HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-31, Page 1625th Anniversory
Mr. and Mrs. George. Paul and Randy
wish to thank their many customers for then' loyal
.and kind patronage over the past 24 years. -You
support has been appreciated,
We look forward to .maintaining our friend-
ly relationship and courteous services for many
years to coma.
ee.eesseeeeeseervereer. geeer feetereefettee Former citizens; Recreation
capture award .s North :Middlesex WI
view craft displays.
an district news Churches, conducted the tie-
votions. Mrs, Gordon Robson
lecl in singing. Noon luncheon
Girls' solo 114 and under) — Boy's solo (10 arid under), Shirley Peckham, 7.1: Sharon Ian McLellan; 79; Philip West, Bristow, 72: Joyce Carruthers, 77; David Carpenter, 75; girl's
71; bays, Bruce Smith. 79; Doug- sole . )12 and under), Barbara las Hoagies. 77; Garth Vernon, "."' Stewart, 77; Jennifer Lewiag- 75, ton tied with Joanne Girls' solo (15 and under)
Ju — 76; Lois Legg tied with Hee- dy Allison, 73; Jean Stebbins. —
69; thee Carty; boys', oes Hod-
Danny Sprague, 78; Glen Steep- tied
Hardy and Bob Arnold
Judy Thirsk and er, 77; Rickey Kellesti", ee i. Keith Wales, 80; Nancy Park Girls' solo (8 and under)
Ellen Whitmore, 78; Carol Berm — and Marilyn learn, 79; Trevor
Evans and Brian Gagnon tied tied with Jeanette -Pedlar, 77 ; with Bette Smith and Norma Julie Hardy tied with Eleanor Davis, 78; 15 and under, Ken
Bullock, 76; boys. Kenneth Hardy and Gary Traversy, 80;
McGregor, Billy Brass. Billy Lynn. Arnold and Rossana Car-
Ceelirane tied with hoyden bett, 78; Barbara Cunningham Gagnon, 76, and Donee McLinehey, 77, Girls' solo (9 and under) —
Ellen Whitmore, 88; Laura.
Hudgins, 79; Betty Park, 78;
boys, Ricky Rollings, 79; Mike
Culbert, 78; Gary Skee tied
with George Hodgson. 77.
Girls' solo (10 and under) —
Tanis Freem a n, 79; Nancy
Hardy. 78; Laura Horigins, 77;
hoe's, Gordon Hardy. 78; David
Hill tied with Morley Eagleson,
77; Keith Wolper, 76.
Vocal duet (10 and under) —
Gordon Hardy and Michael Cule
Unison chorus i Grade 1) ..... and Bonnie Tweddle, 78; boys.
Lucan Public School tied with Max Dorm an, 79; T r e v o r
McGillivray TSA. 75 each; Evans, 78 ; Dolt Schuurman,
Grade 2, Lucan PS, 77; Mc- 77.,„e _ I solo (12 and under), Gillivray, 75; Grade 2, Lucan Letr-'s .. e.„ PS, 77; 3IcGillivray TSA, 76 ; Judy Therse., 79; Peggy Bison,
Grade 4. Lucan PS tied with 78 ; Helen Eagleson, 7 7; boys,
McGillivray TSA, 79, Wayne Tedder, 77; Arthur
Girls' solo (6 and under) d_ Mercer, 76; Paul Revington
Sherrie Davis. 77; Mary Benn, tied with Paul. Hodgson, 751/2 .
'76; Heather Alawson, 75; boys. - Boy's solo (15 and under). „ Bill Dixon, 81; Gary Traversy Dennis Wraith, 78; Ricky 1C"'" tied with Barry Tweddle, 80; lestine„ 77; Tom Hearn. Girls solo (7 and tinder) _Ken Hardy tied with Doug Lee,
Julie Hardy ' 79; Frances El' "Vocel duet (12 and under), son, 78: Susan Hardy, 77; boys,
Mr. Tom Beer of the public
school staff was MC for a
program "The Festival of.
Stars," and the presentation of
awards to: Junior girl soloist,
Ellen Whitmore; junior piano,
Joy Pollock; boy soloist, Ricky
Railings; boy soloist (rural)
B r u c e Smith; girl soloist
(rural), Judy Blair.
tertison chorus (rural), SS 12
Biddulph; two • part chorus,
grade 5, McGillivray TSA;
unison chorus,,Lucan PS tied
with MeGillivray TSA; senior
piano, Norma Stewart; inter-
mediate girl soloist, Phyllis
Mawson; intermediate piano,
Karen Levie; best boy pianist
in festival, Tom Hardy tied
Dale Schram.
Intermediate boy soloist, Max
Dorman; best girl soloist in
high school, Ronnie Watson;
senior hoy soloist, Bill Dixon;
senior girl vocalist. Dianne
Cormier; school choir, Lucan
PS; s'ocal double trio, McGil•
livray ISA,
hest girl pianist in festival;
Norma Stewart; church solo,
Judy Scott; highest mark in
festival, Lucan PS chair; high
novice, Roes I-lodging.
Goes down bank
to avoid person
l'etligrew investigated an aeci•
The seventh annual North bal. 77; Beth MeLaughlan and here tied with Kathy Arnold
Middlesex Music. Festival, spon- Susan Sercomhe. 76, stied); •and Jams Freeman, 78; Keith
,cored by the Lucan Home and. Bonnie Blair, 74, and Gayle Wainer and Ronnie MeLinchey,
School Association, was held McLellan, 74, i tied I; 76; Susan Hemming and Al a l'Y
Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- Boys' solo it) and under) — Fee Corner, 75,
day, May 23, 24 and 25. Gene Wright, 75; Roger Deer. Girls' solo (13 and under) —
, Mr. Lansing McDowell. BA, 74. and. Peter Bloom, 74; Lloyd Dianne Cormier, 79; Lynn Arm
ARM Master of Music in the Prekup, 73: old, 78; Elizabeth Hill tied with
London Teachers' College. was (,iris' solo (ii and larders — Linda Smith, 77; boys, Keith
edjudicalor and Mrs. Sheridan Sylvia Alitoraj, 77; Brenda etas- Wales, 78; Ken Hardy, 76; Tom
Revington as convener and frank tied with Janyce Grose, Hardy, 75,
Mrs. Calvin Haskell, both of 76; Linda Heckman tied with Girls' solo (14 .and under) —
Lucan, as secretary-treasurer. Cheryl Ellis. 75; boys, Paul Dianne Cormier, 80; Lynn Are-
', Results in rural school sec- Chefurko. tied with Steven Ali. olri. 79 ; Barbara Cunningham
bons were: ebel, 75: Donald McAdam, tied tied with Elizabeth Hill, 78.
lenton chorus (20 or more), with Michael Ladder, 74; Doug- PIANO SECTION. SS 12 Biddulph, 75: SS 5. 74; lac Campbell, 73; 7 years, Hardy, 76; SS 1. Biddulph, West Williams vo • i d ) .. ,ca duet girls andor boys 8 years,Gay Stewart, 70; 9 Central School, 73 each (tied); „, and under , d.. Erwin Gelio ,
two-part ,z6.2;() SS ItruitTied i. ' '''' and Patsy .Bindley: 7t;' Rage - Nieon 76 . Palsy Watson,"5. ,
years, Joy .Pollock, 79; Karen
nary Romphf and Carolyn 10 years, David 13W, 77 ; Kath-Jamieson, 74: Elaine. Wright ryn Adams, 76; James Grant
and Donna Egan, 73: tied with Marilyn Jamieson, Girls' solo Oa and under) — 75; 11 years, Karen Levie, Si;
Doris Culbert, 78; Cell)] Beis- Marilyn Hearn, 80; Rosa Hod-
tow, 75; Mary Korevaar lied gins tied with Gayle Mardlin, with Carolyn Jamieeon, 74 ; 77; 12 years, Dale Schram, 78;
boys, Erwin (lobe], 78; Donald Barbara Stewart tied with O'Neil, 77; Fred Veale, 75. Carolyn Jamieson, 77; Nancy
Girls' solo i13 and under) — Park: 13 years, Tom Hardy,
Judy Blair, 78; Kathryn Craw- David Elston, 77; Elizabeth Hill
ford, 17; Barbara Zubal. 75; tied with Elaine Grant, 76; 14
boys, David La Chance, 78: years, Carol Stalker, 79; Jo-
Wayne O'Neil, 77: Jim Sadler anne Pallock, Bonnie Scott.
tied with Ivan McLeish, 76; THURSDAY EVENING
A Jr. choirs tie and under) gins,8 -1 • Piano duet 19, 10. in, Gayle Holy Trinity Anglican, 82; Lu-
can Veiled Church, 80.
Martha and Ross flodgins, 76;
Joan Garrett and Gayle Mard- Official opening lin, 75: 15 years, Norma Stew-
At 8.30 Mrs. Sheridan Bering- art, 81.; Angela McNamee, 78;
ton introduced the guest speak. Bonnie Scott, 78; boys, Doug,
er, Mr. D, J. Dickson, princi- las Vyse, 78; Gary Traversy
pal of Masonville School, who and Henry Szmondski, 77;
officially opened the festival, Barry Hicks; girl's solo( 14
Rev. E. O. Lancaster of Holy and under), Eva Jean Tunks,
Trinite, Church led in prayer, 78 ; Sharon. Hathaway, 76.
Vocal duet girls and/or boys— Piano (16 years), Anne West-
Wendy Elstoe and David El- man; piano duet (12, 13, 14),
ston, 77; Sheila Elston and Judy Elaine Grant and Carol Stet-
• Blair, 76; Judy Allison and ker, 79; David Elston and
Sharon Bristow, 75. Wendy Elston, 77,
Double trio tunaccompanied), FRIDAY MORNING
McGillivray TSA, 77; McGliliv- Two-part chorus, McGillivray
ray TSA (different group), 76; TSA, 78; Lucan PS, 76; two, Lucan Public School, tied h wit part with descant, grade 6, Mc- Komoka Public School, 75. Anglican Ladies' trio — Prince An- GillivT" TSA' 79; Lucan PS
77; grade 7, Lucan PS tied
Flowers on the altar were drew School, 70. with McGillivray TSA, 78. presented by tee D. A. :esti- Church solo (16 and under) — Three art chorus (grade 8),
Worth family in loving memory Judy Scott, 77; 'Keith Wales, 75 : McGillivray TSA tied with Lu- of Mrs. Ashworth. Karen Cambridge tied with Di- can PS. 81: school choir, Lucan Rev. E, O. Lancaster preach- aline Bevin, 74; PS, 93; McGillivray TSA, 80, ed a splendid Rogation Day Girls' solo (16 and under) — Girl's vocal solo (.11 and un- eermon at 11 o'clock. Judy Scott and Ronnie Watson der), Phyllis Mawson, 82;
•Holy communion service will tied for first place with a mark th • a enne Robinson tied with he held on Ascension Day, of 74. Teresa Szymanski, 79; Janice Thursday, May 31, at 10,30 a.m.. GRADED SECTION Hayter tied with Jane Hodgson in the evening the senior choir
joins with Arva choir (Cu- an
Ascension Day service at Area.
flentecestal Holiness Church
P400. 14 May 31, l962
dulph, 75; SS 8 Lobo. 74:
Three-part chorus — SS Bid-
dulph, 76; SS 8 Lotto, 73: SS
7 Biddulph, 70;
Vocal double trio — SS 9 Bid-
dulph, 73; SS 5 Biddulph, 74;
SS 12 Biddulph, 72;
Girls' vocal solo .6 and un-
der) Anna McDonald, 75: Anita
Bodgins, 74; Kathy Blok, 73;
boys, Danny Fisher. 70;
Girls' solo 17 and widen
Suzanne Bradley, 77; Linda
Hardy, 76; Janice Dickey, 75;
boys, Randy Masfrank, 78:
Danny Leggate. 77: Jim Ellis,
Girls' solo t8 and under,
Anita Hodgins, 77; Jacqueline
Hodgins. 76: Karen Wright, 75.
tied with Ruth 'Wallis. 75: boys.
Jim Latta, 77; Ronald McKen-
zie, 76; Ralph Waun, 75.
Duets, girls and;or boys (10
and underi — Ross Loft and
Gregory Sadler. 74; Marilyn
Jamieson and Anne McKenzie,
75; Susan Sercombe and Beth
McLacklin, 73, tied): Gayle
McLellan and Bonnie Hodgins.
Girls' solo (9 and under) —
Patsy Watson, 77; Margaret
O'Neil, 76; Heather Davis, '7e;
boys, limmy Dickey. 76; Jim
Alec, 75; Harland Desjardine.
Girls' solo — Margaret Zu-
Church • activities
The YP' have made a change
iii their program. They held
their worship service at 6.30
pam. on Sunday with Messrs.
Jack Eizenga and Paul Graham
singing a duet and four mem-
bers discussing. Psalm I. On
Friday night a fellowship and
recreational meeting was held
featuring a ball game at the
With but. two more Sundays
to go in the SS campaign for
new members, there were 61
children out Sunday,
The junior choir sang at the
Morning service and the senior
clinic and Mrs. Ed. Butler at
the evening service.
United Church
At a CGIT meeting in the
church schoolroom plans for
the . mother and daughter ban-
quet were finalized and corsages
completed. Owing to exams,
More meetings will be held until
Jene 15.
Daisy Cobleigh led in the wor-
ship service and the leader,
Mee., Murray Hodgins continued
the stud,- of St, Paul's travels.
Practice was held on the skit
to. he presented al the banquet.
:Menke to the cooperation of
Lncan house-wives on May 26.
the collection of coat hangers
netted the CGIT 3.16.33. •
The Messengers met in the
church schoolroom Saturday,
May 19. Mrs. Stewart McLellan
reed the story "The Mountain
Hike" and Mrs. J. W, Lockyer,
the scripture lesson After prate
tisieg music festival songs,
games were played.
The lest meeting until Sep-
tember of the Lucan-Clandebeye
was held Sunday evening
In' the church schoolroom. The
worship service was taken by
Dena end Wayne Culbert. The
I u n C h committee comprised
-Judy Scott, Frank Egan and
Wayne 'Culbert,
The president, Margaret Seri,
announced 'rickets for the trip
to Greeewieh Village, DetrOit,
meted now he secured front Dana
Culbert, or herself and should
beepureheeed by the end of the
The 'YPlY has been asked
Parr a softball feaeue and Alecs
t,d ;sing twit numbers at the old
faehintied lea . meeting in eon,.
neaten With. the centennial pro•
gram to be held Wed,, June 21.
St Patrick's Church
Bowling lanes
to be changed
Mr. Jack Arnold has sold the
Lucan Lanes to AIr. Grant Mc-
Tavish, operator of the New
Hamburg Lanes, who will take
poseessinn June 1 and operate
5 and 10 pin howling, using
pin boys.
Mr. Arnold expects to hegira
operating a howling alley at
Mt. Forest around the end of
Mr. Calvin Carmichael, a win-
ner et a preliminary bowling
tournament in Lucan, rempeted
in the finals et London and was
one of the 3e bowlers in East-
ere Canada to win e trip for
two, to the t3eribbearl,
Lucan staff . well reeresented
leoltowirtg a smorgasbord sup-
per at the Iroquois Hotel. Len-
don, lest Wednesday, officers
were elected for the Middlesex
I and 2 Federation of Wetneel
lea chers` Association.
mg-e,evaele mum festival.
Marsha, Jo Anne: end Detdse
Bibson, who. wort a0. many a-
wards et -inesieel. .festivegle in
'Inteem. while their ..fAtiler, Mr-
Harold Ribson was arena, direc-
lor :here, .eortinee to bring hon-
or to their parents and 'teachers,
Besides .ceen.lelg first in A
vocal duet Jo Aon.e with. Maur-
een Callaghan came first in the
ladies' duet with a mark, of 85.
Site else came first In a con.
(ratio solo-87,
Denise came second in the
girls' vocal solo under 11 years
with an 85 mark,
Miss Bette Legke, who was
Limn's Public School Meek
teacher for a number of years,
was presented with flowers in
appreciation of her assistance
in the three-day festival as ae-
companist for the choral en-
Scout newt
Scout Master Eerl Carling,
troop leader Paul. .Steacy And
14 scouts front Lucan attended
the Perth .District Scout Camp-
oree seven miles south. of Mitch-
ell over the holiday weekend
where 160 scouts end 27 patrols
Lucan's two patrols, the Fox.
and Beaver each performed.
well, receiving a mark of over
300 each which placed them. in
class C. On returning to Lucan
they set up a first aid tent at
the. tire works' arena display
And also helped to keep the
crowd back from the danger
Joan Lockyer, six - year - old
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. j.
W. Lockyer, entertained Linda
Kean!, Linda Coughtry, Patty
Corbett, Karen a O d Patty
Wright and Barbara England
at a birthday party, Friday,
Mr. and. Mrs, W. W. Garrett,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Meraggart
and Mrs, Bob Coleman attended
a softball tournament in Sar-
nia on Monday, May 2]. Mrs.
MeTaggart, the former Doreen
Garrett:, was playing on the St,
Marys team but was among the
losers. . .
Mrs, Wes Hocigins spent last
weekend in Owen Sound, the
guest of Mr, and Mrs. _Joe Hod-
gins and family,
Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman
attended the Hydro retirement
dinner at the Kinsmen Hall,
Chatham, Friday and spent
Friday and Saturday With. Mx,
and Mrs. Oswald Freeman of
Chatham. On Sunday, accompa-
nied by their family, they spent
the day with Mr. and Mr. Jack
Young of Mitchell.
Mrs. Will liaskett returned
home on Sunday after spending
a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Cook and family of By-
Mrs. George Coursey is visit-
ing her son, Victor Coursey, and
family at Camp Borden.
Last Friday, Mrs. Murray
Hodgins attended a Kee-mo-ket
camp committee meeting at
Robinson Si e re oriel Chtirch,
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Lockyer
and family visited a number of
relatives in Camlachie Sunday,
Ten-month-old Tom Wright,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Ted Wright
of George St., Friday fell out
Of his high chair and broke his
collar hone.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J,
Irwin and, Sharon of Hickson
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Slathers.
Mr, and Airs. Roy Hamilton.
of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs, A.
Eedy of Denfield have returned
Lucan and district has missed
out in the near-by showers and
is still hoping for rain.
Mrs. Robert Coleman attend-
Alfred Shingler
once fisherman
Alfred Shingler, 83, died in
St, Marys Hospital, London, on
Friday, May 25.
The body rested hi the C,
Haskett & Son Funeral Home,
Lucan, until Monday, May 28
when the Rev. G. W. Rath of
the United Church conducted
funeral serviees. Interment was
in St, James cemetery, Clan-
cleboye. Pa 11 bearers were
Messrs, Harold Corbett, W, E.
(Shorty) Sovereign, George
Thomson, Art McLean, Don
Ranting and Clarence Frost.
He is survived by One sell,
Tom of Greensville, two grand-
children, Toni Jr, and Sandra.
Shingler, also three hrothers,
Oliver of Lancaster, Albert of
Pt, Rowan and Frank of Lon.,
Son of the late Mr, and Mts,
Harvey. Shingle', he was born
neat' Hamilteni e He worked. on
the fish boats for 11 years be.
fore coming to the Lileati
(rid where he worked as a
laborer, Prior to being hospital'
teed for four years arid Under..
going a ember of majot opera.
Lions, he was listing on Conces-
sion 5 8idtiniph, just north of
You're TIRED
see .Frankle 'YalekoViten,- King
of polka, teltteie at the :Iaican
Arena, 'There will be .twos other
bands .an the program,
Last week's musical festival
was a big success with many .of
our local -girls and boys taking
top honors, It is marvelous to
hear so many wonderful voices
god pigniete under one .roof,
Last Saturday's squirt base-
ball results are — Pirates 13,
Wee P, 11; Tigers 8, Yanks S.
These ,were well RIayed
games. Some of the players arc
not getting out to these games
making it hard for the coaches.
yott have signed up with a
.team see that you get out to
these games,
Next Saturday's schedule is:
at 10 a,m, Trish P vs Tigers;
I t amh Yanks s's Pirates.
The tennis .court has been
rolled with the help of the Lu-
can volunteer fire department.
Tennis classes will get under
way after a little more work
is done on M.11110. Send a note
with your age and phone num-
ber so that I can call YOU, per-
sonally as to playing time,
The, pee wee ,and midget hard
ball teams have started prac-
tising on Saturda-' afternoons,
We want any boy in this age
group to please turn out,
The intermediate team had to
withdraw from the league, This
was .done due to an earlier
entry of a softball team being
entered unknown to the recrea-
tion department.
Loon girl wins high mark
Judy Ha slott, 17 -year - old
daughter of Mr, and 'Mrs, Cal-
vin Haskett, ah the Western On-
tario Conservatory of 'Music
Spring Ballet exams, won first
class honors, coining second i n
the Grade 7 class with a mark
of 04, Besides attending Grade
12 at :Medway, Judy also has a
class of 25 tap dancers in Lu-
ed the anniversary service at
St. Patrick's Church, Saints-
bury and was e guest with. Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Davis.
Eleven members of the Le-
gion Auxiliary attended the Le-
gion Rally in Parkhill last Wed-
Mrs. Clarence Haskett and
Brenda took the former's sister,
Miss Angela Armitt, to Gruntlin
airport on Friday for a plane
trip to Europe for a month's
Mrs, Jack Davey of Wood-
stock was a weekend guest of
My. Mitchell Haekett and Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin .Flaskett.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thorne
and Fred of London were Sun-
day guests of Rev. and Mrs, E.
0, Lancaster,
Mrs. George Zavitz,
Ilderton, Was re-elected Kest,
dent of North Midillsex. Dist.
riot .W.1 at the 59th annual
meeting held .on Thursday,
May A in Lieury Volker!.
Church with McGillivray WI
as the host branch,
Mrs. Zavilz conducted the in
memoriam. service and was
also. elected to the Farm
Safety Council,
Miss Newsy Buchanan,
fagsgx. home _economist, re•
ported there were 27
homemaking clubs with plans
for another to start, Some of the girls' work was, on ,dis-
play, also hats 'by lAtIcan
end rooper-tooling by Ilderton
Sirs. Wilfred ,Keays, London
area chairman, brought greet-,
inks from. that area, An in-
vitation was extended Ivan
Institute for the 60th anteivers
Ary -next year.
Branches in the district in-
clude Beec.hwood with 29 mem ,
hems; Clandeboye, 26; Clover-
dale, 34; Coldstream, 24; Gran-
ton, 20; Merton, 49; Keyser,
1$; Komoka, 25; North. Loho,
45; South Lobo, 38; Lucan, 36; McGillivray ; 29; Prospect Hi ll
and ,Riverview, 45,
Rev, U. E. Moorehouse,
of .leteury and Parkhill United
Lions choose
Elmer Mosurinjohn. was elect.-
ed president at Lucan . Lions
Club at the dinner meeting last
Monday night, Immediate past
president. is Lionel Kendrick.
Vice-presidents are Gary Mc-
Palls and Al Bromwich; secre-
tary-treasurer, Don Hadginst
tail-twister, Russell Bowman;
Lion lamer, William Little; first
year directors, Bud Cook, Ken
Moore; second year directors,
Dr. Lloyd Hall, Jack Atkinson;
nominating committee, L e s
Woodward, Jim Young and
Clare Stanley,
The Lucan Public School pa-
trol group were guests,
4"--$55. per M Feet Det'd,
5"—$85. per M Feet Dei'd,
6"—$110. per M Feet Ded.
7"—S153. per M Feet Del'id.
8"—$185. per M Feet DeI'd.
Above prices based on 1000
Linear Feet, in full truckloads
or more, delivered within 35
mile radius of our plant. For
detailed prices on all sizes tile,
either delivered or F.0,11, our
plant at Elginfield, write or
LTD., RR 2, London — Phone
227-4723 Lucan.
was served .in ilrcCilflvraq
Township. Hall to 10% ladies,.
'Mrs. Tont Kooy, _extended a
welcome to which' Mrs, 'When'
roster, RR. 2. Grantee, :re-
Other officers .elected inelud•
.ed: honorary president, Mrs.
John Davies, Rft 1 _Ailse.,Craigt
— Please turn to page 17
President is Mrs. Doris Yoe-
ter, Thorndate; vice-president,
Mrs, Marguerite McRoberts, Ix,
The CWL or St. Patrick's can; treasurer, Airs, Donna Van
Church, tiddulph, held a sue- Arenthals, Lucan; secretary,
cessful bake tale at the leteen Miss Bernice Thomae, Well ,
Mater Sales Saturday and real- hunt; benevolent fund,- Mrs.
bred about $65. COleleigh, Lucent,
pendent: •Miss. Lint Ableett Marsha for the wood year
took the Lions Club trophy fee
etWerte the beet 'performance in the
festival and. the Oneping Credit
Union Sly cash scholarship or
Co ncert .by top winners in A vocal. duet with $.8 marks.
iet. She and Jo Anne came first
the best secondary school Voetti-
e. She Also, with 1e nor Wit
climaxes music festival _.,.' the Levack 11.$ trio,-8s marks.
withi :4"1°)inadrlijsn 1.ehn4tilaSdeig'edd-14ient
le It
dent on No. 4 Highway Friday No.,
AdiSer, 57, af.
MilVetteM rude her car down Ndw add ifio:oiiiitkoeik:tett t NI*1-84"
7 and 'Mak botherail 13Y b4klidtik a 1 00•I net bank Me.nwae -pomp wohirii twmit, lot Creek to avoid A Collision With atij .0,6nditipti 446E4 by ariaavy initAtiari bi a pedestrian.
polidi t ioo in .8L }fog. ottiaamiiaivitkoithawaagtak644,1iiii41.);
pita{ with facial laderatialia and f°"16''"'"*tilf """"k/f°"°6
• hlmtelae.:tfittettiateYrt.. Theit thit time is take
Mrs. Reise is satisfactory
fetter) OF'F' Constable Dtitiald
The MO 18 :ediackn, of the ,By TOM BANKS Sudbury St a r records the r Deeps mr,. BAN KS
Lucan personal items
At Imperial Oil's laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario,
more than 200 scientists and technicians are
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Serving London end District since 1870
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90% of all oil company product research in Canada
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Another 130 scientists and technicians are work-
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Pretticelly anyWhera you lobk today you'll find thingt that are Made trent
oil, Chet icalt froni Petroleum are the building blocks far hundreds of things
frOtri plastic toys to autornbbile tires, Oil toteateh thentiste end
tedlifiltiana Ate Wotkingta &Nolan more of these basic (S` fer Canada,