HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-17, Page 20. ....N717:01grt2ereerl:'•
Pale ..20 May 1/, 1962
and district news
Phone 227-4255
-1:te*.wizor,- • .0r.N...M
Correspondent: Miss Line Abbott
• • • Margaret Holland, Linda England in junior club play
Junior drama group
modernizes fairy tale
deed before midnight. Ile did
manage to save the lives of
three condemned hunters, but
alas not till 12:30 midnight,
However Jack-in-the-box, re-
minded the queen it was really
only 11:30. standard time, so
Peter received a beautiful gol-
den tail and all ended well.
All the old familiar charac-
ters .were there, Go chit The
Three Bears, Little-Bo-Peep,
Little Red Riding Hood and
others, but when all these "old-
timers" went modern and put
on a splendid demonstration of
the twist they drew a big hand
of applause.
The first act was staged in
the Blue Forest and the second
al a ball in the Blue Castle.
All the cast performed well
but, special mention might be
made of the Beautiful and
stately Blue Fairy Queen, Lin-
da England, Peter Rabbit, Mar-
garet Holland, Tinker Bell,,
Marlene Butler, and all the fair-
ies and dancers.
At the close of the program
Mr, Beer thanked all the mem-
bers of the cast for their co-
operation, Mrs. Glen Plaskett
and Miss Muriel Carling for
their assistance en "make-up"
and dressing, Mr. Tom Banks as
manager, the audience for their
attendance and all who helped
make the program such a big
success, The proceeds will go
towards future drama produc-
Don't miss
this offer
On May 17 and 24 you will
receive a free copy of the Exe-
ter Times-Advocate, and will
read of the real bargain being
offered you — a 10 month sub-
scription for only 32.00, if you
subscribe before June 1. phone
your correspondent at 227-4255
at once,
Already some Lucanites have
taken advantage of this "once-
in-alife-time" offer. Don't wait
— phone now.
Old subscribers have not been
overlooked. You can get in on
the bargain also, by sending a
gift subscription to an absent
member of your family or a
friend. Today one wise parent
is having the paper sent to her
son, as a birthday gift. If is
too late now for a Mother's Day
gift but Father's Day is coming.
Surprise Dad with a subscrip-
Plan show
of fireworks
Flower's on the altar on Sun
day were in memory of the late
Mrs. Pearl Cobleigh, and the
baskets in the chancel in mem-
ory of the late Airs. George
The junior choir's monthly
medals for attendance and co-
operation were presented to
Gordon Hardy and Joan Lewis.
The rector, Rev. E, 0, Lan-
caster baptized three children
in the church Sunday afternoon,
Catherine Elizabeth Smith,
(laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Smith, whose godparents were
Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Smith and
Mrs. Albert Smith.
Marion Dianne 'Robinson.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Robinson, whose sponsors
were her parents and Mrs, Jean
Penny Lynn Hodgins, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence
Hodgins, whose godparents
were Mrs. R. Sperling, Mrs.
Charles Grose and Mr, Barry
On Thursday evening the
senior choir joined with the Ar-
va choir in a joint practice for
an Ascension Day service,
A Dessert Euchre sponsored
by the Woman's Auxiliary was
announced for Wednesday at
1:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
United Church
The pastor the Rev. G. W.
Bach spoke on The Christian
Mother — The Christian Home
at the Sunday morning service,
Flowers were in memory of
Mrs. S. C. Chown and also .flow-
ers from the Lankin family in
memory of mother.
During the service six chil-
dren were baptized, Heather
Dawn Hearn, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Don Hearn; Wayne
Robert Lewis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Lewis; Wayne
Scott McCallum, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart McCallum;
Wendy Irene Hearn, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hearn;
Sandra Lynn Kloss, daughter of
Mr, and. Mrs. Lionel Klo$s; and
John David Dixson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Phillip Dixson.
Next Sunday the guest. speaker
will be Rev. J. R. Wareham,
BA, while Mr. Sach is conduct-
ing SS anniversary at Wood-
UCW meeting
The LICW met in the church
schoolroom last Tuesday with
Mrs. J. 0. Andersen's and Mrs.
J. W. Lockyer's units in charge
of the worship service and re-
Mrs. George Paul read a
story and led in a discussion,
"Can the rural church sur-
vive?" Mrs. G. W, Sach had
charge of the Bible study.
During the business session
plans for the centennial celebra-
tion were discussed. Mrs. Cecil.
Robb, director of education, for
the Lucan Cancer Society
branch, spoke briefly a n d
handed out pamphlets.
Explorer rally
Of the 526 explorers and 58
leaders, who' attended the Ex-
plorer Rally in First St. An-
drews Church, London, on Sat-
urday, Lucan had the honor of
having the largest group with
26 explorers and two leaders,
Miss Margaret Sach and Miss
Rose Revington. The session
featured craft, drama, games,
sing song, worship and a puppet
The YPU met at the home of
Frank Egan Sunday evening,
The worship service was taken
by Sharon Blake, Barbara Rea-
dy and Frank Egan. The lunch
committee comprised, Marilyn
Culbert, Iva Stanley. Bernard
Stanley and Nancy Kestle.
Next Sunday VPU from Bet'-
vie will stop on their way to
Detroit at the church for a short
worship service at 7 a.m. Un-
fortunately they cannot wait for
breakfast with the local YPU.
Sunday evening, Miss Barja,
an Ethiopian missionary, will
show slides which will he open
to the public. Ailsa Craig 'YPU
are being invited.
Rev. G, W. Sach speaking on
missionary work on Asia was
the guest. speaker,
Pentecostal Holiness Church
The WA held a joint April And
May meeting on 'Tuesday, Mae
1 at the home of Mrs, J. A,
Graham. Mrs, Howard Currie,
spoke on the Song of Solomon,
"Arise and Collie Away,"
Peel Graham was the speaker
at the VP meeting.
The church-wide SS campaign
"To double, Let your fa
vor, shine," is progressing favor•
ably with. an attendance 613 . Of ,•
out on Sunday. At the Pettily,
Mother service On Sunday the.
junior choir sang in the 'morn'
big and the Sr. choir in the
New board
for library
The trio main items of inter-
est at the May meeting Of the
Village Council, last Monday
evening were:, A bylaw estab-
lishing a Publit IlbratY in
Lucan was passed. The .couticii
appointed, tb the new libralibrary'
bpard, Mrs. C, II. George, Mr,
Jack Steaey and Mr. Chas,
A b.y law establishing a plan,
Ong; beard was given two read,
may be your own"
Mrs, lames Bawtenbeimer
and son POP, of Sarnia and Mr
and Mrs. Ardell Masora, of Rip-
ley with Mr, and Mrs. VeCil
Slit', and Mrs.. Clayton Abbott
and Linda w'th Mr, and Mrs,
Hugh 1.3irlch of Lucan at noon
and with Mr. and Mrs, Murray
Abbott of Centralia :for the -eve-
ning meal,
Mr, and. Mrs. Irving Gibson
and Mr. and. Mrs. Les Wood-
ward and family with Mr, and
Mrs. Wilmer Jones. of Kippen.
Miss She'll.). "Downer, Miss
Catherine Parkinson, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Parkenson and Mr.
Terrence Cvlbert, all of Lon,
don, with Mr, and Mrs. Ron
and Mrs. Victor .coursey
and family of Camp. Borden
with Mrs. George conrseY and
Mr, and Mrs. Torn .Courser,
Mrs, M, Gollings and Mr. And
Mee. R, J. Wise of London with
Mr, anti Mrs. Wes Revington,
More Lucan. News
on Noe 21
Consult Us For All
Types of Insurance
Donald Banting
Central Restaurant
EST. 1929
Sunday, May 20
$1.25 12 NOON
NEW PHONE — 227-4489
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Ever-Ready Fence Batteries . . . . $3.59
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SPALDING GOLF CLUB SETS ... ............ $49.95
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(Latex Exterior) SALE ENDURANCE HOUSE PAINT $7.95 gal.
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We Have Roller Kits
For Only 990 WHITE EXTERIOR PAINT .... ..... $4.49 gal.
From May 17 to May 26 on all frames brought into our store
TOOLS FOR RENT ft' Floor Polisher * Hand Sander
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40-Gallon Capacity Glass-lined
Any Sized Element 96 .00
GARDEN SUPPLIES Complete Lino of Bulk Seeds
Hoes $1,19 Rakes $1,29 Shovels $3.35 Garden Hose $2.59
SPORTING GOODS Balls —4 Bats — Gloves
Complete Line of Fishing Tackle
LUCAN 221.412
Lucan personal items
To help lessen the number of
fireworks accidents, a number
of the Lucan organizations got
together and are staging a huge
display Monday. May 21 at 8:30
p.m. on the old ball diamond
(Beach & Market Sts., opposite
the Legion Hall.)
Admission is free, so Parents
bring your children to the ball
ground next Monday and let
them see a grand display in
Lions to name new slate
At the meeting of Lucan
Lions Club last Monday night
the past presidents were named
a committee to bring in a slate
of ahem's at the next meet-
Luean Public School's 1961-62
safety patrol will he guests at
this meeting. Mrs. Herman
Young's group of the Ladies
Guild catered for a turkey din•
ner for the Lions in the Angli.
can Church basement.
personal ',erne
Ajoint, birthday eelebration
was held al the Wile of Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Abbott's for
Mrs..Abbott's father, Mr. thigh
Birtch of Lueati and Mr. Ah.
boa's father, Mr. Murray Ah
boil of 'Centralia, last Priday.
liza beth 13rbmwicli, s in a 11
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al
Brcitnivieh, had her tensils re;
Moved al SI, ilbeeplf-8 Hospital,
ari TitesdaYe
Friday evening in the com-
munity Memorial Centre, over
40 gaily costumed members of
the Lucan Jr. Drama Club
staged their amusing play "The
Golden Tale", before a good at-
The play, written by Mr. Tom
Beer of the public school staff
and Mrs, Beer was the story of
Peter Rabbit who lost his tail
when he trespassed in Mr. Mac-
Gregor's garde n, The Blue
Fairy Queen promised him a
new tail if he could do a kind
Visit lodge
for cancer
Mrs, Cecil Rohh and Mrs, Wit-
ham Brownlee of the Lucan WI
were among those, who on Fri-
day, May 4, attended the
Thameswood Lodge open house
it London.
The Lodge. which accommo-
dates 18 guests was b u i l t
through the generous donations
of the people of Ontario to the
Cancer Society. It is operated
and, maintained by the Ontario
Cancer Treebment and Research
Foundation, with an efficient
nurse-in-charge, a house mother
,and volunteer workers.
The latter assist in prepara-
tion of meals, write letters for
the patients, arrange for free
hair-dr ,ssing appointments, and,
if necessary, escort patients to
and from appointments at the
Friends of the guests are
welcome to visit them during
the day or evening, Everything
possible is done to create a
friendly, homelike atmosphere.
LUcan man honored
Thursday, May 11, Mr. Roy
Hamilton, of Lucan was one of
seven guests of honor at a Sup-
ertest Dealers' meeting held in
I: h e Administration Building,
Queen's Park.
Mr. Frank Vita, on behalf of
the Supertest Corporation, pre-
sented Mr. Hamilton with a
wall plaque, a gold service pin
and a silver tea service, com-
memorating an association of
fifteen years with Supertest.
Deg show
For the second year in suc-
cession the Forest City Kennel
Club staged its annual cham-
pionship dog show at the Lucan
Arena Saturday,
The show embraced 350 en-
tries in seven championship di-
visions — little dogs, big dogs,
handsome dogs, homely dogs.—
all kinds of dogs,
Judging began at 10;30 a.m.
with Lloyd Bracket of Allegan,
Mith, Gordon. M. Parham of Sa-
lem, Mich„ Walter Rhone of.
Moose Jaw, Sask, and Mrs,
Mary Southcott of Milton, as
judges. The event drew a huge
attendance not only from Can-
ada but from the States,
The arena ladies committee,
who provided the main (*arse
and the WI members, who pro-
vided the dessert, were kept
busy all day.
Friday evening our junior
dratnaclub p resent e d its
play The Golden Tale, it, was a
very great success.
The sehool baseball schedule
gets under way this Tuesday
evening with Liteati playing
Prince Andrew School. Games
will he played each Tuesday
and Thursday,
The Pee Wee Softball league
gets under way this Saturday
morning at 10 a.m. We have
four teams entered they are the
Yankees, Tigers, Pirates and
Junior Irish 9, These teams are
coached by George Darineey,
Bill Anderson, Dave Lippert,
Brian flaskett.
Saturday at 10 A.n, there will
be an arts and crafts School In
the arena,
Mrs. Bob C o le a n, Mrs.
Maurice- MaeDonald .and Mrs,
Howard MacDonald of Lucien
were among those who Erida.y
night attended a shower given
by Mrs, Harry Noels of Aylmer
in. honor of her nice, Miss Betty
Lou Caldwell of Shedden, prior
to her marriage, May 19.
Sirs. Murray Hodgins OR Sat-
urday ,attended a London -Con-
ference Camping meeting, at
Kee•mo•kee and was part of a
The Lucan WI will hold an
open meeting at the community
centre at 8 p.m, Thursday, May
17 when Miss Marilyn Brown-
lee will give an illustrated talk
on her trip to Europe,
"Meadow Arts Lady", owned
by the Hardy Bros. and driven
by Neil Mcflann won a first at
the London Raceway, Saturday.
Miss Vera W.asnidge of Tor-
onto spent ihe Mother-day week-
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. N. \V, Wasnidge of Water
Mrs, Annie .Eairles, who spent
the wtnter with her daughter,
Mrs. Douglas King, of Harris-
ton, was brought home by Mr,
and Mrs. King Sunday evening
and expects to spend the sum-
mer at her home on Market St,
Mrs. Warner McRoberts of
the Dresden BS staff spent the
weekend at her home here,
Mr. and Mrs. Don McTeg-
gort of London were Saturday
guests of Mrs. Bob Coleman,
Mr, Ralph Strasser. who was
in St. Joseph's Hospital for a
few days is able to be home,
Work on the foundation of
Lucan's new post office is mak-
ing rapid strides.
Lucan firemen had an easy
week with only the call to the
Klem Mitoraj house fire near
Denfield, last Wedeesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mutely of
Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. James
McIntosh now of London, have
returned from a week's motor
trip to the Southern States,
coining home they visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Lang De Courser
of Dearborn on Saturday. Mrs.
Morris :Meech' of Kitchener
stayed at the Murrly home here
for the week while they were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy
Female keglers
shellack males
For the past 12 weeks the Lu-
can. ladies have been tackling
their male counterparts in a
special tournament at the Lucan
Lanes with the startling results
that the ladies won the series
by a whopping big 27-9 margin.
Owner Jack Arnold reported
that the men were real "gentle-
men" in allowing the ladies to
use their handicaps, but in most
instances this was not necessary
as the ladies proved to he real
"Sunday bowlers".
The results of the event are
as follows:
Diamonds, 2, grion 1
Sputniks 3, Clandehoye t'hurrh 0
Dumhells 3, Hot Shots n
Shamrocks a, Fireaters 0
Legionet t es 11, Hotel 1)
Clow 11,S u, Wood Int t chers
Aces 2, Rex 1
High Hones 2, Lunthor Kin gs 1
Duties 2, Shamrocks
Satolil es 2, short cireuus 1
Dairymaids 2, Legion '1
Ram-hlers 3, Dair5'111c11
Final Standings
Ladies 1 Atag us 27 Voitit. 1r eit 's League it points
Satellites I 11, Ulla' 2211
Dairymaids1K, H e,1 2111
Ramblers 15I, I ,ewts 2311
Aces (F. Lipper . t 231)
Duties t Blake 213 1 .
Shamrocks Arnold 197)
:)I t.1
('lawns S. itradley 2771 1223
Sputniks IH, Si eacy 21,10 1011.1
Durnhens Darling 2531 hill
H. Hopes '('oughlin 275) 4794
Legionett cc ID, rrudge 203) 1157
'Diamonds 51()Donald 2111, III)!
High single: 'F, LIpport 1211) High triple.: itradley 1742)
Night Hawks 5653 St, Pats
Angels ..... ..... 4Srla
uere Friday guests of. Mr. end
Sirs. John Knight and.. family
of ,Kintore and bad as Sunday
guests Mr. J. E. -Barradell. of
Galt. Mrs. Norman Wesphal
and son Mike and Mrs. Lena
llaymeker, ell of :Kitchener.
Mrs. She rida n Revinglem
spent '1' h s d a y with. her
mother Mrs. Harry MeFalls of
Miss Julia Crozier' has com-
pleted her first year at Mac-
donald institute,. Guelph.
Sirs, Erie Young, Sunday,
held a family gathering in
honor of her son Cordon's 17th
Mr. Levi Darling is spending
a few days with his daughter,
Sirs, Cecil Armitage And fanc-
Southern US
Altar flowers of white mums
and white snapdragons and
chancel baskets of pink snap-
dragons and white mums formed
the setting in Holy Trinity Ang-
lican Church, Lucan, at 3 p,m,
Saturday, May 5 for the double-
ring marriage ceremony of Di-
ane Elizabeth Bowman and. Les-
lie Andrew Charlton, with .the
rector the Rey, E. 0. Lan-
caster officiating,
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Russell M. Bow-
man of Main St. South, :Lucan,
and the groom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Charlton,
RR 1 Denfield.
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther the bride chose a floor-
length gown of organza over
tulle and taffeta, fashioned with
scoop neckline and cap sleeves.
Guipure French lace applique,
adorned the bouffant skirt and
bodice A crown of pearls and
crystals held the double illu-
sion veil. She carried a White
prayer book crested with a
cluster of gardenias and trail-
ing stephanotis and centred
with pink rosettes.
Mrs. Robert Evans of Eder-
ton, sister of (lie bride as ma-
tron of honor, Sirs, Beverley
tTrbshott of RR 1 Ilderton, an-
other sister. and Miss Sylvia
Shipley, RR 1 Denfield, as
bridesmaids were all gowned
alike in ballerina-length blue
silk organza over tulle and taf-
feta with lace applique and
scoop neckline. Matching how
headdresses completed the en-
semble. They carried cascades
of seasonal flowers in pink
mauve and blue, including snap-
dra eons and corn flowers.
Miss Ruth 'Bowman, niece of
the bride made a charming wee
flower girl in a ;sown similar
to the other attendants only a.
high neckline. She carried a
miniature basket filled with
similar flowers,
Gary Concannon, nephew of
the bride as ring-bearer car-
ried the two rings on a white
satin cushion,
Donald Hard of imerton was
best man and Dr. Gordon. Bow-
man and Bill Therwall were
Mrs. William Smibert of Den-
field as organist, Played tradi-
tional wedding music and ac-
companied the soloist. Mr, Rob-
ert Evans . of Ilderton, who
L sang "nior's Prayer", and
"0 Perfect Love."
At a dinner reception, in the
Legion Hall, (he bride's mother
received in a flowered sheath
ensemble with an ()ranee de-
light rose corsage. She. was as•
sisted by the groom's mother
who chose a Wrouoise satin and
lace sheath with corsage of
pink sensation roses.
For a honeymoon trio to the
Southern United .States the
bride changed to a channel snit
of white basket weave with
matching hat, blue accessories
and cluster corsage of red car-
The young mu* on their re-
turn will reside at RR 1 Ilder-
The bride, who for . some
years has operated the Seine &
Style Beauty Shonpe in her par-
ent's home will continue to
work part time.
Men honor
top _bowlers
Luvan Men's Bowling League.
held its awards banquet in the.
Legion flail May 9.
Ben Lucas, London cartoon-
1st, was MC and guest speaker.
jim Lyttle presented ,the 0'.
Keefe trophy to the Wood-
butchers,. 'the grand champs
and "A" league champs, and
the Labatt -trophy to the Agrica
"B" league champs.
Earl Carliag presented the
new men's bowling trophy to
the Di,irymen, the league
The grand champions, Wood-
butchers, included Les Wood-
ward, Art Dewar, Bill Hort*,
Don Ankers, Ted Wright and
Ron Woodward,
"B" league champions, the
Agrico were Jim Toohey,
Art Bell, Earl Carling, Harry
Carroll, john Vanlicshot and
Glen Proul,
Jack Arnold presented Earl
Carling with the high average
trophy 210; Roy Hatter pro-
.sented Allan Bill with the high
single trophy (83T,) and Ivan
Hearn presented Mr. Keith
tDisilfpkiisr with the high triple
The Legion auxiliary catered
the turkey dinner, Murray Hod-
gins said grace and Les Wood-
ward proposed the toast to the
Personal items
Mrs. T, A, Watson has re-
turned home after a 10-day visit
with her son and daughter-in,
law, Mr, And Sirs, Bob Watson
of Winnipeg. She flew out to at-
tend the funeral on May 30 of
Mrs. Robert Noyes, her daugh-
ter-in-law's mother. She brought
hack with her an A&P "flyer"
fad) which she greatly priees
for on it was printed in large
letters, at the top, "Bob Wat-
son, Winnipeg's Favorite Meat
Specialist.)' Bob has been work-
ing with the A&P for a number
of years with great success.
Mon., May 21
8:30 p.m,
(Across from Legion Hall)
Sponsored by the various
organizations of Lucan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lan•
caster of London with Rev. and.
Mrs, E. O. Lancaster.
Mrs. Wes Hudgins with. Mr,
anti Sirs. Robert Bennett of
HarrietSville. While there Mrs,
Hoagies attended the baptism.
of their .granddaughter Kimber-
ley Jean Bennett at The Har-
rietsville church.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott
aon(ttl C"arroll, A1r'. and Mrs,
ry Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. IL A,
Mullins and Ruth Ann, held a
surprise family gathering with
Mrs. Henry Hodgins.
Mr, and Mrs. silm Simpson
and family of London with Mr,
end Mrs. Ernie Ross.
Rev, and Mrs. G. Moore
and family of Pt, Dover and
Mrs. Moor', Sr., of London, with
Mr. and Mrs, Il, F. Stanley,
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Spindler
and family, Mr, and Mrs. Chas.
Eleidge and family of London
and Air, and Mrs. harry Towle
and family of Whalen with Mr,
and Mrs, A. R, Wilkinson,
Mothers' Day visitors