HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-21, Page 17CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main and Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A,, B,D, Organist: Mrs. W, G. Cochrane Choir Leader: Mr. W. G. Cochrane There will he no Sunday School Classes between. Sunday, ;June 24, and Sunday, Septem- ber 9. There will he no worship service in the, church this Sun- day, June 24. The service is withdrawn in favor of the Cromarty anniversary services which Will be held at 11 a.m, and 8 p.m. Regular worship services will be resumed next Sunday, July 1, And will be continued through the. summer Months at 10 a.m, The Women's Missionary So- ciety will meet in the church, Thursday night, June 21, al: 8;15 .p.M. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. Jamet, B,D, 10'00 0,01,-Morning Worship Organ Dedeciation Service this Sunday of the Baldwin Electric Organ donated by Dr, and Mrs, C. W. Yager. 11:10 a,m.-Sunday School ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Getz 9;45 Asir.-Sunday School 10:00 a.m.-Bible Class 11:00 Commtmion BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: T. Leslie Hobbins, B,A. Sueday, June 24 10:00 a,m.-Bible School 11:00 am,-Morning Worship Sermon: "The person thal sees God work" 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Service Wednesday, June 27 8:00 p.m-Prey& Service "But they that Wail upon the Lord shall renew their strength."-Isaiah 40:31 CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 10:00 a.m.-Worship in English 2:15 p.m-Worship in Dutch 6:15 p.m.-Back to God Hour- CHLO (680 Kc.) ZION CHURCH. Evangelical United Brethren CR EDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor June 24, 1962 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 11:15 a.m,-Sunday School. 8:00 p.m.-Children's Day Service The children and youth ate giving a program. Calvin Fahrner will show pictures of places he visited while in Germany. Sponsored by Trivitt Memorial Church Guild Dancing Every Friday Night BLUEWATER DANCELAND CHRISTIAN" 9;45 a.m.-Sunday School 11;00 a.m.-Morning Service 7;30 p.m. - Message by the Pastor "THE BIGGEST PROBLEM ON EARTH" Featuring Earl Oesch Family singing. Farewell Services next Sunday Tues., June 26 for Rev, and Mrs. Mel. Holmes 5 to 7 p.m. TRIVITT MEMORIAL PARISH HALL, EXETER ADULTS $1.25 CHILDREN 65 Strawberry Supper COUNTRY STYLE "lichen I get married it will be for good-and PLENTY!" emorial Ser ice Parkhill Cemetery if A ni,;. 11etite, 7r re.adx MON„. TUES., WED. 25, 26, 27 June Werren atty and Vrviee Leigh make love in this dramattc drama of adult Passion. TECHNIC OLORs from WARN R E3ROS. MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz Organist; Mrs. F. Wildfong JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, S. E. Lewis, MA., B,D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 A,.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 A.M.-MORNING SERVICE COMMUNION Pre-Communion Meditation: .. . THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Vrivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, lune 24, 1962 (First Sunday after Trinity) 8:30 a.m.-Quiet Communion 11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer Nursery and Sunday School "This unspeakable blessing and two simple ways to open our hearts to it'' Solo: Sandi Morrow Nursery for babies and dun- .ior Congregation for children 10:00. a,m.-Sunday School 4 to 6 years. 11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship We Need Your Was Lions Club Drive WED., JUNE 27 COVERING EXETER, CREDITON, CENTRALIA AND DASHWOOD Your waste papers will contribute in ‘Velfare services, We'd appreciate your assistance. EXETER LIONS CLUB Exeter Planning Board Pu Tic ea rl in connection with the proposed Town of Exeter Zoning yi furlw EXETER TOWN HALL THURSDAY JUNE 21, 1962 AT 8:00 P.M. The complete bylaw. a prepared for recommenda- tion to Town Council, will be read and explained by members of the Planning Board. The zones will be outlined on a map on display at this hearing. ALL CITIZENS ARE, 1URGED TO EE PRESENT A. W. Pickard. Wooden, Chairman SEnretary Cann Brownie's eunion RIVERVIEW PARK, EXETER Sat., June 23 SPORTS 2:30 P.M. SUPPER 5:30 P.M, Please bring picnic basket, cups and saucers, Bob ;Jeffery. PITS. Mary Kerslake, See.-Treas, STRAWBERRY AND HAM S W L r,. PER GREENWAY UNITED CHURCH Fri., June 22 Supper served from 5:30 to 8 p.m, Adults $1.25 Children under 12, 50e Pre-School Children Free Everyone Welcome Drive-In Theatre Ltd. CLINTON Two Complete Shows Nightly Children under 12 in Cars Free THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 21.22 Hit No, 1-Show at 9:45 only "THE INN OF THE SIXTH HAPPINESS" Ingrid Bergman - Curt ,1 argens (Color - Scope) Hit No. 2-Shown at 12:15 "DAYS OF THRILLS AND LAUGHTER" (Excerpts from great comedies of the. past ) (Cartoon) SAT., MON., TUES., WED. June 23.25.26-27 Hit No. 1-Shown at 9:45 only "SERGEANTS 3" Frank Sinatra • Dean Martin Sammy Davis Jr. (Color - Scope) Hit No. 2-Shown at 11;35 "GAMBLER WORE A GUN" Jim Davis (Cartoon) Centennial Old Fashioned Tea Meeting LliCAN UNITED CHURCH Wednesday, June 27 5:30 p.m. to 7;30 p.m. Admission $1.25 Children under 12, 75c Pre•School Children Free PROGRAM AT 8;30 P.M. Dr, J. K. Reynolds, District Forester, AYInter, reported. .thie aw vek that the heavy influx of campers at the Pinery Previn- ,cial Pork has almost reached a eetitration point and it was pos- sible- that a "no vacancy" sign would soon have to he hung on the gates, The biologist, who was on hand to present essay Awards to three area public sellout girls, sold the park' was getting close to its total development and pointed ea it hosted more pee., Pie than the famous Algonquin Park,. "If it. .continues to grow more crowded we will have to draw the line", he stated. "Well have to be like motels and hang out no vacancy Signs," He pointed out that although there was still plenty of space available in ..the, 4,800 acre lay out, further development would Mean cutting down many trees 1 t p that would runtish visitors with came-a stinging, itching patch body', It can. become quite 4 No vacancy sign infermation regArdur the his- ItChy ivy'? ail blister. Discomfort is acute serious affair. . l&Y of the ,peris arid Ihe points ' ' ' - - " ' :." ' and if the rash is spread over The Health League of Canada • of interest to be found in it. a eonsiderehle portion of . th e offers, thi s -ad vi ce .. tr you have before of the poison ivy oil off Nova Scotia had the 'first needed: for Pinery lerpretive centre where people - '-'"'' " ' ----- ; ' ' „ t y severa l t i mes using testy you get a light case. use 4 Canada when a 2?..member wads would be a type of in- ts) S e sQapi been exposed, wash thorough, it irritates the $.kin• Jr parliamentary :3,overnment m , -- , , , -.., G EVENTS V atype of of soap and hot water. and spoiling the natural envir- birds, trees and flowers are in ,, ,,, , oninent of the popular camping fi ndcrruld One of the greatest haetteds — ' - ,-. - - - , may' be able to e t-- at least ing lotion, c ,;11 1 1. ISI 7A;e41115EerReYe .t Aw airlyAMLinViiii get .at you eolumine or some other eooth- elected Assembly met at Hallo spot , be located. chureh, Friday dune n, SIM• fax in 1758 the park and where they could (pitoiso'nat'iv;iimm" .1. ' j• Tirrie-S-Achr9Catei June 2h 1942 poufs 17 .GLVEWATER SHRINE CLUB EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Sunday, dune 24 Guest Speaker: MR. WALLACE STEPHENSON Graduate Student Landon College of Bible & Missions 2:00 .p.m.-Sunday School For all ages. 3:00 p.m.-Church Service Nursery provided for -pre- school children. "Some people think we should Ile suggested he would like to This aggravating, irritating per sorted frOM 5:30 to 8:0.0 extend th e camping faciliti es to see an old log cabin .moved into complaint puts hundreds in P ni 14111 s $1.4: .children make room for more people," the park for this purpose. lie said, hut that would .spoil "At present people hear about shaoisupisitallislor71: :-teahr,a8;tin(r)inci; once, in l,1(ande irrel3e... 1.5;ovee:01..oirnee:sewl!ealectomehei.hi. 1" the rare trees and flowers that 14:21c "We could tear down all the grow in the pork" he explained, a physician to '"I relief. it — ,. _.,..,,. ...,_,.._ trees, pave it end paint it "but They (In not know where le the race or ryes are involved, MUSICAL - Centralia United green" he added, but the park locate them". by .all In cans see a doctor 'Ir'ihielinVII i.The%s'Elfil•ane!'faraom'' '1%I...ulenCe ur'.?(173;" would lose its natural beauty lie pointed out that his de - .quickly. Spliced will 14:.!41"!. that makes it S.ttell. an nttrac' .partment was working towards Remember, there is nn curt' ••-------; •- . "assist. - lion for eamPers."— However. lie said be hoped such a project i n Ronde" for poison ivy, so save :your CHICKEN BARBEQUE, TUese there would be future develop- ment dong. some lines when money on Sf"ailed "cures iii‘rlii.tind.s11.11YSpir(ili'sori.ecxletehry hair Certainly, there are numerous • money is available. He noted 14:21e Ilurondale WI. lotions and ointments Thal will that more sanitary facilities Clandeboye ease the pain and itching while HAM SUPPER and Garden such as flush 1,0i,ret,S were - " • - - - -• . the infection runs its course. Party, Wednesday, July 4, at shelters would be added. vh e h est; precaut i on agionst Almint Carmel church grounds, t er Jimmie of London as . 111, :3 Dashwood. live, Poison oak, is to -1"Th w MOLLARD REUNIO N -14 •112'h1: Wants "museum" g ues t s ever th e weekend. poison ivy and its . dose rela Dr. Reynolds also staled he A surprise party was held al how to recognize the plants - - would like to see a type of nat.- Ihe home of --!\11'. and Mrs. J im and to avoid them. They an, sixth Mollard reunion will he tire museum built in the ,park .Sigsworth and family on .Satur- day planned by Mr. Clifford planks , both th(r)inie • rh o g roun d climbing h e ld at Severn Park, south of ground th ey Grand Bend. this Sunday, June Cohleigh and Miss Muriel. Whit-21. Dinner in be served at I. are about a foot high, but worth for Mrs. Sigsworth's birth - more oft en th ey cli m b. op p*). sharp. DST. 21c clay which was on Monday. Air. walls, fences and -trees. Some , STRAWBERRY & HAM sup, Cobleigh's was on Saturday. ti mes th ey Mr, and Mrs. Earl Felon, of honeysuckle. t $11:eorniiitlig ix" with Per. Thursday. ,Tune 21, Cent ratio United Church. 214 London, visited the P"a"n rani.- and other climbing plants. Au ily on Tuesday. other branch of the poison i'. !OOP-The Exeter Lodge No. UCW family is poison sumac. it is 67, 100F. and the Pride of Mrs. Andy Thom a small shrub with tiny white Huron Rebekah Lodge No. 338 pson enter- b erri es. tamed the ladies of lime- Clande- are holdin" a picnic at River- boye United Church for their meeting, Mrs. George Simpson. vice-president presided in the absence of President Mrs, Wil- tiler Scott. Scripture was read by Airs, Rea. Neil. DANCE TO THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10;30 a.m.-Worship Service 11;15 a.m.-Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 8:00 p.m.-Evening Service All Are Welcome THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron St. East Rev, R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.-Morning Service 11:15 a.m. Sunday School 8:00 p.m.-Evening Service All Welcome needed, and hoped that picnic Continued from page 16 PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street Rev, Mel. W. Holmes, Pastor 9:00 a.m.-CJCS Radio (1240 Kc.) Message: "WHY I AM A Sermon: "God Who Touchest Earth With Beauty" (Matthew 6;19•341 Junior Choir: "Who Is The King of Glory?" Nursery provided. NEXT SUNDAY Union Services in Main St Church Fri, and Sat,/ June 22 and 23 (DOUBLE FEATURE) "Mad Dog Call" John Chandler, Kay Doubleday "Woman Of The Rivet" Sophia Loren June 25, 26 & 27 Pleasure. Of His Comparty (Color) Fred Astaire, bet/bi - Itopioltlx Two new members were added to the roll. The business of help- ing furnish a room at the West- minster College was tabled, Discussion of church ceiling and the redecorating was left to have, more discussion at a later date, A report of the sectional rally held at Ailsa Craig of Mre, Wilmer Scutt was read by Miss Aggie Northgrave. Miss Northgrave displayed the material for the missionary Alt's, D. Kestle gave chapter 7 of the study book of the his- tory of Ihe French Settlement in village in Quebec where French protestantism is still active. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Arnold Blake. Eighty per cent voted Al the Mooresville polling booth held at the home of Mr. Wesley Callcott on Monday. '123 persons cast their vote, There are 151 on the voters list. Deputy Returning Officer was Mrs. Audrey McFalls; poll clerk, ,Jim Sigsworth; scrutineers. Mrs. Dean Gibson and Alonzo Phillips. Music by DESJAR,DINE'S Orchestra 10 to 1:30 S MILES EAST OF GRAND BEND 2 Shows Nightly--Rain or CI First Show at Dusk Box office opens at 8 pooh. Children Under 12 in Cars Pitt) Stn rlite Drive-In Theatre Sun., June 24 7:00 p.m. Speaker: REV. LYALL CRAWFORD LIONEL, THORNTON and his CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA Every Saturday Hey F3ti .dsi Starting Wed., June 27 and EVERY WED, DA G The effect of all: three is the view Park at 6:15 p.m., June, 26. 1962. All members and their wives or sweethearts Or husbands are cordially invited to attend, Please bring lunch basket. Beverage will he pro- vided. In case of rain picnic will he held in Exeter arena, Harold Rowe, Noble Grand; Percy McFall& Rec. Sec'y. 21e. with DICK WILLIAMS Emcee of CFPL = Radio _ "The Crescendos" L KEVIE 'FI GRAND BEND STRAWBERRY & HAM sup- per, Cromarty church, Wed- nesday, June 27, Supper served from 6 to 8. 21e LYRIC EL!MVILLE -UNITED CHURCH- Sunday School Anniversary unday, June 24 11:00 a Guest Speaker: REV. JOHN VARDY. B.A. of •Egmondville Children's Choir Barn Dance FARM OF BEV HODGINS PARKHILL Friday Evening June 22 Roger Quick's Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME Everyone Welcome $7 50 Per Couple ' Lakeview Casino GRAND 'BEND Fri., June 29 7 LIONEL THORNTON .6: his ('asa Royal Orchestra DANCING IA1.iNC''H REFRESHMENTS BENEFIT BALL LYRIC AT June 21, 22, 23 • * EXODUS * ALL FALL DOWN (Adult) C oming * THUNDER OF DRUMS * KING OF KINGS S o! * THE MAGIC SWORD * SERGEANTS THREE on * SWEET BIRD OF YOUTH (Restricted) Ilene 235-2911 FIRST SHOW SECOND SHOW 1:30 SAT, MATINEE 2 P.M. THE BEST GI MOW THURS., FRI., SAT. DOUBLE FEATURE TIE Travel X times faster PIRATE than imagination and,,. Qr \%\ ; gAkeiDOT TECHNICOLOR 4 THE ANNUAL Memorial Day Service OF THE EXETER LODGE NO. 67 100F will be held at the Exeter Cemetery Sunday, June 24 at 2;00 p.m. nign,YBODY WELCoiviV, Harold Rowe, Noble, Grand Percy Me5'a1lg, Reeording Setrefaiw