The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-07, Page 913-ottie of mood nets 482 pints
Red Cross blood donor clinic arrived at .RCAF Station Centralia on Friday, June
1, in response to an area demand for blood, The drive was co-ordinated by the
Centralia Red. Cross organizer, Mrs. Nan Dodd, Station response was motivated by
Wing Commander George Peek, officer commanding the central officer school,
who issued a challenge to Wing Commander .Tony White, commanding officer of
the reserve officer school, as to which unit would give the most blood. Shown above
from left are: Wing Commander Peek andWing Commander White. as they lead the
blood donor challenge. Separating the two officers is Miss Pauline Pocock, Red
Cross nurse from London. Procurement of the blood sample was done by Elaine
Hayward, also from London, Centralia personnel donated 482 pints of blood dur-
ing the one-day clinic. Reserve officer school won the challenge.
NWT trip
club topic
The last, meeting until fall of
the Happy Doubles Club was
held Thursday evening in the
church basement, with a fair
Reg liodgert was in charge
of the meeting assisted by Mrs.
Arnold Cann and Mrs, Reg
Hodgert. Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin
favored with a vocal solo.
Arnold Cann introduced Rev.
Hugh Wilson who spoke on his
recent trip t o Yellowknife,
North West Territory which
was interesting. Mrs. Reg Hodg-
ert thanked Mr. Wilson.
Personal items
Conservative Gov't
S D tr
To Yo
In 1957 and 1958 the Diefenbaker government
promised to implement a Sugar Beet Policy
which was of vital interest to many Huron County
farmers, To date this policy has never been form.
elated. Furthermore the Diefonbaker government
is permitting the importation of American corn
and subsidizing the shipment of this American
corn to the Maritime provinces while Canadian
grown corn shipped east' received no subsidy,
By devaluating the dollar to 92.5 cents, prices
have increased as shown in the following ex.
fa) Farm machinery up 10%.
(b) Coal up $1,00 a ton
(e) Expected increase in Western feed
cattle to be purchased this fall.
In 1957', Canada ranked third amongst the trad-
ing nations of the world. Canada has slipped until
it now ranks ninth as. a world trading nation.
Five auggeaive ,deficits and a projected 1962 de,
Heil" totalling $4,000,000,080.
Liberal Government
For You:
A new Liberal government will protect the right
of the sugar beet growers, They will also under-
take to eliminate the unfair competition to the
Southwestern Ontario corn grower.
A new Liberal Government will get things moving
to create and maintain vigorous. economic growth
which will again increase the value of the dol-
A new Liberal Government will have constructive
policies for -freer trade 'with aritain, United
States and the European Comilla! Market,
Restore a balanced economy and budget surplus
in the Liberal tradition,
reasism„ serreissaiessessessaime..7s.:seassweartsisciesssissessasiesaas
Minister at the Whalen anni-
Road and Kiiinville t7mted dance in the Legion Hall in
11et Ii. Wilson, who was guest
the service in the Thames. attended the reception and
s.eusehes on SuudaY for the
Rev. D. M. Guest emelueted A number from the village
Meter nn eaturday night for
Ale and Mrs. Bob Patterson,
versary service. hater in the Airs. K. Grob, Mrs. C. Rol.
day ilev. Guest left tor Sault lines, Airs. L. Hodgson and
Ste. Marie In attend the Lon. Mrs. Sinai° attended the Sun-
doe .Conteeenee being held day School anniversary service there this week. In the Wingham United Church
Airs. Kenneth Grill, Mrs. on Sunday morning.
.Ross AleFalls and Airs. Lloyd
Mrs. Chris Heckler, Califor. .Morgan attended the U'CW nia, was a visitors fora couple South Section Huron Presby- of days last week with her terial regional meeting in uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. (Irend Bend 'United Church on George Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. William Had-
Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Hod- dock visited with Alr. and Mrs.
gins, Mr, Keith Hudgins and Wilbert Alawson in Parkhill on Mrs. Donald Pickering attend- Sunday. ed the funeral of the former's
Mr. and Airs. Frank. Smyth
brother, the late Air. ,Hugh and Mrs, T. .Flynn were guests tiodgins, in the Parkhill Fune- with Mr. and Mrs. H. Time-
ral Home on 1.)-iday of last der on Alonday in celebration week.
of Mrs. Sniyth's birthday. Mr. Elmer Wilson is receiv-
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks, ing treatment in Victoria Hos-
accompanied by their grand• pital, London. Mrs. :Doug Wil-
children. Alvin and Shari Hicks, son
and family of Sire throy of Brodhagen, were Sunday spent the weekend with Mrs. visitors with
AIrs. Andrew Wilson,
Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Noels
attended the Noillor•Ryckman Alr. and Mi's. Percy Noels,
wedding at the Riverside Unit- Dwight and Ruth spent Sunday
ed Church in London on Sat- el West Lorne and Rondeau
urday. Park.
The Huron County Library Air. and Airs. Fred Cunning.
book exchange will take place 'ton were Saturday evening
at the library on June 11 at visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
9:15 a.m. Howard Cunnington and family
Lennox equipment is used In the 'homes
of tomorrow — because they proyIdc
complete comfort atone with exceptional
economy. The fuel savings of Lennox
may surprise you. nut . because the
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and electric furnaces I,, choose from,
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or in combination with summer air con-
ditioning units,
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free estimates,
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Nothing enhances the looks of your
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Let xis give it a thotough cleaning
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Phone 235.0660
n nevi e.
:ewe, .,1:• .:eeseseeseessesses„ .s.
The, boys of
WSWS meeting :Lady of Mt.
The meeting of the WSWS of played against
the Evangelical t.TB Church a father-son
was held Friday evening, June Sunday.
1 with the Spiritual Life Con- Personal items
vener, Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan in charge. The theme was "Cit- Thirty-six children received
izenship". Airs. Merrill James their first communion Sunday
assisted with the opening ex., last at nine o'clock mass. assisted Mr. Calvin Feltner of Air, and Mrs. Benny alor.
Crediton was guest speaker risseY, London, and Mr. Andy and spoke on citizenship. A Morrissey of Chatham visited
male quartette, Jack Geiser, with Mrs. Catherine Morrissey
Mervyn Tieman, Harry am.. during the past week.
man and Stewart Wolfe sang. Miss Patricia Carey of Lon-
Mrs. George Link gave a, read- don spent Sunday with her par-
ing, "Born Without a Chance" cots, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Rev. and Mrs. M. James sang.
a duet and Mrs. James played CaMeisy
sDonna Dietrich, nurse-
Sons tackle Dashwood pops at ball
grade 8 of Our
Carmel School
their fathers in
balegame last
Shower for bride•elect
Mrs, Gerald Gaiser of -Lee-
don and Mrs. Clayton Brock of
Guelph were co.hostesses for a
Pantry shower for. Miss Marie
Jarrott of London, bride • elect
of this month, at the home of
Air. and Mrs, William Dickey
on Friday evening last,
Airs. Gaise. presented Marie
with a corsage appropriate for-
the evening and. Mrs. Brock
read the address. After the
gifts were opened the bride-to-
be thanked the ladies and all
enjoyed helping to compile a
bride's hook and a recipe book.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brock
and family of Guelph were visi-
tors during I,Iw weekend with
Air. and Mrs. William Dickey
and family. Mr, and Airs. Claie
once Ford and jenny of Kitch-
ener also visi'.ed with the Dick-
ey's on Sunday.
Mrs. harry Ford is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Brock in Guelph and Mr, and
Mrs. Clarence Ford in Kitchener.
torldOn. was a.Sunday visitor
with her parents, Air. and of Waterl°° and l‘11" Sonia
Mo. and Mrs. Reg nodgeort day guests with Mr, and Airs.
Miss Doreen Maker, RN, of
W. Baker.Ritchie of Parkhiil were Sun-
Greb and Wayne.
her, and Mrs. George Duna
h.. accompanied Mr, and Mrs.
The story In Chester Dium to Toronto where
they visited over the weokend
Suins • with tho former's daughter and 1I r1 son, Mr ,and Airs. J. PeisleY,
Mr. end Mrs. Elmore Dunn
and families. ley MRS. llt,LIAM -DICKEY
Miss Beverley Smyth held a
wiener roast at her home on
Tuesday evening honoring Side
ley Ryan on tier birthday.
Miss Eleanor Mae liodgins,
Mr. and Mrs. Pm Pickering,
Miss Beverley Passmore, of
London, spent the weekend with
-her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Passmore.
tyne, Mr. Edgar Monteith, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballan-
Gertrude Wiseman, Mr. and
Lloyd Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Ballarayne and Mr, LI o y d
Fletcher were guests on Satur-
day at the Ballantyne-Elder
adding in Hensall church And
reception in Dominion Hotel,
Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wilson
left on Sunday afternoon for
Sault Ste, Marie where Mr. Wil-
son will attend conference and.
Mrs, Wilson will visit with her
daughter and son-in-law, Rev, Airs. Ford Miller were, Mrs.
Robert. Annan and Larry of Donald and Mrs. Dees.
Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Pass-
Passmore,ler and son of Edmonton,
"(1 E m ma of more, Sharon, Paul, Beth and 1:Y, Eassow
ss. and Mrs. Nerman Mil- ea Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Airier '°'"
David, Dennis, Dar- berg, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask lene and Dale attended. the Gun- of Grand Bend, Mrs, Glenn Mc-
ning picnic at Queen's Park, Kenzie and family of Hensel', Stratford, on Saturday, and Howard Fisher of Dash- Mr. and Mrs, Robert, Cann
spent several days recently with wood.
their son, F/L Jack Cann, Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Petz
nick, Gordon and friend of Wat- Cann and girls of Belleville.
erloo spent Sunday with Mr,
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Miller, and Mrs. Henry Becker and Brian, Barry and Barbara at- Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Pfaff and tended the Brock picnic at family.
Riverview .Park, Exeter, on Mr. and Mrs. Ervin 'Rader
Sunday afternoon, and family visited with Mr, Quite a number of ladies from and Mrs. Lloyd Bowe and
this community attended
Mary-Jo Saturday evening. brush demonstration at the Mr. and Mrs, Ray Kretzman
home of Mi's. William johns on and Billie. of Detroit spent the Monday evening.
Mrs, Wilfred Hankie, Airs,
William Cann, Mts. Robert
Calm, Mrs. Hugh Wilson and
Mrs, William Rohcle attended
the regional meeting of the
United Church Women of the
Huron Presbytery held in Grand
Bend. United Church on Thurs.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne, nerd,
Tho 'Times•Mvpcatt, June 7, 1962,. Pap
of London, were weekend vialta
.ors with Mr. arid. Mrs. Kenneth
Air. end. Ws, .Orme Fetlock
of Kincardine were .Sunday
.visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne flicks.
Among those who attended
the anniversary service in The
Whalen church on Sunday meea
sling were Mrs. Andrew 0004
Mrs. W. Baker, Mrs. W, Jinx.
table, Mrs. C. 'Raines, Miss
Blanche Railings, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and Mari-
lye, Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Bows
den and Margaret and Miss
Pauline Woodburn,
Ave and Michael, of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Hall of Weil-
burns Misses Ida. Hall, Mildred
and Mabel Hall of London, Mr.
and Mrs, William Elford, Ron-
ald acid Doris visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs, Donald Bray,
Mr, Ernest Pym spent Monday
in Toronto on a business trip. .
on the accordion. in-training at St, Joseph's Hos-
Mrs, Chas. Snell, the prem.. vital, London, has been visit-
dent, conducted the business. ing relatives in this vicinity
Twenty-five members and t while on her vacation,
en Mrs, Laura. Glavin spent the visitors were present, The WS
will sponsor a roller skating weekend with Air. and. Mrs. 'Id-
party at the seph Carey and attended wake
roller rink, Grand apd funeral of the late Airs.
Bend, to end the season for Con O'Brien,
the boys' and girls' fellowship.
Plans were made for the Mrs. C. O'Brien
strawberry supper June 20. The burial of the late Mrs.
Twenty-five dollars were sent Cornelius O'Brien took place in
to the Mennonite Centre at Mt, Carmel cemetery on Mon-
Kitchener for Christmas bund- day following the funeral mass
les. at St. Peters Basilica, London.
Personal items She was the. former Cather.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and 'isle Hennessey and died at House of Providence, London,
at the age of 95. She was the
last survivor of the Hennessey
Her husband :predeceased her
in 1938. She is survived by one
daughter, Mrs, Jack Mugan
(Mary) of Chatham and six
weekend with Mrs. Cora Geis-
er and Sack
Mr, L. H. Rader and Mr.
Fred Weiberg were visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Wei-
berg and family of Waterloo
and attended the confirmation
of Bruce Weiberg Sunda y,
June, 3.
Mrs. Fred Messner broke a
bone in her fool. when she
slipped off a foot stool.
Mrs, Lucinda Mcisaac re-
turned home from .a ten day
visit in Detroit and taking its
the wedding of her great-grand-
daughter, Miss Gail Spear,
Visitors . with Mrs, L. Melsaa.c
over the American holiday
were Ronald and. Donald Me.
Isaac, Donald Whelan, Frank
Rothwell, Diane Paraside, Judy
Bose! and Mary Ruth Jaen-