HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-28, Page 11. ........
DEDICATE NEW ORGAN AT DASHWOOD—A new organ was dedicated in a spec-
ial ceremony at Dashwood EUB Church Sunday. It was the gift of Dr. and Mrs,
Clarence W. Yager, Bright's Grove, in memory of their parents. Mrs. Yager, seated
at the new instrument above, was organist for the service, Behind her, from left,
are the minister, Rev, M, J. James, the regular organist, Mrs. Kenneth McCrac,
and Dr. Yager.
Dedicate new organ
at Dashwood church
Second. •Section
EXETER, QNTAR1Q, JUNE 28, 1962 Pogo Eleven
SH D , H .,_..... LISTS ,
.. .• - , ' -
Boost your pastures and
second cut hay with
Dry weather in May resulted in short
hay crops. That partly filled mow can be
filled if you will boost your second cut hay
with Liquid Urea, And those short pastures
can be rejuvenated wills the same liquid
We have applied Liquid Urea le a good
many acres of pasture and hay crop this
spring. Results have been extremely good
and we are very enthusiastic about this far,
/Hiring program. to say the least.
Hers ate a few random comments by
farmers who used it earlyt
"I would have plowed my pasture down
it was to poor, But when you suggested
use Liquid Urea on it I decided to give
It a try sine I was short of pasture.. It'
was the best advice I have had in a long
tittle, I got much better results than I ever
thought I would,"
And another: "My pasture has been
down since 1949. I thought it had run out but
when I applied your Liquid Urea it brought
back the clovers that I haven't seen In yeaes,
It Sure aid help my pasture arid I plan to do
More now,"
And still another; "See those light colored
strips in the pasture field where the grass
is shel? That'S where the machine missed
when it came back down the field. It' a good
lob your Man did niiss those strips because.
I would never have believed the difference
would have been so great. See how the rest
of the field is a very dark green color, and
how 'much mote grass is growing. Those
cattle have been pasturing on thiS field ever
since you sprayed it. I aril very satisfied
that it has paid me to apply your liquid for.
If you want to carry over your pas,
tures during the dry, het period of July and
August, this is a -§oed time to give theist en
extra boost with A top dressing of nitrogen.
Make arrangements with us now to apply
The Sunday morning worship
service at the Evangelical UB
Church included the dedica-
lion of the Baldwin. electric or-
gan donated, by Dr. and Mrs,
Clarence Yager of Bright's
Grove in memory of their par-
Mrs. Yager was guest organ-
Pay tribute
to minister
Communion service was held
in the United Church on Sunday
when four people were received
into church. membership.
Rev. E. Roulston preached
his farewell sermon. At the
close of the service, Mr. Man-
uel Curls ably expressed the
appreciation of the congregation
to Rev. Roulston for his work
in the church since October.
Miss Lorene Me 'presented
Mr. Roulston with a gift,
Induction service for the new
minister, Rev. C. A. Brittain,
will be held in Grand Bend
United Church Thursday eve-
Personal items
Mrs. Fred Steeper of Denfield
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Steeper and family.
Mr, Lewrende Luther of Cal-
gary, Miss Jean Luther of Lon-
don and Miss Maxine Luther
of Scarboro spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Luther
and all attended the Luther re-
union at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Manford Luther of Grand
Bend on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gardner
and family of Newmarket spent
the weekend With Mrs: J, Gard-
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Rinker
And Chris of Sarnia spent the
weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Brophey.
A number of families in this
Vicinity attended the Bullock re-
union at Riverview Park, Exe-
ter on Saturday.
Miss Mary Ellen Griffeth of
Parkhill is spending her trace ,
filori eVith her grandparents,
and Mrs. William Hicks.
Mr. and Mies, Harvey Walper
and family attended the Madan
reunion at &erne on Sunday,
Mrs, Jas, Caeretthete is a pa-
tied in Smith Huron Hospital,
Mr. end Mee. Ray Eagleson
and knee of leettolt 'spent the
Weekend with reletives here,
Severe' families in this dia•
trict attended the Mallard re-
titian at Sevens Park on Strti
ist and Airs. Ken McCrae ac-
companied her with the piano.
Harry Hoffman sang a solo,
"The Holy City", The choir
sang an anthem. Mrs. Lowell
Smith, sister of Rev. el. je
James, sang "Teach Me Thy
The sermon delivered by
Rev. M. J. James was entitled,
"Your Life Belongs to God,"
I nfant Baptized
Mary-Jo Elizabeth Howe, in-
fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Howe was baptized in
Zion Lutheran Church Sunday,
June 24, by Rev. William Getz.
Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Rader
were sponsors,
Personal items
Funeral services for Mrs.
Emma Dietrich 'were held at
Zion Lutheran Church, Tues-
day, - June 19.. :Pall bearers
were, Ronald Merner, John.
Ziler, John and Milton 'Dietrich,
Roy Ryan and. Glenn Breen.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck
of Bradford spent last weekend
with Mr. and. Mrs. Ed, Stelck
on the occasion of their 55th
wedding anniversary.
Miss Anne Marie Kraft of
Exeter spent last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Martene
and Peter.
Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Resie.-
mayer accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Wolfe spent
a week at Key River where
they report the fishing excel-
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ervin Rader and family
were, Rev.and Mrs. Wm.
Getz, Mrs. James Howe, Mr,
and Mrs. Lloyd Howe and
Mary-Jo of London and Mr.
and Mrs, Fred Miller of Zion.
Mr. and. Mrs, Ted Hopf of
Niagara Falls visited with the
former's sister Mrs. Alma
Weekend. visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm, Haugh were Mr.
and Mrs, Leo Lendeke and
Elizabeth, Mrs, Win.. Schte
maker and Mr. and Mrs,. Art
Sehemaker of Pigeon, Mich.,
Mr, and Mrs. Ray )7anDorsse-
laer, anti Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Ilad.er . and family,
Weekend 'visitors with Mrs.
Lucinda Mclsaac Were Mr.
and Mrs. Details Corriveau of
Hirkton and son Dennis of
Washington, Mr. and Mrs,
James Melsaac and family and
John. Denomnie, and Me., and
Mrs. Meisaae and David
all of Detroit,
Among those who attended
the dedication of the electric
organ 'Service at the BUB
church were Mr, and Mrs, Art
Tweedy of Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Mr. and Mrs. C, Goodman, of
Detroit:, and Dr. and. airs, 1,.
Riseboro of Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne. Becker
and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Dat-
ars spent the weekend in North-
ern. Ontario.
Visitors with Rev. and Mrs.
Main James include his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
James of Ottawa; his sister
and husband, Mr, and Mrs.
Lowell Smith of Belleville.
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Yager
spent the weekend with Miss
Pearl Kraft, Mr. and Mrs.
M., Tiernan, and Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Klumpp.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Boyle
and family spent Sunday in
Sarnia. with Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Johnston and family,
Main St. SS
holds picnic
Main Street Sunday School
held its picnic at Riverview
Park, Exeter, last Wednesday,
June 20, with 70 in attendance,
Chairman of sports was Don
Gravett, assisted by Wayne
Tuckey and Don Hooper, Lunch
cornmittee included Mrs. Glen
McKnight, Mrs, Percy MerkleY
and Mrs. Lorna Potter.
Races were run by classes
with teachers, Miss McLean,
Mrs, C. Wellington, Mrs, Por-
ter, Mrs. Don Wilson, Mrs.
Glen McKnight and Don Gra•
Mrs. Doug' Harrison looked
after special primary class
games. All the children re-
ceived prizes. John Wurm and
Mark Gravett shared in a 'run-
ning race prize.'
Prize winners in Miss Me.
Lean's class were Norman
Howee, Bruce Simpson; Mrs,
McKnight's, Lois Porter, Susan
Tuckey, Yolanda Webb; Mrs,
Wilson's, Christine Tuckey,
Jane Tuckey, Miriam Hilts;
Don Gravett'e, Leroy Edwards,
Malcolm Hiltz.
Game highlight: was an egg
throwing tee test with 12
couples participating. Winners
were Don and Mrs. Gravett,
Elsie Turkey, end Leroy Ed-
wards; three-legged race, Elsie
'Turkey •ated Mary Gravett. In
a tug of War with nee-hale Sun-
day Scheel on each side, the
blues won.
First class honors — Barb-
ara Dundas, Sharon Hume, 'Kar-
en 'Blaney, Wendy Vanderlaan,
Audrey Verkerk
Second class honors — Marg-
aret Boa, Carole Hogarth,
Kathryn Love, Don Manley,
Third (doss honors Dar-
lene Frayne, Mary Jane Hoff.
Credit for subjects as fol-
lows --
Marlene Fraeles — Er., Bus-Arith., R. Cal, Bus. Corr, Off.
Prae., Typ.,. Bkg., Pen.
Gerald. Hartman — Ere, Bus.
Arab., Cal,, Bus. Corr., Off.
Prac., Typ., Spell., Pen.
Linda Jiayter — Er., R. Cal.,
Bus.. Corr., Law, Off, Prac.,
Typ., Spell., Pen,
Dorothy Parker — Bus. Corr.,
Law., Off. .Tree.. Pen.
Valerie Noonan — Er., Bus.
Arith., Rapid. Cal„ Bus. Corr.,
Law., Off, P'rac., Shirt, Spell.,
Helen Rader — R. Cal., Off.
Prae„ Pen.
Paul Regier — Er., Bus.
Arith., R. Cal., Bus, Corr, Law.,
Off, Prae„ Spell., Pen.
Glen 'Reichert R. Cal.,
Bus, Corr., Typ., Spell., Pen.
George Westerns Ec., Bus.
R. Cal., Bus, Corr,* Off.
Prac., Bkg„ Spell., Pen,
First class honors — jeerer
Drysdale, Gail Farquhar, Aus-
ma Greens, Janis Gulens, Pam-
ela Heard, Marlene King, Shar-
on McBride, Donna Marshall,
Robert Mickle, Ruth Miller,
Dennis Mock, Dale Turvey,
Second class honors—Xandra
Busche, Carol Brown, Ross
Desjardine, Marilyn Terayne,
Peggy Goddard, Doug Hodgson,
Fred Hyde, Frances Johns, Rus-
sell Klopp, Marilyn Morgan, Al-
Ian Prang, Mary Scene, Bren.
da Schoch, Donna. Ventin,
Third class honors — Robert.
Becker, Doris Pepper, Carolyn
Credit — Roger Cann, Greg-
ory Spencer,
Credit in the following sub-
lean Krueger (Eng., I-list.,
Ghent, Late Fr., Sp.,); Ross
Miller (Eng. Comp., Hist.,
Lat.); Janet 'Aforlock (Eng.,
Al, „ Lat„ Fr„ Se.);
Heidi Schroeder (Eng„ Hist,
Chem„ Lae, Fr., Sp.); john
Ziler (Eng, Comp., Hist„ Alg.,
Lat., Fr., Sp..
Second class honors — Bon-
nie Hogarth, Dale Hunt, Earl
Third class honors — Carol
Bossen berry, Marjorie Rend-
rick, Joe Houlahan, Bill Mac-
kinnon, Anne Marie Rowe, Ted
Sanders, Judy Snelgrove.
Credit — Don Cann, Sherill
Clarke, Grace Eagleson, Deets
McKnight, Tim Sweitzer, Helen
Vos, Elwood Webb.
Promoted to Special Commer-
cial — Andy Desjardine, Linda
Glover, Margaret Hall, Shirley
Johns, Marion Kerslake, Sharon
Lawrence, Sh i e l e y Radford,
Marie Regier, Karen Taylor.
The following obtained stand-
ing in 'the subjects listed —
Janet Blair, Lt., Fr.; William
Brown, Eng. Camp. and Lit.,
Al„ Ag. Sc„ Bookkeeping;
James Foster, En.g, Comp, and
Lit...Hist., Al., Ag. Sc.; Donald
Glenn, Eng. Lit., Hist., .Geo.:
Wm. llalliwell, Eng. Comp, and
LT, Hist., M., Ag. Sc.. Lai.;
Bruce Horton., Al.; Wm. King,
Hist., Lat.; Ken McCann, Kng.,
Al.; Carol McLeod, Hist.; Bill
Noakes, Eng.. Hist.; Fred Sand-
ers, Ilist„ Geo.; Jack Stephan,
Eng. Cow. and Lit., Algebra,
Ag, Sc., Lat.: Nancy
Eng Comp. and Lit e, Hist.,
Geo., Fr., Bkg.
Second class honors Pat.
Third class -honors — Hea-
ther McConnell, R. B. McCoy.
Credit standing — Ronald.
Greflon, Robert .Johnston, Ger-
ald Shantz, Wm. Harvey,
Credit in following subjects—
Ken Jones (shop, hkg.); Harry
Moir (Hist., Geo., Opp); How.
and Rennie (Al., shoe, b1tg,);
Wm. Shaddick (Al., Chem.,
Shop, Bkg.'); Allan Thiel (Al.,
Shop I.
First class honors — Adrian
Brand, David Buchanan, George
Godbolt, Sandra Jory, .Kathar-
ine Roszel, Ruth Anne Salmon,.
Bette Lou West, Grant Sch'wart-
zentruber, Sharon Skidmore,
Bonnie 'Purvey, Larry Weido,
Ted Wilson, "Bill Wright, Mynie
Second class honors — Faye
Becker, Barry Brintnell, Carol
Brown, Larry 'Horner, Sharon
Hugill, Gerald Merner, Jo-Anne
Miners, Ken Moon, Ron Oke,
Shirley Reynolds, Fay Schlen-
ker, Linda Tiernan, Ron Weber,
Gary Wedlake,
Third class honors — Ken
Bachert, Bill Merlin, Lona.kay
Glenn, Barbara, Were, Linda
Johnston, Pat Soldan, Eric
Credit * Linda 'Wainer,
Second class honors — Carol
Allen, Robert Cuillerier, Donald
Ferguson, Tohn MacNaughton,
Fred Negryn, Larry Rate..
Third class he - -es 'rem/
Anne Ducharme, Gary 'ieele-
son, Helen Hendrick, Jean Ken-
nedy, 'Elaine, Miller, Wayne
Ratz, Richard Shoebattorn, John
Credit, — 'Dick Colter, Carolyn
Harris, John Nagel.
Conditional promotions — Pa-
tricia Ann Creery (Math.);
joan Dettneer (Sc.); Rosalie
:Rieke (-Sc.); Louise Jones
(Math„ Se.); 'Sharon Lightfoot,
(Math.); Victoria Masse (Eng.,
Math.); Brian Mustard (Hist.,
Math.); Douglas Russell (Lat.),
First class honors — Grace.
Second class honors — Paul
ine Aquiline, Margaret H.owey,
Ada Plumb, Joan. Smith.
Third class honors — Edna
Ducherme, Jean Essery, Nile
Greenlee, 5 y 1 v i a. Henderson,
Nisbet Gra.vlev.
Credit — Hubert Gratton,
Jean-Guy Marchildon, B r i a 71
Sanders, Ronald Smith, Anne
Denomme, Joan Essery, Max-
ine iMellin, Carol Taylor, Don*
na Ersman, Sandra Parkins,
Third class honors, Eric
Finkbeiner, Jim Finkbeiner,
Joan Francis, Janet Jenkins,
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reefer McFalle, Peel Turnbull,
Credit — joanGingerich,
Dennis MacDonald, Brian 'Mont-
morenese Lynda Weeteott,
Conditional promotions to Spa-
vial .Commereial — Leonard
Hoffman, Marion Stone.
Conditional Promotions —
Bekker, Eng., Sc.; Frank
Beetle, Sc,; Brian Christian, Se.;
John Guenth T. 'Eng., Hist.;
Brian Hern, Eng.; Wayne Mel.
lin, .Eng..; Larry Wein, Eng,.
First class honors, Wayne
Raynham, ,) 1 m Carscadden,
Elizabeth Chapman, Lyle Chris-
tian, Linda Clarke Jim .Coates,
Valerie Desjardiee, Steven El-
der. Judy Finkbeiner, Shirley
Genttner. Elizabeth Gosa r,
Keith Hay, Bob Hoffman, Mar.
garel Hyde, Larry Rile, Dor-
een Jackson, Anne Johns, John
Loch, Neil McAllister, Diane
McKenzie, Joanne Martine,
Elaine Powe, Shirley Sander,
Ella Mae Sehlenker, Gary
S c h a 1 I, Carolynne Simmons,
Brenda Celia Stork,
Tinie Vanderlaan, Marion Walk-
Second class honors — Iris
Becker, Anne Benning, Jim
Bisback, Peter DeVriee, George
:Hinton, Ronnie Matz. Nancy
Third class honors — Jack
Ailey, Cathy Brown, Neil Ham-
Firm class honors — 13 n h
Bennett, Janet Betts, Dan Lena-
ghan, Margaret Johns, Sandra.
Second class honors — San-
dra Brown, David Dale, Susan
Dinney, Gary Ford, Jim Kin•
mde, Ruth Ann Flaxbarcl, Shar-
on McArthur, Marjorie Mar-
Phee, Robert MeNaughton. 'Ed-
ward Mock, Ruth Petty, Cathy
Scene, Don Wright, Norma
Third class honors — B a h
Borland, Mike D'Eor, Elaine
Destobel, Carol Ducharrne, John
Elder, Ruth Ann Geiger, Arthur
leorrell„lan Negrin, Jim Neil,
lions Schacle, Glenn Shipman,
Barbara Webber.
Credit. — Nancy Fee, Janis
Hood, Linda Meidinger, Dianne.
Reid (prob. Hist. Geog,), David
Taylor, .Brian Wedlake (prob.
Fr., Let.).
First Class 'Honors — Bren-
da Bococic.
Second Class Honours — Ber-
nard Bedard, Howard Law-
rence, Peter Systmay Cameron
Witmer, Rae Hunt, Kathryn
Third Class Honors — Dor-
othy Diekey, Marilyn Galloway,
Mary Payne, Dianne Shaw.
Credit Standing — Ken Genii-
ner, Phillip Regier, Gregory
Willert, Marion Verley.
Condit innal Promotions —
Keith Ayotte (Math.); George
Farwell (Fr.); Gary Lawrence
(elath..); L a r r y MeClinchey
(Math); Bob Wareham (Geog.,
Math.); Helen Hera (Hist.,
Geog,); Mary Ellen Thiel
(Hst., Geog.s.
Second Class Honors — Fran-
ces Skinner.
Third Class Honors ---Den-
nis Leesport, Barbara Mellin,
Allan Roszel, Robert Shapton.
Credit Standing — Jacqueline
England. Ted Sanders, Verla
Smith, Jerome Watson, Reino
Conditional Promotion —
Charles Browning (Geog.);
Phyllis Schade (Geog., Hist.);
Larry Stire (Shop),
Second Class Honors — Roy
Bell, Martin Brown.
Third Class Honors — Susan
Doerr, Garry King, Judy Lam-
port, Sandra Miller, K pith
Selves, Jim Smith.
Credit — John Holmes, Shir-
ley Jaques, Bob Loucks, Mar-
garet: Skipper, Bob Strom.
Conditioned — Philip Deioba
(Eng.); Eddy Reeds (Math.);
Mark Hoffman (Math., Shop).
First Class Honors — Bryan
Baynham, William Beavers,
Robert Beavers, John Brown,
Connie. Dietrich, Ann Fairbairn,
Karen Finkbeiner, Shirley
Flaxbard, Robert Forrest, Bri-
an Gill, Susan Goman, Hank
Gosar, Linda Hunter - Duvar,
Douglas Huntley, Karen Jer-
myn, Elyse Lamport, Nancy
McTavish, Phyllis Madge, iris
Marshall, Margaret May, Ann
Mickle, Roman Orenehuk, Rob-
ert Storie, Keith Strang, Rob.
ert Thompson.
Second Class Honors — Mar-
tin ,Jeever, Donald Lenaghan,
Margaret Salmon.
Third Class Honors — john
Credit — Richard Breakey,
Bradley Hamilton, Clare Skin-
First Class Standing — Jud-
ith Boulianne, Carolyn Camp.
bell, Sheila Palmer. Margaret
Heist, Mary Ann Hayter.
anne Hicks, Michael Keay,
Brian MacLean, Lorene 1Teitin„
Jequelene Sharpe, Geraldine
Verkerk, Sandra Walters, Rob-
ert Wolfe.
Second Class Honors —Gus*
lave Crecee, Brian Haber,
Lawrence. Johnston, Lynda Jo-
ry, Callum MacPhee, Ian. Me-
Cannel, Robert miller, Mar-
lene Noels, John Prycle, Anne
Shoebottom, Janet Skinner.
Third Class Honors — Mar-
garet Fahner, Donald Geiger,
Brian Smillie, Thomas Wolfe.
Credit — Karen Heywood,
Marlene Masse.
Conditional Standing — Dan'
iel Cameron (Math., Fr.);
Craig lela.elecod (Fr); Brian
Stratton (Gene., Math.); Bar-
bara. Woodburn (Math).
First Class „Honors — David.
Beaver, Cathline Buxton, Mary
Corbett, lane Delmer. Donald
Farwell, Robert. 'Harrington,
Paul Mason, Eric Rose.
Second Class Honors — Nancy
Kyle, Doris Mills, Kenneth Oke,
Sandra Prout, Suzanne Ren-
nie, Allie Vanderworp, Cattle ,
rine Walderon.
Third Class Honors — Marion
— Please turn to page 13
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