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The TitnosAdvacate, May Ma.' 31, 196Z Fags
were guests on Thursday .and Harold Berry Pf Pronty.
lung with Mrs, Arthur lop- spent the Oa week with gr.
sins. Allan Derry and visited with
Airs. J, 'Wareham, Mrs. AL Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry.
Copeland and Jean, Mr. and Air. and Airs. Victor ,Chatten
Mrs. Glen ,Copeland and attended the 54th wedding An.
thia, attended the anniversary niversary of Mr. and Mrs,
_services: at Zion East on Sun- David Paton of Parkhill .on
-day. Sunday. it was also. Air. Pat-
Mr- .and Mrs. J, K. Anderson ion's birthday.
Shipman's Heating
& Sheet Metal
• Installation and Repairs
* Vacuuming and Adjusting
Saw Sharpening
randma better help
Anniversary pastQr
urges rededication
BY MR5„ M„. rFAIsT-
A debate—Resolved that mod-
ern woman is more help to her
husband than gratidnia was —
Itas the highlight of the meeting
o, the .CrediLon Women's insti-
Hite held, in, the Community
Centre, Crediton.
The affirmative was taken by
lit s, 'BouDunne and
Mrs..Ross Krueger, Grandma's
position was defended by Airs,
Earl Ilaist and Mrs. Emmery
rabrner in such a convincing;
manner that the negative stle
was declared winner of the de-
bate, The judges were Mrs.
Harvey ilodgins. Mrs. Edward
Lamport and Airs. Sam King.
Miss Doreen Kenny entertained.
with vocal solos,
Airs, W. D. Mack columented
0 the rnotta "Never underesti-
mate the power of a woman".
!.-:to said, that everyone has an
fluenee on other people but
the mother in the home has the
b,.reatest influence As the chil-
dren are in her care during
their formative years. "Wbeth'
er our influence is for good or
bad rests with each individual",
she noted, Women have a spe-
cial capacity for enriching and
ennobling life with graciousness.
beauty and love.
Mrs, Mack was chairman for
the program and Mrs, Earl Neil,
the new president, conducted
the business. Roll call, —Some-
thing my grandmother made"
brought out sonic interesting
ideas on the activities of that
The revised bylaws for the
branch were given a first read-
ing, Mrs. Earl liaist reported
on the District, Annual held at
ensall. She said the safety
project for the year is electric
safety and that each branch
was to submit ideas for cele-
brating the district's 60th an.
Mrs. Lorne Hodge was chosen
leader for the 4.1.I club girls:
the summer project is "Dressing
up Vegetables."
It was decided to send letters
to the village trustees regarding
the condition of the sidewalks
in the village and to the comy
munity park committee, re-
questing that trees he planted
it the park.
Mrs. Earl Neil reported on the
Officer's Conference Guoinh
which she attended. Mrs. Sam
King reported on Achievement
Day and announced that Mar-
lene King, one of Crccliton's
41-11 club girls has been chosen
for a four-day visit to Guelph,
Sterling silver spoons were pre-
sented to Mrs. Edward Lam-
port and Mrs, Mat k, past presi-
dents, An interesting collection
of grandmother's treasures was
on display.
Hostesses were Mrs, Earl
itaist, Mrs. Emmery Fahrner,
Airs. Phillip BouBantle and Airs.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Oestrich-
er visited on Sunday with Dr.
and Mrs. .1., Nielsen and fam-
ily at London,
F/L Robert Palmer. of Win-
nipeg, visited with Alr. and
Mrs, Emmery Fahrner one day
last week.
Mrs. Eat Coughtrey, who has
hcen visiting in Holland, return-
ed home on Monday tight.
Mr. Calvin Fahrner attended
conference at Pelham and is
stationed at Selkirk for the
coming year and to attend
Waterloo College.
Mr, Albert Gaiser attended
conference at. Pelham as lay-
man for the church,
Mr, and Airs. Alex Wolfe of
istowel.,I Mr. and Mrs. Addison
Wenzel and Wallace visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wenzel
on Sunday.
Bill Duckworth of Goderich
visited with Mr, aid Airs, Ross
Krueger and Jean over the
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Fink-
Johnny visited with their son,
Alr. and Airs. Bob Wade, and
family at Ancaster.
Air, and Mrs. Russell Clark
of Detroit and Mr. and: Airs.
Harry Dale of Brampton spent
Sunday with Air. Francis Clark
aid he left to snake his home
at .Exeter with. Mrs. Alit° Snell
Sunday evening. Mrs. Clark and
Airs, Dale remained for a few
days to pack up and clean up
the apartment.
Mrs. Chris Haig of Zurich
called on friends in town last
Visitors with Air, and Mrs.
Lorne Presscator on Sunday
were Air, and Mrs. Ed GDAM-
hers and Gloria of Exeter, Mr,
and Mrs. William Priestley and
baby of Byron, Alr, Steve Brier-
lv of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Presseator and Calvin of
Mrs. Lorne Morlock returned
home from hospital on Sunday
ni ich inwroved.
Mr. and Airs, Gerald Wein
and family of London anent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John
Mr. and Airs. Grant Roeszler
and children of London visited
with. Mrs, William Roeszler and
Visitors over the weekend
with Mr. and Ales, Carl Rad-
ford were Mr. and Mrs. Felix
Shushack and boys from Kitch-
ener and Miss Marcella Nuiack
of London,
Rev. A, Al. Schlenker return-
ed home Sunday evening from
conference and is stationed here
for another year.
Ale, and Mrs. Frederick
Wuerth and family of Galt are
spending a few days with Mrs,
S, S. Wuerth,
Letter from
Personal items
Air, Harvey Andrews has ac-
cepted employment at Centralia
Paul Hodgson, student of Mc-
Gillivray Central School, and
Miss Bonnie Watson, North Mid-
dlesex. District High, were
among the winners al the music
festival held at Lucan on Thurs-
day and Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Lewis
and family and Mr, Rae Lewis
were guests of Mrs, D. Lewis
of Ansa Craig on Sunday.
Air, and. Airs, Donald Mor-
ley, of London, visited with
Airs. Walter Morley and family
Mr. and Airs. Pete Coburn
visited Saturday evening with
Mr, and. Mrs. Howard Fenton
and family.
Many attended the anniver-
sary services at Ailsa Craig
United Church on Sunday, Guest
speaker was Rev. R. S. Hilts
of Crediton and Exeter, church-
This Week in
Thames Road
Messenger's tee
Nearly 100 g,rantimothers,
mothers, members of. the •mes-
sengers, and c hild r en from
Eliinvilic gathered in the church
basemen( On Saturday afternoon
for their annual tea, words of
welcome w.ere given by Judy
The president, Dennis. Pass-
more, was in charge of the.
meeting, Sitar() rh Passmore,
And Johns Morgan assisted in
the worship service.
Review of the study Period
was given by the leader, mrs,
William SnOw, also vocal solo
by Sandra. Skinner of Eilmville.
The offering was taken by Grant
Dodger', and Glenn Rohde,
Airs. Lee Webber introduced
Airs. 1 t, C. Wilson who spoke on,
her recent trip to Yellowknife,
A film on Eskimo children
was shown by Mrs, Edwin Mil-
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ferguson
of Cbiselburst, Air. and Mrs,
Donald Davey of Exeter, mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery, were
guests recently with Mr. and
Mrs, Gordon Moir of Gorrie„
the occasion being Air, and MTS..
Moir's tenth wedding anniver-
Rev. Hugh and Mrs, Wilson
arrived home from Yellowknife,
North West Territory, on Wed-
nesday morning last,
Mr. Archie Etherington is a
Patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Airs, Percy Stone returned to
the home of her daughter and
son-in-taw, Mr, and Mrs. Nel-
son Lamport of Crediton, -on
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Rowe
and family. attended Centralia.
Sunday School anniversary on
Sunday and later spent the day
with. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Blair
and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd P„allan-
tyne and Larry attended Car-
mel Presbyterian. Church an-
niversary on Sunday and later
spent the clay with Mr, and Mrs.
Gerald Bell,
Air, and Airs. Lorne P ass^
more, Sharon, Paul, Beth and
Keith were Swiday guests with
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Ahrens of
Air, and Mrs. George Luther
of Sarnia, Air. and Mrs. Rus-
sell. Adam, Air. and Airs, Wayne
Adam of Marlette, Michigan,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Charles Jeffery.
Air, and Mrs. john Bray and
Agnes, Mr, and Airs. Donald
Bray, Robert, Janet, a.nd Ruth
were Sunday guests with Mr,
and Airs. Mark Strapp of Lon-
Mr. and Abs.r James McKay
and jimmy of Georgetown, Mr.
and Airs. Warren Brock of Exe-
ter visited ,on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ryan of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hod-
gert, Grant and .Brenda were
Sunday evening guests with Mr.
and Airs. Arnold Cann.
The Happy Doubles Club pic-
nic will he held at Springbank
on Saturday, June 9 at 12:30
There will he Sunday School
croir practice on Friday eye-
nincf, in the church basement.
.Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns
decorated, with flowers and a
basket from the Chambers' fam-
ily and one from the Fred Kerr
fa mily,
Special music was given by
the choir, a solo by Mrs. S. G,
Klatt in the morning, and duets
by Gerald and Harold Skinner
of Exeter at the evening serv-
y MRS. FR1=P .BoW.Dg.N.
The, Rev. Milton. D. Cook, Grace United Church, London,
Was the guest speaker; for the
anniversary service in the
church on. Sunday morning
with a large congregation in
"lie that is faithfni in that
which is leas< is faithful also
in much" was the text used
by Rev, Cook. in his sermon:
he pointed out that we are
living in a world filled. With a
lust for power, "The only way
to right the wrongs of the
world today is for people to
rededicate • themselves to the
Christian principles—the stritg.
gle must be fought in the
heart. We must be more faith-
ful to the church, to the home,
to the bible and strive for
more knowledge of the gospel
of Jesus,." he said.
Two anthems were sung by
the choir with Keith flodgins
taking the solo part in one
.anthem. The music was under
the direction of the organist
and choir leader, Mrs, Kenneth
Personal items.
Aliss Helen McFalls has re-
turned to London after spend-
ing a week at her home.
Airs, Harry Wilson returned
home last week from St. jo-
.seph's Hospital, London, fol-
lowing an operation for ap-
Mr. and Airs. Victor Over-
holt and family were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reg
Auhin and family in Seaforth,
Mr, and Airs, J, _Hansen and
sons of the RCAF Clinton were
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. George Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred liuxtable
of Exeter were Sunday visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred
Mrs, Phillips and Mrs, Gloom'
returned home from St. Jo-
seph's Hospital last .week,
Mr. and Mrs, W. Baker visit-
ed over the weekend with
friends in Brussels,
Sunday visitors at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. George Dunn
were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Down and Mr. and. Mrs. Ches-
ter Dunn of Exeter
Mr. J. Sims, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale of Seaforth visited with
Mrs. Allen at the home of Miss
Margaret Cook on Sunday and
also called on Mr. and Mrs.
George Hicks.
Miss Wilda Pollock, RN, of
Kitchener was a weekend
guest with .her sister and bro-
ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne
Air, and Airs, lack Essery
attended the Whalls-Caldwell
wedding in the Shedden United
Church. The bride is a. niece
of Mrs. Essery.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hod.
gins attended the Canada
Packers Quarter Century Club
banquet in Toronto on Saturday
Mr. and .Mrs, john Thomp-
son visited over the weekend
were Sunday evening guests
with Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wil-
with Mr. and Mrs. -Carman
Gawdy at Iona. Station.
Debbie and Donnie Riddell
of Princeton are spending a.
few weeks with their grand,
parents, Rev. D. M. and Mrs.
Guest, while their mother is
recovering in the Woodstock
hospital following major stir.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schroe-
der were visitors on Sunday
al the home of their son, Mr.
and Airs. J. Schroeder And
family, in London. Larry
Schroeder was celebrating a
Mr.and Airs. Ray .Lammie
and Jean visited with Miss
Greta Lammie in. HenSall and
attended the anniversary ser-
vice in the Presbyterian church
OD Sunday evening.
MISS Margaret Bowden spent
the weekend with. Miss Pauline
Woodburn at Corbett.
Lilt's, Wilfred. linxtable, ac-
companied by Mr. and Airs,
Stanley Love, of Exeter, at-
tended the anniversary ser-
vice in the itensall Presby-
terian. Church Sunday evening.
Mr. and Airs. Fred Bowden
were in Toronto over the week-
end where they attended the
Canada Packers Quarter Cen-
tury Club banquet on Saturday
night and on Sunday they
visited with Mr. and Mrs, R.
Smith in Searhoro,
Mrs. William Quinton and
Dianne, Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Lilley and family, Rev. and
Airs. Al. G, Cook of London
were Sunday guests with Airs.
Arthur McFalls and Helen,
New drapes have been plac-
ed in the church vestry by the
leaders and members .of. the
The services in the Cent-
ralia church will be cancelled
on Sunday on account of the
Whalen anniversary. The sm.-
vice. at Whalen will he at 11
aim, with the Rev, Hugh Wit-
son as guest minister.
Albert: 'So you don't think
those motel people are hon-
Filbert: ''f do not, Why, the
management is so crooked
they steal the towels back
from you."
Products Cif
General Motors
Frigid aire
Sales with
`This week In_
Wood h arn
Airs and Mrs. Russell Mor-
rison of iciekton visited Sunday
with Mr.
Mr. and Airs. Ernie Vodden
spent Sunday with Air, Alenno.
Steckle, Bronson Line, Stanley.
Mrs. Roy 13rock of Detroit
was a weekend guest with her
daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Smith,
Lloyd and family.
Air. and Airs. Earl Dick and
family of Ingersoll And Air.
and Airs. Harold Beavers and
Roy of Exeter were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Lawson and family,
Air. and. Mrs. Jim Thomson
of Granton visited On Sunday
evening with Mr.and Airs,
Clarence Mills and Voris.
Mr. and Airs. Ernie Vodden
spent Monday at Clinton visit•
ing with Mrs, E. Scott, Air, R.
Vodden and Mrs. A. Vodden,
it being Mrs. Scott's birthday.
Mrs. Orville Sawyer, of Mit-
chell, and Mrs, Ann Denham,
of Kirkton, were Sunday visit-
ors with Airs. W. Switzer.
Mr. and Airs. Cecil Murray
of Exeter were Saturday eve-
ning guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Don Morphy and. Bradley.
Mrs, Al, Copeland and Jean
visited with Airs, IL Copeland
of Kirkton on Sunday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hern
e, decides
twiner and family spent ,Sunday
at T''aris visiting her lather,
Air. and Airs. Arthur Amy,
Mrs. Joseph Woodall of Lon-
don hospital came up to Exeter
to her daughter's Mr. and Airs.
John Prycie on. Saturday much
Air. and Airs. John Wade and
Anniversary services were
held on Sunday in the United
Church with Rev, Kenneth Hick.
of Alin Craig as guest speaker.
The church was beautifully
Church at Crediton
mar s anniversary