,w its etc"neeet (vend.. A f ,* week,
ago there worn a huedred plat.. is this •.1.
lag.. where 16• rui,rrn'J, stuff won
sad 'freakier parsons w •re often seen inglh'
streets: but now the 'erne is chanced. 1'
is the opinion or well informed civ ilisne gist
there are scarcely three places in the whet -
town, if any 41 al!, rxerot that authorize
by law, where ht' for earl 6, pnrrhased; ant
a drunkard in the *tred* is new • rue
oche if lb• people noon the other side of
the Lske_woulJcelle hereapJ pre fu them -
seise* how admirably roil law work,, sent
how completely it Aay deed up those foun-
tains whrece is.ucd .o many streams •f
came, degreest on. poverty,. and ruin, w.
feel aa•ured that 'they would buckle on
their armour moil ■beet's for jolt :such •
law in the Empire Stat;, Ore*. get such a
law reacted iw ynar State, sol let it bee
exeeuted is it has keen executer) here, and
It woold never be rrp.slnd. Y••u might a •
well attempt to repeal the law against mur-
der or any ether cr me as repeal sues a Liv
ie tha, espeef.liv after the pnorA. baso seen
and felt its benefici,l results.
li more proof were needed is show how
.hor,. ghty our low lies done ,t, work in
this stairs. it can he easily obtained by
,Pendine a few hoars in the stare of our
agent, Atha ie comm:. one 1 lo sell for
m,dtcai •. J n'rchaii;eal perp via. H. is a
shrewd man, and, as the , uton ray, has bis'„
'•weather eve open" It is no•i► a d,71rs11
matter to deeeive hien, for he .has studied
w. 11 the repro in the ship which be is ap
pointed to earl. Steen (hie law has been
jud:eieely end yet virnronsty executed a
hundred cases ofsickndk. street. where there
war net apparently one before. And it is
snssing to Iie:en to t e /stories and witlss.
the ingenuity of hundrrde who route after
Mmol, but who go away. with thirsty sto-
machs and empty bottles. .'to a general
rule, when strengern call, the agent re -
'Inters a eertificatc from a ehys!dan.
"'Mr. D.. 1 wish you word,' putt a pint re
one best townie in this bottle;' said a well
',eyed 'ware ,nen, placing the bottle on
eeminter and some ramphnr it .m 'heed°
''1 want it to mix .ei'h this ramphnr.
Fc docent thinks it will tic cool fur m..
I en •omewhit out of he filth this spring:
'•C.'tainlv," ranked the a_e„I, whit • en
en ,mile wee 'playing ■bn.•t No turners
o mouth, The'iq-i .r was drawn end par'.
to the bottle, The argent is a polite
.1 ibnn-lit he w•,oll•'s, the vv-ing gen.
min the trmrbtoof mixing the caulpheie
wit!, It by doing .1 himself. Ito 'cry polite
ty and kindly p•i.vera'.I the gear aeJ put
it in'o Ihsbottle, while the young mantle.
man ,ifenUy looked on *;1h a face tart
much clnrgateJ.
"Therr!tc..ntinned 'ha e_'cnt. 4f'b,,.
tofourth.br,nJy, aaJ wilt moarr cut tkeestts.
The young min tui i a hull dollar fur the
hta drip it the b.rttie in hie pocket and
enely walk• J nu',ewrsinZ to hie heart Omrious kindness of the egcnt. The thin,
• dons up ea .monthly aeJ kindly that
thirsty enure teen r -.old not .a
nod, but bo face lo,k J utterable
— d
Boause:cs, May, 11, 1853. th
The citizens of chi Green Sluuntats it
St•t1, and especially the indebit int* of the '1'
greeny town of Berl,egtoo, who love gaud as
urd' r and low rates 1„r rem melts d.uper. 1
lMin, .aceeJ.ngly regret that the L'•gtsia• at
tune art New York did not, et its lest sen• hi
.run, enact the /Maine Law, and tin retry in
dry up the f..uotaii;a of liquid pui-un able!, an
ere new sending; out ti sir stream. at Jeatti t'e
upon the W'rrtern shores of Lake ('ham
plan. Se.ce nastgalion has opened upon su
the 1•kr, re° of our inhabitants art' both
asses go across In the slean,beata to Fort
Kept. end tidy brit g it over to our ildu.
fort lies• is rue scented a'sr off- It bar,
in fact, bemuse the great ' Drpot for Rel.
yet,” se it o mo.t appropriel.ly *iv led.—
True. our law it so stnngelrt, and dee, up
its work so :ho:oughly tb.t 16. rralf.e to
very much restricted, so far sa Vermoniera „t
are concerned, and yet small q-'aot.tes of , el
5 II
the poison occ.-tont• find ti,eir way to our
060,0. The ir.ffic 10 now prncipally cone
hoed to woman, who.e shells and petlicua'a
are q este cee.y.h lent to cosce,l CAD j tee
sod keep them out u( the me16.s of the
law. A few weeks age., one man Veot„Md
to purchase a fa cloy ga:lo0 cult of gin,eut
it *.s or -1•41 ons•-a•d the boat rte lion a,
she rams to.6. *half. The 1 rater s,,
advert:seI, sec.;rd.. g to law, but no oo.
dared to own it. Tae purchaser *as too
cunni,= t., cone fur*ard and e,1110 th,
1 quos, and thereby sehject b.m,.:( tea fine
in addrtios to t►e loss of • ceettebasd at_
elle. LMe a f *lob a,an he reoinrad 1.
purchase the :Teo, but now, 1.kc a w
one, he bee dow,, sad kelp, dark. T wit
1 quer was coeden,ned and p.nred tato the 1 ea II
Irks ,o post n 'he fisbr,. 13 fore the new
law street int, force, the ►fluff ea, reed Gee
Iy to many proms homers among the VW,.
er cla.ar-, aeJ a est deal oft •retry add
wretch.do.as was occas F nuc'. 1, .t
us, Weans' generally p1sMtd serer these
iuw h.use.gretg•n.r, 504 tree au...e sf
1r em 00* whir.• .0..,. are large sea
skirts ernsdr **slur" • the lake sea
►'tet back a taw pg., tet two! are o••nrp• iI
0J Io be very siy in thee eipt•'attone, for
law .a rosily a greet terror W tbcm,�
Pealsps woos of your readers way Hsieh went
..et. a .meal iraai weuld'it pay 6,e..,., ht,
1►* fare epee 6.. hots* would sr e low up wa+
•w al
sir the prolate, but t►t female rumni.er. Ywk
know "Penn which rad. Steil brtrse i• butter- and d
*J. Kee* re y 'beep Moody •,d other 1I'h
peer liquore conies** as eeere.asly k.gb
yew, 15 lbw market whew retailed y the
11 s.. Tim pr' Oleos • toe pais• 1"4
si•1 pay alt ripeness M 4w both way%
pureh.ee the ls;eet, end Moe a Inv pole
.l eco'• to the wetmesCir p�o1, A OMR.
Woman cone with the ":mot. Ind herb►"
111 lbc:r butt l0• all reolr 14 be sleeked in
I,goar, but a phy..cie r • cert Crcnte bait a
more putent chum .,Ib i6. agent than bol-
hl'e.! %ult hearts. S ease ens., diel
Sr the:, children with sere head., earl
l lir Ihe,n .s .nJ lCementa to obrain tow
nr,hilt thes1•nt think• pion curd water
her beet ten Fors) ailments.
Will yo h. en hind a• to lel mw have a
of new yarn, (Sod Mese ye." said .w
sly woman. ".ny poor h,srha,rl basa'1
e 4o.p for three .w.k,." "Irl him
hoot j.., t n,r.s war 6. !ant' r and b•
nal wast 11 all," r.olred the agent. 1
L't Int tow ha•. any,"
A rnwgh !n. k *p e..toreer came in •,s )
waMe•1 t q•rerl el a eehnl. Th. sten•
pr nap -I,
ire par +n t ba)i.l•d :ire ►nett:e to eke maw,
"''no most 6 e (art hoer yen nee t►1• ar-
tY e, (.r .t .e ing lite ae►nn;.
r.pp",e .t'Ik. Ink+ n1* lure," gruff!,
replied the man.
\'.ry i., 6 .ns it." sMrwrred the •roes
wmihnr, • 1t retitle!' a half*, and toenail Or
Ikwstrs whenvnr •1 g. •. "
•.Thea I will thank yak t1 esehaege it
f.r sinew
✓ egemt .1- cline,! 1 ' Lordly look
1104, p,ut LIM /h..as,W-y, and urs
/Pray with so empty j g acid•
ver. Aswth•► re ne limp*/ il• lay
eel tore rents* wl wow ►„m to bays
Tb Sara • • I N
thither* • week to blithe Mal er
shit k ow 4eer he e std O•
out betting i( b saw rem. A pky
e..* hr•p bel to be peruse , who ►e,N,o,
herr' n W. b•'t who 1-e Pr.e-teed Nosey peer.
h time 0117. T n'hyper's* tell Yid hips
alt lha •"rid qa+l„y 1* she ren No Moo
wNw la tr. sad McMed Mew ho knew
test •wee. lee tew.i• 4 mans poi
( 4 .N tJlselt t4lala
1• t