HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-31, Page 14P.ege. 14. The 1'hhe4.Advecate, May 31., 1962
sifts lase paces)
Honeymoon in Florida
Shasta daisies, white snap- Maid of honor was Kathy
d ragon and f erns forme d th e Thiel. Zurich, wearing a trench
in Hensai/ -en d blue brocade sheath with over- setting " skirt and headdress to match Church for the marriage of She carried a basket of shas-
Florence Ellen Whitt ake r, to daisies. Flower girl was
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gar- Ronnie Pullman in white or-
net Whittaker, He nsall, and ganza with blue sash. She also
John Murray Taylor, son of carried a basket of shasta
'Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Taylor, daisies.
London, on Saturday, May 19 at Larry Janus. London. was
p.m. hest man and Lorne Whittaker
:fise.v. Currie Winlaw officiated and Wilfred Taylor Jr. ushered.
als:sthe ceremony and Miss A reception was held at the
Greta Lammie furnished the Dominion Hotel, Zurich. where
wedding music. the bride's mother received
Given in marriage by her guests in a navy and white en-
father the bride wore a floor- semble and the ,2room's mo-
length gown of silk peau de Hier chose ivory doeskin flan-
faille styled on princess lines gel two-piece sheath with ro-
with, interesting back detail. mance pink accessories.
The. was finished with For a honeymoon in Florida
petals of same material. A the bride donned. for travel,
scoop neckline and lily point ling. a moss green wool 'two-
sheath sleeves were features of piece dress with white aeces-
the bodice. She carried a white sories,
Bible crested with a red rose The couple will make their
akt„, Lily of the valley. home in London.
Plan June wedding
'edding plans for Saturday, June 30. have been an-
nounced by Heather Ann MacNaughton and William
Tantum Howitt, The ceremony will take place in James
Street United Church, Exeter. The bride-elect is the
daughter of the Hon, Charles Steel MacNaughton and
Mrs. MacNaughton, Exeter, and the groom-elect is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lancelot Howitt of La-
salle, Ontario. Miss MacNaughton is a graduate of
Huron College, University of Western Ontario and Mr.
Howitt is a graduate of Ryerson Institute of Technology,
(Photo of Miss MacNaughton by 13ll Barrett and photo
of Mr. Howitt by Ray Zetner).
••'• • ,',4si-•••.• • .• 'S. •
sass-n:1W .....risssssS'Ssssr,ssssssSsS:isS' -.FS:P.sfsisssSSISS..1.S.s.Assts.Snssts.Sss.siss
HONOR THE BRIDE'---With a light and lovely three,
tiered br'ide's cake baked in three sizes of pans and put
together with butter frosting and trimmed with pink
Ron and Evelyn Pratley
Opp Wily
Satur rclay
Marie Hodgson of the food and
nutrition staff of the home eco-
nomics service, Toronto, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Hodgson, Exeter, is being
transferred to Elgin County as
home economist, with head-
quarters at St. Thomas, effec-
tive in July,
We specialize in
hair cutting and
Before The Cattle Go Out To Grass
rent an economical
and eat better while you
stretch your food budget
With a handy storage locker to suit your family
needs, it's easy to save by buying foods in quantity
at seasonal low prices. We'll freeze them at the
peak of their :flavor. You pick them up as you
need them,
Exeter Frozen
PHONE 235.0400
Elizabeth Arden.
Blue Grass
The special fragrance of Summer
whAi mold be more void than Blue. Grass at this time!
Glue Grass summer's special Ousting Powder, What more
refreshing idea after the bath'. Regularly 2.50, neu 2,00
(Luxury 5,50), Blue Grass is summer's special Firmer Mist.
What more lavishly cooling gesture all the days of surnmerl
1 oz. regularly 2,50, now 2,00 (with atomizer, 2.30); 5 oz,
regularly 1.00, now 3,25. Blue Gi'ass is summer's special
Fragrance Set. What malt exquisitely fragrant surroundings
in' which to spend your Summer! The itt combines rerfuitie
Mist, an enchantingly light translation from the great Preneh
Perfume, itith a pose flacon of this precious rethink',
(1.31) able) 5.00,
Sift together the flour, bak-
ing powder and salt. Beat egg
whites until stiff, but not dry;
gradually beat in Ss cup sugar
and contnue to beat until mer-
ingue will stand in stiff peaks.
Cream butter: heat in vanilla
and almond flavorings. Grad-
ually beat in the 1 cup of sugar.
Add sifted dry ingredients to
creamed mixture alternately
with milk, combining slightly
after each addition. Gently but
thoroughly fold in beaten egg
Turn batter into prepared
pans, filling about 2 i; full. Bake
in preheated oven 25 minutes
for small cake, 30 minutes for
medium and 40 minutes for
large cake. Let cakes stand in
pans on cake racks 10 min-
utes. Remove from pans and
Put together and ice with
butter icing and trim with
roses either real or made of
icing. This cake will give 18 to
20 servings,
Lemon Tingle Salad
For a delightful, refreshing
salad try this one which Airs,
Jack Smith brought for a wed-
ding reception in the church re-
cently. It is particularly nice
wth fowl or fish but, good at
any time,
1 can fruit cocktail
1 pkg lemon. gelatine
1. cup water
1 .4 tp salt
1 2 tp dried dill (optional)
tp grated lemon rind
1 1 cup lemon juice
1 small whole lemon,
June is a popular Month for
wedding .testivides—a round of
bridal showers and parties,
luncheons and dinners usually
climaxed with a 'rehearsal party
and reception following the cer-
Julie is also. Dairy Month and
the Dairy Foods Service Bureau
suggest a light bride's cake
baked in three tiers and put to-
gether with butter frosting and
trimmed with. pink roses to be
used on sonic of these occa-
sions. The recipe has been test-
ed in the Dairy Foods Kitchen
and here it is:
Bride's Cake
3 cups sifted cake flour
3 tp baking powder
1 2 Li) salt
6 egg whites
1'4 cup sugar
11 1 cup son butter
2 tp vanilla
tp almond flavoring
1 cup sugar
1 cup milk,
2 eggs
2 tbl mills
1?,.: cups sugar
3 thl. flour
1 2 to nutmeg
3 cups diced pink rhubarb
2 tp butler,
Beat eggs slightly and add
Butter an 8-inch square cake milk. Mix sugar, flour and nut-
pan, a 6 - inch and a 4 - inch meg and stir into eggs. Add.
square pan, Line the bottom of rhubarb and pour into an 8"
each with waxed paper and pastry shell. Cover with a tat-
brush the paper with butter, tice top. Bake in 100' oven
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. for 50 to 60 minutes until nicely
By MRS. sl.M.S,
Slice lemon very, very thin
anti fold slices and drained fruit
into gelatine. Mold, For serving.
unmold and serve with a "doll-
up" of commercial sour cream,
s s
housewives are serving rhu-
barb often these days. The food
department of Macdonald Insti-
tute. Guelph suggests Rhubarb
Custard Pie. •
Rhubarb Custard Pie
Alr, and Mrs, Vern Mt:let-dice,
Garry and Lynn spent a few
days recently with Mr, and Mrs.
Hugh Alderdice at Clarksburg,
Airs, Alice Keen, of Stratford,
Drain the ,fruit eocklail well, visited a few days with Mrs.
reserving the syrup, lleat syrup E, Dowson,
to boiling and dissolve lemon
jello in hot syrup, Stir in cold
water, salt, lemor. rind, juice
and dill, if used Chill until
mixture thickens slightly,
Sir. and Airs. Andy Gibson
and Ann. and Airs, Witham. Gib-
son, of Wroxeter, were Sunday
guests of the latter's daughter,
Airs. Wilfred Mellis, and Mr.
Mr. and. Mrs, James Arm-
strong of Staffa and Miss Jessie.
Hutchinson of Rodney visited
.Friday evening with Mr. and -
Mrs. Norman Long,
Miss Alice Armstrong of SLaffa
and formerly of Kippen who is
a member of the Terry Singers
of London accompanied the
group by plane last weekend to
Ottawa and. Montreal where
they were on a concert tour,
Mrs, W, L. Mellis visited rel-
atives in Wroxeter on Monday.
Miss Marie Moll Sinclair,
daughter of Alt, and, Mrs, John
Sinclair, lift 3 iCiPpen, was pre-
sented with tbrec awards dot',.
log the graduation ceremonies
Saturday at Stratford General
IloAsIpiLtalS17ichIPAoilr ofv onttsle
Munn Award, first pdr.e
for general proficiency in bed-
side nursing; the Alumnae As-
sociation of the Stratford Gen-
eral hospital school of nursing
award, for profieieney in ob-
stetrical nursing; and the award
to the presidmn of the student
association for .051.0.
Following the graduAtion, Mr.
gOndg il‘ulers5ts
. Sinclair
reveeelti lolonst5antdo
dinner in honor of their daugh-
Among the guests were miss
hazel Sinclair, Kenneth Barry
and Mrs, Kenneth English, all
of Toronto, who remained at the
Sinclair home over the week.
Personal items.
Kippen area .nurse
wins three awards.
,4••k04,;,„,:qt • •••
Summer time is time W11011
you need a change in your
decor, A change to quiet, cool
colors and a change to sum-
mer atmosphere inside.
This can be done with very
little expense. This winter we
talked about accent color and
using the rich, dark, warm
shade in your room to give it
a lift and to warm up long
winter days. Now to create a
cool airy atmosphere change
the small accent item to shades
of pastel yellows, nile green,
delph blue, petal pink, orchid
or apricot. Bring these colors
out in your cushions, Asti
trays, lamp shades Or even a
lovely Meal centre-piece, Even
calaureate services of Waterloo that red or bright orange. chair
Lutheran Seminary on Sunday, 'can be changed in minutes
Mr, and Airs. Gordon Weis with a pretty floral slip cover.
berg and David, of Kitchener. NOW with' these bright but cool
spent the weekend with Mr. and
ncoelsbyrsairy'°!.al ndeasUrnri%l ea t Airs. Earl Weiberg, decor sn
Rev. Park and Mr, and Aft's. Your room,
Lloyd Weber and family, of II changing your accents Is
Clinton, visited on Sunday with not enough, change your heavy
Sir. and Mrs. Douglas Gill and pattern drapes and put tip coal
family. looking. plain shades that lone
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Charlton in With Stn' walls or rug,
and Garry. of London and Ali'. por assistance in your mu,
and Mrs, tawrerice"hilock, of trier decorating call Interior
Greenway, visited on SWAY Sh op at 2354511.
with Mrs. Lily Gill,
mark birthday
Exeter Kinettes celebrated
11w tenth anniversary with a
birthday party with husbands
as guests at the summer 11001e.
of Mr. And Mrs. John Burke.
At a short business meeting
conducted by President Mrs.
Claire Hoffman it was voted to
resadopt ‘Vone, Wing Sang of
kook Kong for another year.
All dinettes are invited to at-
tend a joint meeting with Hen-
salt Kinettes at ilens.all on
June 12.
An ,eyening of dancing fol-
lowed closing with a barbecue
,%ith birthday cake and coffee.
Draws were non by Mrs. Ir-
vin Armstrong and Leslie Park-
Layman relates
Corinth church
CCW unit 8 of James St. VC
'ward Mr. Reg Miller, Exeter,
'peak on the Church at .Cor-
nth al the meeting Monday
evening with Mrs. Willia mn
Johnston as leader.
Airs. Robert Coates' group
,.ouvened the program. Mrs,
Walter McBride. Airs. William
imith, Mrs. R. D. Jermyn and
Mrs, Tohn Taylor conducted the
levotional. Linda Johnston and
',hide Hunter - Mixer favored
,with a piano duet.
Plans were made to hold the
June meeting in the form of a
Mrs. Elmer Bell presided for
the meeting of L'CW unit 4
Thursday afternoon when Airs.
Hubert Jones discussed the
study onthe church at Cor-
Mrs. Wes Johns led in the
devotional with the theme
"Christian Witness". Barry
Southcott favored with a solo
accompanied by Mrs. H, L.
A film "The -Wings of the Word, telling of the work or
Roger Perkins. missionary in
Brazil, was show by Mrs. Al-
len Fraser at the meeting of
unit 3 last Thursday afternoon
Mrs. Allen Richard took the
devotional and Mrs. Percy and
Airs. Richard AleFalls favored
with a duet,
The June meeting will be
held at the summer home of
Miss Stella Southcott.
Swap bulbs
at GB WI
Grand Bend WI met in the
town ball on Thursday, May 17.
The hall was decorated with
lilacs and tulips. Mrs. Alex.
Hamilton, president, gave a
reading on the trillium, On-
tario's emblem,
Five dollars was voted to the
North. West Territories fund to
help start new institutes there.
Mrs, Emery Desjardine was
named to write to the branch's
adopted son. in West Germany.
A committee, Mrs, C. Reeves
and Mrs, E, Desjardine, was
appointed to plant flowers at
the cemetery, The June meeting
will be a family picnic on June
21 at 6 o'clock at Conservation
Park at the nine-mile bridge.
Mrs, Carl Oestreicher of
Da.shwood was guest speaker.
She spoke on flowers. The roil
call was naming different flow-
ers and there was an exchange
of plants and bulbs.
A sing song led by Airs,
Slansel Mason with Mrs, C.
Reeves at the piano was en-
joyed by all.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love,
Ginger, Debbie and John spent
the weekend with Air, and Airs.
Glen Love and family of Sar-
Miss Muriel Paths and friend
of Sarnia and Mr, and Airs,
Lloyd Brophey of Greenway
visited on Sunday with Miss
Mary Yeo.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Arc-
Donald and Dean of Clinton,
Sir, and Mrs, Fred Rinker and
Chris of. Sarnia visited last
weekend with Mr. and Mrs,
Ron Mitchell and Wayne.
Air. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Dodds have returned home from
Rev, Park of Clinton conduct-
ed the morning service at the
United Church while Rev, E.
Roulston was at Clinton,
The Sunday School picnic . will
he held June 15 at 6 o'clock on
the church lawn,
Air. and Mrs. Mel Lightfoot,
of St, Marys, spent the weekend
at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs, Don 'Odbert and
fondly, of Stratford. spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Airs. Frank Allister, of Ham-
ilton, is spending this week with
her parents, Air, and Mrs. Willis
Gill and family.
.Airs. Raymond English spent
last weekend with relatives in
Kitchener And A tWided bac-
On Saturday, May .19 the Kip-
pen Bast WI bold a anccessful
bake sale in ifensall .realizing
around. ..5.0,00.
YR anniversary
The ),.roung Peoples' anniver-
sary service Kippen United
Church Sunday was wellattend-
ed by the eongregations of hip-
pen and .Brueefield United
The service was, in charge of
Braun pinnendyk and the min-
islet, Rev.. A, isl, Dullard of
Staffa, Margaret Elgic read the
A young peoples' choir was
wider the direction of its lead.
Osia.Mti4r .... :altisgkkkAitsAWAig
Comments about
Crediton East
maw., .
Air. and Airs, Ed, Bay.nham,
of London, spent Saturday with
their aunt, Mrs, Emma Bayn-
Miss Laura Slathers of Cred-
iton, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mc-
Larty and Isabel of Parkhill
and Air, Paul ;Metcalfe of Lon-
don visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. gar" liaist and family.
Air. and Mrs. Norman Rea-
man, of Exeter, visited Thurs-
day with Mrs. H. Lewis and
Ni', Gordon Gates of Chica-
go called on Mr. and ;ti's,.
Aaron Wein recently.
and Airs, Aaron Wein
and Lloyd Wein called on
friends in Deleware and Lam-
beth last Sunday,
Anniversary tea.
en Wednesday
The third Anniversary tea .of
the Women's Auxiliary to Mitre
ouview is being held ott AVW-.
nesday, June Ii eommencing at
p,in.„ at the home.
All the ladies. of Moron .Cottn-
-Ey are invited to be .present.
Several ladies from Exeter and
.distriet attended last year and
reported a pleasant afternoon.
A guided 'tour of the house
will be a feature of the after-
noon. A silver collection will
be received.
Miss Jean Jason and guest
soloist was Air. Harry Lear of
Mrs. J. Herdman
mother of seven
Mrs. jam Herdman, 76, died
in South Huron Hospital on
Tuesday, Slay 22.
She was the former Annie
(Hannah) Squire, horn in Hul-
lett Township at Kinburn, later
moving to Usborne Township
as a girl with her parents, the
late Mr. and Airs, Henry
On October 30, 1907, she was
united in marriage to John N.
Herdman of Usborne where
they lived until they moved
to Exeter in 1948,
She is survived by her hus-
band, two daughters and five
sons. Mrs. William (Florence)
Bradshaw, Seaforth; Mrs. Nil-
son (Fula) Whiteford, Inger-
soll, Squire, Amos and Herman
of Usborne Township; Clayton,
Toronto; Carman, Detroit, and
eight grandchildren, Also sur-
viving are two brothers, James,
Exeter; Roland, London; three
sisters, Mrs. Rhoda Westlake,
Mrs. Joseph (May) Dayman
and Airs. Orville (Elsie) Cann,
all of Exeter,
The funeral was held from
the Hopper-HoCkey funeral
home, Exeter, on Friday, May
25. The Rev. R. S. Hiltz of
Main Street United Church, of
which she was a member,
conducted the funeral service
with interment in Exeter ceme-
Pallbearers were nephews,
Percy Harris, James Oke, La-
verne Stone, William Westlake,
Howard Dayman and Arnold
• Cann,
An ambulance • chasing laws
3.er picked up a lady who lied
by a bus,
MAKE HOME IN HENSALL--Carol Diane Smith, Ex. 14renresnoe rrkiy°d cd'anrn
ef:er, and Gerald Clarence Reid, liensall, were Married sail, "VI get you damages,"
in Cavort Presbyterian Church,Exeter hi a double ring pta -,AitYla(?y'' eVstie!li'sted9!trept.,-
ceremony performed by Rev. ;John C. Doyne. A recep. salt e off. InA " g I . do o n ed e
da,es What I rno
flan was hold at the Dominion .110104 Zurich,. repairs."
429 MAIN ST.,