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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-14, Page 19
THE .ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Triyitt Memorial, Exeter Rev, Oren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, June 17, 1962 Trinity Sunday 8:30 a.m.—Quiet Communion 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Nursery and Sunday School MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rey, R. S. Hilti Organist: Mrs, F. Wildfong 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship Communion Service Sermon: "A Song of Personal Thanlisgiving" (.Psalm 110) Ladies choir. Nursery provided. "Come and worship with us." BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Les Hobbins I'riday Evening, June IS 8:00 p,m. — Young People's Service and Film Sudnay„June 17 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 aon.—Morning Worship 7:30 p,m.—Evening Service Wednesday, June 20 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Service "We welcome you to conic and hear and to meet our new Pastor." EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St, E. Sunday, June 17. Guest Speaker: 11.1B.. WALLACE STEPHENSON Graduate Student London College of Bible Missions 2;00 p.m.—Sunday School For all ages. 3;00 p.m.—Church Service Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Nursery provided for pre- school children, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main and Hill St,, Exeter Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs, W, G. Cochrane Choir Leader Mr. W. G. Cochrane 9:00 a.m.—Sunday School 10;00 a.m.—Church Service You are invited to worship with us, The Young People's Group will meet at the church at 7;45 p.m. on Sunday, June 17, and will leave for Cromarty from there. The Women's Missionary So- ciety will meet on Thursday, June 21, at 8:00 p.m. in the church school, The church service on June 24 is withdrawn in favor of the Cromarty anniversary ser- vices. Thames Road United Church SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY June 17 11 a.m, REV. CHARLES W. LEWIS, B,A.„ B.D. Of Auburn, Special Speaker CHILDREN'S CHOIR Everyone Welcome mimeo ipmiSsiamMino.01.1•MaraillW CANVASSERS will. be calling next week to register your children in Eeter. Bible School All are welcome Advisory CoMmittee — Rev. B. Van Farowe, :Mr, B1 D. Perry, Mrs. Al. C, Fletcher Director — Pastor. S. M. Saucier, Exeter Telephone 235-2877 iY . Held Over Again ! By Popular Request at the HOTEL IMPERIAL GRAND BEND The Fabulous Danny Coughlin and the Two . Plus One Trio WILDLY ACCLAIMED BY THE HOLIDAY CROWD FRIDAY NIGHT'S. 'FISH' FRY AND SATURDAY NIGHT'S. CHICKEN FRY CONTINUE Join the CrowdsJoin the Fun! RECEIVES HONORS Dennis Cann, son of Alt. and Mrs. Carman Cann, received first class honors in his sec- ond year at Waterloo Univer- sity. He is faking the honor phys- ics course. Reception & Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. EDGAR WILLERT (nee Turner) Sat., June 16 ZURICH Community Centre DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Bring Lunch Strawberry and Ham SUPPER Centralia UNITED CHURCH Thurs.„ June 21 5:30 - 8:00 p.m, AdullF, $1,25 Children, 12 and under, 05( Decoration Service THE ANNUAL Memorial TMp'31 Service OF THE EXETER LODGE NO, 67 lOor will be held at the Exeter Cemetery Sunday, June 24 at 2:00 p.m. 811.Y1.30 D WELCOMV, Harold Rowe,. Noble Grand Percy McValls, Recording Secret a ry • DANCI LIONEL THORNTON and his CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA Every Saturday STRAWBER z Y 61, HAM SUPPER Thames Road Church TUESDAY EVENING June 19 5:30 to 7 Under the auspices of Ihe United Church 'Women Adults $1.21 Children 12 and under, fi5c Advance Ticket Sales Strawberry Ham pper Lucan HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH tarlitv Drive In Theatre 5 MILES EAST 4:0F., GRAND BEND -=-- c:,,), Box office opens at 4 7p, in, Children Under 12 in COr4egrOl. 2 Shows. Nightly—Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk . • THAMES .ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH. S. M. .$.0uder, Pastor 10:30 Service. 11:15 a .111 .,.,Stulay. Same.). and Adult Bible Class $:.90 p.41.—gYP0.14.44; ,$.0 CY* All. Are Welcorne Duet: Susan DinncY and THE BETHEL ;Kathie Smith .RgFqloop cHvRcH . /Sermon: "Listening In On Huron Et. East The Annual LTolinedopunCiteA. Rey. R. Von Forowe, Minister fcren4e of Church" " 10t00 a.m.—Morning Service Nursery for tots and Junior: 11 a.m.—Sunday School .Congregation for children .8:00 imii._Evtuthg Service 4.6 years. "The judgment Day" All Welcome LEAVE FOR FRANCE Mr, and Mrs. A. .1, Sweitor leave this evening (Thursday) from Malton airport for Nice, France to attend the Lions Con- vention.. They expect to be in Nice seven hours after leaving Mallon. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren. CR.EDITON A, M. Schlenker, Pastor 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 3:00 p.m.—Cemetery Memorial The orchestra from AlcCurdY Bev. AI, J. James, .Dashwood, Service guest, speaker. MUSICAL — Centralia United Church, Wednesday, June 27. School will assist. 14:21' ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gatx 9;15 a..m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class Lim a.nt—Divine Service Town topics : '• ,and Mrs. Jack Carr and Lake, Mc. and Mrs. Preston Dearin Epent the weekend at c,lie„sie; • ,• • Miss, Eileen Simpson, .Stoney Creek, him ,of Mr. and r Airs. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire at. Jack:Fuleher, .Edward St. grad- tended the gradnation cere... rated from •liamilton deneral monies at Alma College, .St, Hospital 'School .of Nursing on. Thomas, in the amphitheatre Wednesday, ,)tine -Ii with an when Miss ]Jetty Ilern, Zion, award for highest standing in gairia(ililiii;eitriednows nurse. They also medical nursing and examma- later at the Iroquois Hotel, .hell lion. Mrs, fuleter attended the graduation and reception held don. In Scottish Rile Cathedral, liam. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Tien, Zion, Miss Phyllis Bern,. Lon- don, and .Mr. and Mrs. 13ev. Skinner, Exeter, attended the SMORGASBORD graduation exercises of Gerald Tarsitano (son-in-law of Air. and Airs. Herat at Loyola UM., versity School or Dentistry, Chicago on Thursday, June 7. Wed., June 20 William C. P'earce and. daugh- ters, Airs. William Gaiser and Mrs. Austin Schwalm, Monday T1J3K4Y, HAM attended the funeral of Dr. C. SALADS & DESURT Lumley at .St. Thomas and burial in St. Stephen's cem- etery, tin rWell's Corners, HENSALL. UNITED CHURCH 5 to 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Units 1 and 5 of the United Church Women, Brownie's Drive-1n Theatre Ltd. CLINTON Two Complete Shows Nightly Children under 12 in Cars Free THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 14.15 Hit No, 1—Shown at 9:45 only ancing Danny Kaye • Dana Winter "ON THE DOUBLE" (Color — Scope.) Every Hit No, 2—Shown at 11;15 "TIN STAR" Friday Night Henry Fonda - Tony Perkins (Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY June 16.18 Hit No, 1—Shown at 9:45 only "THE BUCCANEER" 10 to 1:30 VW Brynner - Charlton Heston (Color) Hit No, 2—Shown at 11:45 "TEN WANTED MEN" Randolph Scott (Color) (Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 19.20 Hit No. 1—Shown at 9:45 only "NORTH TO ALASKA" Jam Wayne - Fabian (Color • Scope) CAduli, Entertainment) Hit No, 2—Shown at 11:45 "SECRETS OF THE PURPLE REEF" Richard Cha.mberlain Wed., June 20 (Color • Scope) (Cartoon) Supper 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. ADULTS $1,25 CHILDREN 75( Pre-School Children Free a rn Dance The Times-Advocatep .ilune '1,1i 1962' '.,Peijit.:19 Mrs, Rose Russell has return. Mr, and ors. Herb. 11'12er,,, Rd to tier bonn in Exeter. Waterloo. and aitn..31rg. Mrs. C. „I. Ersman is a pa. Hugh McEwen and fanin=alt• bent. In St. Joseph's Howital, Budges, visited on =lay' London. with Bur. and Airs. Wes Wittper. ''• JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH. Rev. .4, M.A. 8.D, Minister Mr, _Lawrence Wein, .A,W.P,M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 A.M.—SUNDAY. SCHOOL AU Departments ll A. AL—MORNING SIMVLCH CHURCH DIRECTOR P.o,uco.sTAI.. TABERNACLE Main. ;Weal ,Rev. Mel, W. Holmes, Pa$tor 9:00 .a.m,—C.ICS Radio (1240 lie. ) Message: "No. Man Caret)) for My Soul" 9,45 a.m.—Sunday School 11100 a.m.—Morning Service 7:30 P.M. "THE POWER OF FAITH IN GOD" Message by the Pastor featuring the sound film "OUR FAITH MUST BB GOD'S FAITH" by 1110v. Oral Roberts Special Prayer for the Sick TONIGHT: Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Township Hall, Zurich TWO outstanding sound films by REV. ORAL. ROBERTS All Welcome CHRISTIAN REFORMED. CHURCH 10:00 a.m.—Worship in English 2:15 p.m.—Worship in Dutch 6:15 p,m,—Back to God Hour— CIILO (680 Kc.1 SMORGASBORD — 'Turkey, ham, salads and dessert. lien. sail United Church, Wednesday, .tune 20, 5 In 7;30 p.m., spon. sored by Units 1 and 5 of the 11C11'. 31:14c STRAWBERRY A HAM sup- per at. Greenway 'United Church, Friday June 22. Sup- per served from 5:30 to 8;00 p.m, Adults $1.4: children under 12, 50e; Pre-school child- ren free. Everyone welcome. 11:21c OPEN HOUSE—Mr. and Mrs. George 11. Paul of Lucan, on. the occasion of their 25th wed- cling anniversary, will hold open house in the United. Church schoolroom on Wednes- day, lune 20, 1962, from 3 to 5 p.m. and from 7:30 to 10 p.m. (No gifts please.) 14c COMING EVENTS — TRIP TO CoE.RMANY :111% and Mrs. Earl Neil left Sunday by ,ict tor Zweibruckett, Germany to visit .the latler'S sister. Ails. Z ltaillef, Cpl. A1 aillet and family. They will visit in England before they return. They ex- poet to he away about a month. Air. and Airs. Ken Hockey leave London Friday .evening to attend. the same convention, Air. and Airs. Lorne Johnston, .Bob and David motored to Wil• lowdale on Sunday. Bob is re- maining for the summer where he has a position at the Dram- son Hospital. Grand Bend Cemetery Sun., June 17 2:30 p.111, Speaker: REV. EDGAR ROULSTON CHICKEN BARBEQUE, Tues- day, July 10, Exeter Fair Grounds. Sponsored by the Hurondale WI. 14:21c HAM SUPPER and Garden Party, Wednesday„luly, 4, at Mount Carmel church grounds, RR 3 Dashwood. 14;21c 100E—The third degree team of Exeter Lodge No. 67, 1007•', will confer the degree on Tuesday, June 19, 1962. All members are, cordially invited to attend. Harold Rowe, Noble Grand; Percy McFalls, Eve. Sec'y. 11c STRAWBERRY est HAM SUPPER Wed,,. June 20 From 5 to 8:30 p.m. Children under 12. 65r, LAKEVIEW' CASINO GRAND BEND DASHWOOD EUB CHURCH Adults $1.25 STRAWBERRY 41., HAM SUPPER Wed,, June 2Q ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BRINSLEY Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m, Adults $1.25 Children, 12 years and under, 65(f PROGRAM FOLLOWING SUPPER FARM OF BEV HODGINS PARKHILL Friday Evening June 15 EVERYONE WELCOME 13LIJEWATER DANCELAND Music by DESJARDINE'S Orchestra THURS., FRI., SAT. June 14, 15, 16 A DOUBLE DOSE OF THRILLS AND FUN! 4"ONE WY:ZVI nil i .: I, 40/1)(1143 0 . \ri.,,t),...stopt. l:t cauDR by De UAL y \ 1 6NimAScitioE CO3.0! y be LUXE Fri. and Sat,, tt June 15 and .16-. 11111111/11 • Gawp aaalenal URA CR1S1X / ANDY DEVINE / JpHN MOMRE/no$74Ti rr47,1Att It s% James Stewart. Richard Widmark (STOOGE COMEDY) Exeter Planning Board': Public Hearing3:" A .. in connection with the 'IA.. proposed Town ©f Exeter' -- Zoning Bylaw EXETER TOWN HALL THURSDAY. JUNE 21, 1962. AT 8:00 P.M. The complete bylaw, as prepared for recommence=. Lion to Town Council, will be read and explained by members of the Planning Board. The zones wii be outlined on a map on display at this hearing:, ALL CITIZENS ARE URGED TO BE PRESENT" A. W. Pickard, J L. Wooden,, Chairman Secret ary • NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY MEETING Hear a doctor speedo on medical care: DR. H. L- SILLS, LONDON PHYSICIAN AN' NDP CANDIDATE FOR MIDDLESEX EAST Speeches will be short and there will be plenty of time for questions, Exeter Town Hall FRIDAY, JUNE 15 8;30 p,m. Speaking in support of J. CARL HEMINGWAY Huron NDP Candidate THE BEST in MOVIES at the Lyric MON., TUES., WED. 18,J 19, 20 ono TROY DONAHUE CONNIE STEVENS DOROTHY McOUIRE LLOYD NOLAN rEti 0,42, ea Pfe"( ezolawn:44v6ve pr,, IONER B(C13 • $.1. orb. The Lyric Brings You The Best I Corning * PIRATE OF BLACKHAWK S oon' THUNDER OF DRUMS * JOURNEY TO 7TH PLANET THE ROMAN SPRING OF MRS, STONE .41,1 LyRIC THEATRE Phone 235.2911 FIRST SHOW 7:36 SECOND SHOW 0;36 SAT. MATINEE 2 PA. f ......._ , „