HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-25, Page 5Page 5
May 24, 1962
and district .news
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs, Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
, Donald Hedden
Injuries kill
Hensall man
Donald. Bruce Redden, 33, of
Clinton, formerly of Hensall,
died in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, Monday night, as a. re-
sult of injuries he received in
a motor accident two years ago
this July.
He was driving alone near
Clinton when something went
wrong with the steering mech-
anism. H, was thrown out of
the car and struck his back
against the stump of a tree and
lay in the ditch all night until
found in the morning. He was
paralyzed. from the waist down
and confined to a wheel chair
and hospitalized for most of the
He received his early educa-
tion in. liensa and 10 years ago
enlisted with the RCAF at Lon-
don, and was posted in Ger-
many, the Yukon, Barrie And.
Clinton, and released a year
Surviving are his widow, the
former Edith Patricia Metter,
of Germany, three small daugh-
ters, Ina, Monica and Stephanie,
at Clinta,1; his mother, Mrs.
Ruth Carter, Clinton; four sis-
ters, (Catherine) Mrs, Todd
Donelley, Portage La Prairie;
Patricia, Rosemary, Janet, two
brothers, David and Michael
Carter, all of. Clinton,
Funeral services will be held
from the .Beattie Funeral Home,
Clinton, Thursday, May 24, at
9.30 a.m., followed with A serv-
ice in the Roman Catholic
Church, Clinton, at 10 a.m.
Burial will' be in. Clinton Ceme-
Receives MBE
Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, of
EgmondVille,. h a s received
word from hen niece, .MiSa
Nora. Varley, Westmorland,
England, that she was recent-
ly to Buckingham Palace to-
gether with her two brothers,
Bill an d Frank, where she had
the honor of receiving.the
MBE 11Vleinber of British Eita
pire), one of. the highest
honors in England. She was
also presented with a walnut
deck by her fellow employees.
Fast healing for
Accepts call
to U here.
The Reverend hit F Cinc.
rie, of Hamilton, director of an.
eial services for Centcnao.'a-
Wesley Centre, has avceptcd a
call to become minister. Ben-
salt United Church subject to
the approval of Presbytery with
duties to commence .Iuly
Mr. Currie received his early
education in his home coin•
inanity of Leamheth, and London
South Collegiate lie .attendrd
the UnivrTsIty of Western ow,
tarie and Emmanuel Thcolog•
teal College in Toronto. His first
Pastorate was at Bayfield ur
Boron. County. Mr. Currie ha.5
served congregations in Lannon
Conference at Crediton and
Watford, and in Hamilton Con•
ferenec at I...widen and .carhsje.
While at. Lynden a new church
was built.
More recently Air, Carrie has
been undertaking a. spemali7ed
ministry for the United Chitreb
in downtown Hamilton v.hen' he
has been director of social
ices for Centenary's Wer.11
Centre. As a student he sered
on mission fields in Saskatch-
Air. Currie is a ,iipplernentar,,
reserve Chaplain of the RCAF'
and gives smite time to this
service each summer.
In mil mr. Currie mauled
Bernice Anderson and they have
two sons. Wayne and Dattglii.1,
and one datightcr, ('armor.
guy Mee .a
fn 17n ni
Registration of
Will Be Held At The School On
Wednesday, May '30
2:00 • :3:30
Pupils must be five years of age on or
before December 31, 1962,
y S
Free Face Cloth
EJAR r K 45c
Jigs Machine Shop
An import
messa e to
our farm frien
In all fairness to our many NEW IDEA hien&
and patrons, we wish to make the following announce.
A rumour from an unreliable source has been
spread around that JIM is going out of the NEW IDEA
line. I wish to officially declare this is false and further
to say that the lights have not as yet gone out as far
as NEW IDEA and JIM arc concerned.
However, there could have been a slioht (ticket
visible in some localities because of the channeover horn
one cycle to the other. Now the line is repaired and wo
have arranged to pass on to you, as a user of NEW IDEA,
an even better arrangement in the future.
From this date on, W. J. CLEMENT, welf.knnwri
for his famous McKee line, is taking over the sale of
all NEW IDEA FARM MACHINERY, through a mutual
arrangement with all concerned. JIM is handling all re•
pairs and parts, as well as whatever bit of help we can
offer in regard to the operation of various NEW IDEA
linos of machinery.
Therefore, for those, concerned, you have but one
Thing to remember:
If it's machinery you are inlorealed in, see ISILL
CLEMENT, phone 19 Monsen.
If it's parts and repairs you require, tee JIM at
the old stand,
First fete
for CGIT
Mrs. Lorne Sparks, Baylield,
a returned missionary from
China, was guest speaker at the
first CGIT mother and daughter
banquet of Carmel Presbyterian
Church last Wednesday eve-
Mrs. Sparks gave as her topic
"Be a Mother" showing the
problems and difficulties of be-
ing a mother and also the joy
of bringing up a family especial-
ly for the Christian. mother, To
the girls she stressed the
Goderich man. portance of having a personal
relationship with God. The
wins shoot off speaker was introduced by Mrs,
Ross MacDonald and thanked
At the Victoria Day Shoot by Patsy Moir giving her a
token of appreciaton. held at Kippen on Sunday, spon-
Following a ham and salad sored by Kippen Gun Club, Hed- s ley Prouse of Goderich. won the supper served smorgasbord style
by the girls to their guests London -Winery Trophy with 48
out of 50, Leader Mrs, MacDonald. intro-
Harry Mathers of Exeter duced the president Gail Sangs-,
s also scored 48 out of 50 but wa ter who, in turn, introduced the
head table: Miss Hannah Mon beaten in the shoot off, ray, WAIS representative, Mrs. In the special handicap Harry Mathers of. Exeter, and John Sangster, Rev, Ross MacDonald,
Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs. Ed Fink Gilbert, Goderich, tied with 2.1
out of 25 and Mrs. G. MeClyntock, lead- . el's.
Unit to send delegate A toast, to mother was pro.
UCW unit 5 met on Thursday posed by Bonnie Foster and
afternoon, May 17 with Mrs. W. responded to by Airs. James
B. Cross presiding for the pro- Jenkins and Heather Reid re-
gram, plied to the toast to CGIT .pro-
Those taking part in the de- posed by Mrs. Lawrence Bayn-
votional were Mrs. Stanley Mi.t- ham. Each girl introduced her
chell, the leader, Mrs. R. Mc- mother saying one sentence
Allister, Airs, Pearl Shaddick about her which proved hilor-
and Mrs. F. Pathwen, ious. Rev. MacDonald expressed
Mrs, W. IC Weeks conducted greetings from the church and
the Bible study and a question- session. Miss Murray spoke
noire followed. Mrs. Laird briefly.
Mickle contributed a piano solo. Heather Reid and Cheryl Little
Mrs. IV, 13. Cross presented led in the worship service in
the study choosing for her wihch llie girls sang a duet.
theme, "The church and its Marcia Little and Cotten Bayn-
work" telling how it should ham took the offering which
reach out to people in the corn- was dedicated by Ruth Smale,
munities and by kindness and Susanne 'Kyle led in a sing-
visitations bring them closer to song and Mrs. Sparks taught a
the church. Mrs. Weeks took Chinese song. A hilarious skit
the chair for the business and "The Beauty Shop" was pre-
announced that the quilting sented by Colleen Baynham,
would be one day earlier June Cheryl Little and Flora John-
4, 5 and 6. UCW re gional meet- ston. Susanne Kyle and Ruth
ing will be at Grand Bend, May Smale contributed a duet and
31. Mrs. E. T. 'Rowe was ap- Patsy Moir, Ann Lawrence and
pointed to attend the Leaders' Bonnie Foster, a trio.
School at. Alma College, St. Decorating committee was
Thomas, August 21-24. Bonnie Foster, Patsy Moir
The unit will join with Mrs. program, Gail Sangster, Ruth
Chipchase's group for the straw- Smale; food, Suzanne Kyle,
berry supper in June. Flora Johnston; table, Judy
Personal items Jenkins, Diane Koehler; invita-
1V1r. and Mrs, Clarence Dil- dons- Barbara Schwalm, Rose
ling and family of Sarnia visited Marie • Neilands; kitchen, Bon-
last week with the farmer's Marcia Peters, A n n Lawrence,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Patsy Schwalm
i:inad"iCaollieJetritle Baynham. Dilling.
General ,moters'
Sales with
• • Ceest .
MON! HaA 01;
Seed Grain
Full Line of CIL Fertilizer
hensail persona's
Mrs ward Forrest is a and Mrs. Barry Boy and
ipiaotsipeinit•al.in Clinton Community family with Mr. and Mrs. .Ed.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rath, 11111101,1140.11t1;11rPnite!tClt ali rek4.. 541114
-)11". and Mrs, Lyle 'YOurighltii,. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rannie
liclgrave, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. and Joan of Toronto with the.
Flynn of Seaforth were Sun- former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
day guests with Airs. Pearl Sa m Ran nie,
Shaddick and Bill, Mrs, Edna .Corbett with her
LA(' and Mrs. H. L. .Gay ..and son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
little daughter Lorna have and Airs. u. Schroeder and.
taken up residence in the Fink family.
apar'tme'nts on King .Street.
LAC (lay is stationed at RCAF
Funeral services ..for Kathe.
rine Pauline. infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kyre
of St. Marys. were held from
the Box Funeral Home, Sea.
forth, Thursday, Slay 17, with
burial in Maitland cemetery.
In her fifth month, the baby
died suddenly in the St. Marys
Memorial Hospital, on May 15.
The baby was a granddaughter
of Mr. and Air's. Campbell.
Ky're, of
Air. and Airs. R. A. Orr spent
the holiday weekend with ..Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Orr Sr., of
Chesley and with Mr, and Airs.
1A4,1,ienivrtn n,Orr Jr.. and family of
Mr. Keith Wonnacott, mecha-
nic at Canadian Tire, Exeter,
is enjoying a week's vacation.
Weekend visitors
Mr. and Airs. Bob Redden
and faintly, Robin, Kathy and.
Michael, and Earl Redden, St..
Catharines with Herb Redden.
Airs. 1,, Darien and twin
daughters, Joan and Janet of
Kitchener, with Air-. and Mrs.
John Soldan, - Pat and Mike,
Mrs. Deitrich is the former
Helen Spellman of Kitchener,
Air. Earl Bell of Toronto with
his parents, Mr. and Airs. Glenn
Alt's. Dorothy Weido and Steve
spent the weekend with relatives
at ,Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellis of Clin-
ton with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne
Chapman and sons.
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren
of Toronto with Mr, and Airs.
Archie MarGrgor and Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Chapman.
Mis,, Geraldine Parker of Lon-
don with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold 'Parker.
Sir, and Mrs, Len Noakes
and family at Turnhull's Grove,
Pure Pork
Florida White
r pefruit
NO. 1 SIZE 96'S
1\10 1 Size 24 s
Fire destroys
garage, tools
Fire completely destroyed a
frame garage 12.x18' on Oxford
SI. about 40 feet from the rear
of the home occupied by Mr.
and Alrs, Barry Jackson on Fri-
day evening, It was owned by
harry Smitn.
Garage was a complete loss
together with tools, lawn mower,
veranuah turmture and storm
windows. the cement, founda•
lion and walls were left stand-
ing. Sparks lit on the roofs of
garages owned by Garfield
Broderick and George Thomp-
son, but. firemen quickly brought
it under control.
Mrs. George Ingram, who was
baby sitting for Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson who were away at the
time gave the alarm. The fire
was very spectacular with bib
lows of smoke filling the sky.
No estimate of damage was
Kinettes re-adopt child
Hensall Kinetics at their meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. Har-
old Knight, Tuesday evening
decided to re-adapt their child.
in Italy for another year through
the Canadian Save the Children
Mrs, Horner Campbell joined
the club as a new member, She
wan the raffle. IL was an-
nounced that the new district
convener for 1962-63 was Mrs.
Stan Green, Dresden.
Plans were finalized for the
rummage sale on Saturday,
May 26 at 3 p,m, in the Legion
Mrs. J. Faber
lifelong resident
Mrs. John Faber, 56, died in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
Wednesday, May 16.
The former Effie Margaret
Bell she was born on the Bell
homestead on the London road
on highway 4 and has been a
resident of the community all
her life.
She leaves to mourn her loss
her husband, one daughter,
Joyce, Mrs, William Sims, Exe-
ter; her mother, Mrs. William
Hyde, Hermit; two sisters (Ele-
anor) Mrs, Ed Barrett, New
Jersey, U.S.A,, Miss Loretta
Bell, London, and two grand-
Public funeral services were
held from the Bonthron Funeral.
Chapel, Hensall, Saturday, May
19 conducted by Rev, Currie
Winlaw with burial in 1-1.enstill
Union, cemetery. Pallbearers
Were Elgin Roweliffe„ Carl
Payne, Lloyd McDonald, Mal-
colm Dotigall, Harvey Hyde and
Cal Horton.
Your library
— Continued from page 4
the war began, each General
Staff knew what the others
would do; all was planned: the
campaign, the number
the lilies of tr'ans'porta-
tion, the monstrous seise guns,
everything dawn to the last but-
on the last infantryman's
In the stammer of 1914 Europe
Wag a heap ni! swords piled as
delicately as jack straws- mitt
not, one cotild be drawn out
without upsetting the others. It
happened and the holocaust of
August 1914 was the prelude to
lour bitter Yeat'S of deadlocked
w ar that cost A generation of
The catalOgtteahattioS of
that August includes the bathe
of Leige, Meta and the battle
e C the Fitiltiert, each bailie,
signifying careers made or
broken; anpertithitieS grasped
or missed.
MPS, Ttichniatt's botik lias
been ortAttlitotigly Atelaittiol by
most reviewers, It is available
1p y our library.
byterian CGIT, Hensel], held its first mother and daugh-
ter banquet Wednesday night in the church basement.
The newly-formed group includes: front row, from left,
Patsy Schwalm, Patsy Moir, Cheryl Little, Marcia Little,
Suzanne Kyle; middle row, Mrs. Ed Fink, a leader;
Barbara Schwalm, Flora Lee Johnston, Heather Reid,
Colleen Baynham, Bonnie Peters, Diane .Koehler, Mrs,
D. Ross MacDonald, leader; back row, Mrs, McClintock,
leader; Bonnie Foster, Ruth Smale, Rose Marie Neilands,
Judy Jenkins, Ann. Lawrence, Gail Sangster, Absent be-
cause of illness was Linda Lenaghan,
ciwar,(;1 . Fun , k
dies an
!,1.*,11ward Funk, 55. of RR 2,
Hensall, well known farmer of
Ilay Township flied suddenlY
SI. Joseph's Hospital. London,
on Sunday, where he had been
admitted, the previous week
with a heart :ondition Ile had
improved so much that the doe-
tors had said he could crime,
bumf' in two or three days.
Surviving are his ,wife., Mary
Jacoby, a son. Fred, and daugh-
ter, Ann Marie. both at home;
one daughter cMillier Al rS. Don-
ald rage, Brampton; his mo-
ther, Mrs. Ferdinand Funk,
'Minnesota; three brothers. Wal-
ler, Huntsville; Alai-tin. Bramp-
ton; Russell, Regina; two sist-
ers (Stella; Mrs. Russell Boy-
Minnesota; (Annie) Mrs.
Harold Holmes, .Spears, Sask.
Public feneral services con-
flucted by Rev. Currie Winlaw
were held Wednesday, Alay 23
from the Bonthron Funeral
Home. with burial in Bonsai!
Union cemetery.
Pallheaiers were Lloyd Mous-
seau, George Beer, Glenn 'Deitz,
Glen Koehler, Harold C. Bell
and Stewart Bell.
Message from
Iii'. Harold Finlay, Jim, Mar-
garet and Emma .lane, visited
Ali % Bert Gibbings and Mr. and
Ales Will iann Londsborough and
Linda Jarvis, of Clinton, on
Monday last.
Mrs. Mary Manson. visited
Mrs. Molly Erb on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Bert Faber, of
Kippen, visited Sunday with
Mrs. Elizabeth Desch, of Bia.ke.
Alr. and Mrs. Lloyd McBride,
of Windsor, spent the weekend
in this vicinity.
Mr. Lloyd Jeffery, of Wind-
sor, visited over the weekend
with Mrs. Polly Jeffrey and
Alr. Andrew Corriveaii, of
.ondon, spent the weekend,
vith Air. and Mrs. Lucien Car-
ivea.0 and family, of Blake,
David Dignan
farmer in Hay
David Dignan, of Hensall, died
suddenly at Clinton Hospital
Tuesday morning, May 22, in
his 77th year,
The late Mr. Dignan farmed.
in Hay Hensall
before retir-
ing to Hensall in 1949. Mrs.
Dignan predeceased him in Sep-
tember, 1961.
Surviving are three. sons, Har-
old and Earl, RR 2, Hensall,
Harvey, Dorchester; one sister,
Mrs, William Forrest, Hensall.
Private funeral services will
be 'held from the Bonthron Fu-
neral Chapel, Thursday, May
24, at .2 11.m. ReV, C. Winlaw
will. Officiate, 'Burial will be in
Exeter Cemetery,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murdock,
of Dundas; Mr, Harold Curran,
Hamilton;. Mr. and Airs. Stan-
ley T. Rumble and family; Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Heintz. and,
family, all of Toronto, with Mr,
and Mrs. J. R. Murdock and
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt
and Aida, Toronto, with the
former's mother. Mrs. Alice
Joynt. Dr. .Joynt also attend-
ed a. medical meeting in Wind-
Airs. Fred Beer, Linda Lee,
and Betty Ann. with. Fn and
Mrs, John Beer and family at
Camp Borden.
UCW unit one mei Monday
evenno; with 16 present and
Airs. E. Chipchase presiding.
Mrs. Ian AleAllister conduct-
ed the devotional and Mrs. Don
Joynt presented the Bible study,
Plans were laid for the fur-
key,ham. and strawberry sup.
per in the church school rooms
Wednesday, June 20.
Shop at
lis t o
Fe R
Ontario Lealf