HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-07, Page 7'Wee I lune:. Sillggerm (.n111 Vela T wist e re Future dames: Fridat„ „I fine 5 Sluggers 4. s'onl ('11th NVAA unties Ty, Tuesd a y. .111111 12 e'en) I 'at a a, TiVi'.11‘rh PA Hopes vs. Slitggrog BOYS SOFTBALL LEAGUE Thia week'a scores; lonkens lo, t3I•a vf,„, Yankees Ifi, Ildianw Vi Tigers N. Indians 5 Ingors I it, Min. yes Standings 11 I, T I" I II 4 1 A Ir I a it a A fi t. 11 1' I' 12 A It 2 I) It II a ‘'t 1, 2 1 a •2. 1 'I' r' h I I Mr. and Ales. Tom 'Know and Clayton,. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice MacDonald. Mr. :a n d Mrs. }tarry Carroll and Mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis attended anniver• sary service al St. Pant's, ton, Sunday morning and were. The story in Zion 4. TheTimes-Advocate, 4‘mo 7, 1.962 Pa guests with ,Me. and Mrs. (ion- Falls and Mr. Carl Soho don Mains, Russehialc, Air. and Mrs. George Mc- Falls, Mr. and Mrs. floss Mc- Fails and boys, Miss Joyce Me- See Dobbs for Dodge and DEPENDABLE USED CARS '59 SIMCA SEDAN, blue with whitewalls, economy 4-cyl, engine, 35 miles to the gallon $795 '58 DODGE REGENT SEDAN, sharp 2-tone green, pushbutton transmission, V-8 engine, reduced to $1,195 '57 FORD FAIRLANE 500 SEDAN, V-B. auto- matic $995 '57 DODGE SEDAN, 2- tone green. V.11, push- button transmission, 36,000 actual miles $995 '55 DODGE SEDAN, dark blue with Automatic $545 Exeter Motor Sales "WHERE THE PROMISE IS PERFORMED" Chrysler • Dart - Valiant - Simca Fred-235-0865 235.1250 George-235.1130 :Exeter, were Saturday evening guests with. Ai r, and Mrs. Davis at a birthday dinn Mrs. George McFails, 41. e le 4. 1k rY * LIP . AI, *I is rg- • •• • • • * .1 • , • r * TOP PLAYERS-Four young hockey players, judged best in their respective cate- gories, were presented with special awards at the annual minor hockey banquet staged at the Lytle Theatre Saturday, Three of the youths received Robin Hood Oat awards which are based on ability and sportsmanship, while the fourth won a new trophy presented for the most improved player in the entire minor pro- grain. The lads shown above are: Peter Lawson, Larry Haugh, Hank Gosar and Larry StireS. Gosar was the winner of the most, improved hockey player award, nnounce schedules for minor ball loops • FARM INCOME RAISED TO RECORD HIGH PC Action Brought Farm Cash Income To All-Time High Of $3 Billion In 1961 Vigorous agricultural program benefits Huron f r rs • MARKET STABILITY Deficiency Payment Program . . . 23 Farm Products Have seen Supported ELSTON CARDIFF PAYMENTS TO AGRICULTURE DOUBLE 1957.62 - $706 Million 1953.57 - $363 Million ...4 .kYI • STANDIK$ GIRLS SOFTBALL This week's sadr est rites "S, 0.601 Cat a Ir.. Toei,ti,rm oota SliljzgArr; t^ 'lit is, os rearm Standings Yankee$ J'Ir Iron Indians Braves Future tomes; Thursday', June 7 - :Braves at.. Indiana Yankees Is. Pet roil Monday. June 11. Indian.. I:4, Y..0 non I /el rni. I Ia. Brains BANTAM , MIDGET HARDBALL LEAGUE This week's scores: Yankees 3. Pirates 1 Pirates Ti ger.‘ Standings Yankees Tigers Pirates Future games: Thursday, June 7 Yankees I 'rigors Monday, June 11 - -rim vq. Yankees PEE WEE BASEBALL LEAGUE Colts 12, White Sox 6 News from Saintsbury tly MRS. meagR DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Don Firth and family. London, were Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs. Jim Darker. Mr. and 'Mrs. Herman Atkin- Mr. .and Mrs. Jack Dickins son and family were Sunday v,ero Friday evening guests guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy with Mr. and Airs. lion Squire, Hawkins, Science Hill. Luc an. and attended .anniver• sal y service at Whalen l'nited Church fill Sunday and were guests following the service al a birthday dinner for Mrs, Frank Squire at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire. Whalen. Mrs. Bob Tindall and baby daughter, 11a.rilyn, arrived home ,from the hospital on Thursday, May 31. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ron Carroll and Miss Sharon Davis attended service at St, Paul's church, .Kirkton, ou Sunday, ay MISS tkuRtgl. HERN Mr. and Mrs, Allen Jaques and Mir. and Mrs, Ray Jaques and Steven were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Airs. Melville Gunning and Muriel. Brian and ,lames Ballantync spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Horn and family. (no. Mr. and Mrs. William Spence mr. and mrs, y 0 "" and David, St. Marys, and Mr. Greenlee attended the Scott re- and Mrs. Grant Skinner and union at the Lucan Memorial Joan,"xeter • were Monday arena on Sunday. Mr evening visitors with . and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guilfoyle, For man London, visited Mr. and Mrs. an ' ,., "'"ar Earl Greenlee Sunday even ;, and boys, Mr. and Mrs, Allen Jaques and Mr. and Mrs, Ray ,laques attended the Gunning va,,kpea 1t picnic. in Stratford park on Yankees vs. While Sit): HATO Saturday. Sunday School anniversary will he held on Sunday, June 10, at 11 o'clock, with Rev. R. 5, Hilt: of Exeter as guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. IlarveY Latta ailul Dakid attended anniversary service at St, Paul's church, ,whir Kirkton, en Sunday and spent the afternoon at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Atkinson were guests at the wedding of their nephew, Mr. Howard Hod- gins of London to Miss Mary Syrtis al Cavan, Ontario on Sat- urday, ,feint 2 and at the :re• ception following the service. Mr. and Mrs.. Johnson boys an ' Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Davis, Heather and Mike spent Sunday at the Detroit Standings 1:in!!;41 an Colts attroit Tigers \ e ilea YR Alt AAA Dasliwood and Credilon have returned to the baseball wars bY entering .teams in the WOAA midget hardball league. The first game of the year in the schedule will be played between the two newcomer's in the midget league, Dash. lAnod and Crectiton. Six teams will he competing this year. These include the two new- comers as well as Exeter, Mitchell, Clinton and New itamharg. Both the Exeter bantams and the midgets arc without a coach, This is an excellent op- portunity for some of the re- tired sportsmen to become active again and to give these hays the opportunity to partici- pate in an organized sport, Anyone who would he interest' ed in coaching these fellows can give their name to ".Boom." Gravett or phone the T-A, woAA MIDGET BASEBALL SCHEDULE 1962 no. 11.-1A ,11w nod at CrA do rut 1'r-Kett 11.1 \ i 16-New taittIntrz a! I la.hAvnorl ftixrrnr I 4 li111,,t1 •Mxiiter at rreclii int 21.-4 iit,ba.noil ai Clintiat litrlieli al eirmlito, Exet or at NMI: 111-M1 41M Clitit011 at ,N(itehell 7.6 Dasivitond a NfrIa" Hamann a ..- credit cat at r.,xot rat Mitt.hrtn At ciiniett 2.1 . at Da l:1m. ta July Clinton a1 1 at ,Jok nod I Tot1 I nil al iThr,1! 1 -.New Harnlarg at Zzeter Pi-01111ton at Credit on Exeter at ,Min.ilint1 -Oreditnit at New ilartibury, 9,-Cluvinn a , New 'Hamburg 11-11a Hrtil'itiel tit l;xatrr ernr1i"Ori A I Clinton ri-Iht,-he'' Al [melt wand Nevk 1.1antlatrg at oredil art r..V,1 at* at Dash ‘N and Mitahell at New Hatnburr, .New 1-1,1 ntburg 111 (lint an 2a-etlin t "Nxi,ter -taslrwood at iii Iellen 2;',...Mit!!1!ell al F.:eater Son: "Daddy. what's an auc- ion7" Pop: "Well, it's a kind of ale where you must be care- . id or von get something for nodding," WOAA GROUP 2A PEE WEE SCHEDULE Ju n e 1 5-011111 AA ar Centralia. jinderieh at Peru-All rk Conn:ilia at Exeter Clinton lit Cluderirl 2i1 leneall A t qpile11011 'ii)11,,)11 RI 'HP1)8:111 2.1-Ilia4erirli at Celli ra lia -4 'lint on at Exeter 21; Exer or at 11 ensall 27 -Centralia. at tlialerirli Italie, at. Clinton italeriett at Exeter Itensall at cent July Exeter at Clinton 3--t'tutrAlla al Ilent,all 4 • -(10dArit.1) al C11111 Mt -1,:xot Ar al (40deriell Exeter al Gratiorich Hensel! 01 ('lilt toll 11AnsAil at. :FIXPIAr tIA be Ar- ra nand) Sillery sparks kinsmen's win Doug Sillery was the big gun for the Kinsmen Monday night as they defeated the Legion 7-3. In the second inning of the five-inning tilt Jim Hennessey reached first on a walk and crossed the plate on a single by }loward Holtzman, Kieswet- ter then singled to move Holtz- man to third. With two men on base Sillery cracked Art Gayish's change- op pitch into the long grass to clear the bases, moving the Kinsmen into a commanding '6.4 lead. 'the Legion squeezed two more across the plate but never re- covered from Sillery's home run. Bell was the winning pitch- er. Gayish was charged with the loss. ACKACHE When kidneys fail In remove excess acids and wastes, backache-tired feeling- disturbed rest often may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pitts stimulate kidneys to normal duty. Yoe feel bettor, elm boiler, work hotter, SO woAA BANTAM BASEBALL SCHEDULE (B Division) June 15-Hi:miter al NIltehell 16-Exeter at SI, Marys 111.--SebringvIlle al. Miteltell 22.-- Exc.!. er at Sebringtille mitt-hall at New 'Hatnburr., Ori.- New Hamburg al St. Marys 25--SebringvIlle at Exeter. --...mitohen at St. MarYs 2:J.-Exeter at New Hatnburg July :;.-• New Hamhorg at Exeter -Sobringvilla at St, 'Marys a-Mitchell at Sehringvilla St. Marys at 'New HarninilT lIt Marys at Li,.xeter I 1 -NPIV Mit.rhpli 1:1-Sebring-villa at. N ASV Hamburg 15-St. ma,rys at Mitchell 17- MAI (then. a.1 Exeter 16--Now liar; ilutrg at Se bril4:111e 2n--Sr, Marys at SebrIngvilla WIN PAIR OF THIRDS Two Exeter horsemen won third places in the annual horse show sponsored by the River- tree Riding Club of London Sun• day. Dalton Finkbeiner received third for best mare on the line and Fred Darling placed third in the knockdown and out class, HOFFMAN Ambulance Service DASHWOOD 3 Ambulances 2 Stationed at Dashwood at Grand Bend Drivers holders of St. Johns' Ambulance Certificates Properly Equipped ALSO PORTABLE OXYGEN Phone Dashwood 70W or Grand Bend 20W 111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111018.1011111 POSI IVE AU! RD G 22451 WITH * CLOCK TIMER * FULL.WIDTH STORAGE DRAWER * OVEN WINDOW 8( LIGHT • FARM C IT GREATLY EXPANDED Over $3 Million Extended To More Than 300 Huron Farmers Since 1957. Farm Loans - PC's More In TWO YEARS ($130 Million) Than Liberal, In 22 YEARS ($120 Million) Why vote for reduction quotas and contr Support the Cs aggressive, positive far program of sales rather than surpluses ON JUNE 18, RE-ELECT Ranges without clock or timer '139 Delivered, Serviced and Installed NO CHARGE FOR MILEAGE ON SERVICE OR DELIVERY t venings 111 9, saturday$ S30 immasomiumominamovommonstztesim RIFF Published by Huron Provretsive (00i$OtliAtiVO ASSOaltioll :.; "..0e7