HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-17, Page 16gage 16 The Times-Advocate, May 17, 1.962 4*, • • Classified. Rates 5 Help Wanted 9 Services 4 Female Help Wanted 9 Services 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 16 Property For Sale MEN. OR WOMEN start your MO Watkins business. Nothing to invest. Opportunity for pro- motion. Products nationally ad- vertised, Write to Jules Gau- thier, 350 St. Roch Street. Montreal. 15. Que. 10: 17: 24:31c ANYONE wishing whitewash, ing or .disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 .Dashwood. 5:25*tine \VIRE FENCE, galvanized, 36" high, approximately 100 feet; wooden posts, gate etc, in- V PICKARD eluded. Mrs. R. A. Skinner, , i 136 Columbia Dr., RCAF Cent, rail°, phone 228-6398, lie REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE ..e2 Words +85 Each Additional Word (Minimum 85c) Bruce Refrigeration $TE:NOGRAPHER, Irs REFZISERATOR WEEK 5.DAY WEEK For permanent position in Ex• Her office, good salary. Apply Box. NAS, Exeter Times. Ad% wale 3:3tine BABY SITTER, reliable lady who would he available to care for two-year-old child on Sat- urday and Sunday during sum- mer months, while mother works. Apply the Times-Advo- cate, Box TQV. 10:17e SALES AND SERVICE TYLER STORE EQUIPMENT ICE MACHINES PHONE 224 .p RAND BE ND 5:4tfne SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, a l w a y s available. Harold Butler, 1,Aft, can, phone BA 7.4254 or BA 7- 4312 collect 5:9*tfne 20c Off USED APP L IANCES FOR SALE REFRIGERATORS Cold Spot, like, new $99.00 Frigidaire, 7 eu. ft, $59.00 14 more to choose from We have clients prepared to buy. If YOU wish to sell, :sea us. If paid try Satercla, following last insertion. • Second insertion 21/2 PER VettRo ,Aliminurn 55e Six Insertions 2 c PER WORE) Muumtun 45e) Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column First Insertion—Per Inch 51.40 Second Insertion—Per loch $1.25 Minimum one men. accepted only in multiples of ',..i inch. MUSIC TEACHER, applications for a music teacher for SS No. 11 Stephen will be received by the undersigned. Duties to commence month of Septem- mer 1962 continuing through to june 1963, approximately 30 pupils in attendance requiring one hour lesson per week. Write or phone Ken Keller, RR 2 Dashwood, 341'9. 10:17c. 10 Livestock For Sale 110-US, 3 or 4 bedroom, suit- Able for 'larger family or .dup- taxing; modern kitchen and bathroom; forced air heating; renovated and clean; price re- duced very low figure for quick 3 MODERN HOMES, nearly new, on very easy terms, 50 ACRES with medium-sized brick house. Tidy barn on well; good roofs; drilled \veil with water on tap in house and barn; hydro throughout; soil deep loam, suitable for any crop, 25 acres ploughed; well 1$o8c,0a0toctim east of Kippen. Price 17c We also solicit your business fora. ny, type of general insur- ance AT BEAVERS CREST HARDWARE Custom Pas ture Fertilization HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, vaccin- ated, bred Hereford, due soon, Apply John Berendseo, High- way 83, 11/4 miles east of Farquhar, phone Kirkton 21r4, 10:17:24c 15 HOLSTEIN HEWERS, over 1 year old, vaccinated, Apply Joe Van Dongen, RR 2 Grand Bend, phone 47r1. 17* 14 STEERS, Hereford anti Shorthorn, approximate weight 650 lbs. Apply Willis Gill, phone 381'3 Grand. Bend. 17c 78 PIGS, Purina-fed, fir st quality. Bert Bax, RR 1 Wood- ham, after 6 p.m, 17:24* Brand New 1962 13 CUBIC FOOT CORONADO 2-DOOR BANK TELLER, experienced, for summer months, May 15 through to September 15. Ap- ply Mr. D. L. Robertson, Bank of Montreal. Grand Bend. 10:17c — — 'STUDENT for weekends and summer holidays. Apply Satur- day or Sunday. Cheryl-Ann French Fries. 5:101inc STOVES GE 4-burner, $39.00 Elextroson, $35.00 4-Burner MeClary, $15,00 USED WASHERS Kenmore Deluxe, $65,00 GE, good working, $50,00 Freezer- Refrigerator Let us boost your pasture production! Increase the feeding value of your hay! We broadcast liquid 9-0.9 or :32'e urea for as little as $5.00 per acre, Phone us collect for particulars. 6 Business Opportunities with magnetic door gaskets and a host of other features ONLY $275 With Trade Compare it with anything in town! * * * Ice Cream Business Good turnover in Ice Cream, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks and Confectionery. SANDY ELLIOT, 444 Main St, 1 Lost, Strayed Stenographers & Typists WHITE'S ICE CREAM BAR 445 Main St., Exeter 1.0:17c CANN'S MILL LTD. Exeter Phone 235.1782 26;3:10;17c BABY STROLLER, Lloyd. tur- quoise upholster;,. on Victoria St. "West, some time ago. Call Doug Gould, 235-0685. 17c CHESTERFIELD and grey, very reasonable. 235-2025. chair, Phone 17* 11 Poultry For Sale EXCELLENT USED REFRIGERATORS Philco 10 cu, ft., with across- top freezer, excellent condition, only $95.00. Westinghouse Deluxe Model, absolutely brand - new condi- tion; you won't believe it's been used, only $95,00, C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235.0414 STARTED PULLETS, special spring sale; B week old, 79e; 9 week old, 98; 12 week old, $1,29. All birds vaccinated and delivered, Henderson Started Chicks Limited, phone 645,11, Seaforth. 3:22.4:26*tfnc DUAL PURPOSE, most varie- ties, available prompt ship- ment-, day old and 3-4 week old started. Also Ames. Request list. Bray .Hatchey, Eric Cars- cadden, Exeter, phone 235- 2734. 17cii Required for Department of National Defence, CENTRALIA, Ontario. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age at the closing date of the competition. Salaries for Stenographers — $2340 to $3060 per annum, Typists — $2190 to $2820 per annum, (Based on education and experience). Interested ap- plicants are required to pass a typing test of 35 w.p.m. and shorthand test of 80 w.p.m, For further particulars as to residence and qualification re- quirements apply to the Civil Service Commission at London. Application forms, obtainable at National Employment Of- fice and Post Office should be filed with the Civil Service Commission, 388 Dundas Street, London. Ontario, .NOT LATER THAN THURSDAY, 31 May, 1962. Please quote competition Number 62-T-508, 17c 8 Situations Wanted NOTICE TO FARMERS! Any- one wishing Atrazine applied on corn or 2 /4D on corn or grain call early to have it ap- plied at the proper time. Hu- bert Cooper Spraying' Service, RR 1 Exeter, or phone 235- 2807. 5:3-6:28* 2 Found COOK STOVE, coal and wood. Mrs. Jim McCarter, phone 235- 0547. lie BABY-SITTING by day or week, in own home, by re- sponsible married lady, Contact. Mrs. Tens Jablonski, 253 Wel- lington St. W., Exeter. 174 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, Grade 11, desires work, clerking or typing, in vicinity of Exeter, Phone 234-6433. 17c LEFT AT Don MacGregor's for repairs three Years ago— two sections of (Ira::: harrows. Owner may have sante by identifying and paying for expenses. Will he sold after _June 1 if not claimed, 17e 8:24e WILSON'S Jewellery & Gifts have received a large attrac- tive selection of Father's Day cards, now on display. Re- member, pleasing you pleases u.s. 17e MUNICIPAL LAND FOR SALE The Town of Exeter calls for sealed bid's on a parcel of land consisting of approxi- mately 3.3 acres and lying on the east side of the right - of - way and extending front the right-of-way approxi- mately 224' easterly along the projection of Sanders Street and southerly approximately 793', then westerly to right-of- way a distance of approximate- ly 180', the right-of-way being the westerly boundary. All bids shall state the pur- pose for which property will he used and shall be deliver- ed to the office of the Town Clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon, Monday, June 4, 1962, and a certified cheque for 101, of the amount of hid shall be attached. The highest or any hid not necessarily accepted. May 16, 1962. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk, Town of Exeter. * oe IJADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma- chine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9-3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680, 27:10*tfnc 3 Male Help Wanted WASHING MACHINE SPECIAL McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind. Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal 'Beams Guaranteed 9 Services APPLICATIONS CALLED FOR ROAD SUPERINTENDENT The Township of Hay is calling for sealed applications for road superintendent. Appli- cants to state qualifications. Salary to he negotiated with sucessful applicant. No appli- cation necessarily accepted All applications in he in the hands of the clerk by Satur- day, May 19, 1962, at six o'clock p.m. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk - Treasurer Township of Hay 10:17c 40 AMES PULLETS, starting to lay, 35 yearling hens, laying good. Contact Mr, R. Bogart, SHDHS, or phone 235-0847, after school. 17c DRESSMAKING, designing and alterations, Mrs. N. Romaniuk, 66 John St., Exeter, phone 235- 0740, 17:24c ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 27 : 10* tin c Westinghouse Wringer Washer with the important "extras", only $179, less $50 allowance for your old machine, PLUS free one year's supply of soap. This is a genuine offer that any family needing a new washer just shouldn't miss. 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale '57 AUSTIN SEDAN, good con- dition. May be seen at Domin- ion Hotel, Zurich. 17* Custom Corn Planting Custom Work PHONE 228.6214 We are equipped with a No. 70 John Deere Flexi Planter 14 Wanted To Buy 13 For Sale with Atrazine band spray ap- BABY-SITTER, girl or woman, plier for all your planting of corn, beans, turnips and beets. live in or out, Phone 235-2510 after 6 p.m. 17c Remember the Exeter Farm Service has new and modern WIDOWER with 4 well man- equipment to do all your work, tiered children would like from spring to fall such as housekeeper, to live in prefer- haling, combining, swathing, red, Phone Fred Bowers, 228- Ploughing, picking and shelling 6298, after 7 p.m. 1.7 , corn, NEEDED EVERY WEEK-20 open gilts. Top prices paid. R. D. Etherington, phone 235.1628 Exeter, 3:22tfnc Where can you get the best FILTER QUEEN sales anti service, Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- ich, phone Hensall 696r2. 8:31tfnc TV SERVICE — Our expert takes less time to find the trouble, saving you money. Ex- eter, phone 235-0770 4:19Lfn.c Seed and fertilizer supplied. Also band treatments with at- razine available. Your choice of DeKalb, Punks, Pfister anti Warwick. Good equipment with reliable operators. We are also equipped to harvest your crop. Picker shelter at your dis- posal. POWER MOWER VALUE? IRON CRIB, large size. Call 235.2242. 17c USED PLAY PEN, in good. condition. Phone 234-6273. 17c ,TPY 71/E CLASIFIEV FoR Qui* Root • It must be at Beavers because many customers have looked at the bargains all over town and they've come back to us to buy. They were convinced we had the best deal, See our sidewalk display. W. VICTOR KNIP RR 1 Centralia Phone 235-181.5 1,7:24:31c 17:24c CANN'S MILL LTD. TRY RENOVATOR—The mir- acle automagic cleaner that 26;3:10:17c beautifies rugs and upholstery. Only $1.75 per bottle. You can CUSTOM WEED spraying, on rent our applicator at very grain, corn and pasture. 2-4-D small cost. Hopper-Hockey Fur- Amine $1.40 per acre, NCP niture, phone 235-1990. 3:29tfne Amine for new seeding in grain, $1.75 per acre. The MIXED SLAB WOOD, $30.00 above prices include all mater- truckload, delivered Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone tats, Also Atrazine and Data- pon. for twitch grass at corn- or 232.4450 Nairn. petitive prices. All work guar- 3:22tIne anteeci. Lionel Wilder, RR 1 Zurich, phone 99R6, 10:17c STOP SCOURS — Get Hibitane Compound Scour Tablets for calves and pigs at Middleton's Drugs, 359 Main St., Exeter. 4:5tInc WANTED: GOOD STANDING TIMBER. Apply in writing, stating •lot, concession and township lo ROBERT EAGLESON Ailsa Craig 5; 17tInc 5 Help Wanted Exeter Phone 235.1782 W. C. PEARCE, REALTOR 200 acres, Exeter, suit cash crops or cattle production, 200 acres, Seaforth, cash crop or livestock farming. Highway 100 acres, also 150 acres. Choice 14.3 acres, See before buying elsewhere. Some hund- reds and three fifties. Hardware stores, genet al stores, houses. RUSS BRODERICK, Salesman Box 124, Phone 235-0477 11:9tfc MALE OR FEMALE — Part- time bookkeeper for posting accounts receivable. Conklin Lumber, phone 235-1422 Exeter. 17c DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For dead or disabled animals, call Darling & Company of Canada Limited. Phone Kirkton 48r10. Licence No. 175-C-62, 1:5tfnc Fs BEAVERS CREST HARDWARE 16 Property For Sale Directory HENSALL — 7-room, 11/2 -storey ironic house, to be. moved front present location. House in good condition, Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., phone 24, Hensall. 17c FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, on dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed An- drews, 863W1 Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Dis- postal Act, License No. 66C61, 1:25tfc • SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHON E 235.0963 EXETER MACKENZIE & RAYMOND 4RRISTERS, SOLICITORS .5; NOTARIES PUBLIC Marrying on the practice of Jaw 'of W. G. Cochrane, 0.C.) '..WARLES L. MACKENZIE. B. Comm., LL.D. ,X.4:TER. L. RAYMOND. B.A. Hensall Office Open !iAieclnesday Afternoons from 2:00 to 5:30 p,m. .P.HONE 235.2234 EXETER Huron Colorcrete 235-1033 FORAGE BOXES, Forger Mas- ter, self unloading wagon units. Brady crimper; hay condition- ers, on display. We also handle Kools forage blowers; long double chain elevators, Post 17c Real Estate Custom Corn Planting DEEP FREEZE CHESTS now on sale, large 625 lbs. capacity deluxe freezer, 5-year warran- ty. Our price $239,00. More than 50 sold and each and every owner happy. Our money back guarantee is your assur- ance. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 10c SANDBLASTING hole digger, $198. G. & E. Weld- ing, Main St., Zurich, phone 72R12. 4:5.6:28c HOMES EXETER — 3-bedroom, full basement, brick con- struction, oil heat, $2,500 down, EXETER, — New 3-bedroom, attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 down. Terms. EXETER — 2-bedroom home with full basement and, oil furnace, $1,000 down, GRAND BEND — Over 20 listed properties ill this area. See our resort representative, William Dace, Lake Road, Southcott Pines. FARMS EXETER —200 Acres CENTRALIA — 150 Acres Mt, Carmel — 125 Acres Mt. Carmel — 225 Acres :Kippen Area — 150 Acres Kippen Area — 150 Acres, with 10 acres of orchard, good land, modern buildings. Terms, Brick. Homes Our Specialty Industrial 'and Commercial Exterior and .Interiet Cement Block Buildings and Basements Colorereted Free 'Estimates SANDRAN Vinyl floor covering for your summer cottage. It's new! It's patented! It's so easy to clean and inexpensive. SANDY ELLIOT 444 Main St. Atrazine supplied in same operation. John Deere 4-row planter, Picker shelter to har- vest your crop in the fall, CLARENCE KNIGHT Phone Exeter 235-2666 26:3;10:17c N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 TRANSISTOR PORTABLES — Choose one now as a gradua- tion gift for your student. RCA Victor made-in-Canada models as low as $29.95. Snelgrove's, phone 235-0770 Exeter. 5; 10tInc 1951 FORD TRACTOR, has operated only 1015 hours; also 2-furrow Dearborn plow, 8 ft. tandem disc,. 3-section diamond harrows. All. in good order. Wilt sell only as one unit, Con- tact Ira Geiger, Hensall, after 4.30 p,m., for interview. 10:17c ALVIN WALPER H. W. "BUD" PRESZCATOR 235-1693 or 235,2802 5:10tfne PROVINCIAL '110ENSED AUCTIONEER .or your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. :f/Service That Satisfies" 17As1-1WOOD Phone 119 lic SHERLOCK - MANNING .pianos for the modern home are care- fully built front selected ma- terials to a high standard of piano craftsmanship, Choose from 8 models, 3 finishes. Snel- grove's, 235.0770 Exeter, 4:191inc PATIO STONES and stones for Bower beds. Apply Harry Eiscnschink, Simcoe St„ Ex- der, phone 235-2562. 3:10:17:24* DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D,S., D.D.S. EXETER Phone 235.0991 Main Street ALFALFA GRO ERS Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC CAMP STOVE, 2-burner Rig• gins, a good buy, Bob South- colt, phone 235.0625, 5:3tf* WALNUT TEA WAGON, elec- tric rangette; 39" bed with box springs; coffee table with glass top; antique settee; 3,drawer dresser. J.. 0', Stutehbury, Cen- tralia, phone 228-6805. Sorry, the T.A. inserted under wrong heading last: week, 17nc DR. J. W, CORBETT L.D.S" D,D,S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Boildine Phone 235.1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE with living quarters, EXETER — General store with separate paint store, on main corner, Equipment; includes paint blender, Terms. MILK ROUTE (Exeter area) —$8,500; 1060 truck and van. Terms. MOBILE FEED MIXER. — With established route oS over 50 eusteiners. EXETER—General Store, $2,000 down, BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION WE HAVE OTHERS Listings invited, IncrieWri•te Your SAVE THE CALF! ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 Vita '- Fort 5,000 Units of Vitamin A Give at birth to prevent sieknesa $1.00 Package PROFITS by spryingi with USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ont, Directors Milton 'McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton President. Timothy B. TooheY RP 3 Vice-President n William II. Chaffe RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun RR I Science Bill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Crornarty BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LL13, Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 235.0440 EXETER OUTBOARD MOTOR, Johnson, MIDDLETON'S DRUGS 2 h.p. Call 235-0487 after 6 p,M, 235-241i Exeter 3:1 0:17° BATHTUB, toilet, wash ib7a:2s4in PIONEER seed corn is tested and kitchen sink, all cast iron for seed strength in cold wet a n d white enamel., _Apply A. soil at a temperature o f 48 388 Andrew St,, phone degrees, For hybrids with phone PLENTY llUSTLP. and TRACTOR, Allis.Chalmers B, YLELDS. Plant Pioneer with sadder. Apply to Kell 018 spring, Keith 'Lovell, Hen- MacLean, }Tenn i], 1.7, sail, phone 265W1. 10:17e SPRAYER, Spray Motor, for PonCli GLIDER, in good tort. 3-point hiteh, 21' adjtIstable dition, Phone 235.0904, 01 ati boom. Apply 93r18 Zurich, ply 305 Andrew St„ Exeter. 17:24c line OUTBOARD MUPOR, 5.hot-Se, LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? in good running condition, cnii SWsiod.0s711637Edilitwohtre's"arttiv.i(sra:tllinSigieatts them. ;tt ko2'31E15:Eal:11:50 * OATSf,eed Good quantity llI24 e Oats (6) $48.00 for $200,00. Don't believe 'it? per ton, Call Cook .Btes. Milling Drop into Co, Ltd., phone 24, Hensall, 170 SANDY ELLIOT% Furniture and Appliances PLYWOOD BOAT., 14.foof, ideal 444 Main St, for fishing only $65.00. Beavers Seeing is believing Hardware,. phone 2354033 EY- 14e eta, 17e 'EMBUTOX' Mrike gore of n. oulokly-eolab, flailed wood-free crop. tniOuto0 noniroin weer;, 541e4e to S*6t111r10 *hd BMA blIsh*ct Alekl(eL And'in iali•o'n-fooltrofoii,YotrnO diovott, Nicindows*hclPaNturO'ct C, H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR 0# CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon Tues., Thurs., Fri, 0 -12, 2 - 5 Tues. and Fri, Evening, 9 Appointment Pleas Office Phone 84 Heme i498 H. Hodgson • 'EMB Otdiwr Itattc Mark I OA 40it.,••ite;,;,f$•Vii #OrthitAilittileirOrnititionoontitti. Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates RII I Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane, Q.C. Exeter Secretary,Treasuree Arthur Fraser Exettr keal Estate insurance 'PHONE 23S-2420 EXETER M Jr .66itee, Plititie, 1354426 .-6.ejnt,1 tend, Phone :61113 G. A, WEBB, D,C, ocktOk o0' CtitROPRACTIC• CLoST::',D WEbNESDAY Fm- Appointment Ph 235.1680 Exeterr is rlc Coop 1