HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-07, Page 3Sport Shirts '2.95 To 5 7.00 Boxer and Brief Style Swim trunks 5 2,98 T o Elastic belts $2.00 $2.9 8 Leather belts $1.50 To $4,00 Matching Sock & tie sets $2,98 Tia $4,29 Short Sleeve White Dress shirts $4.00 To S 5.00 Wallets • $3.95 Dapper Dan . . . or outdoor man, the perfect gift for your Dad is here! .lariA 4P.• A w A. • A" w i.„,(617.14. trAtT, Art, OUR GIFT TO DAD This coupon worth $15,00 ON A HOUSE OF STONE MADE-TO-MEASURE 2-PANT SUIT All Cloths Included Order Today a. 11)111111: • GOULD . & JORY Phone 235-0270 Exete _iI A A' `!1" oe. Cotrtrctilor .DeSJardiPe said he thought council might get into a lot of trouble over the situa, lion if they took the lights over. In other business, counch 'issued 1 building permit to Peter Spooner for the ,erection of a second storey .on his house. Paid May accounts totalling $9,711.36, Lc arnecl from the clerk that he bad been instructed by tourist, inspector .not to issue permits, to . Ward's .Courts and I,, Mrs. Betty Sherman, owner of the La Fiesta Motel, until. the area inspector had met With ,council and the opp, In re.. garela to the two- tourist .estab, lishments• Gave the fire %committee, power to on their recom- mendation. 1.0 m4cbase needed —, tools for the fire .department. ' - Voted to hold their next meet- ing on aline 20, due to the fact lhat, their regular meeting fans op ejection night. Learned that Esther Ravelle had .aceepted the position of lifeguard for the south side of. the river, She will be on duty Part time and will receive $30 per HEAD FOR THE SIGHTS. .THE LAKES.. THE FUN 410 Know Ontario better.., it's all yours! Ontario Department or Travel and Publicity Hon, Bryan 1., Cathcart, Minister ONTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURE Mail to: Ontario Travel, ANT Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontaria ADDRESS ).V The ThreA,Advocate, June 7, 1962 Page Mrs. Clara Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. William Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne visited in Sarnia with relatives for the weekend. airs. David nillar, town, and Mrs. Irvin Erb, Kitchener, at- tended a reunion of registered nerses in Stratford on Sun- clay. Following complaints of sev- However, Hay has not paid its eral residents, Bosanquet town-' 5200.0u retainer And the Grand ship. finally .agreed to enter Bend, brigade will still not into a fire •agreement with answer any calls in this town. Grand Bend council at its meet- ship. Jug, Monday night. . Com lete elfin John Asselstyne and jun . ' ,- p •- r ' cl . Kneale, residents of Beach '0 Emersim DesJardine, chair- pines, and D r. A., E . mem ast. man of the road committee, re- of Grand Bend, met wi t h th e program, had been. completed er, a resident on the outskirts Ported that the annual oiling BoSa runlet council .01 their at consierable saving over meeting earlier in the eve- last year's figure. !ling in an effort to have ;the Although the: bill has not been council pay the $300.00 retainer submitted the foreman on the job reported that it would not exceed $800.00. The program c 0 s t approximately 1p,400.00 last year. The reduced cost resulted from. a cut. in the .amount of oil put on the streets. Although all streets were oiled, the oil was confined to the sides of the road. where the greatest amount of dust results. Clerk Murray A. Des Jardins reported that the figure of $800.00 would bring the total uty„R eeve G eorge Wilson ar- road expenditure to $2,461.0(i so . „ rived later and agreed to the far this year, 5300.00 retainer fee and other Council also accepted the rec- Tite ladies in the Grand Bend area took advantage of their opportunity to meet ..).. provisions that call for the °melee:dation of Councillor Des- for the Jardine to knock off a corner of W. Murphy, M.P., Lambton West, when they attended a tea and reception at the tl.fil,wnsPrt toi pay of$50.00 Grecn Forest, Tuesday afternoon, Shown chatting with the PC standard bearer ,,,e, first hour any call an- the curb beside the beach park. swerect by the brigade and ing lot entrance as cars have ate, from the left: Mrs, William Vanderberk,due to the Mr, Murphy, Mrs. William Schlegel, $35.00 for every hour or poi - difficulty turning in Mrs. William Vanderberk, Jr. and Mrs, A. E. McMaster, —T-A p h o t o .lion thereafter, cement abutment. Reeve Sitter 'laid the cheque Ile reported cars were. driv- would be sent later. log over the cement and he "That's fine”, Reeve Bill warned that council might be Sturdevant replied. "As of now faced with bills for punctured He said he would phone Fire tires eduiencli e.ss the situation was Chief Lawrence Masan right His committee was also given Stephen cemeteries him to answer calls in the that railroad ties be placed be- after the meeting to instruct power to act on his suggestion township. side the sidewalks in the area Stephen Qouncil passed two cents per ounce of acid con- Grand Bend has now entered to keep cars back so pedes- bylaws Tuesday evening in tent. agreements with both Bosanquet trains would not have to walk connection with the preserva- Decided to call tenders f or and Stephen and has purchased on the road on their way to the lion of three township ceme- the 1962 supply of gravel. the added equipment that con- bathhouse. levies, Reeve Glenn Webb presided stituted. its part of the agree Criticise first bylaw closed the and all members were present. merit.Criticise PUG cemeteries—located at north- Following the bitter comments west part, lot 5, con. 2; part of several councillors, the clerk of lot 1, con, I, west Hart of was authorized to write the PC's stage tea for GB ladies .. Tow,n topics you have fire protection". Council to improve fee to Grand Bend. The township, which has Sev- eral heavily populated subdi- visions south of Grand ,Bend, had been left without fire pro- tection when its council failed ,to pay the retainer fee at the deadline last month, The three men returned to Grand Bend and informed council there that the 130311,^ quet council would be sending representatives to the meeting Pater that evening. Reeve Bill Sitter and Dep- impiaints get action on !GB fire. agreement ask permisison to burn an old fish boat that is presently an unsighty m ess on the south river .bank. Council has tried unsuccess- fully to locate the owner of the boat and. the last known owner can't recall to whom be sold the ship. Council gave it and another abandoned craft to an area res- ident last year, but after he had so much difficulty remov- big the first lie decided not to take the second. Another man asked council to, sell him the boat and lm was told he could have it. However, he would not take it without having ownership papers for it. Fears plugged drain Ted Stanlake, owner of the. Speedwash, met with council to point out that if the highway crew work* on the road con- tinued to dump fill in the creel; behind his establishment it would plug his drain, "We have several motors in our cellar and Jack Waldron has a lot of laundry in his base- ment," he reported. "if the drain hacks up there'd be an awful mess and someone will have to pay for it". lie pointed out he had not re- c e i v e d any communication stating that his drain access would be filled. "You'd think they'd have to leave a .drain outlet there", .councillor Webb stated. After a brief discussion, coun- cil suggested Stab:lake contact the engineer on the job to see exactly what plans had been made in regards to his drain outlet. Turn down request Council turned down a re- quest from Southcott Pines ask- ing council to take over the cost of two lights situated on the gates leading into the subdivi- sion. Stewart Webb reported that when the lights were installed the bill was $12.00 per year, but it had now been increased to $18.00. He said the subdivision own- ers pointed out it would cost considerably less if they were billed along with the street lights in the municipality, "I'm afraid it would set a precedent that other subdivision. owners might want us to fol- low", Reeve Sturdevant com- mented, "It's not going to break them", Dalars added. "Let them pay". rick spent the weekend in St. lo t 8, con. 8—wit h the township Usborne studies PUC to see why the street lir and Mre. liartild Brode- catheri nes v i si t i ng wi th :fr i ends taking over management and lights that, had been requested and celebrating th e i r eoth we d- maintenance of the grounds. • at various parts of the summer resort had not been installed, dine anniversary, The other bylaw gave the "Where arc our street lights?" Mr, and Mrs. Robert: Bragg township authority to rearrange to m wnship carnet questioned Councillor Earl Da- an d miss Mary pyhtts, West the monuments in a central tars, "Do we have a PUG in Lorne. visited with Mrs, Wil- l oc a tion: in the three eenle" Usborne council discussed sures organization, Clerk H. this town Jr not?" Liam Pybus on Sunday. teries. Both bylaws must be the care and supervision of :I-I, G. Strang was appointed Reeve Sturdevant, a member Mr, and Mrs. 1, 0, Davis, approved by the department of township cemeteries at its the official person to receive of PUG, answered that the of St Marys and Mr, W. A. health. meeting Monday, emergency warnings, with the materials had been ordered hut Fisher, of Huntsville visited The board governing Fair- The cemeteries have been township and road superintend- had not arrived as yet. with Mr. and airs, Clark field cemetery was authorized designated by the Ontario de- ent and the incumbent reeve "My back yard is full of ma- Fisher on Sunday, Wallace re- to begin moving and setting up partment of health as being named as standbys, terial", Datars replied, mamed for a couple of days monuments in a central Inca- under township jurisdiction. The reeve and clerk were Councillor Stewart Webb re- calling nn n 1 d friends. fie lion as soon as approval was nla r ied his banking career in received from Queen's Park. Appointed to investigate the authorized to sign an easement ported that the posts were in grounds were Councillor Roy- with Sherwood Brock, owner of for the light installations ap- I.: ... elm' with iho old Sovereign Council also: lance Westcott, Bethesda ceme- east half lot 25, concession :proved on May 8 and it was bank and left town 57 years Approved a grant of $25 for levy; Dalton Skinner, Eden; seven,,: for a term of five years only a matter of getting the ago. lie was with the Dominion the Dashwood :library hoard; Reeve George Frayne, Thames to provide for the re-location PUC staff activated, Bank in Montreal before re- brine to Huntsville. Expressed interest in a Col- Road. Ebenezer is considered of the side road to permit the "That's right", added Datars, borne township proposal to to be properly maintained. removal of gravel from the Council received a further re- visited with Mr, T. 0, and hiss organize a group of municipal A bylaw providing for the road allowance. quest for a street light from Ed Mr. If, Hutton, of Brantford, Stella Southcolt at Grand Bend officials in Huron for the pur- enlargement of McTaggart's Warble fly inspector Allen Gilbert, owner of the Wonder- on Sunday. ance; cemetery was given its third reading after approval had of the 1962 treatment Fletcher reported completion grove roller rink, He asked pose of obtaining group insur- Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Clack- program; that a light be placed beside stolter and family, Cr u e 1p It, Received. a pet i t i on for pro. been received from the depart- in the first treatment, 8,362 the rear of the Grand Bend went of health. cattle were sprayed, 254 brush- United Church, which is he- spent the weekend with Mr, posed .drainage works on the and Mrs, William Homey an d properties of Robert Galloway Under the emergency mea- 0: second treatment, 7,517 side his property. sprayed and 254 brushed; 313 He reported there was a all altended a birthday party and ilirtel Bros. and request- cattle successfully treated by small one there it should be for the farmer's father, Mr. .ed Engineer James Howes, TOWN TOPICS other means, John Gac D kstetter, ashwood, Listowel, to prepare. plans; Mr. and Mis, Bob Riley, igger to light the area better, , Road Sup't W. J. Routly re- "There's a lot of trouble in that at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Passed bylaws setting the Danny and. David and Mrs, polled completion of the Jory spot", he said, "and the police Henry Gackstetter, Hay Town- rate on two tile drain deben- Arthur Harvey, all of }lagers- bridgeand good progress on catch a number of persons ship. lures and forwarded one tile vitle, ware guests with Mr. all maintenance work. Be sub- drinking in the dial corner". Mr. Maurice Quance, William drain loan application to the and Mrs. William Kernick for nutted road accounts totalling Council said they would in- St., accompanied by :Mrs. J. treasury department for ap- the weekend. $6,376,62. vestigate 'the situation. MacDougall and son, John Mc- grovel; Rev. 5, B. Lewis and Rev. Councillor- Archie Ethering- Doneall, Cromarty, visited on : Awarded to Niagara Chemi- and. Mrs, H. C. Wilson of ton was absent because of ill- Can't give it away Sunday in Lucknow with the cats Ltd. the contract for sup- T h a in e s Road are attending tress, Next council meeting will Following a lengthy .discus- former': brother, Ri c h a r d ply of weed spray at $4,50 per London Conference at Sault be held Tuesday, July 3, to sion., council decided to write Quance, • gal. and brush spray at 7.33 Ste. Marie this week, avoid the holiday, the dept of public works to $,:maimezeow, 4:t.,atwka*A K AT THE WONDERFUL TURN .0. WO .s** •. W- COST LUXURY- HAS TAKEN Chevy 11 Nova 400 C6avertible Life takes a sudden turn for the better the moment you step into a new Chevy II! Here's the car that combines sensible size and sensible price with a wealth of luxury and glamorous styling features unrivalled in its class. Chevy II offers you full, sixTassenger comfort, your choice of a spirited six- or peppy four-cylinder engine, Body,by, Fisher craftsmanship and technical advances that have won top engineering awards. And there are eleven exciting Chevy Ws to choose from see your Chevrolet dealer today . do yourself a good turn! Take a turn at the wheel of a CHEV1 II and see! iiteSotaiooe/ at Extra A General MUM'S Value 1-1.4o62c 13e sure to see Bonann on the 0130-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time. SNELL BROSa LIMITED PH 235.0660 Cliev , 016 tbrYitie Enyoy « Chev Trucks EXETER