The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-05, Page 13Vacuum
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The Times.-Adv0;41c, July 5, 1762 Pap 12 Thames Road PS
h d 1 Mr and Mrs Ton Shulman of V,.inbro er ,ann an e. . . •N •- • • • •
Shirley DeVries, Cethy Ecker,
latirbara Ford, Randall Glenn,
Rodney Oreenacre, Veronica
Stephen l-larelsoa, Oral
Knox, Karen Krampp, Dam
1.43 Erceiere, Marlyn .MeDonald,
Stefan Oreneziela, Blrchael. 01-
tem', 1llactiit Page, Daryje
Penhale, Debbie .Poller, Bobby
Tholnlason, David Tilley, Billy
Van Bergen, Brian Vickerman,
john Vriese. Stephen Ward,
Jimmy Wildfong, Gharmaine
Wise, Darlene Wolfe.
Mrs, Helen Jerrnyn
Stuart Adams, Marie Bailey,
Barbara Benatrik, Brent Clarke.
John Cooper, Steven Cushman,
Brian DeVries, Holley Diller,
Denise, Drury, Nola FIJI Cher,
Beverley 0 ettiltter, Nanette
Harness, Jamie Hinton, Paul
Idle, Susan Insley, Debbie Lin-
denfield, Milton Munroe, Tony
MacDonald, Gary McLean,
Ward MeNaughton, Geary r CP.
hale, Michael Pratte, Noel
Skinner, Ricky Stagg, Ricky
Swartzentruber, Cindy Tuckey,
Diane Van Berge n, Linda
Wedge, Wendy Wedge, Larry
Whiting, Sandra Wilson, Debi
Wooden, John Wuerth,
Mrs. Mary Louise Moffatt
Peter Armstrong, David Batty,
Donna Bray, Lorne- Brock, Deb-
hie Campbell, Susan Davis,
Martin Dykstra., Dougie Ferg-
uson, Joanne Ford, Latina Full-
er, Bruce Goyetche, Melanie
Hackney, David Hall, Robin
Hoffman, Terry Janke,
Kathy Kirk, Jimmy MacGreg-
or, Donna Mitchell, Patti Park-
er, Chris Parsons, Nancy Par-
sons, Ann Pinder, Darlene Port-
er, Jesse Postill, Ryan Rose,
Robert ftyckman, Denise Shane,
Trudy Stagg, Bryan Tuckey,
Mark Tuckey, Melonie Veal.
Mrs, Shirley Mousseau
Lynn Ambedian, Ann Batty,
Wayne Brintnell, Hilary Came-
ron, Kathy Campbell, Margaret
Campbell, Tommy Creech, Mar-
lene Desjardine, John Dobbs,
Vicki Edwards, Dougie Fair.
bairn, Debbie Fite, Rebecca
Fiddler, Jon Gaiser, Randy Gil-
lian, Debbie Higgins.
Elizabeth Jolly, Cathy Jones,
,Joan Kocle, Brenda MacDon-
ald, John Musser', Dennis Noon-
an, Beverley Parker, Janie Pen-
ninga, Cathy Read, Gary Ship-
man, Kathy Simmons, Wayne
Simpson, Perry Stover, Gail
Webb, Robert Whilsmith.
Miss Grace Doupe
Ashley, Barbara Batty,
Brintnell, Margaret
Lorna Corbett, Debbie
Veurteen Exeter Pnble 'SeImo!
.'t 11 reeelved academie.
awards pins for highest stand-
ings in the elasses,
The 'Marcia were given to the
top boy and .top girl in each
elms from grade four to seven,
Pitts were presented by of-
fleera of .he Exeter Home and
School Men l ridgy afterne0n,
the last day of school.. Taking
Part. in the eereivoitY w Mrs.
Ereti Simmons, airs, K .W.. Mc-
Laughlin and Mrs. D.
The winnera were:
Grade 7 — Mrs. Lawrence
\Vein's room, Lynda '.Blanchard
!NMI David Stringer; Mr. Geri
Mills' room, Ann Creech and
Jim Knox.
Gracie f — Mr. Bryant's
room, Roberta Grassiek anti
.iloe Durand; Mrs, Desjardine's
room, Carol Lynn Shapton and
Jeff Carroll.
Grade 5.— Mrs. Douglas
Hughaen'a room, Mary Wilson
and Frank-le de Vries; Miss
Betty Gowdie's room, Sherry
Ford and .0ruce ,Shapton. •
Grade 4 — Mrs. Lloyd law-
vey's room, Kathryn Hall and
Danny Jory.
Following are the results of
T.:Neter Public School. Students
are listed in the room to which
they will report in September.
Mrs. Helen Kleinetiver
Patti Arnold, Kirby Berdan,
Bradley Brintnell, Bonnie
Campbell, Barry Campbell,
Douglas Ecker, Wendy
tan,. John Gould, Michael Hig-
gins, Dennis Keller, Terry
MacDonald. Billy 'MacDonald,
Hannah Mathers, Karen Mor-
ley, Richard McLaughlin, Mary
Noonan, Leslie Page, Debbie
Parkin, Deborah Parsons, Rob-
bie Penninga, Richard Phillips,
Bradley Roelorson, Brian Tay-
lor, Michael Veal, Theresa
Vocaman, Heather Wein, Ted-
dy Wedge, Steven \Vika, Den-
ise Wyatt.
Stephen Cann, Robert Corey,
Bruce Kearney, Bobby King,
Jeffery Lindenfield, dean Lux-
ton, Laurie Martin, David
Mitchell, Kathy MacGregor,
Danny Page, Steven Pfaff, Kim
Posthill, Barbara Rawlings,
Steven Read, Brenda Sauder,
Ronald Schroeder, Virginia
Smith, Kim Smith, Ronald
Smith, Brenda Snell, Andy
Southcott, Valerie Sweet, Dan-
ny Sweitzer, Stephen Thomp-
son, Van Tuckey, Lorna Webb,
John Worm,
GRADE 1, Room
Mrs. Helen Coates
Danny .Brintnell, David Brint-
nell, Carla Bruls, Michael Cald- Mary
well, Betty Campbell, Jimmy Ronnie
Campbell, Alan Desjardine, Burke,
Coughlin, Joe Darling. Steve
Dettmer faart De Vries, Lynne
Farquhar, 'Janice FraYne. Mark
Heywood, Cathy Holtzman, tan
.iohnston, Linda. Janes, Billy
King, Irene Knox.
Guy l a Ereniere, Paul Mc-
Knight., Ralph Morley, Richard
°lima. Michael Parker, Dale
Rankles, Ross Parsons, David
Rawlings, Leslie Shane, Iudy
Smith John Sturroek, Jamie
min:her, Cheryl Sweet,
Joy Thomson, Dick Vander'
wore, Kathy Wells, Linrla Whit-
ing, Bobby Willis, Joe Wragg,
Mrs, Marilyn. Heimrieb
Dixie Amerongen, Paul Arm-
strong, Richard Bailey, Bobby
Bierling„limmy Brintnell, Chris-
tine Cann, Glen Cockwill, Wendy
Coughlin, Paul De Vries, Sharon
Edwards, Jamie Fuleher, Jo-
mine Gaiser, Peter Glover, Ar-
lene Hurst, Mary Lee Johnston,
Gary Jory, Barry Keller, Donny
Peter Kleinstiver, Cathy La-
chine, Robbie Linclenfield,
Randy Parsons, Brian Prest,
Randy Preszcator, Theresa
Romaniuk, Larry Shapton, Ken-
ny Smith, Mary Southeott, Kathy
Sparks, Barbara Stanlakc,
Heather Sterrock, David Swell-
aer, Randy Tiernan, Bruce
Tuckey, Yolanda Webb, Susan
Mrs. Elva Turyey
Barbara Arnold, Mary Betas,
Jo-Anne Burke, Nelson Cock-
will, Rosemary Corey, Jim Dar-
ling, Kathy Dewar, Dennis Ferg-
uson, Christine Finley, Donny
Clifford, Gordon Hafekost, Terry
Haugh, Byron Hoffman, David
Keating, Marion Koele, John
Krampp, Anne Lachine,
Penny MacDonald, Dale Mac-
Kenzie, Cameron McArthur,
Susan McDonald, 'Peter Mason,
Paul Martin, Steve Mather's,
Philip Moore, Barbara, O'Dell,.
Cheryl Penhale, Robbie Potter,
Peter Prycle, Stanley :Rawlings,
Suzanne Scott, Timmey Stover,
Helen Tiliey, Lorraine Ventin,
Douglas Wareing. Bruce Whit-
ney, Stephen Wuerth.
Mrs. Moore.
Grade 4 — Brenda :Brintnell,
lane Broderick, Bobby Dobbs,
Doris Ferguson, Cecile Hall,
Ross Huntley, Dianne Krampp,
Bobby Mackie, Beverley Mac-
Donald, Lois Porte r, Paul
Schwartzentruber, of ichaet
Southcott, Gail Sweet, Ruthie
Thompson, Susan 'Dickey.
Grade 5 -- Janet Ecker, Nancy
Gifford, Jimmy Hackney, Mar-
ion Hero, Billy Holmes, Billy
Hooper', ludy Jory, Janice Load-
er. Marjorie MacKenzie, Fred
May, Ronald Moore, Bobby
:Read, Yvonne :amanitas,. WentlY
Rychman, Bobby Sanders, Pen-
ny Schroeder, Freddie Scott,
Donny Shane, George Shaw,
.Ruth Whiting, Carl
Mrs, Dorothy Ho9bsen
:Ronnie Arnarogen, David Mb'
ley, Kathy Bentley, Lawrence
Bieber, Brenda Brintnell, john
Bilie, Gary Campbell, George
Campbell, jaequi Coughlin,
Janet Davis, Judy Ferguson,
Glenda Fisher, Sherry Ford,
Judy Stover, Kathryn Ilan,
Larry Haugh, David Hunter.
Ronnie Janke, Donnie Jolly,
Danny Jory, lim Kearney, John
Lawson, Ronnie Lindenfield,
Cordon MeDonald, Kathy Me-
Donald, Allan McLean, Connie
Mackie, Elizabeth Mickle, Mar-
Me Morrow, Orenczuk, thor,
Judy Price, Bruce Simpson,
Ronnie Wa.lper, ledith. Walters,
Sheila Merl, Doreen
Mrs, Ardella Pea Jardine
Marsha Adams, Judy Burke,
Kathy Cann, Philip Davis, irank
De Vries, Ron Ferguson,1111
harness, Michelle Harrison,
Miriam :Mhz, David Hinton,
Danny Laing, Richard Laugh-
David Moore, Cheryl Parsons,
Gwen Penhale, Yvonne Penhale,
Peggy Pryde, Barry Tiernan,
Jane Thompson, Gracie Thomp-
son, Gerald Willis, Joanne Wil-
smith, Mary Wilson, Barry
Mr. Tremeer
Barry Bayeham, Raymond
Beaver, Dennis Bierling, Mar-
vin Bower, 'Ricky Brintnell, Joan
Campbell, David Dettmer, Keith
Diller, Jan Dinney, Denton
Gaiser„Iimmy Gifford, Beth
Goman, Cheryl Hurst, Ruth Ann.
Jackie Kraft, Robert Krampp,
Linda. Lowery, Michael Mc-
Laughlin, Bob Moore, Jim Park-
er, Barbara. Reid, Larry Smith,
Jane 'Dickey, Billie Westover,
Darrell Wyatt.
Carl Mills
Rocky Abram, Susan Bailey,
John Bierling, David Burke,
Donny Campbell, Basil. Craw-
ford, Ron Durand, Wayne Ed-
wards, Judy Estey, Gary Ford,
David Frayne, Graham Hern,
Lester Rohner, Norman Howey.
Randy Jones, Helen Jory,
Geordie Laughton. John Loucks,
Karen :McArthur. Gordon Page,
Claude Pratte, Ellen Robbins,
Paulette Schroeder, Carol Lynn
Shapton, Gail Shipman, Glenn
Stire, Norman Thomson, Randy
Weber, Linda Wells, Pauline
Wells, Cary tVur m
grounds .nn Friday evening for
their annual picnic'.
Mi.-mils of races were: boys
and .oils, 3 years and. under.
Diane Hodgert; 4. 5 and 0
years. Laura johns; girls, Jan-
ice Joints. Darlene Passinoael
boys, Calvin Rohde, Barry
Miller; Elaine Johns,
Judy Mayer; boys, Douglas
Webber, ,lack Rodgert:
12•14 years. Marlene Webber,
Joyce Mayer; boys. Lennie .//urnr. Douglas Coward; young
ladies, Janet Rowe, Marlene
Webber; young moo, Lennie
Hume, Bill Snow; married men,
Mae Hodgert, Wilfred }junkie,
Lloyd Knight.
Young ladies' kick-the-slip-
per, Margaret Hunkin„loanne
trodgert; young men, Lennie
flume, Douglas Coward; mar-
ried ladies, Mrs. Robert Mayer,
Airs. Wilfred Hunkin; married
men, Donald Bray, Lennie
Hume, Mae 'Horigert itie'r; feed-
Mrs. Margeret Wein
Marlene Bethel', Nancy Brady,
Jeff Carroll, Michael Cooper.
Jimmy Darling, Wendy Doerr,
Bill Fairbairn, ,John C,odbolt,
Roberta Gr'assick, ,loan Hey-
wood, lulls Ileywood, Grant
limper, Mary Lou lloward,
Merle idle, Michael Kearney,
Eddie Lindenfield, john Load-
er, Wendy Loraine, Susan. Page,
Penny Preszeator, Carol Sander,
Ian Scott, Barry Southcott,
Christine Tuckey, Tommy Vick-
email, Ricky Weber, Randy
Witte, Barbara Wells, Greg
Wra gg,
Mrs, M. Madalene Jory
Lynda Blanchard, alarg,aret
Bosch, Patsy Bridges, Fred
Brintnell, I) onald Campbell,
Marie Corey, Ann Creech, Allan
Diller, Tommy Elliott, Victor
Fulcher, Susan Gibbons, Anna
Jim Knox, Louise McBride,.
Robert Micklc, Gary Noonan,
Lynn Page, Bill .Penhale, David
Robinson, Trudy Stover, David
Sparks, Donna Wainer, Melvin
Whiting, Han Zeehtrisen.
A. B. Idle
Phyllis Allen, Doug Beaver,
Larry Brintnell, Ron Broderick,
Elizabeth Ellerington, Gordie
Greenacre, Bonita Greene.
Betty Jean Hamilton, Mark
Hinton, Larry Hockey, Sheila
Keller, George Lee, Brian Mc-
Cilke Nagel, John. Parker,
Darlene Parsons, Bev Prest,
Eric Schwartzentruber, joy Sel-
0e Saturday evening around
Air people of concession four
gathered at Lumley school for
a, picnic supper and presenta•
Dom After supper the children
eraioYed a 'ban' game,
Mr. and Mrs. William 'Ether-
ington were presented with a
Bair of living' room lamps. Mr,
and Mrs, Etherington moved to
Exeter recently.
Personal items
Air. and Alr,s, Witham Thom-
son of Exeter and Mrs. W11-
Bain Rohde attended the 45th
wedding anniversary .celehra•
Lion for Mr, and Mrs. .lames
Thomson of Granton hekl at
the Forrester's Hall in (Iron-
ton on Wednesday evening of
last week.
Rev, W. J. and Mrs. Moore
of Ragersville called on friends
in the community on Wednes-
dav of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Willard
of Mount Hope spent the week.
end with Mr. and alra. Jack
Mrs. Hugh ;.Wilson spent the
weekend with her sister, Mrs.
Mrs. Archie Ltherington, Miss Mr. and Airr,, Lloyd Ktuglit
Mary Abram of London is visit- and: Linda attended the :.centen•
•in.g this week with her sister :Mal anniyersary at St. :Paula's
and. brother-in-jaw, Air. and Anglican .Church, Kirkton, on
Airs- Archie INtherington. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. :Ray :Cann Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Green
were .guests at the Hansen- of Exeter visited on .Sunday
Flintoff wedding in Stratford evening with Mr. and Mrs.
on Friday evening. Mrs. •Cann Alvin Cottle.
was bridesmaid , They were The annual Sunday Schopt
also pests at the wedding of picnic will be held on Tueaeaa:,,
their vousin, George GrUndy, day, ,.icily 17, at 12730 noon
and. Cecile Bitton, of °syringe, Riverview Park, Exeter, -*•*";
on Saturday'. Mr. and Mrs.
coon spent the week with the
letters mother, Mrs. Peter
Ferguson, of (ipeiph.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym
and Mr. and. Mrs. John Pym
and Pauline attended the Pym
reunion on Sunday at River-
view Park, Exeter. Mr. and
Alt's. Tony Shulman and family Sales end Servic e
of Embro, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Wanner and Shi rle y of sa rnia Repairs and bags for all ma-
also attended the reunion. (leis of vacuum cleaners and. ';
Zora Dickson of Cli n t on is polishers. Reconditioned ma. *Z•
litariissipnl‘egin.rtsait .v.Moi,li hernrdnae3srt weipotul aml3nis, rTillr
iery, chines. of all makes .fur sale,
Holiday Time is
S pupils win awards;
fist next year's classes
fly MRS. WILLIAM RPHPE corn flakes blindfolded,
niAmt„.is ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Rowe;
Around VI parents and thild• N‘.1) relays we" won by Mrs.
rem gathered at the school 1/111 Snow's ten").' All gathered in the school
where lunch was served.
T. K, Howse, of Aylmer, the
occasion being Mrs, Howse's'
birthday on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ballan-
tyne and Helen of London
were guests on Sunday with
Air, and Airs. Harold Rowe.
Mrs, Yellow is staying with
her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle, for
a while.
Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Jeffery
and Alan were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gentt.
ner of London,
Mr, and Mrs. William Thom-
son of Exeter, Mrs. Glenn
Jeffery and Alan, Mrs. William
:Rohde, Glenn and Calvin at-
tended the Switzer' reunion at
Queen's Park, Stratford, on
Miss Beverley Passmore . of
London is holidaying with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin. Passmore.
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Jeffery,
Dougie and Nancy of Preston,
Mrs, Harold Jeffery' of Exeter
called on Mr, and Mrs, Glenn
Jeffery on Sunday,
Mrs, Gerald Bell, Douglas
and Paul of Hensall spent the
weekend with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr .and Mrs. George Nicholls
and Mrs. Dellow of Sarnia
spent Saturday evening with
Mrs. Jennie Moore and Mr.
and Mrs. William Snow.
Mr. and Mrs. William Snow
Billy. Bobby and Jimmy were
Sunday guests with Mr, and
don, Fred Simmons, Barbara Mrs. Milton Luther of C,orrie
Skinner, Eleanor Stanlake, and also visited with Mr, and
David Stringer , Dolton Wainer. Mrs. Gordon Moir of Gorrie,
Morris Wecilake, Case Zoo- Miss Maxine .Abram of Len-
Judson. don spent the weekend with
Boa PECK, RR Zurich
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