HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-17, Page 17The. limes.Advo_catc, May 1902 Patio: ..t•S!* . . . . . . . . . . 25 Auction Sales calves; jersey bull calf. IMPLEMENTS: internation- al No. 45 baler, excellent con- dition; brand new Mayrath PTO elevator, 34', complete with grain .head and shoot; Otonnawa 30' SP swather, by , draidie controlled. header and reel; Cockshult 70. tractor. PTO: John Deere 7' semi- mounted mower; Case MaillIPP spreader; Case side rake; Henderson in anure loader; Ebersol shredder and blower; Dearborn 2-furrow plough, 3- point hitch, 12" bottom; 8- plate one-way disc, 3-point hitch; Dearing mower, 5'; Universal milker, 2 unit, ac- commodates 14 cows; Viking cream separator; 2 - wheeled trailer; weigh scales; electric pail; 1927 Buick Master ear; also 10' buckrake; 2 colony houses (one is 7x14 and the other 7x7); 5 hydro poles; quantity cedar' posts; Moffat electric stove. MRS. ARCHIE ;JEFFERY & SPENCER JEFFE.RY, Props. Phone 11x10 Dublin PE,RCY C. WRIGHT, Auctioneer Phone Hensall 690r22 GERALD CAREY, Clerk 10:17c Clearing AUCTION SALE Or Real Estate and COZY A PARTMEN1', heated and furnished, separate mil- ranee, suitable for two. 17(1 Carling SI, 17* ROOM, furnished, With the op- lion of preparing breakfast, Phone 285-0004 Exeter. 17* APARTMENT, one bedroom, heated, furnished, ground Hear, suitable for couple, available immediately. Apply 365 Wil- Ham St„, phone 235.0176, 17thic APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, up- per, utilities paid, private erg. ranee. Alice St„ Lucan, Phone 227-4759. 1.7e APARTMENT, tarnished, very Sili art, new f urni hire neW itOVe: and refrigerator: only people. Elliot Apts.,„ phone 235. 6585, 444 Main St“ ENotel'. 170 COUNCIL BRICK HOUSE, 3 bedroom, 17:24e liardwOod Mors, tiled bath, oil heat; also cottage at Grand Bend from July 1 to August 18. Apply A, Hamilton, 60 Welling• ton St. East, phorie. 235-1177. 17e 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS TOWN OF EXETER. FINAL NOTICE R.E: BICYCLES Deadline. for purchase of the 1962 bicycle licences is now well past, All owners who do not have licences should buy them imm ediately from Exeter Police Dept. C. H. MacKENZ1E, Chief 17c RESIDENTS OF HENSALL & USBORNE TOWNSHIP Would the residents of Hen- sall and the Township of Us- borne please take notice: Terms of Real. Estate: 10''• of purchase price cash day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve hid, MRS, GLAD'S'S I< P , MR. ROSS HOUGHTON, Executors ROSS KEMP, Auctioneer Phone: 271-0861. Stratford 38 Lis towel 17e Estate AUCTION SALE Complete Household Articles for the estate of the late Mr. Henry Milton Williem St., AILSA CRAM SATURDAY, MAY 11 lt30 p.m, DST Consisting of: GE refrigera , for, across the top freezer (like new); Chef Master 4- btirner electric clove,Wo- rn atie controls, clock etc, (like nett)); GE fry pan; electric lea kettle: Filter Q, it c yacumn cleaner; kitchen alp- board; extension table and chairs; Sherieek Ma nning piano and bench (excellent condi- tion); steel bed and mattress (real good); buffet; antique love scat; electric CIOCk; 80W- Mg machine; odd rockers and Omits; 7'x9' rug; studio couch; china Cabinet; trilight small tables; wash stands; dressers; lamps; sealers; tures; mats; linens; blankets; dishes; fiets;. patio etc, and many other useful articles found al a clearing estate sale, TERMS; Cash, Auctioneers: FILSON .itt 11.0"11,90N 2-BEDROOM TRAILER, on William St., in excellent condi- tion, Owner moving and offers attractive price. 4-BEDROOM brick, lohn St. 4-BEDROOM brick, Andrew St, 3-BEDROOM brick, Main St. 3-BEDROOM brick, Riverview Heights, 3-BEDROOM ranch type, Ex- eter, 45' MOBILE HOME, Hensall. 4-BEDROOM rug brick, Main St. 2-BEDROOM rug brick, Carling St. VACANT STORE and dwelling at Cromarty, Low price with low down payment, GROCERY and meat store. Let us show you and make us an offer. 50 ACRES, house and barn; $4,000 down. 50 ACRES, house and barn; $9,000 full price. 3 TO 1.3 ACRES. fruit trees and berries, 21/2 miles south- east of Centralia; reduced to sell, JOHN BURKE Limited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING EXETER Phone 2351863 HOUSE, 2 - bedroom, modern conveniences, low down pay- ment, balance as rent, Apply Murless, Clandeboye, or phone 227-4656. 17:24:31c BRICK, ranch style, large liv- ing room, natural fireplace, dining area, 3 bedrooms, tile bath, vanity, basement, garage. 236 Huron East, Exeter. 3:22tfnc 200 ACRES OF LAND, Lot 23, Con. 7, Stephen Township, brick house, barn, L-shape, steel roof; shed; 60 acres grass; 4 acres bush; 140 acres under cultivation; good water supply. Louis Masnica, RR 2 Crediton. 5:3-6:7* 17 Property For Rent APARTMENT, unfurnished, 4 rooms, 3-piece bath, private entrance, immediate possession, 1 1/2 miles north of airport. Apply Earl W. Neil,' phone 235-1921, 4:26tfnc PASTURE LAND, Hay swamp area, for 25 - 30 cattle, abund- ant water supply. Apply to Harold Rader, phone Dashwood 26r11. 5:3tfric APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, un- furnished, heated, living room, modern kitchen and bath, stove supplied, hot and cold water, private entrance, utilities paid; 11/4 miles west on Huron St.; available June 1. Phone 235- 2427, 5:10tinc APARTMENT, furnished, cent- ral location, available June 1, Apply Beavers Crest Hard- ware, phone 235-1033. 5:10tfnc HOUSE, 3-bedroom, 1/2 mile north of Kippen, Highway 4, immediate possession. Apply William Coleman, Kippen, phone Hensall 263J1. 10:1.7c 25 Auction Sales Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable 'Real Estate. Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items. On the premises 249 Main St., TOWN OF EXETER First house south of Beaver Lit m her. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Part Lot 165, Plan 20, in the Town of Exeter, 249 Main St., on which is situated a 2-storey white brick dwelling. Main floor: large living and dining room, bedroom, 2-piece bath- room, modern kitchen and utility room. Second floor: 3 bedrooms with clothes closets And 3-piece bathroom, Hard- wood floor throughout; full size basement; large soft water cistern; newly installed oil furnace; also garage. Dwell- mg, nicely situated and in first class condition with spacious lawns and shrubbery. Inspec- tion invited by contacting auctioneer, Terms of Real Estate: 10";, onday of sale, balance in 30 clays. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & MISC. ITEMS: Oak dining room extension table, 6 match- ing chairs; 3-piece chester- field; 21 - inch Westinghouse television, blonde finish, like new; television an t enna w ith electric rotator to be offered separately; occasional chairs; buffet; end tables; chest of drawers: library table; drop leaf table; kitchen chairs; GE 12 cu. ft, refrigerator, like new; Niagara solid chrome hand unit vibrator; electric heating pad and belt; 2 oak bedroom suites, complete with springs and in attress ; dress- ers; commodes; vanity dress- er; steel bed, springs and mattress; daybed; oak rock- ers: combination writing desk tables; coal-oil lamp; mantel 25. Auction. Sates . clock; vacuum cleaner; carpet sweeper; suitcase; combination hall mirror and rack; electric Master and iron; electric tea kettle; pictures and frames; large assortment of dishes: glassware; .dinner set; antique dishes: novelties; cushions; pillows; linens; mats: towels; kit c hen utensils; aluminum ware; electric stove: eleetric washing machine; gale. tubs; sealers; crocks: lawn and andah chairs; garden and car- penter tools; qua n tit y of weather stripping; rubber hose, Many articles Inn numerous to mention. No Reserve, he sold. TERMS: Cash, NATHANIEL OGDEN. Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER , Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 10;17e everything will Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Misc, Items On the Premises, John Si. North, in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 19. at 1:30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Findley combination coal, wood and electric stove, in brand new condition; 4-burner Nei- vinator electric stove; Norge refrigerator, like new; 3-piece chesterfield; dining table and 6 matching chairs; Westing- house electric radio; china cabinet; oak rockers: smoking stand; centre tables; trilight lamp; table lamps; Raymond sewing machine; odd chairs; arm chair; modern 3-piece bedroom suite; oak bedroom suite; dressers; corn modes; steel hed. springs and mat- tress; feather tick; Axminster rug; congoleurn rugs, 12x14, 8x1(); chest of drawers; coal- oil lamps; mirror; kitchen chairs; pictures and frames; cedar chest; vacuum cleaner; paper rack; couch; quilting 25 Auction Sales frames; clothes rack; mats: pillows; Beatty electric wash- er; gals. tubs; sealers; .crocks; veranda swing; kitchen glen- sits; roto power mower; as• sortment of garden and car- penter tools, etc., .etc, TERMS; Cash. No Reserve, everything will he sold. HENRY STEINBACK, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17c IMPORTANT AUCTION Of the Store Fixtures and Equipment and Office Machines Of the R. .1. Young At Company Stores, 142 Dundas Street. West of Richmond, LONDON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 at 11;00 a ,m. We have received instruc- tions to sell hundreds of pieces of well-maintained equipment 1w' this old-established retail store which is quitting business. Included will he complete dry goods; men's wear and ladies' wear departments, as well as the office. A partial listing in- cludes: 12 glass showcases; numerous display counters; sehlying; fire doors; excellent -I"' stands and revolving dis- play racks; clothes racks; ap- proximately 20 electric fans; 3 Monarch ticketing machine; c h r o m e displays; excellent large mirrors, including 3-way; 25 Auction Sales clothes forms; wood hangers; several sewing and pressing machines; desk; stock boxes; mannequins and bust forms (many as pew); window Ills- plays; 2 cash registers (one nearly new); electrical fittings, "ice-cream" stools; a dding machines; BURROUGHS SEN. SIMATIC BOOKKEEPING MA- CHINE. 4-HOUR LARGE 1/0 MINION SAFE WITH MONEY BOX (modern i; chrome chairs; steel and wood filing cabinets; other office equipment; dress- ing rooms; antique walnut roll- top desk; stand-up mirrors: negho.ard and many other items of interest to all retail stores and most businesses. On view Tuesday from 2 to 5 when advance bids will he, accepted from those unable to attend the auction. GEORGE R GARDNER & SON, Auctioneers 17e AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate Household Effects & Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, Main St , in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 Complete list of sale in neAt eek's paper. Estate of the late Mrs. Edna. Oswald ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17c FOR SALE MODERN TWO-STOREY RED BRICK HOUSE 4 bedrooms, corner location, centre hall plan immediate possession PHONE 235.2543 and bookcase; small electric lamps; fancy lamp; mirrors; bed kitchen clock; small • 'eseettnsreeIes:I;. HOW MANY HAVE USED A BANK LOAN? More than, ever before-because the chartered banks have on their books more commercial and personal loans than ever before /Conimercial loans to help keep the wheels of industry moving, Personal loans for a, wide variety of individual and family purposes, At last count, more than 1,250,000 men and women were making use of some form of personal loan for some worthwhile purpose/Year by year, more people discover the ease and convenience of borro wing frena a bank It's good business to se e your local bank manager when yoU staid in need of financial help. at: CHAATtIttb tAN.KS 81AVIgq 70t7ti, 16 Properly For Salo Call JB at 1863 NEW 3-BEDROOM, on Victoria St„ full basement and oil heat; $68 per month carries mortgage and taxes. NEW 3-BEDROOM, on Marl- borough St., full basement and oil beat; garage; $71 per month pays mortgage and taxes. 2-BEDROOM house, on Carling SL, attached garage; fenced all around; heat for $100 and 2() Wanted To Rent taxes only $172, HOUSE, in Hensel], 4 bed- rooms, new bathroom, new kitchen, new furnace; posses- sloe June 1. Lot for sale in town of llensall. Phone 22W Hensel!, 17c 18 For Rent RESTAURANT, equipped, at Golden Oak Motel, Gran ti Bend. For further particulars, contact Tony Koluk, Grand Bend. phhne 200. 17* HOUSE, urgent, between Ex- eter and Hensall, modern con- veniences, 2 • 3 bedroom; reli- able permanent tenants. Apply Box FZL, Exeter Tinies-Advo- cate, 17ne HOUSE, 4 - bedroom, within commuting distance of Cent- ralia air base; must have modern facilities, Apply The Times-Advocate, Box FLIl, 1.7* HOUSE, 2- nr 3-bedroom, in Exeter. Would be interested in buying with low down pay- ment. Write Box FLD, Times- Advocate, 17c for the estate of the late Mrs. Martha Houghton in the VILLAGE OF CROMARTY 6 miles south of Dublin, be proper, off Highway 8, on amounts re- SATURDAY, MAY 19 supplied at the following: Dining room table, 6 chairs; The lowest or any tender not daveno; combination eh ina necessarily accepted. cabinet and buffet; cook stove; Singer sewing machine; child's high chair and rocking chair; kitchen cabinet and pine cup- board; washing machine; wal- nut writing desk; 4 rockers;. TOWNSHIP OF HAY hall tree; GE refrigerator; BUILDING INSPECTOR kitchen table; 2-burner electric TENDERS FOR COAL range; couch; flower stands; The Township of Hay has ap- , mantle and electric clocks; pointed Willia m Clarke as South Huron District High hall stand with mirror; oak building inspector for the town- School Board invites tenders buffet; antique oval top walnut ship to inspect and see that all for Coal. for the school build- table; wall mirrors; Quebec provisions of the Building B. ing on Gidley Street, Exeter. heater; re-upholstered wicker law of the township are coo- The two Livingston Stokers rocker; scatter mats; table plied with, Building permits will require 160 tons of 1.1A x 'ii lamp; floor lamp; large oak are required and may he ob- oil treated stoker coal, wardrobe; rug, 10x12; pine tabled from the clerk. Tenders should quote price chest of drawers; 34 bed with H. W. BRO.KENSHIRE, per ton delivered at the school hand-made book case head; -as required, and should include crokinole board; Victrola. and Clerk - Treasurer,an analysis,dresser records; cherry with Township of Play Please address tenders to oval mirror; two .3.4 iron beds; 10:17c the Secretary of the Board, E. white and gold toilet set; 4 D. limey, Exeter, Ontario, by wash stands; lawn chairs; May 31, 1962, brass jardiniere; hanging lamp, Lowest or any tender not not complete; painted dresses.; necessarily accepted. trunks; books; new Eureka 10:17:24c roto - made vacuum cl eaner; pillows; good quilts and blan- kets; antique captain's chair; electric brooder; garden tools; 1.947 model Plymouth sedan, in running order; large assort- ment of good antique china, SEALED TENDERS address- crystal, odd. dishes, glassware, ed to Secretary, Department silverware, cookware; dinner of Public Works, Room B-322, set of English china and many Sir Charles Tupper Building, other articles,. Riverside Drive, Ottawa, and TERMS: Cash; cheques ay- en d ors ed "TENDER FOR cepted; 3 sales tax in effect, SUPPLY OF COAL,. FUEL OIL TIME: 1:00 p.m, D.S.T. AND PROPANE GAS FOR REAL ESTATE; On the pro- THE FEDERAL BUILDINGS perty being more or less 1. THROUGHOUT THE PRO- acre and part of lot 15, Con. VINCE OF ONTARIO, 1962-63" 11, Hibbert 'Township, located will be received until 3.00 P.M. in the Village of Cromarty, (E,D.S.T.), TUESDAY, JUNE there is an 8-room frame 5, 1962, dwelling. in a good stale of repair, Also a frame barn, tender can be obtained at the 17:24c Specifications and forms of 20x40 feet. consisting of double. garage, stable and hen house. office of the Chief. of Purchas- ing and Stores, Room C-459, Clear title with taxes paid. 'Your inspection is invited Sir Charles Tupper Building, and anyone desirous of seeing Riverside Drive, Ottawa; Office p M.anag,ers at; 225 Jarvis St,, property prior to sale, contact Toronto; 457 Richmond St., Mr. Ross Houghton, 56 Mercer St., Stratford, phone 271-5028. London; Post Office Building, Fort William, Ont. Tenders omust be made nn the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accord- ance with the conditions set forth therein, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary 17c AUCTION SALE Of Livestock and Haying Equipment On the premises, Let 21, Concession 9, HIBBERT TOWNSHIP Mile west of Staffa, on SATURDAY, MAY 19 at 1i20 p,m, DST LIVESTOCK: 6 purebred Jer- sey cows, 4 registered; crossbred cows; 2 Shorthorn cows; 2 Hereford Shorthorn steers (rat): 2 Hereford heifers (rat); 2 stocker steers; 2 Hereford steer calves; 4 Here- ford heifer calves; 7 small calves, Hereford and Durham; 2 registered Jersey heifer . „ FOR LEASE - White Rose. Service Station, No. 4 High- way, Hensall. Apply M. La- very, phone Hensall 132. 17:24* 17 Properly for Rent 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS INVITED Village of Grand Bend -One only, 1-ton, dual rear wheels, heavy duty truck, cylinder engine. One only, 122-inch w.h„ half- ton truck, Millar body, 6- cylinder engine, Tenders MUST he submitted on tender forms which may he picked up at the clerk's office, Grand Bend. Tenders MUST he in the hands of the clerk by 5 p.m, May 23, 1962, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MURRAY DES JARDINS Clerk 10;17c YOU CAN NOW gel Dr. Sals- bury's medicine at L, V. Ho- earth's, .1.0:17c THE STEPHEN TOWNSHIP OFFICE in Crediton WILL BE CLOSED from MONDAY, MAY 14 TO WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 GLENN WEBB, Reeve ROSS HAUGH, Clerk 10:17c 22 Notices 'Household Effects TOWNSHIP OF' STEPHEN TENDERS FOR WEED AND BRUSH SPRAYING MATERIALS Sealed tender's plainly mark- ed as to contents will lie re- ceived by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, June 1, 1902, for the following: A 45 gal. drum of 2-4-D Low Volatile Ester 96 Weed Killer containing 96 oz. acid per gal. 25 gals, in 5 gal. containers of Low Volatile 128 Brush Killer containing 64 oz. 2.4-D acid and 64 oz. 2.4-5 T acid per gal. Said containers to ly labelled. Any additional quircd must be quoted price. ROSS HAUGH, Clerk LAWRENCE HILL, Road Supt. Stephen Township, Creditor', Ontario 10:17c NOTICE LOST GAVEL AND STAND A few weeks ago the Gavel and Stand presented by the City of Exeter, England, to this town disappeared from the Council Chambers. While the cash value of these articles is small, they are greatly valued by the Town. Council and the citizens of. Exeter. The Town Council asks that these articles be returned to the Clerk's Office or the Town Hall. No questions will be asked. Any information in re- gard to the whereabouts of the Gavel. and Stand will be great-, ly appreciated, Dated May 16, 1962, C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk, Town of Exeter. • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, OTTAWA TENDERS SUMilBB COTTAGE, lake front, lower level, hot and cold running water, all conven- iences, available month of July. Beavers Crest Hard- ware, Exeter, phone 235-1033. 5; lOttne BY ORDER 09' THE That the Hensall dumping ground is locked and will only 25 Auction Sales be open on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, from 2 p.m. to S p.m. Anyene found destroying property will he prosecuted. In the Estate, of Minnie Normyle, deceased. All persons having claims against, the estate of Minnie Normyte, late of the City of Kalemazoe, in the State of Michigan, Widow, who died on or about the 24th day of anuary 1962, are, reqUired to file Particular's of same with & taugliton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of May 1962, after which date the estate will be butted having regard only to those claims Of which notice has been received. Bell & Louglifen solicitots tor the, Administratnr, Exeter t OM, 24e , L