HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-17, Page 19That ThropAdvoeatc,, May 171. 1962 f000r,711 Lbl lemob. juice Pour into .greased mold, .C11111, 1/4 mayonnaise until firm. Garnish with olives. Soften' gelatine in le'4, cup and lemon elices. Cbieken cold water. Boil remaining wa. turkey pieces may he used In, ter and add softened gelatine. stead of salmon and -rise cream Heat, stirring until dissolved. of mushroom soup instead of Add rem a i n i n g ingredients. cream of celery soup. ADM" R.AL se'esles, Open wide and say W W SO COMPACT OUTSIDE , , SO MANY FEATURES INSIDE!: Admiral Refrigerators have bottle-deep door shelves, expansive freezer chests, full-width .crisp:,,•.- ers. glide-out shelves and lots more: high density Fiberglas insulation, magnetic door seal, visual defrost, indicator, wide range temperature control, plus smart kitchen-fitting design, As low as 199.95 WITH TRADE 235-2511 Main St. Potatoes in Sour Cream 2 cups diced, cooked toes 1 small onion. 1 1/2 tp salt 174 tp pepper 1 /2 pint sour cream Combine potatoes and onion. Put one-third in greased oven dish. Season with salt and pep- per. Dot with sour erea M. RP^ peal layers twice. Place in oven. 'Phis is a good way to use up left-over potatoes. Oven-Baked Broccoli 2 pkgs frozen broccoli 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup grated Cheddar cheese 1 tbl butter 1 tp salt dash of pepper Put broccoli and water in cas- serole dish, Sprinkle with cheese and seasonings, Add hut ter, Cover and bake in 350 de- gree oven for 50 minutes. Any frozen vegetable with pole. minced. I teisiteem.: ;;;; IllItilitilil.""' ititeneumettimenir t:1 A. E. Pym, Representative EXETER Tel: 671-M ERS 111 INSURANCE COMPANY 1442 ‘ la lh From $99 00 to $165,00 • Rotary Lawn Mowers • As Low As. *50.00 SEE OUR PELUXE 22" .SELFPROPELLEO ROTARY h.p. LatI8611 Engine with Start, thrOttle control O , ft handle. hest yet! Only $98,50 EXETER DISTRICT 2354081 PITTSBURGH PAINTS for people in love with 6ilihoos Ralph .Sweitzer 13 5.1 511 PITTSBURGH REV041/770W/Z425 HOUSE RN/MVO with What every wife should know about her husband's life insurance. How many "I don't know's" would you score on this test? ..How many policies does your husband own? Does he hose group insurance where he works? How much is the total amount of protection provided? 2. Are any of his policies just temporary'? How old will sou he when this temporary protection terminates? would it pas now? How long would it last? Is makes good sense for a wife to be well informed about her husband's insurance. Her security is the number one objective and it's through her budgeting skill that money can be set aside for the future. If you and your husband would like to re% leW any of these questions, just call the Man from Manufacturers. You'll And him a competent and friendly adviser, 1II II! 111 di: 3. is your husband's life insurance coordinated into a_ill ?I: Program? Is there a part ear-marked to pay off the mortgage; to educate the. children? How much income 90% of all oil company product research in Canada is done by Imperial„: The fuels your ear Will use in the fu ture are being deStgned today. lit Importal'a ultramodern research laboratories at '5arnta, stiontiSt% and technicians Are working in ensure that gasolines for to day's ears—And tomorrow's—era tailored for top performance. to tile last ton years alOnta t linneriar hat splint more than 1,80 minion to build the eUtuoment needed to bring you top gasoline. "Whet Your appetite for study to beeume a, better citizen" c l'eresensed Mrs. .1...D. lloSSaelis ro„ London area .public re- le.ione officer in addressing the feet tog of South Miro». WI 'et Animal in 'Hensel' United. Church Thursday. "We are eilizees of Colette and proud of it" .she continued, "'he Cantithae has the power of choice, the power of self-direction, the power of authurity — power is given to the leaders by the individual ‘-0.1.e and we should cherish our freedom wide!) was dearly bought and dearly. won," "So on June 18 use Your Iron- dike" she admonished "I don't want to come link next year and have anyone say they did not vole," She asked "Do you know how our government is financed? the cost of administration of justice'' how the mill rate is determined? We have need of study to protect and keep what we have. The speaker ‘vas in- troduced by Mrs. Harold Wal- s per, 'RR 3 Parkhill, l In a fitting ceremony con. ducted by Mrs, James Drum- mond , kinPen, assisted by Airs. William Bell, Pennies for Friendship were received from each of the branches, Mrs, L, U. Lymburnme FW10 president will take these pennies col- lected from all Ontario branches with her when she attends the ACWW convention in Australia in October, Most 4-H members in Huron Miss :Isabelle Gilehris t, Huron home economist, re ported that Huron had the lar- gest number of 4-11 members in the province. While Achieve. ment Days for the current pro- ject, "Separates for Summer' , have not all been held in the county she counted on a 95 per- cent completion of the course. The fall project will be "Dres- sing Up Vegetables." and the course for WC members will be "143 lbs. of Meat," • A display of "Separates for Summer and "Focus on Fin- ishes" was featured by Kippen branch. Airs. Wilfred Keays, Hyde Park, chairman of the London arca, brought greetings and announced Lhe area convention to be held November 5 and 6 at the Carousal Motel and the Women's Institute Film Day to he held Thursday. June 7 at Huron College, Mrs. Arthur Rundle, Exeter, will conduct a discussion on the film "The Test", Musical numbers included a solo by Mrs. T, C. Coates, ac- companied by Mrs. Andrew Dougall, both of Exeter in the morning and a solo by Sharon Strong accompanied by Mrs, Cameron, Seaford), in the after- noon and added variety to the day's program, Airs. John MacLean, Sea- forth, provincial board member expressed greetings from that board and reported that 480 ap- plications for the care of a child. under the Foster-Parent plan. had been adopted. She also noted that there were 1600 4-H clubs in Ontario with 16,000 members. By-laws adopted Mrs. James Drummond pre- sented by-laws for the district which ssere adopted. Mrs, Leonard Schenk, Dashwood conducted an impressive in memoriam service, Rev. R. C. Winlaw, Hensel!, led in the af- ternoon devotional exercises using as his theme the motto of the meeting "If we are to live up to our responsibilities we must he doers." Mrs. W. D. Slack, Crediton, urged the branches to,keen their history books up-to-date and have as many members as possible workine on historical projects saving that "the more People working on a proiect the more interest you have," President.. Mrs. Harry Strang noted that in January 1963 South ituron WI :District would mark 60 years of organization and a committee was appointed to make plans to mark the oc- easiest), Mrs. Strang made the concluding remark "Remember we can not remain the same as last year—we must progress". Airs. Fred .Bee' extended a welcome to Henson. to which Mrs. Newell Geiger replied. Officers are elected Frances "lucks, of the home eeonomics service, de- portment of eerieulture pre- Sided for the election of offi- cers. President re-elected for 1962.03 was Mrs. II. id. G. Strang, RR, 1, Ifensall; past president is Mrs. John Moe- Lean, RR 3 Seaforth. Vice presidents are Mrs. lances Drummed, Kippc n; Mrs. Fred Beet', Hensell; .sec- retary-treasurer, Mrs. Garnet. llrslcs,xeter, assistant, Airs, William Kyle, Kippen; Feder- ated represenSative, Mrs. .1. Mc- Lean, RR 3 Seaforths alternate, Airs. II. Wolper, RR. 3 Parkhill; auditors, Airs. E. Rader and Mrs. J, Rader, Dashwood; area delegate, Mrs. Harold Walper, RR, 3 Parkhill, alternate, Mrs. Alex Hamilton, Grand Bend; county rally delegate, Mrs, Alex Hamilton, Grand Bench. Conveners of standing com- mittees: agriculture and Cana- dian Industries, Mt-s, J. Woods, Exeter; Citizenship and Educe lion, Airs. Vivian Cooper. RR 2 Making of -hats sorority topic At the Tuesday evening meet- ing of Beta Sigma Pin Sorority held at the home of Airs. Nor- man Amos, Kir k to n, Mrs. Clarence Hawkins, RR 1, St, Marys, demonstrated the mak- ing of hats, Miss Betty Goudie was pre- sented with a gift prior to her departure for Kitchener. Mrs. R. W. Read and Miss Goudie won the gifts of the evening. The hostess was assisted by Miss June Bierling and Mrs. R. C. Dinney. WI names executive Sirs. Thomas Kooy was elected president for 1962.63 of McGillivray WI at the annual meeting in West McGillivray Hall, Honorary president is Mrs. Beatrice Dixon. Vice - presidents are Mrs. Fraser Dixon and Mrs. Les Al orle y; secretarystrea.surer, Airs. Parry Thom -pson; assist- ant, Mrs. Joe Carey; branch directors, Mrs, 'Melvin Allison, Airs. Arthur Lightfoot; district director, Airs. Wes Lewis; pia- nist, Mrs. Wes Lewis; auditors, Mrs, Melvin Allison, Mrs, La- verne Allison; Standing committee conven- ers: agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Joe Conlin; home economics and health, Mrs, Wm. Allison.; citizenship & education, Airs. Peter DeJong; historical research, Airs. Gar- net Hodgins; public relations, Mrs, Wilfred. Dixon; resolutions, :Mrs, Karl Pickering; publicity, Ales. William Watson and Mrs. Parry Thompson; social wel- fare, Mrs. Laverne Allison, Mrs. Fraser Dixon, Mrs. Andrew Erskine, Mrs. Gerald Thomp- son. Mrs. Albert Armstrong in- stalled the officers. The motto "Let us build for the future as our forefathers built for us" was discussed by Mrs. Karl Pickering, The roll. call was answered by naming a native boy or girl who has become prominent in 8 o sn e other place. Mrs. Laversne Alli- son read an. article entitled "A letter from grandmother. A donation was voted to the Crippled Children's Fund. The draw was won by Mrs. Joe Ca- ry and the contest conducted by Airs, A, Armstrong was won by Mrs. Parry Thompson. with it was potatoes in sun s cream and oven-baked broc- coli. Double ring rites — Continued from page 18 moon the bride changed to a turquoise linen sheath with white accessories, beigecoat and corsage of white carnations. The young couple will reside in Hensel]. Guests were present from De- troit, London, Elginfield, Tiver- ton, Kincardine, Exeter, Sea- forth and Hensel'. Vacuum Cleaners Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned ma- chines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich Phone Hensel! 696r2 F!1,/111 ."°.cup syrup front ..e.artne-ti 1,'4, .1./ cornstarch peaches 1.0 1Sesg or 1 egg well beaten .;Z 1/2 tbl lemon Juice 1/2 tp grated lemon rind 1/2 e.),u,pzs. canpeach slices or a :0o Combine syrup, sugar and cornstarch in saucepan. Cook, stirring .constantly until truck- ened. Remove from. beat. .Grad ually stir in egg. Cook 3 to 4 minutes. Remove from heat; add lemon juive and rind. spread mixture over crust. Top 1\silatlitnin peg crust ocl s. Sprinkleervtmbs with re. Bake in oven with other dishes. Crust :Selmen Salad I '3 cup butter Miss Reed also made a 213 cup sugar t.laadwhich was refreshing 2 '3 cup flout' Look 1 to 2 ecpnuyelwop4el I 4 1p salt et gelatin 1/ 2'3 cup cereal. nakes ,'3 cup cocoanut 1 can cream of celery soup Blend ingredients together and 1 70 , oz. can salmon 3;4 cup finely chopped celery Press all but 1/2 cup into hot• tom and sides of 9-inch pie 1/2 cup finely chopped green plate. pepper At Imperial laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario, more than X00 scientists and technicians Art working to Improve present petroleum products—and to develop now ones,- Their research covers many fields, from gasolines to household detergents. Another 180 Judy public affairs 'strict WI's urged Sorority hears London florist Mrs. E. Lee Gossett, London, member of the London Garden. Club, was guest speaker at the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Mo- ther's Day tea held last Wed- nesday afternoon in J a in e s Street United Church rooms, She demonstrated anti dis- played table centre arrange. ments. She was introduced by Mrs. Len Veri and thanked by Airs. William King. Mrs, Wilder') Schaeffer enter- tained with lap dancing. Pres- ident Mrs. Norman Amos wel- comed the sorority mothers and guests. Pouting tea were director Mrs. Clara Wellington and soon. soy Mrs, ATuriel Sweet. Mrs. R. W. Read and Miss Jean Taylor, co-convened the committee serv- ing lunch. Assisting were Mrs, William. King, Mrs. Donald Gei- ser, Mrs. Len Veri and Mrs. Joseph Wooden. LIMY unit 2 led by Mrs. Warren Brock catered for the occasion. Ile: "Haven't T seen your face somewhere else, Blondie?" She: "I don't think so. It's always been right here between my ears." ilisterieel Research and Current Events, Mrs. Garnet Patterson, RR l Dashwood: Home Economies and Health, Ales.. Newell Geiger. Zurich; Resolutions, Airs. Mervyn, Tie- man, Dashwood; Historical cus- todian, Mrs. W. Slack, Credi- ton; Public Relations, Mrs. ,Cla• rence Reid, ,tionsall; junior Convener, Airs. William Strong. Seaford). Lodge chorus at celebration Tweny-five members of Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge at- tended the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Seaforth lodge, Thursday evening. Six. lodges were represented and a banquet for 206 was served in. the arena. A chorus of Exeter members comprising Mrs. Margaret Flet- cher, Mrs. William Cann, Ml's. Ross Skinner and Mrs, .Harold Bell, and Messrs. Gerald Skin- ner, Len McKnight, Roy Hunter and Garnet .Hicks contributed several selections on the pro- gram, GREATEST TILLERS On Earth! "Tinsmith" • Space Saver told-over handles. • 3 H.P. Briggs & Stratton easy-spin engine • Direct drive with double sealed transmission, fingertip throttle control • Guaranteed reversible hardened steel pick tines • Balanced Weight- design LATEX OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT The most important paint discovery in years! Never before anything like it! Pittsburgh has perfected this amazing new house paint after years of research and testing, lt, gives you so many advan- tages never before thought, pos- sible. Stop in and get all the details, • GOES ON FAST CLEANS UP WITH WATER ae Goop ON ALL SURFACES • USE BRUSH ... ROLLER . • • SPRAY III CHALKS LESS COLOR STAYS CRISP LONGER $0,25 Air Gal. in white and an unlimited color range THIS 'N THAT By MRS, 4, M. S. • As we mentioned last Week seasonings 'may be cuoked in miss Gweneth [teed, Ontario this way — it may seem quite 11Ydro's home service consult- a long cooking time but they eats demonstrated the making turn out perfect. The frozen of an oven a cal at the •"ilydro vegetable may also he wrapped Showtime", in the Legion Hall with seasonings but no water in last Tuesday. Each recipe w.as and completely sealed .and, designed to serve six PeoPle cooked in the same way, It and was baked in a 350 degree doesn't make ao,v difference oven for .50 minutes. which side of the foil is on the We gave t h e reci pe tor a outside as foil is made with. chicken casserole and along both sides shiny now.. Pooch. Buttercrisp scientists and technicians are working at Imperial's Calgary laboratories on ways to find and produce more Canadian crude oil and natural gas, In-venal does more research than all other oil companies in Canada combined, ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE .13 ST