HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-07, Page 13Real Estate HOMES EXETER — 3-bedroom, full basement, brick con- struction, oil heat, $2,500 down. EXETER — New 3-bedroom, attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 down. Terms. EXETER — 2-bedroom home with full basement and oil furnace. $1,000 down, GRAND BEND — Over 20 listed properties in this area. See our resort representative, William Dace, Lake Road, Southcott Pines. FARMS EXETER — 200 Acres CENTRALIA — 150 Acres Mt, Carmel — 125 Acres Mt. Cannel — 225 Acres Kippen Area — 150 Acres Kippen Area — 1.50 Acres, with 10 acres of orchard, good land, modern buildings, Terms. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE with living quarters, EXETER — General store with separate paint store, on main corner, Equipment includes paint blender. Terms, MILK ROUTE (Exeter area) — $8,500; 1960 truck and van, Terms, MOBILE PEED MIXER — With established route of over 50 customers. EXETER—General Store, $2,000 down. BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION WE HAVE OTHERS Listings invited. H. Hodgson Ltd. Real Estate- Insurance PHONE 23 ,200 'EXETER M, GdidOr:, Phone 235.2426 Witt C. Dadee. deltic! Bend, 'Ptientt 620 The Timed.Actvocide, June 7, 1962 Pdgo 13. TENDER FOR HAU1,114IO Large "L" shape ape / CO b)avnenjk WIZ+ FILL, & TOP SOIL with new Stabling and water The Hay Township Scheel pressuresystem. Also newly Area is calling for tenders to built .all steel drive shed, Land haul 800 en, yards of "fill" in highstate of cultivation, and .200 cu. yards of good top well drained, all tillable and soil for the east part of the of choice clay loam, Farm school yard at SS #7 School, .nicely situated, paved county Zurich, This is to be levelled road and school bus convene and completed in the month of fence.. July, s111 y1916n2. a t arls."St taelnedeprriinege toof a IP! ease; saNaoalee ajle'aaer:4 epale.easietinatel ye both parts above. Lowest or to be mad e keewe day of sale, any tender not necessari ly ac- Teeders Co be in the Lot 6, West Half, Con, 9, Hay ToP:mrscheilp,No. e: Consisting of Tuesday, June 12, 1962. handseePied' of the Secretary acres of m5i0xeadcrbeu ssho! remain- der der all tillable. Never failing pwaastteurresufpaprlmyi This is an ideal Inspection invited regarding these farms by contacting the undersigned. 9 Services CUstom WorK Our precision planter is now chenged over for beaus and Merlins. Come in and see us. for 1,5"ery jab you have, We have all new and modern r ruipment to do all your work from spring to fall, such as baling (elevator available at In extra cost], swathing, com- bining and plowing. W. VICTOR KNip RR 1 Centralia Phone 2354815 COWS—Holstein springing cows and heifers, clean test, pure- broth and grades. Phone Keith Mary, Lambeth 652.3200, 5:31-7:26* „.. HoLSTE1N HEIFERS. vaccin- ated, bred Hereford, doe soon. Apply John Berendsen, High- way 83, 11 4 miles east of Farquhar, phone Kirkton 21r4. 7;11:21* 11 Poultry For Sale PROMPT SHIPMENT, most varieties dual purpose; day- olds and started 3.5 week old. Also Ames, Send for list. Bray hatchery, Eric Carscadden, Exeter, 235,2731. 7c 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1057 AUSTIN SEDAN, good condition, May be seen at Do- minion Hotel, Zurich. 31:7c '38 MERCURY Monterey se- dan, 37,000 miles, push button drive, power steering and brakes, custom radio, washers, whitewall,, good condition, reasonably priced; will. finance to responsible party, Sgt. D Grayer, 228-6958, after 5 p.m. 5:244Inc jean STUDEBAKER Lark, 13,- 000 mile, one owner. Make an offer. Apply Box 11811, Times- Advocate, 7c 1038 OXFORD MORRIS, one owner, actual mileage 11,000, in good condition. Alvin Gin- gerich, phone 90r6 Zurich, 7c 13 For Sale FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- ich, phone Hensall 696r2. 8:31tfne TV SERVICE — Our expert takes less time to find the trouble, saving you Money. Sneigrove's, phone 235-0770 Ex- eter, 4:19tfne TRY r RENOVATOR—The mir- acle automatic cleaner that beautifies rugs and upholstery. Only $1.75 per bottle. You can rent our applicator at very small cost, Hopper-Ilockey Fur- niture, plume 235-1990. 3:29tinc MIXED SLAB WOOD, $30.00 trueldoad, delivered Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232.4450 Nairn. 3:22tfnc STOP SCOURS — .Get ]fabitane Compound Scour Tablets for calves and pigs at Middleton's Drugs, 359 Main St., Exeter. 4:5tfne -- FORAGE BOXES, Forger Mas- ter, self unloading wagon units. Brady crimper; hay condition- ers, on display. We also handle Kools forage blowers; long double chain elevators. Post hole digger, $198. G, & E. Weld- ing, Main St., Zurich, phone 721112., 4:5.6:28c SIIERLOCK - MANNING pianos for the modern home are care- fully built from selected ma- ja lane craftsmanship. Choose from 8 models, 3 finishes. Snel. teriels to a high standard of grove's, 235-0770 Exeter. 4::1.91.fnc TRANSISTOR PORTABLES — Choose one now as a gradua- tion gift for your student, RCA Victor made-in-Canada models as low as $29.95, Snclgrove's, phone 235.0770 Exeter. 5: lOtinc ...ENJOY .CLIMATE CONTROLLED ,COMFORT THIS SUMMER Just set the thermostat to your preferred tempereturp and sit back and relax while. your new Electrobome air con- ((Rimier automatically controls the temperature and filters the air. Air conditioners can now be installed in a matter of minutes and Electrohome serf vice them themselves. Air con. ditioners from MOJA Be com- fortable this summer, see. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main. St. MAKE HAY WITH THESE BUYS New Idea Hay Conditioner,. new but shop worn 8650 Used Ford Mounted Mower $95 Used Ford Baler, 4 years old $750 Exeter Farm Equipment Phone 235-1380 Exeter North GONE OUT of the shoe repair business. Several machines and other articles for sale. George Ward, George St., Lucan, Box 193. 7c BABY CARRIAGES and sum- mer furniture. See our large basement display, Sandy Elliot, 444. Main St. 13e For Father's Day Fishing tackle, golf equipment, barbecues, tools of all kinds, hunting knives, water skiffs, Nowt Golf Ball Retrievers, only $5,95 Golf Cart Carry-all, holds everything including cigarettes, only $2,25 Thermex Safety Heaters BEAVERS CREST HARDWARE Phone 235-1033 Exeter BEAN SCHEELER for Case VAC, stiff tooth, Priced reason- able, good shape. Thomas K. Patten, Lot 14, Con, 7, Bid.- dulph Township. 7* STANDING HAY, 10 acres red clover, John Mahoney, phone 162r12 Dashwood, 7* USED . refrigerators, ranges and wringer washers. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 7c Father's Day, June 17, give Dad a gift lie will enjoy—a Sheaffer pen, genuine leather utility case, billfold, shoe shine kit, key case, etc., at WILSON'S JEWELLERY & GIFTS Exeter 7c MIXED GRAIN, 000 bushels. Apply Louis Farwell, phone 84r7 Zurich. 7* SLEEP BEST on a Simmons Beautyrest mattress, Get more for less. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main 444 Main St, 7c IF YOU ARE consiaring the purchase or rental of a new or used TV, I am sure we can help you. Quality Rogers Ma- jestic TV's from $199, 2-year picture tube warranty, or rent a new or Used TV set for as little as $5 per month at Sandy Elliot's, 444. Main St., phone 235-0585. We service and we deliver, 7c BEAGLE PUPS, 10 weeks old, Apply Roy Lampert, phone Centralia 228-6259. 7* SHOWER CABINET, steel, in good condition, easily assembl- ed, pelted reasonable. Phone 235-0537, 7c HAY, 12 acres good alfalfa and timothy, on the field. Ap- ply Tom Sherritt, Hensel!, phone. 275,74, 7c NOW AVAILABLE to. eliminate that weed .problem in your row crops 4OHN ..DEERE .Ng. 14 Huron Tractor & Equipment Co. North Exeter on No, 4 DIAL 235.1115 EXETER 7c WASTE PAPER—We can sell it .for money which is used to finance welfare and Scout work in Exeter, Please save yours for the Exeter Lions Club paper drive on Wednesday, ,June 27, 7:14:21e CHROME and coppertone sets; 20 sets to choose from, all sizes at popular prices. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St, 7c 21" WINDOW FAN, Homed; 4 chrome chairs, Phone 228-6760, 7c STUDIO COUCH, in first: class condition, Phone 38 Granton, 7c 8 Only ADMIRAL 20 CU. FT, Home Freezers Complete with signal light. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED ! Price $269.00 Each, Tax Extra T. A. Dutton Appliances Brucelield Open Evenings 'Tit 9:00. p,m, PHONE CLINTON HU 2-3232 BABY CARRIAGE, grey, in good condition. Apply Mrs. Bill Smith, 93 Sanders St, W., Ex- eter, phone 235.1016 7c LADIES' :BICYCLE, medium size; cheap. Apply Wuerth's Shoe Store, Exeter. 7e HEARING AID, Beltone, used 1 year, Apply 169 William St. or phone 235-0736. GOOD QUALITY alfalfa and red clover hay, John Pym, phone 235.0627. 7c DEEP FREEZE CHESTS—Get the best for less at Sandy Elliot's, Kelvinator or General. We deliver and service our sales. 7c CHEAP! Choice mixed hay, baled or standing. Apply Mil. ton Webb, Dashwood, phone 156. 7:14c BENCH SAW, Tilt Arbour, 9", complete with stand and 1/3 h..p, motor, less than 3 months old, $90 value; will sell for $50. Owner transferred, Phone 228-6742. 7c MIXED HAY, 11 acres, stand- ing, alfalfa, yellow sweet clo- ver and red clover; also 75 bushels mixed grain. Phone 73r1I Grand Bend, after 6 p.m, 7c WHITE BEANS, Reg. No. 1 second generation, Seaway va- riety, Apply Ron Bogart, phone 235-0847. 7c BABY BUGGY, Gendron, good condition. Phone 235.2936. 7c ACETYLENE WELDER, prac- tically brand new; used only half a dozen times. Phone 235- 1125 Exeter. 7* BALER, No, 1 Massey-l-larris with Wisconsin motor, in good condition. Malcolm Davidson, RR, 1. Brucefield, phone Bengali 346J1. 7:14:21.e 14 Wanted To Buy NEEDED EVERY WEEK-20 open gilts. nip Prieos Paid , It, D. Etherington, phone 235.1628 Exeter. 3r 22tfnc WANTED: GOOD STANDING TIMBER Apply in writing, stating lot, concession and township CO ROBERT EAGLESON Ailsa Craig 5;171.(ne PLA,YPEN„,,, second hand, in good erennition, Phone 235-0223, Inc ORGAN, small size, in good plaYing hondition. Phone 235. 2361, during daythte. 70 IS -Wanted WE NEED IV eas MO; Pet gout' Wage paper in the gar. hage. 111.611 it lteatly and cell. it ibUte it to the Welfare work or EXeler 'Liebe Club, pick it lin our riekt peper drive on ing, .,,, y, d. itl.4. 200 ACRES OF LAND, Lot 23,, Con, 7, Stephen Township, brick house, ben), L-shape; steel roof; shed; 60 acres grass; acres bush; 140 acres under cultivation; good water supply. Louis Masnica, RR 2 Crediton, 5:3,6:7* _ . NEW 3-BEDROOM, on Victoria St.,full basement and oil heat; $6 per month carries mortgage and taxes. NEW 3-BEDROOM, on Marl- borough St., full basement and oil heat; garage; $71 per month pays mortgage and taxes, 2-BEDROOM house, on Carling St,, attached garage; fenced all around; heat for $100 and taxes only $172. 2-BEDROOM T R A IL E R, on William St., in excellent condi- tion, Owner moving and offers attractive price, 4-BEDROOM brick, John St. 4-BEDROOM brick, Andrew St. 3-BEDROOM brick, Main St. 3-BEDROOM brick, .Riverview Heights. 3-BEDROOM ranch type, Ex- eter. 45' MOBILE 110.ME, Hensel!. 1 -BEDE OOM rug brick, Main St, 2-BEDROOM rug brick, Carling St, VACANT STORE and dwelling at Cranially. Low price with low down payment, GROCERY and meat store. Let us show you and make us an offer. 50 ACRES, house and barn; $4,000 down, 50 ACRES, house and barn; $9,000 full price, 3 TO 13 ACRES, fruit trees and berries, 21/2 miles south- east of Centralia; reduced to sell. JOHN BURKE Limited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING. EXETER Phone 235-1863 W. C. PEARCE, REALTOR 200 acres, Exeter, suit cash crops or cattle production, 200 acres, Seaforth, cash crop or livestock farming, Highway 100 acres, also 150 acres. Choice 143 acres. See before buying elsewhere. Some hund- reds and three fifties. Hardware stores, general stores, houses. RUSS BRODERICK, Salesman Box 124, Phone 235-0477 11:9tfc MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC CHARLES L. MACKENZIE, B. Comm., LL.B, PETER L. RAYMOND, B.A. HenSell Office Open Wednesday Afternoons PHONE 235.2234 EXETER ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASH WOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235-0991 C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon,, Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9.12, 2 - 5 Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7 - 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ont, Directors Milton McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton President Timothy 13, Toolicy Vice•PreSident RR 3 RR: 4 William IL Chaffe Mitchell Clayton Colqehoun RR. 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney AR 2 Dublin Robed Cr, Gardiner BR 1 C1'011111 . . „...„.._„„...... FRAME HOUSE, a bedrooms and bath upstairs, double liv- ing „room, large dining room and kitchen and utility room downstairs; f tt.l 1 basement; forced air stoker-fed furnace. Phone 294-6:354 Parkhill, .131.1L,DING LOT, in Exeter, located in new housing section, 3 blocks west of Main St., 70' frontage, good town drain, reasonably priced. Phone .45- °686. 7* 100 ACRE FARM, property of the late Theodore Rader; good buildings; house equipped with modern conveniences; nicely situated, 31/2 miles. .south .of C. V. PICKARD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE We have clients prepared to buy, if you wish to sell, see us. HOUSE, 3 or 4 bedroom, suit- able for larger family or duff- lexing; modern kitchen and bathroom; forced air heating; renovated and clean; price re- duced to a very low figure for quick sale. 3 MODERN HOMES, nearly new, on very easy terms, 50 ACRES with medium-sized brick house. Tidy barn on well; good roofs; drilled well with water on tap in house and barn; hydro throughout; soil deep loam, suitable for any crop, 25 acres ploughed; well located east of Kippen„ Price $8,000,00. We also solicit your business for any type of general insur- ance, C. V, PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235.0414 8:24e 17 Property For Rent APARTMENT, unfurnished, 4 rooms, 3-piece bath, private entrance, immediate possession, 11/2 miles north of airport. Apply Earl W. Neil, phone 235-7921, 4:26tfnc APARTMENT, furnished, very smart, new furniture, new stove and refrigerator; only 2 people. Elliot Apts., phone 235- 0585, 444 Main St., Exeter. 17:24:31;7c 2 COTTAGES at Sauble Beach, modern conveniences, safe, sandy beach, Will rent by week or month. Ewart Pym, Exeter. 31:7* MODERN HOME, 2-bedroom, in Exeter, available July I. Phone 235-0395, morning or evenings, 6:7*tfnc COTTAGE, 3-bedroom, in High- land No, 3, Grand Bend, with fireplace and car. port. Avail- able for August, Phone 235- 0344, Exeter, 7c SUPERIUk MAINTzNANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 235.0963 EXETER N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except. Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELME'R D. BELL, Q,C, C, V. LAUGHTON, Q,C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 235.0440 EXETER JOHN WARD, 0.C, CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUG ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 SUMMER COTTAGE, north of f3ayfield, private sandy beach, all conveniences, suit one or two couples or small family; July; $45 weekly. Phone 235, 1807. APARTMENT, 2•bedroom; also bachelor apartment, suitable for one person. Ehnen Apart- ments, Drain St., Exeter, phone 235.l505 days, 235.2754 eve- nings. 5:311.fric 19 For Sale or Rent 2 COTTAGES at Grand Bend. one 4-bed, $45 per week; one 3-bed, $40.00 per week, Mark Brokenshire, phone 78 Dash- wood. 24:31:7* 20 Wanted To Rent LAND, from 30 to 250 acres; fall possession, Write Times- Advocate, Box No. 6633, 7:14c 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, furnish- ed, or apartment, for July and August. Contact F/C Hansen, RCAF Station Centralia, Local 407. 7:14* 22 Notices -0c TENDERS FOR HEATING Sealed tenders submitted on forms supplied will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until 5:00 p .m., Friday, June 22, 1962, for the following. 1. Bunker "C" Fuel Oil, for Huronview, Clinton, 2, No, 2 Light Industrial. Fuel Oil, for the Huron County Court House, Goderich. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Reginald Taylor, deceased. Alt persons having claims against, the estate of Reginald Taylor, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 24th clay of. May 1962, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 16th clay of June, 1962, after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been receiv- ed. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ont, 31:7:14c 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR LIGHTING South Ilueon District High School Board invites tenders for replacing 10 corridor light fixtures with fluorescent fix- tures similar' to Omee already installed the east end of the maim corridor. Tenderers should visit the school to see the fixture Sealed tenders must be in the fiends of the secretary by 5 p,M, Monday, J0116 25, 1962, Lowest or any tender tot neessarily accotod. HOWEY, Secretary School Phone 235-0880 704;21e TENDERS FOR PAINTING South Huron District high School Board invites tenders for painting lour rooms en the second flOor diming Me sum' tiler. Rooms may be inspected for rendition and color any school day. Tenders should inditate hour and materials separately, Sealed teridare Must be in the hands of the secretory by 5 p.m. Monday, Attie 2S, 1.962, Lowest Or any tender not necessarily accepted, B. HOWEY, Secretary Scheel Pie:nit 235.0880 ... 7:121:1e 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Misc, !terns On the premises, in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 9 at 1:30 p.m. Moffatt heavy duty 4-burner electric stove, like new; Fire- stone medium size refrigera- tor, like, new; dining room table and chairs; occasional chairs; kitchen table; oak rockers; Motorola electric ra- dio; combination radio and record player; kitchen clock; Singer sewing machine; centre tables; fancy parlor lamp; buf- fet; china cabinet; 2 oak bed- .steads, springs and mattress; 2 steel bedsteads, springs and mattress; dressers; commodes; pictures and frames; assort- ment of dishes, silverware, olassware, antique dishes; linens; mats; quilts; kitchen utensils; aluminum ware; elec- tric washing machine; galv• tubs; large cabbage cutter; many other misc, items, TERMS: Cash. No Reserve, everything will be sold to settle estate. EMIL PECKER, MRS, CLARENCE KIMPEL, Executors for the estate of the late Mary Becker ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 31:7e Twilight AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Tractors, Thresher, Farm Machinery and Miscellaneous Items Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. TRACTORS, THRESHER & FARM MACHINERY; Attie Chalmers B standard. tractor equipped with puller and 2-row nuttier; John Deere BR stand- ard tractor, on rubber; Int, threshing machine, 28x44, equipped with Ebersol feeder and 100 ft. 6-inch endless belt; Letz grinder and bagger; 50 ft, hammer mill belt; John Deere 4-bar side rake, in new condition; John Deere 61/2 cultivator with heavy dirty springs, on rubber; John. Deere 15-ritn grain and fertilizer drill, completely equipped, on rub- ber;-M-H. 71/2 ft. binder, in new condition; Int. 3-section lever harrows; New Idea 5 ft. mow- er; 10 ft. land packer; 3-section flexable harrows; single sma- ller; 3-section spring tooth harrows; M-le 2-furrow plow; 3-horse cultivator; M-H man- ure spreader; dump rake; 40 rods of 8-strand new fencing; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; 20 rods chicken wire; 35 ft. windmill, complete, in A-1 condition; cedar and telephone posts; numerous chicken feed , ers and fountains equipped with automatic float chicken crates and shelters; electric fencer; post hole digger; colony house, 10x12; stock rack for Chev pick-up truck; quantity of lumber and cedar fence rails; snow fence; fanning mill; 1.-e barrel molasses; bag truck; cistern pump; corn shelter; block and tackle; chains; forks; shovels. No Reserve, everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash, Please Note: Time of sale at 7:00 p.m. sharp. ORLAN SCHWARTZENTRUBER, Prop. HAROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood 31 :7c DRAIN TILE 4"—$55. per M Feet DeI'cl, 5"—$85. per M Feet Del'd. 6"—$110. per M Feet Delid. 7"—$155. per M Feet Dec,. " 8"—$185. per M Feet Derci. Above prices based on 1000 Linear Feet, in full truckloads or more, delivered within 35 mile radius of our plant. For detailed prices on all sizes tile, either delivered or F.O.B. our plant at Elginfield, write or. phone RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., RR 2, London — Phone 227-4721 Lucan. McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228-6214 winsmsgerilt. 10 Livestock For Sale 7:110 23" TV, Westinghouse console, 10 months old, Phone .235-2620, $le Inc 1 51 'r es Other Services Wills Agencies — Executors Administrators Trustee Agent for Executors — Property Management Guaranteed Investment Certificates 5% Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company Exeter Representative JOHN BURKE REALTOR AND INSURANCE PHONE 235.1863 EXETER Heat) Office; Sarnia Offices; Forest and Petrolia 31;7c We sold our first truckload of these invaluable machines but we were able to secure a second and have .them on hand now. Available in 2-section and 3- section and trail-type and point hitch, DON'T DELAY — DROP IN TODAY ROTARY NOES Call JD at 1863 Business Directory isilEj??..0. • Agents Irittgli Benninger Dublin Harry 'COatte ItIt Centralia Clayton ITainia Mitchell Solicitors Meeketieie &. Itaanaittld Exeter G. A. WEEsE, D.C. DOCTOR OF'CHIROPRACTIC secretary.Treaseree CLOSED WEDNESDAY Arthur Eraser better t'or Appointment Ph 2254680 APARTMENT, upper, 2•roorn unfurnished, private entrance, „ utilities paid. Mrs. Thomas Emery, Alice St,, Tinian, phone 227.4759. 7e Zurich, onpaved road with AP"TMENT' Centralia, school and bus vonvenience; 55 f urnished or unfurnished, run , acres in crop, remainder in eing hot and cold water, 3, hay and pasture, Farm will he Pie” bath, oil furnace, Phone Sold with. or without crop. Ap• 48-696, le Ply Harold Rader, R61113. Zurich,. ph one Dashwood 3-ROOM APARTMENT, heated, furnished, ground floor, suit- 7;14;21c able for couple, centrally lo- cated, available June 16. Ap- ply 365 William St. or phone 235.0776 Exeter, 7c APARTMENT, homelike, north residential London, upper du- plex, 3 rooms, appliances, heated. Available July 1, suit- able for two business girls, Phone Seaforth 656r11. 7* H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Secretary-Treasurer, Zurich, Ontario 31:7e 3, Stove Anthracite Coal (supply specifications of analysis), for the Huron On the premises, Lot 6, Con. 11, County Jail., Goderich, HAY TOWNSHIP, Contract to be for tWo-year. 111/4 m 1/4 milesitesn eastoh oofr I)3tiwnoloiclle,s period. Lowest o any lender not south of Zurich, Goshen Line r necessarily accepted, The undersigned auctioneer Each tender must be submit- received instructions to sell by ted separately on forms secur- public auction on. ed from the undersigned. FRIDAY, JUNE 8 at 7:00 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Parcel No. 1: Consisting of Lot 6, Con. 11, Hay Township, 981/2 acres of land on which is situated a well constructed brick . dwelling with newly installed oil furnace 13 For .$414 13 Tor Sale 6 Properly For Sale 16 Property for Sale 17 Properly For Rent 24 Tenders. Wanted 2$ Auction Sales