HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-12, Page 4Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sundae. Wed flesday afternoon and dui. imp the es ening thr, e:se. out the week Larry Snider Motors Col'r dross. in school lists le lest testis's. aceciunt of the .award-winning students at r.:2ie .ter Public .Schaal, Efruce Sump. sun's name should have been listed for Miss Betty Govvelie''s ;;rides room, rather than Bruce Skeleton. to SS le lishornie the name of Beth :Nun Cudniore should have been included aiming those who harm- been promoted to. erode 9. In the list of SIIIHIS 'promo. lions, the ..name of Michael Sal- flai was inadvertently emitted frum the group in grade which Ifeceiced second class honors, Did You Know... that you could secure an N.H,A, Home improvement loan from your bank for the purchase and installation of an oil furnace with reasonable interest and repayment term.s? Why don't you drop in to your local Co-op where the management and stall would be pleased to provide you. v‘ith additional information, May sic also suggest that you use the services of >our local Co-op for your Fuel Oil requirements, CO-OP SUNGLO FUEL OIL is second to none for quality, EXETER DISTRICT 235-2081 r s id fli From The Very First Call! From July 12 to July 21 CANADA HEALTH and ACCIDENT OFFERS THE RESIDENTS OF E E ER AND SURROUNDING AREAS The All New LTI ARE MEDICAL — SURGICAL — HOME & HOSPITAL NURSING SUPPLEMENTARY HOSPITAL PLAN ti.%tvatl itt ateCli'dAtitt. With +ha MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (ONT.) 1762 Stheduls of Ptn Featuring Chador's Bills Paid FROM TI-HI VERY, FIRST CALL AT HOME — AT DOCTOR'S OPPICE OR IN HOSPITAL FOR SICKNESS OR ACCIDENT N Modical .Examingion koquired tt:11' CoUt3 ON MAIL .tObAY J. A. CANTON PLAN ADMINISTRATOR tANAL5A I-MALTH and Attiboit AsstiltANCt CO. 3111 CLAKENCE 1.0Nb014 Ptealie send 1011,.infoiniAltert about *tout- CALL Security Plen, NAMII 1A131'JIt1i.SS. ...... . . •• tee • Kit • MI r betUFATION ) 6"itigla Z 3 IY14triati No. „. Crash victims are recovering Mrs. Arthur Fraerie„ Carling St., who. was severely Injored. in a head-on traffic eollision, June 2, hae ibegen to use a walker at Stretford hospital, her family revealed this week. The last of her casts were re- moved Saturday and x-ray s in- dicate the mends were excel- lent. lier parents, Air. and Mrs. Fred Cornish, now are at their home on Carting St 'Airs. Cornish is in a wheel chair. Another daughter, Mrs, Cordon Lampert, Strethroy, is with them. Arthur Friel-to, whose arm is still in bandages although. the. cast has been removed, is stay- ing with his son. .Peter, And family at Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. Fraync and Mr. and Mrs, Cornish were on their way to visit the Peter Fraynes at Scbringvillc when the acct- dent happened. Bog land fire — Continued hurt page 1 phasized that it would have to he a heavy rain, because of the extremely dry conditions of the top layers of peat moss. -It looks and smells Atom than it really is", Bill stated, "out 'Nye hate to lose the lop "We like then even less than any one else", he pointed out, reporting that tee heat from the fires is very intense and the smoke is A cry pungent and thick, lic also stated that the fires were ''nothing new'' for the area, as many fields have caught fire before. "It's not un- common in the bog area", he stated, "and it will undoubtedly happen again", lie reported that similar fires have been known to start from. an area as small as a dime, in- creasing to engulf entire fields, .Fires have also been known to break out in fields that have been cultivated far several. yeare, destroying crops grow- ing on them. "I understand a traveller dropped a cigarette butt in a field this week and „started a fire", Schlegel reported. Burn three years Battery Specials &VOLT 70 woos. 1415 Pully GuoaltIgo4 Ross Taylor of Snell .Bros. Lela 3Iioffers 'sensational "' Holiday Prkes VA-CHAN' $ 95 75044 '13 95 TUEIELEttil Drivo Cotte4rot Aaident Free With DOMINION TIRES Snell Bros. Ltd, Ih OH You're invited M 9 • to the of our new Head Office building 1. Ontario Street, Stratford Friday, July 13 — 2 .to S and 7 to 9 Saturday, July 14— 10 tom 2 to 5 and 7 to '9 * a a a S BRITISH .MORTGAGE 6( TRUST COMPANY 11011ii of the building Specially chosen gifts Refreshments Oittario Stte tt Stratford, Orttatio. "---a waseasa sa**,.a.a.aaaaaa—.. Sat Yew' Lteat A§asit e. Cet v. riCKARLI I~1ii wig ,23:),-0311) Extlet. Fires in the bug area have been known to burn for varying lengths up to three lull years, coming „r that was travelling even burning through the win- in the wrong lane. ter months. He explained that D ef ense counsel J, M. D on.. most people would assume that richly, Goderich, argued that the snow would extinguish the the accused had exercised case blaze, but he said the peat holds lion and prudence by getting the heat and the fires are re- off the road when faced with kindled in the spring, the emergency, although he So, the next time you see a also added that "a man. does field on fire, the owner would not act as wisely e in an mer- probably appreciate he a r n g gency as he would normally". about it, but if it happens to be The magistrate accepted the the bog on the Haig farm, Bill men's story, "From the cvi- Schhegel would probably be dente given I do not disbelieve much more interested in know- that they did meet a car tree- ing how to put it out, elling in the wrong lane'', PUC progresses on hydro program elegiStrate Wean Ha es. QC,. Lloweeer- Magistrate hays fined two RCAF centrelia air- added that he did not think the men 550 each in .court here accused .acted as wiSerle as he Tuesday when they were both might have in confronting the emergeney since he had seen found guilty of auto theft. Charles Holeombe, 21. and the ear some distance away. Robert Wright, 19, both pleaded Other traffic fines guilty to the charge which in other eases. Miring the arose when the two took a car end court session, th e m s. bel'o"g ing to J. A l" 1\1 °11" of trate levied fines 'Melling '7360 RCAF. Centralia on tine2e charges of speeding It was brought Out in ,evidence mid the operation of .one vehicle that the pair had taken the ear a muffler. from outside the "wet canteen " at the air base and had driven it some le miles before they 5,tt • our fi t t er s av es f abandoned. in a farm .drive- t way on ilighw.ae 81. Continued Henn page I Both men gave themselves up voluntarily to the RCAF po- flag any wiring leading into the lice and the case was handed house, they figured there must to the local provinelat po be some as the house contained inive•eei• several lamps and a TV set. When questioned about their A woman at the scene also re - actions both men expressed re- Ported there was no hydro in gret over the situation and llen the huttae. combo added, "I had been "When I grabbed that stove- drinking at, the lime_ and I did pipe I knew damn well there not realize the seriousness of was hydro someplace", Thom- what t was doing". son reported after the fire had However. elagistrele trays been extinguished. dismissed this with: "I am not m aso n. r eport ed tea t it was prepared to accept that the _way that there wasn't too taking of someone else's ear much juice in the lines Or the can be an expected result of e l ec t ri c ity cou ld. easily h ave, the consumption of alcohol." followed In levying the fines, the spee- to the thin nozzle, lzle ailti e.itti.risenig•eal back the u nlen istrate recalled that a few years fighting tile blaze, aeo there was a rash of car lie staled that the inspector flberts. "I don't want to see it starting again". - from the Ontario Hydro would be called in to look seer the Careless driver serious situation Another airman, from RCAF The wires were laid only a Clinton, was fined $20 and costs few inches underground and the by Magistrate Hays when he Fire Chief said it was a good was found guilty of careless thing it W as dry, "With those driving. kids around there, it's a won- Magistrate }Lays stated that der they haven't received a Edward Czerniawsky "did not real good jolt", he said, exercise all the care and con Finds money trol possible." The charge was laid when Mr, Wilds was apparently Cserniawsky collided with a working in Sarnia when the car driven by Id es, Ma riori fire broke out and his wife was Rader in front of her home on 'working al the fields for Wil- Highway 83, two miles west of ham Blewitt.. She was con- Dashwood. tatted by a neighbor and ar- Mrs. Rader testified that she rived home after most of the had left her car on the shoulder firemen had left, of time toad because she W'a5 She reported she had some unable to enter the driveway, money stored in the upstairs The defendant and a passen- and along with three or four ger in his car, Glen Enberg, firemen went upstairs to see if also of RCAF Clinton, both they could find any trace of it. gave evidence that they were Fortunately, a five and ten forced off the roach and into the dollar bill were found in the parked Rader vehicle by an on- end of a stocking on the floor. The stocking was burned al- most completely, except for the toe. ivhere the two bills were found. However. no trace could lie found of the other stocking re- ported to contain another $20.00. Fineman sifted through. much of the ruined debris upstairs and what had been curled out onto the lawn, but IL could .nol he found and is believed to have been destroyed. All the families' clothing was destroyed in the blaze, although firemen managed In save the TV and some tables and chairs downstairs. 11 is belies ed the fire started in the stovepipes which had be- come overheated after the baby- sitter had cooked the children's dinner on the wood time, rescent street lightng units on Prude boulevard, and two units on the Main St. bridge over the ..kuseble. This year's budget is about 50's higher than (he 1961 outlay but it is about $6,000 less than the $27,800 spent in 1960, Two pay 0 each for theft of CE .cor DISAPPOINTMENT Sir Alexander elackenzie hoped that. the Mackenzie River would lead hint out .to the Pacific. but when it tonic him instead down to the ice floes of the Arctic Ocean lie named it River disappoint- ment,. of the Ontario WO. of Agricul- ture et •Cinvereity of Western Ontario. Howeeer. the land)on. which the study was being made was sold for 'suburban development. Besides investigating popula• thin changes, the research .prefs ect includes a study of the con- ditions which lead to plantation damage. Demonstration finished Fieldman J. T eleteeidey re- ported that the demonstration grass waterway on the farm of Earl Dick. near Cromerty, has been completed. The Waterway is located on lot 25. concession IC }jibbed, Township. and is 850 feet long, running from the No. e5 side- road to the Ausable River, The waterway has a 15-foot bottom, an 18-inch depth. with 3:1 side slopes, making a top width of 21. feet. In conserve thin vernacular, the waterway forces water to "walk" instead of "run" down- hill to the river, thus prevent- ing the loss of valuable top- soil ecticare crisis Aueeble Authority is co,op- erating w ith Exeter council in efforts to enlarge the sice of Rsveestew Park Atea. recent meeting, the ye- ecietiese agreed to apple for liermission to the provincial department to purchase prop- erty along the r iser panic west of the Authority office. If ap• proved is secured, the govern- ment will contribute 'We of the cost. Exeter representative Allan ,Pickard presented the pro- posal, to the Authority, pointing out the importance of securing the seciditional parldand for fie lure development. Mouse research here A study of the fluctuations mice,population. may be under- taken on some Aucable author- ity property by University of 'Western Ontario researchers. The authority executive au• thorized Fieldman J. T. Me- Caolges and the zone forester to reelect a suitable 100-acre site- for the study. The studs had been started earlier; by the research branch — Coetinued from page 1 plete sympathy with the doe- torssbut I do not approve of their methods. State medicine can never provide the type of doctoring I want when I am sick. We have too many inci- dents of insufficiency' in state- run agencies without adding Lo it one of the most vital ser- vices a family requires". Ross Haugh, Crediton — "1 think that our system in Onta- rio is quite adequate with our Ontario Hospital Plan, which feel is necessary for everyone, and various medical plans wall% can be purchased in graips or incividually. We have thafreedom to choose the med- icTer.plan that suits us best". ',Ma MacMillan, Main St. — "Th'.e doctors are correct in heeding, out for their rights. We bane too much gov't control nosteThe may to solve this mess iseSseith an election. If they had oneeeight now over the thing thiS77e1 get. an answer right silrarttY -• Z'al"rfrey Cann, Huron St — .fin all for it. I don't. see any ralreen. why Medicare shouldn't gErthrough. I suppose if the 'ed-t!t had realized what the re- sae:: was going to be they vvo 'dn't have pushed it. U smelliest medicine could work so- well in England. I don't see siks it couldn't succeed. here. Hiaev'ever. I don't think the gov:te ehseild have pressed the issue but rather have come to a com- promise with the doctors. I don't see why doctors can't he well-paid and also maintain the service," Feybert Jones, William St, — "Ierather favor the doctor's. side. At this distance it is pret- ty -'irard to tell but I think there miest be some way they can wale it out. The doctors have been good to the people in the passt and I don't see why they won't be good to them in the futfire" George Jaques, Victoria Si. "1:;, !tai been following the sstnation too closely but I thick the doctors made a mis- take in neglecting their patients and striking". Gerry Smith, Credeton — "I think the profesisonal men should be left to work out their men problems. They are the ones that ought to be present, lire the thing to the gov't and the•goe't shouldn't be dictating to them. It costs the doctors a sum fortune to go through sake! so why should they be told how much to charge'. aki B. Idle, Victoria St. — PThere are two sides to st. I feel that the egov't does not hare the right te, Institute such e 'Plan without the doctors' ap- proval. I think that this is over- Exeter PUC is well on the way toward completion of its $21,000 hydro improvement pro- gram for 1962 Manager IL L. Davis reported this week. Already finished hi the pro- gram. are: A 1500-foot extension on Mill Road west, to feed the proposed sewage pump house 'at the river and to extend the heavier feeder line to the north section-of town; Extension along Carling St. north, north of the Kingdom Hall; en pole replacements and r6 locations; Betterment along Simeoe St e between Main and Andrew, The PUC currently is rebuild- ing its line on Thames Road west and extending it to the, cement plant of C. A. McDowell & CO., Ltd. Also included in the budget, subject to approval of. council, is the installation of four flee- Cars crash near. pawn ProPerte damage. exceeded V.2,-ON -when three cars were oohed in a -crush Rear 1./ash- vs mud elenday Willie a paving company was laying e new sur- face on No. 83 highway. a MOS A. Hutchings, Bas- .field mid Charles I. Hawke. 29, RR 3 .Coldwater, were at the tail end AI a proeession stopped by flagman to allow eastbound traffic to proceed. .tear driven by Cotner Lnus- den, e8. Woodstock, hit the rear of liutelmeee svhu was driven into the .piclitip operated by pismire. Cecil Gibbons re- ported no one was injured, Pedestrian struck John tan Cairns, 32, London, received severe lacerations to his head anti face and a frac- tured left arm when he was struck by a ear on No, 4 et the. Credit on raid intersection Thursday ifternoon, lie was struck elide yenning across the highway by Kenneth W..Certee, 38, London, who was southbound on. No. 4. Cairns, hitchhiking to Camp ,Ipperwash, had just been let out of a car which had brought, him from London Damage to the Carter ear, which Weal, into the ditch, was about 8200, .according to PC C. E. Gibbons. Happenings in lanshard By MRS- GLADWYN HOOPER Air, and Airs. Jack Thomson ROO family spent Sunday eve- tong with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Luis of Prospect Hill, Mies Ann Parkinson is spend- ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pickett and family al St. Mares, Mr. and Airs. Leonard Thu- ker spent Sunday evening with mr, and Mrs, Fred Pattison of st. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pa re, and Paul, spent, Sunday afternoon smith All', and Mrs. ,ieseph Dann and family. oh Ilecle Park. Cindy Beyasi anti Diane Daw son of 1111 .1 Tborndate spent the Is cekend with Donna Jones, Mr. mut Mrs, Claire Sisson 'Were Sunday guests of Mr. and Aire, Fred !'etch of Strathro;, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mille and lamely attended the Chap- pell Reunion at Seafarth on oundaY. Edwin Jones is spending this week at Simon Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Cl, Jones, Carl and Donna, itobin Bryan vis- ited with blot 011 Sunday after- noun and were. sunday evening guests ol ell-, and Mrs. Jas. B. Bev an. of Prospect Hill. Carl Jones was successful in passing his gc,,ile 4 Western Conservatory of Music and Ed. wins al ines, his grade 3. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and family, Airs, Gertie Thom- son, attended the Rhin reunion at Um home of Air, John. Bins and tastily cm Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Grant McCoy- quielale and family have re. cently moved from Lakeside to this community. Barry Thom suit is holidaying with his grandfather, Mr. John Rini of Baseline. Page. 4 The. SA 0 ate, Authority supports enlar ement of park stepping the democratic rights of our .country. At the same time I feel the, doctors are act- ing very unprofessionally. They are dedicated to the cause of serving humanity and I feel that until an agreement can be reached they should feel dedi- cated enough to continue to serve when the need is there. I would like to see medicare in a form which could and should be agreeable to the doctors. The gov't could guarantee the doctors a salary and on top of that there should be a consider- ation for the number of patients treated", Derry Boyle, James St. — "I think medicare is ridiculous, I would resent being told that I have to do it. There is nothing wrong with the plan, it, has some good ideas, but I don't think it should be forced on the doctors and the people". Norm Walper, Sanders St. — "It strikes me as an indication that we are going to get more of this as time goes on, The working public has possibly got- ten the idea that the doctors are making too much money and are trying to find out how they are doing it". WI serves 600 at barbecue The vv eadier was ideal, the chicken excellent, and the at- tendance was pleasing to the members of Hurondale WI who sponsored the chicken barbe- cue on the Exeter Fair grounds Tuesday evening. Some 557 half chickens were cooked on the grounds by a bar- becue firm of Elora and insti- tute members furnished the trimmings and dessert About 500people queued for their serving and ate at tables. set up behind the grand stand and later returned 'for dessert, Dram contracts in Tuckersmith At Tuckersmith commit last week contracts were let for both the Clark and Buchanan municipal drains, on which work will start immediately. The awards went to R. Nice- olson and San, Monkton, and Williem Lawrence, Zurich, re- spectively. Elgie drain has been com- pleted and Clerk ;Tames Man- bash was instructed to apply for provincial aid, Accounts included el64.15 for taelfart; $20 for fox bounty., and $3,000 for roads.