HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-21, Page 154,ki•Wii;
INCREASE PRODUCTION----Imperial Oil and its partner
Union Gas Co., are increasing production from the
.Grand Bend oilfield by injecting water into the field to
force out oil which otherwise would be left in. the
ground. Above, -Emile Okrucky, of Watford, adjusts a
valve on the well used to inject the water into the oil-
bearing formation which is 1,800 feet underground, In
the background is the purification plant where water
used in the project is filtered to remove .sediments and,
treated with. a chemical which prevents corrosion and
kills bacteria. Sediments and bacteria could plug the,
injection well and thus prevent the recovery of addi-
tional oil.
se salt water
to spur GB oil
Davies Grant Denning 1 Benn
Municipal Auditors
Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The TirmePAPIYOPAte, 19.62, Page 10
ping, was Rev, J. P. Finn, Ph..
dloCeSan ..director of educa-
lion. Ryan ,delivercd
the valedictory and Darlene
Boyle welcomed the guests,
The class prophecy was given.
by Carolyn Hail,
The musical portion of the
program was prepared by the.
grade nine girls.
The graduates were; Dar.
lene :Boyle, Jean Coreelissen,
Arlene Desjardine, Donald Ma-
honey, Glenn O'Rourke, Vin-
cent .11,y,an.
General proficiency prize
donated by the School Board
was won by Rita liogain John
Conlin won the English prize,
donated by the Holy Name So-
ciety. The religion prize, don-
ated by Rev, J. E. Kelly was
won by Sheila Regicr. Chair-
man for the program was Mr,
T. J. Ryan.
Personal items
Mrs, Jack Pearson of '4urich
drove to Sarnia on Sunday and
was accompanied home by her
mother Mrs, Pat Sullivan Sr.
Mrs, Mike Ryan Sr. is vis-
iting her daughter and family,
Air, and Airs. Gerard McCar-
thy of Maidstone.
Rev, Father J. Al, Fogarty,
PP, of Windsor, Ontario, vis-
ited Rev, J. E. Kelly Sunday
evening; and attended the fun-
eral of Rev, Fr. Leo. Reed
Lewis, PP, of St. ,Joseph's
church, in Clinton, who was
killed in a two ear crash near
Goderieh Friday evening, Rev.
Fr. .1. E, Kelly being a close
friend of the late Father Reed
Lewis also attended the Ponti-
fical Requiem Mass offered by
his Excellency Bishop John C.
Mrs. Laura McCann returned
home Saturday after visiting
her daughters for a week in
Mrs, Mary Regan has re-
turned to her daughter Miss
Rose Al,ary Regan in London
after a short visit at the farm
of Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Regan.
Air, and Mrs, Chas, Stephen.
The Elimville community and
Sunday School picnic will be
held Thursday evening, June 21
at Riverview Park, Exeter with
supper at 7 p.m. Sports will
follow afterwards.
Three birthdays
-My hest
in vestments
have been my
Mutual Life
K G 5 3 1. 94 Tomatoes 2
The beef you like best!
Rump lb St 85
FREE Jar of IGA Mustard with
TableRite Loaves
Mix or Match
Dutch, Pickle & Pimento, Chicken, Mac & Cheese
Beef or Veal
25 Extra Gold
Bond Stamps
With 1.Lb, Pkg. TableRite
Freezer Buys
Morton, Swanson or York
Pot Pies 4 rti, 95c
Challenger Cohoe
Monarch Pouch Pak
VAC PAKS 99` SIDE BACON Steakettes
Steak or
Grapefruit 8 39(
Mt,. Carmel ,grads
awarded prizes
Graduation exercises w e
field for the Grade 10 students
of Our Lady of Mount .Carmel
After an evening mass of-
fered by Rev. Father J.
Kelly, pp, the graduates and
their patents attended a ball,
qua prepared by the Catholic
Women's League.
Guest speaker for the eve-
Topics from
• .
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pyin,
Joan, Brian and Elaine spent
the weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
f3ert ,Lobb of Clinton and visit.
ed Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Fyn) of Exeter.
Air, and Mrs. Jerry .Rannte
and Joanne, of Toronto, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
William Itoutly,„
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Stephen
attended .Kirlann anniversary
service on Sunday and spent
the afternoon with Mr, and
Mrs, Jack Robinson and family.
Miss 'Verda. Kellett and Mr.
Laverne Kellett visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. George
Kellett of Thames Road.
Mrs. Beth Batten and Mr,
Bill Batten of Exeter, Mr. and
Mrs. Emerson Penhale, Doug-
las, Brion and Shells were
guests on Sunday with Mr. and
Alrs. John Batten celebrating
birthdays of Ralph Batten and
Mrs, Beth Batten,
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cunning-
ton of Ce'htralia, Mr. and Mrs,
Horace Delbrige of Winehelsea,
Mr, and Mrs, Russell. King,
Wayne, Ruthanne and Eugene
of Crediton were Sunday visi-
tors with Mr. and. Mrs. Bruce
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kers-
lake, Donnie, Joyce and Joan
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Durnin of Londes-
Miss Margaret. Johns spent a
few days this week with Miss
Frances Skinner.
Mrs. Delmer Skinner spent
three clays in Toronto this week
attending the Rebekah Assembly
of Ontario,
Airs. Nelson Goulds is visit-
ing some time now with her
daughter, Mrs. Harold Fink-
beiner of Shipka.,
The Sunday School anniver-
sary service will be held on
Sunday with Rev. Vardy of
Egmondville as guest minister.
The children's choir will render
two anthems.
Alr, and Mrs. Laurie Stephen,
Jerry and Donna, of London,
visited on Sunday evening with
Salt w a ter that covered
southern Ontario .more than
200 million years ago is being
used by Imperial Oil engineers
to increase production from
the Grand Bend oil field lo-
cated about five miles south-
west of the summer resort.
The water, which was trap-
ped in low-lying areas of an-
cient sea beds and left behind
when the seas receded, is be-
ing pumped to the surface
from a formation about 450
feet underground, It is then
Airs. Ross Skinner entertained forced at the rate of 80 gal-
15 children to a birthday party tons a minute through an in-
on Saturday for son's Larry, jection well into the oil-hearing
Dale and Jimmy's birthday formation about 1,800 feel
which all come in June. Games down, driving out oil which
and races were enjoyed in the otherwise would be left in the
afternoon and everyone had a ground.
hearty appetite for supper.
Those present were Larry technique is widely used in
and .1 i m m y Lynn, Paul western Canada and other oil-
Donnie and Edwin. Kerslake, producing regions. Water is
Craig- Webber, Douglas Pen- sometimes taken from streams
hale, Dennis Hutton, Larry Fut- but in many cases oil. com-
ton, Herbie Heywood, Bert Vos, panics drill deep water wells
Douglas Miners, Carol Bell, as imperial. has done at
Susan and Gail Parsons. Grand Bend.
The Grand Bend field—con-
sisting of five wells, straddling
the Stephen-McGillivray boun-
dary near Greenway—was dis-
covered by Union Gas Co. in
1955 and developed by Imperial
in partnership with Union Gas.
Since then the field has pro-
duced more than 250,000 bar-
rels of crude oil.
However, last year produe-
PH 235.1273 EXETER
Budget from
By MRS, M. H. al.,$T911
Personal items:
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair
spent Sunday in Port Huron
with. Mr. .and Mrs, Amos War-
Misses Sheila and Wendy El-
ston accompanied by their
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Gibson motored to Sarnia on
Air, and. Mrs. fi'arl •Weiberg
spent the weekend with their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. John. Kuzmich of
B rownsville.
M. H. and Mrs. Elston with
their grandson David Elston
spent a few days recently in
Shelbourne and Dundalk where
they lived some time ago.
Sunday visitors with Air. and
Airs. Ross AleFalls were Mr.
and Mrs. Geo, MeFalls, and
Mr. and .Mrs. Hugh Davis and.
fa wily in the evening.
Mr. and. Mrs. Ross AleFalls
visited on Sunday evening
with Air, and Airs. Charles Tin-
dell, Grand Rend.
The neighbor ladies of this
community attended a shower
held in St.' Patrick's Church
parish hall, Sainlsbury on Fri-
day evening in honor of Miss
Shirley Atkinson, prior to her
11r, and Mrs. Chris Fischer
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Fischer of Lon-
don and on Sunday they al-
tended the Stire reunion, held.
at Fanshaw Park. There were
approximately 85 m e in her s
lion began to decline and it
was estimated that unless re-
covery was aided, the field
would produce a total of about
381,000 barrels. By using the
water-flooding techinque, Im-
perial hopes to prolong the
life of the field and produce a
total of about 762,000 barrels.
"It's as good as finding a
new field that you don't have
to spend time and money look-
ing for," says Gordon Colpitts,
manager of Imperial's Eastern.
Producing Division at Chat-
ham, Ont,
present. Next .Year this
union will be held at Dunn-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mordush,
Cathy and .12'ranktin visited on
Monday with their parents, Mr.
and. Mrs. Chris Fischer.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith
and. family attended the Hen-
derson reunion held at Spring.
bank Park on Sunday.
Mr. and Airs. .Joe Mordush,
Cathy and Franklin visited on
Monday with their parents, Air.
and Mrs. Chris Fischer.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Leonard Smith
and family attended the Hen-
derson reunion held at Spring-
bank Park on Sunday.
Known as water-flooding, this
Electric and Acetylene
Trailers Built Of All Kinds
See the Quality•Built
Get the, roost 'from your insura.nce dollar
Guaranteed protection and savings—plus high diviclenda
See the Man from
g The Mutual Life
The co nipc n1 writ (he oid,Pooning grad 177.0v4
Representative: G. R, GODBOLT, C,L,U.
Corner Sanders 4l1.. Edwards St.,
Exeter,. Ontario Phr 235.2740