HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-17, Page 9The Fool Kats, who topped the playoff in the Exeter Mixed Bowling League, were presented with their team trophy and individual replicas when the popular loop staged its annual banquet at the Legion Hall Thursday. Members of the team are: back row, left to right, Toni Burke, Ted Wright, Reg Stagg and Chub Edwards. Front row, 'Verna Stagg, Shirley Wright, Elaine Burke and Marj Edwards. Missing from the photo are Grace and Bill Gilfillan. —T-A photo Winners over the regular schedule in the mixed league were the Air Wicks who Were 'presented with trophies by secretary Mary Gunn. Members of the team are: back row, left to right, Terry Farrell, Harold Spencer, Bob Osgood, Neil Redman and Ross Embley. Front row, Ann Spencer, Doreen Enibley, Sybil Farrell: Dollie Osgood and Midge Redman. —T-A photo Get Your Camera Supplies for the Holiday Weekend 0 CAMERAS e SUPPLIES IfiR MO ZS MA z.„ IDA Weekend Specials LAVORIS, reg, 1.25 DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, reg. 79r DRISTAN TABLETS, reg. 2.2$ LYSOL, reg. 83r PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, reg, 65r PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA TABS., R ESDAN, reg. 1.59 SILVIKRIN, reg, 1,29 SUAVE FOR LADIES, reg. 98F 1,09 69r 1.89 73c 59e reg. 59r 53e L29 98e 79c, VITALIS, reg, 1,00 89f kVinners Of the individual awards in the mixed loop are, left to right: Reg Stagg, high single; Lorraine Brock, high single; Mary Gunn, high triple; Dot Monroe, high average; Neil Redman, high average, and Jim Fairbairn, high triple. The awards were presented by president Tom Burke and secretary John Hendrick. Six ball groups organize DON ROOTH ELEC1RICAL CONYOACTOR of. Dirmostie * commociai i'Ao,ort. Control% Litiltfing 10) Huron Si, Wolf 235-6282 that will take in entries from Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Mitchell, St. Marys, Exeter, Hensall and Centralia. Only three entries It is still not known Whether a men's softball group Will be formed in the WOAA this year as only three teams have signi- fied their intentions of joining, Exeter sponsor Aub Farquhar said another meeting would be held to see if other teams could be attracted, but only Exeter, Belgrave and Nile Are sure en. tries, Winghani, who played last year, have apparently entered the MeMorial :Fastball league and Hensel) have decided net to re-enter, .1960 DODGE SENECA 4 - door, sharp metallic green, V-ti engine, very clean. One-Year Warranty . $1895 2-1959 SJMCA 4-door Sedans, 4-cylinder economy engines 138 miles per gallon), both like new, 1,000 Mile Wa rranty . . $795 each 1958 DODGE REGENT Sedan, 2,1one white and metallic green, V-8 engine, push-button tran is- mission. top condition, 1,000 Mile Warranty $1395 1957 FORD FAIRLANE 500 4.door, sharp 24one, V-8, automatic transmission, very nice. 1,000 Mile Warranty . $995 1956 DODGE REGENT Sedan, VA engine, pus 1- button transmission, real performance. 1,000 Mild Warranty , $695 1955 DODGE REGENT Sedan, automatic transmis- sion, economy E.cytinder engine. 1,000 Mile Warranty 04:5 Exeter Motor Sales 216 Main $t., Exoter iiIIMIN12.110.1•••••••••••••••.... MS at Wolper's vivoight rlivfigais Cooling comfort combines with today's latest patterns and colours in TIP TOP'S selection of superb tropical worsteds! Choose your new Summer suit now ... have it custom tailored by TIP TOP! HANDOUT AND TAILORED TO MEASURE ONE PRICE $69 95 PLAY IT COOL CHOOSE FROM Handsome short-sleeve Sport S irts By Arrow, Currie & BluesIono. FOR MEN $m 130YS Our Finest Selection Ever Wolper s mews WEAK COUNTRY 41N044M.' sptiti Shirt 235.0991 Present ("words at mixed loop .banquet alation he Times-Advocate, MAY 6 P000 9 Spores meet Kingpins in men's championship — Continued from page 8 to compete against the Kins- le joined the grouping that was 11-7.11, Legion and Gifford. The four clubs were repre- organized last year. seined at the meeting by Jim RCAF Centralia and Clinton Car e y, Al Smith, Blake Cif- will compete in the southern ford and Whitey Harris, grouping with Exeter and Although none of the teams Brucefield, while last yoar i s has been on the diamond as et they plan the early start champs from Winthrop will to take advantage of the picas. play in the northern division ant weather and in an effort with three teams from Clinton. to have the league finished The league is expected to earlier than last season. commence play around the mid- The final groups to get or- dle of June, June Farqtlhar ganized are the local minors will Manage the local entry who have been entered in the and Lloyd'Cushman and vane WOAA classifications of pee Smith will act as coaches. Wee, bantam and midge t, Ti is expected that Most of There is also a possibility of a last year's squad will return to tyke group for kids under 112. action ler Exeter. S c h Mules for the three Start next week teams will be drawn up hi Clio The popular Liniment league ton on Ally 10 ' Also held a meeting last, week Ecc director Boom Griwetij nd the four teams Arcex. has been appointed convenor of a poem to commence a cti on the eight-team bantam division next week, Last year's champs from Crediten have re-entered Distaff duffers plan initial play trlir Exeter Ladies' Golf club plan to 001OinetiOO their season play with a linden planted for the Exeter Golf COUrse Tuba- day, The club has over 20 members and plan to tee 'Off at 5:30 p,m, President Pauline Simmons stated that any ladles interested 10 joining the club to par tici. pale in their weekly outings ore invited to be at the course title Week, A general Meeting Will he field following play oln the nine- hole layout, Rev. T. J. Pitt honored by UC Huron presbytery of the United. Church held' a spdeidl meeting in Varna on Wedness day evening, May 9, tai the Rev. T. J'. Pitt, who is re, tiring from the ministry and moving to We vromMiadd. The Rev. Dr. Tt, S, ilittz was in Charge and spoke in appre.. (dation of Mr, Pitt's long term of valuable service in the Chris- tian ministry, Bev, 11. O. Wif- son rend a brief biography and the Secretary of the Presbytery, the fey. Ewan MeLagmi, Made Jhe presetitathili on behalf ,or the presbytery, The lathes of the Varna Oltureh served The Spares and the Kingpins battled their way into the grand championship of the Exeter Men's Bowling league when they pepped their respective. league titles with wins in a 10-game final this week. The Spares, who just man- aged to make the four .team Playnrf in the "A" division and then pulled a MOW upset by knocking the favored Rockets Out in the semi-finals, scored a 175-pin margin over the Big Six in the final. The new champs opened up a 99-pin Margin in the first five games howled on Thursday and C41110 back with another slim spread in Monday's second meeting. Jim Fairbairn was the big gun for the Spares with a total of 1,166 in the first set. and 1,174 in the second for a spark- ling average of 239 in the 10 games, Aub Farquhar was next in line with a total of 2,141, followed closely by Bob Nicol's 2,115 Farquhar topped the squad in the single department as he started off with scores of 308 and 316 in Monday's match. Fairbairn's top mark was a 272 and Nicol hit for a single of 271. Jim Hennessey carried much of the load for the Big Six as he trundled totals of 1.216 and 1,145 for an average of 236. His high single was a 307 in the final game of the 10-game se- ries, and he had a 293 in the first set, Murray Brintnell was second in line with. a in-game total of 2,163, while Jim Scott .followed him with a mark of 2,107, Really hot The Kingpins, recording their second straight "B" group play- off win, were even hotter than the weather when they took to the alleys in their battle with the Fairlanes and posted a mar- Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Fred Parkinson entertained Mr, Harvey Parkin- son. Kirkto t, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Picket and family, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ken Parkinson and family 8th Line, on Mother's Day and. to celebrate the birth- day of Mr. Harvey Parkinson Sr. and Mr. Fred Parkinson, his son and also the baptism of Fred's youngest daughter, Dor- een Janet. Mr. and Mrs. Armand Mor- row, of London, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reinter. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Elston and children visited their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marriott and Douglas of Sarnia were visi- tors with Tom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marriott on Sunday. Mr. John Rinn and. Noreen had as their guests on Sunday, Mrs. Grace Walkom and Mr. H. Cottle of Russeldale. Mrs. Jack Simms and Mrs. Fred Elli-, of London, visited with Mrs. Shim's sister, Mrs. Robert Marriott, and. Robert one day last week. Mr. and Sirs, Ellis &rat= and boys spent Sunday in Sar- nia and Port 'Huron. David We st n, of London, spent the weekend wth his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, David Holland. Mr, and Mrs. Toni Coward and family were guests of her sister, Mrs, Pretty, of Rostock, on Sunday. Mrs, Jules De Brabendere ac- companied by Mrs, Robert Mar- riott and Sharon attended the fashion show at St, Toseph's Academy, London, where Grades 9 and 10 displayed the dresses and clothes made by the girls of the school and Grade 11 put gin of 759 pins, most of them .ct'fr)itt:1-ilin,rgm iti ltohnedir4-,s7 peclactilar 6,139 This mark was .one of the. highest ever recorded at the local lanes. t'harlie Caron. was the big gun MB] a total of 2,948 for v u pping big 245 average. Boy Smith was close behind with an average of 211 over the 10 .ga Mos while Cord Bjerky hit for a 236 and Larry Holiove had a, 221. Caron had the high single on the team with a sparkling 395 effort on Thursday While Bjerky hit for a 330 on Monday, Smith's high game was an even 300 and lloliove had a 109, John Hendrick topped the bad-ly beaten Fairlanes with his total of 2,036 while CAI Wein had an 1,940 and Cy Blommaert hit for a 1, 929. The top single w xi atsh a. al S oni pftlyek3e1d9.up by Hendrick The Kingpins led by only 182 pins after the first night, but were never seriously threatened with their prolific scoring on The Spares and Kingpins played lasi night (Wednesday) in a five-game total for the league's grand championship. Tigers tip Pepsis The Kipper] Tigers had little difficulty in copping the Ted Pooley consolation trophy in the 1per,alglstites, as they scored a con- vineing 702-pin margin over the ')'hey jumped on their foes in the true manner of their names and built no a big 764-pin ar- gin in the first five games and then just coasted into their win in the final set, They trundled a sparkling team total of 6,045 in Thursday's meeting to leave little doubt as to the outcome of the playoff only 5a.s2811,he Pepsis managed Gard Ross paced his team to on a play "Hatter's Hat Shop" which was much enjoyed after which they were shown through the Academy. Mary Da J3rabendere, who has been a student there, has now been accepted to train for a nurse in St. Joseph's Hospital. London. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trott of Toronto visited for the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Dewar and on Sunday, Mr. and Sirs. Dewar visited their daughter, Mrs. Maurice Baker, Rockwood. at Comments about Crethtor East By MRS. W. MOTZ Personal items Mrs, Alec Hamilton of Grand Bend and Mrs, Harry Lewis and son Eber and Sirs. Leonard Wein spent Friday in London, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims spent Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edwards and family in Walker- ton. Sirs, Arliss McKee and Brad- ley, of London, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Wein. Mr. and Mrs, Alec Hamilton, of Grand B-end. visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Harry Lewis, and Eber, Mr. and 'Mrs. Marvin Wein and family have moved into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawson recently occupied by Air. and M J rs, . Regier who have moved to his parents' farm west of town, Miss Joan England has en- tered South Huron Hospital, Exeter as a nurses' aid. Budget from aseline By MRS ARCHIE DEWAR their win with. a 10-game total of 2,103, followed closely by Art Finiassonis 2,100, Bill Coleman was next in line with.. his score of 2,030, Finlayson's 250 was the high single in the series.. JackCoughlin was the main threat for the Pepsis with an average of 222 In the 10 games, members of the six finalist teams are as follows: SPAR:ES— "A" league champs Bob—Nicol., Jim Fair' bairn. Aub Farquhar, Wilfrid Simplon, Lloyd Hoclgins, Bill Stenlake, Andy Miller, Lorne Passmore. KINGPINS — "B" league champs — J. Garland, Harry Mettles, Jo Gunn, Roy Smith, fiord Bjerky, Charlie Caron, IL Peters, Larry Holiove, KIPPBN TIGERS — Console- lion winners — Art .Finlayson, Cord. Ross, Bill Coleman, Lloyd D, Jackson, Ernie Ross, Alfie Ross, Jack Cooper. BIG SIX — "A" league final- ists — Stan Frayne, liar Holtz- man. Murray Brintnell, Harold Brintn.ell, Ron Bogart, Jim Hen. nessey, Jim Scott, Jim Hyde. FAIRLANES "B" league finalists — Cy Binomaert, Jim Carey, John Hendrick, Cal Wein, Lyle Little, Bob Fletcher, Bob Russell, PEPSIS — Consolation final- ists — Bill Gilfillan, Jim Mac- Donald, Ted MacDonald, Roy Ferguson, R. Finkbeiner, Don MacDonald, Jack Coughlin, •••••••••••••• DRAIN TILE 4"—$55 per M Feet Del'd, 5"—S85 per M Feet Del'd. 6"—S110 per M Feet Del'd. 7"--$155 per M Feet Del'd. 8"—$185 per M Feet Del'd, Above prices based on 1000 Linear Feet, in full truckloads or more, delivered within 35 mile radius of our plant, For detailed prices on all sizes tile, either delivered or F.O.B. our plant at Elginfield, write or phone RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., RR 2 LONDON — Phone 227-4721 Lucan. tc.v.s--1