The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-07-05, Page 5KINETTES REWARD TOP STUDENTS—The top boy and girl graduate from Hen-
sall public school received $25 scholarships Friday from the liensall Kinettes. Mrs.
john Dietz„ left, presents one award to Flora Lee Johnston, .daughter of Mr, and.
Mrs, Elmer Johnston, and Mrs. William Clement, right, resents the other to Bruce
Forrest, son of Mr, and Mrs, Edison Forrest. This is the fifth year the Kinettes
have awarded the scholarships, photo
Top students honored,
list class promotions
UC pastor
takes pulpit
Rev. Harold F. Currie of Barn-
then was inducted as minister
of Hemel], and Chiselburst Unit-
ed churches at service at lien-
eat!. United Church Thursday
night, June 28 with both eon-
gregations well represented.
Rev. I1. C, Wilson of Thames
Road United Church was in.
charge of the service and RCN,
S. E. Lewis of Exeter' gave the
glossa ge,
A reception followed in the
church schootrooms where Rev,-
and Airs, Currie and family
were introduced to members of
both. congregations, Mr. and
Mrs, Clendom Christie formed
the reception committee for
Hensall and Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Parker for Chiselhurst.
Lunch was served by Chisel-
buret UCW.
Rev, Currie received his early
education in his home com-
munity of Lambeth and London
South Collegiate. He attended
the University of Western On-
tario and Emmanuel Theologi-
cal College in Toronto. His first
pastorate was at Bayfield, and
he has served congregations at
Crediton and Watford, and in
Hamilton Conference at Lyndon
and Carlisle. While at Lynden
a new church was built.
More recently Mr, Currie has
been undertaking a specialised
ministry for the United Church
in downtown Hamilton where he
has been director of social
services for Centenary's Wesley
Centre. As a student he served
on mission fields in Saskatche-
Air, Currie is a supplementary
reserve chaplain of the RCAF
and gives some time to this
service each summer.
in 1941 Mr. Currie merriest
Bernice Anderson and they have
two sons, Wayne and Douglas,
and one daughter, Carmen.
Put these buys on your list
ound Steak
or Roast
B • logna
Side Pork
Hamburg 2
H All 19
HUNT'S 48.0Z.
Tomato Juice
8 5(
Pape. July 3.4 1902
and -district new.
mr.A. Maude Hecident Phone
Mrs,. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56.
s,ieee"eie" esesees eseeese, eee esetee sesseees.
Pl..11211s compete
at school picnic
SS JO liay held a picnic at
Risterelew Park, Exeter, on
Thursday afternoon and eve-
ning, June 28 with students.
their parents and former resi-
dents of the section attending,
A picnic supper was enjoyed
and a full line of sports were
held directed by Airs. Alex Munn
And Airs, Ilugh NicEsven.
Winners were — girls race,
6-10, Minnie Rooseboom and
Sandra Munn.; girls race, 11
and up, Anne Funk, Carolyn
Camped): boys race, 6-10, Al-
pert Roosebooni, Bradley Pryde;
boys running retie, 11 and up,
Larry Elder, Malcolm AlcEeven,
.Braciley Prycle, Jimmy Camp-
bell; sack race, Malcolm Me-
Ewen, Lem, Elder; three-leg-
ged race, Bradley Pryde, Albert
Rooseboom, limmy Campbell,
Fred Elder;
Girls sack race, Sandra Aluen,
Katharine MeEwen; three-leg-
ged race, Anne Funk, Carolyn
Campbell, Minnie Rooseboom,
Sandra Munn; ladies race, Mrs.
Harold Elder, Mrs, Harold
Campbell; guessing contest,
Mrs, Gordon Munn;
Hensall personals
Grade 3 (Mrs. Shirray) —
Pauline Allan, Shelley BOD-
O:iron, Beverly Cornell, Allison
',Toed, Cathy Fuss, Keith liar-
burn, David Jackson, Johnny
Jaques, June Maxwell, Bill
McRae, Bob McRae, Timmie
Mock, Donald Noakes, John
Noakes, Mich a el Sangster,
Shirley Smale, Joe Vanstone.
Grade 3 (Airs, Beryl Elgie —
Catharine Christie, Julie Beal,
Sheila Sangster, Dorothy Skea,
Mac Williams.
Grade 2 — Lloyd Allan. Kevin
Bisback, Karen Broderick, De-
borahClark, Kay Da.vis,Ji
Drysdale, Garry Gass, Ardith
Johnston, Shelley Kiefer, Keith
Koehler, Douglas Kyle, Wayne
',enable, B r end a Lavender.
Terry Mattson, Pam Mickle,
Jeff Reaburn, Eddy Roose-
boom, John Roweliffe, Scott
Smith, Christine Vanstone, Ron-
Grade 1. — Ross Alexander,
Joan Allan, Kevin Buchanan,
Dennis Charrette, Billy Clement,
Reid, Sharon Smale, Robbie
Grade 5 — Margie Allan,
Debbie Anderson, Michael Bes-
eau, Christine. .Betts, Beverly
Clark, Mark Fiford, .Donna
Forrest, Linda Hay, Gordon
Jenkins, :Dorothy Kipfer, Lynda
Koehler, Robin Lambie, Chris-
tine McRae, Mary Mock, Nor-
man Nellands, Lynda. Reid,
Keith Roszel, Pamela Sangster,
Marjorie Schwalm, Jane Smith,
Pamela 'Tesler, Peggy Van-
stone, Murray Walker, Heather
Watson, Peter Williams,
By .MRS. KEN tOckg1,LAR the Kirkton Anglican .Chureli;
ClIONARTY on Sunday And visited .aft.ori ,
The annual picnic of S.S.' 6,
wards at the home of Mr- and nd
}Iibbert', was held i n
Pail., 1li,tchell, on
;Is%rlejrr.P;e°4A14.an1r. :t°.1"k
Ar,andM1S. C411 Walker',
\1.anJ1rs.thcon Allen -C.a 1:01371, VOvria. and 'Marlene
and Mr. and Mrs. Jfarve:. Dow vatted On iittitc,Bty with cousins,.
were the sports committee a n d. Mr. and Airs. Glen Tuffin A
al‘1nrci. .°Anitir
Ai rs,
M ,R.b Dow,41" conve n edad INlr. iRi.:;:lic:sielstao: N. Pa4onr'ark WP.aa.nrkdia1011e:
the lunch.
sch oo l race, Ca roly n W a lk er; sing where .they will: spend the.
Results of races are: Pre. Laren are motoring to Nipis.
ggrr:dd ee ss 41.
to 8,
3 , gi.Brlisi,anc oroele;n: suArni.rm,eemdaorimyg .cNhourrleilst, wea,om..
Dow; boys, Alec - Scott; three- by Mr. and Airs. •Wa•
legged race, Bruce Dow an d ham Storey,. of Winthrop, have,
Al" Scott; ladies' race, Joyce west "Acre v‘p,nhe'arenIthQet;rwillrliPatteihrld
Dow; men, Bruce 'Dow. There
awjassn raelapyearilaueteL6cranible and Ca l gary
th is district
While seated a t t h e allover from this district attended the.
I` !•al of the late Mrs. David
‘. 1rdiner which was held at the
ileath-Leslie funeral home in
Mitchell on Thursday.
Miss Alice Walker has taken
a position in the office of the
Murray-Selby Shoe firm in
Air, and Mrs. Donald Scott,
al.‘n,:llagebed.s were holiday weekend. guests of Air, and Mrs, John.
Cromarty honors
departing teache i
Grade 8 — Colleen Baynham,
Carol Belts, Bevan .Bontbron,
Peter Bisback, Ricky Buchan-
an, Paul Drysdale, .1 oyce
Flynn, Clark Forrest, Laverne
Badmen, 'Suzanne Kyle, Linda
Lenaghan, Cheryl Little, Bob Grade 4 (Erie Mansfield) —
Moir, Wendy Moir, Bonnie Bill Cameron, Ron Clement,
Peters, Heather Reid. Bill Hastings, Bill Hoy, David
:Kiefer, Bob Maxwell, Jackie
Simmons, Leonard Striate, john
Grade 4 (Mrs, Mabel. Shir-
ray) — Iris Alexander, Allan
Bisback, Susan Broadley, Carry
Clement, Ken Ferguson, Joyce
Johnston, Anne Keys, Douglas
Mock, Ricky Parker, Joey 'Rea-
burn, Wendy Webster, Beverly
Honor ladies
on departure
-.Mrs. Thorn Docker was hos-
tess at her apartment Tuesday
evening for a farewell pre-
sentation for Mrs. James Jen-
kins and Mrs. C. McClintock,
who are leaving town shortly.
Gifts of cups and saucers and
other gifts were presented to
them. Airs. Docker made the
presentation to Mrs. McClin-
lock, and Mrs. Clarence Hoy
the gift to Mrs. Jenkins. A
secret hour was enjoyed, Kathy Cook, Ian Fiford, Joan
Guests at the party were Forrest, Joan Goddard. Jane
Mrs. Harold Gay, Mrs, Clar- Heal, Pat Joynt, Richard Lanes-
once Boy, Mrs, Bruce Moir, lois, Paul La.wreirce', Laurie
Mrs, Frank :Valley, Mrs. Wile McRae, Paul Neilands, ' Paul
liain Crowell, Airs. Ellis Stew- Reaborn, Rowcliffe,
ar't, Mrs. Docker, Airs, Mc- Danny Smith, Dan Turvey,
Clintock, Airs. Jenkins, Mrs„ Patty Van Weren, jimmy Wat-
D. C, Williams and Mrs, Maude son, Billy Webster, Jane Wil-
Redden. teams,
Pupils tour
county town
Students of grades 5 and 6
of Hensall Public School at the
conclusion of school Friday
morning enjoyed a trip to Godes
riph where Alt', Kincaid, inspec-
tor for North Huron., conducted
the group on a tour through the
coiret, house,
Front there they visited the
museum, Sifter Salt and Sheeler
Pen factories and toured the
Sherlock • Manning .piano„ Plant
at Clinton.
A picnic supper at the home of
their leacher, Mrs, Mary Haugh
of Brucefield rounded out an.
enjoyable outing. F'ort'y-three
look the trip including students,
leachers and mothers who drove
WI piens program
Members of Amber Rebekah
Lodge, their husbands and fam-
ilies have been invited to hold
their annual picnic at the sum-
mer cottage of Mr, and. Mrs.
E. Chipchase at Norman Heights
on Monday, July 9, Directing
sports will be Mrs. Blighton
Ferg, Mrs. Leona. Parke, Mrs.
S, Blackwell and Mrs, Clarence
Mr. and Mrs. Thorn Docker
spent the weekend with relatives
M Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm
and family, Mr. and Mrs. John
Skea and family spent the week-
end holiday at Georgian Bay.
Miss Kathy Clark of Byron
is vacationing fm.- a week with
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin
and Mary.
Mr, • and Airs. Mel Johnston,
St. Catharines, are visiting with
the latter's aunt, Airs, Basil Ed-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKellar,
Susan and Michael, of Chat-
ham, visted over the weekend
with Mr, and Mrs. Archie
Noakes, Susan and Michael. are
remaining for two, weeks' vaca-
tion with their grandparents,
Mrs. Leonard Noakes, who un-
derwent surgery at Victoria Hoe-
pital, London, has left the hos-
pital and is recuperating at the
home of her sister and brother-
in-law, Mr, and. Mrs. jack
Peebles, London.
Mr. and. Airs. 0, McClintock,
Darci, Susie and Peter, left
Saturday for Winnipeg where
they \vitt take ttp residence,
Mr, and Mrs., Getty Beatidee-
hurst and family have taken up
residence on Brock Street, in
the home recently vented by
Mr, and Mee. Schede,
Mr. arid Airs, Mac. Watson
and family have taken lip rest.
donee in Mitchell, where Mr.
Watson has purchased a home,
Miss Louise Jones passed her
grade, two theory examination
of the loyal Censervatory of
Toronto, Louise is now
entitled to her grade seven
piano certificate which she had
Passed previously, Louise is a
pupil of miss Greta Lamtnie.
Mrs. Ttoy (Margaret) Stowell,
Stettler, Alta. and Mrs. Eerily
McNeil, Erskine, Alta.. who
Taman and family at Listowel,
visited with Air, and Mrs.
George Bess last week and
called on different friends here
while on their way home. Mrs.
Bissell is the, former Patsy Mc-
Donnell of Hensel', and. is a
niece of Airs, Taman,
Alr, Bob Simpson anti Miss
Carol Murray, of Birmingham,
Mae, spent the weekend holi-
day with the former's grand-
mother, Airs. Lou Simpson, Bob
leaves for San Antonia, Texas,
July 9 to serve with the RCAF
for four years.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connors
and son Hal, of Albany, N.Y.,
are holidaying this week . with.
Mrs. Connoe's brother and sis-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Chapman and sons.
Mrs. Dorothy Weido and Steve
visited during the past week
with relatives and friends in
Mr. and Airs, Keith Wonna-
cott and family spent the week-
end in Petrone where they at-
tended an Assembly of Jehovah
Mrs. H. Neeb of Tavistock is
holidaying with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, Brown, Bill and Carol.
Terry Peacock and. friend
John Niblet end Jarvis Peacock
of Stitesville spent the weekend
with their grandmother, Mrs,
Grace Harpole. Jarvis will re-
main for the holidays.
Mr. John Passmore has "e-
turned home after a two weeks
holiday spent with his son and
daughter-instaw, Mr. and Mrs.
John Passmore and family at
Mr, and Ales. Wm„T, McLean
and Billy, of Hamilton, spent
the weekend holiday with,. the
P latter's father, Mr. John ass-
Mrs. A. Crerer is spending
this week visiting with Mrs. Ida
Mitchell in London.
Miss Bernice Dining is holi-
daying with her parents, Alr,
and Mrs. Wilbert Dating.
UC Sunday service
Rev, H. F, Currie occupied
his own pulpit at "Jensen United
Church Sunday morning fast
with both the United and Car-
mel Presbyterian churches well
reereeented. For his sermon
topic lie spoke on "DOinini011
Day," ,
The choir contributed air en-
them and the Misses Nancy
Kyle, Ann Mickle, Louise Jones
and Suzanne Rennie sang a
number. Mee, Robert Pryde
presided at the thureh organ,
Presentations of $25.00 sehol-
arshipS were made t o Flora
Lee Johnston, 13, and Bruce
Forrest, 12, an annual award to
the top boy and girl student in
grade 8 of Hensel]. Public School.
Mrs, William Clement, presi-
dent of the Hensel), Kinettes,
who sponsor this annual project,
made the presentation at the
school Friday morning, June
Flora Lee is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Johnston
and Bruce 15 the son of Mr. and
Mrs, Edison Forrest,
(Grade to Which promoted)
Grade 9 — Bob ("artily, Bill
Chipchase, Bryan Fink, Bruce
.Forrest, Barbara Forrester,
Riley reunion
at district farm
The home of Mrs, Bert Riley,
Cromarty, was the setting Sat-
urday for the annual Riley re-
union when 1963 officer's were
President. is Lloyd Riley,
Crom.arty; vice-president, Ernie
Harburn ;secretary, Mrs. Wil-
liam Kellington; treasurer, Mrs.
Bert Riley; sports committee,
Air. and Mrs. George Boa, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Smale.
A full line of sports were run
off, and a picnic slipper en-
joyed. Youngest' baby present
was Raymond Riley; youngest
married couple, Air. and Mrs.
Earl Deichert; longest married
couple, Ate. and Mrs. George
Mann; eldest lady present, Mrs.
john Riley, 86 years; eldest
man, George Mann; lucky chair,
Bradley Brodhagen; lucky car,
Douglas Lewis; coining longest
distance, Mr. and Mrs Douglas
Lewis, Bronte.
Reunion in 1.963 will he held
at the home of Mr. and. Airs.
Ross Riley.
Playground is popular
Seventy children registered at
the Hensell playground on
Tuesday for a month of activi-
This week was spent mainly
in craft and . scavenger hunt
was held on Thursday.
Next week will he "Track
and Field" week at the park.
Newcomer's anti. ViSilOra are all
welcome to attend.
Glenn Harburn, Grant ,loves,
Flora Lee Johnston, Danny
Kiefer, Dianne Koehler, Alvin
Lavery, Marcia Little, Gary
Maxwell, Linda Mock, Rose
Marie Neilands, B a r b a r a
Schwalm, Robert. Smale, David
Smale, Otto Smale, Bill Sol-
den, George Taylor Grant
table, Air. Eldon Allen read an
Address and Mr. T. L. Scott
presented a beautiful desk
clock and pen to the retiring
teacher, Miss 'Wanda McLaren.
who thanked the parents and
pupils for the gift and also for
their kind co-operation during
her three yea)' term es teacher
at S.S, 6, Ribber!.
Berner in the day the pupils
presented her with a set el
steak knives, which were also
much appreciated.
Miss McLaren will he teach-
ing next term in Hamilton.
Personal items
Mr. and Airs. Howard Eves,
Dennis, Gladys and. Caroline,
of Moose Jan', Sask., are visit-
ing with Airs, Eves' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Tiros, Laing and
many other relatives,
Airs. Will Hamilton is a pa-
tient in Scott Memorial lios
pital, Seaforth.
Mr. Henry Eggert, of Ro-
stock, is visiting with his
daughter, Airs. Alex Gardiner,
and Mr, Gardiner,
Miss Carolyn Christie left
last. week to take a position at
the Bob-inn Restaurant in Bala,
Personal items
Miss Theresa Corriveau, of
London spent a few holidays
with her parents, Air. and Mrs.
Lucien Corriveau and family,
of Blake, and since has 're-
turned le London.
The section of the Blake
School held their annual picnic
on the school grounds last Wed-
nesday. The da.y was enjoyed
by everyone,
Miss Pearl Ann Erb visited
last Tuesday night with Miss
Mary Mae Schwartzentruber,
of Blake,
Al,-. .Harold Finlay, Jim. Mar-
garet and Emma Jane attended.
the Farrell reunion at Goderich
on Sunday.
Tues., Wed, & Sat., 9 to 6
Thurs. & Fri., 9 to 9
School Girl Perms-46.00
Regular $8.50
Phone 236 Hensall
Membee's of the. Legion Ladies
Auxiliary met at the home of
Airs. Orlo McClintock Thursday
evening of last week and pre-
sented her with a brooch and
matching earrings, Mrs, Gor-
don Munn, past president of
the auxiliary making the pre-
Mr. McClintock was also pre-
sented with a gift from the
Legion Branch 468.
Comments about
Personal items
The UCW and Sunday school
Picnic of St. Andrew's United
Church will he held at Lion's
Park, Seaforth, on Tuesday
afternoon, July 10.
Mrs, Adams and her daugh-
ter, Donalda, of Seaforth, vis-
ited Saturday with Mr's. E.
Dowson, and Sunday visitors
were Mr. and Airs. John Pep-
Air. and Mrs, Miller McCon-
nell, and family, of Bristol,
Penn., are visiting Miss Ma-
belle Whiteman,
Weekend guests with Mrs.
Reid Torrence and Miss Jean
Ivison included Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hane s, of Severn
Bridge, and Mr. anti Mrs.
Laurie Williamson, of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert .A.lexa.n-
der, Hensall, visited on Mon-
A trousseau tea is being held
on Saturday evening, July 7,
at 7;30 p.m. her Marlene Riley,
(bride-elect of July 14) at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Nelson Riley.
Mr. John Gibson and Airs,
Tom Bourke, of. Wroxeter, vis-
ited recently with Mr. and Mrs,
W. L. Meths.
Miss Audrey Priestap and.
friend, of near Mitchell, visited
Sunday with Air, and Mrs.
Bert Themson,
COchrane Reunion
Members of the executive of
Hensel]. Women's Institute met
at the home of president Mrs.
Fred Beer last Wednesday eve-
ning to prepare programs for
the coming year. Eldest person in attendance,
An itemized.- statement was Mrs, Hyde; youngest child in at-
presented of the hockey banquet tendancc„leff Corbett. The pie-
which the branch catered to and nic closed with a peanut scram-
the proceeds turned over to the ble,
treasurer. Honor CGIT member Members attending were Airs.
George Hess, Mrs, Clarence
Reid, Mrs. Wilbert Dating,
Airs, 11, Al. Peck, Mrs, T. Sher-
rill, Mrs, Walker Carlile, Miss
Greta ha m rri i e, Mrs. Carl.
Payne, Mrs. John Skea, 'Miss
Al. Ellis, Mrs. A. R. Orr, Mrs.
Legion honors members
The CG1T of Carmel. Presby-
terian Church met at the church
manse Tuesday afternoon to
honor Miss Judy Jenkins, ans
active member, who is leaving
the district.
Leader Mrs, Ross MacDon-
ald spoke briefly expressing
thanks to Judy for her co-
operation while a member of
the group. Miss Patsy Moir
made the presentation of a
purse. A recreation period of
badminton was played and.
lunch was served.
Mrs. George Hess and Airs,
J. E. AlcEwen attended the
play "The Tempest" at the
eeeeieereeeesretee.reeerseeeeSe-eeettieqereefg Shakespearean Festival, Strat-
ford, on Saturday last and while
there were guests with Miss
Etta Jarrott.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Kuntze,
Bad Axe, Mich, spent last week-
end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry
By MRS. NORMAN LONG Adkins, Mrs, Lavine. Reichert
and Ivan, Air. and Mrs. Earl
Kuntze visited with Mr, and
Mrs. Orland Reichert,
The Cochrane clan met for Clarence Reid has purchased
their annual reunion at the cot- a lot on Highway 4 from J. 'N.
tage of Bill. Fuss on Saturday, eicEsven and is building a new
June 23, After a bountfel Pic- home.
nic nipper, sports were enjoyed Lloyd McLean is building
by all present.. new home on Highway 4 one
Prize winners were: l'ettcley and a quarter south of
table number, Bill Fuss; guess-, Herreall,
ing number beans in jar, Jack
Cochrane; Doreen coming the
farthest, Mr, and Mrs. Cleve
Cochrane, Agnes Cochrane,
Margaret and Marion Chain.
borlaiti; guessing number of
Articles in egg, Ethel MeMur.
frit; oldest person present, Mr.
;John Cochrane.
Aoys aicd girls running trace,
to 10 years, Kenneth Zones
and Linda Foes; boys, 10 TO 15,
Grant Jones, MOMS Abram;
young men's rate, Wayne Love,
Morris Abram; married ladles'
race, Ethel AleAltreteiti, Mei'.
gavel, Jones; married men, Bob
Madge, Stan Love; three-leg,
ged Pete, Wayne Love and. Ken ,
iteth Jones, Morris Abrani and
(leant Jones; Men, kick the
slipper, Wayne LOVei
Agnes Madge; beeeking the
balloon, A d LOVO, Wayne
Love, Bob Madge,
Officers for the 'Corning year have been vacationing with theft'
are; Preeident, Meg MeMet , sister and betithet-in•law,
Mel secretary, Merg at et and Ales, W. A. MacLarcn,
Jones; treasurer, Ian 1icA11is= Ooderieh, are visiting with 'their'
ltr; table tonVeneri , Mrs. Bill Aster4 WO ,
Mts. Ella ,
Puss': Spette comm ittee, dale, and attended, the Stephen.
and Mrs. Bob Madge, me. and son picnic at Seaterth till Sun.-
Met, Stan Love,
A vote Of thatika Was lett.
tiered to Me, and Mrs. Bill Etree
And they Wee. peetented With
e in ell gilt in appreciation Of
their hospitality. • •
Mr. And Mrs, l)on Bissell and
two of their older children,
Stvoithe and MIMI, of Poway',
California, who have been vaea-
boning with Mr, and Mrs. Ted
need under LUST:)
Grade 7 — Pauline Bell,
Christine Cameron, Arleen
Chipehase, ,1 o h 11 Goddard,
Cathy Henderson Cary EY10,
Marilyn Maxwell, Been ci a
Noakes, Charles Schwalm, Joan
Sim mons„John Skea, Ken
Smale, Ruth Smale, Bill Tay-
Mr, Gerald Volland,
Grade 6 — Janice &enliven,
Betty Cameron, Carolyn Cook,
Beth Cook, Bill Cornell, Mich-
ael Davis, Muriel Ferguson,
Lynda Fuss, Michael Hoy, Sus-
an Jinks, Roy Johnston, Ken-
neth Jones, John Joynt, Linda
Keys, Lin d a Jane Kipfer.
Sharon Lavery, John Moir,
Cheryl Mousseau, Tom Neil-
ands, Patricia Parke, Allan
— Continued from page 4
Message from
E, Luxton is a patient in
South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Crawford,
Mr. Alvin. Crawford and Miss
Mary Crawford were guests at
the fiftieth wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. George Pull-
man which was held in the
Orange Hall, Mitchell, on Sat-
urday night, Mr. anti Mrs, Tames Dins-
Mr. and Airs. Al', Lamond al- more and boys, of Windsor,
tended the 100th a.nraversary of and Mr. Lloyd McBride spent
the holiday weekend with Mr.
and Airs, Thomas Dinsmore
and Mr. and Airs. James Dins-Sugar and spice more, of Zurich,
Mr. and Airs. Donald Manson
andfamily, of Toronto. spent
through the islands, game of the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
golf, fishing, jaunt, or swim Newell Geiger and John, Mrs.
and sunbathing. Home. Shower, Mary Manson and Robert.
Tall, tinkling drink. Dinner.
served outside, of barbecued
steak, baked potato, fresh green
beans or young carrots, salad.
Coffee. Brandy.
'Read novel, under the oaks,
lulled by sounds of summer
evening — children's piping.
birds' lullabies, distant band
concert, Sit out until long after
dark, smoking good cigar and
pondering ways of God and
man. Go in, prepare small
snack, retire to study, watch
all late movies until all sta-
tions off air. Bed,
This, I know, is the only way
I can fight off that wild desire
to get back into that class-
room, and manage, somehow,
to get through those two gruel-
ing months, I can only save
my sanity if I slick-closely to
my program. And I intend to
do just that. Provided, of
course, that I can dispose of
the dog and eat, sell my two
children into slavery, and send
my wife to visit her uncle in
ueen S. '
Dining facilities for
banquets: and weddings
Attractive Rooms
5.• • • . o . e ,, -, X