HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-07, Page 17Plume 227.4255 Correspondent; Miss. .1,ine Abbott Luccin and district news c,......2minkia0101111twormow Church activities PENTECOSTAL Al the eh arc h service Sumlay the halm- choir sang in the morning and the senior choir and Mr and Mrs, jack' Eizenga sang at the evening service, As the recreational part of the PP program, a game of ball a the arena community centre v.as enjoyed Friday evening. Al the worship service at the church at 6.30 p.m. on. Sunday Paul Graham spoke on "Where is ill you be in 20 years?" Mr. anti Airs. jack Kizenga sang a duet. Just one more Sunday to go in the special Sunday School campaign. There were 63 chil- dren out, UNITED Ties. W. H. Surma:lei:ell )3A, ‘was the guest speaker in Lucan on Sunday while the pastor Rev. G. W. Sach took anniversary !•,erVieeti at Bright. Couples Club leas Tuesday over 20 mem- bers of the Couples Club .went, on a tour visiting Victoria House and the Home for Re- tarded Children, returning to the home of Alr. and Mrs. Alden Walker for a worship service and refreshments. Rev. G, W. Sach eas in charge of the for- The annual flower Sunday will he held ,tune 10, with the chil- dren of the Church School, and junior choir taking part. The Rev, llenra, A. Funge of Londes- born will be the guest speaker. Lucan's member of the Pres- hytery. Mr, Wilbert. Stanley, and the pastor are representing the Liman church at London Conference at Sault Sic Marie this week. ANGLICAN The annual Chancel Guild meeting will be held al St. l'aud's Cathedral. London, on June 6: Holy Trinity hoard fleet- ing in the parish hall June 11. Joint anniversary Last Saturday Mr. and Airs. Ron Crozier held a family gath- ering at their home to cele- brate .tonic own 21st wedding anniversary and the sixth wed- cling anniversary of Mr, and Airs. Henry Mueller of 'Wilford. TV fire Saturday evening about 7 p.m. the Lucan Fire Depart- ment receive(' a eat] from Air, Henry Alegans, who lives on concession 4 about two miles north of Lucan. For some un- known reason his TV began to smoke. R was plugged in, but not, turned on. Soon the down stairs and upstairs were filled with 'smoke hot other than smoke there was no damage but the interior of the 1.'V, Explorer news An Explorer expedition was held in the CC schoolroom last Monday with. honorary counsel- lor Iva 1.lodgins of Lucan and ,Alrs, Bruce Bradley of Clande- boye in charge of games on the lawn. Counsellor Margaret. Sach as• sisted by Marilyn Hearn was in charge .01' the worship service, A picnic. hike -Saturday, June 10 was discussed, Plans were made to meet at the church, then go by motor to the Lucan Ausable Recreation Area and hike dow,, the river. To stage competition The 'Await jr, Farmers will stage a tractor and farm in (' Ilii1C1',y COM Petiti.011 al a 'MCI., dlesex plowing match to be held September 15 on the farm of P'ranklin Ware. RR 2 Thorne dale. Kenneth Ttobb of Ilderton, president of the Middlesex Plowmen's Association, was MC al a Meeting last Tuesday eve. rung. IThe one•day match, the first sines 1059, will have 10 classes with approximately $600 in prize money. it will feature a special class for women, and high school .and .Amtor Winer Class. For a number of years it has Over 60 descendants of the been held the last Wednesday late Mr, and Mrs. James Stanley it June but this year it will be held their annual reunion at the held June 20 as the United Lucan Legion Hall Sunday, Church has chosen June 27 as A picnic lunch was held at the day of its centennial tea. noon followed by sports on the The Guild hopes the painting of lawn for the children during the the basement can be completed afternoon. A 6 o'clock dinner by June 20, was provided by the Legion It was decided to hold no Auxiliary. meetings in July and August.. Guests were present from 'l'o- Miss Lina Abbott's group was ronto, St. Catharines, London, in charge of refreshments. Port Dover and Lucan. Lucan personal items Jack Arnold trophy to the worn- en's league who defeated the men in the 12-week Sunday howling tournament and also glasses to Lauretta Dickson, Liz' Scott, Marg Young, Betty An- kers and Elsie George, who each bowled over 300. Kay Thompson presented Ftor- ence Arnold with a vase as a farewell gift. Following the presentation of trophies, officers were elected for next year, President. is Betty Ankers; vice-president, Lit Calentt; sec- retary, Barb Wraith; treasurer, Marion Sovereign, Recreation news INDUSTRIAL 'DEVELOPMENT BANK announces the opening of an office at Kitchener-Waterloo in the WaterlOo ,Squiarc Building Telepho ne .74-1.4 to gerve the Counties of llurmi, Perth, Wellingtons and Waterloo and announces ate a ppoinhnent of Mr, W. IL Jay as Manager itlqUiries about term hoancinp for new nt existing businesses may he addressed to the manager, North Middlesex Reception AT THE HOME OF THE HON, WM. A. STEWART Meet the federal candidates: W. H. A. Thomas WEST Cameron EAST filer Tuesday, June 12 8:30 p.m, Lunch and coffee served. Ever:one welt-rime. Sponsored by North Middlesex Conservative Association, F Bill Thomas Your candidate for election June 18 Diversified Experience helps him to help you Now, more than ever before, West Middlesex needs a member with di- versified experience . . . balanced experience in town, city and rural matters. And Bill Thomas meets your qualifications. He has had a pro, ductive rural life in farming, He has served in municipal governments . on the County Council . . . in farming and educational associations. He has had years of experience in city and town affairs as Principal of one of Calgary's schools • . as a member of the Calgary City Council , , on the Calgary Stampede Executive. During his teem of office he has been noted in the Index to Hansard 76 times which Means he spoke or commented on the business of the House on these many occasions, He introduced two Private Bills and served on the Standing Committee pertaining to Banking & Commerce, Agriculture, Veterans' Affairt and on the Joint Committee of the Senate and Commons On Indian Affairs, His combined experience gives him special qualifications to represent West Middlesex, His record of performance clearly distinguishes him as a Man who gets things clone, West Middlesex needs a man like Bill Thomas With experience, talent and ability. You can vote for him with the confidence. VOTE THOMAS PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE This Advertisement Authorized by the West Middlesex Progressive floservalive Association s • 01,X Cree churches beautiful in decor H&S Ass"gin ,elects slate, At a meelleg in lire school kindergarten last Tuesday the president, Aire. Rudy Engel, conducted the election of of- ficers for !he 1.062-3 Lucite Home and. School Association. President is Mrs, James Free. man: vice.president, Mrs. Rus- sell Goddard; recording seere• Lary. Airs. Hoyden Ilerbert; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Ivan }Warn: treasurer. Mrs. James Leitch; executive, Airs. R. K. 'Montgomery. Airs. Robert Not ,. land, Airs. Orville Taylor and Air, Glen Haskell. Ali's. Calvin Ilaskelt, a former President, installed the new of- ficers. The attendance cup was IN on by Airs. Arenthals room. A musical progra in was pre- sented by 20 winners at the re. cent North Middlesex Music Festival. It was voted lo again sponsor next year, the eighth thii ,•ie festival. II was announced the annual school banquet and presentation of elm; will he held in the cal, church basement ,tune 28. Mrs. Glen Kennedy was lunch convener and was assisted by whet mothers of kindergarten class. The kid chose a floor-length lace and net. The lace bodice was styled with a sealloped neckline, sprinkled with se- quins and the skirt was fashion- ed with an apron effect a.nd an accordion pleated net formed a ruffle al the hem. A tiara held her illusion veil and she carried a white prayer book crested with white gardenias and dark Mink sweetheart roses. Miss Diane Allen, sister of the bride, was the maid of _hon- or and the bridesmaids were :Miss Donna Smith, sister of the groom, and Miss 1,;laine Char- rette. They wore similar dresses of turquoise nylon organza over taffeta and net, Gordon Smith, Gordon Allen and George Smith attended the groom and Edward Smith and Leo .Dewan were ushers, Following a reception and dinner catered to by the Legion Auxiliary in the Lucan Legion Hall, the bride changed to a two-piece green sheath with White accessories and orchid corsage for a honeymoon trip, The couple will make their home at lilt 1 Bamberg. Guild plans supper At the meeting of the Anglican Ladies Guild, held in the parish hall last Monday evening most of the time was given over to the planning for the annual strawberry supper. Air. and Mrs. Dave Mond and family of Nova Scotia were Tuesday guests of Mr. and Airs, A, P. Wilkinson and .family. Mrs, 1, de Nunnik of Holland is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Austin Hodgins and family. Mrs. Hodgins went to New York to meet her mother. Mr. and :Mrs. R. Rummell attended the Western. Region Ontario Hydro Retirement. Club banquet in Chatham last Fri- day evening, and went on to Detroit to spend the weekend with Di-, and Airs. S. j, Mor- rison, Julia Crozier, daughter of Mr. and Airs. Ron Crozier, passed, with second class honors, her first year at Macdonald Insti- tute, Guelph. She has accepted a position in the London Life cafeteria for the summer. Measles has really hit the village again—not only children but adults are down with the disease. Many children who had them during, the winter are hav• ing another attack now. Mrs, Warner McRoberts of the Dresden HS staff spent the weekend at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Scott. Trevithick of Ailsa Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Lee and daughter Karen of London were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Lee of Frank St. Mr, and Airs, Bob Robinson and family, of London, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Even Hodgins and family. In the afternoon all enjoyed a pic- nic at The Pinery. Miss Flo Chown, St, Thomas, spent a few days last week with her sister, Miss Beta Chown., Airs. Sheridan Revington and Marline were Friday guests of Mrs, Harry AlePalls of London, One Lucanite. boasts he has new potatoes as big es eggs already. Mr. Ron Crozier was among the group who travelled in a private R.R. car from Toronto to New Liskeard to make a rural eleetrifiention tour last week. Ale, and Airs, Jack Cuminins and 'family have returned .to TO- rOnto after spendings a few day's with Mr. Mitchell Haskell. and Mr. and Mrs, Calvin ilaskett. ..nd. Mrs. Clayton Amos, of London, were Sunday guests of Mr. William Amos of Prances SL Ruth Ann Atkinson, small daughter of Mr. and MI'S. Jack Atkinson is on the sick list, She has been staying with her grand. mother, Mrs. Rose Atkinson, while her mother is a patient St. Joseph's -Hospital. Me, Graham Thompson of 11118(min:tee (fertherly or Liman) who has beon attending the Carlton College, Ottawa, for the past year. valled Saturday on Mr. and. Mrs. CalVirt acid faiiiihy before 1 tavittg for R,C, June 7. From B.C. he ex- cts to speed the next three CGIT host to mothers -Giving a most inspiring talk In both girls and mothers on the topic "The. Most important Dour of the Week", Mrs. John the guest speaker at the CGIT and Explorer mother and daugh- ter banquet in the United Church schoolroom. Friday night. UHT president, Patricia Cob- leigh, was chairman and intro- duced the bead table beginning at her extreme right, Airs. Rufus Thompson, president of the Pentecostal WA, Alt's, Erwin Scott, president of lioly Trinity WA, Airs. E. A. Gagnon, wife of the pastor of the Pentecostal holiness Church (absent), Mrs G. W. Sach, wife of the U(' pastor, Mrs, Murray :Hodgins CGIT leader, Mrs, John T. P. Nichols, the speaker, Mrs, Mor- ris Cobleigh, president's moth. er , Mrs, E, 0. Lancaster, wife of the Anglican rector, Airs. C. H. George, president of Lu- can UCW, Airs. Don Ankers, president of Holy Trinity Eve- ning Auxiliary and Mrs. Wil- mer Scott, president of the Clandeboye UCW. Mrs. Murray ilodgins, assist- ed by Airs, G. W, Sach at the piano, led in a sing-song. The president proposed the toast to the Queen; Dianne Cooper to the church and Helen Sigsworth to the mothers. Mrs, Cobleigh responded to the toast to the mothers. Cathy Mat'hers thanked the speaker, One of the highlights of the meeting was an amusing skit "A. Day in Camp Cagintra" staged by the CGIT members withrat(r.Alargaret Cobleigh as nar- r ator. UCW provided the first course of the banquet and the Anglican Evening Auxiliary, the dessert. S,anley reunion months on the boats at Hawaii, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Murray Hodgins were Mr. and Mrs. C. Owen Foster of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pepper of Sarnia, formerly of Lucan, called on Lucan friends on Sun- day. Miss Violet Saunders of Dun- das, a former United Church missionary in Japan, is at pres- ent visiting Mrs. Alma Price of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westman who have been in a London nursing home for several months returned to their Alice St. home Saturday. Mrs. AL H. Hodgins attended the Board of Director's meeting last Tuesday at Camp" Kee-Mo... Kee when plans were finalized for the 1962 camping season, Mr. and. Mrs. Larry McFalls and family, who have been lie. ing in the George Young apart- ment, have moved to RR 6 London. Ladies' league champions TOPS IN THE .L E A G UE--Ramblers, after winning the "A" group title, went -on to win the league championship. Slue Ready, seated, holds trophy; standing from left are Alice McFalls, 011ie Sovereign, Frances Bell, Liz Scott and Marie Lewis. WINNERS OF "B" GROUP—The Sputniks were play- off champions and "B" group winners. Elsie Steacy, seated, holds the trophy. Standing, from left, are Mary Little, Elsie' George, Muriel Culbert, Marie Park, Bar- bara Wraith. —Photos by Mrs. L. A, Kennedy Present trophies to women bowlers The women's howling league. Lucan, held its annual banquet this year at Campbell's, Loa- don, Thursday. The following trophies were presented. The Ramblers were not only league champs hut also 'A' group champs. The Sputniks were playoff champs and `B' group champs. President Kae Has,kett not only presented the Wraith-Storey Trophy to the Ramblers but crying towels to the Diamonds, who were consistently on the bottom; the 'A' group trophy to Marie Lewis, captain of the Ramblers; the bowling trophy to .Latmetta Dickson for high av- erage and a clock to Edythe Watson and 'Muriel Kennedy for three years of faithful service as treasurer and secretary, Lucille Blake presented the By TOM BANKS 'B' trophy to the Sputniks, the The school. baseball results playoff champs. for last week saw Lucan defeat Lit Calcott, presented the Lit Clandeboye 13.3 and 4-3 to put Radcliffe trophy, for high triple them on top of the league. There to Marg Young, will be no games now until the Gladys Reilly presented the end of the final examinations, Legion trophy for high single Squirt baseball. Saturday morn- to Betty Ankers. ing was a run away for the Florence Arnold presented the Irish 9 when Jimmy Hearne posted a shutout over the Pi• rates 20-0 and also hit three 2-baggers, The second game the Retired farmer Yankees defeated the Tigers 5.3 in a very tight game both di'es in hospital pitchers finding the strikeout zone, T. 'Bison Stanley, 90, .01 Gran- Genies this Saturday will see the NU' teams in action again- Ion, died in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London on Saturday, June 10 a.m. Ti gers vs. Yankees; 11 a,m, Tigers vs Irish 9, The body rested in the Murdy We are getting together an all-star squirt team to play out- Funeral Home, Lucan, .until 2 of-town competiton, This will p.m. Monday, June 4 when the start Jul two weeks time. Rev. L. A. Bennett, rector of the Granton Anglican. Church, The pee wees and bantam conducted funeral services, In- practises are still being held terment was in St. ;tallies cem- Sattmday afternoons at 2 p.m, etery, Clandeboye.. Last Saturdays turnout for pee wee was .fair but there is a loft more boys of this age around so, boys, if you want to make the team, get mit. The bantam turnout was two boys. With interest like this, it looks as if a bantam teem will have to be .forgotten. By. .MRS, .1. PATP.11. :CLANDEBOYE On Wednesday evening, the Rev. Stanley C., Tomes, :Big Trout Lake, rector of St, Peter's church there, returned to his home church. St, James, and. showed colored slides of Mission at Big Trout Lake in north- wester», Ontario. 270 miles north of Sieux Lookout. It is A com- munity of (Tee Indians and a Department of. Transport weath. et station. This mission also includes the points of Bearskin. Sachigo Lake, Fort Severn, Kasabartaka and Angling Lake. Each settlement has one or two Cree valve-1,181s or lay read- ers who take the services in the absence of a ,clergyman. The churches are beautifully decorated,. many of the hang- ings being worked with beaded patterns. This mission has been estab- lished for some 85 years. They now have a skidoo which helps in winter travelling. Ai present the way of life of the Cree people is changing trom a trapping economy thus there is a great need for further education amongst the Indian eeoples. The present church there was built a few years ago by a 'metier rector and the parishon- ers. The rector, the Rev, E, 0. Lancaster welcomed the guests from Holy Trinity Church, Lu- can and the Clandchoye United Church. Mr. Tomes also used record- ings of the junior choir and Hear president at UCW rally Members from the Luc an t'CW took an active part in the first north-west regional rally of the Middlesex Presby- terial of UCW in the Ailsa Craig United Church, Friday, June 1. Mrs. George Paul of Lucan, regional vice-president, pre- sided, Airs. Jack Trevithick of Brinsley was elected secretary for the day, Mrs. W. Fenton, Mrs. George Pres!. and Mrs. Jack Trevithick of Briasley, conducted the morning worship service. Mrs. T. A, Prentice of London dis- cussed literature available and set up a book display. The in memoriam service for nine deceased members was conducted by the Carlisle UCW, The afternoon worship was taken by Mrs. Earl Eagleson and Mrs. Arthur Erskine of .Lieury, Mrs. A. T. Thompson ogfraLmosn.don led in workshops in Bible study and special pro- Mrs. C. 0. McLellan, presi- dent of the Middlesex Presby- terial, was the guest speaker, taking as her theme "What are the women in the church do- ing?" Seven members of the Lucan UCW presented an interesting skit, "Visiting New Members". others elm sang in Eliglish and (free. lie also repeated the Lord's Peart'r in Cree. Later, the Guild ladies served refreshments in the Sunday School room. Persp.n.01 items AL', and Mrs, Witham Ritchie, of Parkhill. were guests of the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunningh a m . Mrs. Jim Sigsworth returned. home on Wednesday after spend- ing 13 days in St. Joseph's llos- pital. Mr, and Mrs. J. Paton, Air. and Airs. Clare Paton and William Allwright were guests of Mr. anc. Airs, Wilfred Logan and Myt-an. 'l'horndale. Satur- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice 'OM- leigh, Lucan, visited the Paton family Senda.v evening, Rev. Stanley C. Tomes, Emily Tomes and Mrs. M. Poole of Lucan were in Kirkton where Mr. Tomes showed his colored slides to the Fellowship club of St. Paul's Anglican Church, This is the last meeting of the season, Mr. and Airs Harold Elson, Libby and Steven. of Parkhill, were tisitors v'ith Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sigsworlh and family on .Sunday. ngyo. United. At (IF' trailed Church. here .ott Sunday the pastor the Rev„ Sach exchanged pulpits with the Rev. William •Summerell of Blyth. Mr. Sach took the an- niversary services there, morn• lug and evening, St, James On Sunday the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster, rector, conducted the rites of baptism for Mary .K111)0,Si.a, daughter of the Rev. Stanley vi Tomes ...and Mrs. Tomes of Big Trout Lake, On' tario with god inotIKT, Airs. Ralph Lynn, and god father, Tom Tomes. sister and brother of Mr. Tomes. Following the service '.101-s, Emily Tomes entertained Mr. and Mrs, William .Lloyd,. _grand- i iarents .of London, and Rev. E. O. and Airs. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lynn and others of the family. Granddaughter dies The death occurred in Ger- many of K ini b er ey Diane illoye, one and a half year old granddaughter of Mr. and Airs, Harry Mulles& here, and dough' ter of Sgt Ma— and Mrs. 'Mayo, now of Germany and formerly 4,1' RCAF station, Centralia. Burial took place there June 1. Death occurred following an operation. Exchange rings at St. Patrick's 'St . Patrick's CbUreb, Biddulph (Litean) was the setting on May El for the double-ring marriage ceremony of Ella Darlene Alton and Donald. George Smith, with the Rev. Father Frank Brick- 1.• P , Ni chols o f London was liu officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Airs. Don. aid Allen of RR. Denfield and the groom is the son of Mr. and Airs. Adebert Smith of RR 3 Zurich. Weekend guests with Mr, and Airs. N. W. Wasnidge were the Rev, and Airs, Elwood Mitchell and Miss Vera Wasnidge, all of Toronto, He .is survived by his wife, Mrs, Charles Corbett and her the former R8 h el Radcliffe sister, Mrs. Ross. AlcRoherts, and one son, James of St. Cath- we r e co•hostesses far a eight_ arines and one granddaughter. The Pre•Teen town will not man family picnic at the Harold Carol Stanley, hold their social evening until Corbett farm home. last Sun- Mr. Stanley was a retired June 13. flay, in honor Of Mr. and Mrs. fainter of the Granton district The Saturday night Luean Norman Drummohd and family Attlee 1914 and a patient in St, Jamboree dance will he as of Alo.ntreal, T.Itere were over Joseph's Hospital for the past usual al 8.30 .featuring the Music SO guests present. two weeks. of tile Canadian Playboys, Sunday guests with Mrs. Bob Coleman were Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Elsto., ot Centralia and Mrs. W. W, Garrett of Edge- wood and Saturday guests were Mr, and Mrs. Lorne McFalls of London. Air, and Mrs. Clifford Abbott were Sunday guests of Mr. and Airs. Ed, Turnbull of Grand Bend. Pallbearers included Messrs, Norman Riddell, Delmar West- Ill a 11, Charles Jones, Hamilton Hodgins, Walker Gibson and Fred Crouch.