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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-25, Page 20
Save almost 1/2 Off Manufacturer's SUGGESTED LIST PRICES SAVE MORE THAN ALE -- If your old tire has "unused miles" value . GET2TIRES f©r the Price of plus 5 0 I N 1:11:0 NB U S S- NO TRADE NEEDED - to get the best tire buy in town - BUT, we will buy your old tire - and PAY YOU CASH - up to $3.00 - for the "unused miles." SUPER - LASTIC Twin - Ply "To u hie" 100% SAFET It's well over a year a g o that Canadian Tire introduced Twin-Ply Nylon Tiros to the Canadian car owner; we knew that they had so many superior features that it was just a matter of tim e until the, new-car manufacturers insisted on 2-ply tires as standard original equipment, Today, we understand, that 40% of the new cars rolling off the assembly lines ore equipped with 2 - ply tires . . but, even now, you can't get NYLON except at a premium, At Canadian Tire, you don't pay a prem- ium-you get down-to-earth genuine savings that let you put 2 or 4 brand new Super-Lostic Twin-Ply Nylon "Tou g hie" Tires on your car at just about half of what you might expect to pay. Extra sayings for the unused milea g e on your old tires. HOW SAFE ARE TWIN-PLY TIRES? One of our customers put an old tube in a new Super-Lastic Twin-Ply Tube Type Nylon Tire - the tube blew to blazes, at high speed - a bi g 8" gosh , , The Twin-Ply Tire retained air for a safe slow-down and not even a "smid g eon" of cord damage. The Twin-Ply tire is back on the car again, deliverin g more safe miles. 'Nuff said! RE'S A REAL Li R HO S THIS FOR A BUY? I EASY TERMS Saving Priced! SUPER-LASTIC YREX 670 /15 - 750/ 14 Tubeless - $2 extra Installation - 50c TEE /14 :anufacturer's uggested List 7 /15 $2t25 of 0/16 E EEDED to $3.00 ---- for "unused miles." wo huy your old tire ond PAY YOU CASH 600/16 26.25 5.90-6.00/13 20.75 6.40-6,50/13 23.15 5.00-5.20/14 19.95 5.50-5.90/15 22.50 6,70/15 26.25 suggested list price Mfr's. Your Cost Trade i , in Needed) 1 Tires 13.95' 11.95 We will buy your 12.95 :j1 1 .95 old tire I 9.01 and PAY 1 13.95 YOU 7,10/15 27.45 i 11# RP; - .. ..... "' -"'-''' CASH- 7.60/15 29,75 IS 95 - • - -26.30 - -1- UP TO 7.50/14 1 139F, .... .., . _ ... , 9,00/14* 8,0.0/14 _ 3275..7300 2,149...5:19: m$131::° 8.50/14* 33.20 . 17.‘95 31.35 1.6.,95'for "Unused Tire Installation-500 extra Tubeless $2 extra-Whitewalls, $3 extra (*Tubeless type only) WI II FS PAYMENT iris THE BEST PREMIUM SAFETY "SUPER-LASTiO" WWI *SAHA Naiural Rubber Tread 5.25/16 5.60/15 5.90-6 00 '15 5.60.6 00/13 5.60-5.90. 14* 6,40.6 50/13 6 40/15 6,50'16 6.70/15 12.95 13,45 13,95 12,95 15,95 16 95 18.65 21.85 20.90 21.35 21.85 19.80 30.95 24.95 7,10/15 7,50/14 7.60.115 8.00/14 8.00/15 8,50/14* 27,95 24,95 30.95 7.7.95 33 95 84.95 17.95 15,95 Personally, we a g r e e with the car manufacturers who specify 2-ply cord tires as original equipment; but it you're sold on 4-ply, brother, we got 'em . , they're excellent quoltty - and at terrific savings that'll keep more money in your pocket, NO TRADE NEEDED.-but we will buy your old tire and :'AY YOU CASH-up to 53.00-for "unused miles." 44.4:-Gt E E • ROAD R 111,,, ;!"'",1 NO TIME 0 NO MILEAGE 0 NO "RED TAPE" CE U LIMIT LIMIT ON ADJUSTMENTS 7,070;6::, ‘: 7, `7, YOU DEDUCT AN IN CASH BONUS COUPONS FROM ALL PRICES SHOWN HERE'S THE. TIRE YOU READ ABOUT IN "TIME" MAGAZINE 111 3 Tubeless -- $2 extra Installation - 50c Tricie•in Tires *Super Abrasion-Resistant Carbon Alloys -- but we will buy your old tire and PAY YOU CA511 NO TRADE NEEDED-- , - up to $3,00 -- for unused miles". EASY TERMS 750/14 670 /15 600 /16 NO TRADE NEEDED actirimaniensiti -easerarrossieetortitszts We will buy your old tire end PAY YOU CASH-, up to $3.00 for this "Unused MOOS" li -tire rtstagatlon 506 exir# Tubniesi estir#,-Whiteweits, 13 oxtrs ('Tuneless type Orgy) 436 MAIN ST., EXETER Phone 235.0160 Milton Robbins and Soft Limited ^". but we will huy your old tire and 'PAY YOU CASH up to S.3.064 or "unused. milet," ave n Ex ISCO