HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-21, Page 16rp • • --,,--,-N....uw--,t:7*',^eefqn.etreirlsnrisrrsrtre.SrVvlprorceetroyoVr,teerrAoetttet'tt'afw,'"A'''' 4
rre 15 June 21, 1962
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and district -news
Phone 227.42U
Anglican church
scene of nuptials
k- 'f of white 'mane
fatal -ad t setting in lily Trim
ita A/lel:eau Church. Lucan at.
1,;:o p n. Saturdaaa Julie et,
a hen the reeler, the Rev. E.
1 a atistee. united in wedlock.
cleave Elatabeth Brown and
Gearge J. Thorne.
The hride is the date.ader of
Mr. and We, Douglas William
Brown nf RR 5 Ingersoll and
the groom is the sort of Mr and
Mi. George Thorn ot 632
Wa Ilace Aa e., Loncinn.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride chose a lave
and net ensemble over satin,
with fitted bodice, lace
sleeves, and a three -tiered flour -
length skirt of lace and net. A
tiara held her shoulder -length
and she carried a white
prayer book, crested with red
roses and ivy.
Mrs. Marilyn Lancaster, Lon-
don, as matron of honor, and
:aliases Jean Brown and alarg-
aret Brown. London. and RR 5
Ihgereoll. as bridesmaids, were
gowned alike in cotillion blue
lace and -chiffon. over satin.
featuring a fitted bodice. round
neck-line. three-quarter sleeves
and white accessories. Each
earried a nosegay of yellow
and white Mums with green
The best man was Stanley
Adamski. London. and Frede-
rick Thorne and George Brown
were Ushers.
Gordon ja-eklin, church or-
ganist, provided traditional wed-
ding music and accompanied the
soloist. Mac Irvine of Watford,
who sang the "Wedding Prayer"
and "0 Perfect Love,"
At a reception in the church
basument and a turkey dinner
provided by the Ladies Guild
the bride's mother received in
a sheath gown with jacket in
a floral design on white back-
ground and a corsage of yellow
baby mums. She was assisted by
the aroom's mother. M a sheath
pink satin gown, pink shoes and
hat with white accessories, and
a corsage of pink roses,
For a honeymoon trip to
Northern Ontarin the bride
changed to a sheath gown of
pure yellow chiffon over yel-
low floral satin, with white ae•
eessories and corsage.
The young couple wili make
their home in London.
Gassed veteran
E. R. Pitt dies
Ethol R. Pitt, 67. of Lucan,
ritee suddenly at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London. on Friday.
June 15. The body rested in the
C. Haskett and Son Funeral
Home, Lucan until 2 p.m. Mon-
day. June 18 when the Rev, G.
W. Sach of the Lucan 'United
Church conducted funeral serv-
The pallbearers were Messrs.
Jne Henn. William MeFalls,
Dr. T. A. Watson, Everett Fitz-
gerald. Richard Smihert and
Calvin Weir. Interment was in
St. James cemetery, Clande-
Mr. Pitt is survived be his
wife, the former Verna Steven.
son, Iwo sons, Eny at hemp and
.Ralph of Cargill; two grand-
children. Steven and Colleen
Fitt of Cargill, also one sister,
:Mita. Kathleen Moss of Thorn -
dale, and three brothers. Rus-
eell nf Hyde Park. Clarence and
Wallace of London.
Son of the lat.e Mr, and Mrs.
Walter Pitt of England he was
born at Wyton, Ontario where
:he attended the Wyton school.
He served three years in World
War I where he was shot in
the foot and gassed. He went
.overseas with the 142nd London
battalion and Tater served with
the 118th battalion in France.
,He was married in 1916, prior
-to ening overseas. After his dis.
"charze hr' operated a sore at
Devizes for 32 years before re-
tiring to a 'farm on the edge of
Lucan. 11 years agn.
Mr. Pitt was particularly- fond
of fishing and hunting and of
ell kind of sport. While at De-
vizeh he -organized and man.
aged a ball team which won
matey trophies. He was a mem-
ber.of the Luean United Church.
Personal items
\It. and Are. Glen ilatikPit
Atli 'family and Mr, and Mrs,
Charles Corbel: and family
wore Sunday guesas of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred 'hike at their leper -
wash cottage.
Mr. 'Gerald Ineleins, who en -
element an operation on both
eyes at S'ietoria Hospital ee.
eently is ahle lo return to wnrk.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Carroll
ef Saintshury 1,VCrf, Sunday
gurats or Mrs. Henry Ilndgins
e -tut Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Mul-
lins of Lender' were Saturday
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Schram
.or Arkena mere Sunday pleats
ref Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil Armia
Deily shower
Mre. Bernard Avery Friday
aught was guest of hew at a
baba shower when 17 nf. her
Mende and 'neighbors met at
the home of Mrs. James Avery,
Winners of the robber bingo
were Mrs. IL Bieber rif Clandea
boar and Mrs. Bernerd Avery,
the latter winning !wive, Mrs.
Clarence Wish won the belay
realest and Mr. Den Whithorne
ant alnunt Dredges), the
tut). prize.
Correspondent; Miss Lina Abbott
Gordon Jaeklin, who sueceeds
Ken Clarke as organist and
choir leader at Holy Trinity
church, teaches music at Prince
Charles school, London. He is
the son of Rev. and Mrs. Jack -
lin, of High Park, and was for-
merly organist at St, Marys
and Crumlin churches.
Lucan hurch
• to ..celebrate .centennial
The Lucan :United Church is in the church.
fast approaching an .important Following Mr. Sexsmith were
milestone in its history for pastors: Rev. William Chap -
from June 24 to July 1 this man, Rev. William England,
year it will celebrate its cm. Rev. Samuel Tucker, Rev.
tennial. George Kennedy, Rev. William
in July 1862 a group of Meth. Lund, Rev, James E. Deer,
odists, chaired by the Rev, Rev. 13. Sherlovia, Rev. George
George Sexsmith, met in the Jackson. Rev. Robert Davey,
old Grand Trunk station to .or- Rev. Samuel Seller', Rev. .R.
era eanize lateen At et hndist C. Benders, Rev. R. W.
VoZers uncover Nrch..Hon. D. McDonald of hams, Rev. A. E. Chown, Rev,
Goderieh donated a lot at the J. i. Ford. Rev. .1. P. Rice,
century -old Jogs corner of Main and Riehmond Rev. H. 1. Fair, Rev. J. A.
Sts. where Air. Louis Kilmer Asearst, Rev. .1. E. Holmes,
Century -old logs, 18 to 20 teat now resides and a $653 church Rey Cf. J. Kerr, Rev, T. T.
long, used in corduroy road was erected, with Robert Faun- George, R91% R. H. Barnby,
construction of No. 4 highway, tain as Sunday Sehool superin- Rev' F" IL Pawell and Rev`
teadent. .Rev. John Potts of G. Gifford.
London and Rev, William Chap- Meanwhile another church
man of Exeter were the guest
isepeespkers at the :opening serv-
In 1867 a $281 porch was ad-
ded, also a church organ, The
renewing year the church was
moved In its present site and
in 1895 raised and brick yen-
eered. Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Neil were the first couple wed
are being dug up by bundozera,
in the widening of the highway.
Three feet below the read
grade, covered with dirt, gravel
and 10 inches of vement, the
logs are still in good condition.
This corduroy road Was built
by a private company, the old
Proof Line Road Company, be-
gun in 1851.
Lucan Young 'man makes geod
Mr. John Ewen, 24 -year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Ewen of Market St., has been
making a name for himself.
John is an electric lighting eon-
sultant for the Howard Electric
Co, of London, and as such has
been sent by the company to
take several courses in Ontario
and the 'U.S.A. The fathers of the church
In a competition held recent- board were in charge of the
ly in London he won the district Sunday Father's Day service.
first prize for his illuminating air, Jack Eizenga, assisted by
engineering design. Then he his father, Mr, Meine Eizenga,
went to Winnipeg where he won led in the service.
the Canadian first prize. Mr. Hugh Birteh read the
On September 17 he goes to scripture and led in the prayers
Dallas, Texas. where he will and Mr, Ed. Butler gave the
compete for the final first prize message. Both choirs sang at
for North America. the morning service.
Lucan personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Cook and On Monday the Rev, A, E,
family, of Byron. were Sunday Gagnon attended the Ontario
gueeis of Mrs. Will Haakett, Conference Camp committee
Mrs, Bernard Avery has re- meeting in Toronto. Mrs, Gag -
turned from a week's visit in non and some of the children
Acton and Rockwood where she went with him as far as George-
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, town where they visited for.
Dieter Geisler and Mr, and mer friends there,
Mrs, Benny Saulnier, formerly Mrs. Jack Cummins and fain -
of Luean, iiy returned to Toronto again.
Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert on Monday after spending a.
spent a. few days last week at week in the home of Mr, Mitch -
the" cottage at laoat Lake. ell Haskett and visiting him in
Mr. James Freeman of Lai the hospital.
can and his brotheiainalaw, Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage
Frank Young of Matehell, were and family and Mr. Levi Dar -
among a .party of five who en- ling were Saturday guests of
joyed a fishing trip for a week Mr: and Mrs. Morris Darling
near Cobalt. The fishing was
good and they brought home
over 50 fish.
Mx. and Mrs. Norman Thomp-
son, of Tctronto, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rutile
Mrs. Glen Kennedy, Lucan,
and Mrs. Wilfred Bieber, Clan.
deboye, were joint hostesses at
a birthday surprise party for
Mrs. Mert Culbert held at the
home of the former. Other
guests included Mrs, Le Roy
Revington and Mrs. Ernest Ken-
nedy of lalean and Mrs. Henry
Bieber of Clandeboye.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Caldwell
and Jimmy of Byron and Miss
Sharon Wert ta Macdonald In-
stitute friend of Miss Julia
Crozier) were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozier.
Mr, and Mrs, Irving Gibson
held a Father's Day family
gathering on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. John Woods,
of London, held a Father's Day
barbecue in their back yard on
Sunday in honor of Mr. Robert
Jenkins of Lucan and Mr, K.
0, Woods of London,
Mrs. M. Murdy
early operator
A large number of friends
and relatives attended the fu-
neral of another of Lucan's old-
est residents. Mrs. Mary Ida
Murdy, 91, Thursday at 2 p.m.
IA Rh funeral directors, John
Stephenson of Ailsa Craig and
Irvin Armstrong of Exeter in
charge. The Rev, E. 0, Lan-
caster of Holy Trinity Anglican
Church officiated. Interment
was in St, James cemetery,
Pallbearerincluded Messrs.
1)on Ranting, Jack Lankin, Will
Essery, Stanley Hicks, Robert
Avery and Ben Dempsey.
Mrs. Murdy was the daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Dempsey of 'Osborne
Township. She lived in the Exe.
ter district and Toronto, before
coming to Lucan where she
clerked at the late Miss Em
Alkinson's stationery and china
store and learned to operate
Lucan's first switch board.
In 1903 she married her late
husband, Mr. Clifton Mutely,
who died 211 years ago in 1942.
For many years she lived above
the funeral home where her
SOn, jack, now resides. In 1929
she moved into the big brick
house hext door, owned by the
tate Mr, and Pre.. Tom Webh,
Mrs. Mordy was a faithful
member ryt Holy Trinity Angli-
can Chureh, where she sang ill
the choir fer many year. ,She
was also a member of the Lin
ean Horticultural Society. tap
until August 1041 she lived
alone and looked after a small
gtrden, which she was very
proud. as well OS her home. In
elle wee taken to Craigholme, Ansa Craig. and In Feb-
ruary was Moved lo Parkwood
Hospital, Leaden, where the
Besides A Targe number of
near-hy funeral direetors feta.
liVeS from a distance attending
the funeral were Mr. Robert
Avery, Mil. _Keith Blackwell,
Ws, Gordon Bridge of Kintar.
dims, Mr. Ben Dempsey of PreS.
10t1, M1t. Loretta Maks and Mr.
and Mrs. Vred Hall or Toronto,
Mrs, Joe 'Croon of 8f, Milos
gbd StiNs lleatriee tssery of
of Hyde Park.
Among the 1100 guests at the
Queen 'Mother's reception at the
Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last
Saturday was the Ven, Arch-
deacon C. W. Foreman, for-
merly of Lucan, and Mrs. Fore-
Mrs. Ira Carling and family
were Sunday guests of Mr, and
Mrs, Elmer Walpole of Kin-
cardine and also Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Finlayson and new babe,
Mark Alexander, horn in Kin-
cardine June 8, a brother for
Mr, Mitchell Haskett cele-
brated his 80th birthday in St.
Joseph's Hospital Friday with
some of his family. Though
somewhat improved, Mr. Has-
kett has still not regained his
speech since his stroke June 8.
The brick work on Lucan's
new post office is nearing com-
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mc -
Falls spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Larry aleFalls and
family of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ander-
son and Mrs. Carrie Helson, of
Detroit, were Sunday guests of
Mrs. Bob Coleman.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith
and family spent Father's Day
with Mr. and Mrs. George Hod-
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langford
have returned from a four-week
tour of the British isles, Franee
and Belgium, They joined Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Langford in Lon-
don and spent 10 days together
touring the British Isles. One
of the highlights of the trip
was a visit in lioeylaer, near
Brussels, with the family where
Mr. Langford had been billeted
during World War I. They also
visited many of the places
where he had visited on various
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tubb and
family of Mitchell and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Hodgins and family
of London were Sunday guests
of Mrs, Wes Hodgins.
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Robb
spent Father's Day in Sarnia,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Bavetenheimer and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Holmes.
of Sparta, were weekend guests
of Mr, and Mrs, Jim Avery.
Ann Stanlea, five - year - old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Clare
Stanley, spent last weekend with
her grandmother, Mrs, Alice
Devine of London.
The Woman's Auxiliary -met
at the home of Mrs. Meine
Eizenga last Tuesday.
Mrs. Eizenga was the speak-
er. Plans were discussed for
:future meetings and plans were
finalized for the annual Sun-
day School picnic which this
year will he held in Riverview
Park, Exeter on Saturday, June
The flowers in the church
were in memory of Mr. Charles
Haggar and Mrs. C, Mutat',
The painting in the church
basement was completed In
time for the Thorne -Brown wed-
ding on Saturday,
The junior choir are meeting
at the church on Thursday for
the annual outing.
Rev. and Mrs. E. 0, Lan-
caster will he on vacation for
July so there win be Hole Com-
munion next Sunday.
At the 11 o'clock 5 i'viee
Barbara Louise Cochrane and
Terrence George Thomson were
confirmed. The pastor Rev. G.
W. Sach spoke on "The Mean-
ing of Confirmation,"
Flowers in the church were
in memory of Mr. Charles Hag.
gar and Mrs. C. Murdy.
YPU tour
Thirty members of the Dwain
Clandeboye YPU and friends,
chaperoned by Mrs. George Car-
penter, Mrs, Alden Walker and
Mrs, Stuart McLellan had en
enjoyable visit to Greenfield
Village, Detroit, Satairday with
the weatherman providing an
ideal day.
The party left Lucan at 610
am. stopping at Port Huron
for breakfast. C o rn 1 n g home
they left Detroit at 3:10 p.m.
stopping at Port Huron for
shopping and supper arriving
back in Lucan at 12:30 a,m., a
tired but happy party.
Explorer news
Saturday the Lucan Clande.
boye Explorers held an unique
hebo picnic (with refreshments
carried on a stick over the
back) at the Ausable Recreation
Area, west of the village,
Races and games were con-
ducted by Counsellor Rose Rev-
ington, assisted by Atka Joan
Hodgins in spite of a minor ac-
cident, when one Explorer in-
jured her back crawling through
a barb -wire fence, all enjoyed
a hike .down the river, 'l'he
girls were much interested in
finding a muskrat, a water
snake, a turtle, besides many
frogs and fish.
A sing -song And vesper SPI'V-
ice following lunch was led by
honorary counsellor Iva Hod-
gins, assisted by Patsy Brad-
Tea and tour
On Wednesday afternoon two
carloads of ladies attended the
tea and tour of the. new West-
minster Colleg e residence,
sponsored by the London Con-
ference 'furnishing committee
of the 'LICW.
Comments about
Mr. 1-1. Ankers, who has
been on the sick list is now a Crediton East
patient of Westminster Ifospitel,
Last Wed neada y M r. Harold
Butler Sr., Mrs. Margaret Mal.
ott, Mr. and Mrs. William Ayle-
stock visited Rev. A. Aylestock
Mrs, Alec Hamilton And smi
wIrsof Chatham,
owns and three- Bradley or Grand Bend and
year-old daughter Marine have Mrs, Harry Lewis and son they
returned from a two-week visit and Mrs. Leonard Wein returned
in Fredericton where they were home Thursday night after a
guests of Dr. and Mrs. Merrill pleasant trip to the Mackinac
Edwerds Mid family and had Straits and Manistique, Mich,
AS toilers Sunday evening Mt. where they visited with Mr. and
Down's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Edgar Lewis.
Jaines Town of London,
Personal items
Mrs. Beth Hatherley. of Lae.
Mr. and Mite. Clifford Abbott, don, .spent last Week with he
and Mr, nett WenhersliAM brother Anti siateHtl-law, Mr,
spent Father'e flay in Wiarifin and Mrs, William Mott.
Mr. and Mrs,. tart Heist,
guests of Mr. ;And IVIrt. Allen
Margaret and Bob, .spetil Stui
day it St. Marys.
Mrs. William Sireand thil.
deeti, of Exeter, Wilt Monday
With Mr, and Mee. Ell SiMt.
Mr, anti Mrs, Miff Blanchard
and son Gary and Air. and Mrs.
Wbflim Homey of nXot.,(1 visit
ed its Sunday WR11 Mr. mid
Mrs. William Mom
Mr. and Mrs, Art Mel
Mrs, Fred McLean and Mrs. A.
X. Hodgins, oC tendon, called
on Lateen friends on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. on,
and son br Windsee are :spend.
IM their vaeatioy with
Colvin'a earehtS, Mr. and Mrs,
was being organized. nearby.
In 1817, while Luean was .still
named Marystown, the Rev.
William Rennie .of Ailsa Craig
organized the .erection of a
Presbyterian Church across
from the Little. Brick School,
where the Fine station now
stands. The congregation was
named Ormiston in honor of
Rev. Dr. -Ormiston of Quebec,
moderator of the General As-
Some years later the church
was moved to a more central
location, to the lot now owned
by Air. J. H. Cantelon, Minis-
ters serving the congregation
were Rev, John Lees, Rev.
George McKay, 13.ev, George
Galloway, Rev. John Glen-
denning, Rev. J. H. Ratcliffe,
Rev. E. A. Hardie, Rev, Rob-
ert McNair, Be'. Mr. Free-
man, Rev. E, F. Me L. Smith,
Rev, ,John Smith, Rev, 1);',
Campbell, Rev. Alex Wilson,
Rev. Robert MeDirmitt, Rev.
Daniel Johnston, Rev. 1Vin,
Lee, Rev. J. .T, Brown,
With the formation of the
United Church of Canada in
Church honor
former resident
A large reception was held
on Sunday in Galt to honor
Canon A. B. Thomas, DD, on
his 25th anniversary as rector
of Trinity Anglican Church. The
day also marked the 38th an-
niversary of his ordination into
the church.
During his 25 years at Galt
two major projects completed
included the construction of a
parish hall and a new Sunday
School building.
Another former Lueanite, Von.
Archdeacon C. W. Foreman of
the - Church of St. John the
Evangelist, London, who is an
old friend of Canon Thomas,
conducted S u it d it y ' s service.
Canon Thomas lived in Lucan
during the years his father,
Rev. H, A. Thomas, was rector
at Holy Trinity Church .and St,
James, Clandehoye,
June 10, 1925, the Presbyterian
Chute% .elosed its door and its
congregation joined with that
of the Methodist. Since then
the two congregations have
worked and worshipped itt
true harmony under pastors.
Rev. J. J. RrOW11, ReV. S. R.
Johnston, Rev. W. J. Moores,
R.ev. A. F. Gardiner, Rev. R.
B. Cumming, Rev, :E. M. Cook,
Rev. Edgar Mansion and the
Rev. G. W. Sach.
Bon voyage.
for France
Elmer Mosurinjohn of Lucan
was guest of honor at a "Bon
Voyage" gathering or Lucan
and London friends at the home
of Mr. and Airs, Clare Stanley
Thursday night, prior to his
leaving the Mallon airport on
Saturday for Nice, France.
During the evening Air. Moe-
urinjohn was presented with a
small gift by Mr. Stanley, a
past president of the Lucan
Lions 'Club,
Mr. Mosurinjohn was fortu-
nate enough to have the lucky
ticket in a draw entitling him
to attend the Lions convention
in Nice, June 20-23, following
Web he will make an exten•
sive tour of Europe, leaving for
home July 8.
This being my last, column
for the Lucan Recreation News,
1 would like to thank those. who
helped me in any way.
Friday evening the Pre -Teen
Town held its weekly dance,
This was a successful turn out
due to the end of exams.
The arts and crafts course
on Saturday mornings is can-
celled until the summer hall -
day period. Please contact Miss
Mary Mathers or Miss Carol
Davis in regards to dates and
The Saturday night dance will
he held at Lucan Arena at 9
p.m. featuring the music of the
Canadian Playboys.
NNI provides items
to replace fire:loss.
By MRS, J. 11. PATON
At the -meeting of ('landehoye
WI at the home of Mrs. Charles
Coughlin the. .cominittee, Presi-
dent Mrs. laavid Kestle and Mrs.
Alex Macintosh, ,reportedthey
had purchased laundry equip -
mead and other household aril -
dos with the limey ,donated by
the group 10 assist :the Mitoraji
family who lost their home and
contents by fire May 9.
A check for $25 has also been
received for this purpose from
A iss Hannah, London.
Airs. Alan 11111 -demonstrated
the making of a :knitted orna-
ment. 'Airs. 3. H. Paton have a
report of the 59th District An-
nual held .at Lieut.:), May 24.
Ways of raising money were
discussed. A bake sale was
planned lo Le held in Luean
soon. Mrs, David. Henry won
the contest.
Roll call was answered by
telling "your childhood. nick-
name.. Assisting the hostess
were Mrs. Karl O'Neil and Mrs.
Omar Cunningham.
United church
On Sunday, June 24 the serv-
ice at the Clandeboye United
Church will be withdrawn to
give the members an tipper.
tunity to attend the centennial
service at the Lucan United
Church at 11 a.m.
St. James church
At St. James Church oh Sun-
day, June 24 the rector, the
:Rev. E. 0. Lancaster, will have
the service of :Holy Communion
at 9:45 a.m. During July, the
service will he taken by Mr.
Art Lord, a student at Seeger
Hall, London,
Bon voyage
On Sunday Mr, and Airs. 3,
H. Paton, William Allwright and
Mr, and Mrs, Clare Paton at-
tended a bon voyage gathering
at the home of Mrs, Ethel Lo-
gan. Thorndale, for Mr. and
airs. Wilfred Logan, who were
leaving by air on Monday for
Nice, France. Others of the
family attending were Miss
Myrna Logan, Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Logan, Alis Sharon
Logan and john Logan, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Allison, Mary,
Brian and ;Kenneth of 'Thorn -
Prinielpel honored
airs. Wilfred Logan, principal
of the Thorndale sebool, was
honored .on Thursday evening
following the graduation parte
or the 12 gradeeight pupils. A
banquet was held for them and
the teachers. A graduation .cake
was served.
Mrs. Logan received a pro.
jector sercen from class and
from the other pupils trays to
hold the
Personal items
Mrs. Charles Eisen is it 'Pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital
since April 27 where she had
an operation on her knee. Last
week an operation on her hip
was performed.
Mrs. Clarence Millson left last
Friday to spend some time with
her brother, Mr. Nelson Ash -
bine' in Orillia, who is ill at
his home there.
Misses Jucly ,Scott and Helen
Sigsworth enjoyed a hus trip
with the Luean Young People
to Greenwich village., Detroit on.
Sa turday.
Air. and Mrs, Jim
:Elizabeth and John and Mr,
and Mrs. A. E. liendrie spent
Sunday afternoon and evening
with Air. and Mrs. Ivan Riddell
at Prospect MIL
Air. and Mrs, Mervin Carter
had Air. and Mrs. Carlyle Car.
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Rotoarch Into how petroleum san attiet.Galladlan tarmere and
Iruil grownrsignitn ortnehy0roject5 carried autetIntnettel's lab°.
ratorics..,tholargeel petroleum research laboratories in Cariacla,
0% of all oil company product research in Canada
is done by imperial
At Imperial laboratories at Sarnia, Ontarin,
more than 200 scientists and 'technicians are
working to Improve present petroleum products—
and to develop new ones, Their reeeerell covers
many fields, from gasolines to household dote rgents,
Another 180 scientists and tochnioians BI'd work,
ing al Imperial's Calgary laboratories oh ways
'16 find arid product' more Canadian crude tthI
and natural gas, Imperial data mora roseareh
than all other oil companies In Canada combined,
„ALWAYS. LOOK•TeiliWirEttiA4 1401t THE ELS—. Esso