HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-14, Page 16Pali Titr104.A4V4004 Jutia 1.4,. 1'761
Exchange vows in London
l'brg n Peat e
Twin sisters sing at rites
2 l)erifielcl, and Donald George Smith, RR 2 Zurich,
exchanged vows before Rev. Father Frank Bricklin an-4
Mil make their home at RR 1 ,Bamberg, .—Engel photo
N VV . is the tima
for your
Ron and Evelyn Pratley
Open Daily
.--.41,1; no-1r photo
uebec City honeymoon
J 1 23
Yogi Heat m10 hk friends Pkf JoIAMonf National Paris a all
ro, are Iliat "June is flair} Month". Yogi is preparing to start
things off right fir te:.,olying to drink milk at tqtr'Y meal.
PhOn0 235.21.44 Daily ii livery Dial 235-2131 ,Exa r
First words baby might
say about our infants'
wear „ "Umni .
111111 . , groat!"
You'll agree plus "Values!"
Brody Cleaners
Rev, Harold Snell ottiviated
at the wedding of Carole Di-
ane Iftyck m a n and Dim glue
George Neillor in 'Riverside
United Church, I,ondon. on Sat-
urday, June 2 at 3 p.m,
The bride the daughter of
'Mr, and Mrs. Wesley flyekman.
Exeter. and Mr and Mrs. Ken-
neth London., are par-
ents of the groom,
Mrs. Harold Sn.ell playral the
wedding music.
Miss Carole Gibbons, Exeter.
was maid of honor and Wayne
heillor was heat man for his
After a lint:, moon trip to
Niagara Falls and ihe Cnited
States the couple hale taken up
their home in London.
Bride feted
Prior In her marriage showers
were held for the bride by Mrs.
Harold Pres/calor, Exeter, and
Ales. Ed Spettigue, London.
Friends and associates of the
Bank of Nova Scotia. London,
entertained in her honor at the
Latin Quarter.
and a coraage of luschia
Sweetheart roses.
Following a reception in the
church parlor and later at the
bride's home, the bride and
groom left no a honeymoon to
Lake Placid and Quebec City.
For travelling the bride chose
a natural silk shantung sheath
dress and jacket With black
patent accessories and a cor-
saee of orange Delight roses.
on their return, the couple
will take up residence at
Sarnia. The bride is a gradu-
ate 01 the university of West•
ern Ontario in secretarial
science and will teach in
Northern Collegiate. Sarnia.
Bride honored
Complimenting the bride,
prior to her marriage, a din-
ner shower was held at the
home of Airs. Laurie (Mites,
The bridesmaids, Miss Carol
Dumaw and Miss Isabella
Dempsey. entertained al the
Kappa Atnha Theta Fraternity
of which the bride is a fratern•
ity sister. During the past
week friends and relatives
were entertained a( the home
of the bride's parents. Those
assisting were the bride's
grandmother, Mrs, Emma Far-
quhar, Miss -Isabella. DemnseY,
Miss Carol Dumaw, lies. Cyril
Cornish, Mrs, Currie Winlaw,
Mrs. R. H. Middleton, Mrs, W,
D. Goodwin, Mrs. Laird Alickle,
Mrs. Ron Mock. James
Taylor. Airs. Pearl Passnlore.
Aire. Dave Kyle. Mrs_ Belied
fleaburn, Mrs. A. W. Shirray,
Airs. P. L. MeNatiehlort, Mrs.
Ciendom Christie, Airs. Aubrey
Farquhar, Mrs. B. Drva-
dale. Mrs. Robert Conk, Mrs.
Douglas Cook
On Friday evening following
reheersal. Mr. end ,Alt's. George
Lewis of Sir-IA, oni^eteqinvl
the' bridat wIrtv a! i ce home
the bride 11nel-is,. Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Spencer,
Will mark 90
on Wednesday
Mrs. E. Mel,, Smith, To-
ronto, a nstlive of this
will celebrate bey 90th birth-
day Nt'ocluPqar. ,Inno 20
Mrs Solidi was horn in 1872.,
tit daughter of Dr. tied Mrs.
Thennee iloasatik. She married
the Rev, E. E. AleL Smith.
ho wits -the Presbyterian
minister in llensall from 10(11
I 1017.
Afre. Smith is now living at
Kilbarry Road, Toronto.
Wife: ''When you wen court.
ing me. ;1,ott said that alter we
were married you'd never look
at another unman."
rn.banil: "-oh, widl,
in," fart"t= vtith thw.
.C4 141411'0 prOallzeS.,"
The installation of washruums
in Aberdeen Hail was the
„Car'6. privet taken on by the
nLirkton WI al its meeting in
the ball on Thursday, Alay 24.
Members will meet with the
.Kiliton, -Community Asaotna•
lion and the hall Board to
plan for this convenience.
UrticerS for Lilt',.'-1i3 were in.
..trilled by past .president, Mrs.
L'rir Humphreys, -A sutorgaa-
bord supper preceded the busi-
ness and also a gilt exehange
with secret pals.
puts are to be given in
members for then' first year ut
.ierleet attendance- President
Mrs. 1.3artinee Switzer es as 10
the chair.
Hostesses were Airs. B. flat-
eliffe, Mrs. Ray Poynter,. Airs.
S. Gallop and Mrs. C. Smith,
Delegates who attended the
Distriet. Annual in Staffa were
Mrs, Switzer. Airs. Ratelifte.
Airs. A. Dewar and Mrs, R.
Urges all
to aid pupil!.
The annual Association meet-
ing of FIVTA0 was held in the
form of a turkey banquet in the
basement at the Lutheran
Church, Zurich provided by the
ladies of the church last Wed.
nesday evening.
Speaker for the evening was
Murray Chalmers, London, ti ho
works in vocational guidance
and opportunity ela.sses, He
chose tor Ms subject "35 pupils
or 35 children" in which he
contended not, only parents and
teachers but everyone should
help those who are handicapped
in any w'ay, whether physically,
mentally or emotionally.----it is
everyone's duty and everyone's
privilege to help," he said.
"Your community should be
so closely knit that there are
no lonely adolescents who find
companionship with the wrong
people and are led astray," he
Hay unit \vas responsible Tor
the banquet and speaker for
which Airs. D. Becker presided
and after, Mrs. Larne Hicks
was in the chair when reports
,vere heard from the five units
which were represented. 'Musi-
cal numbers were contributed
by Mary Ellen Thiel and Carol
Rader. duets. and Cheryl Stade,
solos, all of Zurich,
About 80 were in attendance.
Alr, J. G, Goman was a guest,
Judith Ann Elder and Gerald
f; I e n Ballantyne exchanged
wedding vnws in a double ring
ceremony before Rev. E. Cur-
rie Winlaw in Hensall United
Church decorated with tall
standards of pink and white
flowers and candelabra, on
Saturday, June 2 at 3:30 p.m.
The bride is the slaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elder,
Hensall, and the groom is the
son of Alr, and Airs. Roy Bal-
lantyne, London.
Mrs, Robert Pryde. church
organist. provided traditional
bridal musie and accompanied
the soloist, Alt. Allan Elston,
of Exeter, who sang "I'll Walk
Beside You" and ''The Lord's
Pea yer".
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride was gowned
in a floor-length gown of white
French peat de saie. The
bodice featured a shallow scoop
neckline touched with ap-
pliques of delicate Chantilly
lace and tiny seed pearls, and
long lily-point sheath sleeves.
The full-flowing bouffant skirt
cascaded to a romantic chapel
train. Two rosettes formed a
hustle back and triple pleats
at either side of the waist
were accented with. medallions
of the same lace. To complete
her outfit, the bride wore a
French pure silk illusion finger-
tip veil caught up by a petalled
headpiece of the same pcau de
sole. She carried a bouquet of
gardenias, pink rosebuds and
Matron of honor, Mrs, liar-
vey Strin.c.,ter, of Hensall, sister
of the
ride, and bridesmaids.
Miss P Turick and Miss
Helen Ballantanc of London.
sister of the groom, were
identically gowned in street-
length *cases of aqua silk or-
The bride's twin sisters were
her bridesmaids and also sang
at the wedding of Helen Al-
mcna Frayne, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. George Erayne, RR
1 Woodham, and Robert Bruce
Patterson, son of Air. and Mrs.
William S. Patterson, RR 8
Parkhill, on Saturday, June 2
at 2.30p.m.
Indianoplis white mums,
creamy shasta mums, ferns
and, candelabra formed the set.
ling for the ceremony performed
by Rev, Hugh C, Wilson in
Elimville United Church. Ales,
Freeman Horne, Winehelsea,
played the wedding music and
accompanied the bride's twin
sisters, Marlene and Darlene,
sang Wedding Prayer and
1'11 Walk Beside You.
Given in marriage by her
.father the bride wore a floor-
length gown of while Chantilly
ince over satin. The basque bo-
dice featured lily-point sleeves
and a scalloped sabrina neck-
line embroidered with seed
pearls anti iridescent sequins.
ganza over taffeta and carried
bouquets of aqua tinted carna-
Ross Ballanty.ne, of Kirkton,
was his 'brother's groomsman,
and Lloyd Fletcher, Kirkton,
and John Elder. Hensall, bro-
ther of the bride, ushered the
For receiving at the recep-
tion at the Dominion Hotel,
Zurich, the bride's mother wore
a gown of embroidered aqua
organza sheath with matching
duster and corsage of garden-
ias and stephanotis. The
groom's mother chose a gown
of beige Chantilly_ lace over
taffeta with an orange Delight
For travelling to Ottawa and
points east, the bride donned
a white crystal pleated sheath
and aqua coat with accessories
in white and wore a corsage
of Sweetheart rosebuds,
The young couple will reside
in London.
Guests attended from Toron-
to, Hamilton, Woodstock and
Prior to her marriage the
bride was feted at several
presentations held in her honor,
Several .friends in London ar-
ranged presentation's'', The staff
al the PUC, London, where she
is employed gave her a kitchen
shower. Friends arid neighbors
of Hens-all presented her with
a miscellaneous shower, at-
tended by 75. The shower was
arranged by Mrs. Gordon
Munn, Airs. Alex Munn and
Airs, Hugh McEwen.
Alm Elder entertained al a
trousseau tea for her daueh-
ter and at a reception held in
Zurich Community Centre, the
couple was presented with a
purse of money,
The bouffant skirt was styled
With a lace overlay extending
to a point .front and back. She
wore a single strand of 'pearls
and matching earrings — the
gift of the groom. Her shoulder-
length double veil of imported
illusion was held by a crown
of sequins and seed pearls anti
she carried a bouquet of red
roses and stephanotis,
Miss Alice Ann Nixon, RR 4
See rOah was maid of honor
wearing an aqua silk organza
dress over taffeta with fitted
bodice, cap sleeves, bouffant
skirt with ruffled back .and
large matching bow. She wore
a matching petal hat and car-
ried a 'bouquet of white mums
centred with yellow rosebuds.
The bride's twin sisters, Mar-
lene and Darlene Frayne, were
her bridesmaids, gowned silu-
ilarly to the maid of honor only
in shade of hot pink,
Donald Lewis, RR. 2 Ailsa.
Craig, was best man and ush-
ers were brothers of the groom,
Barry and Donald Patterson,
A reception was held in the
church rooms where the bride's
mother received in a navy blue
lace dress over taffeta with
tight pink and navy accessories
and corsage of yellow mums
and carnations, The groom's
mother chose dusty rose lace
over taffeta with matching
jacket, beige accessories anti
yellow mum and carnation cor-
Serviteurs were Misses Muriel
Wells, Pauline Dixon, Betty
Fletcher, Joyce Bower and Mary
Ma fliers,
.For travelling to Nova Scotia
the bride donned a dress of
pale blue organza over flowered
taffeta with matching jacket,
wild rose accessories and cor-
sage of yellow roses,
The couple will reside in Exe-
Guests attended the wedding
Sales and Service
Repairs and bags for all mo-
dels of vacuum cleaners and
polishers. Reconditioned ma•
chines of all makes for sale.
BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich
Phony Mensal' 696r2
Pride of introit It.ebeka
Lodge marked its 1.4111 birthday
last Wednesday evening with a
short program, an in memoriam
service and a tbreetiered birth,
day cake with candles which
were lit by Past 'Noble Grands.
The in memoriam ceremony
for those who had departed in
the past 3,51 years was eenducted
by Noble .Grand Airs, Gerald
The program included a solo
by lirenda Skinner accompanied
0 her maber, Mrs, Boss
11Pr, an instrumental by Judy
Blair and a duet by Judy and
Bonnie Mail'.
The PNG,s, who lit the
dips, were Mrs,, filbert Johns,
Mrs. !tarry Jim/gr., Miss BMA
Skinner, Mrs, Delmer Skinner.
Mrs, Lex McDonald, Mrs, Glen
Pisher and Mrs. James Kirk-
land, Airs. McDonald brought
a carload with her front Till-
G Mrs, McFalls cut the
Tea, showers
honor bride
Saturday afternoon and: eve-
ning, May 20, Mrs. George
Erayne, in honor of her .daugh-
ter, Helen, entertained at a
trousseau tea with about 75
guests attending,
Receiving the guests with
Airs. Frayne and Helen was the
groom's mother, .Aira, W. S.
Patterson, Ellen JOyce Simpson
looked after the guest book in
the afternoon and Susan Patter-
son, niece of the groom, in the
Pouring tea in the afternoon
were Airs, Beatrice Ellwood and
Mrs. Margaret Hawkins, aunts
of the bride and groom, Ira the
evening Mrs. Carl Turner and
Mrs, Cliff McDonald poured lea,
Mrs. Harry Patterson served the
Displaying the wedding and
shower gifts was Miss Alice
Ann Nixon, trousseau, cutlery
and linens, Misses Marlene anti
Darlene Frayne,
Hostesses for showers were
Airs, Sam Bower and Miss Alice
Ann Nixon at the former's
tome. Mrs. Ken Simpson, the
ride's bowling team at the
tome of Mrs. Elmer Rowe when
hey gave her an electric tea
cattle, and the inembers of
he Junior Institute with the
bride's twin sisters as hostess-
es honoring the bride with ink-
cellaneous gifts.
from Parkhill, Exeter, Royal
Oak, Mich., Ailsa. Craig, Sea-
forth, Woodham and Dashwoocl,
: C
APTP391 ,1AYAlrilifis°
PH 235.1663
429 MAIN ST..
WI plans
Mark 15th
washrooms nnlversary
Tall standards of candelabra
and baskets of white and pink
snapdragons and shasta mums
formed the setting in llensall
United Church on Saturday,
June 0 at 4 o'clock for the
wedding of Gwendolyn Jean
Spencer and John Frederick
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Spen-
cer, Hensall. and the groom is
the son of Mr. and Mrs.
George P. Lewis. Sarnia.
The Rev, Currie Winlaw.
B.D., officiated at the
double ring ceremony. Mrs
Robert Pryde, Hensel], provid-
ed traditional wedding music
on the organ console. Mrs,
David O'Brien, Toledo, Ohio.
cousin of the groom, sane "Be-
cause", ''The Lord's Prayer"
and "I Love You Truly'' dur-
ing the ceremony.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore an ori:t.
in.a1 gown of pure silk perm
de faille fashioned with a scoop
neckline and lily point sheath
sleeves. Her draped bouffant
skirt, appliqued with alencon
lace and pearls swept to a
cathedral train. A small cap
headdress held her bouffant
waist-length veil. The bride
carried a formal cascade of
white orchids with stephanotis
and trailing ivy.
'Me maid of honor, Miss
Carol Dumaw, London. and
bridesmaids. AI i s s Isabella
Dempsey, Stratford, and Miss
Gail Earouhar. Exeter, cousin
of the bride. were gowned
;dike in sheath dresses of fus-
chia organza styled with over-
skirts of the same material
and .mal clung pillbox head-
dresaes, They carried summer
arm sheaths of white carna-
tions with centre ("Mater of
white stephanotis and earlands
of trailing greens.
Miss Janice Knox, . Toronto,
And Miss Lynne Farquhar, Ex-
eter. cousins of the bride, were
flower girls, They were gewn-
ed in white silk or: aria
(lenses styled with large ber-
tha collars and featured .two
fuschia. roses al the back and
niatching fuschia headdressea,
'they carried Emelt colonial
nosegays of summer -flowers in
pink And white with -accents of
The g roomsman was Late
Nichols,' Toronto. and (tatters
were Carl Bale, fllattworth,
And Gregory Speneer,
brother of the b r ide,
The mother of the beide
chose A sheath dress of leaf
green imported sill: with round-
neekline"and (1.1.a.oed waist.
line Tailing into a double tier
at the side, She- wort match-
ing aCeesSories and A PM's('
cot sage of -nrebida„ The grerin'S
Mether ehoae A medium
been !..1!0,141, -dea,s 'on a
ion an d a."' I •
She, wore matehing
Double-ring ceremony