HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-28, Page 1324 Tenders Wanted dens to be in the hands of the Secretary by 'Friday, .July fi, 1962. at 6:00 pin. If W, BROKENSHIRE, '• See••Treas,. Uric)), Ont. Hay Tnwnship. School Area 21:28c 25 Auction Soles Clearing AUCTION SALE Consisting of Real .estate,„ Household Furnishings and Car for the E4are of the late Edgar .Gorveft on 23. Highway.,. in the VILLAGE OF KIRKTON SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1962 Commencing at 1 p.m, sharp REAL ESTATE consists of lot inn' x 170' with six-roam frame house, garage and good well, Will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, at 3:00 o'clock. Three-piece c hest e r field suite; end table; 4 small tables; desk; 17" Spartan TV; studio couch; Morris chair; 6- piece hair cloth-covered walnut parlor suite tin good condi• non); small antique cabinels; Frigidaire with freezer across the top; antique pine and glass cupboa•rd; 6 kitchen chairs; cabinet; kitchen cabinet; round extension table; mantel clock; enamel coal and wood rangre, Quebec range; Quebec heater; book case; wool carpet; Cole man space heater; antique cherry chest, 8 drawers; small chest of drawers; dresser; bedroom suite; 2 corn modes; 3,4 Simmons bed, springs and mattress; s ev e, r a 1 rocking chairs; electric heater; vacuum cleaner; quantity of antique and china; set china dishes, lamps; curtains; drapes; pic- tures; 2 antique frames; books; small safe; scatter mats; car. pet sweeper; cot; wheel chair; quilt chest; trunk; odd chair; ironing hoard; rangette; hot Plate; cooking utensils; wash tubs; Beatty washer. 1953 Plymouth sedan, 10,300 miles; bench saw; 1-a horse motor; Savage rotary power mower (nearly new); lawn mower; lawn roller; wheelbar. row; drill press; pipe thread- er; 240-lb. snips; carpenter tools; tool chest; garden tools; hand sprayer; grass seed sow- er; 3 step ladders; oil drum and pump; coal heater; ap- proximately 3 tons stove coal and other articles. 'l'ERSIS: Chattels—cash. Real Estate — 1117;, down on day of sale, balance in 30 days, or• terms may he arranged. MILTON -MARRIOTT, Auctioneer 28e Bale with SUPERIOR 'We buy twine by the carload. Because we save money we pass the saving on to you. SUPERIOR is lop quality twine, rodent and insect treated, CANN'S MILL LTD. PHONE 235.1782 EXETER All persons having claims In Zurich #7., against the estate of Mary No. 3—All the children from Becker, late of the Village of former SS *12 and *4 Dashwood, in the County of schools to Zurich •;,'-:7, Huron, Widow, who died on or No. 4—All the children from about the 7th day of April *8 school living on Bronson 1962, are required to file par- Line and 14th Concession to ticulars of same with. Bell & IISS #15, on Highway *83. Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, No 5—All the pupils' •front Ontario, by the 30th day of closed.. ' sc hool section *14 lone 1962, after which date the • • --' Hay, to Zurich School 7. estate will . be distributed hav- For •' ' ing regard only to those claims further' details please of which notice has been r ceived. e • contact the Secretary, In alt tenders the insurance coverage must he adequate Bell & Laughton, and satisfactory In theboard Solicitors for th e E xecu tors, . and paid by person tendering. Exeter, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not .14:21.:28c necessarily accepted. All ten- Get set for 1 Brake System Inspection vi Headlight Aim. & Lamp Check 1 Engine Tune-Up Wash & Polish G uardi Maintenance Summer Services MEAN Good Motoring SHELL ROS. LTD. Phone 235-0660 Exeter CHEV OLDS ENVOY Help Wante ae. Men and women to work during the summer at Vegetable Canning POSSIBILITY OF DAY AND NIGHT WORK Apply In Person To Canadian Canners Lit ; 210 WELLINGTON ST. WEST EXETER, ONT, 4,4 TA, .5 WHOLE RANGE ALL THE WAY UP TO THE IVIIGHTY i. - ; - TO KEEP COSTS TO A SOON. A GENERAL norno. vitur yllNik104.: CHECK 'WITH • ••••• •seeeieee Be goo to see Bonanza on the ck0,11/ network each tunctay,thockyoor local 1104,4'fet therthels amid Ct. t /6,2a SNELL BROS. LIMITED P14 13 -.460 Choy Outs = oevaie = envoy = Choy 'trucks EXLIER APA.W.PAt ENT, unfurnished, 4 B:NDROON, furnished. tentrel- rooms, 3-piece bath, private ly located, by two working ent.1111M, immediate possession, girls e m p 1 o y e d in Exeter. lig Miles north of airport. Phone 162r1 .Dashwood, eve- Apply Earl W. Neil, phone nings, 26 4 35-1921, 4:26tfne 130 1863 ....,.. ,.......... ACRES .good tillable land, 23: legal •.Nolices For further information apply at t oxhe GI'Exeter Times-Advocate, 2 orra Bo l28 SL, full basement and oil heat; Iii138 per month carries mortgage 2-BEDROOM HOUSE--71. Sim- and taxes. coe St., Exeter.. .1..28* 3-BEDROOM ranch type, Ex- eter, 45' AWHILE „HOME, Hensall. 4-BEDROOM rug brick, Main St. 2-BEDROOM rug brick, Carling St, VACANT STORE and dwelling at Cromarty. Low price with low down payment, GROCERY and meat store. Let us show you and make us an offer. Call JB at Sell .A Laughton, solleitorF ,for the Executor, Exeter, Ont. 14:21:28c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In .the Estate of Christian Anderson, deceased. All persons having rlaims against the estate of Christian Anderson, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 22nd day of May 1962, are required to file particulars of same with Bell •Eatighloe, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 30th day of June 1962, after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been receiv- ed. APARTMENT, upper, 2-bed- room, modern conveniences, private entrance, heated, all Utilities paid; possession June 30, Apply LOnne Hodge, phone Crediton 234-6301. 21:28c COZY APARTMENT, furnish- ed and heated, suitable for Iwo, private entrance, available July 7. Apply 170 Carling St, 28* APARTMENT, 3-room, self, contained, downstairs, furnish- ed, heated, private entrance. No pets, Apply Times-Advocate, 28c HOUSE, 2-bedroom, in Exeter, modern conveniences, 'mined- iate possession, Phone 235-1771. 28'1' APARTMENT, in Crediton, 2- bedroom, 3-piece private bath, large living room, modern kit- chen, separate entrance, all newly decorated, all brand new furniture, utilities paid, Phone 234-6338. 28* .HOUSE, 2-bedroom. Apply 187 Ann St. or phone 235-1377. 28;5c COTTAGES &harrow Survey, 2 miles north of Grand Bend, Reduced rates June 30 to July 14, PHONE 568.15 GRAND BEN.D 28c 19 For Sale or Rent COMFORTABLE HOUSE in Hensel], automatic oil heat, modern bath and kitchen, Phone 267j3 Hensel!. 28* HOUSE, 3- or 4-bedroom, in Exeter; would like to rent for a long period of time. Apply to Times-Advocate, 28c GRADE 9G First Class Honors — Doug- las Evans, Pat McCoy, Mar- lene Thompson, Gail Sangster, Mary Visscher, Second Class Honors — Craig Chapman, Nancy. Willett Third Class Honors — Patsy Adams, Norma Weigand. Credit — ,Dianne Corriveau, Barbara Clausius, Douglas Ben- der, Hank Bosch, Sharon Wass- man, Mary Savage, Ellen Hartman, Donald Hoffman, Carol Gackstetter, William Snow, lean Smith, Anne Law- rence, Allen Lawson, GRADE 9H Second Class Honors — Joan Ma eNa ugh ton. Third Class Honors — Helen Dietrich, Carolyn Tiedeman. Credit — James Allen, Cy- ril. Corriveau, Ross Fisher, Valerie Gibson, Conditional Promotions — Jeffrey Dietrich (Geog.); Mar- tha Fischer ' (Geog,); James Pfaff (Eng,); Gdorge Stasik (Eng., Hist.); Orville Wein (Eng., Hist,). NOTICE. TO •CREPITQRS. In the Estate of parry .Rayrnomi Lo Carroll, fleCeB serf. All persons having claims against the .estate of Parry Raymond Lee Carroll, late of the City of Haifa, in the State of Israel, Commercial: Pilot, who died nn or about the 2nd clay of March 1961, are requir- ed In file partieelars of same with Bell & Laughlon, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th clay of July, 1962, after which date the- estate will he distri• bitted having regard' only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for Ancillary Ad m inis tra tnr, Exeter, Ont. 2815:12c 24 Tenders Wanted MoSSa00 from Centralia ay MRS, FRED BoiyPEN Peuenal items Mrs. Murray Abbott was On a bus trip to Niagara Falls on Friday with the teacher and pupils of SS 2 Piddulph. She, spent the, day at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. William Abbott and family.- Mr. and Airs. Ray Lammie, Robert and Jean attended the .;?,:ith wedding anniversary cele- • hration of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Palmer al Malton Satur- day evening. On Sunday they visited in Toronto with Mr. • Lammte's sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paisley and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Dunn and fam ilies. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mor- gan and family. Melbourne, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Morgan and Marilyn, Mrs. Glenn Robinson of Kes- wick is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Borland. Air, and Mrs. John Thomp- son attended a family picnic at .Springbank Park on Sunday honoring Mrs. Thompson's sis4 ter anti brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Sutherland, of lona. on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. See Sandy's SALE Page 3 The IiinoPA.rivooff, dune 28, 1.962 Page X13 Mortgagts Other Services Wills — Agencies — Executor4 Administrators — Trustee — Agent for Executors-- Property Management Guaranteed Investment Certificates 5% Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company Exeter Representative JOHN BURKE REALTOR AND INSURANCE PHONE 23,5.1863 EXETER ° Head Office; Sarnia Offices: Forest and Pelrolia HOME, 3 - bedroom, modern conveniences, 5 miles from Ex• eter. Phone 235-0907. 28:5c 50 ACRES, house and barn; $9,000 full price. 3 TO 13 ACRES, fruit trees and berries, 21/2 miles south- east of Centralia; reduced to sell, JOHN BURKE Limited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE • DEVON BUILDING EXETER Phone 235-1863 17 Properly For Rent APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, mo- dern and comfortable, avail- able July 1, The former Sim• 16 Property For Sale 11 Properly for Rent 20 Wanted to Rent 23 t.egol Notice; NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Becker, deceased. — Continued from page 11. Bentley, Michael Cushman, Gerald Finkbeiner, Jens Grav• ley, Robert Hartman, Donald Knight, Robert, Reynolds, Ric- key Schroeder. Credit Standing — Patricia MacKenzie, Bruce Shirray. Conditional Promotion—Judy Arnold (Ag. Sc.); Elizabeth (Ag. Sc.); Michael Corriveau (Math,, Ag. 'Sc.); Marina Coughtrey (Geog., Ag. Sc); Donald Du.ndas (Geng.); Fred Learn (Eng., Ag. Sc.); Rose Marie Vecsi (Geog., Fr.). GRADE 90 First Class Honors — Ma- rion Carscadden, Lana Keller, Earl Reichert, Second Class Honors — Wil- lie Berends, Barry Bloch, 'Hel- en Campbell, Helen Cole, ,Jean Dzioha, Joan Rader, Lois Sim- 01 on S Third Class Honors — Rich- ard Henning, Ronald Crown, Yvonne Fisher, Gregory Harn- ess, Roger Keller, Patricia Mc- Laren, Auriol Noonan, Sharon Sanders, Richard Westcott. Credit — Carole Foster, Hob- ert McDonald, Ken Thiel, Conditionally Promoted — Bob Bannister (Fr); Robert Henning (Shop); Dianne Geiser (Geog“ Ag, Sc,); Nancy Heath (Ag, Sc,); John Koopmans Eng„ Math.); Linda Snider (Ag. Sc.); Sharon Stone (Ag, Sc.); Barbara Whiting (Eng., Ag. Sc.); Barbara Willert (Eng.); Co Zondag (Math), GRADE 9E First Class Honors — Mar- ilyn Mins, Sandra Schoch, Second Class Honors — Bob Burns, Yvonne Devine, Caro- lyn Eagleson, Gary Fisher, Sandra Hunter, Jim Kerslake, Bonnie McCrae, Martin Mont- morency, Sheila Nielands, Douglas Stanlake, Third Class Honors — Gloria Adams, Richard Stacie, Brian Sweitzer, Credit --• Eric Campbell, Jim Desjardine, Alherf Hummel, Larry Jones. Credit with Probations — Blair Pletcher (Eng-, Fr,); Marilyn Gardiner (Ag. Sc.); Valerie Jackson (Eng, Ag Sc.); Judy Oesch (Hist., Geog,); Diane Stone (Fr,); Ivan Wil- ler' (Geog., Fr,), GRADE 9F First Ow Honers term Hertiess, Judy Second Class Honors Bon- Ole Foster, Elaine Green, Judy Jenkins, Lyn Walker,, Sue Ann' Wytij,a, Third Class Honors — (`.ern' Hendrick, Elsie Credit Meridith Gritting, Glenn 110/finan, Attie Moronz, Conditional tern in o t i Cary Heaver (Ag.); Elaine Ribber (Rig, Gebg.); Gingerieh Grat , ten (Pr,); Bob RiggittS (Math.), Fr.): Herten Hilmmel (141st., (]cog,) Wayne Keller (Elig., Geog,); Judith McCellthri (Hist.); Laura MacMillan (Geog.), Nog Parker (Ag. Sc,); AN, Rader (Ala.); Jim rkallraY Eng,); Janet Rowe, Eleanor WOM (Georg',). NEW 3-BEDR0O5l. on Marl- borough SL, full basement and oil heat; garage; $71 per rn onth pays mortgage aed• taxes, 2-BEDROOM house, on Carling St., attached garage; fenced all around; heat for $100 and taxes only $172. - 2-BBDROOM TRA1LE R, on William SL, in excellent condi, Non, Owner moving and offers attractive price, APARTMENT, upper, . 3 rooms. and bath, heated, private .ent- 4-BEDROOM brick, John St. ranee, stove and refrigerator supplied, good location, In EX - 4-BEDROOM brick, Andrew St. eter, available Line 30. For in- 3-BEDROOM brick, Main SL formation phone 235-0477 eve- 3-BEDROOM brick, Riverview nings, 235.0003 afternoons. Heights, 21;28c APARTMENT, lower, 3-room, partly furnished, available im- mediately, good highway, 5 miles from Lu.can. Mrs. Mary 50 ACRES, house and barn; Hudson, phone Granton $4,000 down, after June 29. 28* mons Apartments, Sanders St. East, phone 235-2012. after 6 20 , Wanted To Rent 6:14" tfnc PROMOTIONS VILLAGE OF HENSALII TENDERS FOR PAINTING NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sealed tenders will be re- ceived up to 6 o'clock, .Satur- James Leonard Dilkes, day, June 30, 1962, for the ap- deceased, plication. of two coats of white paint to the exterior of the All persons having claims Town Hall, Contractor to sup- against tile estate of James ply all material and the work Leonard Dilkes, late of the to he done as soon as possible. Town of Exeter, in the County Lowest on any tender not of Huron, H.E.P.C. employee, necessarily accepted. For fur- who died on or about the 9th ther information apply at the day of May 1062, are required Clerk's office. to file particulars of same with Bell & La tighten solicit- EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk ors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 21:28c 7th day of July 1962, after which date the estate will he distributed having regard only to. those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executrix, Exeter, Ontario, 21:28;5c TRANSPORATION TENDERS The Hay Township School Area Board of Trustees here- by call for tenders for the transportation of public school children from September 1962 to June 30, 1963, as follows; No. i—All the children from what originally was .SS *11, Hay, Highway 421., to USS 415, Highway *83. No, 2—All the children from what originally was SS *6, Hay, and pupils on Goshen Line that attended 48 school,