HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-14, Page 71,01-gr from Sri y ,POR.P.PN .P1014.E.Y Air. And Mrs, Earl Morley vi-sited with Mr. and Mrs. Boy Leckie of Belle River on Sun- day. Alany from this district at- tended the ftmerat of the late Charles liaggar at .the Aluttly funeral home, Luean, on Mon- day, A reception was held at the home of lion. William A. Stewart on Tuesday evening for the federal vandidates, W, IL A. Thomas and Cain eron Millar for North Middlesex. Mr, and Mrs. BalP11 Jiowe attended the wedding o f their nephew at Petrolia nn Satur- day. Airs. Leaman and family of Western Canada have been visiting with Air. and Alt's. Murray Rowe. tt;i3'F'.1rP' 1.1W " , Now you can LOSE WEIGH AND ENJOY IT! ALL TYPES OF HEARING AID BATTERIES Nemo ..... ..41111,• "What has been done is proof of what yet can be accomplished" A statement to the people of Ontario from Prime Minister John Diefenbaker "Five years ago the Canadian people gave me and my colleagues a mandate to end the years of indecision and neglect of Liberal rule and make a start in the New National Policy which WC put before the Canadian people in 1957. You gave us a renewal of tout' mandate in 1958. "In the succeeding four years we carried on that policy and as a diicet result of the many bold and even revolutionary measures which ssc undertook 11w recession or 1957 has been superseded by the boom of 1961 and 1902. The Times:-Aciyocato, June i4, 1962 Fagg 7 "Canada stands today at the commencement of a great new era of progress and prosperity—first a.s a result of the action \Ne have taken—second, on the neces. sai'y condition that the plans we have made and announced for the next live years arc carried into effective action, "Five years from now Canada will he celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Confederation. Our plans for the future are already live years along the road to fulfilment and they can, will and must be realized between now and 1967. What has been done in five years is proof of what yet can be accomplished in the next live years," VOTE Progressive Conservative JUNE 1s HURON HAS PROSPE ED UNDER THE DIEFENBAKER ADMINISTRATION Mrs, Eva Baynes of Well- horn was a guest on Sunday with her sister Mrs. William Elford and 'Air. Elfoi'd. Thirty-seven from the Thames Road charge attended mien house at the Westminster College on Sunday afternoon. Rev, ilugh and Mrs. Wilson visited with Airs. 1J N. Dens of London on Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs, William Rout- ly of Elimville visited on Sun- day evening with Rev. Hugh. and Airs. Wilson, Airs. Murray Dawson and in- fantson Larry James returned from South Huron Hospital on Thursday afternoon. Mr, and Airs. Kenneth Situp- son, Gary and Allen were guests at the Gregary-Brown wedding at the re-organized church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter Day Saints, London, on Brydges Street on Saturday. The reception wa gs held at Moose Lodge. Mr.. and Airs, Ray Cann en- tertained at dinner on Satur- day evening, Air. Jim Dougall of liensall, Mr. and Mrs. Alur- ray Dawson, Air, and Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne, Mr. and Airs, tohn Pyin. Later some of them went dancing at London, the occasion being Mr. Ray ('ann's birthday which was on Thursday. Sugar and spice — Continued from page 4 by about the sentiments ex- Pressed. The speaker revealed personal knowledge of Govern- ment graft scandals and cor- ruption that would curdle your blood. He didn't say it right out, but he implied that his worthy opponent was an habit- ual drunk, a known woman- chaser, anti had insanity in the family. Comments. About cromarty .i3y: MRS, K.EN Personal, items. Air. an d Airs. Donald Mc- Lachlan of Toronto who at- tended the funeral of the late. Mr. Andrew McLachlan.. spent the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake and visited with their many rela- tives in this community. Weekend visitors with Alr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner were Mrs. Redhead and granddatIgh- ter Susan of Kitchener and Air, and Mrs. Thos. Wunder of Kit- eh Viler. M.r and Mrs, Gordon Laing, Lorraine and David visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Don 13,10111 of Sebringville. Air. Ed. Chappel has re- turned home after visiting rel- atives and friends in the West. Mr. and Airs, Win. -Chessell and family of Stratford were Sunday visitors with Air. and Airs. Robert Laing and family. Mrs, Pierce, Mrs. Jack Ta.c- kuk and son John of Delhi vis- ited on Thursday with AIr, and Mrs. Ed. Channel. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cole- man, John, Joan and Allen of Seaforth were Sunday evening visitors with Mr, and Airs. Gor- don Laing and family. Atlas Ina Scott of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Scott. Airs. Orval Reid of Tionsall spent the weekend with Mrs, Ed. Channel. Mr. and Mrs. George Wal- lace, Air. and Airs, john Wal- lace and Debbie, Air. and Mrs. Harry Elliott and family and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Laing and children attended the Wallace reunion in Russeldale Hall on Saturday. WMS Ales. Al. Lamond was hostess for the meeting of the Women's Missionary Society. The presi- dent Mrs. Calder McKaig pre- sided and led in the worship service, The roll call was answered by naming a recent graduate of Ewart College. During the business Period it was announced that the June conference will be held in Burn's church, Mitverton, on Friday, June 15, Airs, Win. Harper read a chapter of the study book on British Guiana, Mrs. Robert Dodds took for her topic an article from the record "The Berlin Wall", Mrs. La mond conducted a Bible quiz. A social hour was enjoyed, lunch being served by the host- ess assisted by Mrs. Harper and Mrs, T. L, Scott, Letter from Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Personal items Mrs. M. Blackler and Dawn attended the graduation of Aliss Betty Horn of Woodham at Al- ma College, St. Thomas, Wed- nesday and then were enter- tained at the troquis in Lon- don, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Wat- terton and family of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Jack Switzer. Mr. and Mrs, Burns Blaek- ler anti family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis attended an Orange Service in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, Sunday. ay MRS, JOHN IgMPLgMAN. sTAFFA The postponed meeting of the StrataWomen's institute was held Monday evening. June 11 at the home .of Mrs. Tom Laing. Cromarty, Mrs. Bus- sell presided. Several .readings were 'en' joy.ed as the topic was "pot lock" with everyone contribut- ing. Roll call was answered mai 11 mem h ers an d one v i a . itor present. .Short courses for the corning year were dis- cussed. A letter was read front the Seaforth 1lospital SOx.. ihu ry' asking if WO \Mkt In, interested in herornin`4 ZISSO- viale members and it was de• videO not to at the present time. A letter was read from the Canadian Save the Child fund telling us about the branch's adopted child. She is seven Years old and was born in Hong Kong. Der name is Mei Yung Lui. Everyone was .r e in in ded about 4-11 achievement clay to he held in Mitchell on July Ii for the course on ''Separates for Summer". A draw was made for the picture donated by Air. Boswell, Seaforth, and Airs. Wilbur Glanville was the winner. A five-minute talk on Maritimes (the provinces to lie studied tins year) had been prepared by Miss Vera Ham- bley and was read by Mrs, Wil- bur Glanville. A report on the district annual was given by Mrs, 'Toni Laing. Final plans were made for the bus trip to the Shake- spearean Festival in. Stratford on the evening of duly 11, Topics from Elimville 13y MRS. ROSS SKINNER Personal items Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Queen, of Kingsville, visited with the latter's aunt, Mrs. Thos. Bell, on Saturday. Mrs. Alvin Fulton entertained a number of boys on Thursday evening for her son Larry's ninth birthday. A ball game was played and hot clogs and treats were enjoyed later. Those pres- ent were Dennis Hutton, Idoug- las i-'enhale, Craig and Clifton Webber, Don Kerslake, Jim, Dale and Larry Skinner. Mr, arid Mrs. Harvey Snar- ling and Steven, of Toronto, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Thos. Bell. Several from this community attended open house at West- minster College on Sunday aft- ernoon, The neighboring hidies visited Airs. Jain Vos and infant son Peter on Monday afternoon and presented her with a baby shower. Alr. and Mrs, Jack Robinson and family, of Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Alt's. Chas. Stephens. Air. and Airs. William Routly, Mr. and Airs. Don Will.COX. of Kitchener spent the weekend at the cottage at Grand Ben.d SAVE YOUR WASTE PAPER Exeter Lions Club can use your papers to finance welfare work. Save it for the paper drive on Wed., June 27. (Adv't) Personal items Al,-. and Airs, Russell Miller and family visited on Saturday vvening with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and family. Kirk- tou Air, and Airs. Bob Norris and girls visited over the .weekend. with .friends in Windsor. Gail Agar visited on Sunday with Darlene Tem pleman. Mr, and Mrs, Lindsay Ma- haffey. Sceptre, Sash., visited on. Monday with Mrs- Ernest Templeman and Misr Martia- l-of and James Miller Mrs,. Rilin Miller is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Your library — continued from page 4 is involved in what happens in Laos and other erprally unia• mthar spots. The crux of the matter is that we need to be informed and that we are not. Lederer writes "America has more assets than any other na- lion in the globe. We have more material wealth, more educa- tional facilities, more freedom. If we fail it is only because we are stupid and permit ag- gressive nations to take advan- tage of our mistakes. We are acting like a nation of sheen— not a vigorous community of well-informed America.n.s.- The vital point, of the hook is that the state of the nation de- pends upon individual citizens, Although many disagree claim- ing that the well-being of a na- tion conies from the efforts of a strong leader the author argues ''I believe that only if we, you and J, inform ourselves and then act with energy and courage according to our know- ledge, only then will we breed strong leaders, principled and informed. They come from us; we must create a climate in which they will flourish." I Lam about adopted boy Sharpest Thing on Wheels! "Hen's Suede Summer Casuals, Brown, Green and Black, $6,95 Men's Nylon Suede Loafers, Gray and Black, $3.95 Men's Green Corduroy Oxfords, casual. wear, $3.25 Grab Hush Puppies Comfortable Slippers Wick OM Certificates INuerth's Main St, exotot LET'S TRA 1961 COMET Sedan, 6,000 miles, just like new, blue. 1961 COMET Sedan, 8,000 miles, green. 1959 VAUXHALL, estate wagon, tutone, sharp. 1958 PONTIAC Convert. ible, automatic, radio, new tires, red with white power top, 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, ra- 1110, sharp, while with whitewalls. 1057 METEOR Sedan, auto- matie, 2-tone, new tires, 1960 MORRIS MINOR, 850 model, .10,000 miles. South En Service. Russ end'Chide Snell PH 235,2322 EXETER Addro s ..1.7",1 • Mr. and Airs, William Thom- son of Exeter and Airs. Wil- liam Rohde were in St. Marys on Thursday to call at the home of W. C. Stewart where his wife, the late Mrs. W. C. Stew- art, lay at rest. Quite a number from this community attended the fune- ral of the late Mrs. Clarence Fletcher of Winchelsea Fri- day at the Hopper - hockey Funeral Home, Exeter, Quite a number from this community attended the lien- sail Twilight Stock and Imple- ment Show on Friday evening at. Flensall. AIr. and Mrs. Fletcher Sta- ples of Toronto, Messrs. Ar- thur and Bert Gardiner of Lon- don were Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gil- bert Duncan. Mr. and Mr's, • Harding Vow- les and boys of Toronto visited on Friday evening and Mr, and Airs. Russell Miller and fam- ily of Staffa visited on Satur- day evening with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Duncan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thom- son, Janice Earl, Vernon and Brian of Woodham, Mr. and Airs. Glenn Jeffery and Alan, Mr, and Mrs. William Rohde, years,. Margaret itunkin. Mar- lene Stewart; boys, Paul Pass- more, Brian Miller; ladies kick the slipper, Margaret flunldn. Airs. Paul Wilcox; men, Bill Rohde, Wilfred itunkin; shoe scramble, Sharon Passmoret sack race, Margaret Hunkin, Robert Bray; slow motion, Reg Hodgert, Boss liodgert; disc throw, Sharon Passmore, Douglas Rohde. A candy scramble was held for the pre- school children. The committee in charge of the picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. Cann and Alt. and Mrs. Bill Rohde, United Church Women. The UCW meeting was held on Tuesday evening in the church basement with a good crowd in attendance, Mrs. (ion- don Stone and Airs, Ray Cann were the hostesses, Airs. William Cann was in charge of the worship service assisted by Mrs. Lorne Pass- more, The study book "The Old and New Canadian" was given by Mrs, Lloyd Dalian- tYne and Mrs„ William Lam- port, Airs. Robert Cann and Airs, Wilfred Hunkin who were del- egate.s to the regional meeting at Grand Bench recently gave reports, Airs. Lorne Ballantyne was in charge of the program which consisted of a reading by Airs. Lee Webber and a vocal duet by Airs. Reg, liodgert and Mrs. Donald Bray. Roll call was answered with an article for the kitchen. Plans were made for the forth coming supper cm June 19. Marks 92 years Mr. and Airs, Alvin Cottle entertained on Tuesday eve- ning in honor of Alvin's father, AIr, James Cottle of Exeter who celebrated his ninety-sec- ond birthday. Guests who attended \vere Mr, and Airs, William Cook and Billy of Granton, Air. and Airs. William Green, Mr. James Cottle, Miss Beta Cottle of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cottle, Jimmy, G err ;v and Gary, Alr. and Airs. Arthur Harris and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle. Personal items And the politicians' pro- mises in those clays Were a lot more interesting than they are today. They didn't talk vague- Alr. Archie Elheringlon re- ly about social welfare and turned home .from 'St, .105- promise an increase in this, a eph's Hospital, Londe) n, on raise in that. They gave you Tuesday afternoon, something concrete, like a new dock, or a post office—sonic- thing you could see, Remember what Sir John A. did when he was trying to induce B.C. to join the new confederation? They said they would join if the Government would guarantee a wagon trail to the west coast. Sir .John said in effect, "Wagon trail, hell! build you a railroad in 10Y ears! And he did, By MRS. W.1.1-1,1AM ROHOg„Douglas. Glenn and Calvin PlIAMES .130A11 were Mundav guests with MI.% Around sixty parents and and Airs, William Th omson o f children sat clown to a bounti. Exeter. PO dinner ill Queen's Park, jack Ifortgeri spent the week - Stratford on Saturday, end with Bobby and Jimmy After dinner sports were en- Snow , joyed and winners were: races Air and Airs. William Snow. three Years and under, Diane Billy, Bobby awl Jiminv and ilodgert; four and five year lack tIodgert were •Sundav titilq, Sylvia Stewart; six to guests with Air, and Mrs. Clif- eight years, Beth Passmore, ford Moir of near flensall. Cann; ten .to twelve Air, and Art's, Edwin .mIncr, Brian. Barry and Barbara at- tended Wesley l'inted Church Anniversary on Sunday and soent the day with Mr. and Airs. Thos. Diekenson. Air. and Airs, Foster Bray of Toronto spent the weekend \vith Mr. and Airs. John "'tray. Thames Road families compete at Stratford I can't help wondering what the old-time politician would have thought of today's cam- paign, with its giggling coffee parties, its scarcity of clean- cut issues, and its complete lack of those basic elements of any election—cheap whisky, strong cigars, and a decent scandal. nly '100 down! The Nelson 323 "Our energetic trade policies have produced the first favorable balance of trade in nine rears. "Farm cash income has reached an all-timc record high. Prices are now supported On 23 farm products. Casuals FOR POP You can own your own home! R. 1. Harris Real Estate MAIL COUPON TO: FOR COMPLETE DETAILS See Your 11, I, Harris Halliday Representatives Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 18, 19, 20 from 12 noon until 10 p.m„ at the Parker House Motel Highway 4, South of Clinton Room 3, HU 2.9123 :reel Free. to Drop In anti Discuss your Housing Problems with us, Mortgage Money Available MIA and VLA Approved 33 Modern Designs Featuring 'Hanover Kitchen Cabinets, Lloyd Doors, ' Anderson or Nicholson Windows Your Choice: Frame or Brick and Stone Sitting Westown Plaza, Oxford St., West, LioNnoN, Ont. 0 Homos ;ISO 0 Cottages 1,5(‘ "Old Age Pensions and Old Age Assist. once have been huTeasedlrom 546 to $65. Other pensions have kept pace. "Ontario received $607 million in feel eral maturate this year, a huge in. crease over 1957's $215 million. PLEASE SEND. FOLLY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE,