HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-14, Page 15SEE GOOD MARKET FOR KONGSKILDE SILO—Officials of Kongskilde Ltd. and
J. •F, Farm Machinery Co. here are putting a sales drive on the Kongskilde silo
and grain blower shown here in a district barn. The blower above is lifting
shelled corn 16 feet, putting it through 80 feet of pipe with five 90-degree bends,
which is the equivalent of over 300 feet in a straight line, This silo, a demonstra-
tion unit, has a
t he
of 500 bushels, Left is Erik Gravlev, general manager;
Bill. Rothernel, the sales manager, is at the spout. photo
Fair crowd amused
as opponents speak
Get at the root
of your
rtaohorf ,t' PLUS ami a1 11,6 rOdi
of your waact .0robleini In fact, killing-
action Is in fha tool That is why you
pet a '060Iva 101 tiee.
‘Ifienl perennial such as conaaa.
TNlille in your hex and ClOye`r
also on toarnae
MAY & itAata
e#11Krilitri• Street, MohttOel If, p,c),
mow/ida ry' Eget Lt4 DACIllihtfil,Efiednd.
Exeter Produce Swag Co.
Ernie Fisher has been mayor of Goderich for the past
5 years and was alSo on County Council for three years.
In this time he has had many citizens Ask him for
assistance. He has never asked them whether they were
Christian, Jew, Liberal or Conservative.
Regardless of party, color or creed ERNIE PISHER
THIS IS indicadve of how he will work in Ottawa for
YOU, the people of Huron,
Information &
235 1211
Published by Huron Liberal Association
placed which can be raised or net, sales manager, ,FaYs the
lowered by means of a wire unit will lift the grain 20 feet
and winch controlled .from the into the air and transport. it
ouiside. This enables the user over horizontal pipe 228. feet.
to adjust the valve according Besides grain, it will transport
to the height of the grain in shelled corn, white beans and
the silo. pelleted fertilizer.
The silo bas a number of -One of the hardest things to
small plexiglass windows for transport is white beans," Mr,
viewing of the grain and also a Rothernel pointed nut, "Ile'
number of openings at varying cause of the cracking. We've
intervals in the wall to enable taken .seed samples, quite dry
grain samples and temperature and brittle. and put them
of the gram to be .taken, through this unit without any
The silos come in 16 differ- damage whatsoever "
ent sizes,
Directors of Hensel). Spring rose by only 209. Fair may have been hoping for
The statistics presented to a political sideshow Friday
county council in Assessor Alex night when they got two of the
Alexander's 12th annual report principal contenders in Mon-
day's election_ .on the platform
show that, most townships went for the official. opening Friday hack a little, in number of peo- night, plc Indeed seldom before has Goderich contributed 128 to -- tile crowd taken so much in-the net increase, to reach 6,360. terest in an official opening.
E x et er was close u p, gainin g Usually they appear bored be-124 for a total of 3,012. Clinton fore it even gets started; this
added 120 and is credited with
3,227, Erin tram rose by 1
to pee ta ne y,
there was an air of ex-
2,875. Seaforth lost 63, leaving Even Earl Dick president of
a total of 2,197. the fair society, who was chair-
Brussels, at 853, gained 18, man for the ceremony, couldn't
and Hensell, at 927, was up 24. suppress the grin that came
The other two villages, Blyth from knowing it was a bit
and Zurich, decreased by eight of a unique situation.
and 19, respectively, leaving to- .However, all turned out to be
tals of 735 and 718, sweetness and light.
Exceptions were Ashfield, Mr, Dick called first upon
McKillop, Tuckersmith, West Elston Cardiff, the veteran Hu,
Wawanosh and Goderieh town- ran MP and PC candidate,
ships, all with slight gain. Pop- who noted the presence of the
ulation was virtually stationary mayor of Goderich, Ernie Fish-
in. Hay, Morris, Turnberry ,Us- er, on the platform along with
borne and. East Wawanosh, Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, Hur-
on MPP. Mr, Cardiff said not
a thing about the election —
he made a number of compli-
ments about the fair and the
horse show,
Then Mr. Dick smiling
again, called upon Mr. Fisher,
The Liberal candidate followed
Mr. Cardiff's example: not a
word about pOlities. He brought
greetings from the county town
he 'said, and he congratulated
the fair board on its show, He
too, referred to his opponent
and then introduced, in quite
complimentary fashion, Mr.
Snickers and titters were still
being heard.
Said the Huron MPP: "I
couldn't have done a better job
on that introduction if I'd writ-
•V‘ ten it myself, "thanking the
No mention ofpolitics was
being made during this cere-
mony, he noted. "If we were
to mention politics I might say
that we owe this excellent wea-
ther and the success of this
fair to John Diefenbaker and
his gov't at Ottawa, because
those of us in public service
seemed to get blamed for eve-
rything under the sun, includ-
ing had weather, so f might
have Laken that liberty, but be-
cause we are not mentioning
politics, I have not said it".
And that brought a laugh
from most, — and a groan from
NDP candidate Carl lieming
way arrived just a little too
late for the ceremony.
The fair attracted a large
crowd — one of the best in re-
cent years, according to Presi-
dent Dick. The parade was led
by Exeter horsemen and the
Clinton community citizens'
Best school in the parade
was SS 7 Hibbert, in Indian
costume, under Mrs, Margaret
Baker. Runners-up were SS 10
Hay, under Mrs. Faye Forrest-
er, and SS 1 Tuckersmith, un-
der Laurabelle Reickert,
Tory Gregg, master of cere-
monies, said the horse show
was one of the best of the early
In the .Estate of
Mary Becker,
All persons having claims
against the estate of Mary.
Becker, late of the Village of
Dashwood, in the County of
Huron, Widow, who died on or
about the 7th day of April
.1962, are required to file par-
ticulars of same with. Bell &
Laughton, solicitors of Exeter,
Ontario, by the 30th day of
June 1962, after ‘yhich date the
estate wilt be distributed hay-
ing regard only to those claims
of which notice has been re-
Bell & Laughton,
Solicitors for the Executors,
Exeter, Ontario,
24 Tenders. Wanted
South Huron District High
School Board invites tenders
for replacing 10 corridor light
fixtures with fluorescent fix-
tures similar to those already
installed in the east end of the
main corridor.
Tenderers should visit the
school to sce the fixture re-
Sealed tenders must be in
the hands of the secretary by
5 p.m. Monday, June 25, 1962.
Lowest or any tender not
neessarily accepted.
E, D. HOWEY, Secretary
School Phone 235-0880
Separate sealed bids marked
"Bid for Supply of Straw,
Stratford District" will be re-
ceived by the District Engin-
eer, 581 Huron Street, Strat-
ford, Ontario, u n t i l 12:00
o'clock, Noon, E.S,T,, Wednes-
day, June 20, 1962. Specifica-
tion, Bid Forms and Bid En-
velopes may be obtained at
the above mentioned address,
The lowest or any quotation
not necessarily accepted.
Stratford District.
(Grand Bend Public School
Beard invites lenders for No,
1 grade fuel Oil,
Tenders should quote on
straight billing for oil. deliver.
ed .to the school as required
from September 1,, 1962, to
June 30, 1063.
Please address tenders In
the secretary of the board,
Mrs. E. E. Idanore, Grand
Fend, by Saturday, :Rine 30,
Lowest or any Lender not
necessarily accepted.
Further information may he
secured from the secretary.
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
E. D, HOWEY, Secretary
School Phone 235-0880
5 Auction Sales
Of Valuable Modern
Antique Furniture
On the premises,
Main Street, in the
The undersigned auctioneer'
received instructions to sell by
public auction on
at 1:00 p.m. sharp
Look for full list in next
week's paper,
F, W, CLARK, Prop,
WM, H. SMITH, Auctioneer
Dial 234-6282
Towns increase
but rural down
The five towns in Huron coun-
ty had a net population gain in
the past year of 414, but popu-
lation of tile county as a whole
Liberal candidate. Then he had
some fun,
in the European Common
Market countries labour costs
average $1.00 an hour, includ-
ing all fringe benefits, and the
work-week is nearly 45 hours—
as compared to more than $2,00
an hour in Canada for a 41-
hour week,
Following a successful mer-
chandising program of its cul-
tivators and hair rows this
spring, Kongskilde Ltd. here is
launching a sales drive on an-
other of its products, the blow-
through silo.
The Danish firm, which :re-
cently established its Canadian
headquarters on No. 83 high-
way, has been showing this
new storage and drying silo to
a number of Canadian and U.S.
dgrowers.as uell as to farm
newsmen and.. groups of seed.
With it, the firm combines
its detachable grain blower to
move grain without damage.
A demonstration unit has
been established in the large
barn on tile farm of Robert
Rowcliffe, just north of Exeter
on Na, 4 highway.
The firm has imported 35
units to date, expeets to bring
in another 150 this year.
"We're pleased with the in-
terest so far," states Erik
Ora vlev, general manager. "Al-
ready we have a number of or-
ders and dealers feel there is
a good, potential," lie revealed
that a group of U.S. seed grow
ers made a special trip here
to see the silo,
"They will do a job that ag-
riculture departments of many
countries have been trying to
get done for years and years,"
Sir. Gravlev stated. "It not
only stores the grain but it
conditions it so that it's safe
have to be moved
constantly in order to avoid
ol. n
There are several thousand
units in operation in Europe,
he indicates.
The silo is constructed of air-
dried Swedish and Finnish
wood slats, which "breathe"
with the conditions and over-
come the condensation prob-
lem with damp grain.
The blower used to transport
the grain also serves as the
drying unit. Air is blown
through the perforated ventila-
tion pipe in the middle of the
silo from where it filters its
way out through the grain. The
wooden silo walls have perfo-
rations which are large enough
to let the air pass out without
restriction, but which are small
ienngoutghhemto. prevent grain block-
In the perforated ventilation
pipe, an air throttle valve is
The blower, or healing unit,
heats the air by 9.5 degrees
This corresponds to a redue.
lion of the relative humidity of
approximately 256;.
The unit has an intake of
1,450 cubic feet per minute and.
a velocity of 90 mph.
Kongskilde officials point out
the importance of the grain
blower for transportation of
grain. L. W, H. Rother-
The annual Duron County
picnic for the blind will he
held for the :first time at Exe-
ter this July, it was announced
this week by local CN1B rep-
resentative. S. B. Ta.ylor.
Mr, Taylor said the blind
persons will meet at given-Jew
Park on Wednesday, Jni, 23,
for games and supper.
23 legal Nolice$ 24 Tenders Wanted
The Times-Advocate. June 14, 1962 .11,40.9
about prospect .s of silo
In the Estate of
All persons having claims
against the estate of Christian
Anderson, late of the Village
of Dasiiwood, in the County of
Huron, who died on .or about
the 22nd day of May 1062. are
13,qttired to file particulars of
same with Bell & Laughton,
solicitors of Exeter,. Ontario,
by the 30th day of June 1062,
after which date the estate
will be distributed having re-
gard only to those claims of
which Pace has been receiv-
'Ball Laughton, South Huron District High
Solicitors for the Executor, School Board invites tenders
Exeter, Ont. for painting four rooms or, the
14:21:.28e second floor during the sum-
mer. Rooms may be inspected
for condition and color any
school day.
Tenders should indicate, la-
bour and materials separately,
Sealed tenders must be in the
hands of the secretary by 5
P.m. Monday, June 25, 1062,
11 Quality Pro ductsD-oc
save you money!
Your farm machinery and equipment is subject to
the toughest kind of wear and tear . . . that's
why 13,A has spent so mach time and money
developing exactly the, right oils and greases to
met every f'arm requirement:
order' your supplies today
Micidletan &
Pl'ona 235.2411 Ex t