HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-07, Page 5June 7, 1962
ens • II
and district news
Mrs, Mewle Ftedclen, Phone 5
Mrs, Archie MecPregor,. Phone 56.
90% of all oil company product research in Canada
is done by Imperial
At Imperial Oil's laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario,
more than 200 scientists and technicians are
working to improve present petroleum products—
and to develop new ones. Their research covers
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Another 130 scientists and technicians are work-
ing at Imperial's Calgary laboratories on ways
to find and prodUce more Canadian crude oil
and natural gas. Imperial does more research
than all other oil companies in Canada combined.
Emery barrel of crude oil contains some of the sun's heat. Imperial research works
to unlock more of this energy. After five years' intensive research, Imperial
found a chemical additive which makes more heating oil available from Canadian
crude oil. One important result: less oil imported to heat Canadian homes.
3 FOR 49c
15.02, TIN
5 FOR $
NO. 1 96'S
10 it 49c
Over ,50 win prizes
in auxiliary .project
Haig Ptriceet,
Mrs. H. Ii,- Davis 11140e•
eSentatien to Mrs. Pineent
ofetahneleArou ixi iii;pe.ao rtoMrs4.
lift ltd
i417,1y1 te heldl "a1 socialand 1,1;3! ,gt gen" 4, A s1"140741'' a;
rsiarnDe'enoeptnnerif 11swiaDdivtQeahnnut:.ii f.1°tafs and
their fine work and eaat .0 e Exeter
44$1911. 0-operation and
Livqaiidoan.,y rgyi witin thanks extended to them for
Door prizes were won by of
it. the
Soklan And Roy C41)10011 'spot Heywood, spoke. dances by Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Dancing was enjoyed and A
Mawen and Mr. and Mrs. sMorgasbord lunch served.
Your library „....
W.MS. host Saturday bride . .• Plan Tee
for birthday .hcmorecl at tea
M. Eer.l. Love, RR 1 Zer program • " - ieh, was hostess at a lea in her
home in honor of her (laugh- AI the meeting of the Hen-
Carmel Presbyterian Church ter, Miss Norma Love, whose sail Recreation Committee, Schoolrooms was the setting
Monday evening for the annual ,marriage;,, takes place this Sat- plans were matte for summer
WM$ birthday party for which 1"0, recreation for community chil-
auxiliaries from Seaforth and 'The tea table was decorated deem
Clinton and Arnold Circle were with a lace cloth, pink can. miss Pat Rowe to Gold Cord
speeial guests. dies and centered with pink Guide and grade '13 -student at
President Mrs. Earl cam p. and blue cornflower arrange- South Huron District High
bell Presided and conducted the runt, in a silver rose cowl. Re- School) and Miss Norma Pass-
worship service, th e theme ceivng guests at the door more mho will teach school In licempatonsbip.e she was as- were the bride-elect, her mo- Burlington) were engaged as
sister) by Mrs Percy Camp- thee' and the groom's mother, recreation directors for the
bell and Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs, Frank McGregor, program. They will have three.
The address prepared by Pouring tea in the afternoon competent assistants who are
Mrs. Ross MacDonald \vas were Mrs, Hugh Love, Mrs. qualified in playground leader-
given by Mrs, Harvey Hyde, William Reichert, grandmoth- ship,
The topic chosen was "Rain- ers of the bride. Serving were The recreation program will
bow Comforts — For every Mrs. Phyllis Edwards, Mrs. be at the community park from
dark cloud, God has provided iris Schmidt, Miss Sherrill July 2 to July 27, Monday
a rainbow." Carr, Mrs. ithodie Campbell, through Friday. Four mornings
• Mrs. Ed Munn and Mrs. Mal- Tea room assistants were Mrs, of each week will he open at
color nougat' provided a piano Ernie Laidlaw, Mrs. Percy the park from 9 a.m to 12
duet and a vocal trio was con- Campbell, Mrs. Bessie Luker, noon, one afternoon per week
tributed by Mrs, Woe. Brown,
Mrs. Bev Beaton and Mrs,
Harry Hoy with Mrs. Al. Doug.
all accompanist,
Luncheon included a birth-
day cake cut by Mrs. George
Walker, Conveners of lunch
were Miss Hannah Murray,
Mrs. A, Hoggarth and Mrs
Harvey Hyde. The rooms were
lovely with floral arrangements
of iris, peonies and mums ar-
ranged by Mrs. Percy Camp-
bell and Alva. Glenn Bell,
Auxiliary honors
Mrs, Kathleen Docker was in-
stalled as a new member of the
Auxiliary and Mrs. Byron Kyle
was installed as treasurer to
replace Mrs. Don Havens, who
is leaving Hensall, at the Legion.
Ladies Auxiliary meeting held
Tuesday evening with the presi-
dent, Mrs. William Smale in
the chair.
The Auxiliary will be catering
to a Legion banquet on Times-
clay for the Legion hockey boys
and their fathers; also a Kinette
banquet on June 12, and a
mother and Guide banquet,
June 22, Cigarettes will be sent
ta, two veterans in Westminster
Hospital. A motion was made
to have a church parade this
month at the Anglican Church.
Seventeen membors will go to
the Goderieb Legion birthday
party nn -June 19. The annual
picnic was discussed, this to he
held in July in Seaforth park.
The September meeting will
be pot luck, each member will
answer the roll call with a tea
Mrs. Gordon Munn presented
Mrs. Don Havens with a crystal
and pearl necklace and match-
ing earrings in appreciation of
her work as treasurer in the
past three years. Mrs. E. R.
Davis presented Mrs. Havens
with a mother of pearl Legion
Auxiliary brooch on behalf of
the Auxiliary.
Bingo was played.
Pouring tea in the evening
were Airs, Percy Campbell,
aunt of the bride, and Airs,
Meta McGregor, tit er of the departing official groom. Serving were Mrs,
Kathryn Horton, cousin of the
groom, AliSs Marion Turner
and Miss Marion Forrest. Tea
room assistants were Airs. Ha-
rold Reichert, Mrs. Bessie Lu-
ker, Mrs, Clifford Moir, aunts
of the bride, Mrs. Irene Lay-
ton and Mrs, Agnes Madge.
To the editor
Mrs, Harold Reichert and Mrs. being set aside for swimming.
Clifford Moir, aunts of the The age limit for children at-
bride. tending is to be from five to
Wedding gifts were displayed 12 years,
by Mrs, Ernie Webster, sister
of the bride, shower gifts by
Airs. „lean Twitchell, cousin of
the groom; linens by Mrs. Lor-
aine Love, sister-in-law of the
bride, trousseau by Miss Carol
Pepper, cousin of the groom,
miscellaneous by Mrs. Myrtle
Swan. Miss Margaret Forrest
was in charge of the guest
Wedding gifts were displayed
by Mrs, Jean Twitchell, shower
gifts, Mrs. Lorraine Love, lin-
ens, Airs, Marjorie Comsat,
trousseau, Mrs. Ernie Webster,
miscellaneous, Mrs, June Coo-
per. Miss Melda Pepper was
in charge of the guest hook,
Prior to her wedding this
Saturday Miss Norma Love
was honored at several presen-
tations, Airs, John McGregor
and, Mrs. Jean Twitched], RR 5
Clinton entertained at Mrs.
McGregor's home for friends
and neighbors of the groom-to-
be with a pantry shower. Mrs.
Jean Twitchell conducted con-
Miss Sherrill Carr, Clinton,
was hostess for the ladies on
the staff at the Bank of ,Mon-
treat and Royal. Bank, Clinton,
to present, the bride with a
decorated basket of miscella-
neous gifts.
Mrs. -Loraine Love enter-
tained friends and relatives for
a surprise shower. The co-host-
esses were Mrs. June Cooper
and Mrs, Ilene Layton. They
presented Norma with a clothes
Tramper and a footstool.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle,
Charles, Bob and Ann were
present last Wednesday eve-
ning for the barbeque and. pro-
gram afterward at South Huron
Dist Het High School, Exeter.
Mrs. Ross .MacDonald is a
patient in Clinton Community
Hospital where she underwent
an emergency appendectomy
operation on Sunday.
Mrs. Garnet Allan is a pa-
tient in St, Joseph's Hospital,
London, where she underwent
surgery on Monday evening.
Mrs. .Laird Midde attended
a shower for Miss Sandra Mac-
Millan Tuesday evening of
this week at the home of Airs.
W. A. McTeer, Huron St., Lon-
Airs. Edna Corbel( visited
over the weekend with her son-
in.law and daughter, Mr. and
Airs. Harold Parker,
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Chap-
man and Roddie visited recently
with their son-in-law and daugh-
ter, Mr, and Airs, Joe De Loge
in Sarnia,
airs. Harold Dignan has ac-
cepted employment aL South
Huron Hospital, Exeter, and
In Varna Hall, SS 7 Stanley commenced her duties this
School Area and Varna com- week
munity presented Norma with Allis Geraldine Parker, of
a china cabinet, two table London, spent the weekend at
lamps and foot stool. The pro- the home of her brother and
grain was arranged by Marion sister-in-law, Ali, and Mrs.
Forrest, Marjorie Canal I I, George Parker,
Fern Coleman, Marion Turner, Mrs. Garnet Allen was taken
Grace Pepper, and the address to St. Joseph': Hospital on Mon-
was read by Margaret Forrest. day where she underwent an
Nall-operation. The staff at the Bank of 70 , p„, .MacDonald i s pan
treat, Clinton, where the bride. „„t'-'saa'z'"'i n""--dlynie-p-
has been employed for the past three years, presented her Hospital following an appendix
with a brown rug, operation on Sunday.
Me, Milton Lavery, who is a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal, London, having undergone
surgery .Priday, is doing very
Sunday visitors with Alr.
and Mrs, Henry Gackatetter
and family, Hensel], were Air.
ohn G ckatetter, Dashwood,
Mr. and Airs. Arnold Gaels,
stetter and family, Guelph,
Air. and Airs. Elmore Gack-
stetter and family, Mr. and
Airs. Will Homey, Mr, and Airs,
Edward Gackstetter, Exeter,
ale, Charlie Finches, Hamilton,
Air. and Airs. William Yearley
and family, Crediton, The oc-
casion was Mr, John Gaels-
stetter's birthdoss
01.10a‘OVV•IMINORMfflowiwia,Moi leciem
Tues., Wed. & Sat., 9 to 6
Thurs. & Fri,, 9 to 9
school Girl tierni.-116.00
RetiotAr $8,56
phone 136 Hanse!
Evelyn Howard,
Apt. 6, 81 Isabella St.,
Toronto 5, Ont.
Now is the time to plant white beans!
We have in stock:
SANILAC and a limited amount of IMPORTED
White Bean Contracts
Seed and Fertilizer Supplied
It 1, 1k M iF M ,R sk
Anyone wishing to register his wheat -cyan must
Seed eons
— Continued from page 4
early 1800's. I was so much
struck with the similarity of
family names to those of the
Ontario Exeter, T jotted down
the ones the same until dusk
prevented my seeing the dimly-
outlined printing.
Some of the names may not
now be Exeter ones but there
were persons of the' name in
"my" day or in the neighbor-
hood. Some were Beer, Ward,
Davis, Moore, May, Cornish,
King, Cole, Mitchell, Cann,
Taylor, Howard, Salter, .Hos-
kins, Willis, Sanders, Gooding,
Tapp, Smelt, Abbott, Duen,
Elliott, Glatt v i 11 e, Gillard,
Gould, Hirtzet, 1-larding, North-
colt, Green, Webber.
Around town the next day I
saw these names, Heywood,
Pim, Rowe, Perkins, Earle,
Brock, Ross, Hardy, Blatch- England. and on the Golden Jubilee in lured hip, result of a fall in a
ford rr ?), Harvey, store in the village.
I also in the Guildhall saw
the silver box which had been
given by Exeter, Ont„ and
was disappointed to be. told it
had been just an empty box,
When I asked what it had con.-
Mr, and Airs. Don MaeLaren,
Banquet Guide leaders of Toronto, spent the weekend
Wednesday, May 30 a get-ac- with the latter's parents, Mr,
nuainted banquet was held in and Mrs. Lorne Chapman,
the Hensel( Legion Hall for Mrs, Lorne McNaughton is a
Huron Division Guide and patient in St, Joseph's Hospital,
Brownie leaders and Commis. London, having undergone surg.
sinners, Thirty nine were pros- cry.
cot, Mrs. Rossetta Laub of Exeter
At the finish of the banquet was taken by Bonthron amino
colored slides were shown on, lance on Friday to St, Joseph's
the Guide Cabanna n Mexico Hospital, London, with a frac- .
over 50 persona won :prises
to the third annual penny sale
sponsored by llensall Leaion
Ladies Auxiliary,
Reeve Norman li. Jones se-
heeled the 1,rizewinning tickets
Saturday nHit in the PLTC of-
fice. The reeve* himself won a
,year's sehocription to the 'l'-A.
Two persons were triple Win-
ners; Airs- Noavel Reid. won an
infants' sweater set, brush and
meth, and 25 quarts .of milk;
Frank Senate, Seaforth, received
three lots of oil,
other winners and .their prizes
Mrs. Murray Tyndall, :Bruce-
field, baking; Jim
RR I Zurich, luncheon set; Fred
Raters. wallet; W. Cameron,
blanket; Bill Fairbairn, travel-
ling case; Bill Austin, .Seaforth,
paint; Airs. Jolla Jarrott, trou-
ble light; Mrs, 0. G. Williams,
treesser packs; Mrs. Bruce Moir,.
oil; Mrs. H. Bleeding, Exeter,
P. L. McNatighton, bathroom
wiles; 'l'im Mock, carton of
cigar( t les; Bev (stare, bicycle
horn; Mrs. Edna Corbett, RR 1
Exeter. girl's dishes; Bill Au-
stin, Seaforth, razor blades;
Ronald alcKeneie, electric
clock; Mrs. W it 1 i a m. Fuss,
beans; Mrs, Harold Campbell,
RR 1 Exeter, cookie plate;
Gerald Glenn, seeds; Mrs. Ger-
ald Flynn. thermos; Keith
Buchanan, groceries,
RodgerVenner, battery razor;
Ruth AlcNair, London, fishing
pole; Reirea Stephenson, fruit
basket; Ales. Ed Corbett, RR 1
Exeter, grocery order; Doug
Cooper, Kippen, car cleaners;
Air. and Airs, AleCtintock,
Dorothy, Susan and Peter, spent
the weekend at Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Veneer,
Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Bell and
Mervyn visited on Sunday with
Air. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns al
Alt'. Fred Kennings left last
week for a month's vacation
with relatives at St, Catharines
and South River,
Mrs, Pearl Shaddick was a
guest with her sister, Miss El.
Vera Churchill of Toronto last
Mrs, Donald Joint is a pa-
tient in Western Hospital, To-
Airs, Samuel Desch slipped
and fell on Sautrday and is a
patient at Clinton Community
Hospital suffering a fractured
Ale, Carey Joynt of Bethle-
hem, Pa, visited with relatives
here over the weekend.
Mr, and Airs. Lawrence Mac-
Donald and Mrs. Florence Hed-
den of London spent Sunday
with Herb liedden and Mrs.
Ruth Carter and family in Clin-
Mrs. Leroy Peters and fam-
ily returned home Thursday to
Stratford after spending a week
with Alt. and Mrs. Fred Peters
and Bonnie.
Mrs. Garnet Allan, Airs, How-
aed Smale, Mrs. Mary Taylor,
Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. Don
ilavens attended the zone rally
at Brussels recently.
Mrs. Eldon aural, car brush;
Hilda Austin, Seaforth, oil; Mrs.
Betts, oven dish; Mrs. Lawrence.
Ildynhain, pillow cases.
Mrs. .Jim Clarke, folding
chairs; Sorena Austij,
(Joule, coffee table; J. A. Pat.
creon. Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs.
James McAllister and Reeve
Norman Jones, newspaper ,sub,-
.seeiptionst Kathy Munn., ash
tray; Joe Vanstone. cushion;
Mrs. Harold Campbell, 'RR 1
Exeter, varnish.
Airs. A. rinlayson, RR a Kip-
per, window box; Mrs. Roy
paint; E, S. Roberts,
RR 2 Kippen, oil; Mrs. R, Dal-
ryntple, Egmondville, serving
tray; Mrs. Betty Cousins, Lon-
done, travelling bag; Mrs, 'Wes
\Termer, bowling bag;. Mrs. Wil-
liam Taylor, Clinton, table
lamp; Murray Tyndall, Bruce-
field; F. C. Beer, bulbs; Bill
Austin, Se.aforth, fencer bat-
All the prizes were donated
by merchants of Hensell arid
Active fmily
moves ta west
Cpl. and Mrs. Don .1-levens,
'Barbara, Deborah and Keith,
residents of the village .for .the
past four years, are leaving on
Saturday, June 9 for Portage
La Prairie where ,Cpl. Havens
has been posted.
They will be much missed
from the village where both
Mr. and Mrs. Havens took an
active part in various ,organiza-
tions in the town. Air's. Ravens
has been treasurer for two and
pelf years of the Legion Ladies
Auxiliary and captain of the,
bowling team.
Mr. Havens was sports officer
tot Zone 1 of ilensall Legion,
also a member of the Legion
executive, and coach for two
years for the Legion pee wee
hockey and pee wee baseball.
Mrs. William Forrester .enter-
tained at her home in Zurich.
Monday evening for the bowling
team and to honor their captain,
Airs. Don havens. Airs. havens was presen t e d with a gift, A
social boor was enjoyed.
—Contineed. from page 4
volumes has just been placed
im your library shelves. R tells
the story of Canada Mt And
present, in word and picture
and is much the most compre-
hensive work of reference on.
Canada that has ever appeared,
A second-hand volume set of
Collier's encyclopedia in like-new
condition has also been pur-
In addition there are two sets
of World Book, one set of Brit-
taniea, one Book of Knowledge
and one 10-volume set of Pop-
ular Science..
Past Brands vie
in story tellin9.
The Past Noble Grand's Club
of Amber Rebekah Lodge met
At the home of Mrs. Glenn Heil
on Monday .evening with a good
attendance. The president, Mrs.
Alex MeBeath, presided over
the business .and 'program. Airs.
Ernie -Chipehas.e read a medita-
tion and Mrs. Bev. Beeler] and
Mrs. E. Chipchase sang a duet.
A social time was' spent in
a story telling contest after
which refreshments were
29 ?h
Hensall personals
3 pi:A.41c
Legion boo
to Exeter
Fresh Side Pork
Beef or Pork Liver
Minute Steaks OR Rolito
I "1
1"1111 ,,,, ,,, 1"111 ,,,, ,,,,,, 000000000000