HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-14, Page 17owngs AWARD TWO 'Exeter Guides, Joan Dettmer and
Linda Johnston, were presented with gold eoids, the highest award of the organ-
ization, at the mother-daughter banquet Jun 7 at Bxeter Legion Halt, From left,
above, ore Mrs. B, D, Sturrock, Miss Pat Canna., Galt, international trainer, who
made the presentations; Miss Dettmer and Miss Johnston, photo
Guide-Brownie banquet
Two receive gold cords
The Tinrm4-Ailvo.coto, 14," 1942 P.49, 111•':
tome last Wednesday !Alt.
Tours of the home were ROW:'
ducted during the aftgrnOcalt
and the work of the residents;
was 04 display and intich
it was sold.
Pouring lea during the after;.
noon were Mrs. C. S. Mac,
Naughton, Exeter, Mrs. Georgo
McCutcheon, Brussels, Rum
warden's wife; Mrs, May
lemon juice to fruit and iWX Mooney, of Coderich
well, Place over heat, bring to and Mrs, Livermore, a mi•
it full rolling ,boil and boil hard dent of the home, who, with -
for I minute, stirring constant- her husband, who is also in, the
ly. Remove from heal and at home, was celebrating her
.once stir in fruit pectin. Stir 62nd wedding anniversary.
and skim off foam by turns for Attending from Exeter were
5 minutes, to cool slightly to Mrs. Frank Taylor, Mrs. Roy
prevent floating fruit. Ladle Webber, Mrs, Lavirra Bowden,
quickly into glasses and cover Mrs. William Pybus, Airs. Wes
with paraffin. Johns and Mrs. Sam .gory.
Tea marks.
A large crowd attended the
anniversary tea of the Ladies
Auxiliary to Iluronview at the
Protect the finish of
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smart new KROEHLER suites.
in your choice of 3 different sizes
Wh - ovor the sizt of your living-room Whatever
Ihe space problem you hove, you will find
the ptrfw dii.swor to your prtablentS• iii Iliad
beouliful new m:iftis by .1<rbehler,
AllatellY0 Nylon 'fabric; chid relaxing Loki.foorei
cushions combined with Eroehler's Cushionized
Construction and trend setting closign give you tho
perfect match of quolity and luxury 01 a moderate
price.'Carrie ;Daley and take advantage of this
great Three Star Value.
constantly, Add to-.1rut mixture,
,stirring well, Then ..stir to -dis•
solve sugar. „about mingles,
Ladle quickly into. ;lass or
freezer con tanners. Cover jars
at once with tight lids or seals.
Let stand -2.1 ..beau's, Then store
in freezer or if jam is to he
best berries you can 'nod And used within or 3 weeks it may be stored in refrigerator, just do the one (Part At
Also included is a recipe for Cover with boiling water and strawberry pineapple conserve. allow to stand about a minute cups crushed strawberries
until the water becomes slightly (about 1 quart) pink. Drain and Add cons 24 c ups m-04, .cyan) crushed sugar, Let g minutes. Add . • •
Cold cords, the highest a.
wards in Guiding, were present-
ed to Linda Johnston and Joan
Dettmer at the Guide and
Brownie mother and daughter
banquet held in the Legion Hall
last Wednesday evening.
Teachers elect
new executive
The Exeter unit 'of FWTA0
held a banquet in James
Street church .on Wednesday
evening at which officers were
elected for 1962-63.
President elected is Mrs. Don
Aloussean; vice-president, Mrs,
11,, D, Jermyn, and secretary,
3liss Marie Salmon,
Mrs. M. C. Fletcher spoke
on hand-painted china, display.
Mg several pieces to illustrate
her talk, Mrs, Tohn Goman
contributed a solo.
Mrs. R. Batten's. unit of the
UCW catered for the banquet.
SHH ladies
buy desks
At the meeting of the Wont
PO'S Auxiliary to South Huron
Hospital on Tuesday afternoon
it was voted in order desks for
the Certified Nurses' Aid class
which is to commence in Feb-
ruary 1963.
Tag Day is to be held the
last Saturday in September, the
29th. Mrs, Glen Mickle, Mrs.
E. W. Brady, Mrs, R, E. Rus-
sell and Mrs. E. D, Bell are in
charge of this project.
During the previous month
32 visits were made by the Vol-
unteer service in the hospital,
Membership committee reports
there are 122 members in the
For the next meeting in Sep-
tember reminders are to he sent
to each member and a cup of
lea served.
The presentations were made
by Miss Pat. Conned, Galt,
Conestoga area international
trainer, who said "Very few
realize the. amount of work in-
volved in attaining this award."
All-round cords were present-
eci to Shirley Gond:net.% Terri
:Laugh ton anC Ca.rolynne
mons and golden hands to Beth
Guinan and Mary Wilson by
Miss Una MacDonald, Goderieh,
division commissioner, B e t h.
Doman is the youngest Brownie
to receive this badge in the
Exeter Company,
Miss Mary McMillan, (lode-
rich, deputy division commis-
sioner presented golden bars to
Miriam Hiltz, Ruth Whiting,
Libby Aliekte, Katherine Bent-
ley, Katherine Cann, Janice
Loader. Doris .Ferguson, Janet
Davis, Penny Schroeder, Sherry
Ford and Marion ilern.
Carolynne Simmons proposed
a toast to the mothers and Miss
Lauretta. Siepner to the Guides
and Brownies in which she said
to the girls " Your uniform is
Main St. UCW
hears NS lady
Mrs. B, W. Tuckey, UCW
president, welcomed members
and guests at,the meeting held.
Thursday afternoon at the sum-
mer home of. Mrs. R. E. Russell
at Blake.
Mrs. Harold .Murray gave an
interesting talk on her church
and community in 'Berwick,
N.S, Mrs. Lorne Porter gave a
chapter of the study book.
Mrs. Eugene liowey led in the
devotional period and was as-
sisted by Mrs. William Wright
and Mrs. Glen McKnigl.t. A re-
port on the regional meeting
held at Grand Bend United
Church May 31 was given by
Mrs. Russell.
Mrs. Tuckey announced that
plans were ready for making
the gowns for the. junior choir.
A successful hake sale was
held on the lawn at the close
of the meeting.
a' ....no
V MRS, ,I.M.S.
Nothing can quite .equal our
homegrown strawberries for
flavor and down..riglit goodness.
The season is all too short so
let's Make tire most of it.
It is a fairly sure guess that
inure strawberries than any
other fruit go into home .freezers
for use during the year as des-
serts or in desserts.
The goodness of these frozen
berries and the satisfaction they
give depends a great deal on
their. selection, care in handling
and preparation for freezing. So
when selecting strawberries for
freezing select one: that brave
a full .red color as this indi-
cates ripeness. Look for bright
green caps and a lustrous skin
as these mean fresh berries.
Try to select strawberries that
have a fine grained flesh, few
seeds and •red centers,
ideally strawberries should he
frozen as soon as they are Pick•
ed or' at least the day they are
picked. Berries kept sitting in
warm temperatures rapidly be.
conic overripe, bruised or mold-
To prepare the berries give
them a quick dip in cold water',
Lift out with fingers letting dirt
and sand sink to the bottom of
the basin. Drip dry in absorbent
paper or clean towel. (Do not
let the berries soak in water—
they swell rip, lose flavor and
vitamins.) Leave berries whole,
cut into quarters or slice.
The most favored method of
freezing is the dry sugar pack
using 4 pounds prepared straw-
berries (about 12 cups} to 1
pound sugar (2 'cups), Mix ber-
ries and sugar gently in a howl.
FM container's. Seal, label and
Strawberry Jam
Here is a recipe for• straiv-
berry jam which was given us
by Mrs. Arthur Page, a former
resident here. lt makes a de.
licious jam—not too thick, with
whole berries suspended through
Wash and hull 1 quart of the
Airs, 13. D, Sturrock, Carling
St„ is the Guide Captain.
A film on. Ottawa was shown
by K. 3, Lampman,
an indication to the public that
you are a Guide or' Brownie
and are willing to he of service
to your community." She hinted
that considerable interest was
being shown in the formation
of a Ranger troop in Exeter for
girls 16 years or over.
Mrs. Robert Grassick of the
Local Association presented
gifts to Darlene Parsons of the
Guides and to Miriam Buda
and Joan Campbell of the
Brownies for selling the most
tickets for the Associaton tea
held in February,
Mrs, William Huntley, district
commissioner, presided for (lie
evening. Mrs, J. Wooden, Brown
Owl of the First Brownie Pack,
introduced the head table. Mrs.
R. S. Hiltz asked the blessing
and Linda Johnston was at the
piano. Mrs. G. L, Diller, Guide
lieutenant expressed apprecia-
lion to the Ladies Legion Auxil-
iary for the banquet.
To The Polls
Your Progressive
Conservative Headquarters
No. 1—Allan Fraser's No, 3—Roy Webber's
No, 2—Town Hall No. 4—Mrs. G. Webster's
Nothing enhances the, looks of your
car or keeps its value up more than a good
sparkling finish,
Let us give it a thorough cleaning
and a real polish.
your car F
fig. wax job
pmeapp4e 2 more cups of sugar and boil 6 cups
three minutes longer, Stir just .cup finely -chopped almonds
to the 1tttle. 2 thl lemon juice ;Remove from stove -and skim. I bottle liquid fruit pectin. Allow to stand, preferably in a Prepare fruit by crushing
shallow dish overnight. In stand- strawberries And measuring 2
in;, the truit comes to the top cu ps into a Very large sauce-
but stirring the cold mixture pan. Add pineapple. causes fruit to "stay put"in the Add sugar, nuts, raisins and juice. Put cold jam into ster-
ilized jars and cover with wax.
Then "keep it if you can."
Strawberry Jam
In a release fronttest kitchens
of General Ii'oods who have pre.
settled a trophy and spoon at
the Exeter Fair for the past
two or three years there is an-
other recipe for strawberry
jam made with uncooked fruit—,
the less doling of jams gives
better color, fresher flavor and
more jam.
2 cups prepared fruit (abou
1 quart fully ripe berries)
4 cups CO, lbs,) sugar
cup water •
1 box powdered fruit pectin.
Prepare fruit by crushing
thoroughly about 1 quart straw-
berries, Measure 2 cups into a
large pan,
Measure sugar, acid to fruit,
stir and let stand, Mix water
and powdered fruit pectin in a
small saucepan. Bring to a boil
and boil hard 1 minute, stirring
enough to k eep from burning 1 cu p seeded raisins
Dining facilities for
banquets and weddings
Attractive haunts
Licenced Under' LQI30
Learn of help
to immigrants
At the meeting of the Gordon
Auxiliary of Cav n church on
Monday evening President Mrs.
Alex Meikle presented the study
on how the Church helps im-
migrants to get settled in Can-
She said it helped them to
find places to live, find employ-
ment and helps with language
difficulties and occasionally sup-
plies funds, She also told how
the new Canadians hplp in re-
turn by promoting new indus-
tries. .
Miss Carolyn Simpson con-.
ducted a proverbial contest,
The annual picnic is to be held
Local laymen will participate
in a panel discussion on church
union, which will be held in
Trivitt Memorial Anglican
Church Wednesday evening,
June 20.
The panel will consider Va-
rious aspects of the discussions
taking place between laymen of
the United and Anglican
churches in regard to union,
About five .key questions will
he handled by the group.
Participating will be Joseph
Wooden, t o iv ii, representing
'Jrivitt; Frank Hallett, London,
on July 4 at 6.30 at Mrs. Andy. a member of the Anglican
Miller's and it was decided to union committee; Gordon Hale,
St. .Marys, and Robert South-
colt, town, a member of the
(IC union committee.
The meeting, open to the
public, will be. held in the Tri-
vitt parish hall.
ask Mrs. Arthur Hamilton,
:Presbyterial visitor, to be speak-
er at the November meeting,
Hostesses were Mrs. Ken
Campbell and Miss Bonnie
Plan panel
over union
For dad
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the 'Nooricil
WITTNAUER, Urtiogely de-
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* Cuff !.inks * Wallets Lighters
Barbecue Buddies (set dt fork, sPOcifit lifter in
liandSome case) „ $4.0
* Itittilated Glasses Sets *lid. tart
* Many btho, bisiiiidtiVe ' 1fts for Dad,
4fatidaa 0. rs 64.*A
We've gifts galore thot t3ad'll adore! Come,
see OUT Pop-Perfect array of things you know
he liked , and lois of new gift-ideas!
from $1,50 to .$4,25
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deodorant with $1,00 pkg,
of Super Blue Blades,
PAPERMATE PENS, $1,95, $2,411
coated, double deck, $1,08
Jack So-kb jeweller
'fiche 235`,244 Main SI.
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PHONE 23$4990 "Whore Oullity Is towinly"