HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-25, Page 19ATKINSONmin loving Melt:4)U of a dear mother, Jane At kinson. who passed away May 27, 1957. Just a thought of sweet re- membrance, Just a memory fond and true, Just the love and sweet devo- tion Of the ones who think of you. —Lovingly remembered by the 24e JONES—la loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Orca Jones, who passed away May 24, 1958, and a dear father and grand- father, George Jones, who passed away July 27, 1960, Their memory is a keepsake, With which we will never part, Though Clod has them in His keeping We still nave them in our hearts. —.Lovingly remembered and sadly missed. by Ray and Dorothy, Virla and Bill and grandchildren. 24* The only expeption to the British North. America. Act re- quirement of a federal election at least every five years was an amendment to the Act which permitted a six-year government term during the Liberal Meeting Tuesday, May 29 8:30 p,m. LUCAN ARENA McGillivray Township supporters are invit- ed to be present to hear the West Middlesex Liberal candidate, David McDonald, speak. Time will be allotted for .organization o the 'McGillivray executive. McG1LLIVRAY TOWNSHIP LIBERAL ASS'N Harvey Ovens, Chairman John Rosser, Secretary our blood can save a life! Donate to the Red Cross BLOOD CLINIC TUES,„ JUNE 12 2:30 to 5 p.m. 6:30 to 8:45 p.m. EXETER LEGION HALL Sponsored by Legion Ladies Auxiliary and Exeter Lions Starlite Drive.ln Theatre 5 MILES EAST OF GRAND BEND 2 Shows Nightly—Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk Box office opens at 8 p.m. Children Under 12 in Cars Free May 25 and 26 (Double Feature) (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) MEL FERRER ELSA MARTINELLI ANNETTE \MOIL Roger Vadim's 00 TEC111111414r sownialoxe ii • • I, P1 am,1 t * TECNIRE0101R" A br k‘44` 4! '44 "•:" 7'; OOK RIGHT IN • AND HAVE A BALLI ris•wo. I011Yt11011i0 [BOOM JOHN IdiAk . JAN STERLING ip*/ Sited SNOW *Id .PANAVISION' opodtgotto. 'W,* bOackNotikietItioick gni( • Love s pa A Bowl GIRTH 5 No cARPS ci THANK4 ENGAGEMENTS IN MtvIQRIAMS (FouP.,1(ne ver4p.) Extra veqes, each OHARGE 750 7bc $1.00 CARDS OP THANKS-- I wish to express my ap- preciation and thanks to the Hensall firemen for valuable services rendered at my recent fire.—Harry Smith. 24e The, family of the late Mrs, Jack Faber wish to express their sincere appreciation to their friends, neighbors and relatives for all their acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy, for floral tributes and cards during their recent loss of a dear wife, mother and grandmother. Special thanks to the Bonthron nine. nal Chapel and the staff of St. Joseph's Hospital. 24 4 We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our Many friends and neighbors for their gift which we re. eeived al the Neil Community Centre on Monday evening, with special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ilea Neil and all those who helped in any way. We also wish to thank the Lucan Junior Farmers and the Jun- Mr institute for their gift re- ceived at a previous date. Clare and Mae Paton. 24Pc I would like to take this op- portunity to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, treats and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and since returning home.—Ross Haugh. 24c Our deepest appreciation and grateful thanks to the Hensel! firemen who :rendered such valuable assistance in saving our garage during the recent fire. It could have proved very distastrous. Thank you. — Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Broderick, Hensall. 24c IN MEMORIAM-- AlcELREA—In loving memory of a clear daughter and Sls, ler, Sharon Marie. III:cElrea, who passed away three years ago, May 29, 1959. God called her home, it was His will, But in our hearts we love her still; Her memory is as clear today As in the hour she passed away. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mother, Dad and brother Glen. 24" BROCK, ROUTLY & SKINNER. FAMILY REUNION RIVERVIEW PARK, EXETER Sunday,. June 3 Meet at 1:30 p.m. Supper at 4:30 p.m. Bring picnic basket and cutlery etc. Ice-cream and beverage supplied BARBEPUO, and Science Fair, StlatirS, Wednesday, Alay supper 5:30 to 0:20; adults x$120; children under 12, 750, 17;240 Brown i e's Drive-In Theatre Ltd. CLINTON Two Complete Shows Nightly Children under 12 in Cars Free THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 24.75 — DOUBLE BILL — "HERCULES UNCHAINED" (Colour Scope) Steve Reeves "DESERT ATTACK" Jahn Mills (Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY May 26.28 — DOUBLE BILL — "TWIST AROUND THE CLOCK" Chubby Checkers Dian and the Belmonts "UNDERWATER CITY" (Colour) William Lundigan Julie Adams (Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 29.30 "PLEASURE OF HIS COMPANY" (Colour) Fred. Astaire - Tab Hunter Debbie Reynolds (Cartoon) Gunning Reunion will be held et STRATFORD PARK Sat, June 2 Dinner at 12.30 p.m. Please bring your picnic baskets, cups and cutlery. Earl Waddell, Pres. St. Marys Herm.on .Foster, Sec.,,Treas. Exeter FAR 5! HEAR AGRICULTURE MINISTER Hon, Alvin Hamilton SATURDAY, MAY 26 8:30 P.M. WINGHAM on behalf of those PregeosSive Conservative Candidates": L. ELSTON CARDIFF, HURON MP MARVIN HOWE, WELLINGTON • HURON MP ANDY ROSINsON, ORLIDE MP ,THURS., FRI., SAT. MAY 24, 25, 26 GLENN FORD HEIN DAVIS HOPE LANGE ARTHUR OIONNELL mix-Atm/mu bwrnomattis FRANK CAPRA'S Pocketrui of Miracles PAHAVISION'COLOR 11.1110111 A gay, whacky story filled with beloved Damon Runyon characters—the year's most hilarious picture. • For Everyone ! at the HOTEL IMPERIAL GRAND 'agNp- OUR BEST SHOW YET I The Fabulous. Danny Coughlin and the Two Plus One Trio WILDLY ACCLAIMED BY THE HOLIDAY CROWD FRIDAY NIGHT'S FISH FRY AND SATURDAY NIGHT'S CHICKEN FRY CONTINUE Join the Crowds Join the Fun, Green Acres Trophy Races SAT., JUNE 2 AT GREEN ACRES RACING CIRCUIT Highway 21 — 10 Miles North of Goderich NINE RACES FIRST RACE STARTS AT 10:30 A.M. Over 100 Sports Cars Refreshment. Booth Light Meals ADMISSION 51.50 Children Under 12 Accompanied by Adult,4rer N414Y1TIAU t the :;611111TICTLI 41(1S ° 0 4114ortriWiin rNe• 1040 Omar Or Cavell-T:2100st 101000PE,Tamotor ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THE Nis iiiiiiantstr • peous recuatrii. t.01111E114 0411.04 SEE and HEAR Hon. Paul Martin speak on behalf of ERNIE FISHER. Liberal Candidate in Huron VICTORIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. GODERICH Fri., May 25-8:30 p.m. SEE AND HEAR ERNIE FISHER ON FOCUS — MAY 29, 6:10 P,M. Published by Huron Liberal Association Coming Soon! The Lyric Brings You The Best * PRISONER OF THE IRON MASK * SECOND TIME AROUND * ONE, TWO, THREE (Adult) 7k SPLENDOR 1N THE GRASS WOO * SUSAN SLADE # THUNDER OF DRUMS * TWIST ALL NIGHT LYRIC T HE ATRE THE hone /35.2911 FIRST' SHOW 7730 SECOND SHOW 9130' mmute 2 P.M. RUMMAGE SALE ,,,Saturday, The Tirreq-Acivecatot M.y S, 190 P400.19 May 26, 3 pan „ Legion Hall, Hensel', spoesored by the Kin, ette Club of liensall, 17:24e. what's_ 0 u —, Ing? Read This Page RIRTHS DILFILLAN.. . Mr. and Mrs, Bill Marlborough St., Exeter, are very happy to annotwee the birth of a sister, Sherry LoniSe, for Randy and Wendy, at -South Huron Hospital, Ahoy 20. SHARROW—Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Sparrow, D a s h w o o d, an- nounce the birth of a .daugh- ter, Janice Ann, at Smith Huron Hospital, May .22—a sister for -Brian and Bar- bara, VI.NOB.IN'T—..Rev„ and. Mrs. M. R. Vincent, London, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Nancy Anne, at Victoria Hospital, London, May 13—a ,sister for Ricky. CARDS OF THANKS . One heartfelt thanks to all our neighbors, friends and relatives who extended com- forting sympathy and help in our recent sorrow. Special thanks to Rev. Lewis, Dr. Fletcher, Miss Maypole and staff of South Himon Hospital, the Cancer Service Committee, for floral tributes and all other kindness, We are deeply grate- fut. — Marjorie Dilkes and family, 24" Bob Armstrong wishes to express his appreciation to his friends for the many kindness• es extended to him. when he was a patient. in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to the hospital staff and Dr, R, W. Read, 24c We wish to express our cere thanks and grateful ap- preciation for the kindness and sympathy shown us during our recent sad bereavement in the death of our infant daugh- ter, Katherine Pauline, for the beautiful floral. tributes and expressions of sympathy re. (-dyed. Special thanks to Dr. Ilackney and staff of St, Marys finspital, the Marriott Funeral Home, St. Marys, the Box Funeral :home and Rev. Donaldson, Seaforth, to the pallbearers and flower hear- ers, and to all those who help- ed in any way, Your kindness and thoughtfulness will always he remembered.—Douglas and Pauline Eyre, St. Marys. 21" t wish to thank my many friends for .cards, visits, treats and flowers. Many thanks to Dr. Fletcher and Miss Clay- pole and 'staff while a patient in South ,Huron Hospital.—Mrs, George Dunn. 21" I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for their visits, gifts, cards and Plants received while I 'was a patient in South Huron Hospital and to all who helped in any way since returning to my home. Special thanks to Dr. Al. Gaits, the Harvey ambulance, Miss Claypole, and staff and Rev, R. S. MHz, T. am truly grateful,— Mrs. Priscilla Mack, 24" I wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my relatives, friends and neighbors for the lovely cards,. treats and flowers; also those who visted. me during my re- rent stay in South Huron Hos- pital, Special thanks to Rev. MacDonald, Dr, Goddard, Miss Claypole and staff, ilensall Legion, Auxiliary, Kinettes, and ladies of Carmel Presbyterian Church.--Rex B. Dick, ' 24" .MEMORIAM - 1,T.N.TON—in loving memory of a clear father and .grand- father, Fred l"enton, who passed away one year ago. May 27, 1961. You left us quietly, your thoughts unknown, But you left a memory we are proud to own. Though absent you are ever near, loved, still missed and. Still ever dear. —Lovingly remembered by Howard and Loreen, Bill and Audrey and their families. 24" 'FENTON—In loving memory of a clear husband,. Fred Fenton, who passed away so suddenly one year ago, May 27, 1961. Ile hAs crossed the bridge to a fairer land, And yet he is still pear; Each memory brings him very dose To we who hold him dear. What I would give his hand to clasp, His dear kind face to see, To hear his voice and see his smile That meant so much to me. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Elsie, 24" CQMING EVENTS ST.AWBERRY ,s7,, HAM supper, in Thames Road. Choral, on Tuesday evening. June 19. Watch for further announce- ments. 24e iggF—The second degree will be conferred on a number of candidates in the Exeter lodge. rooms on Tuesday, May 29. All members welcome. Hareld. Rowe, Noble Grand; Percy A, Ate-Falls, Recording Secretary. 24q STRAWBERRY & HAM -sup-. per, at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Brinsley, j'11,11e 20: .24e . LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING LIONEL THORNTON and his CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA Every Saturday ST, PETER'S CWL Bazaar & Tea NEIL'S SCHOOL Sat,, May 26 8:30 p.m. sk- BAKE TABLE .e7 SEWING TABLE -,- PENNY SALE etc. * DOOR PRIZE All Welcome Dancing Every Friday Night BLUEWATER DANCELAND 10 to 1:30. Music by DESJARDINE'S Orchestra. Crediton United Church NINETY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, MAY 27 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest Preacher at both Services THE REVEREND KENNETH HICK, of Ailsa Craig 11:00 a.m. — Music by the •Crediton Choir, Solos by Mrs. S. Klatt, Instru- mental Music. 7:30 p.m. — Music by Ro- bert Russell and -Gerald Skinner and. the Crediton Choir. I Annual e Huron County Tuberculosis Association DOMINION HOTEL, ZURICH Thursday', May 31, at 6:45 p,m, Dr, I. B. R, DUNCAN', Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, University of Western Ontario, will speak on the subject: "Antibiotics and Infectious Disease" J. E. MeKINLEY, Zurich President MON., TUES., WED. MOOR OF THE AGES! RUNNING A NEW RECORD IN EYE (TOOTH)-FILLING FUNI At The Lyric MAY 28, 29, 30 MAY IS MOVIE MONTH