HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-31, Page 5Father, sons form bowling team Davies Grant Denning Benn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors • DEVON BUILDING PH 235-0120 EXETER • Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • "The oft you, sate ottv bd your Otee Large congregations hear Padre 'Young Kippen East WI host to district institutes Vernon ;redden, right, former Homan resident, and his sons compete as a team in a St, Catharines 10,pin league and this past season ended up in seventh spot. ,• • •eessessiss •••,ssitss.:Ssfss.s.s.- R•!1.' CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56 Hensall and district news Mr, and Airs. Robert Chaffe and Joey of Mitchell visited. on Sunday with Mrs. Chaffe's parents, Mr, and. Mrs, John Corbett and Al. Miss Elvera Churchill, To- ronto, visited over the week- end with her sister, Mrs. Pearl S h a ddick Mrs. Eleanor McKenzie visit- ed recently with. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs, Edna Corbett visited over the weekend with her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacGregor. Mrs. Margaret Evans and family of Waterloo visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Ma.cLaren. Airs. Carrie Bell and Mrs. Alice Campbell of Exeter were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Campbell, Miss Bernice Dilling. Lon- don, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wil- bert Dilling, Mrs. Amelia Schroeder left on Saturday for St. Clair Shores, Mich., were she will spend several weeks with rela- tives, Rev, W. A, and Alm Young of Guelph were. guests on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, Fred .Bonthron, Oliver Jaques, Hensall, was re-elected associate deputy grand master of Grand Black Chapter of Ontario West at the annual convention of Orange- men and Black Knights at Fort William last week. Mrs. Jaques attended the con- vention with her husband. Over 400 delegates attended from all parts. of Ontario, It was held al the lakehead for the first time. Orangeman keeps post ELININGs (RIVETED OR BONDED) "KEEP SAFETY AT YOUR FEET ', Hensall personals UCW unit 2 meeting Monday evening had as their guest speaker, Miss Norma Westgate, public health nurse for Huron County, who spoke on her ex, periences in the North - West Territories as an Anglican missionary. Her talk was en- hanced with lovely pictures. There was a spendid attend- ance. Mrs. Jack Drysdale presided. for the meeting when several intresting items of business were discussed. Miss Mildred Forrest, RN, of Brantford, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest. Monday evening June 4 Car- mel WMS will observe its an- nual birthday party with sev- eral groups as special guests and will be addressed by Mrs, Ross MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Simpson of. Detroit, Mich., attended the funeral of the late Robert J. Paterson held on Tuesday, and also visited with the former's mother, Mrs, Lou Simpson. Weekend guests of Mrs. Fred Rathwell were her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. H. Lazenby, and Mrs. J, Lazenby St., Belleville, also, Mr. and Mrs. j. R. Rath- well, of Lindsay, Hensall Kinettes were pleased with the success of their an- nual spring rummage sale held Saturday in the Legion Hall, and also with the splendid re- sponse from the people who donated so generously to the project, The better articles, not sold, were packed and will be given to the United Church bale being packed Tuesday, June 5. Dr, J. Smillie Robertson of Toronto was the guest last week with Mr, and Mrs, R. M. Peek. Mrs, Paul Sedley and family of London, visited over the weekend with the former's fa- ther, Mr. Edgar McQueen, Mrs. Jean Manson, Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Laing and Danny of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art McQueen and Mr, and. Mrs. Harry Snell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Knights at Blenheim and attended the christening of Stewart William Knights at the Ridge United Church. Mr. and Mrs, McQueen are spending this week in Blen- heim with. Mr, and Mrs. Don Rigby, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd. Hudson of St, Marys visited recently With friends here and attended the anniversary services at Carmel. Presbyterian church. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Sang- ger and family of London visited on Sunday With the. former's mothet, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. At a regular me. e 1. i ii g of Murphy Istiyal Orange Lodge No, 710 on April 26 the draw for th.e $50,00 hill was made and the lucky whiner was Miss Bessie Sidman of Clinton Miss Jean Noakes of London visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Len Noakes. MECCA Fast healing for CUTS, BURNS, SOILS, INFECTIONS Soothing Antiseptic Large congregations „attended .he 113th anniversary of Cary mei Presbyterian •Church. on Sunday, MAY 27 with Rev.. W. A. Young,. BSA.„ HD, a former minister .of the church And. at Present chaplain of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, R. J. Paterson b oar d official :Residents of Hensall and com- muuiitY learned with regret of the death of Robert J, Paterson, 72, in St. Joseph's. .Hospital, Lon- don, on Sunday, May 27. A native of Hay Township And resident of Hensall for 44 years he was a former business- man here, a member of Hen- sail United Church, a member of the AF & AM Huron Lodge .a24. Hensall, and secretary- treasnrer of the Hensel' Union cemetery hoard, CCC (Children of the Church), of Carmel Presbyte- rian Church attended the Hur- on Mission Rally at Auburn Saturday last and taking part on the program were John, Mary and Beatrice Thompson, Beth Troyer, Ronnie Wilson, Gordon Wright, Brenda Koeh- ler and Gary Land. The chit-. dren were accompanied by their leader Mrs. Frank Wright and assistant leader, Mrs. Gor- don Troyer. Attend silver anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, Mrs. Mary Haugh and son Neil attended the 25th wedding an- niversary of MT. and Mrs. Gladwin 'Westlake of Bayfield, held at Russeldale hall Satur- day evening. Seventy relatives and friends attended from Bay- field, London, St, Catharines, Brucefield, Goderich, Centralia and Exeter. The couple were presented with many gifts. A mock wedding and a brief program highlighted the enter- tainment. Mrs. George Hess who was soloist for the mock wed- ding, also sang a solo. Mrs, 'Westlake is the former Alarybell Carnegie of the Bron- son Line, and, a cousin of George Hess. Your library — Continued from page 4 turbed in ever-widening cir- cles so that she can heal the wounds of civilization and re- create the wonders of God's wilderness" In fact he writes "If we are to survive, we must multiply parks a thousandfold in order to accommodate our increasing population — we must provide enough wilderness areas that, no matter how dense our popu- lation, man may come to know the joy of walldng the woods — in fact he should claim it as his native right," guest speaker for the day. Rev. Ross MacDonald, minister of this church introduced the speak. er. Under direction of Mrs, Mal- colm Dougall the junior choir sang "Jesus is Calling" and numbers by the senior choir in, eluded "The Lord is my Light", SOMAS, Mrs. John Love and Airs, Harald Bell, "Break forth into Joy" and "Qod will An• saver Prayer", soloist Mrs. Wil- liam Brown. Monday evening an anniver- sary supper and fellowship hour was held with a program plan- rifd by the ladies and included piano solos by Faye Troyer, and Charles Schwalm: solos, Beth Troyer and Rev, Ross MacDon- ald; pantomine, "The Good Samaritan" by the Explorers; recitations by the children of the church; a selection by the CGIT group and YPS, A film "Does Christ live in your home" was shown by Rev, MacDonald, who acted as chair- man for the evening, Mrs. M. Dougall was accompanist for the musical numbers and com- munity singing, Personal items Mrs. William Cole, who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, is recuperat- ing at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Airs. Alvin Cole, Pauline Allan entertained sev- eral of her young friends at her home Saturday afternoon in hon- or of her eighth, birthday.The youngsters enjoyed a period of games and races and lunch was served including a birthday cake, The children received fa- vors. Attending the party were Linda Reid, June Maxwell, Karen Schade, Laurie McRae, Cathy Cook, Catherine Ann Christie, Margie, Joan, Norman, Lloyd and Bonnie Allan. Mr. and Mrs. James Jenkins, Janet, Judy and Gordon, spent the weekend at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer and Greg attended the gradua- tion exercises at the University of Western Ontario on Friday, May 25 when the. former's daughter Gwen received her Bachelor of Arts degree with secretarial science options, Gwen will teach. in the Northern Collegiate Institute in Sarnia in September. Mrs. Laird Mickle attended a. tea on Saturday afternoon in London in honor of Miss Sandra MacMillan at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins at Orchard Park. Messrs. Bert Horton, Garnet Mousseau, Gordon Love and Alf Scholl left last Wednesday on a fishing trip to Smoothwater Lake, near Kirkland. Lake. They expect to return home this Thursday. Mrs. Earle Sproat was in Aurora visiting her sister Mrs. Fowler also Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Fowler and more recently visiting Dr. W. R,. and Mrs. Sproat and ;family in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mac- Laren of. Goderich visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren, Miss Marion Bell of London spent the. weekend with, her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Bell. Your Last CHANCE to get your PENNY SALE TICKETS TO BE DRAWN FOR SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 2 10 p,m. PUC Office, Hensall Sponsored by Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Hensall, • ............................................................ comments about Crornarty By .MRS, KEN .meK04AR ... .. Personal items Mrs. Clara Hackney of Exe- ter visited during the weekend. with her daughter and son-in- Jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harp, er. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Routly, Air, Frank Routly And Mrs. Alex ,Crage, Kirk- ton, called on Sunday at the home of Mr. Andrew Aicf,...acb- Ian who is confined to bed, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodds visited on Sunday with Mr. and Airs, Harold Dodds, Walton. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon. Scott. Dorothy, Anna, Agnes and Frances visited on Sunday with. Mr. and. Airs. Gary Find- layson near Walton. Mr. and Mrs, Otto Walker And Mr. and. Mrs, Alex Walker and baby visited on Sunday with Mr. Herb Walker of Mark, dale. Air. and Mrs, 0, R. Francis of Woodstock were guests of Mr. .and Mrs. K. McKellar on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Scott and family of Goderich were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Will Miller. Mr, and. Mrs. Alan. Somers, Richard, Paul and David of St. Marys, called at the homes of Mr. Andrew McLachlan and Mr. and Mrs. K, McKellar on Sunday evening, Many relatives and friends from Cromarty and district at- tended the funeral of the late W. J. Fell of Staffa, which was held at the Whitney Funeral Home, Seaforth on Monday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner were, Mr. Henry Eggert and Miss Lois Eggert, Rostock, Wayne Zurell, Milverton, Mrs. Aliein Lein weber and Dennis, Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Flynn, Seaforth, This week in Wi nchelsea By MRS. WILLIAM WALTERS Personal items Mrs. Isabel Sugden and Mr. Tennyson j ohn s visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Mer- vin Dunn at Hurondale. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke were guests on Sunday with Mr, and. Mrs. Fred Doupe at Woodham. Air. and Mrs. Beverley Par- sons of near Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Coward. Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family visited on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skin- ner at St. Pauls. Mrs. Harry Ford visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Horne and family. Queen's HOTEL Seaforth Dining facilities for banquets and weddings Attractive Rooms VISIT OUR BEAUTIFUL HURON LOUNGE Licenced Under LCBO PHONE 433 SEAFORTH By MRS. NORMAN KIPPEN Kippen, 7ast. WI held its :May meeting on Wednesday, May 16 at St. Andrew's United •Church, Kippen 8,c30 p.m. with glim, ville, Ilurondale, .Seaforth. and Staffa institntes as guests. Mrs. Wm, J. F, Bell, president, open, ed the meeting "welcomin.g."the guests, Special guests Mrs. John Mc- Lean, Seaforth, the FWIO rep- resentative and Airs. Harry. Strang, district president, were introduced, The roll call was Answered by giving yeur maiden name by 26 members, The fluronview birthday party, June 13 at 2,30 p.m, was announced, It was decided not to have any short courses. Ifurondale's musical reading. "Aunt Jemima's Plaster" iyaa.. much enjoyed, Airs, Thninas Hough, Stratford, gave an 111'' teresting comparison of the Northwest Territories and South Western ,Ontario, She shovied many beautiful •.colored slides taken when she was in the- ytikon and Northwest Territor- ies, "Radio Recipes", a comical. poem was given by Staffs WI. A skit •nn "nYinga Hat" was Presented: by Elimville w.f. Sea- forth WI •entertained with a piano solo, More Kippen 'News• On. Page 14 Vacuum Cleaners Service BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich Phone Hensall 696r2 Group performs at mission rally The Explorers of Carmel Presbyterian. Church attended the Huron Mission Rally at the Presbyterian Church, Auburn, on Saturday. Eight districts were represented and 125 chit- dren attended. Mrs. Ross Mac- Donald, vice president of 'Hur- on WMS opened the rally. Members of the Explorers taking part on the program in- cluded a piano solo by Faye. Troyer; pantomine," "The Good Samaritan" with Bible pas- sages read by Faye Troyer, Charles Schwalm as "A certain man", Michael and Billy Hoy, the robbers, Alan Armstrong, the priest, Douglas Armstrong, the Levite, John Skea, Good Samaritan, Janice Bonthron, the innkeeper, Lois Wright, innkeeper's wife, Marjorie Schwalm, the daughter; Charles Schwalm played two piano solos. Airs. Gordon Schwalm, lead- er, and Mrs. Harold Bonth- ron, assistant leader, accom- panied the children. Staff members honored The staff of the Bank of Montreal were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Webb at Dashwood. in honor of Mr, ,lerry McClinchey and Ron Ralph, who are leaving the local staff. Mr, K. K. Christian present- ed both with gifts. Supper was served on the lawn, Attend convocation Mr. and. Mrs. Laird Mickle and Bob attended convocation at the University of Western Ontario on Friday when the former's ,on, Charles, gradu- ated with his Bachelor of Arts degree, Mr. and Mrs. William. Mickle, Mrs, Florence Joynt and Miss Ann Mickle were pres- ent afterward for the reception on the university grounds. Mr. and Mrs, Ross MacMillan of Kitchener joined them later for a family dinner held at Camp- bell's restaurant, London. • rellsnliatr, 'fees, s sse'e Page May 1, •essseasssps.i::.ees Huron unit nurse speaks to UCW Several members of the family have won individual awards, From left, the boys Surviving are his wife, the and their averages are; Earl (126), Robert (145), Ray (140), Don (159), George (159), former Edna Horton' one son Earl bowls in the junior league and lost, the championship by 10 pins this year, Raye of Hensall, Public funeral services, large- ly attended, were held Tuesday from the Bonthron funeral 5 3 1962 chapel conducted by Rev. Currie Winlaw who paid fitting tribute to the life of the deceased, 'In- terment was in Exeter cemetery. Bearers were Orville Twitch- ell, Blighton Ferg, Tom Laven- der, Laird Mickle, Robert J, Drysdale and Robert Cook. Farewell presentations Mrs. Haig Pincent, who is leaving shortly for Northern Quebec, was pleasantly sur- prised Tuesday evening when 15 friends met at her home to honor her with, a farewell party and to present• her with two ,crystal vases and a candy dish. Mrs. Gordon Munn - did the honors. Mrs.' MacDonald, mother of Mrs. Pincent, received a brooch and matching earrings. A recreational period of cha- rades was enjoyed and lunch- eon served. CCC Attend rally Bean Seed MICHIGAN CERTIFIED Sanilac A proven quality Seed $4.60 per Bushel MICHIGAN CERTIFIED Michelite A strong resistant seed, recommended for Michelite Growers $6.75 per Bushel ONTARIO REGISTERED #1 Seaway A new earlier Maturing Variety $5.40 per Bushel ($9.00 per Cwt.) We ask no premium for this new seed, ONTARIO REGISTERED #1 Sanilac Excellent Bean Seed Grown Locally $5.40 per Bushel ($9.00 per Cwt.) BEAN CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Seed end Fertilizer Supplied E. L MICKLE & SON PHONE 103 HENSALL IF% * 22 CU, T. NET SIZE * FOUR BASKETS * TWO DIVIDERS * LID LOCK * SIGNAL LIGHT * STORE OVER 1,000 POUNDS OF MEAT * 1'.5-YEAR WARRANTY * FOOD INSURANCE The provincial honor 4-l. .girl, Sharon McBride, and two county honor girls, Julie Chappel and Ruth Ann McNichol were pre- sented with gifts on. behalf of wtrielrebvp4r4ecsh, entrie'wdo Wniethw Pins members aad Repairs and hags for all ince handbooks, dels of vacuum cleapers and Airs, Vivan Cooper took the polishers. Reconditioned ma- chair for the program. Miss chines of all makes for • sale, Sharon McBride, Kippen, gave her talk on "The Nationalistic Movement in French Canada". Soles and Consider this carefully; what would happen if your executors should die before those who are to benefit from your will? In ninny such cases, the family con- cerned is immediately faced with com- plications — perhaps even hardship. Unlike individuals, who as executors are not permanent, the services of The Industrial Mortgage and Trust Com- pany are always available. We can act as your executor — and thus provide your family with full protection. Established in Sarnia in 1889, we have grown with this community, YOUR business in OUR hands is made secure by neighbourly, personal service. THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & T RUST_ COMPANY Head Office: Sarnia Offices forest, Petrolto .Agents — Wolloceburg, Dresden, Stroihroy Buy Meca In lie 'or lubt Area Call Collett GE. '24916 Open EVniitiytt 'Tit's SgUi.days /TiI 5;30