HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-05-26, Page 1TNI HURON SIGNAL li Petaled # Pubbasil ?JIevery mane" DY GEO. COX. Office, Marko IlIgr/rs, Giodm'iak. Desk and Job Paean es...ISd with t *rade es tend tlkl e& Thous of tis Swum Dytoai.-TEN SHILL124011ipar moue lipoid Ririe* is Moses, or Twelve and Sia Puce with rd the per. Ne Mrdpower arrears are Mid up, valour the ptttbi.ker thinks it his ��mM de se. manilat ia lbs country becoming ropewalk for six subscribers, shall re- ceive a smooth copy gratis. er All Sitters addressed to the Editor soot be peal -paid, sr they will sot be takes out of the poet nice. Tonna of 44nertaasrsg._Sia hoes sad solar, first *amoebae, LO 2 6 Each esbsagaeat inertias, 0 0 7i Tea kiss ad ender, fest *suite., 0 3 4 Each suMq.est i .erties, 0 0 10 Over tee lines, int m- per lois, 00 4 0 1 Bath esMgmnt iaga[ti•• to Mom who pig A Morel Ass wst.•de advertise by dm year. Advertisements without wnttes nitro - boas will be iaaerted ..til forbid, aad chargednee ; and so advertisement diseoetisood outpaid for at the time of with - trowel, .sew by tM corneal of the par Mier. non TEN SHILLINGS( tis •ev•sc/. (Qts 8 . VOLUME VL Da. P. A. McDOUGALL, CA N be Iced at ell boor., et Me. L#Terrl. Boarding Mime, (f.r.erlM11. Rritiea Rotes.) v5 Gnderieh. April 49th. 1851. CARDS. S:°, Da. BURNHAM. CLINTON, ,,Ilawon Road. (Wesof Mr. Theorro t Theatre ) Deo. ISib, 11161. 4.46 - WILLIAM SHARMAN, 111.1C[LAYER AND P1.A VELE*. Warr Sesser. Gossamers, IS prepared to fortieth DESIGNS and PLANS, os the moat reaeoesble term. Godencb. Nov. 18tb, 1851. 06.43 IRA LEWIS, West- " SOLICITOR, kc. ▪ street, Gedericb. 1,1126June 11411. DANIEL GORDOa ors Fast o CABINET MAKER, T West- ' the Canada Company's o ce, etreet, Ovule rich . 2•1150Almost 117th. 1649. DANIEL HOME LI � C evean- AARS, TTORNEY AT LAW, 1 • or, Solicitor Is Chaucer], kc. has bis +Ric as formerly in Stretford. Stratford, 2.d Jae. 1150. Sen49_ J. DENISON, CIVIL ENGINEER, &e. GODERICH, C. W. Aug. 261b, 1852. 4881 JOHN RALPH, TIN AND COPPER SMITH, next door to the Victoria Hotel, West Street, Gannett, : a eoaetently oo band, • choice stock of Tinware, Cooking and Box Stoves. hien, wb,cb he will sell at considerably re- duced prices. The highest price paid is trade for old copper, bras., pewter, sheepskins, calf sod beef bides, feathers and rages. All kook of Merchantable produce taken in ezchsoge at e•rb mucro. •5 -no Godertch, Feb. t9, 1851. 3igna1. n u7Rs GRRATB$T possums GOOD TO TSL GR8AT3:ST POBSI8L11 NUMSZIL GODERICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1863. GODZILICHAND PORT HURON, SARNIA D Irks Nrw /ser.presser• Steamer SAMUEL WARD. 2nd, Coru.SDE.a, WILL run during the present season, as follows: - Leases Detroit for Godereb every Wednesday merneg, at 1 eft ck. Leaven Godericb every Tbundas morn is at 1 o'clock. Burning time I•l hou,.. Should the weather prevent the RUBY coming on the Wed.esd.y night, she wild arrive on the following Friday aught. For Freight or Pas 1e apply .0 board or to E. N. Gulerich, March 9th, 1b53. ROBERT SNODGRASS. FASHIONABLE Bt►OT .k SHOE MAN( F ltTUKE1t• (One door East of C. f'rsib'a Store.) WOULD inform the inhabitants of Code - , v t rich and neighborhood that he Ia pre- pared to make to order or otherwise, any kind of Lad'e's and Geatlemeii s Fir. or Faoey work, in the meanie( and most fuhineable •tyle. And will also furnish heady Boots and Shoes, to suit the se cessions of those that may favor b.m with their euatnm. His prices will be modobn29 Godencb, July 29th, 1869 AXE FACTORY, ¢c. &c. THE Subscriber begs to *masa'• to the farmers and other inhabitants of the United Couotiee, that be bin just completed nes arrangemebts, and is now prepared to furnish Axe., warranted, of a superior qor l tv,ud oo terms suited to the circumstan- ces of the country, and the quality of ted uncle. He also invites all farmers to cell and ea amuse a.a improved apemans of the CANADIAN SCOTCH PLOUGH, which he hatters himself will ba found superior is many respects to may other Plough now to use is this section of tbe Provtece. HARVEY BRACE. Goderich, Aug. 21, 18.51. v4n37 Look out for Cheap Sales before )otttp. THE NEW ARISTOCB,ABY, A title onto could Italy show The sires of moble birth, Aid mem el. reek wore. years ago, Tbe soblee' et L►o mirth. They deemed i1 joist the crown: shooed •busk Before tM cap sad Bows: shooed Tbey uhu sght It wrong the poor thisk, Aod right to keep them dews. Those were the days when ►oaks were things • The people could mot touch: Made for the use of turd• and kings, And only mads for such, To work the loom, to till the soil, To cut the mostly gees - To tread the roved of daily toil Was quite enough for them. ROBERT REID. B .pposie IER RI S kyille Hotel.) C.wso el Danita• and T.Ib.I-streere. Leadee, C. W.- Sebool Book., Comsat aad Classical Book• Biedie,.,d Relive of every de/moieties Eaee.- ted es the Premise.. 1:7' Orders for Accost t Books, from the Trade JOHN J. E. LINTON, I tor Coentrr Mereheat., p,ncouall, attreded ono NOTARY PUBLIC, CommieadeNr Q.B., aside liberal discount allowed. - + and Conveyancer, Stratford. ' Loudon, March 1851. eve HURON HOTEL, BY JAMES GENTLES, Gderich.- Attentive Hostler. always on b.rid. Godericb, Sept. 12, 1150. R• W. CANA, MITCHELL, AUCTIONEER. Accountant and Gene - til Agent. Books and erenosts ad jellied, and •II kinds of Deeds drawe.- BTRACHAN AND BROTIIER. Sales 'articled in any part of the enuntre. Lettere addressed to MOtcbell or Herpors $arriafsr mrd Atter alta at Law, 4r' bey. will be .'tended to. JOHN STItACHAN Barrister and Astor- G'•ri • April 5th, 1853. v8n10-1y JHAB' nay at Law, Notary Public nod Convey- ancer. W. & R. SIMPSON, ,LE% Attorney at WOOD BTRACCan. (LATE HOPE, BIRRELL k Co.,) Attorney at Law, Sabato! is Chaos eery, Conveyancer. 1151 (� ROCERS, Wine Merchants, FruiterersGodatteb, 17th November, �t and Chime°, No. 17 Duedu Street, WILLIAM HO DGI1 S, London, C. W. February 46t the Car Be Ring. THE Subscriber will sell cheap to actual l settlers, forty Town Lots in the Town 0 Clintoe. •oliated centneal and adjteent to the Rail Rood lune: Intending purch•enrs can seethe Map of the Town at my Office, or at tb,Chotots Arms Hotel. GORDON. Clinton, 5th April, 1863. c6n10-Sad Time was when jast to road and write. Were thnt.ght • wondrous deal, For 11...e who wake with morning light To earn their dal, meal. The .•aa 1_0 more subue,es,'e slant The leu his head piece Lees: And so the mass from habit gave Their birthright to the few. Now look abroad, the Ig .t of Troth Is spreading fu and wile, And that wtich filled the Engli.b youth, Mout shame our ancient pride. 'Tis mind alone ran wield the .wort, In spite of wealth nett r■nk; The artisan may lace the lord i With thou ' is the bank. b 1862. v5-05 ARCHITECT & CIVIL ENGINEER OPS 27, Dundas Street, ROWLAND WILLIAMS, LONDON, C. R . I Arcrronaa., is prepared to attend Sales ie August 16th, 1852. vAn30 lacy part of the United Counties, on the .o. -----most liberal terms. Apply at ,be First HORACE HORTON, , Division Coen office, or at bis haus*, Emit [Market G.dericA,J Street, Godrrieb. Munn, for the Provincial Munl Salt! N. B. -Goods and other property will be General insurance Office, Toronto.... received to Belt either by private or public 11 Agent for the St. L I site. . � 1�L 7 Y rk Laval Olen awrenee Count Mutual• Ogdensburg. New o Jammue4n4 . \glint for Samuel Moutson'a Old Rochester - - Nursery. July 1850• - RICHARD MOORE, IIdoor ed in the capacity of GENERAL Weal o West AGENT for the collection of debts, desire. Street Godencb. v5-114 • it top be generallyyunderstoo0 that h• will Feb. 19, 1852. , accept the Agency for the collection of -- --- _ -- ' does in auy part of the Upper Province, be - THOMAS NICHOL1 S, tweets t'obourg in the East aad Lake Huron L A. NASMYTH. NOTICE. ALL those indebted to George Millet 8e Co. o(ihe Godench Foundry, either. by Note abseil or Bo.k account are r.= gut •ted to call and have them settled o• or befuri the first of June next. and all other debts due- to the same rsiablebment up to be first of Jai oary, 1852. nuat bra. t,te•' .t the same Inc.iotherwise they will be placed in the hands of the Cluk of the Di- vision Court for collection. WILLIAM KEITH. Godertch Foudary, • 6 n•11 14th of April, 1851. AViNG during the past two years set - \\'e .cora 0011110110 of bioh degree, For so 'virtue wrong to do; But poor men a r ch can be, . And quite as sob,. to. The prince cis act a gayer part, But Le who works for bread, May have. pereba.0 • warmer heart, And e'en a clearer bead. Then grieve sot for the "good old tient,' Behold a brighter ray! The C of our father's crimes • Are wearing fat away. Refute the Pen, the Primo, the Rail, Muer old opta:ooa fall: The mighty proj•et cannot fsii- Thee aid it nee and all • • teach even the hem of her garment. Let it sol be disguised is auy vain pre- amble. 1 vis ds love --in lure at first sight -nod my whole frame quivered with cer- met' of the *rely begot electricity. She smiled oo me, and tees was enargb to i.tozicate. No words caa deserube my emotion --so oorel, ao estrasciue, so joy- fully delcrious was flat ode in a clatteriag o.uibus. Drawisg out a purse of sifter -work, she dropped her Laadkerch:ef,toas u not irate - florid? She preteuded not to perceive it -the case was plain; and the cosclueioe,- via: -that she wished me to retaiu the cambric u a wrvenar,orpegralS amoru,- palpable. Per haps she weut further; .idglt not her same and address be wseribed on a corner of the happy rmoeudnor de pouc/a! O (course it might be --i1 was! Odin wia6ed me to call --to become iutimate with her, to lore, to marry her! Great Heaven's what ecstacy of bliss! Not a moment to be lost. I dropped my cane to conceal the true motive of stoop- ing from the other passengers; seized the muslin, and burled it bctwceu my waistcoat and my heart. Still she did not, or pretended she did not tee mc. We were now nearing Trinity Churcb,and as I bad a presrageegagemeat in Welke, I must quit the ark in which wy dove would be bourne away to another nest. But bow could I leave without u - wring ber that her beauty bail made its due impression! 1 could not follow hoc borne, as my engagement admitted of no delay. Happy thought -the Landkerebiel! I pulled the checkstriag."ave a quarter, and bade tbe driver keep the change. Just at 1 stepped out, and was closiug the door with one hand, with the other I partially withdrew 1 be handkerchief from my bosom so that she mitt sec bow fondly her gift was treasured. ' lfeaveu's!'-•lie screamed. Was my absence, then, too mucbdor her? Perish the engagement! I will re- ;;or; the lady hurried forward with a thou - tura and see ber home. Polar girl, what a sand tears and apologies, and the phreuolo- violence of love my appearance has inspir- . gist made off at the topmost speed of bin ed! long legs -well for Lim that be did so. Such *ere my thoughts. Meantime the A swoon relieved the accumulated 'a- guish of my heart; aod whea I awoke, I was -in au apothecary's shop, close by the aceoe of toy calamity. Catharine (misju in; maid) was cIatfia; my temples with eau i do Cologne, while Frank was pouring bran- i do down my throat. \\-c called a carriage and drove to Wall ! Street, where I was in time for my ap- my arms she shrieked I crilarder, than ever. polutmeut,--the •thele suspicion, arrest and Iill se dearest,' I cried;' I am with you, I discovery having taken place withal ten I will see you borne, I swear I shall never leave you. Do tranquilize yourself! Far front obeying me sue put her hand to her bosons and fairly rent the tar wilt; the most unmaiden•hke cries. ' My watch! my purse! Oh! save me for the pain she inflicted on her devoted some ooe from -this wretch! Ile has stolen friend. my pocket-bandeerehief; I saw it in his The enp acct bas an order for a double breast as Inc left the omnibus. Oh, save set of enamelled cards. Cetharme is buoy me! -save me! -sate with areas -makers and milliners; I have This was an unexpected turn of affairs. grown tire! of me Hetet, and taken a pret- A dozen stout bands grasped my collar.- ty bouse,furuisbed with everytbidug--except _ The policeman assured the crowd,' tbet Inc a mistress. knew me well; that I was au old State THE DRUNKARD'S \V1FE Prison bird, --triad about six years since for barelari with Black (;rimes, nod only par - domed out three weeks ago: Io short, be Extract from rt peeler written by the (r irnerl Litho Bsrrit. gave such a circumstantial a -count of my - wLo•and what, flat I began to question my tofluencial woman ui a being of scarcely own identity, and woode:, seriously, whither two centuries: up to twat period, and al - my name n.ight not, after all. be William most hitherto, her in8uace+ have fallen Smith, diast.ucmag Wilt, alias Che. Omni - upon human character, like the treble rays bits Dodger, for by alt of these titl.•s, sot qtly policeman No. 1, but several But her son is reaching upward. There tars who formed a eots+lellation round me, is a glorious meridian to which sbe shall TWELVE AND SIX P 1 1 (- iT T.. snit O► T/a 0121. NUMBER 17. said the craniologist,' did I set a bad .ore uhuatratit a of the troth of my theory. The moral organs are depressed, aodal the had passions, eucbecked by totalleet. riot u his repulsive lectures! 1"e goda! meat 1 bear thisT' ' Coafesion! Agoi�!' 1 cried. ' Take toe t.o a justice ! Ruffians, madmen, perjurers! 1 -or shall pay dear for this. 1 will revenge at to the dealt -to the death -through life mato death-' ' He's obsti opelus, Tom, said a gro'g- bl•itsomed constable. 11.40'1 we better put on Inchiroual I'.e a pair that'll fit him 1 know; the same Inc wore when we caught lent carryiug away the cloth from :Mulberry street.' The confideaee and cool assurance of the kat assertion staggered me. Was I awake or iu a dream! %Vas l mad, or to my ,ea- ses? \Vas 1 a gentleman or a pickpocket 1 Were my features handsome, or so ' repul- sive' as to your ict me on suspicion of every erimel Beason staggered on her tbrooe; the world swam round in a horrible delerium; ileitis, all manacled aad dressed in prison garmesta, danced before my disordered ri- siou! The steeple of T.iay tarried into a TRUST AND 1OAN COMPANY OF UPPER CANADA. (Incorporate! by Ad of Parliament.) FASHIFASHIONABLE TAILOR, one ONABLE W E• Grace's Store, in the West. in making this •nnounce- r1P(II�F.B AND GENERA AGENT. 10,111, he would beg to ezprea bis tbaaks A„ ent for Ontario dfarise 4• Fire In- to his freoda for past f..oan, aod vow re - TIME'S CHANGES. Time's changes-ot ! Time's changes, We can bear to see them come, And crumble down the cottage roof, Or rend the police dome. We bear to see the flawsr w, mused, And cherished in the spring, Turn wit'.enng from Autumn's wlcd, A dead and shaplaa thio(. THE Subscriber tele to anno•tttee that In addition to the Office of Appraiser, formerly held by him, be hoe been appoint- ed AGENT for the above Company, and will,purarso1 to h.• • Detract ionfoloic leaf to readiness to assist n•tending appli- cants in ubtatt 'g money. Ile bas also to noisome that arrange - men's have been made for facth'atisg and greatly expediting the completion of Loans Leiters (post paid) will meet with prompt attention. ALEXANDER MACDONALD. Agent, kc. Office of the Agency of the Trust k Loan Co. of U . C. London, C.W., 25th Apri1,1853 chisel 3i srrawa Co. I apectfully solicits s contisuiace of the NOTARY PUBLIC, ACCOUNTANT AND CONVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER IN Q. B. keit INSURANCE effected on Hooks, Ship - pin and Goode. All ping of Deeds correctly drawn, and Books sed Accounts adjusted. Office over the Treasury, Goderich. July 22, 1851. v5e9I E. H. MARLTON, l5ORWARDER sod Commission Mor- a' ehast. Storebo•ee Roemer, R Agent, for the tale of Wild Loads Cleared Farms, Houeshold Fermium sod Produce of every deacriptres. OMS., next door, North of the Kilmer - dine Asrms. Gedericb, y�m1 March 94th 11153. MOO. All commnnicatiori• on business, address o4 (pont paid) to Ayr P. O•. Pietro Dom fries, C. W will be promptly attended to. April 1, 1851. v6s10 PETER BUCHANAN, TAILOR. NEXT door to H. B. O'Consor's Store, 1' West Street, Godench. Clothes made end repaired, tad cattug demi en the nbor- test notice, and most liberal tortes. rto42 December 3rd, 1851. F. 1t C. H. BUHL, 1IAANUFACTURERS of Hate, Cape mod a Fumy Fora. Wholesale and Retail Deepen is Fors, Buffalo Robes, Deer Skims, Ste. M lite Glev.ea.Mfue , CI..A Paid for Fore. The highest price pod, at all times is Cain, for all de.cn►tiooe of Sbippiq Ton by F. k C. H. UHL Derails Miohigas, Aug. 1151. vS828 WASHINGTON Farmers' Mutual InNuranee Co., CAPITAL $1,000,000. EZRA HOPKINB Hamiltee, Agent for RL the Comatiee of Waterloo and Hero.. August 17, 1850. 8,15 DR. HYNDMAN. QUICWB TAVERN. Leedom Roast. Nay *set. ire's Wits• Roe. see W 164 Isoprene out/S4 d Lw, inky, t41 vesld ohm the sestet elbow* disclosed a lee,'. estide *1.e tbi w r► the bakery ebk.'elei/1.urky Ir'''!' M giro/.1 w1.t the ae.e.v dth9 asolMd inebriate AA he WA ire* tie ire so tis ImtiotdMps et ho tk> �.-'tkrr• will M . asttt4srid ..4s of tosses' worthy of brim told ad board. ,1? tom the, (fret mo.wot abs gale of hal Teeng ad WON heart, sad .R its tremolo into the head of him the loved, t0 Ms leekls. boor vibe/ the cLar.er, wine, fastened os that loved one all the serpent .peps of its sorcery,-- down through all lbs crushing of ber young bepc*,-tkroogb years of estrangement and strange isaaoity *ben harsh unkindness bit at her heart string with an adder's tuotb,- theoce down through each successive depth of disgrace anal misery, euti! star ben: over ib.Jruukartle' grave; -through all these scenes, a halo of divoity has gathered a- 0 ouud her, and stirred her to angel deals of love. \\'hoe the maddened ucum Inca to cut himself adrift from the sympathy and so- ciety of God and ntan, she hiss clung to him and held bits to ber heart "with hooks of steel." And whoa be w2, cast off. all defiled by his leprous pollution, when Inc .ria to such a thing as Inc beasts of the 1, i would bellow at,- tnere was akin: Won kelt him throned in heart of Larks; who could say over (Inc fallen drivelling creature:- ",\Ithough you are nothing to Inc world, you are all the world to me." When the awful insanity of the drunkard set in upon him, with all the fiendish shades of torture; while Inc lay wn*tiog beneath the scorpion stings of the fiery pliaataaea and furies of .(elirii.ua trenteaa,- there was women by his site, eoslactd, with all the attributes of ber loveliness. There was ber teerful,love- gallows; the familiar Custom House ap- peared beauoiug eye, that never dimmed Lat with (eared (what et w really like) a gaol.- teprs "ham t� black spirits wete at him. k irebrands and facies, what au awaketung There she ,food iu the lone bon of night, is Hie from my dream of love at fret sight! to watch bus breathings, with ber heart 'fuming to make an appeal to the lady braced tip with the orunipotesee of ber love. -tete cause of all my misery neves my No! brute as Inc was, not* tie which bet' heart had thrown around him is his bright astoeisbment, and delight to see her lean da s had ever given away, int had gsogd end fatndiarlyou the armor my friend, Frank days, Seymour. '11e name ou the handkerchief .troop r u he approached the nadir of -the resemblance of feature -the evident ho degredelion. And it be .*o the, tbtt familiarity of heir manoer!t"'lhank Rea- dart, hopeless grave aha easwatM%t him in her broken heart, and laid d'>1r'1w!Ba'f- ven, she was bis sister! ' Frank!' I erred in despairing accents, fun: or d sane mighty anger* ere er voice as the police were *bout hurrying me off i orougbt him up (roa0. kbit grsve s( iru.kep eels, deepest ever 1'01 for mss, 6e ease -for God's sake come and clew up this forth forth Lazarus iika, hawed fist and hateful mystery!' forcer within the cerement* 0f her death - Ile ran towards me, and caught my hand; less affrctdori. the police grasped me with leas painful n- • Such u ber sceptre such are'the chords which she throws amend the wayward ..d ',endemic, *ad leads bits to virtue, sod to beaver, aying thug as she gives hi.•ite-- elfcre urn I and hire thou geed rise." maiden screamed and screamed more .10 - The 'playground of our childish days featly; she was in hysterics; alto bad laiat- May wear res strange a fare, i el. I leaped into the carriage, and telling That not one olden hosanna. a policeman who bad just come up to rue 1. ;eft sof us to tea Cl. Tb. beam. that light life'• moiciog up for a Doctor, I attempted to lift her ten- Maa eek in misty shade, deny into the ooen air. N. B. -As the advertiser'• occupation will necessarily cause hint to be frequently from homy, he begs to mato that • clerk will be found in as offi�'e every lawful div, from 10 to 3, who will furnish all n rig general information, kis. T f kr The Mine of pleasure '• auy a • Nu wooer had she touched the pavement bray glitter but to fade. and opened her eyes, than seeing herself But we can lightly •ods el all in l'ima's ehaogeto till we find Some well-known vo:ce grow harshly cold That once was warmly kind, Till Lands and eyes that used to be Tile first our own to greet, Can calmly take a long farewell, Aad pat s Calmly meet. Till Redd* wa!d. are par.rd away, Anil p;omited faith forgot, Teaching us sadly that we love The one who loveth not. Oh ! better, theu, to d.o, and gore The grave its kindred dust, Than live tom Time's bitter change In hearts to 11.e and trust. "LITTLF. Bk.NNY.7 dg FARM FOR SALE. IncTenb.enber offers for sale ooe hundred acres of excellent land, 45 azree clear - ea aod well teemed, with a good log bars, an orchard bearing fruit. Toe above land is vitt' tied on 3rd Concernoo, lot 14,Towo- thio of \Vawaooah, and one half mile from s School bo.use-all the money will be re- quired down. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. W awanosb, 411 Aug , 1851. ot8 SieNgliaNAPIN Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich RAILWAY. NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN. that se ANNUAL GENERAL MEET- ING of the Shareholders of tare Buffalo, Br..ttnrd and Godertch Railway Company rod; he held at the Compeny'e Office, in rhe Tows of Brantford, at twin e'ct.ck. P. M., o* MONDAY, the THIRTEENTH i Di tee - tors t hoot. wee soy to e kJUN r dal iia tn.a is Hie room of ,knee whose pried el to oiee dial them expire, sad gs.ert y treeaaet the beei.•ee of Om Co.psay, per - roast t0 1M Aet of Irieorporatioe. ARCH'D GILKISON, Secretary. (Mice of B. B. k 0. Raitws• co., ` v6n15 Brantford*, April30, FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 50, is the Maitland Conroe- -1" of the Township of Godench, containing 187 ares of the best land, of which 60 are cleared and well emceed, unm- ated on the banks of the R1.er Maitland, 8 Miles from Ooder$ch. Tbere is an ex- cellent House tied Bare es the premises, with ao Orchard of the °bonsai fruit., tr- lecied from the Nartory in Upetlantc, Um. tedStates. Por term. apply to lb. Bobo .ember. MR. JOHN MACAZA. / ARRIOT ER, Soberest is tbesowy, A) Attovsoy-.t-taw. Csneayaseer, Ike. Pse . Otbos a Oman. Bedding.. Xlsg-St . epp000te the Roo Sash. aad th. bob .f B rineb North Amines. HaisraTear. 4 10 No. 1'. N. MOLZSWORTH, OI V LL RNOINEBR sod Prwiseial Last tlor/eyer, Gedenab. Apert 00, 1061. .4wt1 JAMES WOODS, a eat./* AIICTION gEiI, to pis tals,sletee to say port sA.he lsflflod c« lissenheas Mgiiwtmr... tt>14 I RATTF.NBURY, British Etching, hotel, Ged.rich . Nth history, 1853. New Grocery AND PROVISION STORE. T118 Seheeriber wnwld rorprotfull, in AIM the I.hat•ttSPts of Godencb .ad oar►s/udisg Ces.try, that be 1.. good is IM Mime Joao, two doors earth of Dotter $cDesgalt's sew Brick Hook, lig t $qeafw, Oind•rleh. Hie stock melodies ell Made k GROCERIES, . eetroieg ie part of 'T, . 7Yseeo, 4stw.w Literature. minutes, though it seemed to me to be ao age. of suffering. Thence, we crossed to Brooklyn and I was formally introduced to my fair accuser, who has since endeavored to make up by more thin common kindness LOVE IN AN OMNIBUS; OR THE SUSPICIOUS IlannccRCISI . BY CHARLES G. HALPIK. I stepped in'o a Broadway stage and es - coned myself in a corner neat the door. The place, like others of more importance, had its cou,eoteoce anti discomfort;- its convenience of free air and ready egress when I wished to leave; the discomfort of having one's toes trodden into pulp by who- ever passed in or out of the conveyance. We pulled up at Union Square, to take in a singularly pretty traveller Pretty! I think she was. Never did I touch a soft- er band than hers, u I helped her in.-- Merrr did •yes of mart maidenlike lustre thank me for the trivet courtesy. tf Akin -Apple. sod Cider of tM Ivry Mot kind. Is Me Provisoes Liao will be fo•ood Floor, Oat.osl, Potter, Eggs, 8.., Seef, Perk, Meteors. Data, Ise. Bong Mrersted to keep sono list e mo k IN beet (matey, sed to sell shoep at 1M MM tis., he tom to roenire • than d pueblo the t»nst7 Peroses ted meow freak woad de well to roll, as M fsrool poem tog tory easeriptle• of Proems., for elvish M Mil pay the burliest =whet owe. A ebslos aoseet.sot of Watts to M esti ehN► OR PRtirTlNef warod•sseptiseLamtb JOHN A*TWJ, j _. sebonm u4ttattbi9sl•- adsekk, Mors. Me NM. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- SHIP. THE Pablie aro hereby 'citified that the C,epsrfinershtp heretofore emi.t,11g b. -- times DAViD CANTELION and JERE- M1AH McBR1EN, as Shp..akera, i• this Jay dier.Ivd by .steal cosrent. All W- Iiee I.deNd to the said 6ro aro req. .s'.d to mottle then respects we set -ousts witb Dead Cswtelies, who will also pay al I.N4lMo. DAViD CANTELION. JEREMiAH MCBRIEN. Wit.ses--AYi. Waal -sea. Oedorid, May 17th. 1881. 06 ell So lb. simple head eteee-eaid. Why did my eye. Ohl 1 saves. saw tk • little creature. 1 neer looked in bis btsg►d•g eye, or hoard his merry shout, es listened for his tripping treed, I Neer prflowed 1i• little ,bead, or bore Ms laths Ne, or smoothed his silk, leeks, or loved bid dimpled lithtt.,or fed biecherty, lips with/ dainty bits, or lowed 6*. rosy cheek u lei lay steeple[. • I did not see hie eye grow dim; or bin kitten hard droop powerless; or the dew of .puny rather oo his pale forehri It i etee.1 not with clasped 'nods aad ani'pooded breath and watched the look that Comes bet ones, flit over his cherub face And 7.1, "little Seamy," my tears are felling; for, same - where, 1 know there's an empty crib, a vacant chair, useless robes eel toys, • deers. late hearth -stone end a weeping mother: "lot. le Benny." 11 wee all her full heart could utter; anal it was enough. It tolls the wools stere. !PANSY Fees: ether of rising winter epos polar fields of ice. - b s declared I was well known. as sur dr come, as to -morrow's rising sun Gentle reader, do you pity' me What could 1 say! The handkerchelwas drawn from its fond resting place ir. my bosom: Hie name Catharine 11e Grey Seymour, in the corner, and identified it as hors. She fur- ther declared Haat when i lifted Iter out of the cmnibus, she distinctly f.11 a tag at her watch -chain. (it hal caught on the has•ile of 11e door.) and that on entering Inchom- nibes,she sow remembered my havvingat tempted to draw off her ono ( i th- res+ Catharine'. could you sn mistake the pressure of respect and admiration, for the touch of a felou endeavoring to filch a trink- et. She .at in the corner opposite mine; so that, without wre.elmog round my head at 11e espease of an iomalculate shirt -collar, I bad no option but to look at ber,--and I did look. A long. passionate gaze told me she was but eighteen, -very elegantly dressed. comely and good marred -looking. Yes, comely beyond costume moodiness:and gen- tle-apiritsd *Resethng1y. Had Sha not been so, abs .ant here released my serstiay, but she s.ib1ss ed-.�- -O-d b, Ilea,es'what teeth! 4 what 1 of saet.s es her Meek what depth of mystic braises. is bo large l.xnritwsa. al.esd shaped bio oyes) Her hair was not Puled, so pima, tint billowy; as if a foustais a< go14eo sober had played epos her bed and clothed it it bright ripples. Her dress was seal sod ishs.ahile, though of simple . atersala; its grout elbow was the perfect ei m.tiwas sod parity which it .viseed. She looked OM a rosebud tisk► t1. Mayas. new Nil froth is es ba••mt she was the lily of Na .noire -•.ttM snaky, 1 mese; NM as •b. sat rtttnairtg lobos me 1 bMa.d nervy 1°It TM Sob•eraMr Slee begs to intimates to the Peale. that he to /keg to wore' the beelines on Me *we morn sod rN.0". Ns Oasts to aims that Mem faramrod 1*. wish their on oma. CANl(UON. • in ram did' l protest my tnneCenee, ant appeal to my pocket bink for corrabor- aline An order on my banker for 0O via+ declared a gross fnr,prry by ase of the well deformed Ilan. , it via+ jest the foe- ai.de; Mid the ruffian, t of the ooe be food 0s Yellow Jim, afore be west to grog -ging, lost year.' A fifty dollar eke is my parte-/soswtiie waa said to be Meati- est with Ove stolen from a bed -ren. M the Aalor Houk the might before; sad after be trstiostio0 it bee*.S 'natal 10 dm crowd that me of the oast .otert•o+, enseeig and desptfrNe rowels is the world thew .toed before thew. A phrenologist delivered so salewapors &ermine Mee dee prisiekesee of Pay mee- If dr anise tar per ittd•g ray hetes Is fAmititive sod meat* organ". -.Vrsieut World. PVT rear lwsospwT RASCAL sort- While the eoegr.gatIen were eolleettd at church nn a certain oCC.do•, se of4, dark. hard festered, skin sod Mootadividusl wad semis westing hia way op t'. Motet .ed taking hu meat sten the pelt it. The • Rimming mkt=tor wee ooe el the ds•y who dreamed writing eorr.ewe, sod as fro prayers, he thoojit that they smelt to be 1!te neteral masseur -ego of the itbsrt. Af- the singing wee en.eteaod, tiro hems• u usual war called to paler. The genies shall reach hie in our natural heavens - I we have ire rearmed dfJ set hoist. bet loan • What loan will he, wb,'s she shall tibiae d biIt►•ad delwttiesall, os tM boil .11.. on him then and thence, we are utuWe to I pew. TM i 1inietsr Ngo by oaybg, divine; but we can lound an anticipation „Father k all, in every ego, tb •mint mire • Crum the i, Aaence of Icer dawning rays. -"Pepe,^ said a Mw but otttssr leer t.or0ing light ha• gilded tbi vistoes of l toffee, neer old h.rd fester••. TM Ml'mJ• human hope, .ad silvered over the night I ie-, .tsar vagal an t.Jogneat toa.h (n 11., sluaJo vs of human sore ow. 'Than ham •t+rretwn of tar voice, enrlsintl--'•wloos thln.e etrtet► n1, the alammaiao adb of been no depth of human misery beyond Psr.due'"� .lf,ltee," •gate svrrrptatf the reach oilier unclioratieg nillueuce, nor the vwe,. Tb• minae* • Pipe gsIveet♦ any lu4ht 01 human happiness sloth aim tar a •, eroent, ba t re"erss.nsj biwestf, he. ba. not raised still higher. ►m I Vbetlw r we Ince the lineament of lair wtr•tk b character, iu tbe mild twilight of her more- ine sou or se t1. Intag Marrs of her mall day, we lied that .ire has too -Iced hooso'O- melt like an Angel. 1t woad be irrever- ent to ber worth to toy is what walks of life she has Imre most bite so angel of light sod life; is whs4 cheers, is what lay. tar .oerew.,it ei Wirelike er +farce .he most ligrely discharged the be.r edy sti+wt ratio* s k her missies? what ordeal. have best broegbt ell the re- disoee Whet biddes jewrMt what freeiess gin -n'e'e !bt of thee, moot gramme fms abet that we a -t treated tit as.rri►lef nitre niers in the ssesw, while sehoreim•,w•l- Iy ,.m.:°mous but lose fs ase Mei carred (.aya.ad that emirs* 'rats which N 'reverter ,,tarty'-"-"�.'re-tiara Intoe. spend tIm'Mt.. TI. wee toe d '•Pet obit Hwpsdrst reseed met i'dimotted the I.ise'er.-"Origiord," ejseeMtsd the( vete+, lm 1M time slam bet pretakfsg lbws 5. /r • of earthly bless. or (menace et ts.aetaes ! have best declared the Mese». of her gad. [*till thew is scene which has soaped tie «0dture's eye," and shoot 'Tory other eye, whore she M+ east forth Mr wittiest pearls, Ptd allows slob geaalities of bee waive elorsster, wd..•st to tient oar .desedo•. TW mese has boas allotted lotto Drunk - 44. etch, do you out proem y.wws.lf V • •andtdao for pyrilosest r ..bre a fwd, or Mr boi Mel, who wee eednod wit& the kook . t'Wby should 1, my dest.J" Pro moi giw4liN'Mw Ow the vl erne,`' "'Den 1 11.1.1 you Wigs." ro'srw.& li. tlrtlu • ,year I.sioap owl settees era leskripos. I,w,wsuary. Whin bells w onion, order thea to M bid es tett t N ' r Ito orate .0 s sng is rte: Omsk 0� 1 west of .'Ar, tom sN et'N "001.11110. •r oh. Shan; OSA you efts. polo Isle vosMrree oask mp 1 leer 'N MwAttuIM5.. Miteib !►in 1st *t hew'