HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-12, Page 514,
Products Of
General Peters
Frig' ire
Sales wt
Drysdale 7:t;i' , ,„,
Miracle Whip
$0.40, bt'eSSIell
1.1.6thiett tat
Whole Chicken
lb eta Aneereget':.:
Hensall personals
and district news
Mrs, Mat/de .Hecii;len, Phone
Archie PlecGre9or, Phone 56
Creating considerable interest in Hensall is this sheel-metal monitoring station, near
the, CNR, station. It's one of three in Huron whose. job, according to E,MO Co-ordi.
natal. Murray MacDonald, is to take readings of radioactivity in the atmosphere in
the event of nuclear attack. Those stations have a couple of bunks inside, will be
able to broadcast information. photo
Hensall fallout station puzzles kids
Mrs. Alice Joynt returned
home after a 10-day visit with
Dr. Harry Joynt and family in
Toronto. They spent the week-
end holidaying with Mr. and
Mrs, Laird Joynt at their sum-
mer cottage on Lake Simcoe,
Miss .Lassie Dortga11 was visit-
ed by her cousin, Mr. Wayne
Henderson, Mrs. Henderson and
family of Plover, Iowa, U.S.A.
on Thursday. They also visited
with Mr, and Ales, R. Y. Me-
Laren, also a cousin of Mr,
Henderson. This was their first
visit to Canada, which they think
is a beautiful country,
Bob fledden and Jack Foes,
of Dresden, are spending a
week vacationing with the for'
mer's uncle, Herb itedden,
Mrs, D. G. Williams and fam-
ily are holidaying for three
weeks with Mrs, Williams' par-
ents in Ottawa,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Redden
and family, of Dresden, spent
the weekend with Herb Hedden.
On Sunday, July 8 the family
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John
Elder of .Hensall met at the
home of Pearl end. Delbert
Geiger west of Zurich for their
annual picnic,
Mrs. John Henderson is a Pa-
tient in Clinton Public Hos-
Mr. and Mrs, Ross 'MacMil-
Ian and. David, of Kitchener,
spent. Sunday with the latter's
parents. Mr, and .Mrs, Laird
Mickle and family.
Mrs. Bill Knights and son
Stewart, of Blenheim, visited
this week with Mr. and Mrs.
'Harry Snell,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby of
Blenheim returned to Blenheim
on Wednesday after vactioning
for two weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Snell and Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart McQueen,
Mr. Charles Mickle, who is
attending •OCE Summer School,
London, spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Laird
2Vtickle, Bob and Ann.
Miss Beth Conk visited her
cousin, Miss ,loan Hopkinson at
Lions Head.
Peter Bisback is a guest with
John Goddard at the Goddard
summer home,
Mrs. Lou Simpson, who has
been ill with a heart condition,
is improving.
Miss Sandra Troyer won a
pop up toaster at the Trade Fair
at Goderich last week.
Larry Payne of St. Thoma.s is
visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr,
and Ales, Carl Payne.
Mrs, Lorne MeNaughton is a
patient in Victoria Hospital,
Amber Rebekah Lodge picnic
scheduled for Monday, July 9
has been postponed unlit. further
Miss Mary Payne is visiting
Miss Sharon Merritt, St, Thomas
fora few days.
Mr. and Mrs. James Jenkins,
janet, Judy and Gordon, left
on Wednesday of this week for
Northern Ontario where they
will reside,
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mock and
family are vacationing for two
weeks at 'Saul)le Beach, near
Owen Sound,
Mrs. Ralph McArthur, Mac
and Cam, of Rivers, Atan,, Mrs,
Marce Bogart, :Bobbie and
Jamie, Winnipeg, Man, are va-
cationing with Airs. MeArthur's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred
Mr., and Mrs. Thorn Docker
are on vacation for two weeks.
F/0 john Beer, Mrs, Beer,
David, Johnny and Steven of
Camp Borden, are holidaying
with Mr. and Mrs, George Beer,
Linda. Lee and .Betty Ann.
Mrs. Robert Pryce of Bloom-
ington, indianne is holidaying
with her brother and sister-in-
law, Alr. and Mrs, Lorne Chap-
man and family.
Mrs, Jack Peebles returned
to her home in London after
spending a week with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Len Noakes..
Mr. and Mrs. A. Orr spent
the weekend in London, where
Mrs. Orr's mother, Mrs. Annie
L, Gilbert died at the Park-
wood Hospital in her 82nd year.
Funeral service was held from
the Bennett and Pincombe fu-
neral home, London on Mon-
clay with burial. in Arkona ceme-
.Air. and Mrs. 'Harry Connors
and son, Hal, returned to their
home in Albany N.Y. after
spending a week with Mr. and
Mrs. 'Lorne Chapman.
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Chap-
man. spent. Saturday with Mr,
,and. Mrs. Charles WestawaY,
Hamilton, and attended the wed-
ding of their son,
SS No. 10 Hay
lists promotions
Grade 9 — Barry Mousseau.
Grade 8 — Marie Campbell,
Larry Elder.
Grade 7 — Lillian Eggett,
Ann Funk, Malcolm McEwen.
Grade 6 — Jimmie Campbell,
Douglas Munn, Margaret :Roose-
Grade .5 — Janice Armstrong,
Evelyn .Eggett, Freddie Elder,
Billy Munn, Bradley Pryde, Al-
bert Rooseboom,
Grade 4 — Kathy Munn,
Kathryn McFwen, Bradley
Mousseau, Minnie Rooseboom,
Roddy Chapman, Brian Camp-
bell, Paul Munn, Al Corbett,
Grade 3 — D n 1 1 y Eggett,
Sandra Munn, Gordon Pryde,
Wayne Corbett,
Grade 2 — •F red Eggett,
Randy Campbell, Brian Beaver,
Martha Roosebnom,
Clean up
locker fire
Alen were busy Tuesday and
Wednesday cleaning up the de-
bris created by the ;idly 4 fire
at Lorne Hay's cold storage
plant in Hen.sall.
About 400 lockers and some of
their contents were. damaged by
fire, smoke and water, Owner
Hay said the fire started in the
top of the two-storey building
which suffered most of the
damage. No one was in the
plant, at, the time of the out-
Loss was estimated at. $30,000,
Playground activities
Last week activities at the
playground ended with a scav-
enger hunt on Thursday and
swimming on Friday, Michael
team placed first, John
Sken's, second and Gordon
jenkin's, third.
This is track and field week
and the boys and girls are prac-
tising for the meet, which will
he held Thursday. There will
be swimming again Friday,
weather permitting,
Sugar and spice
— Continued from page 2
parents; they are robbed of
their initiative by ha 'mg
things made ton easy for them,
Al any rate, I'll he going
west, in spirit, with this young
fellow, and wishing 1 were. 20
year's younger, so that 1 could
be riding with him. I have a
special interest in him be-
cause I taught. him English
and encouraged him in his
So I gave him a letter of in-
troduction. It reads: "This will
introduce Jim McKinnon, one
of my Grade 12 students. Dur-
ing the year, this student has
never (a) pulled a switch-
blade on me; (b) written an
essay in which there were no
spelling errors; ( c) done any-
thing of en ungentlemanly na-
ture, while I was looking at
him. Any favors tendered him
would be appreciated by Bill
There ,you are, Fair warn-
ing to my thousands of read-
ers in the west. If a dusty,
unshaven hobo with a bicycle
appears at your door, or your
newspaper office, and pulls
out that letter, you have a
chance to tell me off, by
proxy. On the other hand, if
you don't feel too hostile to
me, don't he afraid to give
him a cup of tea or a shake-
down in the barn. He's a de-
cent lad, and maybe some day
he'll put you in a book,
McArthur picnic
The McArthur .picnic was held
at 'Riverview Park, Exeter,
Sunday, Sports were under di-
rection of Mrs. Gladys Boyd and
Miss Viola Metcalfe of Niagara
Committee elected for next
year were: president, Donna
Knights; secretary -treasurer,
Bill Knights, Blenheim; sports,
Danny Laing, Exeter; Mervyn
Bell, Hensall; table committee,
Harry and Jean Snell, .Hensall;
Hilton and Sally Laing, Exeter.
Rain threatened many times
but two meals were enjoyed by
all attending from Los Angeles,
Toronto, Scarborough, Zariell,
London, Ingersoll, Blenheim,
Niagara Falls, Exeter and Hen-
Smillie reunion
The, Smillie clan met Satur
day, July 7 at the Seaforth
Lions Park for their 23rd pie-
nic, This clan is descended from
Stewart; Smillie who arrived in
Canada from Ireland in 1821.
Ninety members of the elan
assembled for the. reunion, com-
ing from California, Arizona,
Manitoba, North 'Dakota, New
York:, Pennsylvania, as well as
various parts of Ontario. For
some it was their first visit to
Ontario and the annual reun-
The afternoon was spent wills
swimming and various sports
and contests under the direction
of jean MacNaughlon and Ruth
Geiger. The. new wading pool
was much enjoyed by the.
younger members.
Late in the day arrangements
were discussed for the 1003 re-
union and elected, to office were:
Honorary president, Dr, Jeanie
Smillie Robertson, Toronto;
past president, All's. Hieeel Mae-
Naughton, Kippen; President,
Mr. Harold Elder, Hensall; vice-
president, Airs, Dorothy Edo,
well, Simeop.
Stephenson clan
Members of the Stephenson
clan from Alberta, Montreal,
Woodstock, Goderich, Clinton,
Seafortli, Hensel!, Zurich and
Varna numbering 100 attended
the Stephenson reunion at Sea-
forth Lions Park.
Sports were diverted by Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Armstrong
and Mr. and. Mrs. William Con-
Oldest lady present was Mr,
Emma McNeil, Stelller, Alta.;
oldest gentleman, V. A. Mac-
Laren, Goderich; youngest boy,
Paul Consitt, Varna; youngest
girl, Sandra Armstrong, Zurich;
person coming the farthest dis-
tance, 'Mrs. Margaret Stowell,
Big Valley, Alta,
In charge of the meroc supper
was Mr. and ,Mrs, Clarence
Stephenson and Air. and Mrs.
Floyd Armstrong.
P resid en t e l ected for .1962 was
R alph Stephenson', secretary,
George Dowson,
Storm damages
parked autos
In a severe rain and wind
storm in Hensall ,Sunday night
which lasted five minutes a pro-
feetion harrier erected in front
of the Site° Dry Goods stores
recently purchased by Al Scholl
was blown down by the wind
landing on two cars owned by
Lloyd Ferguson of Chiselhurst
and Alex McReath of Kippers,
causing some $200 damage.
The ears were parked by the
building while the owners were
attending a lodge service at the
funeral chapel.
Chief of Police E. 11, Davis
Legion picnic
Legion Ladies Auxiliary and
Legion members and their fans-
iliee enjoyed their annual pie-
Mc at Seaforth Lions Park on.
Sunday which was attended by
A full program of sports were
run off under' direction of Mr.
and Mrs. W. .1, Cameron and
Airs, Howard Smale,
Bi ble school
By MRS. KEN .McKg1,3,AR.
The annual .vacational Bible
School opened in Cromarty
church on Monday with Oyer
log in attendance.
Scott reunion
Around .130 members of the
descendants of the late James
Scott and Penelope. Hamilton
gathered on .Sunday afternoon
at the home of Mc, -and Mrs.
Gordon Scotl„ which is .the old
family homestead, for their an,"
nual reunion.
The afternoon was spent
happy reminiscence and social
Supper was served in cafe-
teria style with Mr. and Mrs.
.1. Af. Scott and Mr. and Mrs.
T. L. Scott as lunch conven-
Mr. T. L. Scott, gave a re-
view of the family history since
the. first of the members ar-
rived in Canada from Scotland
in 1820. The president, Gordon
Scott, presided over the busi-
ness and election of officers
and the secretary Mrs. La-
verne Scott gave a report of
the last gathering.
Mr. .1. M. Scott was ap-
pointed president and Mrs,
Margaret jean R.ussell secre-
tary for 1963, and Mr. and Mrs.
W. .1. Routly and Mr. and Mrs.
E. Allen are the lunch commit-
tee, Air.-and Mrs. Alex Cra;tn
offered their home for Ilse 1963
reunion which will he held on
the second Sunday in july.
Those attending were from
London, Woodstock, Mitchell,
Seaforth, Exeter, Aylmer, St
Marys, Kirkton, Staffa and
The %a/MS ladies met at the
home of Mrs. 1. L. Scott with
Mrs. Will Miller presiding.
The business period was
conducted by the. president
Mrs. C. aicKaig. alrs. P. Dodds
reviewed the. third chapter of
the study book. Mrs. Norman
Harhurn read an article on the
Arthur Dick
area trucker
"Bn.rpose of Hymns In Ivor-
stkip." Each member gave cuts
rent .events.
Lunch was served by the
hostess .assisted by Mrs, Grace
Scott .and. Mrs. T. Laing,
Perlono.1 Items
Airs. :F. McDonald and Misa
Mary Beth McDonald of Mitch-
ell are spending a few dafn.
with Miss Olive Speare.
Vickie Ramsey of Listowel
spent the weekend with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs:
Alex Ramsey,
Mr. and. Mrs, Howard Eves
and children, who have. -been
visiting with relatives here,
left by motor on Monday
morning for their home at
Moosejaw, Saskatchewan.
A family gathering was held
at the home of Mr. and Airs,
T. Laing on Sunday. Those.
present were Mr. and Airs.
Howard Eves and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Laing and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Laing and children,
The annual reunion on Sun-
day at .the home of Mr,. and
Mr.5. Hugh Norris.
Miss Sharon Cadick of Lon-
don is holidaying with Miss
Margaret Jean Russell.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Chappel
spent the weekend in St. Cath-
arines visiting relatives arid
friends and were guests at
the Robertson-Toony wedding
on Saturday, Miss Diane Fer-
ris returned home with them
for a visit,
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Chappel
and Ruth and Miss Diane Reid
spent the weekend with Adeline
and 'Brian Chappel.
See Page 15
Page $ July 1?62
TINS 6 FOR 79'
TINS 5 FOR 89c
BEEF 55'
BEEF OR re't.l4 LEI
CUTS 6 '1j 2Hti KG:t• ro.R. 45'
At •liat ma r Ontario, and Calgary, Alberta,
Imperial operates the largest petroleum re-
' search laboratories in Canada. At Sarnia,
the company's scientists and technicians
ars working th improve present products and
In dm/clop ncW ones. Their research covers
Arthur Dick, 69, who made
his home for the past 25 years
with Reeve Earl Dick, and Mrs.
Dick, in Hibbert Township, died
suddenly Sunday at the Dick
residence with. a heart attack.
Born in this area he was a
son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
James Dick. He resided in the
village for some years with his
mother. He was a trucker by
Eldest person present was Surviving are one brother,
Mrs N0011 of Tavistock, mother Rex Dick, Hensall.
of Mrs. Wiliam Brown, young- Public funeral services were
est, Donna .lean, daughter of held Tuesday from the Bonthron
Alt'. and Airs. Garnet Allan; Funeral •Chapel conducted by
largest family,' Mr. and Mrs. Rev. H. F. Currie. Burial Was
Harold Campbell, in .Hensall Union cemetery.
90% of ,11 I company product research in Canada.
Imperial scientists and'technicians pose'for their pictures in the
ultramodern wing, of Imperial's research laboratories at Sarnia,
Not shown; another 115 members of the Sarnia research staff,
and another 130 who work In Imperial laboratories at Calgary.
is done by Imperial
many fields,, from gasolines to household
detergents. At Calgary, Imperial research
personnel are exploring means to find and
produce more Canadian crude oil and natural
gas. Imperial does more research than all
other oil companies in Canada combined.
ALWA1, LOOK TO impeittALItOtt itattittt