The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-05, Page 16a •
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Page 14 The Times-Advogate, July 5, 1912: McCurdy graduates
honored at banquet
Honor pastor
on .4pparture
Graes receive awards
at Usborne sports day
In an open air ceremony at inspector G. John Goman the next few years will have
lle grand stand in Exeter urged the graduates to apply this advantage. However, • we
Community Park, grade eight themselves in grade nine to have been able to study • in.
students of Usborne Township take advantage of the oppor- select little groups and we
School Area received their tunities available in secondary hope it stands us in good stead.
graduation diplomas Thursday school.
afternoon. Valedictorian w a s Vernon be in larger classes and for
Board members, led by Hern, SS 7, who expressed ap- that we will need to adjust,"
chairman Harry Dougali and predation to the teachers and "As we enter into the high
Secretary A. G. Hicks, pre- the school board. school part of our education,"
sented the certificates and ex "It is unfortunate," the val- he continued, "may we have
tended congratulations to 31 edictorian said, '.that: we have light hearts and serious inten-
boys and, girls who successfully not been all together as a -dons to make the most of the
completed grade eight in Us- grade, but perhaps those who wonderful, opportunity in this
borne schools, come into grade eight within democratic Canada of ours,
giving thanks to the forefathers
who gave so much to make
these things possible.
Retiring music teacher Law- vray Township farmer, died in them,
rence Wein, who has been in- Victoria Hospital, London, on Mr. and Mrs. Robert leilley
structing in Usborne schools for Wednesday„Tune 27, 1962, in and family, Linda Van Horne
25 year, was presented with a his 64th year, He had been a and Jerry Bestard, of London,
gift by Kathryn Hem, SS 6 , patient in the hospital for al, were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
and Judy Cann, SS 10. Air, most four weeks previous Lo his A. McFalls and. Helen.
Wein has resigned from the 1.1s-• death. Air. and Mrs. Grant Brown
By MRS, ERVIN RADER Hubert, Donald, and. Leonard borne staff to accept a similar He was a son of the late Mr. and family, of Sarnia, Mr. and a Restem.yer, Howard Maier, position in. Hay township, DASHWOOD and Sirs. Harry Wilson of Mrs, Reid Brown and Roxanne,
a nd R oss Miller, Chairman Harry Dougall an-Grade 9 — Ivan Miller, Judy Stephen Township and later of of Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Webb, Bill Schade, Carol Zim- nounced that two teachers — Lon d on and h a d s p en t his en- Heaman and Karen, of Lon-
mer, Eugene Guenther, Bill Mrs. Ethel Campbell, of SS 5, tire life in this community. don, were visitors with Mr.
Hoffman, Ricky Gaiser, Calvin Edward Willert. and Miss Barbara Blewett, theSS He was a member of the Cen- and _ Mrs. John -Thompson on
7 — have resigned from tralia United Church and for a eunday. Kellerman, Harold Bender ,CUSTOM 44,44.4-x, Peter Kraft. staff. Their replacements will district farmer be eliss Carol Johns and Mrs. number
of years served as an M anti M r. rs, Hugo 'l ean- •
Grade 8 — Janet Miller, Ed • elder of the church. When fail. der, Ingrid and Paul, visited
ward R Jessie Carter, estemayer, Paul Rader, Edward Willert, 78, died at Earlier in the afternoon, the ing health ,prevented him from with Mr. and Mrs, Doug Thean• AS LOW As $2.97
,Julien Boogemans, Sheila Mai• his late residence, Hay Town- students participated in races taking an active part in church der and son in Hanover on minnimmeimaiemmimeememe
duties he was made an honor- Monday. er, Marie Keller, Keith Maier, ship, Saturday, June 30. He and ball games, following which Mr. Alton. Sholdice of London eeyee Keller, Joan Keller, Joan farmed most of his life and had they enjoyed refreshments pro- '• ary elder of the church, ' You Always Save
Becker. been in failing health for some •e ie ed by ihe board.
Mr, Wilson is survived by his was a Sunday visitor with Mrs. At Conklins
Grade 7 — James Hayter, time.
wife, the former Venda May Merton Sholdiee and family.
Results of the races were; Boyes; one son, Douglas Wil- Sharon Sholdi•ce, daughter of 111110loalmmollminglemilum James Hoffman Brian Maier, Besides his wife, the former Mrs, M, Sholdiee, is a patient. Judy Kraft, Eleanor Wolfe, Alma Rader, he is survived by (Note: The number after the son, and two grandchildren, •
Larry Fleet, Margaret Merrier, two sons, Lloyd of the 14th name indicates the school see- Donna Slay and Jimmy Wilson, in Victoria Hospital, London,
Glen Restemayer, Jack Guen- concession of Hay and John at dm" of Strathroy; a brother, Gordon
them. Bob Webb. Teacher —home; one daughter. M BOYS' RACES Wilson, of Stephen ,Township. Airs, Funeral services for the de• Donald Finkbeiner. VYrne (Nora) Weido, 14th con- 14 and 15 years — Ron Par-
Grade 6 --Eugene Becker, cession of Hay, also four grand , sons 1, Dale McAllister 4, ceased were conducted by the Happenings in
,Togo Becker, John James, children. One son. Harry, pre- Allan Oke 1. Rev. D. M. Guest on Saturday
P a v 1 d Nielson. Mary Lott deceased him. 13 years — Edwin Kerslake afternoon in the H o p p e r-
Hockey funeral home, Exeter.Bianshard Schenk, Beth Snell, Sheila Wil- The body rested at the T. le Larry Lynn 6, Bobby Me-
le.rt, Harry Hoffman funeral home Robert 12. in paying tribute to the depart ,
Grade 5 — Anne Becker. until Tuesday noon then at 12 years — Clifton Webber to his faithfulness as a member
Guest made reference
Diane Becker, Gail Fleet, Ger. Zinn Lutheran Church where e, Douglas Squire 12, Duncan
don Keller, jimmy .haler,of the church and the kindn essaier, mi. services were conducted by Eiberington 10. which had won for him a wide Personal items chAel 'Tiernan. Rev. William Gate, Interment 11 years — Gordon elern 12,
Grade 4 --Marie Anderson, was in the Dashwond Lutheran. Bobby Stone 10, John Morgan circle of friends. The pallbearers were Messrs. Randy Becker, Guen- Cemetery, 10,. ,'Inseph Conlin. John Glavin, thee, John Guenther, Joanne Pallbearers w e r e; Nelson 10 years — Ricky Tethering-
Hayter, John Hayter, Grant and Mervyn TiPthAfl. Leland ton 10, Douglas Webber 2, Jack Timmae 'KM'. Donald Ankers,
Hoperoft, Orville James, David and Ivan Willert, Ward Krell Mayer 2. Berry Wilson and Wilfred Him-
years _ non Pullman Keller, Jimmy Nielson, Norma and Alvin \Yelper. .g 12, table, 'Interment was in the
nelson, Cathy Schroeder, Douce• Charles McCormick 6; 'Mervin. Exeter Cemetery.
las Tyler, Billy Wein. Teacher te1ebratee anniversary Bern 7 tied with Roy Pullman OCW meet
Mrs. Letta Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. George Link 12, The I.7CW meeting was held Miss Orrie Tea.eker . was a pleseantly surprised on 8 years ..-- Bruce McKay 3, _ Grade 3 — Roy Becker, Brad were guest at the Morris-Hartwiek Iflumpp, Dianne Miller, Dan. Friday evening when a number Gerry Morgan 10, Joe French in the, schoolroom of the church
on luesday evening of last wedding at Beyanston on Sat left Rader, Marjory Schenk. of relatives and friends gath- 12. e.e .,0,„„ week with eighteen Members iimmintiiiiiiialmomossimin
Grade 2 _ D a l e An d ersen, ered et their home in honor of• 1 years — Larry t i u•rday.
D o n n y Andersen. Patricia th eir 40th wedding anniversary. 1. Dennis Hutton 6. Ronnie "" in -attendance,
Bender, Scott Boyle, Michael They were Presented with an MnstreY 4' for the worship sery pita, Ricky itayter, Janice electric tee-kettle and other 6 years — Robert Bray z
.., ice, as.
eistee by Mts. Ross Mcralls.
Tiernan. Marlene Tyler, Dar- gifts. Leslie 'Cudinore 10, Stott Nor- A duet was sung by Mrs, 0.
Thee Webb. Teacher — Mrs. Personal gag I0. Belay * L.arry Here. Clifton Langford and Mrs. J. Essery. Mee, ,has, Mossey is spending
Ada Webb. Mrs. George Hepburn read en a while with Mr, and Mrs. W. Mrs. Fred Miller and Miss webber, tiny McRoberts.
Y.P. Summer Rally Elsie Miller. ni Zion, spent Fri- article . on Christian steward- H. Young of St, Marys,
Ninety young people of the 'thy afternoon with Mrs. Ervin GIRLS' RACES ship. The last chapter in the Visitors during the week and
Stratford Dietriet Youth Fellow- ;lad"' . , 14 and 15 years — Joyce study book, Signals For Sixties., Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Olin of the Evangelical rft Piano recital and results Mayer 2, Geraldine Blair 4, entitled the Strength of the Na- Mossey and Mrs, Jae. Mossey
Church held their summer rally The pupils of Mrs. Harold Margaret Prance E. Hon,. was dealtil:ti' i 'llwaitsh tinder, or:\ itrnsh
'.1a7,liti,M!e•ir '."anclMresfre.C1%rg: at Port Blake. Sure, AWCM, presented their 13 years — Ruth Anne Cud- fallowing
Tice Dashwond Vie was. in •"11" piano recital in the More le, Mb Dielstre '4, Fred Bowden — "The lndividu.
llorus il, gLloriyrdSt iril‘slaaely.Ys nAhearnyl charge of the lunch and served M en's club room Monday eve- Kathy Hem 6. -
-al's Responsibilite", "Leader- •
wieners anti .thocolate milk. nine, June Vi. Solos and duets 12 years — .Leura French 12, ship". and "Character Build. of London, Mrs, Laurie and
The adult committee in charge were played. • .,. Marlene Webber 2, Faye Chap. big . The strength of the na. .060 e and the ifamilyr8.o ao.f toli Princeton,..i, ai r.,._ ,, and., „ .
of the lunch was Sirs. 'Mss Sirs, Harold Sate, AWCM, ncl. E. (ion is in its '
Guenther, Sirs. Milton Webb. wishes to announce the results 11 years — Donna Dickey 7, only things necessary lot the mi.. Gih Ferris Terris ofRannoch,
Mrs. Harold Kellerman and of her pupils with the Western tarbatS DOUgall 1, Dietie Oke triumphs of evil is for good Mrs. Myrtle Hyland of Toronto,
Mrs. Merrill James. Ontario Conservatory of Music, I,* men to do nothing. Mr. and /Airs. Wes Meesey and.
Grade 1 Theory -- Judy Ratz. 10 yeats. --- Joyce Ferguson Mrs. Rees SteFalls conducted boys.
honors; grade 5 piano, Helen 1, Emil: Dykereen 7, Brenda the husintss and repotted on Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mossey
., . ay 'farmer H . di es Carol Brown, 'Pase.
Brown, honors; grade 6 piano, Smith 10. the morning session of the ro-
e Scars — Sandra Skittrier 6, gionel meeting at Grand Heed. ' ' Sirs. • •-•-• -- '.,• e and Douglas &blest& of
is spending this week with Mr
- .Teeswliei
Janice Morley 12, Pamela Van A report of the afternoon ses. Holiday Visitors 'Till July 11 Only VANISH der Wiel 6. ' skin was prepared by Mrs. •.K. . • - ' - from h6art attack Mr' an d Mrs ' Henry Pall" - 8 years — Debbie Hem 6, (Itch anti Teed by 'Mrs. Frank Miss Ruth G. Hooper of Tn.•
Courtney Burmeister. 53, died Mr. and Mrs. Stewart 'Wolfe e.
the UCW will ronto spent the holiday "Week-end children, of Steaford, with .eleir eei Abho u t2, ../mliet Johns nitim to luiv
HONOR RETIRING MUSIC TEACHER—Lawrence Wein, Exeter, who has been
teaching music in Usborne schools for 25 years, was honored by township stu-
dens Thursday afternoon during an outdoor graduation ceremony in the commun-
ity park here. Mr. Wein has resigned the Usborne post to take a similar position
in Hay township. l\laking the presentation, above, are Kathryn Hero and Judy
Cann. At left is Vernon Herm SS 7, whoggave the valedictory. —T-A photo
Dashwood school
lists promotions
Thursday, June 28, the Grade Henderson King, and Sele
8 students of .1. A. D. McCurdy D'Eon- They proceeded back to Cele, School, eec AF Centralia, •ell• t ro n a where they had their
joyed a graduation teremony tures taken,
in anticipation of the .examina- When the parents arrived,
tints results which were eye the speeches were repeated
mowed net day. Again. - Erse Price took over
The first part ef their eete. with e word game called
bratiore which was under the ''What's My Line". Barbara
direction of their teacher, John Easton held interviews between
McCarron, took place at Arnie couples consisting of a pupil
strong's Restaurant, at Grand and one parent. Some remarks
Bend where, during a banquet, made were very amusing.
they heard speeches by the top The grand march and Slane'
students, Gail Lennox and Ern- ing completed the successful
est Fafard; their principal, evening.
Elimville SS
enioys.pi cn ic
The ellimville Sunday School
nipple was held. last; Thursday,
june 21 at Riverview Park, •• •
Exeter, with 112 in attendance,
Results of races were: five
years and under, Brian Pen•
present progra m
under,. girls, Debra Hern, San-
eale, Ralph Batten; nine and
dra Skinner; boys, Bobby By MRS. FRED BOWDEN Windsor, was a weekend guest Clark and Jimmy Skinner; with Mr. and Mrs, John Thomp- girls, 12 and under, Barbara. CENTRALIA son. Gilfillan, Claire Johns; boys, The music pupils of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, S. Molnar spent Dale Skinner, Michael. Elfordl 11°Og nl,s ,pre,s,en t,e4:,411,4 the holiday weekend at the young ladies, Janet Skinner, evening of music "le United home of their son, Sir, and Mrs, Marilyn Johns; young men, Church on Wednesday. Stephen Molnar, in Agincourt, Fred Delbridge, Brian Horn; Piano solos were placed by Sirs, W. Palmer, of St. Married ladies one-minute Linda Briggs, C athy 'Isaac, Catharines, was a holiday visi- race,
Shirley Elliott, Nancy Scott, for with her parents, Mr. and Squire Herdniari; I'S. Lorne Elford, Mrs,
men, Elson MarY Hodgins , Gayle .GronYu , Mrs. George Hepburn. Lynn, Roes Skinner; kick the Glen Hodgms, Don Store, Ron- Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Grob
aid Essery, Kathy tethittingto», Spent the weekend in Mount slipper, men, Philip Horn,
Nancy Lennox, Alarikay Albert with Mrs, Grob's, par- .see nePeel,olle7r;s.ladFiersa'r /V enituiteh. Skin- ins, Lewis, Ruth. Ann .ents Mr. and Mrs. Amos shoe scramble, Claire K g, Margaret McCarron, Smith, On Sunday they at Johns,ner; Barbara Gilfillan. Barbara Lamport, Linda Whit- tended the church service and Mrs. Fulton's team competed tington, Gayle Lamport, Ruth heard the B.ev. Gordon Weir against Mrs, Ross Skinner's in
Hodge, Janice Morley, Wendy b e gi n his pas t ora t e. in th e
Cite relays which consisted of Neil, Gwen Finkbeiner, Bobbie Mount Albert United Church. passing peanuts, breaking bal. Crosby, Allen Wright., Bobbie The Weir family will be moving
Gordon, Susan Lennox, Mare in a few weeks from Brampton loons and carrying an orange
between the knees, The former lene Noels, Margaret Bosch to Mount Albert to assume team won the three relays, and Judy Finkbeiner, their duties.
Piano duets by Garry and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Quin-
Velda Tripp, Linda and Mrs. ton, Air. Carl Quinton, Mr, and
Briggs, Gayle Cronyn and Mrs. William Quinton, of Lon-
Cathy McCarron, Barbara Al- don, were Sunday visitors with
field and Ruth Hodge. Mr. and Mrs, Hugo Theander,
Sir, and Mrs, Armand Bed- Piano trio, judy, Kathy and
Gr e en and our and family, of Goderich, Linda Whittington;
piano duet, Gwen and • Karen Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Aubin and
Finkbeiner; organ solo, Bar. ane Mrs. Theresa Mal-
bara Atfield; vocal trio,' Mc- oney, of Sea•forth, were week
end guests with Mr, and Mrs Carroll sisters. Victor Overholt and family. The numbers. were inter- Sirs. Grace Clark, of Ottawa spersed with selections by the orchestra from J. A. D. me• was a visitor last week win'
Curdy School. Rev. Guest airs. Ataxy
closed the entertainment with Airs. 1lurray
prayer, ing several days at the home
of her son, Mr. William
.) is spend,
in Niagara Falls.
Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Dunn,
El mer Wilson Hurondale, were Sunday via.
hers with Mr. and Mrs. George
h Dunn and. Mr. and Mrs. Ches-
teractive in Church Dunn, of Exeter, were
Elmer Neil Wilson, MeGilli- urday evening visitors with
Centralia musicians
A "love offering" was eat-.
heeled at Exeter P.entecostal
Tabernacle Sunday night and
presented to Pastor Mel Holmes
et his farewell service here.
Hen Jolly, a member of the
church board, made the presen-
Featured at the service was
the singing of a quartet from
King and several local num-
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thack•
er and family attended the
Hazelwood reunion at Stratford
Park on Monday.
Mrs, Jack Pickel and boys
of St. Marys spent Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Rejects from Our Regular
'Top Quality Stock
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Mrs. Frank hicks presided
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REGATTA . .21 .16
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iiiiiiik ° 4 : / :r. . ' " i
entertain th 0 WS5 ttlgOrS . M c, end with Mr. And Mrs. Glad.
at his late residence, 11th rim- and family. 7 years — Judy Dickey 1. babies on the nursery roll with wyn 1109Per and flunilY. Ruth REGULAK sUMMEK STOKE HOURS
cession of Hay, Thursday. ..Turie Mr." and Conrgo Wolfe Helen flatten 6, 'Katett Here e. their mothers. returned to Toronto on MOftday MOtiday to Friday 8:0.6 a.rtt, to .5';r30 0,111, — $4tueday, 13:60 ami, to 4:00 ii.tti,
27, as the result of a heart at. and Mr, arid Mrs. Alla n eleore 6 years _ Victoria me xty Th e h ostesses w 0 r :Airs, rs, to attend summer school there.
of Toronto with Mrs. Wes, ,3 Gamy Knight 1„ SteUany Frank Hicks, Mr e. 0. Lenefortl, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hoop. tack. .
Born in Dashwoori, he Tater Wolfe. McCormick E. ',Mrs. V, Osborne. Miss Varga. er., Clare, Veryl and Jeanette 'to Our U4, Visitort and Residents Your t.I<S, Dollar 1S Worth $1.0t et Aey C.L.C. moved lei the farm where lit Mr, and Mrs. Mike Burke. cif — r ° ' ..' .-.. r'' ' • " ' rot Cook and Mrs. F. Rowlett, and Miss Ruth Hooper a TO.
has resided since. Bra niptoe, with eir. Milton roeto were Sunday guests or
Fle e is survived by his wife, Haugh. Personal Reins Sale.sman: "toy, t want to , _
(iciest , „..„, Mr. anti tiers, Kenneth Fatty
the former Mabel Haugh; one Mr. and Mrs. Roy ,lames -and see someone around heed with Alr. P. iei. ..i 1 ,4 :,Pa y un,,,t of Wellbutre
brother, Garnet. of Hay Town. Cindy., of Point Claire, Quebee, a little authority," tit Sat" nurmt hospital, 'la " Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Gras. ship; One sister, Mrs. Edwin with Rev. and Mrs, Merrill Office Boy: u4 Well., .1 have ing been admitted to the hos.
(Greta) Miller, of Dashwood; James and family.lastby arid Debbie of London, Mr, About as Hind As anyone, pital on Friday evening of mid civ.s, v‘rtd ii ,,,,,,,a, , „„,,„„,,
stepfather of Harold and Joint Mr, Percy Kleinstiyer and What is it you want. ,,,... o,i, arm
GeIbeet, Mrs. lertice Sylvester, Allan, of Chicago, IL, with
Mr, and Mrs. lingo Thender MY Were weekend guests of Mr,
Mrs, Carmen Earilier, and El- Mrs. Edge Kleitistiyet,
....,_...., .
and fainily, Misses :seetiteey ley. and Mrs, Claire Sisson.
len Gilbert, all of Stratford,_ Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baird, of ere and family, and Mr, and an and BeVerleY SnieeT1, Mr, Mrs. EeTrewarthe of Helnies.
The bod rested at th e 'T. tendon, with Mrs. Matilda Pie.' Mrs. Donald Restenteezer and Borden Smyth, Mrs, Mary Gay- ville is spending a 'While with
Hoffman funeral Wet fete reitillie of Lortcient, arid Mr. and nor and children attended the Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth tang.
1.1f fit Sunday noon thee at Zion Mrs. Tim Poland, to and Mrs. Hubert kestemayer and OddfellowS nitrite at Riverview ford.
letillietan Church where sere- Tominy. of Campbeliford, and family, of Plattsville, with Mr. Park in Ryder on Tuesday eve. Mrs. Stewart Miners and
Ices were got-elected by Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tetetznieti, Otto
liirig of last week. family of Boaeliville spent Tues.!
WITHAM Gate. Interreent 'was cut Detroit, with Mrs. Cora Mr, and Mrs, Meeyyri Stelek, Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Lout day "With Mr, and Nil's. Kenneth
niade in Dashwood Lutheran: Gaiser, of Bradford, with Mr. and Mrs. arid tiattglitet visited river the Langford.
Cemetery. Ile was a member Mr. Robert Wein, or Sudbury, Ed Stelek. weekend with their parents al Miss Veryi Hoopoe spent a
of Zinn. Lutheran Church with Mrs, Herb Wein, Harold llarriathe,r, of tondo, Piekerel, Ontario, ,row days, with Miss Tilltii .04
Pallbearers w e r e Melvin, Mr, And Mrs. Martin Mcgrett. with his uncle, Rot Willett, Mrs, tvelyn Cothran, of Heoper o Toronto,
* KitiOtvitle * Exeter * Ahilierst6or# * 'Medford * tone River
Goderich * Latino West teriie * corhbor * Grand Bend
tkidgetewri Weedtlee * -Ctittatii
1.1606i# Luinttn. CO, Goily Liitribot' CO,
Harlow, Ont. 300 William tt, London, Onto