HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-21, Page 12rho Tirnes.Adv9cate. June 21, I962
Classifi d ll gtes ' 9 Services 23 Legal Notices 13 For Salo 13 For Sale 13 For Salo 16 Properly For Sale 22 Notices
ez Words 4 85
h Additional Word 3e
(Minimum SIrl
In the Estate of
Mary Becker,
Real Estate
-• , . . +• ....... , .., . , .., . ,, .. • . ••........ .,.......• •, . .• . • ...
BALER. No. 1 Massey-Harris, TRADE yoiir old refrigerator 100 ACRE FARM, properly of 'TOWN OF EXETER
with Wisconsin motor, in good now, receive top •$$$ at Sandy the late Theodore Rader; good.
346,11. 7:14:21e Alwa.ys ,BOAR.cNusiSniPeici tA,Y \-‘7..bill,el‘sveasthlarbatinida sziilltrifctield„ 0131 la pai eiclies r.csooduth
Elliot's, 444 Main at. . 21e buildings; house equipped with
modern conveniences;: nicely I will be in the Town. Hall
lailol orlsileti ctleattl"belaolwld fo'drinli ge cal
OF TAXES. condition.. Malcolm Davidson,
RR I Brucefield, phone liensall
STANDING BAY, 12 acres, red kill flies in Your stable and school and bus convenience; .55 leetien of 'Lana for the Town
milk house; 25 and 50 lb. bags. acres in crop, .rem ainder in of EXeter.. Please arrapge to All persons
20.c Off Rent R locker to store your clovei.•, yellow sweet clover
and timothy. Apply Fred Wei.
A BErVER BUY havMg .claims
We now have a power hand ba E y and pasture. am r will be Make .payment on .or before .against .the .estate. or Mary
aid y Sztithhis, h o llow ing surplus fond. In pack the -fresh berg, Dashwood, phone 47r2. sprayer to rent, 'Exeter Co. sold with or without crop. Ap• these dates to avoid penalty, Becker, late of the Village of
last in,kertton, frog% and vegetables coming 14:2Ic op, phone 235.2081, 2lnc ply Harold Racier, R.R 3 Zurich, Friday, J Dashwootl, in, the ConntY ofune 29.
1:30 - a p.m, 7:30 , 9 pan . Huron, Widow, who died on or
Second Insertion. TRACTOR, AR John Deere, on Kelvinator 17 Cu. :EL HAY, 20 acres, standing, rim Phone Dashwood .26r11.
7:14:21c Saturday, dune 30 1962, are recntired to file par
into season, and In hity foods about the 7th clay of April
the ei.•onionical W ay. Costs less rubber, with starter and lights, .othy, clover and alfalfa. Bert —___
9. a.m. .- 12:00 1:30 - 5. p.M. fielders of same with Bell &.
in good condition. Apply Mur- Freezer Wren, phone 339,12 Hensel', ERIC CARSCADDEN, • 2 Peet WuRts
than 3e per day.
ray Coward. phone 22r16 Kirk- boundary of .1..Isborne and Nib- Tax Collector
Laughlon, solicitors of Exeter,
beet. C., Y. PICKARD,
23 legal Notices
"8‘' 'eCils:Iltniaeatreijo9.(,6v2ill:)l )arlfriteel'clistribtited. hay.
ing regard only to those claims
(Minimum 45et 14:21',21* thew 'h3i(11:1111 date fire yowl
Six Insertions Exeter Frozen
ton, _______ .. .
TWINE BALER, Allis Chat- Holds 595 lbs' a supermarket in your home
frozen food. Put
•• 2c PER Vervata of beauty Pal nAdMQqNuaDISity. Choose of which
has been
re. Foods Eddie McBride, Kippen.
niers, new condition, cheap. and save
for her a lovely .0r.cal. All our diamonds are guaranteed end buy. If you wish to sell., see
We have clients prepared to
erni•Disnlay Classifieds Phone 235-0400 TERRIER PUPS, Toy Man-
$2.39 insured free at
HOUSE, a or 4 bedroom, suit- In the Estate of
(Minimum 43e) , . 14:21c us
Bell & Laughton,
WILsow, J E W E.L.1- E R Y Solicitors for the Executors,.
Chester and fox, :registered Delivered and Installed. Christian Anderson, 4Restrieted to One Column) _______
and unregistered. Mrs. A. Mac- & GIFTS 21c able for larger family or dee-
Exeter, Ontario, lexing: modern kitchen and
,"Vii,st Insertion—Per Inch 51.40 II:0C° WELL DIGGIN.G.—ala Intosh, phone 227.4598 Clande-
chine dug 1 ft. to ft, diameter bo y e . * . * . 12 - FT SWATHER, MasseY- renovated and clean; price re-
deceased. 14:21:28e
14:21:28:5c bathroom; forced air he
'Second Insertion—Per Inch 51.25 Ail persons baring claims
;,M.Ininiurn one inch, accepted and deepening Highway 85 MIXED HAY, 18 acres. Apply
poly' in multiples. of .,.: inch. Elmira mo 9_376.1, or Lucan AtulY Palsa, -Elillsgreen, 4 miles
up to 150 ft. deep: repairing Harris,
Gladwyn Hooper, phone quick sale,
Harris, In new condition. 2Ainp-e duced to a very low figure for aga i ns t
Anderson late of the Village
the. estate of Christian 2.4 Tenders Wa nted BA 7.-108u. 27:111,Thic west of Henson. 21:28'' Kelvinator 9 Cu. FL Kirkton 115r21. 3 MODERN HOMES, nearly of Dashwood, in the County of
Huron, who died on or about TENDERS FOR LIGHTING
Immediate service, a I w a Y s Lloyd Bender, 234.6419 Crecli.-
BOY'S DRAG NET CAR, $10; new, on very easy terms,
baby basket, $3. Phone 228- CI $SifiCgtilerIS sETTIC TANK% Pl:MPED — MIXED BAY, 11 acres. Phone the 22nd day of May 1962, are
av:iilable. Harold Butler, Lu- ton. al* Refrigera.to.r 21c brick house. Tidy barn on well.; 6855. 50 ACRES with medium-sized required to file particulars of South Huron District High
good roofs; drilled well with same with Bell & Laughton, School Board invites tenders
1. Lost, Strayed can. phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7- solicitors of Exeter, Ontario„ for replacing 10 corridor light
2, Found 4312 colleet 5:9"1.the BARN, 32' x 60'. Apply .1,, Mug- 14 Wanted To Bey water on. tap in house and by the 30th day of Tune 1962, fixtures with .fluorescent fix,
_ barn; hydro throughout; soil
Female Help \Ventrel
____ ,.
21c ONLY $169 deep alii, suitable for any will he distributed having re- installed in the east end of the
S. Male Help Wanted ford, Lot. 14, Conc. 7, Biddulph after which date the estate tures similar to those already
S. Help Wanted Get those bulky winter Township.
GOOD STANDING TIMBER located east of Kippen. Price
WANTED; crop, 25 acres ploughed; well
which notice has been. receiv- Tenderers should visit the
gard only to those claims of main corridor,
6. Business Opportunities
7. Teachers Wanted
clothes out of the way! HAY, 6 acres, alfalfa and dm.
°thy. Apply George Dailey,
phone 25r16 Kirk-
With your working trade. Apply in writing, stating la, $8,000.00. ed, cs]cuhh°41, to see the fixture re.
Garment Storage twonth.che'sen. . . 1.0. Livestoek For Sale
9. Services 21* concerisosiBonE,Baln7dEtAoGwLnsElisipoNto
for any type of general insur-
lye also solicit your business
Solicitors for the Executor,
Sealed tenders must be in
S. Situations Wanted
Bell & Laughton,
11. Poultry For Sale just as safe as ran he. Fully POWER LAWN MOWER, good Ailsa Craig Exet er, 001. the hands of the secretary. by
.12. Cars, Trucks For Sale insured against moths, theft, condition, reasonable. LI o y d 5:17tfue C, V. PICKARD, REALTOR 14:21:28c 5 p.m. Monday, June 25, 1062.
13. For Sale fire and all hazards. Mason, phone 227.4541 Lucan. NEW WRINGER: Lowest or any Lender not
11. Wanted Tu Buy 21c 304 Main St., Exeter neessarily accepted. 15 Wanted 13. Wanted BRADY CLEANERS USED SLOP BRICK, white. Washer
17. Property For Rent
Phones 235-0310 and 235-0414
16. Property For Sale and Laimcieteria Ltd. Apply Howard Johns, RR 1 WAS1T, PAPER—We can sell 8:24e In the Estate of I, D. liONVEY, Secretary
18. 017 Rent Phone 2:5-2131 Exeter Woodhain, phone Kirkton 44r10. it for money which is used to School Phone 235-0880 James Leonard Dilkes,
21* finance welfare and Scout work 17 Property For Rent 7;14;21c
20, Wanted 'co Rent $89.50 in Exeter. Please save yours '19. For Sale or Rent deceased,
21. Property Wanted 10 Livestock For Sale SINIMONS—the finest name in for the Exeter Lions Club APARTMENT, unfurnished, 4 All persons having claims TENDERS FOR PAINTING
22. Notices sleeping comfort. See the new 5.Year Guarantee paper drive on Wednesday, rooms, 3-piece bath, private against the estate of James Simmons Simco - Pedic, the ,June 27. entrance, immediate possession, 7:14:21c
23. Legal Notices COWS—Holstein springing cows li ,..2. miles north of airport. Leonard Dukes, late of the South Huron District High
24. Tenders Wanted and heifers, clean test, pure- $69.50 mattress for people with
back ailments, at Sandy El- USED SADDLES and bridles Apply Earl W, Neil, phone Town of Exeter, in the County School Board invites tenders
25. Auction Sales heeds and grades. Phone Keith 235-1921. of Huron, H.E.P.C. employee, for painting four rooms on the
for small ponies. Mark Whit-
4;26tfnc who died on or about the 9th nselecioodRofoliono.sr
ndl iauyinhge tilnies ;Harr. Lambeth 052-3200,
Rot's, 444 Main St., phone 233-
Sandy Elliot ney, phone 35r11 Dashwood.
21* APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, =-
HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, vacciri- 8 Only 235-0585
dean and comfortable, av a il-with Bell & Laughton, solicit-
pescutmed- 5:31-7:26* 0585. day of May 1962, are required .41 Female Help Wanted for condition and color any
school day.
to file particulars of same
ated, bred Hereford, due soon. 16 Property For Sale
Sanders et. ors of Exeter, Ontario, by the Tenders should indicate ta-
able July 1.* The former Sim-
way 83, 11 4 miles east of
HOUSE, in ' HenSall, large East, phone 235-2012, after 6
mons Apartments,
STENOGRAPHER Apply John Berendsen, High-7th day of July, 1962, after boor and materials separately.
6 ,14,i, tf„c which date the estate Will be Sealed tenders must be in the Farquhar. phone Kirkton. 21r4. SLAB WOOD, by truckload, de- landscaped lot, 2 or 3 bedroom, p.m. distributed. having regard only hands of the secretary' by 5
5-DAY WEEK 7:14:21* Home Freezers livered, mixed, $10 per load; large kitchen and living .room, 3-piece bath car port. Priced SUMMER COTTAGE, north of to those claims of which notice p.m. Monday, ,June 25, 1.962, For permanent position in Ex - hardwood, $12 per load. Phone Bayfield, private sandy beach, has been received. Lowest or' any tender not eter office, Vinod salary. Apply BULLS. registered Polled Here hardwood,
with signal light. 261J3 Hensatl, J, Branderhorst. for quick sale; possession . all conveniences, suit one or Bell & Laughton, necessarily accepted. Box NAS, Exeter Times- ford. serviceable age, Victor
Advocate. 3:8tfne Domino breeding, good quality, FLRST COME, FIRST
21:28* Aug, 1, Phone 233J Hensel] or
228-6611, Local 367. 21e two couples or small family;
E. D. HOWIIY SecretarY July; $45 Weekly. Phone 235- Solicitors for the F,xecutrix,
BOOM HOUSEKT.;;EPER, fur reasonably. Apply Ancell Lee,
_ are very quiet and priced
SERVED I REAL BUY—Late model "New
Idea" steel furnace, excellent HOUSE, newly decorated, with 1807 . 21*
21:28:5c 335.078:8104:21e
Exeter, Ontario. School Phone'
_summer season. Apply Oak- Ailsa Craig, or 5 miles south , condition, also heating pipes path, 11.:taitho Vp.i,veliceian ts:Ilit, . Tovses
FARM HOME, a.11 modern fa- . •
wood Inn, Grand Bend. 2Ic of Crediton. 21.* Price, $269,Q0 Each, Tax Extra. and registers. Must be seen to Jaques, Hensall. edifies, within 5 miles of Ex-
be appreciated. Best offer eon. 14;21:28* eter, Phone Dick •Etherington,
TfACTIcAL NURSE or lady 18 WEANER PIGS — Apply 235.1628, 6:14tfnc willing to learn the nursing, at Jud Dykeman, RR 1 Centralia, I. A. Dutton sidered, for quick sale. 14.4 W. C. PEARCE, REALTOR
ieensway Nursing Home, Ben. phone . Kirkton 90r11, 21c Gidley St, 'West, phone 235-
f. Phone 222 }Jensen. 21c
20 WEANER PIGS—Rudy /on- Appliances 7.1.37, 21* 200 acres, Exeter, suit cash MODERN HOME, 2-bedroom,
crops or cattle production. in Exeter, available July 1,
DINING ROOM SUITE, Phone 235-0395, morning. or dag„ BR 2 Dashwood, phone 9- 200 acres, Seaforth, cash crop
Situations Wanted. 165r18 Dashwood, 21c Brucefield. piece, dark oak, in good con- Or livestock farming.. evenings. 21c
dition; also one hall tree. 100 acres, Open Evenings "I'll 9 :00 p.m- Apply Mac Watson, King St., Highway also :150 2-BEDROOM HOUSE-71 Sim- an, going on 16, would like
11 Poultry For Sale PHONE CLINTON HU 2-3232 kien.sall, Fink Apts.coe St., Exeter, 21:28*
nova .Call Carol Gackstetter,
21c acres.
Choice 143 acres. See before ik,17,b. far SW-11M er. can start
thane 235-0.147, 21c DUAL PURPOSE and Ames
available. prompt shipment. '
4.0'01'11"4"W'WO•i'::"""CM''.0$.'.i a'cl ,Km ,A.:k!.:Ada;*.z':, ............................... buying elsewhere. Some hund- APARTMENT, upper, 2-bed-
reds and three fifties, room, unfurnished, private ent-
Also Broilers, Let us know ranee, utilities paid. Mrs.
your requirements, Bray Hatch-
er,y Eric Carscadden, Exeter, Business Directory Hardware stores, g en er a I
stores, houses. RUSS BRODERICK, .Salesman Thomas Emery, Alice St., Lu-
can, phone 227-4759. 21c
READ ANIMAL REMOVAL phone 235-2734. 21cn
iNze.s.w. . n.:lefok„
Box 124, Phone 235-0477 MODERN COTTAGE, 2-bed- :Mgr dead or disabled animals,
G. A. WEBB, D.C.
11:elfc room, Shady View, 3 miles
north of Grand Bend. Phone 7.41 1. Darling & Company of 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale
Zanacla Limited. Phone Collect C. H. RODER, D.C. 31r12, Grand Bend, or write
'56 VOLKSWAGEN, low mile- DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC thwond 33r13, Licence No. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Mrs. Keith Horner, RR 1
1:51fne Walper, RR 3 Parkhill, phone Strathroy, Ontario
Call JB age excellent condition. Allan Dashwood, 21*
Grand Bond 381'5. 21* OFFICE HOURS
For Appointment Ph 235-1680 at 130 ACRES good tillable land. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.
Bruce ,.:54 CHEV, one Owner, in good
condition, $300 or best offer,
9 - 12, 2 - 5
For further information apply
at the Exeter Times-Advocate,
Phone 22843939. 21e Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7.9 Box CPO.
Refrigeration By Appointment Please
SERVICE NEW 3-BEDROOM, on Victoria NEW HOUSE, 2-bedroom. Vic-
toria St., Exeter, phone 235- All modern conveniences, completely redecorated, '33 PCINTIAC, very reasonable. Office Phone 654 Home 1498 MAINTENANCE
on paved road, Ideal for young or retired cottple. „,...,• SALES AND SERVICE Call Grand Rend 39r12, 21*
Commercial, Industrial and St„ full ba.sement and oil heat;
$68 pet month carries mortgage 1217 after 5 p.m, or any time Saturday. 21* $3,000 clown, terms,
..--. condition, 4-door hardtop, radio, RAYMOND Residential J anit or Work and taxes.
TH-ONE 224 GRAND BEND priced reasonable. Phone 235- Venetian Blind Cleaning APARTMENT, one bedroom, 'EXETER (Riverview Heights) -- 3-bedroom home, NEW 3-BEDROOM, on Marl- available MY 15. Apply 90 — ...„. 5:41fne 0335 Exeter. 21c BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 down,
FREE ESTIMATES borough St., full basement and Victoria St, West, phone 235- & NOTARIES PUBLIC oil heat; garage; $71 per 1304, but not until Saturday,
EXE'l'ER —.2-bedroom home, with full basement NoTICE TO FARMERS': Any- i3 For sate Reasonable Rates m on th pays mortgage and one wishing Atrazine. applied ' CHARLES L. 'MACKENZIE,
PHONE 235.0963 and oil furnace. $1,000 down.
FILTER QUEEN sales and
B. Comm„ LL.B. EXETER taxes. APARTMENT, furnished, suit., on corn or 2.'.11) on corn or
graM call early to ha \-c..: it ap- PET.ER T.,, .RAYMOND, B.A. 2-BEDROOM house, on Carling
plied at the proper time. Ilu. service. Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur-
N. L, MARTIN St., attached garage: .fenced utilities paid, . Phone 235-1505
able for one. person, heated and GRAND BEND — Over 20 listed properties in this ich, phone ifensall 696r2, Hensall Office Open belt Cooper Spraying Service, area, See our resort reresentative, William
8:31tInc Wednesday Afternoons OPTOMETRIST all around' heat for $100 anti days; 235-2754 after 6 .0,m. 21c RR 1 Exeter, or plume 233- taxes only $172. Dace, Lake Road, Soulh cott Pities. Office at 28r1i: ,;;3-,6:2S:0 Tv ef.,,,RvicE — o ur export PHONE 235.2234 EXETER Main Street, Exeter 2-BEDROOM T R A IL L R, on 11051! 3 - bedroom, modern Main Intersection, Grand Bend.
Open Every Weekday William St., in excellent condi- conveniences, 5 :miles :from Ex- lakes less time to find the
Afil TYPES of lawn mowers trouble, saving you money, Except, Wednesday eter. Phone 235.0907. 14nc2.1c sharpened and repaired, 11 a v e Snlgrove's. phone 235.0770. Ex- ALVIN WALPER Hon. Owner moving and offers
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES them sharpened the Electra- 4:'1.9tfnc PROVINCIAL For Appointment Ph 235.2433 attractive price. APARTMENT, upper, 2-beet. pter. , keen way. perfect C II I ling ay- LICENSED AUCTIONEER 4:BEDROOM brick, J ohn St, mom, modern conveniences, GENERAL STORE with living quarters.' firm. Rotary blades hal a lli'erl MIXI,...',D SLAB WOOD, $30.00 entrance, heated, all
truckload, delivered Apply to For your sale, large or small, DR. H. H. COWEN 4-BEDROOM brick, Andrew St. private ROUTE (Exeter area) — $8,500; 1960 truck fer true operation. Apply John- paid; possession June MILK
rises Shell Station, Grand Bend, Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, courteous and efficient service 30, Apply Lorne Hodge, phone
Phone 135.0991 38-1e3if ilIOM ranch type, Ex- ed and heated, suitable for
Bal nd vat.n, Terniiis,E Ont., Highway 21 South. or phone 232-4450 Nairn. at all times.
.—............_ 5:24tfrie 3:22tfim "Service That Satisfies" Exeter 3-BEDROOM brick, Riverview Crediton 234.6301.
MO LE FEED 11/ X R — With established route L,D.S., 0,D.S.
of over 50 customers, STOP SCOURS — Get Habliann DASHWOOID EXETER Main Street
Huron ealver. and pigs at Middleton's
Compound Scour Tablets for P ho ne 119 Closed All 'Da y Saturdays two, private entrance, available EXETER — General Stoic, $2,000 down,
PHONE 2a5.0233 41e'r'MOBILE 11.011/M Hensall, July 7, Apply 170 Carling St.
Drug, 250 'Main St. Exeter. 21*
w.... „ . . 4:5tfne USBORNE & HIBBERT 4-BEDROOM reg buck, Maui .„,
Colorcrete MeSTEPHEN
2-BEDROOM tug brick, Carling 'and bath, ranee, . stove Mirl lefligOrAtOr
healed, private ent- Listings. invited.
supplied, good location, in -Ex-
Head Office ---, Exeter, OM. VACAN'.I,' STORE and dwellittg stet, A vAilAble Jun 30, Fee
Srir.k Ilonte (eir •tieriall.v Devon Building at Croinarty. Low 'Mite With ,formation phone 235.0177 eve-
1 1 Creclitrin
...111thistrial and Commercial Behind Centralia Airport Directors Rhone 235.1083 Exeter
lew down payment. nings, 235-0003 afternoons, 21e
Used Tire,,. Wheel's & Tubes PreSiderit. closed Wednesday Afternoons GROCERY and meat stOre. Let an :HOUSE on Main St., in Ex- Milton 'McCurdy Itil 1 Xtrk•foti Exterior and Interior
Timothy .13, TOoltey
its ShOw you And make us eter 3.bedroom, ill good :con,
and Basements Colorereted
dition, AVailable iminediatetv,
Cement Block Buildings.
:Free Estimates Guaranteed SoOfferACR,ES, houSe Anti been; 2Ie
Bailer ios, Seal Be.ams 1111. 3 '`.- ''''' - '''-"
Vice-Peeeiderit LucaEl 'BELL g< LAUGHTON colt 23S-0531.
PHONE 228-6214 . Mitchell BARRISTER'S,. SOLICITORS' 8, :40,00A°C.Id;Stl,' liOUSO Old barii; APARTMENT, 3406m,.. self , William H. Chaffe 1111, 4
i., W. "BUO" PRES1CATOR cOhteitied, . downstairs, furnish- NOTARIES. PUBLIC
$9,000 full price.
ed, healed, private .entrance, 235.1(593 or 233.281r3 . •., ........ .......•,......._..............— • E, Clayton Colquitouri. Ittt 1
5 ;i0mi c FoRAGE 130XES, forger Mas, Science Hill , V. LAtios,i,014, 0.,c., LLB, 3 TO 13 ACRES, II'Llit trees No peta. Apply Viines-Advotate, Roo' Estate Insur6tiet ', ter, self unloading wagon Mills. Marlin. Feeric,v lilt 2 Dublin
And betties, 21/2 miles sOutli- 21*
NYo'Nr melting whiteww.li- Brady .crimpor; hay condithin. Zurich .,:Gffieo TUeSiley
east Of Centralia; reduced to _. ....... ........„ ,..„
M, J. GAMER EXETER 2354420 -ors, on display. We also handle Rebell' G. Gardiner 'nit I
sell, 19 For SMe Or Rent jng or disillfrclIng barns 'for .Konis fringe blowers; long tromarty
Agents JOHN BURK-E. oni, Oil Cornet PHONE M . 4446 'ExETER 'Grand god. Representative': Williarn C, Dade hateennsis, contact Pall Wat. double chaih elevaters. Post 11008E 2.bedr son, phoilo 409 DasItwood, hole digger, $108. G. E. Weld. lot, in 'Llicati, modern kitchen, Mee Phone 47 'Residente, '61r
.... ,•• • M.A.Wir.
5:25''ffile hie, Mai4 St.„. ZUele 11 ,. phone Me :130.1111itipr LiMited hit tonvenieneet“ linmedia I e 21112. 4 :',6:28c• 1-1Arty Coates ..11 tentealia JOHN 'WARD, O.C, possession. Phone 235.1347.
Clayton l'Iotri Mitditil tHIROPRAtTOk AND'
MILKING MACHINES for the modern Koine are, tare- Solitifort bRUGLESS THERAPIST MORTGAGE BROKER
20' Wanted. Te Pont
214 First Mortgaoes
. ace your riill/vIrilerl tlektier , fully built from selected ' Ma! mAdo.trzio• fir Raymond Extot 1$ Woottrifitori:Str, ti4kio
Jeri* to a high. standard of. INCLUDING LIFE inr repairq and salr“. piano eraftsmarisbilt Cheese Setrittary.Treasvrer frOM 'Pitt
BASIL O'IROLIRKri .from 8 models, 3 fihiSheS, grid- Arany rraon, Exert, St. MAlk' PHONE MI
bEVeig tUttiNt,16
Phone. HU 1-9131 grove':, 233..0770 Exeter. . txtitk
PInicofield f4';24 4.:101.1 phone 235,180.
Exeter — 2 bedroom
W. H. Hodgson
Arranged 11.bedroorti t
near Centralia gi>lioat modern
OtiVeilleeieeS„ p: 11 to110(1.
London GE 8.0888, 6o;.: