HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-28, Page 9were Lynne and Barbara nous. horn, Diane, Ron, Kenneth and Pan Clarke. Others who re,, ceived awards were Peter Gil Grant Hoperoft, John Fergusonn, Jody Ferguson, lam Chapman and Don Chapman. Sunday School will begin again after .feehor Day. Guild :officers elected At the annual meeting of the Chancel Guild of St. Jolm'e-by- the Lake Chtercn held recently in the Parish Hall, Mrs. Lloyd Ereele was appointed president for the coming year; Mrs. Ken Young, treasurer and Airs, Fred Chapman, secretary. The retiring president, Mrs. John Aseistette conducted the meeting and the rector, Rev. Ray Farrell sneke briefly, 11 was announced that gift of altar linens in memory of the late Air. Charles McKerlie is being made by Mrs. AleKer. lie of London, and will be dedi- cated in the fall. The dedica- tion of the renovated sacristy will also take place at, that time, pqrspnal items The induction service for the Rev. C. E. Brittain will be held on Thursday, June n at 8.00. p.m. in the -Grand Brod United. Church. Di r.and Airs. Willis. Gill and family and Mrs. Lily Gill spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs,. Frank Allister in Hamilton, Miss -Ortalee Gill is spending. a few days this week with friends :at their cottage in ',K,tin• cardine. Mr. and Airs. Russell Guest of Detroit are Holidaying this week at their cottage Beach Pines. The Thres.Acivecete, .jone 24, 1902 .Pager \awaia 4.• `a e, \ fr a • and SAVE NOW FAMOUS GLASS CASTING RODS by MERMAID MEAN FISHING FUN for LESS A-MERMAID "EASY CAST" Tapered fibregia.ss blade. Aluminum handle off-set for comfort. Cork grip, 52" overall. .59 Worth 1,58, Only B-MERMAID "BLUE BOY" ROD Strong. smooth . action. Beautihtl blue glass blade; '.handsome snow white trim. Offset handle with locking chuck, cork grip. 5' 298 overall. Worth 3.50. Only . C-MERMAID "GREEN BOY" ROD A smart metallic green, solid glass rod. Handsome gold-colour trim. Cigar- shaped cork grip. Large spin guide for use with spincasi reels, Offset handle, locking chuck, Micro-closure reel lock, Smooth tip action. Worth many dollars more. C.T,Cas 98 price, only . MORE C.T.C. SAVINGS ON Casting Reels MERMAID, 100-yd. capacity 2.98 OCEAN CITY, 100-yd, capacity 3.95 N› SAVE up to % ON MODELS OF Big Cantilever 131. x TRAY TACKLE Box Cantilever tray ,divided into five com- partments. :fits into lid for extra stor- age s.pace. Seamless steel construction. Sea-blue etamel finish with rust-pre- venting undercoat. Handy 1.2" z rule on carrying handle. lid. Chrome-plated lock and " 3 . 111" Sr TACKLE BOX only 1.39 "LAND THAT FISH" FISH NETS Spin fisherman's Landing Net 10" aluminum hand dle, 6" plastic grip. Elastic shoulder rind. 1 IC' hoop,„4'9 MERMAID TROUT NET 10" 13" hoop, only 690 Mermaid FISHING LINE !ITIOtit" NYLON 25 yds.-40.1.b. Test 490 "STittiCE MASTIM" Braided NYLON 15.lb, test - 50 yd. Spool JUN ig WOO SPINNERS Only The Smooth ROCKET' Spincast 436 MAIN STREET EXETER Florid 13S,0160 Milton Robisitu & ton Lfft, SHAKESPEARE REELS Manufacturer's CLEARANCE WHILE THEY LAST YOUR CHOICE only 4.9 ' Made by Inglis. Wide assort- ment. All at fan- t as tic reduc- tions. Manufacturer's list prices up to 13.50. One low price to clear. Outstanding Reel Value - Complete with 100 yds. of Quality Line Famous Mermaid "Rocket'", Close Face, Reversible: trip lever. Thumb control. Adjustable drag, With 100-yard line. NOW AT C.T.C. only 2-pc. RO Another C.T.C. Extra Value "Blue Mermaid" 5ia' Cern- binetion Spin-Cast Rod * 2- piece solid glass metallic. blue blade, natural cork grip, Graduated Guides. ONLY AT '45 iPINCA ST 0 "W C ,T.C. ci LIVELIER LIVE BAIT AS ALL 0UTDOOR$ Ideal for overnight :does. Sleeps two eas- ily; plenty of space :for gear. Heavy duty drill in "sky blue". Sewn-in floor. Nylon screened Dutch Door. Steel poles and pegs included. Size approximately 7-ft, x 7-ft, x 5 ft. high, ree ............................ - HIGH WALL TENT Sturdy :forest green heavy duty drill; well-reinforced; with ropes and toggles. Ny- lon screened rear window and - storm flap, 7-ft, high overall, with convenient 5- ft. wall. The high wall lets you make full use of every square inch of space. (Steel peg and pole sets available at slight additional cost.) ,x 7-ft. 5-foot wall 9-ft, x 9-ft. 9-ft.x12-ft, 32.95 39.95 B. - "BIG SCOUT" TENT Perfect for overnight stops, or backyard "braves". Heavy duty water-repellent mater- ial. Features large canopy, dutch style door. rear win- dow with storm flap and in- sect proof screening; sewn- in floor. Indian Scout design on one wall, Indian Warrior on other side. Steel pegs and poles included. Size approx. 6-ft. x 6-ft. x 6-ft. 19.98 c. - TEE PEE Play-tent for backyard nr beach. Sturdy water-repel- lent buff material wnis In- dian head design stencilled. on wall. Complete with steel pegs and pole. About 6-ft. 8- 6-ft. x 6-ft. x 7.9 D. - PUP TENT Easily stowed for htlica, camping trips, etc. Heavy water-repellent buff mater- ial. Steel pegs and poles in- cluded, About 3 1 2 t. x 61-a- ft. x 3'ls-it. 24.95 ,Cromarty church marks, '98th year fad church Induct new minister fetes pastor at Grand Rend churc BACK TO NATURE FOLDING CAMP COT Compact, stores easily - com- fortable and rugged. Heavy duty metal frame with quick take-down feature, Campers' special . ....... , . 6i69 AIR MATTRESS Electronically welded 12-gauge vinyl in gay !tartan design. Large "quick-exhaust" valve, 5 air chambers. :for added corn- :fort. Size 36"x72" de- E eso flated, Heavy duty .. • SLEEPING BAG "Woodsman", approx. 35"x72". Blue outer shell with red Ka. sha lining for snug comfort, Vermin-proof, "Thermo- 9 tic eell" fill, 100" zipper, "Big Scout" Sleeping Bog Approx. 30" x 70", Regal blue rayon shell with :fawn Kasha. luting, Full 3 ei-lbs, wood and cotton blend fill. Aluminum zipper, Only.. 5.9 5 FOLDING TABLE Rugged hammer:lone for good looks and long, serviceable We, Opens out to a big 2-ft x S-ft. site, Folds 049 compactly. ... „,..... ....... FOLDING STOOL Selected hardwood; handy Mae for' picnics, 'cense or cottage. Stow in, very small spade, EACh . ..... „... ,18;) CAMP COOK KIT Sturdy aluminum Fry Pan, SAtIt#' Pan. Thinking Cup and Cormi Soup )(')NVi, Nest neatly. Set Sunday School :students was By MRS. KEN ttleKE.14,, GROMAIIT ARY The .congregation !of Crams- arty PreSIMerlail Church ,ob• served .the-9.Ftli anniversary of the building of 'the enereb, on Sunday,. June .24 :with their aninieter Rev, J, C. Boyne, BA. conducting Omorning :and evening worship, Large crowds were- In attend- knee and 4r, lioyee's Ines, sages were forceful And con- vincing, At the morning .seraiee theme was ''Things From The Past We .Should Remember", and his evening message was "Things rrom The Past Wg Should Forget", Special music was :previeleat by the choir, as- sisted by the mAle. amaraet composed of Messrs. R. Laing, E. Allen, E. Stagg and L. Sims- Meey former members and friends attended and visited in the community, Among them were: Mr, and Aire. 'Roy McCain- loch with Mr, and Mrs. .Calder AicKeig, Mr, And Mrs. Harold Cole- man, John, Joan and Allen with Mr, and Mrs. T. Laing, Mr, and Mrs. Herold Mc- Leod and Elizabeth of London with Mr. and Mrs, M. Le- mond, Mr, and Mrs, Cameron Viv- ian., George Gordon, and Carol Ann, Staffa, with Mr. and Mrs.' .Duncan Scott. Mr. and Airs. Rob McLach- lan and family of Kippen with Mr. and Mrs, Carter Kerslake and family. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Chris- tie, Janice, Caroline, Beth and Ronnie of Roy's' with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mr. jas. Barbour and Mrs. E. Dinnin of Staffa. with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Mrs. Nellie Riley with .Mr. and Mrs. John Hoggarth, also Air. Eric McIntosh, Seeforth„ at the same home, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson, with Mr. and Airs, R. Laing, Roy's UCW Roy's UCW meeting was held at the summer home of Mrs, Sterling Grahm. at Turnbull's Grove with 17 ladies present, The meeting opened at noon with a buffet lunch. The wor- ship service was taken by Mrs. Elmer Dow, the theme being "Time". Mrs. Clifford Dow • Retarfettlmrallttitgamftag.Mtgot The story in Saintsbury By MRS. HEBE.R DAVIS V,,,,..i:A.arastitmlatatr.4411twthttatalts4 Ladies met in Kirkton On. Wednesday afternoon the members of St. Patrick's WA and Guild held their meeting at tie home of Mrs, Lyle Bennett, Kirkton. Mrs. lieber Davis, WA president, and Airs, Harry Carroll, Guild president, were in charge, assisted by Airs. Ron Carroll, Mrs, Earl Greenlee, Mrs. Harvey Latta and Mrs. Lorne Weiberg, Mrs. Harry Carroll read the scripture les- son. Reports were read by secre- tary and treasurer of both or- ganizations. The report on the blossom tea and bazaar was en- couraging, The mystery prize donated by Mrs. Bill Johnson was won by Mrs. Ron Carroll and an apron donated by Mrs. It, James of Port Burwell was won by Heather Davis. At the close of the business a short program was enjoyed in- cluding piano solo by Carol Latta, solo, Heather Davis and a soap contest conducted by Sharon Davis was won by Mrs. Harry Carroll. The hostess was assisted in serving refreshments by Mrs. Earl Atkinson, Mrs. Clarence Davis, Mrs. Ron Carroll arid Mrs. Hugh Davis. Personal items Many of the ladies front this community attended the trous- seau tea at the home of Mrs, Charlie Atkinson on Saturday afternoon for her daughter Shir- ley Anil, whose wedding will take place on Saturday, June 30. Miss Wendy Elston, Centralia, spent the weekend at the home of her cousin, Heather Davis, and they were guests at the home of Mary Korrevar on Sat- urday afternoon, Miss Sharon Davie teas also a guest, Armitage reunion The fortieth Armitage reunion Was held at. Springbank Park on Sunday With diener. al; 12.30. There Were 75 present, Mr, Arnold Lewis, Lueen, president, conducted a buslitess meeting, Mrs. Eddie Armitage, London, treaatiret, gave .her re. port. The picnic Will be held the Mile day next year at Springs balk. Mrs, Arnold Lewis Was nanied secretary and Air. Heber Devil is the new president, A good slate of` races Wee en. led in prayer. The history el the former W MS and WA was compiled by Mrs. Cliff. Dow anti Mrs. Andrew Christie and Made Ott interesting reading by Mrs, .Christio. Airs. George Neil expressed apprecialien to Mrs„ Grehm far the ,use of her home for the meeting. Sports were .enjoyed At the .close of the meeting. c.DIT banquet The ,annual .CCHT mother And daughter banquet Was held in th e church school room 00 ,Saturday, June 16. - 'The girls provided a program of singing and Airs. J. C. Boyne was the guest speaker. Mrs. Thompson of Ottawa also brought greetings. Personal items The Cromarty Young People were geests of the Young Pro- .* of Cay.en ,Church, Exeter, at a wiener roast at Grand Bend on Friday evening. Mr, William McCurdy is patient, in St. Joseph's tat, London, having undergone surgery en Thursday. Rev. and Airs, John C. Boyne and son Richard of Ese- 1.er, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Alex Gardiner on Fri. day evening, Mr, and Mrs. C. J. man of Niagara Fella, U.S.A., and Mrs. Douglas 'Weitzmen and baby spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John. Wallace. The senior pupils of school sections No. 4, 5 and. 6 of _Bib- bed, with their teachers en- joyed a bus trip to Toronto on Friday visiting Casa Loma, the Parliament Buildings and the zoo, on Saturday the lower grades with their teacher vis- ited Story Book Gardens at Springbank. On Monday the pupils of SS No. 7 with their teacher and mothers enjoyed a trip to Nia- gara Falls. Air. Russell, Butler is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams and family of Blyth were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, George Wallace. Miss Olive Speare visited with her sister in Mitchell and attended the Speare reunion in Stratford on Sunday, Mr, John Taylor of Califor- nia, a former resident of Cram- arty line renewed acquaintan- ces in the community on .Mon- day. He called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen having been a schoolmate of Mrs, Allen, at. No. 7 School. Mr. and. Mrs. Cliff 'Heeston of Glencoe spent the- weekend with Mr. and Airs, Norman Itarburn. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Turner, :Russell and Michael of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Dodds and attended the Dolmage reunion at Hayfield on. Sunday. Mr.- and Mrs. Decide and Mrs. Norman.,Harburn tlso attended the reunion,. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey spent the weekend with Mr.. and Mrs. Jas, Ramsey of Lis- towel. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCurdy and Miss Nettie McCurdy .vis, ited with Mr. Wm. McCurdy, who is a patient in St, Jos- eph's Hospital, London, on Sum day, Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Wither, Brenda and Barry and Mrs, Klee of Sarnia were Sunday guests with Mr. and. Mrs, Alex Gardiner. • WEl-141129P P114 ans. wg.LLWoOP GiLL GRAND BEND " his farewell sermon, at Grand. !The induction ClajetitNife el3P7:Ntb1.1: "Rev'. Itoulstort preached 3134/riduillygn,ited Sunday Rev, Ray Farrell " "et of St. John's-by-the-Leke Ang- Following the service Mrs, lissan Church, Grand Bend and. Douglas Gilt UCW president St. Paul's Anglican .Citreb, read an address and Mr. Isaac ThedfOrd, took place at St: .Bestard., .member of the ses- Paul's, `Medford, on Monday sion pre.sented them with evening, June 4. PT).eelrresen. The Venerable Archdeacon Personal items. Abraham Sarnia officiated Air, And Mrs. John Stocker and the Very Reverend visited a few days last wee k in Keefe, Dean of Huron, ,preached the sermon, Mrs. Eleanor 141S- TDiTi.11,i°,17 e d staniote suff ered a sell, organist, conducted the heart attack la st wee k and is music for the service. convalescing at his home here. The .church wardens, Afr, Ken Miss Muriel Fellie of Sarnia Young and Air. joint .A.s.eletyne visited with Miss Mary 'Yeo of Grand Bend and Mr, -Gee. last week, Counts .and Air, Horace Mason of Thedford took Part in the in- duction service. There was e gratifying attendance of both congregations and members of the clergy in the Diocese. The ladies of the WA and Chancel Guild of St. Paul's .served refreshments in the par- ish hall at a social hour that followed the induction. SS awards The presentation of prizes to held at St. John's-by-the-Lake Church last last Sunday. The Rev. Ray K. Farrell assisted by the SoPerintendent Air. J. G. Asp!. stymie presented the awards. The recipients of spacial Prizes for excellent attendance and outstanding study effort - in comfort. CUTLERY KIT Easy - clean stain- less steel K I e, Fork and Spoon. Nest ingetin r Inv easier storing, separate en in a jiffy. Set ... ..... ........ .1)14 WATER BOTTLE Aluminum, stainless and hy- eienic. 32-oz. capacity, equipped with carrying bag and shoul- der strap, Extra value. DUNNAGE BA4G A capacious hold-all for camp- the, fishing trips. etc. Tough olive drab duck. Reinforced tip and grommets, About se oes 14" x 36" ........... ..... la'OU HAVERSACK Handy size, about 11" x 11", rubberized khaki duck; has one. large and one small pocket. Adjustable KEEN EDGE AXES ls o99 shoulder strap CA o, .A .E About 14" OVerall: 1 085 41" head SPORTSMAN'S AM.; - 'drop forged steel; about 15" overall. Complete with aheath, ............ ......... 439 PULP AXE -Sharp steel edge, 28" hickory handle; 3 45 ............. Bridal tea at Bidduiph By MRS. M: H. ELSTON BIDDULPH Mrs. Charles Atkinson enter- tained at a trousseau. tea Sala Imlay afternoon in honor, of her daughter, Shirley, bride- elect of this week. • The guests were welcomed by little Miss Linda. Heckman and Helen .Eagleson, Receiv- ing at the door were Shirley And her mother with little Joan McAlpine at. the register. The tea table was set with a lace cloth arid centred with a crystal bowl of tea .roses and white mums and tall pink tap- ers. Pouring tea were. her aunt, Miss Lilla .Oke, and Mrs. M. E. Elston, Assisting in the tea room were Miss Marion Beekman and joyee .hfcFAlls. Airs. Gordon McAlpine, Ailsa Craig, Miss Eleanor Thomp- son, , London, and Miss Caro- lyn Eagleson. Parkhill, assisted in Showing the trousseau and wedding gifts. Personal itenis uneven nnyean eatal eg ledtee„ 'Randall, Mr, And 'Mrs, Beet Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair en- tertained relatives on Sunday at the dinner hour. Present were Mrs, Blair*s 'mother, Mrs. Leo Flannigan, Sr., • Londoe; Mr. arid Alts, Len Flannigan, Jr„ Dorchester; and the tat- tee's sister, Mrs. J. B, Casey, and family of Royal Oak, ,loyed with M. d Mrs. Cecil Mich.; also Anse Dotothy nate Lewie and Mr. atd Mrs, aim Algae. and Pat O'Brien of Lob- Young in charge, don. Winners in races for eTe. Miss Phyllis Weiberg, Johney echool girls were Brenda Lewis, and Joan Northcott of Exeter, Nancy Dann, Debbie Aemitage; spent the weekeed With the S.12, girls, Joan Lewis, Helen former's parents, Mr, And Mrs. Lewis; boys, Doti Bilyea, Dora tette Weiberg and family, Bilyea Byron Darin; boys, 12- Visitors during the week with 15, Dougl LeWiss Phillip Lewis; 'Mr. and 'Airs. M. It. Elam girls, Barbara Lewis, Betty were Mr, and Mrs. George . Me. Amt Lewis; married Women Gavin, Seaforth; Sgt, Doug MrS. Murray Armitage; men: Grayer and Mrs. Grayer, RC- Bill At mithge; young men, AV Centralia; Mr. and Mrs, A. Ernie Lewis; 'oldest mate,Centralia. Davis: youngest triefilber, Cathy Armitages; t ki n g slipper, , wontery Helen Attaitaige; men, jean, aged tette, Was Legatee bud Armitage, sack tete, Doug With her father, who was Wear. Lewis; three legged race Nov trig hie fiehihen license, On the man and Shorty 'COCA back of hie hat, arid not lieVing laitdr shoe serateble, Wayne Much bet ArattitAge, Barbara Arfititage;"baddy, turn your hat around guessing beads in jar, EIVA so the fish gap see your Abbott, =cerise," suggested Jean, Edit Armitage, Randall, Wyoming; Alva. Den Oldest lad y. a Mrs, AlcLeod And Sheila Of 'RCA;' 1.29