HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-17, Page 21CONTEST RULES CONTEST PRIZES N'1001,11417 100'.—aa111100—kagineemmonw.., rill11111111.06114 144 . 44141%.._ p • • ptooto 04 .. .0.4,"---.^•"00.e- VAPA111 Sponsored by TUCKEY BEVERAGES and KIST CANADA LIMITED TUCKEY BEVERAGES 451 Main St., EXETER, ONT. (PLEASE PRINT) Homemade bred gets top auction bpd UCW to redecorate Whalen UC grounds Py MRS. J. H. PAWN. GLAND Et .1.3 O. YE Members or ,Riverview WI were .oulertained by Clande- ben branch Ink Wednesday evening. A highlight of the program Was a while elephant sale with Mrs. 0.mar utulittgltatn in her fine style drawing the, bids with "flow much am I offered? How much do I hear?" A large loaf of home- made bread brought the top bid of 50 cents, Other items offered were homemade buns, honey, jelly, pickles, cakes, 4. a r t s, asparagus, perennial roots, dahlia and glad bulbs. Over $4,4 was realized. Mrs, Ref! Neil gave a read- ing, on the cane of mums. Mrs. George Simpson conducted a Mime George, and Mrs. Leslie Ilindmarsh gave a humorous reading. Musical numbers included selection on the hawaiian gui- tar by Ilarbara Cunningham, :Joan Cunningham, an instru- mental and piano duct by Helen Sigsworth and Judy Scott and vocal duet, Nancy Kestle and Judy Scott. Roll call was answered by telling when and where I became a Wi• member. A' donation of $10 was given to a family, who lost their home by fire and a committee was named to make purchases with the money. A donation of five dollars was given to Lucan Musical Festival, Program •conVeners were Mrs, J, II. Paton; Mrs, Rca Neil and Mrs. George Simpson, lunch committee, Mrs. Alex Lunch committee, Mrs. Alex Macintosh, Mrs. Rae llodgins and Mrs. Wilmer Scott, Mrs, Les Hindrilarsh expressed ap- preciation for the evening on behalf of Rivervew WI. Move to new home Mr. and Airs. ['Clem Mitoraj and four children have taken up residence in the storey and a half sugar beet house of Mr. Abner Henry in McGillivray township across from their farm. Their farm home was destroyed by fire early Wednesday morn- ing, May 9, The appeal that had been sent over the Open Line CFPL and from the Women's Institute and friends many donations of cloth- ing, furniture, bedding and food. have been given. ' They plan to build a new home soon. CHURCH figW17 United .Church The Rev fl. W, Sach on Sun- day, May 13 took the sermon. "The. Christian mother in the Christian home" in. observance of Mother's Day. On Sunday, May 20. the an- niversary service will be held at 2 p.m, with the Rev. Duncan Guest of Centralia as guest minister. Starting May 27 the service will he at 9;45 .a.m, starting the summer services at the earlier hour. St, James At St, James Church, the roe- for the Rev, E. O. Lancaster, on Sunday had the service of 1101Y Communion, with special prayers for mothers and women in church work. Personal items Air, and Mrs. Maurice Cob- IMO, Arthur, Margaret, Patri- cia And Daisy Cobleigh, Luton, M. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan. and Myrna of Thorndale. Mr. and Mrs, J. H, Paton and Wil- liatn Allwright were entertained to a turkey dinner on Sunday by Air, and Mrs. Glare .Paton. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walden of Chatham, Mr. and Mrs, Ca r- lyle Carter and Jimmie and Mr. and Airs. Douglas Carter of London were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter and. an, Mr. and Mrs. tack Manson, John and Christine of Simcoe visitbd Mrs. Manson's mother, Airs. Alvin Cunningham, also Mr. and Airs, Jim Cunningham and family on Sunday. Airs. Cunningham returning with her daughter and family for a visit. Mr, George Simpson was tak- en to St. Joseph's Hospital on Monday where he underwent an operation for appendicitis on Tuesday. Mr. and. Mrs, joe Cunning- hani and Kimberly of London spent Tuesday and Wednesday' with the former's parents, Air. and Mrs. Wilfrid Cunningham. Alt', and Mrs, 'Peter Banks and. Cindy of Sarnia visited her, parents, Mr. and Airs, Maurice Simpson, on Sunday. Debbie Wilson, daughter of. Mr, and. Mrs. Gerald Millson, is confined to her home with chicken pox. In the coming fiscal year in- terest on the federal public debt will cost $761,840,900. Lucan news Among those from a. 414arico who attended the funeral of the. late Mrs, George Strasser were, Mr. George Strasser (her son) of California, Mrs. Richard Tate of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Etdrope Bouchard ,of Saginaw, Mrs. , F',Sil,s Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sils Sr.; Mr. and Mrs, J. J, Cleary, Mr, George Dixon all of Senforth and Mr. and Airs, Bruce Eiffel of Saginaw, With the 'missing of Airs. Strasser, another Luean land- mark has closed its doors. Nothing definite has been tided as to the disposing of the confection and lunch room busi- ness, (with dwelling above) which Mrs. Strasser operated since 1922. Coming so closely after the ..Koffee Kun IteS144- rani closed its doors has left the village with only the Cen- tral Restaurant, to cater to the whole community. Mothers' Day visitors Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Kend- rick and Mrs. Warner McRob- erts with. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Lomond of Cromarty, Mr, and Mrs. Duncan and Melody of Listowel with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott. Miss Fio Chown of St. Thom- as with her sister, Miss Reta Chown. Mr. and Airs, Russell Rad- cliffe and Miss Pat Watson of LoryInn with Dr, and Mrs. 'I', A, Watson. All the members of the Har- dy family called during the day on Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hardy, Air, and Mrs, Ivan Hearn. and family with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brown, of Carlingford. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Revinatan and family with Alr. and Airs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs. Ira Carton a, Miss Muriel Carling, Mr. Earl Carting and Leslie with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- mei, 'VI/afoot° of Kineardirw., Dr, and Mrs, Marvin Smout and family and Air, and Mrs, Gerald. Atkinson and family of London with Mrs. Wes Atkin- son (Ellen and Jennifer Smout spoilt the weekend with her), Mr. and Mrs. William Young or London with Mrs. Herman Young, GRAND BEND Mrs. Gowan (teacher) her pupils and several of the par- ents attended the South Huron musical festival at Thames Road Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs, David Hord and family. Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Zavitz and Ernie, It- derton, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hern and family, Zion, were Sunday guests with. Mr. and 'Mrs. E, Ferguson. ay MRS. FRANK SQUIRE WHALEN Mrs. Gordon. .Johnson and Mrs. Chas, McRoberts were hostesses for the UOW meet- ing at the church on Thursday evening. A good crowd at- tended. Airs. Alton Neil was in charge of the devotional part of Meeting, the theme' being ''Our church in our eommu- nity." Mrs, Wtn, Morley con- ducted the Bible study. Mrs. Morley was in charge of the business part of meeting. Arrangements for a tea and bake sale on Wednesday, May 16 were made. Articles for a bale to be sent to Toronto were handed in, The KirkLon horticultural So- ciety donated $25 to Whalen church and plans were made for decorating the c h u r c .1) grounds. Christian Family Sunday A. combined Sunday School and church service was held at the morning service at the United Church on Sunday. William Al a rley was the leader for this service and Rev, D, M. Guest delivered the ser- mon. The choir favored with 'sne- Mal music appropriate for the clay, .Lovely flowers adorned the pulpit. A good crowd at- tended. Personal items Sharon. Squire, Grant n n. spent the weekend with Avis Hodgins. Mrs. Norman Hodgins and Mrs, Percy Hodgins attended a Chancel Guild meeting on Wed- nesday at the Church of Mes- siah, Kincardine. Air. and Mrs. Cleve Pull- man, Roy and Ronnie, were in Mitchell Sunday visiting Alr. and Mrs. Harold Quasi, Mr, and. Mrs. Grafton Squire. Sue Ann and Paul visited on Sunday with. Mr, and Airs. F. Squire, Granton. Mr. Gordon Hodgins has pur- chased the 100 acre farm of Mr. Joseph Bryan. Miss Phyllis O'Brien, Lon- don, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien, Sunday callers with Air. and Mrs. Alex Baillie were: Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley, Exe- ter, Miss Ola Morley, London. Mrs. Flossie Morley and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Morley, fiesp- eler. Mrs. Cora Morley, who has spent the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley of Hazel, 1/.ark, Michigan, re- turned to her home on Sunday accompanied by Howard. Ales, Olive Frederick, who has spent some time with Mr. and Airs. WM. French, left •on Sunday to spend a week in Denver, then to Hanford, Cal- ifornia. to visit her daughter. Air. and Airs. Peter •Gonds- ward and Joey, London, Mr, and Mrs, O. Webb, Granton, visited, on Sunday with Mr. an d firs. Laverne Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkinson attended the funeral on Fri- day of the late Mr. Edgar Cow- ell. at the Marriott Funeral 'flame, St. Alavy.s. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Hod- gins and Sharon were in Our- ham on Sunday visiting Air. and Mrs. Vincent Itodgins. .Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkin- son went to Victoria Hospital on Sunday visiting Alt'. Ralph Parkinson who is a patient there, Mr. and. Mrs, Gordon John- son. Carol and Mary were in London Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson, Mrs. Gordan Johnson has vis- ited her mother, Mrs. Fred Anderson, several times who is a patient in St. Marys Mem- orial Hospital. NOW OPEN The Sun Shop GRAND BEND HIGH-STYLE WOMEN'S + Sports Wear + Dresses + Sandals OPEN 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. EACH DAY The Titre$,Mvecate, May 17,, 1962 PaEll01 Give .the 'Kinmen. Salvation Army blitz tonight ENGINEERED BEAVER FARM BUILDINGS A farm building today has one lob and one lob only— to help get better production at the lowest cost, Beaver buildings are engineered to do the lob. EVERY TYPE OF BUILDING Every type of building from pole frame to steel frame are included in the Beaver plan book , . there's an engineered building that can' he custom fitted to any program. Our reputation for building good buildings is a repvta. OUR REPUTATION , . A GUARANTEE Beaver Farm "Rep" CHARLES TULLY tion we intend to keep with engineering responsibility PHONE and honest dealings. See the plans and building for Your, monkton 347-2683 self . . . and our "Farm Rep" is at your service . . . Phone today before the spring rush. CANADA WILDLIFE CONTEST RULES NAME ADDRESS CITY/TOWN SCHOOL 1 .— Open to boys and girls of grade school age. 2 — Judging will be on the basis of artistic ability, imaginative colouring, neatness and origin. ,•—• Clip out and colour complete scone including all wildlife animals. —.Mall your drawing along with six KIST bottle taps to Tuckey Beverages, Exeter, Ontario. t All entries Must be postmarked on or before May At, 1962. All tentettants will receive FREE in the KIST CONSERVATION CLUB, and will be supplied with a ifieiiiberthio: torlifitAter wallet size inellibership terd, and a game siMilar to Snakes •,11, Ladder's, Peito will be Awarded for the best draWitiO M the followi ng' ge6UPS: Over 10 yea' group 8 .10 year group Under 8 year group first price ot616 46644h 4gel'uotp t '$ l I 0Second 0 Third prite 'oath group $230 The "decision• of the fudges 1s ifrot.