HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-05-26, Page 2"0111,17,,,,oneftesseaseweweeeew tat' • ; m) "kr HURON SIGNAL. ..a • memeet--ateverd r Irk charafid cter was le*efts of beim as a gom. LAM elgth atm th4eallielliMiremert letill.lit "eras MONT. alres with ems- IIMS NM LIQUOR LAW IN VEL Ile sever looied Italia US lune IBM Me rare. •-• cesfidesee was established. Ile was fogad __ _ • reaolved, im mat* of 2r. Idelfarmus, that M. fallowleg eeibeents, glemeed frees to be the seas to do the thing With reed- ..- -- '-- ---• herea/ter printed ittallttatita be 1101 fold ellai ate very boon came to be oes del I) a r 1 I a in t n 1 a r it _ roweled there art three gesuia• mss - t b pared he vraak u accessary to . If "' lir ' 100.4 attached tek the printed ahem. the &die tee walleye of Mee tires' Illeeetine nue. ,i the firm as say otitis partners- The Montreal Casa's° lamitatii hill aiiiiiii, *tit wearer Le IN Wei of the reader _owwwo . e I, . . eget tie esfoteed 1 tdi 1 Qtresee, May 27. palmed throogh Comittee aul the Heroes the winkiog JAM New Leper Lew . It MosostsmemeJIMPIMIM IS end SO , _ i „ __, ,_ Igor Brown mestaired ut the Ministry coecerreil ie the Report. ale_ weie ousel wirgewayi the 4,11 ova! ty,.st: ..k..ar DtToN. tor Tawas wheeler any stela eve te be Mikes Miring Tee Hoene wrist eau eosinuse as the lest. of tile l'ae54 buveetie EaPedilana are t-oa-pireiseet tiemiee, to provide honinigs at Bel asithorteseg Om peyseo, nut ed arty The Itedei,1 Hebb ayes now nearly neatly Cor see and will stens Toreat•, for the Trenetwe of the Legcla- fusee appropriated to the weepoet el the .Twe eatiked gaol elstaed at WslIneg- sail irom New-ork for Norfolk, where tnre sad executive Depar impel, ea res re- Loaatic Asylum at Upper Commie, tor the feel, snit tees imsed,locked °pokd an orro• they wdl take os baud a number of is- asevel el the Sleet eif tieveremest te that Mealiest Ileporanteoneet, Purser, coattems en advert isrd for. Nobody fathers the woolliest; imported to tiat place affect City. sioneeer ether Diktat O hi way be appo ot deli ds, aid theY ard 1 0,14bald•lakt We" 1" from Liv erpol, mod w tech are °flocs - Mr. Harts Peel it was ineon•esiest to ed by any Act of the reuse Seemig. lied w re tb....0 Honorable member the inimenatten piaaiki i isuIiiiou Ld accorda: cd with the fate and folk+. the way of MI 'trey liq.ori cate a nature to admit of laud carriaes. Lb. Haman, Sod that destruction for Morde- , rhe Exeedttion which will prebablyebe ' ee,l'''' 1"; •° Ile:,°1,' "'IP" 6""""" "',''!„. ,L, et, mid lieu, the yak? Issued el carrying a. P - - weati- give die air ti•• imeraiatiiii whe• ins ardente WOW into eniOnallte• ea the latent shout aboet three years, is orbis Ar•iieAt an- i t,„.,,-.criveril their proposition. Bill to soaeololat• and &amd the A meths' Owe Beamatircan-Thetre have bee• four ized "Niihau edicient scientific corps• /t twill The Beam "met tete emiseettee, es Mint Laws of Utilise Casaile. After a " . seizurs, of aboot fr70 gallons. Two lot• exploit, as minutely as peaftible, the coasts mottos a hlr. Ill.db, (fistiolient,) on the luag iltscuseioe, ell tire clauses w ere adept- s. retry sod two lots deeireyed. Three of Aata u1 America bordering oa tbc MU le eamml Utioes' Clled& Road C-rtelse- etl-tlie confetti of the Gotecaaf - tie aefa tad. ir „,,ke r e d Hewing st„t.___ ores ofieticb the number' ef chimes were herag previeuily asoeuricd. At 1 to Committee on tte ishehmes theology is, artiere' " Palley teellOoralities !" 'Phut is m11 ate alfereece drawn fros this pushed forward by the Gazette. ,Bet one soaleartgreesry eeMdelet slisturk Itisebeiref Nei as about the stately of the C.I. mom sates tested hem been 4/S13.1 T. ru f Iicri he aaniel.ims ewe the mworinitteer rue auk re- The Ileum w 16 out or B. Witlianao• was arr,sed Go the 8J,fur or f he anrvey I a to in ce t Japan Vie violatMe of the liquor law, pleid gulty, bleeds tied Seas, the Gull a Tartary, tne p0,,.1 Purees' eapecheacf c011intnotionang pit) won Wad wee deed glee sad costa- Also a bay • Seas of Kmataketha sal Okhotsk, and all ' s" To e•gt the Hones resolved itself inlo the iitienoe ot Judie,. and ttentelr, a committee of iLe twhle, and the Auer- ei•or , Ricer, et Flovectal distiiet rel ip the wood pile, sod a keg in the bed- . sloths, mere weed on the 3141. (111'•st t esseed • rewltioe. t be uaorganiaid tract• of Cutualry, the islands lying (beret° or adjacent tbereto. iboi,6„,„,,,t Danvitam. -Liquors of Aaron Bane* includint the Aleuhau aml Sandwich ilands, with t to Use ItegiatratIon of reesels may he semblteted is weenies ut a •eeised a his bee.' sad peered out. Fines &c.-_\ Y Tribune. Etit'.1robject was to compel vid foreign ut the poses'. imeitios, and pawed a lied tents ever Seta "He uoderiseik t... — — , built weeethe to regis'er in Drew to be ad, tine it accordance. rua the Liquor off to Walden, but it teas 1/41.z 01 L..... orr too__ vessas waist i• the prildreges of euiestfig; and 'reeight, ea motme of Mr. R,cha OS peer, Weldon people womb/ sot- tato ''' - lorrt.er to provide that hervalier so foreign the Boer, went into committee, tit it." le should Ise admitted to the previaida for an sielitioa el the Sala IirredIcel.—A heavy gale front ib, townie bunt Passettesic.Pustso Thayer plead guilty. east, a•tePt over Lake t-hM160 Yoolezdfl privilopeofelhe Gefsekt Verse's, initil the County ledges in Upper Causes. Lquors part destroyed ani part gs um wp and last night, and we regret to state tias reltesta peiellegeLiteel edleaded to Co:easel soluto• eras pase4 to enable the Go te awed**, p.a. Fame ant' seals eve" hero &Ge& d with serious dieasters to the -Teasel* in she united Stuiei. men' ID pay e• eiditiesal sum, sot 30. -bilkinz. Tno sehuouers were wrecked Th. rollttiettee rose ir d reportid pre- ing £50, to Couety Jtoles, for tra Tee Borth:1ton Courier asp: near the harbour of Genesee, antl it is nint stoma ta enger.te give time for the further (0 01101. • Never, in the history of Vermont Lei.- impredeitile that we shall her Of wrecks at c‘ft•hleest'oo of 'he clue*uon• # Go mottos •1 Mr. Bedell'', Itte mil the evil it 11441 intended fur, as complies . tallies, lute ea soactment met and destroy- otbe.,,r:mcints along the aouth sho.e: . i. hooner . Iii, eune,, 01 z_samithui v 271h levant, on motion cif Mr. Moen. to way Clauses Consolidation Ante A coil el the House was ordeed for the went iu o committee on lb. Gen era ty and satisfactory aa our preeent litiocier • - • • pees the reseletteme et the Goveneest, ler Bill, whch is ander coasideration law. • trcin the upper Laketbeund for Osweo, , h, „,,„04,1„,nipg of the Legit/lanes Coun- report leaves. Cai.eLeiti• CooliTT.-The ..t -lquor las attempted to make this .harbour 13s1 night c.:. The Caoasisn Steam Navieatio• Com- ts enforced in thisCounty with great strct- during the gale, but 11,1 not eucceed and 'espies Gm wits paned throat), commit- • T1E LAST ACT IN THE G eerie sad very geed resteto. The titar went ashore east of the pier. It is probable tee. DRAMA. Auereey A. Illetlemt rot ,(0I., 10 mu'ke that she will prove e total loss. ..f be crew M. Smith (Durham) moved the meets - thorough werk 01 11 thraugneit thie coue were all saved. tion ef the Upper Caeada Road Compa•y's ow ..... „ „ o . . ty• The Vincennes cargo of 1,030 bLl. et Eil,„ -1-bursday, the ..te ultimo, Is Wlisooskis on Frida, two ire, by flnur,3,000 bushels of wheat and some Mr. nrown moved an amends/seat to the transfcring the settlement of the iyieg to the testa asset [one saeing that effect. That the repsrt b.' referred back to Reserves to the Canadian Legislatur his wife Ina in a tlyirg ceoditioel procured tasks of ashes, all of wide h are reported a ed the Howie of Lords by a naaj some 'pinto. of' which they and t114 11 our total loss. poems ewe drank and became drunken.- A small schooner, name unknwn, laden They were arrested aod the hist tise Seed with lumber, from some of the Canada ports 11110 each god coat, for furniahing thc third. was wrecked jest east of the Vincennes. - A Dumber of casks have been tweed •' We bare no further particulars in rektion as the Poet Office Act hiskl den*0 away : =or- - 41.haviebeeNefrialeseporte°41 ge.diVittoh.sesathie01 Wag"; *Wee tie variation ktbeir value that Ime takes place. At the market this esersiog, m lois laser attende,* shaa this Jay week; the oleo of wheat proceeded slowly, lie bads of Lower Cowie. The Preach- - but the peirdrittle day week *ere sot &sp- ates feel perfectly at ease ou 'Le subjet. porta. wad 'is Ise *like a reduCtioa of Id They will barely take the trouble to catlike pia 70 Ws rest be srad. Iltoer also is whether the Colonial Legislature has or kw ropiest, aai dm bra of the market liaa sot the power torreulanze these %anis. was in favor of the Ire. Feediag par - They are fully aware that uot Upper ' cels uf ladies Corn were ia good deemed Canadian reformers in tbe House, would at 29a a 30s. Prices curreet of Americas desire to lay • 6nger on them, ao law as • white wheat WM 64 hi a lb; Red tis 7d • majority of the Lower Canadians are 7s. Baltimore sod lisiladelehia fluor 23s pleased to have them es they are. There a 2311 titl; aresteia 22s 64 • ere, ao doubt, a few Protestant fanatics, but happily they are dew whee a question of simple Justice preseuted to be.-- Carintlia14. omalinlelltelilr-onaremeletr• CLERGY RE.5 ER V ES. The mem of the Government in the House of Ler, on the Canada Clergy Res Bel must streegthen the coedition in their hates of the BuJe•t is the Com moss. To see he Earl of Derby beaten in the Peers is to be sure that Lord Jubo Reeeell wet be strnnger ID the other Bones. If the Ex Prone Minister Gads himsef. on • perely Church qestion, left ie Ilse Iamb ors minority, we may he sat• islaed the pulktict1 rate who, us ler a more proeperous Reg, would be Derbyite to the hi', will be just as prompt to for sake • leader who, teve bed mime aids superfieus ',tolerance, want etjudgestent, avid itt tuck. A glenee at the dimities het •bowe, iedeqd, bow weak the Tories are, eves ie *hair 1•I• ehosee groond-he Hopes of Lords. No lege than ....n dukes voted personally arab the Earl of Aberdeen in his wise at- tempt to give the Conedons free disposal of their own Church lases, istsilet two lathers gave him their support by pairing end 111 11 which • act 'oohs- rdson, Janke ries oi A es- teems sl I louse 1 Rad, GIIII*111 as the REAT he Act Clergy e, pass- ority 01 Ibs is the greatest and the 'most tent steps in the progress of polstiral lily, that has been nude lay tbe Beitish Jaime. We do not refer simply to the of the Act Nem the plitical affairs the Cominitsee to armed the IS 1, •0 SO I. 110*/ the mails to go free over thek roads forty! peeelmee1 from the tiovernmen. Stupor lir. Ifincka emiates! the m, lion and con itheri fowled:if rarrird, it w.111,1 be in intirlIre, acct. hitfha"'• 104501 be 181 I" Bs" to Ler but do uot learn that any lives werel'he privilege formerly eojoyed by the cep - !Utiles Cour ier. loot. • tractors carrving the mrl. A dehate flloweJ, in which it wee geese Faitsautt Cocln.Y.-Ther° se"'a 1.° be The Steamer Niagara, from °wee° at- „JI th„ 0.• 1011 comp„ a genelat dtilogiu°° " ba°"0 to "00r tempted to gt t into our babour sometime 1 eborti!1 be hold te; the eaciditines no isuseerbety die sew 1 iriar law has about midniht, but did not succeed, and ther purchased the roads, an Mr. Bow0' the law put ni force. sterol off up the Lake. We presume she mntion was finally carred -nays 19, yeas achieved a emptier triumph. Moses Claik ✓ was fluted forty &Aare end core• rni weut to Niaeara river. We are seldom 33. eilling te few yeurg EMIR fire times durag ono treeing.' lo Wlesgford, two berries were fes I t" on Fast day. and soother was meted I O kw days stem. Tile people appear dter- sauna to enforce the law is that regon. memenercermwerers"-""yr NEW YORK CRYSTAL PALACE. — visited by a gale that prevents steamers Cletere, May 18 ftclitcuhrilat° the river. -EC. C. Ade' The Pease went into committee on the bill to amend the law relatIng to t..e Gram TERRILILE DISASTER AT SE-- etiSche-le of Ueeer Canadi. mid roako • LO....S ' ' - ' I l ITN. retrher of ernendmentiserbreh were reported aPd agreed to. DRED LIVES,. , - The lions@ agan went ioto C imitate., - of rovely, for the esernates of ten and 11's have to reecril to -day another fear- „,,,,i , „„,e„ 01,11,,,,,. 0, tns dem of ful c latent the fotinderini of a vessel at Eto,060 for ocee op roads through Some very unfrth attempts hive been. sea with the probable loss of uearly two wild lands iia Los er Canada. coining op, w ade. by certain 'mitres in Cana,* to mjnre but:deed hem.. Mr. Hineks woull net eiplarn where the the approaching Exhibities la New York, Capt. Forbe, of the brig Redben Cir. iorinee was to he :sid out, but it woold be ver, from Segue la Grand, bcought into on places -% here the goverament deemed by representing it as a humbug, and a mere it meist advintseeons. Ile staved that a post this milling the captaio, mate, arid Barman ago. Whether Mr. Barnum has s.:naer suru wss to be laid oat in Upper sit of the crew of tLe Ss:oin NV illison and anything to do with it, is of bale cnis- Mary of Bath, Maioe .who were picked upCan"l• quence• A charter has been granted by teem a boat at sea, in lat. 17 30, nd Inn. -, S'e1 e'e•en"a 4treng!Y "ia" thig tb.netnite.nilaide_crarei that. it wait corruption; the Legislatureof New Yok,and the follow 79 20, havipg beers-wreckea near Stirrup. a ally carried by • large 1112- ing highly respectable and wealthy gentle- Key, ainn; the Bahama Isln-1, on the drd jerne. rnen are the Directors. Montimer Limeg of May. Tseeiht, on maths, of Mr. 'rulette, it stem, Alfred Pell, Augusts Belmont A Capt. Stenon,oftbe Wil:ara and Mnry, «21°4'0" 1.14! illc 10%1.1 -'7. 1-7.)rnnti'tee II•milton, Jr., George L. Schuyler, Albert has furnished us the fo'lciritr particulars of un 0'1' /.1:1" i, f"&""").''' t'''' ''° 9"?* - so bit set.eellZy.. sPecestnir tbe ereanable of Liviegstori, Charley W. Foster, Pleodore Paaage from -Liverpool to New Clrlean,v the Catholic Inst'imtuji:nr lol; pl.r.1;"(pleirpiLl r)1.1 . the sec4rian quetion, the result would J. Anderson, Porde Barrowes, Johnston the lossof bis vssel, which was on the The 1 with a cargo of railroad iron, and two bun- • the iromsculite: comeesnem, at Three ° ! have been very differeut. Bet the vote Sedgwick, and Wiiltam V. Stone. , dsed and eight ralsengrs, cidefly emi- leirere. and i.e evidence aed reasons in de - ..wa.s inertly in favor of Colon:al self-erov- -fteharter," says the New Yoik uTribuner I grants. 'At 7 o'eloek, A. M., ma the 3d talon which they game to the resolution moment-Can:Oa is simply declaretd free 'Prcrded for a Capitet of 4/100,°", itigu of Mei. ((wn cloud,' weather and strops 11101 111- preamble lied n -t been !leveed: to manage her own Church affairs, and the prireees of 13100,e00 efleiteal• The breeze's hisloill ftsell the ',algal Caat, Ad; SA .well e-th4 minutes eine eta comma sto may a man, as he tendered his vote on AramAL oF THE "AFRICA." Directors srere enpowere1 tone/aid prieeriiiiteseed the 1.Ile in Coe Wall, is hieh is the 00 Ito ,s,at htli's , I this trestios, would ruefully coatemplate - an) to do everything necessary to ca:ry I soother) fart of the little Paid of kbacri '''''''"' ' 'en w'nt 'Tit°"e^mmitte°°4 I the great principle involved in it, -the cer- • --• - • the bpi for the rec.iverv of relee Minuend by' . Naw YoRR, May 19. ont the geaeral objects ef the Assocon. one of the Bahamas, eearly nnrth of the shis,„/ ss.,,sw, ,i, is„wisisssis w. tairr dor/tilt ot Church establishments. Flour market steady; Obio at :23. - Oa the 11th of March, 1 ls5:1, the Board oi Nave*. • At noon they simile Stirrup Key, , on jer,„,1„,i,„ „qh, r-po- Wi-l::. The last Act of this important drama is Wheat market unchaned. Corn In fair Directors met sod organ xed be the election and then hore t If in a southerly. direetiou. • — now to come forth imnaedtately the Act etr, n . '2" 31 of Theodor* Sedgwick,Preiedent, The 1."2:atiacr grew Butler. aal thicktr all report' to peek the rail llpirrly. Operate:es wilts cesseesesil insedisse- ly, sad it a ietimsded to bre the work ass- pieted wines • year Bo tbil 1st bersee- her sect. All doubts shoat tprabl spa now resis, sod a railroad is Hawes Moth hes so Moe bees traded se a reamey phaeton& is sow about to realise a subres- tat form. There are ta be Station at Marparhe, Mitchel tad Strat- . feed. 00GUSLPII R•ILIAOLD tica.—At a petite meetieg of the inbahlosits Gvape called by be R•eveof the' Ton, wit barn fres the Guelph Ailitew Met fallowing resolution was seeriee.•;- . "That thwegh it would be bigby edema- tageoas to the Towti of Guelph to retatu the stock in the Tomato sod Guelph Rail- road (believiag as we do thst it wilt amply repay the capital invested is it), Deventer - leas, for the various embeds% nateresb winch muif Irish tte Municipali- ties and the peivate sbsekholders, this steel - leg is of °pintos that et would be advisable to resign the stock beld by the Tows of Guelph o• the terms reposed by Mame. Growski Er. Co." HURON SIGNAL. THURSDAY, MAY ffilf, WS, NEW YORK INDUSTRIAL EXHI- BITION. Tbe receptacle tor tbe products of the in- duatry of all natioos at N ew York is fast approachuig es completion, and is ex- pected to be ready for its iutended use in About a week or two irons tbe present tune. Like the generality of imitations the com- ing eshibition has scarcely a tythe of the interest attached to it that was connected will its vast original, and the New York Exhibition has been treated in prospective ma comparatively insignificant affair when weet the Zer1 af Derby. Al d n01 rtf contrasted with its great progenitor of do we acri bovr largo seniority et the hig- I 1851. The World's Fair at London was a startling project, and was backed sot aloe bow groat is thei 'umber o • more only by powerful patromage and almost un- emettliy `•bereditary teetoaler," who ..I peers back the Coairtioa Cabinei, but, looking more closet, to the list. we detect ee eir1 *olb. pren's( M entry. Many , financial reoureee of the roost see- ped be eerpiered, lead Mill wore regret, to cessful manufacturiag nation on the globe. see the Archbi.bon of Canterbury on th, but also possessed the most captivating ad, or inieleirenee, backed, of course, by be elope of Exeter and London, •Pd by charm of novelty. Its success under such 'the Conseil Wastlien ordered to tier- ciate for the darnel of the Stock. Toron- to his bad a vistifer .effer from the same parties for re areoust a Steck held by that City at par, whkb hsa been refused. QUEBEC OCEAN STEAMERS. The Geeing. ills first of the bee of steam vessels from Great Britaie to this country aod which i• came tato this port very slowly" after • protracte dvoyage has left oft her return eoyage with a full cargo and a large number of passengeri. San- guine expectations are entertained that she will be more macerte/ in future as the great leng,th of time occupied by her first trip ap peared to he owtng to the esseitablesess of anada, but to the importaute of dee the eus;lr episcopal sate. iit um of Timm. circumstances was a certainty. the coal she broegh* with leer. Seine her iple insetted in the measure • In the pwa,i cadwiw. Aups. place, it admits this right of Cokaal Roeseeter. 4114 W cheater. Eight &shops . The piide o' native industry was aroused knalata'l end stimulated to etertioe, nor were "mai '" °Its r°ufltrY 141"e km" bees government to the fullest estent, for if hwever, toek the tolerant, is any *Deimos's°. ou which tape. ,ea,-Bishop Wiberferce being amongst: re, reign colon. milieus wanting, me_ for • with fuel of a better gaily and ber speed has been 'modestly ifeereseed. itt. very utliority would welhogly relecve tbeeTt.o sA[I.r 1111. we w0 sery lioduloYf juzs-- . rous were ihe aspirants to the homer or irn °dant that .Cada should have the ad- L1* right of dictation, it ta t.te Ch lion. And, Id the second place, it is tual acknowledgemeut that the prioci Church eitabli•basents is sacred,jest, oug as tbe petiole are pleased to at - wledge it, an,' 19ager. It is true, question diecussed in the imperial leg- ure oar, not the sectarian questioa.-- honied beast was not eshalnted prom- is • ly. The question was the locoed prin- in a briey fat the Budget, the opposition proved character of the Canadian ends t. e h e Cleopatra" of about 1300 tool. of somettutioual liberty -shall the plc of Cauada be aliened to maimage ',would at once upset Coalition and Budget I together. This tell supportso needful for the home market, has resulted at least in vs hope this line o comma ca tice to Canada in church matter, set at contesting with Britain on Brittsh sod for vantage of a Ii of Oceaa Steam vessels Mel; eed te tete sense the 51neerier vie 1 , sovereienty cf the various departments tory •f aloeday sight is m unutmeJ good. • tu ar'e too itnPorlaut to oe calculated and Mill rst am° an 6° e * but to be of any utility they meet be of the coontersailiag i'8-aince that mane of the peaceful arts. Its beneficial resole, fi toocootident in the CO0110121 may be reei lautic Steamers. The Genova is • Pro - by • ploper poutton beirg assumed by Re. commie to flow. These with regard to - d t irdenor to, aMy of the Al- - ▪ by rendering the Coalition (sapiens Canada were of the weightiest moment, Pe forniard. Te thke flit it should seam and ! 0010 ,h vnte mid we doubt net that much of the im- the line are eady. The meet is to be Iler of about 300 toes and is said to be exam be repeated, that artless the Result ally temporally engaged until the vessels of ctpl Can own tut M the saute liuse„ eery easitanna tba *miry, only part from the noble istroduction Canada lion with the mother country iney be cern- evideat that every ofte who took part Nieman un the faith of Ministertal pi:eject.. earned for herself at the Woslirs Fair. - he discusson mast, have been fully boing worthy 01 agmetacce• ""ut She thee made a moat successful debut tinued and veesels of a superior grade em- ployed. re that the Church establishment prin- this reLif Reformors could not vote with was fairly insetted in and that the Lord Julia Ruasel, sod without Radical among the agricultural and inaeufacturing Llouse-howev r many dukes and wea Seer dec sof orit in I too this • , win is a few wek, eoppOtt no te:orary OUCCPs1 in the 11ffiet Countries of the lobe and excited sur rise g , P i PoRT oT Sat*GiVs.-Seutbamptoe inl- and confidence where formerly oaly igno- I lare to th: wrkl, that the rsigo or civil frers might grace the I.:Slowng rt the Earl der a proclamation dated the 13th ,it. has a Aberdeen -could keep the Premier in fence and suspicion were too generally pre- ot particular sects has come to an eod place. No iiew-born cofidence, then, valeta. The New York eibibition al- been consliteted a Poet of entry for goods remacy ie creds-the pi.litacal superi- iais prosince. Every man, we say, who , brought or imported by land or inland Bati k part in the discussion was aware of fact aed had the rote beerstaken on ilmuld Milers 3dr. Gladatore with uneceiss• vary Italicize Leedom Daily News. -7 QUEBECi May 19th. for which a majority of the people of Cp- The steamship Washington in her Ilth been much exertion put forth publicly yet mail' and although there does not appear to have contaias a remarkable ai ic le the Ind the 'wind strnger, wtuis the La -t cep, after report ieft, the Bill to eer f;a:iada hate stat;;Iett forthirty years, day had not been telegraphed when tbe Wheitee' klag.• 8°'-'relArY.- sea began to roil at 0 ft irfel rate. At sunset provide for collection of rates nuclelo: which thsy and their legislatorsi Africa sailed. . in reference to what it calls .• the coaqtmat though not so roaguiticently ushered into existence, and wanting to a great extent tbe novel alluremeets whtch aided its predeces- sor, teal we thik, be productive of far greater results tbari generally appear to be antcipated, and it will at least afford Cana gation, by the name of Port Se. tugeen. Mr,iwcte's Leurerterr -A lecture will be delivered by Thomas Kydd, Esq., this eveiling„ before the 'militate at tbe Temperanee Hall as the very interestiog da another opportunity of making herself sabjects of Railroads, Gravel Roads and known to the world. Tbe gosernment has Local improvements. Lecture to corn - at length appointed a Commissioner (W. menee irt o'clock P. M. Admission free. AnVobue Howell, Eeq.,) to conserve the interests of the Province in this enterprise, THE CoSUEST laT IRELAND Con- PLETEThe Galway Packet. by tbe last by Canada, we hope ber position as made complete" of Irelend by the Setme-_ oinking could be eeil of the Key, and the have re eat de rree, ocglected the pratti- The Duchess of Sutherlaod invited a openeJ April, ts..5a, at the office t f Dal, large number of ladies and gentlemeo to manifest at tbe .World's exhIbition oa the ii The Saxon in Ireland may oo Imager be t set -paced that he tem well to the a.rth - re aded as a sentimental tourist, stttinz on Baoks for, the subscriptioa of stock were ear, }the/into le C. The el.ares were, of it, having steered west by north since ole- placed ai s)100 each, anj to.iridard a kb-- raan. At 8 A. M., when hei jitled hintacripiona Aare iirw'ci lo €0.5,040. Foitu .511 sufficiently to the ourth,eiei no st of the mutely it happened that them stock was eat Grreatilsaaet, be put the ship west be south immediately *sized uon, abiet enabled the and cOinineoced ,waving the lsiel, but teemed Directors to divide ard iliztribete it ioto °°Imuc°14 Pl-elli! f"*41°' evil by-law, ta Upper Canada, was r. passed thr Pugh Committee, and ordered to cal iinprovements uf the coeuttry,-uamely, Western contineut, will be as grati yin; „ be read a third tine on NJ -inlay. the appropriation of the Gkrgy Reserree , meet Mrs. Stowe at Stafford House, on mitia sketch - Mr. Merritt horeduced a bill to secure to puro-es of utlity, awl the establish- Saturday the 7th. last. After a short stay mid as pleasurable in the retro t 'Pee " 't 's roolpi°iin-lseman.d,°Ide2lininaealtlincr tette' physicalap- t* married women certain rights Of proper- teellt of religious equality ivi One Province. in I.onlon, it said she will eso to France a rea y wit re erenee to that of Europe. I d ' h f pearanee ot the country. and carricatering In all likehhoed the imperial Act with the and Germany, and baying visited Scotland A isessage was received from the Le. Itoyal sanction, will reach Canada in a few once more, she promised to be the guest Nay, we think that as t ate'? leis el7ewres rvoimriatnri: ty now unpin -a -riled by law. he cootest is a little 1.heettevr,i1,0nuiglirytsbio.: 'si!a!iee Coursil agreeing to the followini da s sal the Provincial Legislature will of Major% Duncan McGregor, in Dublin, ocarer borne, Canada ought to be better 10 tsr - represented at New York than at I.ondon - tile farms that have lain waste for the last spot aloag our western coast. The rer- ead we trust such will be the case. The few years, from which esternsiaatioa drove New York Industrial exhibition will be the oppreesed oaliee, and tbe houses where - exceedingly interesting to Canadian mei- ill famine. seised it* victims, are been fast occupied by English sad Scotch settlers. J tors as there will undoubtedly be a ,very Whether they will, like time brave old Mr. Duft, :M.P. for New Roes, Ireland, ° laree uumber of machines, implements. Pet. • lee., esposed which are especially suited to the Irish themselves, and resist the oppres- Anglo-Nor:rams, become wore Irish time , e t E el d _0 _it,.In - . o ha. apologised for Ins hasty remarks, and is. be again received into favor of the Honorable the requirements of our own countr- sioos that drove forth their predecessors About haltpast resin V. M., the vessel the heels al over one Itunived and fifty strnek upon a sunken rck, where she hung fi'l" a" 1)80404; 1.4"°\a% 4"i".1"1- lor some tune, with tea fathoms Of %Tater all tending the is Mace@ in favor of the Fate trotted After pouudie; heavily far fifteen anil the interest full in its summate that minutes she got Mf but immediaLly struck the obsoxisuit char/cies of i priessinapece• aoother rock, within a fine rods of time fiist letioa has hese avoiJeJ. The countenance where *be again paumicil for soon time, oi ths Getters' Governmeot has igloo beet' mid again went oil. it WAS 11.111 Ilmuglit obamed, which was asbential ri order pi eepedient to let go the anchor aid prepare the boat for lauaching. 'Fbe shio was tak- secure 'minute support fro.ii the an. , ,,, ,..,,, fino ind s ' the pits - factures of Europe, by admitting the goods g "lenwaw.oer..k.eTirio;:kie". ";t.-tlibefl'itii.,Ahnips, i he y te, to" FALe',L,'"im° o( 417. Th° Cr72-1 fotew!J it iinposstSle to Lees her tree. At I'' ' alaCe an" :la a Saial '"eh`"'" I." midnight there were three feet of water in the hold, and at 4 A, M. with both pumps the raceptioo of gods" Several boreiretni of packsgise from all Kising, 8 feet. The weathor ORS very perts of Europe hod arrived. Tho Q, teen black and stually, and the sza tremendoue- Ina appontee, II CO tao100, beaded iv If hq...41• Sb011.! after dad -brink, the). Lord Disaster', to visit the Et hibition foiled ten feet of water in, and the Tess.] who may Ise espeeiml by the best Ste•er. ilnarsatil glifi/ d o ve. The coes:ensa. Tile Secretary, ilr Wbetten, bee proceed- tiou of the crowded decke, at Ibis period may be imagined but cannot be deecribel. ed to Quoin, Li twin* like Eacalescy awl An tbelsoats, five in numboer, were Been Cahoot to Vlbli ttse Fare olodh Oa to he mile ready 2 ol laneherl,but two of them opened os the 1 et of Jose. II will I • 5 *1000 .1010 ow toarshiag the watr, leaviog grand beeinese, tied we hope that Commis j oely a small boat, and oue long and one lite win bs well reprerenteJ im flee occassoi, bat. These were maimed by the captain meagre the ill steered and unfounded re • il'itntatc! ani the crew, tegetber with ao ports cueelatal, many paacengers as cok! be erewiled kW them. The rewtaiwder ry. the *tssregers wwwwwwaserareeseswwwww 1 were ill on &lard, awl in a frier nwouiles THE PROMPf CLERK. after, . e. dna: 8 o'c/ock, A. W., arefra - date* with the ressrl. How Ferny perieh- I mei kr* a young air, (aid an esti. ed it ill inemietbk to seertain, t frost seat preacher thitother day,ta a sermon tbie account of the calets, we kr that 1 re yowae sesjthat wits ementeecing lite sot leo than ono hondrcil and tilt persses. Ina clerk. Om ids, les employer semil to urea, women and t bil ken. A t ttie tme, hinviNow to -morrow that cargo of eaten. tlic Creat was bearing east 'at- m eat he got out aud weihed, sae we most ease, &horn ten miles. hireis reeler secant .1 1.." I The several boate were separrel after He wes a ye/mg seas id esergy. TVs leaving she ship. but the agitate. same from wee the first time he bad bees entrested to the boat is wheel* be era., a bark, apparels.- mmenstesti. the 'wails, of this work; he ly bound to Erope, bore to ia the dire.- ade his erreergemeats over eight, spoke t lion of be lost and life beats, aid be sa- to the uses ober their reef% esd resolneg airs th" the Pe°14° 11" wer° filet°4 Is MO wiry tarty 10(111 aersias, he fro.. up. Bed the -e ie ecrtri sly 10 this; as I antendnents; Bid to Men Upper Cannde Jury Act of 1950 -Bill to incorporate l'ort Dalhousio and Thoeuld railroad Colnitany-Rill to confer equity jurisdictiaa in County Courts in Upper Ca- any lengthened discu•iOn likely to arise o a 1a. it 00. y objection Las been urge '`e5Ir. Cartier moved third reading of tho ant answered -every argument hes her Rill to incorporate Canadian Steam Nam - piton Comany. M. LeBlauc moved amendment, that the Bill be committed to coo -der the ex- peditoicy gmnting the incorporation pray- ma 10 bl 1111 ke an end of the matter betore l'arlia- previous ent porogned.i We cannot reasona- The West India Steamer 3Tasele- y pito any serious obstacles to the /ono, with 100 to & spetie, valued at $35, - mediate settlement of the queston, nor 000, had arrived. The Countess of 1/albou-k, wife of the Governer of India, died at sea, on her way Ibis also to hare been pea fair eater . Se they wet to work, total of deaths will be over two tee tbe thin weeds's; awl Simi les lisetlei. Tlie cook srel otewart of the el".9•31 bi° 0110410 *Owe le, and re- Wlhail tal Mary. metier wit% two ef Si Mastitis, is easstei- hare, brie' al,* rises tree left breed ,,,iserit Mut, hhis ---------rnnehi Mies the • Mop ,put off. Capt. Sleben sootiest Ilse laborers te he etre at MU. ssilllwaisiler loot, tbe tiered and refuted, aul all the ode an ee, me ifs and lets and probr/di:Us a tii disteesed oi er and over agtin till they ate become threi-cl bare mar) yeari ago. litre isnot ittie man in the Canadian legts- it On 'Fbruslsy the 5111 inst., the Com -1 upon this and many other grounds a risit into death or exile, reams to be wen; but b f 1 that some of the fairest portMes of !relied I House. to the World's Fair, may prove o t ie will shortly be in the actual ociregatioe er ed for on condition that each of the com. lature at this nenneut, who could not sCoW mons decided rota an amendment that Ire- ' . highest practical value to the observing Ar- „der te„ncorni oi• the bin • fig pony shall touch at an Irieh por II how be would vote, just as certainly as land he exempted from the lerome-tax.- es, is • t t on each of le , tisan or Manufacturer teSo will take tbe that ean so longer be itermeiewerl. Every their misled and outward trips. Lost. be could do after listening to another Majority *gaited amendment 2:.). alai° motion th !n ared te: yews 51, tu unti's discuemin of the qiteetion. So The Countess Ilkaktelhey has just bees trouble to exaraiik tbe objects presented day Enghsh speculators ia Irish fansieg that we may salely assult, that any Ions sentenced to ten years imprisonment for saiciently ii, gataa,, „id „in wie„itily ,0 may be teen ma their way wooer.' m Le b her share io the Hungarian revolt. She _hail • ' search of suitable beellelideads. Ile fri- t coin taste lute tor the co rativel • • "'P' Y hbes afforded by the *erode* uf the En-, sqt liev s OM IMP 1011.1001•11/1111•11 14 tire seems* a dm salvl tit eaufbr,myere I- lst which waste eenseepeently walk ter get mit He elle His alisesi- 0* 4. nas 3, viz., Dubord, Mackenzie and tier - wood. The following bills read third time: To amend act incorporating tbe Industry e ant Rayed ItaitrtaI Com any to incorpotate tbe Perth and emptmlle Railroad Company. questiou. • T. Mr. Christie et westward& slimed third doubt, are prepared to totroduce their Count de Cheonhee d, on erennty of tbe ledger. We recommend • trip to New reajtaituf wit to eimbte tbe INeectoes oe their measure is the right form and without doin:n of Chmberl. The money to be tbe Greed River Nivigation Company to much delay. The duty of the Reform &drained by the Banks. York "then the eshibitios fairly opeeed place the eavigatios soder commit of gov. teenibers is simple, sod we dare say ihey Two hundred prisooers bare to all thole who ran afford to leave Imene erarmat seder certain conifitios. will dischar,te it promptly and clicerfelly. bee* shiePed f":" 1.°Ukino 10 Cale60°, for a few days, which if tightly empkyed Mr. Brue& malted an amendment ibat It is passible the extravagain portiou tbe ims be rest tkied time ibis day sae the Glaurch-antl-Nate pa ty rnay attempt moaths. Last. • le alarm the Preach members, so as to pre- Nlotion third reedier; wee earrietLawd vest them from voting tor tbe seculanza hill ircorenii.teel, en optima of Mr. Chris- tion of the Reserves, but such attempts tie ior ;martini a proOraia to the elect that tan oely reader their authors ridiculous * 1111.10RIS dee set borrowed miler the act the estinsatioe of all intelligent men. We bout.' be applied to pay off debts sof the re eves our city emiteroporary the company, *ad to conedete the works, we Geacene bell, Mae* of Moaday, made to so other nernese whatever, nedelle say • sort of pathetic appeal to the Roams part be veto:est re adatition to the Ode rid Catholics, to amist preeestiag the twee - reroute armies from the works, towards illisatiat of the Protestaat Reserves, test defraymig Ike emitters of masageniess. tbe Crirolle 1' ~eves Aosta fellow is Me Some other emendmeats were oiered sad woe track! flee is sorely eery friJv releetod, oaf the bill passed. es Me part the of "broad protetastaus," Tbi te owed la - law roasting to sr simply verifies tbe truth of the old Glettrarieer Sebeehris Upiper Cards was adage. " a fellow lethal Slakes es work - MO • thiri tire, sad pore. roes hied!" We should think, howeer, o...eiht. M. Dreriesed's slipping mei Hist this " fellow-fe berme.. Unwise mars saierbeer be, ihe that et Mr. tee sod Popvayose a ipiestioa .4 11. pel- Third, were reed a third time mad -reer- " teresperdehis,- is mot very creditable Vsl'an s inter ressittoe.- to either party! It does mere to sat:: Tiro Lationwers Corriefs bill was ail die rummies ker -ell these read the ',testi time and referred; also the emirate's reeisal istior tier weiropelnes lad Water Warts hal the errors ef ohs reepeesire apentwalities--- eke am Coder FA /rim the levelative ell reapers' abuse asi hatred about hersisi, awl seperetter., sod fake fait* ANA sotbieqi mere them a hassles. "ries arreety istraitleil to arises la ▪ 11 rest pallor sod tbat the real speeches that inay now ect will be intended as were Lanktin, and has already been immuresl three years to trilling outlay tocurred by tbe tourney. - ',wile of *eine at the cOontry's expense. the Fort of Peeth. Ve do out, however, expect any useeces- FRANCE. , 11e Agriculturist will also fad touch that sexy display of logic or eloquence os the A 'dory goes diet the Eimeror has as- is worthy of bis attention, which if jai- . 1,ai u , vented to .loan of a milli°, francs to the ciongy applied «at ha,„ww well , e,„ a *floe art dreadful wratire -Sawa .0il PAO Zoasi,"111141V "ft is ell dater owl the peas saes.] that we hive had taicaO0t1 to record fee refs with refeeriwe• to • relish' "sal bre a tbe sorriest of it." *hi er*, awl .,•11104 01.405 alter the pet leder cossidersties *eport lores„ 1*•••••**•AAAIOA cumbered lids0s °mbar elfallmalg •r easelliS lan, lave Word -Farah sepital. ids to het oat amen usier prob.. ia risen* since Ireland 1104 Imeest tran quillised by tin sera messes art destruc- tion of the CelL" wardwisserworearg"s atm. -Eerie •, • lad Et Astro.. ared.-Tbe trevoss tore itSlei t lid ci the cookeries,- e, """mg dwm• """i• ni"qu'• " will be productive a much pleasure sod •roe/4 pearseeet for the receet attempt to eetion with lb* verso drearese • - • Peefit after11h' We eigleirsie • gee" nSollesd, exhibeis the reotablit•e"dba Meet of Caaadiaaa at New York diming or tedoweil sod umemed doramis, Pe. A funeral werviee in boom of Napoleoa the Great, was celebrated oil Wedeetelay is the Chapel of the Tarim 'he Rs pivot and Mierstry Sta were primme- st a Court Martial at St. etersbnegh, bee decided es the cam ef the reeeetly etre', with embeertemeet. New Yoat, May 19. We are in receipt of late airiest. from Ne fotiedlesd. The A heel • complimentary letter to the . nth ea. nter at Washiwgtois, Omsk* him fee hia prompt artists wpwa the ireris a the Moose nit the sobjetet Frye Trade. The Reetaility oleo pored biN, 'shag sp- stir for the better protectme of tha growls& in the Semite of leis Isie 'Wber the appyrehiss maw. FURTHEIL Til AFRICA.* tressessis M a stirs. Tits followin ir Ma es ander11 Meagre. Rieberldera 111P410,01.••--• abet Terilly the weedier les lir 411011Vierob getial, trade was eery del fee the last ter the preeebt weiswar. THE BUFFALO, BRANTFORD AND GODERICH RAILROAD. ue coigne' fee the Grodag of Ilia resit from Paris to Gederish, las boss k1 to Mears. Morn), Mori* H..ell, Willard, Mitchel Co., awl the esti- mated ears is about X140,000. it me lo- bied te awry the toed os the loath side of the Town of Coderielt through the beak to the wi Arr's edge et the halter. Wit %%eve the eost off tbe teet Oefetleeel pot- ties et tire "ark in met isoluded is the etre !rovel of the relbree- reallilig14 largo capital, sal as they wassehla itaalwey re - "rem rm./ saathig 'me rim ie. a do nowt betweee leer - mid PereellhermellIsseiMOMMied Isalorp trait wit\ werhisi isaturti, Clighilmlliw" Estblisher! Clare -Me try Chapels or Parilieleeteit'tr bee taessehhotoed 4 - .ea 1 ' eke! Clir,L , • s ctless • 1 s Free Chum& '31epels er Matioes itt ereemseerie well a. 107 IIiiitied PrIebyteass Climb 4411 oripial _wan* Cbsre h 14 le(ersoll l'ortZ:C.he11 40 03 DM is erwireties wilt the taws 46 Svelselleit Utilise tO Weeklies lielblas" SP Baptist Chetah. . 0 Scottish Erm.ri C6r4 lei riumeeral Claret sot Se erseetiet _ , with io. 15 Rams Catheter Chapels ........- 0 Total TWO franker disereed. * rtrri.P.6111"1111,1101 Chris asd sot sorra NOW 4 4. •• • )i • 54 ..•••■•••.••••■•11111111•11•••••ANIPOIM41•_.,