HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-07, Page 2,Exp.ter Notice: .0 Hydro Interruption Weather Permitting Sunday, June 10, 1962 4 A,M. TO 7 A.M. .O.S,T. Affectino the area north of Sanders Street and herderiny on Sanders. Street in the TeiWO of Exeter.. This interruption is necessary to do main- tenance work on the north feeder. Year co-operation will be greatly ap, preciated, H. L. DAVIS, Manager for the best performance in a diesel engine GET WANITED USED. 'TS ES See Us Ted•AY Alloor****eseetteleacitominto, outh End' .Service -2 The Timeta-Advoeete, 4vne. 7, 1942 Couple wed as new constable 'Employ ,man Dins. and bikes school, has the seine problem. They're trying to teach the OW , then, ton" Taylor: 'the police are doing the hest they .can." Farrow: Mr. T a el r. IgeaNes The bylaw is not being en- forced. It hasn't been in three since john Norry was. here." He sympathized with Sissone' problem.. Sip mons: ' law was put in years ago when we hail horses and buggies. It even stops tricycles on the side- walk," Wooden: "We shoeld reeiess Neese, bylaws to see it they are In be enforced or not". A ; Mr, and Mrs. Cann were married at Grand. Valley, Ont., and spent a numher of years in Sa skatehewan before mos-- nig to Exeter in 19to.. The family consists cat Mee. P. L. .Nok ,40t1, of nunville; Carfres-, Arthur and Mrs. Arthur Whil- smith, all of Exeter. and nine grandchildren C BIRTHS NO CHARGE CARI75. or THANKS 75; ENGACEMENTS 754 IN NI MORI A NiS t Fnur•Iine verse' S' .00 extra verses. each 25; CARDS OF THANKS — The family of the late Hugh llodgine wish to express their sincere appreciation to their neighbors, friends and vela.- tives for all their acts of kind• ness and. expressions of sym- pathy, for floral tributes and cards during their recent loss of a dear husband and father. Also many thanks In those who rem em boreal with . and treats during his long ill- ness at home and in hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Dues and staff at South Huron Hos- pital, the Box funeral home and Rev. Crawford, pallbearers and Ladies Guild of Grace Church. Greenway. and to those who helped in any way. Your kindness and thoughtful- ness will always be remem- bered. 7c I would like to thank my friends, relatives and neigh- bors for the flowere, cards and lifts for the baby during my stay in the hospital. — Kathy Mann. 7c •Gouniel Monday .nielit tin".' Harry V. Bnrgan, Albert St„ for its police force. He will replace Cpl. John Cowen. who is re- Bergen was one of 11 anvil" cants for the trite Ile ie 31 years nf age, SiN feet tall and weighs 180 pounde. A resident of Ee. ter for the past seven years. he has a family of three children. Now employed at a ifonsall garage, Bergen will assium, hs new duties June 18. lie was placed OD six-months' probation at a salary of $2,900 t: year. Pnliee committee. tinder Reeve Glenn Fisher, recom- mended Bergen's appointment. Fisher said consideration. had been given to two others — Fire Chief Irwin Ford, who did not qualify under the age regula- tions of the. police act, and a Scarborough constable, whose. qualifications appeared excel- lent hut the committee felt he would not long remain in this. The family of the late Mr. David Dignan wish to sincere- ly thank their neighhors, friends and relatvies for their kindness and sympathy extend- ed during their recent bereave- ment; also for the many floral tributes and donations in his memory. 'Special thanks to Rev. IVinlaw, Dr. Goddard, the pallbearers and the Ronthron funeral home. 7c I would like to thank all those who remernh.ered me with visits, flowers, cards and treats while a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London, and. since returning home. — Jim Kirkland.. I wish to express my sincere and grateful appreciation to all our neighbors, friends and relatives for the hea.utiful floral tributes, messages of sympathy and cards sent to us during our recent sad bereave- ment, Special thanks to Bon- thron's funeral home, Rev. Wintaw, pallbearers, Dr. God- dard, the staff and nurses of South :Huron Hospital. Mrs. Mary Funk and family. 7c I wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation for the lovely cards, treats and flowers; also to those who visited me during my recent stay in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to the hospital staff. also the WA and Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church and the WA of James St. Church.—Alf Andrus. I with to express my sincere thanks to all who remembered me with cards, treats and visits while T was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don, and since returning home. —Wellwood Gill. 7nc would Ike to thank those who sent me cards, flowers and treats and to those who visited me 'while a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. —Henry Hoff- man. 7c IN MEMORIAM — DICKINS—in loving memory of a deer mother, Mrs. Eliza- beth Dickins, who passed away one year ago, June 6, 1961. You are not forgotten, mother, Nor ever will you he, As long as life and memory last, We will remember thee. —L nvingly remembered by Jack and Shirley. DICKINS—In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Elizabeth Dickins, who died one year ago. June a, 1961. Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear, But always a beautiful memory Of one we loved so dear. —Lovingly remembrnered by her daughter Helen, son-lu- law Maurice and grandchild• een Howard and joyce. 7' vorem tin* • e ]outted. also. G.ranted jack Pearson. pt rmiseion to erect a ban- net. across Main St. promoting. Die easel ear e]earance after Mr. l'earson .revealed. his plans to spend $2.000 advertising his ittnellloW 0 Keeler" loeationt drain on Senders; Agreed to allow Aleoholics An- nnymous use of the town ball on Wednesday evenings, Granted tile woman's aux- iliary to South Huron Hospital permission to hold a tag day on Saturday, Sept. 29: .1warded to Exeter District (.7o-op the contract for supply- ing gas for the spray system motor at the canning plant at its tender price of 31.5 cents per gallon; the co-op was the only bidder for the supply; Granted betiding permits to Fred Simmons, lime on the west side of Andrew; Miss Het. tie Sweet, rebuild shed on Main; W. C. Worden, re-roof house on James; William Hatter, Thames Road, aluminum siding; Rob- ert Watcher. Carling, garage; Ray Joey, Andrew, to move barn from Harold Taylor's prop- erty east of the school. Dr. R. W. Read, cement steps. At a previous meeting, coun- cil authorized the P1JC to clean out the weeds at the dam. The dam has singe been drained for that purpose, Senior club ends season For the closing meeting of the Senior Citizens Club for the season held Tuesday evening 01 were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heywood, Mr. and. Mrs, William Wright, Harold Jeffery, Mrs. Bruce Cann and Walter Cutbush sang "God Be With You Until we Meet Again." Harold Jeffery chaired a pro- gram which included tap danc- ing by Glenda Fisher, iestru- metal duet with Wayne Rowe on the violin and Ross Rowe at the piano, vocal duet by Mrs, T. C. Coates and Mrs. B. W. Beavers accompanied by Mrs. Andrew nougat], vocal. solos, Mrs, Bruce Cann and Joe White accotnpaniedbyMrs.11lc- Gt•egor-, Seaforth, piano solo, David Elston and reading by Mrs. Williarit Wright, Trivitt WA assisted with the lunch, Meetings will resume October 2 with Ni'.' and . Mrs. George Lawson, Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Linden- field and Mr. and Mrs. Welling- ton Haist.,in charge. REAL ESTATE CHANGES John Burke, realtor, reports the following transfers: S,.1, Ted Snider, camp com- mandant at 'RCAF Halifax, who is retiring from the air force, has purchased the home of Mrs. Helen Holland, at the corner of Sirricoe and Andrew St. S.., Snider and his family expect to move here about August I- He is a brother of Larry Snider. Walter Davis, a driver with Guenther Tuckey Transports Ltd., has purchased the Arthur Whilsmith home on Sanders St. E., formerly occupied by. Robert Fletcher. RETURNS TO HOME Fit. Ll, j, H. Gibson, who was transferred to the school of instructional technique at Tren- ton a year ago, is now sta.- [toned at RCAF Clinton where the school was moved recently. Fel; Gibson and his wife have taken up residence in • their home on Wellington St. Dr. H. 13.tqwning dies in. ,Paden Dr, Barry hymning,. a native of Exeter, died Mon- day, June 4, in 'Victoria Bos- pita.1, London, in his 85th year. Dr. Browning was a son of the late Dr. .1. W. Browning, who for 75 ;years was a medic- al eraelitioner in .Exeter and. diec in December, 1943, in his 100th year. Dr. Barry Browning auend. ed high school. in Markham Browning, of iCitigsto'L The funeral. Thursday after- noon will be conducted from the G. E. Logan ae Sons lune- eel home in London with burial in the Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. Pearson visit .„. . . . . — Continued from page 1 The Liberal leader was wel- comed by Reeve Milton Oesch in a ceremony conducted by Ivan .Kalbfleisch. The carnation was presented by 111:aura Gas- cho. Mr. Pearson mentioned it was the second time he had visited Zurich, the first being in 1953 when. Andrew McLean was run- ning, He recalled the late Sen- ator Goulding. Ile told the children that he hoped the Liberal ,party would be able to help the provincial government pay for their uni- vcIN'Ns`haeYn education lie was When to school, he. told the children, he liked speakers who visited his town to be brief and to gve them a holiday. Unfortunately, he noted, since he had already spoken a few moments, he couldn't be brief and he didn't have the authority to give them a holi- day. Mrs. Nick Whyte, Seafoeth, daughter of the late MP, Thom- as MacMillan thanked the party leader. Pressed for time at Hensel, he told the 200 school children there how much he appreciated his grand reception and again noted that he, like them, was preparing for a test. He was welcomed by Jim Taylor, pres- ident of the young Liberals of the riding. sented Yonne' Brenda Noakes pre- Youn g guest book :for hm to sign. Didn't want to be leader At Exeter, Mr. Pearson found a young lad who didn't agree with him when he said, "you will be leaders some day". The lad apparently nodded his head in disa greement, "Here is a young boy with no ambition to he a leader," commented Pear- sollme told a story about meet- ing a group of children and asking' them it they knew bim and what, he did. One boy an-- swered "nothing", laughed Mr. Pearson, recognizing the lad's H.ay tackles drain work share of business of Flay town. and approved two drain loans to farmers. ship council Monday which authorized payment on .two, considered cleaning a .third. Drains .formed t11G major Council received a. ..eoinple- tion report from Engineer C. P. Corbett and statements of satisfaction .from R. Kading and G, Patterson. and author. ized payment for the balance due on the Kadtng municipal drain, The work. suns completed by William Lawrence, the con- tractor on the. job. Corbett also gave a progress report on the Thiel drain and council authorized payment of $34:),.00 to the contractors, R. Beattie and Frank Kling. Tile drain loans of $1,500.00 were granted to Earl R. Sol- clan. and Harold Jones. (ouncil received a petition from llerb Neeb, Ed Schroe- der, Clayton Steckle and John Groat who requested a clean- out of the west branch of the Black Creek municipal drale. Authorization was given In (1, P. Corbett to investigate the situation on the drain and report back to council as soon as possible. Won't gravel roads After receiving a notice from Mrs. Stirling Graham, .Crom- arty, that there will be no gravel available from her pit, council voted to delay the hauling of any gravel until the fall. Mrs, Graham has supplied. the gravel but her pit has been exhausted except for a supply under a bush that site does not wish to use. After a lengthy discussion council decided to increase the rates for rental on the grader. The rate has been upped from $8,00 to $10.00 an hour for work done outside the town- ship and swill be. rented al a minimum of $10.00, Rental rates for grading lanes in the township is now, $7.00 and work on ditches and other types of work is $1.0.00. Minimum charge in the. town- ship is for one half hour, The new rates went into ef- fect on june 1. In the final business before council, it was decided to pur- chase 20 galliens of weed spray to complete. work on the sides of the township roads. confusion over his position as leader of the opposition. "Be- lieve. me, `I find plenty to do," lie assured the boys and girls. At his request, the school teochers and Principal A. B. Idle came forward to shake the leader's hand, A number of local residents greeted him, in- chiding B, W. F, Beavers, former warden and reeve, He also met young Michael Ottewell, pre-school-age son of SHDHS teacher Kenneth Otte- well, At all 'the stops there were a few adults present, but no large crowds of voters: PURCHASES BUSINESS Mr. John Hendrick who has been associated with the Din- ne,v Furniture and Funeral Service, has purchased a sim- ilar business at. Arthur. He gets possession July 1. GAB:ROW—Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gaerow, Clinton, announce tha• birth of a daughter, Linda Louise, at South Huron. 'larlapital, June 2—a sister for Paul, Randy and Terrie. HORN—Ron and Eleanor horn. Exeter, announce the birth of a son, Steven Ronald, at South Huron Hospital, lune 1:— a brother for Cindy. PINCOMBE — Mr. and Mrs. Pincombe, RR 3 Ex- eter, announce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Louise. at Sbuth Huron Hospital. May REES—Tom and Shirley• Rees, npe Tiollings, RR 1 Luc.an, announce the birth of a daughter. Donna Marie, at South Huron Hospital, June 3. — a sister for Stan and RICKERT—Mr. and Mrs. Doug-- la's Rickert-, Huron SI , Ex- eter, announce the birth of a: daughter, Melanie Rose, at South Huron Hospital. May al. VO'S — Mr. and Mrs. j a [nee Vps, RR 3 Exeter. announce the birth of a son. Peter ..Tan, at South Huron Hos- pital, May 31. ee..Continned from page I ,Mayor Simmons suggested SisSons tell. his Cubs to set an es.aMple for the other bites by ,,etteeting off the sidewalk!, laalor Mr and lire. ( A Cann agreed:., -You tell the boys celebrated thee' golden wed• right .from wrong; 'you're doing ding anniversary. AlIntiilY with emir port". fitmily gathering at the DM- Sissons: "I ditle't come here Nein Hotel, Centreha. Guests for commendation. The public were present from Guelph, Grand alley. Arthur, Dundalk, Milton. Dunnville. London and Flint, Mich. Following the an- niversary dinner the attests repaired in the farm. on Huron Street recently purehaeed from Mr. Chester Duna, where 'ferti- le' reminiscences ssere enioY• eel. 50 years. edR.THS — ClaRLTON — Gerald and Elaine Charlton, nee Me• ,N'Air, Ails.a Craig. are happy to announce the birth of their son, Wayne Gerald. at Staa Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don, May 31—a lerother for Donna and Doreen. ENGAGEMENTS — CRVES—Mr. and Mrs Joe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkin- Creces, Dashwnod, announce eon, Centralia, Ontario, wish the, • birth of a daughter, to announce the engagement Yvonne Maria, at Soul tt of their only daughter, Shirley Huron Hospital, June 3 — a Ann, to Mr. Joseph Adrian sister for Rosemary. lamps, London, Ontario, son DAWSON — Beatrice and Mug- of Mr. and Mrs. John Kemps, ritaf Dawson, nee Simon, Holland. The marriage t o take Rat, Hensall, are happy in place Saturday. June 30, 1962, announce the birth of a son, at 2 pan., in St. Patrick's Ang- Larry James, at South Huron lican Church, Saintsbury, On- Hospital, hine 2. tartu, Inc :FAUCHER — Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon W. Piserre R. Faucher, RCAF Stanley. Grand Bend, wish to Station Centralia, announce announce the engagement of the- birth of a daughter, theta only daughter, Darlene .1 tie Joanne Lyne. at South Ann, to Mr. John Lee Cham- Htigon Hospital. June 3. herlain. Waterdown. only son of Cpl. and Mrs. Neil R. Chamberlain, St r throy. The marriage is to lake place on ,tune 22, 1262, at 7:30 p.m, in the Grand Bend 'United Church, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wood- all would like to thank their friends, relatives and neigh- bors for their thoughtfulness while Mrs. Weeiriall was a pa- tient in St. Joseph's The cards. flowers and visits. as well as the many kindnesses ehown Mr. Woodall at home acre eery meet, appreciated, 7nc wish to exprees my sincere thanks to my family, reletives and friends for flowers, treats, visits and phone rafts receiver] while I wee a patient in St. Jneeph • s Hospital and since returnine home Special thanks to nr D. McKenzie and nut's Inn staff on wand floor for nral COMET Sedan, (5,1100 their kind hospitality. — Omar miles, luat like new, Nim's blue, 1961 COMET Sedan, 8.000 Miles. green. 11.99 VAUXHALL, es t at e Wagon, lutone, sharp. 19$8 PONTIAC Convert- .01E, automatic, radio. ew tires, red with white power lop. 155F1 VOLKSWAGEN, ra- dio, sharp. 1947 METEOR Sedan. auto- 2-tone, new tires. 135fi PLYMOUTH Sedan, NUe and. white, ;alto- Matic. MENTS Agreed to.establish parallel and medical schools (iron. naming on the south side Sanders Si. between Main and of to,Edinburgh and Glosgow- ,1\0,1111.isa:n where angle parking son,lie lisa pbreagriece,coeitnilgr to e has hem in force for some wheec„ he practiced for m il;rispaeydiolf.eottlilat lirains Chair- tsee"Laoral years 11r.linel°1;vualgs Faegineer B. united in marriage with Mary M. Boss is providing profiles for Elizabeth Clarke, who prede- the Sweitzer drain on Alexae- ceased him in November, 1951, der and the separate school surviving are one son, L, Gail Browning, of London; one sit- ter, Mrs. 0, H. (Hazel) Becker, London; two brothers, ?ere), H. Browning, who now owns the drugstore in Exeter, found- ed by his fattier, and Earl S .4' ELL DIESELINE Shell Dieseline provides the maximum in efficient, trouble-free, low-cost diesel operation. It ensures the best perform- ance of your diesel engines because of its balanced qualities: cleanliness, power, stability, anti-knock, clean burning, good low-temperature pump- ability and uniformity. for fast, dependable dolly* phone DIAL 23S.I82B Art Clarke Impr You Home N See Conklin Lumber Centre for Quality Building Supplier 11 you are. planning to build a new home, or to remodel or enlarge your present dwelling, bring your ideas or blueprints to Conklin Lumber and let our "Home Planning Consultant" go over them with you. He will .give you free advice, as well as an estimate of building materials, No obliga- tion, of course, • ALL TYPES OF LUMBER PLOOR 41 TILE • INSULATION « ANGEL STONE to ENTRANCE DOORS e COMBINATION DOORS e PIERSON AND DAS,HWOOD WINDOWS e EXOTIC IMPORTED HARDWOOD PLYWOODS • BUILDERS' TOOLS 1, CASH AND CARRY 2. CASH AND DELIVERY 3. THIRTY-DAY CHARGE ACCOUNT 4. MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN 0,000 Up To 5 Years) N. 03 HWY, LAST Tnti(K OtLiVtRY— '$A10 SATURDAY tUti,5 and Chuck Snell 235.2322 EXETER 23S-1422