HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-14, Page 18These soloists won trophies at music festival
The Dumbells, one of the
Women's bowling teams, with
Airs, Toni Weller as captain,
held a party last Monday night
at the home of Mrs. James
One of the highlights of the
evening was the playing of
robber's bingo, The winners
were Mrs. Ted Bridger, Miss
Muriel Carling and Airs. Austin
Mrs. Hodgins also won the
prize for opening a parcel with
gloves, knife and fork.
correspondent: Miss Line Abbott
• ss.S.Sass.s.
Phone 227-425S
taarsalISSasessesse$.1..q....!.• •:aseseseseesse. •
and district news
* Reminders about your
Separate premiums are required for
your insurance from r now on. Obtain
application form at a bank, a hos-
pital or the Commission,
The Family premium must be paid to
cover husband and wife. Tell your
group OR, if you pay your premiums
direct, notify the Commission.
Follow carefully the instructions on the
back of the Certificate of Payment
Form 104, which your employer is
required to give you.
Always keep your
Hospital Insurance .
Certificate handy.
Please Have All Prescriptions
Refilled in Advance
Bill Thomas
Your candidate for
election June 18
A Tireless Worker for
the Common Good
Always a tireless worker for the common good, Bill Thomas has never
adopted .favourites in business life, in community life, in municipal govern-
ment circles or in national political life. Every citizen of West Middlesex
can be sure of an impartial hearing regardless of race, creed economic
circumstances or political inclinations. Of that you can be sure!
Bill Thomas is respected and highly regarded by all who know him, You'll
find his friends and supporters in all walks of life and in all 'political
parties. This is the true measure of the Man.
Great National Policies for Canadian development are well begun, With
13111 Thomas in Ottawa, you can be sure that the special requirements of
West Middlesex will be examined under the most favourable circumstances.
Bill Thomas has the ability, the experience, the personality to get things
done for Middlesex West, You can support him With confidence,
This Advertisement Authorized ray the West Middlesex Progressive Conservetivs
1-lere are the winners in the solo classes of the music festival held in Luean. Front
row, ,from left, Joy Pollock, Phyllis Mawson, Ellen Whitmore second row, Diane
Cormier, Judy Scott, Norma Stewart, Karen Levie, Max Dorman; back row, Dale
Schram, Bruce Smith, Bill Dixon, Ross Hodgins, Ricky Hollings. --Wayne Culbert
sundayP,.4wNfiThEaCn°. attendanceST .of
72 was the final special attend.
once campaign Sunday. At .the
11 o'clock aer viee ,cer-
tifieates were given ,out to the
majority of the children who,
had attended the seven special
Sundays, The junior choir sang,
Fishing trip
On SaiurclaY, June 2, John
Armitage took his junior boys
and Mrs. Clayton Abbott her
Junior girls on a fishing trip
.Prospeet. Hill. The fishing
was good and all caught a fish
of some size, They shared a
pot luck lunch and were treated
to ice cream and. non and
had such a delightful day all
wanted to make a second trip,
Following another game of
hall at the arena. last Friday
night, the Young People re-
Lueanites are watching with turned to the church for a short
interest the new look of one of devotion and refreshments.
14man's oldest landmarks, the
residence of Mr, J. S, Radcliffe
And the Treasure Chest.
For many years this once
white brick building was a doc-
tor's residence and office but
after the death of the late Dr.
T. D. Ovine the office was rent-
ed to the Belt Telephone, With
the coming of dial, Mrs. Orine
sold the building to Air. .R.ad-
ethic and the Treasure Chest
was opened.
About 35 years ago a red
brick front porch and large red.
brick sun porch were added,
Now the once while walls, the
red porch and sun-room, are
all being painted white, What
a transformatioe! Old timers
returning will scarcely recog-
nize the building,
Dumbell's party
Old landmark
gets new look
news Weather 'Instro ment Jam. Chttrelt, the reptor, the
On StindaY, June 10.
eel elglat nerd pt as er :bltoi'sos:::.
d edie a I,-
, • • Icaren' and. 'Joan; Dawnlog o n Clan eboye farm:Six
het' brother, Joe, and Airs, 1
the weeltend with leis ,
;.their great uncle.
.fsaptenetr. were given by h1i.
:bi an
.odt hi‘eirisit.1.1,Cat‘rariaien.dcosuivieltrn% A
memory of
family.and Mrs. Norman Paton"""rnun
Carter, Airs, HIE
s'l'he service o Ifiltr I4O lonlya y oh- ef Aft'. Elgin visited with the servonm.e was b.eld.
Paton family on Sunday. The flowers on the table
Rev, Stanley Tomes, left on were given in loving tneinery
Saturday for .Sig Trout Lake of Airs. Laura Henry by her
after spending some time with .sister*, Mrs, Emily Tomes.
his mother, Airs. E, Tomes, Air. Lancaster announced
and brother, Tom, Mrs. Stan. that during the five Sundays in
ley Tomes and infant {laughter July, the services will be
will spend a few weeks with taken. by Mr. Art 'Lloyd, of.
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wils Armin, a student at Seager
ham Lloyd, of 'London, Hall, London.
ctivitcH. Ngws.
derwent surgery at Westminster
Hospital, is making satisfactory
While LAC Ronald Treend of
Grand Centre, Cold Lake, Alta.
is taking a course in Mississippi.
Airs. Treend, the former Gladys
Bond, their babe, will be holi-
daying with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Bond until September,
The Legion held its last dance
of the season Saturday night
and in spite of the heat, had a
good attendance,
Mr. George Strasser spent the
weekend at his son's cottage
at Port Pranks,
Mrs. Don McTaggart, the
former Doreen Garrett, who
has been a teacher in Victoria
Public School, London, for the
past four years, has been offer-
ed the position of physical in-
structor in health in the Oak-
ridge High School with duties
to begin in September,
Me, and Mrs. Hugh 'Mach
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Birth and family
of Windsor. The latter re-
mained over fer an extended.
Mr. And Mrs. Lorne }lodging
and Alt. and Mrs. Arthur Ab-
bott spent thy, weekend at Boat
Lake neap f Wiartoti,
Lucan personal items
l'f*M710A"'s .,'It%
Page 18 June 14, 1962
Area honors
A nearly filled church of rela-
tves., friends and neighbors at-
teuded the funeral service at
2 p.m. Monday, June 11 in Holy
Trinity Church for Charles Hag-
gar, with the church choir lead-
ing in the music and the rector,
the Rev. E, 0. Lancaster of-
After several heart attacks,
which hospitalized him for
weeks, Mr. Haggar, 64, died
suddenly at his home, lot 39,
concession 2, 13idelulph (the
Coursey Road) Saturday, June
The pallbeasers included
Messrs. Ron Simpson, Don
Banting, Joe Benn, Harvey H.
Hodgins, Harold Hodgins and
Art McLean, Interment was in
St. James cemetery, Clande-
He is survived by his wife.
the former Kathleen Thompson
and two daughters, Mrs. Donald
(Edythe) Scott of Ailsa Craig
and Mrs. Albert (Alice) Gil-
mour of Clandeboye, two g'r'and-
children, Ronnie and Lynda
Scott, also two sister, Mrs. Mar-
shall (Alice) Lunn and Mrs.
Fred (Mary) Brown, both of
Son of the late John and Kate
Haggar, Mr. Haggar was born
in -England, coming to Canada
at the age of nine where he
lived in the Brinsiey district
until joining the 135th battalion
to serve four years overseas in
World War I. He worked for a
time in the Ross store before
operating a grocery store in
the building now occupied by
Mr. George Paul. Then he
moved out to his late residence
on the Courses, Road. Sixteen
years ago he became Lucan's
postmaster. He was scheduled
to retire in August and had
made many plans for the future.
He was a faithful member of
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
where he sang in the choir for
years. He was a one-time church
warden besides filling many
other offices. He was also a
member of Irving Lodge and
the Legion. The former held a
Masonic service at the funeral
home Sunday evening.
Born and raised
on Roman line
Miss Mary Thompson, 81. died
in the Green Acres Tursing
Home, Newmarket, Monday,
June 4,
The body rested in the C.
Haskett & Son funeral home,
Lucan, until 9,30 a.m. Thursday
then to St. Patrick's Church,
Bicidulph for Requiem High
Mass at 10 a.m. with the Rev,
Father William McGee of To-
ronto officiating. Interment was
inSt. Patrick's cemetery.
Pallbearers included William
Thompson, Joseph Thompson,
Patrick L a in ph i. e r, Anthony
Lamphier, Patrick Toohey and
Hugh Toohey.
Prayers were said at the
funeral home Wednesday eve-
ning with the Rev. Father Frank
Bricklin of St. Patrick's church
Her only survivors are two
nieces and a nephew, Elizabeth
and James Kensela and Bertille
Spofford, all of Scarborough.
Daughter of the late John and
Mary Thompson, Miss Thomp-
gen Was born arid raised on the
Roman Line, RR 3 Luean
the farm now occupied by Mr,
Hugh Dietrick,
Mrs. C. Murdy
dies at age 91
Mrs. Clifton J. Murdy, the
former Mary Ida Dempsey, Lu-
can, died Tuesday, June 12 at
Parkwood Hospital, London, its
her gist year,
Her husband predeceased her
some yeArS ago, She Is sur-
vived by two sons, Morris, Kit-
chener, ,lack, Is it e a e, t w
grandchildren Mrs. Edgat
(Anne Marie) Mirth, Chat-
hatii and Michael Murray., Lu-
can; two tigers, Miss Gertrude
Dempsey and Mrs, Alice Pride,
rCJrp hotlylit rettifig at 'the
Murdy funeral home, Ltidan,
where .service Will be tens
ducted by Rev, E, 0, Larideas
ler at 2, P.M. Thursday AMC,
14 with Interinent,In St, James
Cemetery, Clandeboye,
Choose officers
for VV.I district
Nearly 100 Women's Institute
members from East Middlesex
attended the District Annual in
Birr United Church last Thurs-
day where officers were elect-
Honorary president is Mrs.
Percy Spence; president, Mrs..
Richard Jensen; vice-presidents,
Mrs. Reynold Keifer and Mrs.
Homer Judge; secretary- treas-
urer, Mrs. George Sutherland;
assistant, Mrs, Harold Abbott;
Federated representative and
alternate, Mrs. G. C, Axford
and Mrs. Percy Spence; district
director and alternate, Mrs. Har-
old Woods and Mrs, Everett
Conveners of standing com-
mittees: Agriculture and Can-
adian Industries, Mrs. Eric
Facey; Citizenship and Educa-
tion, Mrs. Harold Foster; His-
torical Research and Current
events, Mrs. Doris Strawhorn;
Home Economics and Health,
Mrs, Jack Clifford; resolutions,
Mrs. Kenneth Hogg; public re-
lations, Mrs, Ernest Parsons;
Federation a n d Agriculture,
Mrs, Wilfred Keays; auditors,
Mrs. R, M. Ross and Mrs. H.
M. McFadden.
Anglican WA
At the Holy Trinity Woman's
Auxiliary held at the home of
Mrs. William Brownlee the
change of date from June 27 to
June 20 for the strawberry sup-
per in the church was an-
The president Mrs. Erwin
Scott led in the worship service
assisted by Mrs. Jack Murdy
and Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster.
Mrs. Harold Corbett offered
her home for an August dinner
meeting, the date to be decided
An invitation from St. Pat-
rick's church, Saintsbury, to at-
tend its annual blossom tea on
Wednesday, June 13, was read.
The meeting was turned over
to Mrs. Harold Hodgins, the
educational convener, who con-
tinued her study of the hook
"Jesus Christ the Light of the
World." She climaxed her in-
teresting talk by quoting the
words of the hymn "The Light
of the World, is Jesus."
Family reunion
The descendants of Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Abbott held a
family reunion at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Maguire
and family of Scotland, on Sun-
Other guests included Mr. and
Mrs, Don Abbott and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott
and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mugford, all of RR 1 Lucan,
Mr. and. Mrs. Billy Abbott and
family of Niagara and Mr, and
Mrs. Murray Abbott of Cen-
Rain at last
All things come to those who
wait—if they wait long enough!
Though rain has been by-passing
Lutara for weeks yet Monday
afternoon it made up for omis-
sions by a regular deluge which
flooded gardens, owners of
which are wondering if their
seeds and plants have been
washed out.
Mrs. A. McNair
dies in hospital
Mrs. Angeline McNair, 86,
wife of the late Andrew Mc-
Nair of St. Marys died in St.
Marys Memorial Hospital ,lone
Funeral services were con-
ducted in the Murdy Funeral
Home, Lueati, Tuesday, lune
12 by the Rev. James Gilcrest
of Bethel Presbyterian Church.
Six grandsons were pallbear-
ers, Messrs. ken MeNair, Hugh
Munro, Garton Smith, Mac
Ross, Lyle McNair and Ross
McNair, Interment was in Med-
way cemetery.
Mrs. McNair is survived by
four daughters and two sons:
Mrs. Chas, (Ethel) Gleyne of
London Township; Mrs. ken
(Marion) Mtterti, of Medina;
Mrs. George (Aghes) Rots of
Ernbro; WA. Wray (PloaSie)
Coleman of St, Marys, John
And Allen McNair of tendon*,
SOO rifle sister and one brother,
Airt, Johh
and Mr.
Sydney Near. both. of St, Marys,
Mrs. Malatair, the former
Angeline Near, was the laugh
Ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Near, of St, MarYss
UC plans
Lucan United Church is cele-
brating its centennial the week
of June 24 to July 1,
On June 24, Dr. J. R. Mulch-
mor, secretary of the board of
evangelism and social service,
will be the guest speaker, On
July 1, the Rev. Ann P. Gra-
ham, pastor of Rowntree Mem-
orial Church, London, will be
in the pulpit.
All former members and
friends have .heen invited to
the great celebration in the
history of the church. Former
choir members will share in
the ministry of music, when a
special section will be reserv-
Luncheon will be served by
the United Church Women fol-
lowing each service and a cake-
cutting ceremony will take
place during the luncheon.
On the Wednesday evening
of centennial week, the United
Church Women will cater for
an "Old-Fashioned Tea Meet-
ing" which will be followed by
a program.
A centennial booklet is being
prepared and will he available
together with a centennial
plate with hanger,
Mrs. R. F. Squire, secretary
of the anniversary committee,
said every effort has been
made to extend invitations to
all former members. However,
if some have been missed, she
said, the committee would ap-
preciate hearing about them,
Will continue
Lions' dances
At the Lions Club dinner meet-
ing in the Anglican Church
basement, zone chairman Les
Woodward lestalled the 1962-3
slate of officers.
A report on the dances the
past year showed they were a
financial success, also a service
to the community, so it was
voted to continue them, begin-
ning in September, Mr. Al Logic
of London who was in charge
of the dance music was a dinner
guest and was also made an
honorary member,
The possibility of selling first-
aid kits was discussed.
The Lucan Fire Department
on Monday received a call from
the Eiginfield district for a car
on fire.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reving-
ton and family were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan
ltevington, the occasion being
Lyle's birthday.
Mr. and Mrs, Glen McFalls
and, daughter were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. R.
Mrs, Henry Hodgins and Miss
Sophie Richards were Saturday
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Carroll of Saintsbury,
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Young
and Douglas, of London, were
Saturday guests of Mrs. J, B.
Among the large crowd who
attended the 100th anniversary
service of St, George Anglican
Church, Thortdale, were Mr.
and Mrs. Evan Hodgins, Miss
Helen Hodgins and friend Mr.
Tom Triebner, who spent the
day with Mr, Ed. Fitzslintreens,
Also attending were Mrs. T, A,
1-fodgins and Mrs. Jack Elson.
A telegram was sent tO
Minnie Barnes of New West-
eliester at 10 a,m. Saturday,
telling her of the death of Mr,
Chas. Haggai, She was able to
catch a jet and was in London
at 9 A.M. Sunday — a Sinai!
world) (Being an emergency a
passenger on the jet gave Mrs.
Barnes his seat.)
At the Hensall Spring Show
held the town park Friday
Lisa Catherine Stretton, fiVe-
thentineld babe of Mri and. Mrs,
Herb Stretton, took second
prize in the infant-to-six-month-
old Class.
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Abbott
and Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Birtelt
visited the OAC at Guelph fast
Mrs. luau' Mon left en Thurs.
day for WOOdeden Where: She,
has aedelatedpOgition rsf
matron for the crippled chit.
dren Trent ,now until September,
Mr, Wilred Stocks, who UM,
On Sunday at 6.30 pon, Mr,
Jack Eizenga. was the guest
speaker. Be anti Paul Graham
sang a duet and Mrs. Jack
Rizenga, Vicky Eizenga and
Paul Graham sang a trio,
Speaking on "A Boy and His
Lunch" Rev, H. A. Funge of
Londesboro w a s the guest.
speaker at the annual flower
Sunday service at 11 a.m.
The church school look over
the service with superintendent,
Mr, Cliff Culbert as leader.
Classes and staff occupied the
centre of the church. The junior
choir, led by Miss Betty Mc-
Intyre, sang, and the whole
school sang the chorus "He
Lives," Patricia Cobleigh read
the responsive psalm and Terry
Thompson, the scripture lesson.
The offering was taken by Helen
Sigsworth, Eleanor Walker, Kirk
Montgomery and Larry Cooper,
Dana and Marilyn Culbert
were in charge of the floral
arrangements. An added attrac-
tion was the canaries loaned by
Mrs. J. W. Frost, which, sang
throughout the service,
Mr. 'Stange also spoke briefly
to the adults on Pentecost and.
the 27th anniversary of the
United Church of Canada,
Centennial meeting
The historic picture commit-
tee met at the church last
Tuesday evening, Pictures were
displayed and it was decided
to mount and hang them in the
schoolroom from June 23 to July
2. The draft centennial booklet
was reviewed and where neces-
sary, changes made.
The program for the old-
fashioned tea party will. be held
in a large tent, platform and
tent to be erected and dis-
mantled by the stewards, The
Couples Club will be in charge
of securing and returning of
chairs from both funeral homes.
Messrs. Alex Young, Roger
Heath and .Jens Andersen will
look after the lighting, Gift en-
velopes will be placed in each
seat and. a guest book will be
At the 11 o'clock service, Lisa
Catherine Stretton, five-month.
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Stretton was baptized by
the rector, the Rev. E. 0. Lan-
caster. God-parents included
Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Strasser
and Mrs. William Brownlee.
Miss Judy Scott. of Clande-
boye was the guest soloist dur•
Mg the offertory.
Strawberry supper
The Ladies' Guild members
are finalizing plans for the an-
nual strawberry and ham sup-
per to be held in the church
basement Wednesday, June 20.
Evening Auxiliary
The bake sale, scheduled for.
May 26, had to be postponed
as the CWL of St. Patrick's
Church chose the same date
and same place, so it was de-
cided to hold over until. the,
It was decided to hold no
July or August meeting. Mrs,
Pat Crudge offered her home
for the September meeting.
Assisting Mrs, Haskett as
a lunch committee were Mrs,
Don Ankers, Mrs, Clare Stan-
ley anti Mrs. Arnold Lewis,
Birthday party planned
Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Cummins
and family, Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Graham and family,
Chatham, and Mr, and Mrs.
Jack Davey, Woodstock, were
all weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Calvin Haskell. A birthday
party had been planned for Mr,
Mitchell Haskell; to be held on
Sunday (thotigh his birthday is
June 15) but Mr, Haskell: took
another heart attack Friday
evening and is a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital.
If You're TIRED
Now and then everybody pets a "tired-nut"
feeling and nay be bothered by backaches,
Perhaps nothing serious) wrong, lust a temper-
ivy condition caused by urinary irritation nr
bladder diScnmfort. That's the time to take
Dodd's kidney Pills, Ondd's help stimulate the
kidneys to relieve (hi!' condition which may
often cause backache and tired feeling, Then you
feel better, rest better. Work better. St
The meteorological branch of
the Department of Transport
of Ontario has erected an
anemograph with a 31e-foot
tower weather Valle on the
farm of Mr. Arthur Simpson,
two miles north of Clandeboye
on No. 4 Highway in
N.raihr ye ToN;;Icsol:.o ps , Station 1',h
and wind .velocities.
Mrs. George Simpson each
morning checks and keeps re-
cords \Own are mailed cacti
weer to the department. Sue
also winds the
give the velocity 01 wine, Inc
maximum ano aluminum tem-
Pet71.11:13.arteos. nday Moreing Julie U.,
the .111aXIMMI1 temperature was
76.8; minimum IA..); le mpera-
lure ler the *sale
rainfall is also recordetl,
Celebrate birthday
Ott ~aturtray, Billie Sigs-
Maul oithervei.i
(my. .1IthatiVes vraltrn e ins par-
ents, Alt% and. Jura. Sigs.
wOrul anti. room, .were tux.
sionme A.tt;r3aru tit Vereus won
ms sisters, oars. Aiett we Ail-
murray, and Vacerla, acrd
curs, Liuyu Brown, Ltuyu, .0eu-
Luc aria asrme at isonumi,
in rue evening, ssarry and
Leslie Lireeniee, Misseo .!unit
anu r.Anua onuse, air, and ours,
rtarma riaray and Linda new-
ect ceiebraie the occasion
a wiener roast in the orchard,
On Sunday guests won toe
Sigsworin iaraily were Air, and
Mts.. But i-ioruk, Willie and
umger, also Mr. anu Mrs.
J ames Wright of West Ale-
Curve is widened
The Department of High-
ways, wan me Langom l,uft-
St..t'Geti OD 1,0., are uosag eaten-
sive grading on the curve of
No, 4 Hignway at tile
The roadway is much wwer
as a great neat of ironta8e
has need taken dif tne proper ,
tics. New fences have own
bu i l t,
.1 'aree homes have been
moved: the so rine r 'rum
r lynn s house was dismantled,
also Mervin Williams noose
and tile Hall's wipertest sta.,
non and grocery store was
moved Or, 10 omer property
sonic time ago.
Trees have been cut down
and stumps all removed.
Personal items
Mr. and Alt's. John Harper
of SL. Paul's entertained on
Sunday in honor of their son
Arnold's birthday. Guests were
the parents 01 Airs. Arnold
Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred.
Cunningham, Clandeboye, and
Cunningham and Kimberley, of.
London, also Joan, Jimmie and
Donald Harper, of St. Paul's,
Live members of St. James
Church attended the West
Middlesex Deanery on Friday
at Byron: Mrs. Kart O'Neil,
Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham,
Mrs. Almer Hendrie, Airs.
IAine\cvlyitt.Carter and Mrs. Jack
Mr, Eugene Bice of Windsor
Ass.s&Sies., .s..:Rsa'
Squirt baseball played last
Saturday saw a newly-formed
girls squirt team, The team's
original name was changed
from the Yankees to the Yank-
ettes, This team plays hard-
ball following the same rules
as the boys, Outcome of their
first game was 10-5 in favor of
the Pirates (boys). The Yank ,
ettes, although defeated in runs,
won the game by default as the
Pirates failed to field all of
their team. In the second game,
the Irish 9 defeated the Tigers
Saturday afternoon the Ban-
tams and Pee Wees had a very
good turnout for their base-
ball practice. Both teams are
looking for more pitchers. if you
are in the Pee Wees- Bantam
age group, please come out,
Last Friday night, the Pre-
Teen Town's first post-exam
dance was held with a turnout
of 42. It was decided at the
dance that a weiner roast will
be held on Saturday, June 30
at the Pinery. Cars will leave
Lucan at 1 o'clock and return
by 9 p.m. Chaperones will be
Tom and Catherine Banks,
Muriel Carling and hoyden Her-
The next pre-teen town dance
will be this Friday night. The Holy Trinity Evening
The Saturday night dance will Auxiliary's meeting was held at
he held as usual this Saturday, the home of Mrs. Calvin Has-
featuring the Canadian Play- keit last, Wednesday evening
boys, wth the president, Mrs, Don
Ankers, taking the worship sets,-
ice and the study book.
truckloads Sunday visitors included Mrs. or metle',eetdoliinvorfeudll
Jessie Lewis of Clandeboye and
Mr, Milton Robinson of T one deta il ed pt iada 00 a ll sizes til e, mile radius of out plant, Ear
don, Mr. and Mrs, Don irodgins 10,0,14, out
and Laurel were Saturday visi- either deli etetl
tort. plantat. Eiginfield, Write or
Mi "ji'SSi6 Smith h" "` LTD RR 2,, London Phone tinted to Toronto after spending 121.4y2t Lucan ,
weekend with Mr, Xtigar
Mrs. Bob Coleman attended
anniversary service at Wesley
United Church on Sunday and
was a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
W W. Garrett, DRAIN TILE
Sherry liodgins, daughter of per M Feet Dei r d ,
Mr, and Mrs, Joe Hoagies of 5hsi85, per 1,4 Feet Derd.
Owen Sound spent the weekend 6u_s110, pe r M Peet with her grandmother. Mrs, 7"--W5, per M Feet Delld: Wes flodgiris. She returned 8ei-0 85. per M F eet Deled,
home on Sunday with her pars
eras and Mrs. Itoy Proud. Other tiAnctv,e irk" based on IC"