HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-17, Page 12Age isn't going to slow ]Aston Under the farm stainhiation Cardiff down • this election. if act, he said, the PC's spent his performance at the PC nom- more money in lour years than the Liberals had done in 22. He emphasized the financial help given to Huron farmers through the farm credit corpo- ration. "Over million dollars has been 'dared to Huron fartn4 ors in those last few years", he stated. "Mils talk about the gov't doing nothing is completely ri- diculous," lie noted that the Liberals had two wars to holster the econo- my, and even at that starved the municipalities and the prov- inces. "They say Ihat the coun- try is in debt," said Mr. Car- cliff, "Well, if we had hack the money given to the provinces during the time we have been in office, we could wipe out that debt". Goderich support Cardiff was nominated by two prominent Goderich supportors — Lawyer James Donnelly and Deputy-Rceve Mrs. May Mooney., Said Donnelly: "The Conservative gov't under John Diefenbaker has spent more money in Goderich in the past few years than the Liberals did in the previous 22.'' He termed Cardiff "A fighting and winning candidate". C. S. Maelvla ughton. Huron MPP, who introduced flees, denied suggestions that there as a rift between the provin. Cardiff praised the guest cial and the federal (.7onserva- sneaker. Trade and Commerce tires. Minister George Hoes "This "I want to say." he told the man has done more for the pen- supporters. "Mat we are all pie of Canada as far as trade Tories today. There may be and commerce is concerned times when ire have quarrels 'than C. D. Howe ever did." and differences of opinion but He lauded Agriculture Minis• they are family quarrels. We ter Hamilton, "the hest farm stand shoulder to shoulder with minister we've had in 30 years". Elston Cardiff in Huron and illation. Wednesday, Alay 9, is any indication. Culminating one of his best off-the cuff platform performances, the 7:1-year-old MP raised a clenched right hand and brought forth a cheer from his supporters with this warn- angi "If anybody thinks there isn't any fight left in these old , hones, they'll find nut different- - ly before it's over". He was confident about the outcome of the June tg elec. firm, haven't a fear of losing in this riding. I never worry about votes, If you look after Your constituents properly, you don't need to worry." "John Die;enbakor nitl he head of the gav't after June 1V, he said with conviction. "There just isn't anybody to take his place." Cardiff misplaced his notes be- fore coming to the platform but it didn't bother him, He remin- isced about the first campaign 22 years ago when he won the election with little support from the national party, "I'm lust as common a man as the first time I was elected," he said, emphasizing his belief that no MP should consider himself better than his consti• talents. P raises gov't a ction arse '1 The Times.Mvocen, Mr: 1962 CARDIFF SAYS: "THERE'S LOTS OF FIGHT LEFT IN THESE OLD 130NES," PC nomination Confident of re-election Cardiff promises fi ht 5.1b. average ,cl 9 c L E. 3 L 3 9' Salacia xe Pickles Orange Pekoe 60's FROZEN FOOD FEATURES I SUPREME FANCY POLY PEAS & CARROTS, 2.1b,, 39e PICNIC LEMONADE, 12.ounce tin LIBBY'S FRENCH CUT GREEN BEANS, 10-oz. LIBBY'S FANCY POLY CORN, 12-oz, pkg. 25( 23e 17e Tulip or Golden Dew Margarine Reg. Lb, 2 F" Iv 49' 11S-0 -2,. JAR 10c orP French's Scalloped 4 1/2 -oz. package Instant Potatoes eat 3 29c ea Bags York 12-oz. tins Kan) Lunche Maple Leaf Pork Shoulder PICNICS Maple Leaf WIENE Jubilee Tray Pak SAUSAGE Fruits & V egetAbIOs Florida 250.'s Oranges a.z,33c Cello Pkg, each Cery hearts 33c Fresh- Green .5pittoth art33" Pray tisento 12-oz, tin Corned Beef 49c Maxwell House 1$0 off 6q:,%, jar Instant Coffee 98c Rose Sweet Buy one '060. -§ef -0.4:664 At Iii0t peke', PREE .bartiEkY OPEN PR1_, 'T1L Shorterthill0 .001trieStic, Rover l'rand Cba rcoqi Xing tile Cheer 3 0,4 Off lb. pkg, 30c Banded bear Kollogg's COni Flak6S 12 with every federal candidate from one end of this country to the other". Hess in wrong dep't In the best political tradition, cif and Ali's. Herb Warrdell 'Trade and Commerce Minister cif Slratillo!% 31r', and Mrs. Hoes lauded Elston Cardiff's Stewart Mcirlinsh and family contribution in the House of Commons in the hie-Ia.:in terms. Unfortunate-13% the minister had forgotten that Air. Cardiff had been transferred from parlia- mentary assistant to the min• inter of agriculture to the same position with the minister of health, and welfare. His num- erous references to Alr. Car- diff's work in the agriculture dep't caused some embarass- nte.nt. Chairman was John Durnin, West Wawanosh Two., who was re-elected president of the Huron PC Association, at the meeting. Other 1.962 officers are: Hon- orary presidents, Mr.- Cardiff and Mr. MacNaughton: past president, George Ginn, Clin- ton: vice-presidents, Mrs. Don- nelly and Mrs, Mooney; Doug- las Freeman, Clinton; Harvey Coleman, Stanley: Roy Cousins, Brussels; Elgin McKinley, Zur- ich; Earl Mills, McKillop; treas. urer„lohn Morrissey, Crediton; serertary. Mrs, Frank Thomp- son, Clinton; directors, Charles Roney, Dublin: Harry Bolger, Walton: Thomas Webster, Luck- now; Verne Pineembe, Exeter; Valentine Becker. Dashwood: Glen Webb, Dashwood, lion. George Hoes, minister of trade and commerce in the Dierenbaker gov't, in a cam- paign speech following Elston Cardiff's nomination, attacked the Liberals' free trade policy. Mr. Hees charged that al- though the expression, "free — Please turn to page 15 y MRS- W.g1,1.,WOOD GILL t;RAND BEND 1" am Da,v service at Grand I United Church vvas attended Re‘ ltottlst on vondliCteti the .combined ser- vice, assisted by Alr Don Hen- drick. Miss Barbara Bloy. et 1,, and Alr. Emerson Gill. There w as a ladies choir, and wh o" "ore tilts ct r iff" Thomas and daughter Debor- rah, Airs Douglas Gill, anti daughter ()naive. There was also a baptismal service. lour infants received the rites of baptism: Stephen Corey Borland, son of Mr. and Airs. Robert Borland: Robert James Green, son of Mr, and Mrs. David Green: lloward Patrick Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green. Daryl Andrew Gill, son of Alr. and Airs. Keith Gill. Unit sends bale The alit' afternoon unit met on Wednesday, May 9 taith twenty ladies present. Mrs. Douglas Gilt was in charge of the worship period, her theme being "Our Church In Our Community." Airs. Al. MacGregor reported on the hale sent In Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Love read an inter- esting letter from the irwins, Airs. Charles Reeves look the study period, taking, as her subject -The Pioneer Days in Albert a ." Lunch WAS served by Mrs, Vern Ridley, Mrs, George Lat- in, Mrs. Emery Deslardinc. Personal items Air. and Airs. Fred ,.Schroder and daughter Katherine Eliza• firth spent the weekend with Mrs. Schroder's grandparents, Air. and Airs. Lloyd Baker. m r , and im rs E arl w v ib eriz have moved to their new home in Green Acres. Mr, Wellwood Gill is a pa- tient in' St, ,loseph's Hospital, London, Sunday visitors W. H. Hodgson M. J. Geiser "The Insurance Men" PHONE 235-2420 EXETER A ts,,I.,"•\‘‘ t111 11I 111111 Modern-clay fire insurance owes its ancestory to the Great Fire of London in [666, This four-day disaster destroyed 13,200 houses, 57 churches and left only 1/5 of the walled city standing . . and led to the opening of an office "at the back of the Royal Exchange to insure structures against Fire." For modern fire insurance protection today, the person to see is Mothers,. daughters. usher U service with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dal. ars and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Datars, Alt'. and Alt's. Ross Line, Kathryn and Air. Fred Lobb, Miss Mae :Hodgins of Toronto, and Mr. Mansell Hudgins with Mr and Mrs, Earl Datars and family. Alt'. anti Mrs, Hugh Robinson of Atwood with Mr. and Mrs. John Stocker. Mr. and Airs, Snell and fam• ily of Exeter with •Mr. and. Mrs Lloyd Mason and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rendell attended the funeral of her brother-in-1 ‘v, Mr. Ambrose Coutes in Windsor on Monday. Mrs. Louis Orser rand daugh• ler Gail of Orillia and Alt's, H. Grant and Pamela and Dianne of Sarnia visited last week with Mr, and Alt's, Keown. A doctor was called in in see a 'very testy aristocrat, "Well, sir. what's the matter?" he asked cheerfully. "That, sir," snapped the pa- tient, "is for you to find out," see," said the doctor, "then call in a veterina- rian, lie's the only one who ean make a diagnosis without asking questions," Ilqr lee", Pasf and Present GS N Open this Sunday, Wed• nesday afternoon and dur. ing the evening through• out. the week. Garage Sunday And Evening Service South End Service OUT OF THE , RESULTS Values Sky Rocket in this '61 FORD Fa irla ne 500 Sedan, V•ft, overdrive, a nice white $2,295 1 rzoRo so, 6 • cylinder Sedan, a ateal at $2,095 '62 CONSUL Sedan Demon- .strator), 4,7o .ve 9i0125 of money . $1,795 '60 FORD 9-pa ssenger Country Sedan, completely loaded, above a verage condition 52,7,50 IN FACT, THEY'RE FIZZLIN' RIGHT OUT . . BLAST IN TODAY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF '60 VAUXHALL 4.door Station Wagon, a good car $1,295 '58 FORD Ranch Wagon, a nice one 51,200 '57 PONTI AC 2-doer, automatic, 6- $2,289 cylinder, radio $ 995 $2,295 '54 GMC 3.ton Dump $ 479 '51 DODG E Pickup, a real sharpie , $ 395 '50 CH EV a/d-ton Express, good rubber. It must have tome virtues hut I can't think of them right off hand $ 229 TRACTORS '51 MASS E Y-HA R R1S "44" with sUper Motor, new tires . $1,000 '51 FOR D Sedan, sun visor N1ASSE Y "30" $ 395 ALL IS-CH ALIAE RS WC with power lift $ 395 MASS E.Y "2" with power lift $ 345 MASS E Y 101 Junior . $ 29$ '61 FREEMAN LOADER for Fordson Major Diesel, used very little $ 270 SEDORE LOADER for Ford ov Fergu- son tractors , $ 67 '60 FALCON car Sedan, real economy $1,595 TRUCKS '62 FOR D Pickup, V-11, power transfer axle, 2-tone, custom cab, extra heavy duty rear springs, 4-way flasher, 7,800 miles as demonstrator '59 FOkD F-600 Dump, ready to roll '5R FORD F-600, 174" chassis and cab $1,549 '$6 FORD Fairlano Sedan, automatic. a-cylinder $ 724 '56 FORD Coach, V-11, stick shift . 578 '54 FOR D Coach, clean inside, no grill $ 295 '54 D ESOTO Sedan, F iredrune, der, a utom a tic, radio, needs. a valve job $ 295 '.51 FORD Sedan, automatic, radio . $ 197 '51 FORD Coach, clean, good rubber . $ 197 $ 14? '50 M E RCURY Coach, a good one .., $ 1 99 plmil0110111(110,1110~M10~11.100,11M10110001 1 '' 0111101011100 Wanted GOOD (LEAN '56'S TO '59'5 OF ALL IY1Al<ES Top Price8 UitlIMMIlliffiliWOMMOI0(11111iftlilii~01111M,00011tallniti0011 LETZ GRINDER MA“EY 2-furrow ,tIrag plow ''''''''''''''''' •••• $ 44 39 Come In 6nct Make Arrangernents About Your New Haying Equiprnent . . GET THE BEST MOWERS, RAKES, BALER'S, ETC, rly• Snider MOTORS LIMITED' titdtdi PATOri, 'rOiad Atitt FaltOn tilj4k$ 'OH Ne 1J5.1640 EXE