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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-31, Page 10
Page 10 Thg ,A4Y0catee, ,t4.4y 1, 1942. Martin flies to Huron rally Ernie Fisher, the Liberal candidate for Huron, welcomes 'Hon, Paul Martin, Liberal Member of Essex East, to Goderich airport Friday evening, Mr. Martin later spoke at a Liberal rally of close to 400 persons and charged that the Progressive Con- servatives had not been faithful to promises made to the Ontario farmers. Hon. Paul Martin charges PC's most incompetent ises to the farmers and the general working class, "I say that the Progressive Conserva- tives have not been faithful to the promises they made to Can- adian farmers." An example, he said, is their treatment of Ontario corn growers. He said the Agricultural Pri- ces Stabilization Act (an act to guarantee floor prices on cer- tain farm commodities) has not been used to assist corn grow- ers. On the other hand, he said, the government has allowed im- portation of United States corn which is subsidized by the United. State Government, "Thousands of bushels of sub- sidized 'United States' corn Will join staff at Mitchell HS William Pollen, son of Mr. aeci Mrs. Harvey Pollen, Huron street, has accepted a. teaching position at Mitchell Diserict iligh School, for the fall term. He will teach English and vo- cational guidance. A graduate of the University of Western Ontario he will take a leave of absence froin his course at Emmanuel College, Toronto, where he recently com- pleted his first year with hon- ors standing. Bill will a t t e n d teachers' training school in London this summer. and family of London were Sun- day evening guests of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Parkinson and fatu- ity, Mr, Fred Jameson, Kate and Florence attended Zion West anniversary services on Sunday and were guests of Mr, and Mrs, John Robertson, have been imported into Can- ada creating unfair competition among Canadian corn growers whose product is not govern- ment subsidized," Mr, Martin said. "I challenge the Diefen• baker government to acknow- ledge that it has done nothing to benefit Canadan corn grow- ers," In 1956 employment in the Canadian manufacturing in- dustry reached the record high of 1,364,163, and total payroll was $4.6 billion; in 1961 manu- facturing employment w a 5 about 1,275,000 and payroll $5.3 billion, Silly isn't it Santa Claus in June But remember all the ROOFS, SIDING, INSULATION and REPAIR you were going to take care of this summer? Isn't it time to start work on those C hristmas resolutions? CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATES •--- NO OIL1GATION • Daymoncl cold Medallion Siding 101ear guarantee, as low as $59,95 * Canadian JOhns4lanville Colorbestos, Rock Shakes, Cedargrain * IP Masonite • Cedar Bevel Siding *, Redwood Bevel Siding 'k Angel Stone Overlay * Bricks * Canadian 3,M 34 Shingles * Murray.Brantforcl * Rolled Roofing • Insulation including Zortiolitt LEWIS OR SUPERIOR 24-0Z. White BREAD /8c NEW! 3-1b. Tulip Margarine 3 LBS, IN 1 9c SPECIAL! Ivory Snow 3Cc 1:1Fr KIND Size 1.29 GIANT SIZE OFF 79c , . .... ...... ..... . .. eliete ... , . .. . Should you buy your child Life Insurance policy? DacD GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48-Oz. TINS TOMATO SOUP HeiNz 10-0z, FaR CLUB House 10,-Oz, FOOTED TUMBLER TOILET TISSUE 4-ROLL PAK KOTEX REGULAR P'NUT BUTTER WHITE SWAN i rakeriiii NT COFFEE 31c 45c 39c 35c 49c PKG, 0r 12 300 off 10-oz. far 1.19 With Free Large Comet Save 220 IVORY LIQUID 32-Clz, 119 Coffee 40 OFF 1-LB. BAG Tomato Juice Heinz Ketchup Cohore:: S almon 7Unive rsal s Heinz 48-oz. 2 0: 11-oz, FRESH PRODUCE California 113's Per Doz. Oranges 55c New Texas Cooking ;FROZEN FEATURES Highliner Haddock 24-oz. pkg. Fish & Chips 59c Lobby's 15 oz. pkg. Strawberries 39c Supreme Fancy Poly 2-lb. pkg. Peas & Carrots 454 Old South 12.oz. tin Orange Juice 35c Dial 23541212 Open Friday 10 G13 boom ,continues, name doq catcher Hon. Paul Martin, Liberal 11P for Essex East, charged Friday night at Goderich that the Conservative government has been the most incompetent in Canadean history. The past. five years, the form- er health minister contended, have been wasted ones. Speaking on behalf of Huron Liberal candidate Ernest Fisher, Mr. Martin criticized the PC's financial, agricult Tat and in- dustrial policies. He said since the Conserva- tives took ever in 1957 Canada has lost $15,000,000,000 in pro- duction, $5,000,000,000 in the last year , alone. Mr. Martin charged that there is now more unemployment than since the "dark 30's" Nvhen the Conser- vatives were in power and said the government has not ad- dressed itself to the problem of unemployment. With nearly 500,000 Canadians now out of work, he said "it is time for a change in Canada and in Huron riding," He said the Conservative gov- ernment has made many prom- News budget from Baseline By MRS, JeRCHIS DEWAR • Personal items ,Ier. Herb Beer and Anna and Mr. and Mrs. Harris Butson and family of Munro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Baker and. Elton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomp- son and' family were guests at the home of her father, Mr. John Rion, Noreen and Howard on Sunday evening, Mr. William Finn, who has been a patient in Woodstock Hospital this week, under the care of Dr. Dwight Smith, hav- ing undergone surgery, is much better and is expected home on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, C, Tessman 1961 COMET Sedan, 6,000 miles, just like new, 1959 FORD Sedan, 6-cyl. 1959 VAUXHALL, estate Wagon, tutone, sharp, 1957 METEOR Sedan, auto. matic, 2-tones new tires, 1956 PLYMOUTH Sedan, blue and white, auto- matic, 1956 FORD 2 door, black, 6-cylinder, WANTED! USED TIRES Sae Us 'Today Thed- ford, was appointed dog .eateh. Robert Tedball, Rft '2; Thed. cr for the municipalities of Grand Dell& Thedford,. Park. hilt it was, announced recent- ly. The Grand. Bend council agreed to his .appointment and gave three readings to g by- law to establish him as such at their regular meeting, Wed- nesday, Tedball will use the present pound facilities at Thedford And will he paid .$e.00 for any dog picked up in the three mun- icipalities. However, he twill have to have verification slips from An official of the community in which he catches the dog be- fore payment will be made, Building booms Indications that the building boom is still under way in the summer resort are backed up by council's issuing of five permits last week, They issued a com mercial permit to William J. Bouwer of Holland, who plans to erect an antique shop in the front of the property he purchased from Wellington Baker on Main Aostreet,ntber commercial permit was issued to Eric McIlroy who is carrying on extensive alterations and additions at the Lakeview Casino and residen- tial permits were issued to John Manore .for a carport on his residence on highway 21; Ruth Diegel for an addition to her cottage and George Kedle- cik for the erection of a cot- tage in Southcott. Pines. Council learned that two of their lifeguards, Jack Ost- rander of London and Wayne Merklinger of Kitchener had resigned from their posts and two more were appointed, John Bates, London, was ap- pointed to fill one vacancy and council decided to ask Ester Fayette, Grand Bend, to accept part time duties on the south side of the pier, In other business, council: A c c e p t e d the tender of $2,987,00 for a one-ton Dodge truck from Gray Motors, Park- hill, The tender was the low- est of 11 submitted. Accepted the hours - of the. Chamber of Commerce for their information booth but asked them to give consideration to having it open from 5:00-7'0 p.ni in July and August, The C of C Planned to have it closed during these hours. Authorized clerk Murray Des, _JArMis to advise Lamb- ton clerk John Hair to have, the summer resort's share of ihe liability insurance Parried. with Frank Cowan, Woodstock. split bet‘veen the two local agents with D. M. jackson re - (Twine 60 percent apd fames Dalton, 40 percent, Happenings in Elianshard By MRS, GLADWYN HOOFER . .. . . ........ . .. . Personal items Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Lanthert and family of London, Sir, and Mrs. Norman McNaughton and Douglas at Stratford were 'Sat, urday guests of Mr, and, Mrs. Lloyd Thomson end family. Miss Ann Parkinson spent. the weekend with her grand- mother, Mrs. Zella Dann of London, Mr, and Mrs, Bob Govier and family of T 11 or n ti a l e were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Win. G. Jones. Carl Jones and Robin Bry- an attended the sheep judging at Mitchell on Satur- day. Sunday guests of Mr. and ONLY Aire. Claire Sisson were: Sir, and Mrs; Letereneffi.Gree s.O., and, Debbie of St, Pawls, 1)1r • and Nis, „FAA Fetelt of .Strath roY, Mr. and Mrs. Archie 0.41;tk. eron and Hawed of Watford, Mr. And Mrs, Robert Wilson and family of Kerwood, Mrs. Edna ,cele, Mre. Madeline Mc- Panaid of Teenden. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard 'Thee- her and family .attended Cen- tralia United .Gleereh. antdver- sary on $.41,11.44 y and were guests tbf ii\,;r. and Mo., Or. vitio LangfOrd. .Guests during the week with Mr„ and Mrs, ,Ceeil, Mele!See! And mrs, 44.$.• 11TOS$PY` wore:. Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Stephens of Andersen, Mr, apd MP. W.13''' Young, .1i1r, ,and Mrs, :Clarence martin of St, Marys, Mr. ...and Mrs, Wes Jaques, Mrs, Bower of Bxeter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson, Grant, Sharon and Mary Lou., Mr. apd Mrs, .)loyel. Thomson visitett Sunday afternoon. 'with 311r, Bmil Riau, who is a :.Piatiellt 'Wocelstoek General hospital At the time of writing. Mr. Frank. Tarablyn of 'Myth visited Sunday with Miri• acid Mrs. Glatlwyn„ Hooper. Costs of operating the post office in Canada in the Year. „erictipg. Mareh totalled and reVettneS Were $180 .million. GRAND BEND RESIDENTS Are Cordially Invited To A RECEPTION AND TEA at GREEN FOREST LODGE Tuesday, June 5 2:30 - 5:30 p.m, T© Meet MR, J. W. MURPI4Y, M.P. The Finest on Building Supploes Fresh Ground Hamburg 34Hb Sweet Pickled 1/2 's Lb. Cottage Rolls 53c Schneider's Pure Pork Country Sausage 49c Maple Leaf Pickle and Pimento Loaf Le, 49c There are many worthwhile benefits when a child has a policy of his (or her) very own, it has the lifetime advantage of a low premium rate, 11 encourages thrift and lays the foundation for a growing personal estate. But a note pf caution—there are mpre important questions to answer first. Have you, the father, ade- quate insurance on your own life? is there enough to guarantee the family their food, clothing, shelter and education requirements for as long as it's needed? if you wouldlike competent guidance on thisproblem the Man from Manufacturers is a good man to talk to. He'llput first things first--help you establish objectives for.all-round family security. He'll give you a realistic plan for the future that will take the and miss" out of buying life insurance. Why not call him today; UF= CTU iti FOR YOUR FAMILY INSURANCE COMPANY A. E. Pym, Representative EXETER Tel: 671,M Miracle Whip Chase & Sanborn KRAFT 59 , 32-0Z. JAR South, End Service Russ and Chuck :Shoff .014 'extittt Conklin. Lumber Dial CENTRE No,. 83 '23S440 Highway