HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-28, Page 5Davies Grant Denning 1 Benn
Municipal Auditors
Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
come. lrje you Sate itity be your too
or Plain
Lb. Pkg.
16-Oz, 33
The Diciest .Name'
Heetriag Aids -
— An:mixes
149 King St., London
Phone GE 8-8291
We k
Choir fetes.
°Miss Greta Lammie„ organist.
of Hensall. United Church for
over 20 years and who recently
resigned that position, was hon-
• ored by members of the choir,
Mrs. Harry Horton president
of the choir, and Mr. Horton
called at the home of Miss
Lammie on. Thursday night,
'lime 21 and presented her with
an orlon tuxedo jacket on be-
half of the choir.
Supper h success
Members of lICW units 1 and
S were pleased with the success
of their turkey, ham, and straw-
berry supper, Wednesday eve-
rang, Jude 20.
Over three hundred partook
of the supper and 71 dinners
were taken out and delivered.
It is expected that when ex•
penses are deducted that each
unit will have approximately
$1.26.00 each.
Staffa girl
at 4-H rally
Miss Kay Warden, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Russell War-
den, is one of the. girls from
Perth County chosen to attend
the 4-H conference in Guelph
June 26 to 29,
Pt rsonal items
Mrs. Margaret Kemp and
Mr. M, McDonald and their
pupils from SS No. 3 and SS
2 Hibbert enjoyed a bus trip to
Niagara Falls on June 19.
School section 4 Hibbert held
the annual school picnic on the
school grounds on the evening
of June 21 with a good crowd
in attendance,
Miss Delores Burlingham,
Mitchell, is visiting this week
with Edna Miller, Stalin.
Visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Miller on
Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs,
John Hocking and Jim, Crom-
arty; Mrs. Amelia Cole, St.
Marys; Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Hocking, Jewell, Lois and Ken,
Munro, Miss Ella Francis, Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Perdu, Exe-
ter, Mr. and Mrs, George Mit-
chell, Ethel Mae and Robert,
Dublin, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Hut-
cheson and Helen, Staffa,
Visiting on Sunday with Mrs,
Ernest Templeman were, Mr.
and Mrs, Gordon Aikens, Zion,
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Aikens,
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Annis, Audrey, Joan, Ken and
Calvin, RR 3, Mitchell and Miss
Margaret and James Miller
Mr, and Mrs. Bell Leesport,
Thames Road, visited on Sun-
day with Mr.' and Mrs. John
Templeman and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Miller,
Lee, Teresa and Gordon were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Eldon. Allen and family
and. Mr. and lairs. Bob Laing
and family, Cromarty.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller,
Dianne and Ron, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Will Miller, Cromarty,
Mrs. V. Moore was a week-
end guest with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Hoggarth,
Mrs. Donald O'Brien, Mi-
chael, Sharon, Shawn, Flint,
Mich., returned home last
weekend after spending two
weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Wal-
ter O'Brien. Stela,
Mrs. Carol Briggs and Su-
san, Flint, Mich., is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter 0'-
13rie.n, Staffa.
Mrs. Mary .Sutter, DD, secre-
tary-treasurer, Clinton, stating
the inaugural meeting to he
held at Brusaels, Attie 27, .111.rs.
J. Ingram, recording-secretary,
read the report enclosed of the
:DPP Mrs, Ethel McPherson.
Arrangements were made for
the picnic at the Chine:base cot-
tage to which all .Flebekafis,
their husbands and families are
invited, the date to be announced
A pot-luck lunch will follow
the opening meeting in .Septem•
The Noble Grand thanked the
members for their loyal sup-
port during the past term and
P over nominations;
Noble Grand, Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Ewen; vice grand, Mrs. Clar-
ence Volland.; recording secre-
tary, Mrs. Glenn Bell; finan-
cial secretary, Mrs, E. Chip-
chase; treasurer, Mrs. Ed. Car-
Mrs, Leona Park, Mrs. Bligh-
ter) Ferg, Mrs, Stewart Black-
well and Mrs. Clarence Vol-
land were named to arrange
sports for the picnic.
home here,
Union services with the con-
gregation of Carmel Presby-
terian Church begin this Sun-
day, July 1 in Hensall. United
Church. at 11 a.m. and continue
for the month of July. Rev.
Harold F, Currie will occupy
the 'pulpit.
The Young People's Society
of. Huron -Maitland Presbytery
held a picnic and sports day at
Camp Kintail. Wednesday, Jime
27, afternoon and evening, with
Tim ,Dougall of Hensall, presi-
dent, in charge.
Mrs. Ross MacDonald attend-
ed the Presbyterian Camp at
Kintail at the WMS retreat over
the weekend.
Rev. Ross MacDonald, Mrs.
MacDonald, Ruth Anne and
DaviCI Allan, leave this Friday
for. a month's .vacation at Brock-
ville. and Glasgow, N.S. Mrs.
MacDonald will attend the Lead•
ership Training Conference at
Belleville, July 9 to .13, being
area and will continue through-
out the month. Tuesday will be
registration only.
All children between the
ages of five and 12 are wel-
come to attend. The program
will run from 9 a.m. lo
when the children will go swim-
every week day ,except Friday
ming at Seaford) Lions Park,
providing parents well \mien-
teer to drive.
Explorers have a speaker
The Explorers of Cannel
Presbyterian Church 'held the
last meeting until the fall at
the Church Thursday, June 21.
Leader Mrs. Gordon Schwalm
opened and Mrs. Harold. Bon-
throe, assistant leader extend-
ed the welcome to the par-
ents and friends. Selections by
the girls were sung with Mrs.
Ross 'MacDonald accompanying
at the piano, Lois Wright read
a poem.
Mrs. .MacDonald introduced
the guest speaker Mrs. Wil-
liam Good of Blyth, secretary
of the children of Huron Pres-
byterial WMS,
Boys and girls, who had 'sold
everyday cards were presented
a gift by Mrs. Schwalm. They
are: Faye Troyer, ,Janice Bon-
throe, Marjorie Schwa 1 m.
Charles Schwalm, Michael Hoy,
Pauline Bell, Anne Bell.
On Friday evening, June 22.
a banquet attended by 98 was
held in the Le gion Ball, :Mee-
se:11, in honor of retiring Brown
Owl Mrs. E, T. Rowe who has
held that position for •eight
Head table guests were 'airs.
Parker Evans, area ,commis-
sinner from Owen Sousd, Miss
Una MacDonald, division com-
missioner, Miss Mary AirMit-
lan, •deputar division com-
missioner, both of floderich:
Alias O. Wood, area camp est.
visor, Mrs, Greta Lavender,
district commissioner; Airs. F.
Rowe, Brown Owl and Baugh.
ter Pat: Mrs. Robert Cook,
Tawny Owl and daughter Caro-
lyn; Airs. W. J. Cameron, .Cap-
tain, and daughters Christine
and Betty; Airs. Betts, fleeter).-
ant and daughters, C'ar'ol, Chris-
tine anti Janet; Mrs. Howard
Shane, president of the LA and
At the meeting of Kipper)
East WI convened by the health
committee Rev. R. Donaldson.
Seaford), showed two films, one
on breast cancer and the other
"Time and two Women". Dr.
A. F. McMaster, Grand Bend,
answered questions on cancer,
giving figures which amazed
most of the members.
lie gave many symptoms to
watch for and suggested every-
one have a physical check-up
once a year at least. He also
Passes initial
test in skating
Pauline Bell, daughter of Alr.
and Airs. Stewart Bell, Hen-
sail, grade 6 student at Hen-
sail Public School, passed her
preliminary figure skating test
in Strathroy .June 21 and re-
ceived her CFSA emblem pin.
Pauline has a record of ten
years regular attendance at
Hensall ITC Sunday School, has
her second class badge in Girl
Guides. She also has her horse-
woman and skater's proficiency
Pauline is a member of Exe-
ter and Strathroy figure skat•
ing clubs. Her private instruc-
tor is Arthur Bourke, Strat-
ford. The judge was Don Mc-
Pherson, Stratford,
Friends honor
departing couple
On Saturday evening, about
75 members of Bayfield Baptist
Church and Youth for Christ
gathered at the home of
and Mrs, Gladwyn Westlake,
Blue Water Highway, for a
picnic and barbecue and a
surprise for Mr. and. Mrs. Reg
Miller, who are leaving shortly
for Summerside, PETS
Mr. and. Mrs. Miller were
presented with an end table,
coffee table and rug.
Art Bell was master of cere-
monies and Bob Grey conduct-
ed a singsong. Musical num-
bers were, given by the Oesch
sisters and the Mustard and
Desch families.
See Sandy's
Page 3
dieg,hler Cathy.
A presentation address was
read to Airs. Rowe by Patricia
Parke and a gold Thanks Badge
was presented to her by Lois
Simmorrs. Airs. Rowe made sa
fitting reply expressing her
thanks and appreciation for the
Mrs. Lavender presented Alt's.
Cameron with her Captain's
`,Tarrant, and Mrs. parker Ev-
ans was called on to speak and
chose tor her theme, "Guiding
In Our Area." Mrs. Lavender
e as mistress of ceremonies at
the dinner,
Later at the United Church
Brown Owl Airs. Rowe enrolled
Tweenies; Catharine Ann Chris.
tie and Dorothy Skea. Mrs. Ev ,
ins (area commissioner) pre-
sented Golden Bars to Ann
Keys and Peggy ks'anstone;
Golden Bars and Brownie Wings
to Christine 'Betts, Janice Bon-
explained what to do for burns.
poisoning, nosebleeds and other
airs. Robert Gemmel •presided
for the program which included
an accordion selection .by Air.
William Gibson accompanied by
Tack Caldwell at the piano. A
poem donated by Mrs, Camp-
bell Eyre was read by Mrs.
William Kyle.
The roll call was answered by
giving a cure for insomnia,
Mrs, Robert Bell and Mrs. Wil-
lis Caldwell gave reports of the
District Annual.
The meeting was held at SS n
Tuckers.mith with Mrs. Vivian
Cooper and Airs. ,Tack Consitt
as hostesses assisted by Mrs.
Wiliam Kyle, Miss Margaret
McKay, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot
and Mrs. Verne Alderdice dur-
ing the lunch hour,
Car parts stolen
Harold ( Shorty I Caldwell.
was surprised Tuesday morn-
ing when he went to his car to
find that the fender skirts, hack
of each wheel had been re-
The 1960 Pontiac was parked
in front of his house on the
boulevard on King Street. The
noise awakened a neighbor who
shouted, frightening the thieves
away. The street is well lit
with fluorescent lighting.
Chief Constable E. R. Davis
is the investigating officer.
Personal items
Fit. Lieut, George Sangster,
Camp Borden, visited with rel-
atives here over the weekend.
Miss lElvera Churchill, Tor-
onto. is holidaying with her
sister Mrs. Pearl Shaddick.
Cheryl Alousseau, Patric i a
Guide proficiency badges were
awarded to Suzanne itannie, re-
ligion and life emblem, and
hostess badge; Lois Simmons,
religion and life emblem and
first aid badge.
In the fall the pack will be
under the guidance of Mrs. Rob-
ert Cools and Airs. Jack 'Drys-
dale as her assistant. In clos-
ing Airs. Evans took the a-
Your library
—Continued from page 4
in library science.
The Nurse and Her World.
• This is a young person's
guide to a nursing career and
the various opportunities open
to a trained nurse.
Other new books include:
Atlas of the Universe
This is a new book written
last year by Ernest DeVries and
is a reliable guide to all that
is new in astronomy and space
It gives a simple, concise ex-
planation of astronomical phen-
omena and discusses the new
fields of investigation accom.p-
anted by numerous diagrams..
Footprints in Time
This is a source hook in Can-
adian History for young people
dealing with the lives of men
"who have left footprints on the
sands of tinie" — such men as
Cartier, Champlain, Lava I,
Frontenar, Mackenzie and Mac-
Certainly young people would
not find history dull, if they
read supplementers, hooks such
as these.
A Bridge for Passing
A new hook by Pearl Buck,
"A Bridge for Passing" will
he read with deep emotion as
it tells the story of her own
hour of trial when, bereft of
her husband, she tries to find
her was, —, alone.
A fortunate assignment took
her to Japan — a country she
had net visited for 25 years.
She was to assist in the film-
ing of a hook she had written
for children several years pre-
vious. She tells of the new
Japan and especially of the
change in the Japanese women.
With candor she shares the
intimate thoughts which pressed
in upon her in the long wake-
ful nights as she struggled to
adjust to her new life alone,
Page $ June 21), 1962
and district news
Mrs, Maude .HecIden, Phone 5
Mrs, Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Rebekah lodge
nominates state
Interest Payable Half-Yearly Icy Coupon or
Cheque, Inquiries Welcomed.
Do yett know that, on regtleat, our. Company's
debentures issued to an individual solely, can
be, eagle& on death ih ease of needl
Serving London *WI District since 1A70
Dundas St, at Market Lane and
Market Square, LOricklis
21 3 4 or 5 Years
Mrs. A, Orr, Noble Grand, next week
presided at the meeting of Am-
ber Rebekah Lodge last Wed- The Henson playground will
fleglaY evening when the char- begin Tuesday, July 3 at the
ter of the Lodge was draped in
memory of Bro. Newton A. Fos-
Mrs, Eva Parker, repeesen-
tative of the CPT .committee
announced plans for the sale .of
tickets on a fifty dollar bill,
A letter was received from
Hensall personals
Miss Ann "Stickle has passed sent by the Huron MIS Pres-
her grade two theory with first byterial,
class honors obtaining 97 marks Gifts by the Young Peoples
from the Royal Conservatory of Society and the junior choir
Music, Toronto. Ann is a pupil were presented to Mrs. Currie
of Miss Greta Lammie. Winlow at the church last Wed-
F/0 John R, Beer, Mrs. Beer, nesday evening, and the VT-S
David, Johnny and Stephen of also presented a new vacuum
Camp Borden spent the week- cleaner to the church,
end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steve Kay and Lee Randall of
Beer. St. Catharines, visited - with
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Herb Hedden last week.
Charles, Bob and Ann, left last. ,Mr, and Mrs. Don Rigby of
Thursday morning for a trip Blenheim, spent the weekend
north. They spent the weekend with Mr, and M rs. H arry
in a cottage on Lake Nipissing, Snell.
near. North. Bay. .Mrs. Gus Voth and Jim of
Mrs. 'Pearey Graham, of Clin- Royal Oak, Mich., spent the.
ton, visited with friends in the weekend with Mrs. Lou Situp-
village on Wednesday last and sse,
attended the supper at the Unit- Misses Dorothy and Gerald-
ed Church and enjoyed meeting inc parker, London, spent the
with her friends. weekend with their parents,
Mrs. .Ruth Bell who has spent, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker.
the winter months with tnem• Mars. Eva Parker and Bell
hers of her family at Alamo, and Miss Betty Parker of Lon-
California, returned home Sat- don spent the weekend with the urclay by jet accompanied by former,s son-in-law and daue.n.
her niece, Mrs. William (Vir- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
ginia) :Barnhart, who will re- Ruston and family in Strat•
main for a few weeks. ford. Bill McRae, of Ottawa, is va- Mrs. Stewart Bell, 'Pauline eationing for two weeks at his and Ann and Mrs. Robert Mc-
Kenzie attended the Sweeney-
Flood wedding in Zurich Sat-
Carmel church news
Sacrament of 'Holy Commun-
ion was administered Sunday
morning at Carmel church and
Gregory Alan, infant son of Mr,
and Mrs. Robert. Sangster re-
ceived the rites of baptism.
At the evening service Exeter
Chapter of Eastern Star attend-
ed divine service and were. ad-
dressed hy Rev. MacDonald
speaking on "The Spirit.. of In.
firmity." The choir under di-
rection of Mrs, Malcolm Dougall
sang a number with Mrs, Wil-
liam Brown soloist,
Statistics on .cancer
concern Kipper) WI.
40,0t Tin 37'
throe and Linda Fuss
Miss Una MacDonald Pre'
seated proficiency badges to-
seventeen Brownies.
Nine Brownies flew tip to
Guides namely, Betty Cameron,
Christine Betts, Janice Bondi.-
rnn, Carolyn Cook, Linda Fuss,
:Linda Keys, Sharon Lavery,
A Se/national Break Through
Mr the Hard of Hearing
Telephone pick-up coat , Automatic
volume control „ Tone control (high,
low, medium pitch) , , Custom fitted.
No cords , garment noise No
outside receirer , r Weighs less than
Vs of on ounce.
For Free Demonstration
Write or Phone
1/2 5
Rib Roasts
Head Cheese rIN